Process Scheduling to CPU

Uniprocessor Scheduling
• The basic concepts of scheduling apply to many types of
• Manufacturing, shipping, network routing
• Process and device scheduling in computer systems
• Often goals of user friendliness (minimized response time,
ease of use, reliability, fairness) conflict with goals of
efficiency (maximize mean throughput, minimize mean
turnaround time), maximize resource use, as well as of
• Scheduling algorithms also must handle
– Boundedness
– Specific system goals
• Ex: time-constraints for real-time systems
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Scheduling goals:
• General: policy enforcement, enforce
priorities, fairness within same priority level
• Batch systems: maximum throughput;
minimize turnaround time; keep CPU and
other components busy
• Interactive systems: minimize response time
• Hard real-time systems: meet deadlines,
satisfy predictability requirements
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Mix CPU & I/O burst cycles for
efficient CPU utilization
• Programs have different characteristics
– I/O-bound programs (most COBOL, SAS, and
transaction processing) have short bursts of
CPU time before relinquishing CPU for I/O
– CPU-bound programs (computation) have long
bursts of CPU time before relinquishing CPU
– CPU-bound programs can use CPU while I/Obound programs are waiting for I/O
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Non-preemptive scheduling vs
preemptive scheduling
• Non-preemptive systems
– Processor is not taken away from process unless it is relinquished
for system call or program error/termination
• If I/O interrupt occurs, the ISR returns the CPU to the interrupted
process at the end of its interrupt handling
• Windows 3.1, 98, Mac OS 5.0
• Preemptive systems
– Processor is removed if time-quantum expires
• Requires timer interrupt
– Processor is removed if high priority process arrives or is
– Adds a great deal of complexity to systems
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
• Dispatcher is the kernel process that takes a
process from ready state to run state
– Handles context switching
• Saves state of currently executing process
• Restores/ initiates state of new process
– Places new user PC in PC register
– Stores/ Restores register and other values
– Changes mode
• Dispatcher runs in supervisor mode
• Mode changed to user mode for user processes
– Dispatcher execution time must be minimized (dispatch latency)
• Motivation for multiple register sets
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
• Is the dispatcher part of the kernel? Why?
– Yes. Dispatcher executes for each process
allocation to CPU
• Should dispatching in a multiprocessing OS
be implemented within a (microkernel or
portion of) OS running on each processor?
– I believe Yes. Each processor in a
multiprocessing system should have its own,
efficient dispatcher. Where should the dispatch
list be?
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Short-term scheduler
• Decides which ready process will be
dispatched next
• Text says that dispatcher and short-term
scheduler are the same process
– Typically that is not so
• Short-term scheduler decides dispatching order
• Dispatcher actually does context switching and
mode changes very very quickly
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Medium-term scheduler
• Decides which (and when) processes should
be made non-resident, or swapped back into
– Only required when too many processes are in
a state of execution
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Long term scheduler
• Decides when and which programs to be
made into processes
– Controls the degree of multiprogramming
– In batch multiprogramming systems, decides
• Whether to accept more processes from batch spool
• Which of the processes to accept based on
scheduling goals
– In time-sharing system, accepts all arriving
processes up to a limit (then must deny others
a connection)
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Scheduling Algorithms
• We consider several scheduling
algorithms in discussing goals of
priority, shortest waiting time, fairness
– The following processes are all available at
scheduling time:
– Process
– W
– X
– Y
– Z
Service Time
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
FCFS Scheduling Algorithms
• Gantt charts
– FCFS (non-preemptive)
Mean response time is (0+24+27+30)/4= 81/4 =20 ms;
Mean turnaround time is (24 + 27 + 30 + 38)/4 = 30 ms
Normalized turnaround time (ratio of turnaround time to service time) for
W = 24/24= 1; X = 27/3= 9; Y = 30/3= 10; Z = 38/8= 4.5
Increasing values indicate decreasing level of service
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
FCFS with different arrival times
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
• Each process joins the Ready queue
• When the current process ceases to execute,
the process that has been in the Ready
queue the longest is selected
Shortest Process Next (SPN)
• Processes must state their total (or burst)
service needs
• This example is non-preemptive
– Preemptive type is considered later
• A [0-3] B [3-9] E [9-11] C[11-15] D [15-20]
• Mean turnaround time =
– (3 + (9-2) + (15-4) + (20-6) + (11-8))/5 = 7.6
• Mean Normalized Turnaround time =
((3/3+ 7/6 + 11/4 + 14/5 + 3/2))/5 =1.84
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Shortest Process Next
0 3 9 11
15 20
• Mean turnaround time
A finishes at 3 and starts at 0
((3-0) + (9-2) + (15-4) + (20-6) + (11-8))/5 = 7.6
• Mean Normalized Turnaround time =
((3/3+ (9-2)/6 + (15-4)/4 + (20-6)/5 + 3/2))/5 =1.84
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
FCFS/SPN Scheduling
Algorithms - Issues
– (Non-preemptive )FCFS
• If long process (P1) is first, it hogs CPU; devices stay idle
• Poor response time for later processes
– Not appropriate for real-time systems
– Preemptive or non-preemptive SPN (shortest process next)
• Provides minimal average waiting time
• Yet if short jobs get CPU first, they may all compete for devices
– many requests to DMA slow down the CPU
• How do we estimate which is the shortest job?
– Batch systems may require that users pre-state CPU needs
– Scheduler may estimate by process history
» But process behavior may change (between CPU and I/O)
– If SPN is preemptive, time slices help us in estimate
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Shortest Remaining Time (SRT)
• Preemptive SPN- prestate needs
– Assume 1 unit time quantum (q =1)
A[0-3]B[3-4]C [4-8] E[8-10] B[10-15]D[15-20]
0 3 4 8 10 15 20
• Mean turnaround time =
– (3 + (15-2) + (8-4) + (20-6) + (10-8))/5 = 7.2
• Mean Normalized Turnaround time =
((3/3+ 13/6 + 4/4 + 14/5 + 2/2))/5 =1.593
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Round Robin Scheduling
• Preemptive form of FCFS
• Requires timing interrupt support
• A time slice is chosen for a process’s
maximum burst (how long the process can
hold CPU)
– If process exceeds time slice, the processor is
forcibly removed
– If it surrenders early (perhaps for an I/O),
processor is allocated to another process
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Round-robin time quantum
• What should the time quantum be?
– Turnaround time suffers and efficiency suffers if time
quantum is too low
– Becomes (non-preemptive) FCFS if time quantum is
too large (with longer average response times)
• 80% of CPU bursts should be < time quantum
• Still, CPU-bound jobs get more of the CPU than
I/O- bound jobs
– Inefficient use of devices
– Increased variance of response time dependent on job
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Round Robin
• Uses preemption based on a clock
– also known as time slicing, because each
process is given a slice of time before being
Round Robin
A’s turnaround time is 4.
A’s Normalized is 4/3 = 1.3
B’s turnaround time is (18-2). Normalized is 16/6 = 2.7
C’s turnaround time is (17-4). Normalized is 13/4 = 3.25
D’s turnaround time is (20-6). Normalized is 14/5 = 2.8
E’s turnaround time is (15-8) Normalized is 7/2 = 3.5
Newly arrived process is placed on queue before preempted/suspended process
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Priority Queuing
• Scheduling with prioritized queues
– Lower-priority processes may never be
scheduled (starve)
– We can raise their priorities dynamically by
waiting time
• Called aging
– Static priorities typically MUST be scheduled
by priority assignment
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Types of Priority Scheduling
• Internal priorities
• High priority assigned to I/O bound jobs
– expected to complete service quickly
• Memory and file needs or allocation may affect priority
• External priorities
Real-time needs
President of company
Premium service classes
Console operator decides to boost or lower priorities
• Dynamic or static priority assignments
• Indefinite blocking (starvation) is enabled
• Controlled by increasing priority by waiting time (aging)
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Priority Scheduling
Assume low values are higher priority. Preemption can
occur after each time slice of 2 ms. (In case of a tie, use
arrives burst
0 ms
2 ms
1 ms
P1 P3 P4 P1
0-2 2-4 4-7 7-15 15-18
Average turnaround time ((15-0)+(18-1) + (4-2) +(7-3))/4 = 9.5 ms
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Multilevel feedback queues (DEC VMS)
• Top 16 queues for systems processes scheduled by
priority interrupts
– Real-time needs
– These are fast and non-preemptive
• Each queue uses FCFS
• Next 13 RR queues are for priority time-sharing
• Process is placed at the end of higher priority queue if it
behaves well (relinquishes CPU voluntarily)
• Process placed at end of lower queue if CPU forcibly removed
• Batch jobs on bottom 3 queues – FCFS (starvation
• Larger time quanta assigned to lower RR queues
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Fair-Share Scheduling
• System keeps track of number of processes
(or threads) of a group to estimate how
often each process (thread) gets a turn
• Good for scheduling threads mapped to
kernel threads
• Different schemes exist but typically
include factors of static thread priority,
thread processor use; group processor use
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling
Real-Time Scheduling
• Soft real-time
• Multimedia, interactive graphics
• Priority scheduling
• System calls may be preempted
– Must, however, protect shared data
• Hard real-time processes are assigned priorities based on
their time constraints (preemptive scheduling)
• System must decide # of levels and how to assign priorities
• May be interrupt driven based on priorities
• If scheduling is required, processes prestate CPU needs
(resource reservation) so that system can guarantee time
– Scheduling function must have minimal overhead
Chapt 9 uniprocessor scheduling