inverse variation

Warm Up
Lesson Presentation
Lesson Quiz
12-1 Inverse Variation
Warm Up
Solve each proportion.
5. The value of y varies directly with x, and y = –6
when x = 3. Find y when x = –4. 8
6. The value of y varies directly with x, and y = 6 when
x = 30. Find y when x = 45. 9
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Identify, write, and graph inverse
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
inverse variation
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
A relationship that can be written in the form y =
where k is a nonzero constant and x ≠ 0, is an
inverse variation. The constant k is the constant of
variation. Inverse variation implies that one quantity
will increase while the other quantity will decrease
(the inverse, or opposite, of increase).
Multiplying both sides of y = by x gives xy = k.
So, for any inverse variation, the product of x and y
is a nonzero constant.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
A direct variation is an equation that can be
written in the form y = kx, where k is a nonzero
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
There are two methods to determine whether a
relationship between data is an inverse variation.
You can write a function rule in y = form, or you
can check whether xy is a constant for each
ordered pair.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 1A: Identifying an Inverse Variation
Tell whether each relationship is an inverse
variation. Explain.
Method 1 Write a function rule.
Can write in y =
The relationship is an inverse
Method 2 Find xy for each ordered pair.
1(30) = 30, 2(15) = 30, 3(10) = 30
The product xy is constant, so the relationship is
an inverse variation.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 1B: Identifying an Inverse Variation
Tell whether each relationship is an inverse
variation. Explain.
Method 1 Write a function rule.
y = 5x
Cannot write in y =
The relationship is not an
inverse variation.
Method 2 Find xy for each ordered pair.
1(5) = 5, 2(10) = 20, 4(20) = 80
The product xy is not constant, so the
relationship is not an inverse variation.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 1C: Identifying an Inverse Variation
Tell whether each relationship is an inverse
variation. Explain.
2xy = 28
xy = 14
Find xy. Since xy is multiplied by 2,
divide both sides by 2 to undo the
xy equals the constant 14, so the relationship is
an inverse variation.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 1a
Tell whether each relationship is an inverse
variation. Explain.
Method 1 Write a function rule.
y = –2x
Cannot write in y =
The relationship is not an
inverse variation.
Method 2 Find xy for each ordered pair.
–12 (24) = –228 , 1(–2) = –2, 8(–16) = –128
The product xy is not constant, so the
relationship is not an inverse variation.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 1b
Tell whether each relationship is an inverse
variation. Explain.
Method 1 Write a function rule.
Can write in y =
The relationship is an inverse
Method 2 Find xy for each ordered pair.
3(3) = 9, 9(1) = 9, 18(0.5) = 9
The product xy is constant, so the relationship is
an inverse variation.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 1c
Tell whether each relationship is an inverse
variation. Explain.
2x + y = 10
Cannot write in y =
The relationship is not an inverse variation.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Helpful Hint
Since k is a nonzero constant, xy ≠ 0. Therefore,
neither x nor y can equal 0, and no solution
points will be on the x- or y-axes.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
An inverse variation can
also be identified by its
graph. Some inverse
variation graphs are
shown. Notice that each
graph has two parts that
are not connected.
Also notice that none of
the graphs contain (0, 0).
This is because (0, 0) can
never be a solution of an
inverse variation equation.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 2: Graphing an Inverse Variation
Write and graph the inverse variation in which
y = 0.5 when x = –12.
Step 1 Find k.
k = xy
= –12(0.5)
Write the rule for constant of variation.
Substitute –12 for x and 0.5 for y.
= –6
Step 2 Use the value of k to write an inverse
variation equation.
Write the rule for inverse variation.
Substitute –6 for k.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 2 Continued
Write and graph the inverse variation in which
y = 0.5 when x = –12.
Step 3 Use the equation to make a table of values.
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–2 –1
6 undef. –6
–3 –1.5
12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 2 Continued
Write and graph the inverse variation in which
y = 0.5 when x = –12.
Step 4 Plot the points and connect them with
smooth curves.
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 2
Write and graph the inverse variation in which
y = when x = 10.
Step 1 Find k.
k = xy
Write the rule for constant of variation.
= 10
Substitute 10 for x and
for y.
= 5
Step 2 Use the value of k to write an inverse
variation equation.
Write the rule for inverse variation.
Substitute 5 for k.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 2 Continued
Write and graph the inverse variation in which
y = when x = 10.
Step 3 Use the equation to make a table of values.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 2 Continued
Write and graph the inverse variation in which
y = when x = 10.
Step 4 Plot the points and connect them with
smooth curves.
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 3: Transportation Application
The inverse variation xy = 350 relates the
constant speed x in mi/h to the time y in
hours that it takes to travel 350 miles.
Determine a reasonable domain and range and
then graph this inverse variation. Use the
graph to estimate how long it will take to
travel 350 miles driving 55 mi/h.
Step 1 Solve the function for y so you can graph it.
xy = 350
Divide both sides by x.
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 3 Continued
Step 2 Decide on a reasonable domain and range.
Length is never negative and x ≠ 0
Because x and xy are both positive, y is
also positive.
Step 3 Use values of the domain to generate
reasonable ordered pairs.
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17.5 8.75 5.83 4.38
12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 3 Continued
Step 4 Plot the points. Connect them with a
smooth curve.
Step 5 Find the y-value where x = 55. When the
speed is 55 mi/h, the travel time is about 6 hours.
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Recall that sometimes domain and range are
restricted in real-world situations.
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 3
The inverse variation xy = 100 represents the
relationship between the pressure x in
atmospheres (atm) and the volume y in mm³
of a certain gas. Determine a reasonable
domain and range and then graph this inverse
variation. Use the graph to estimate the
volume of the gas when the pressure is 40
atmospheric units.
Step 1 Solve the function for y so you can graph it.
xy = 100
Divide both sides by x.
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 3 Continued
Step 2 Decide on a reasonable domain and range.
Pressure is never negative and x ≠ 0
Because x and xy are both positive, y is
also positive.
Step 3 Use values of the domain to generate
reasonable pairs.
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12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 3 Continued
Step 4 Plot the points. Connect them with a
smooth curve.
Step 5 Find the y-value where x = 40. When the
pressure is 40 atm, the volume of gas is about 2.5
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
The fact that xy = k is the same for every ordered
pair in any inverse variation can help you find
missing values in the relationship.
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 4: Using the Product Rule
as x. Find
Let y vary inversely
Write the Product Rule for Inverse
Substitute 5 for
3 for
and 10 for
Solve for
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by dividing both sides by 5.
12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 4
inversely as x. Find
Let y vary
Write the Product Rule for Inverse
Substitute 2 for
–4 for
and –6 for
Solve for
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by dividing both sides by –4.
12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 5: Physics Application
Boyle’s law states that the pressure of a quantity
of gas x varies inversely as the volume of the gas
y. The volume of gas inside a container is 400 in3
and the pressure is 25 psi. What is the pressure
when the volume is compressed to 125 in3?
Use the Product Rule for Inverse
(400)(25) = (125)y2 Substitute 400 for
Solve for
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125 for
and 25
by dividing both sides by 125.
12-1 Inverse Variation
Example 5 Continued
Boyle’s law states that the pressure of a quantity
of gas x varies inversely as the volume of the gas
y. The volume of gas inside a container is 400 in3
and the pressure is 25 psi. What is the pressure
when the volume is compressed to 125 in3?
When the gas is compressed to 125 in3, the
pressure increases to 80 psi.
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 5
On a balanced lever, weight varies inversely as
the distance from the fulcrum to the weight.
The diagram shows a balanced lever. How much
does the child weigh?
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Check It Out! Example 5 Continued
Use the Product Rule for Inverse
Substitute 3.2 for
, 60 for
and 4.3
Solve for
The child weighs 80.625 lb.
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by dividing both sides by 3.2.
12-1 Inverse Variation
Lesson Quiz: Part I
1. Write and graph the inverse variation in which
y = 0.25 when x = 12.
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Lesson Quiz: Part II
2. The inverse variation xy = 210 relates the length
y in cm to the width x in cm of a rectangle with
an area of 210 cm2. Determine a reasonable
domain and range and then graph this inverse
variation. Use the graph to estimate the length
when the width is 14 cm.
Holt Algebra 1
12-1 Inverse Variation
Lesson Quiz: Part III
3. Let x1= 12, y1 = –4, and y2 = 6, and let y vary
inversely as x. Find x2.
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