Hibernate for Enterprise Java

Hibernate Case Study
Enterprise Applications Development
& Integration
Andrew Stratton
Hibernate for Enterprise Java
 Only a small part of a solution...
 Often paired with Spring (framework) in Java
 Example focuses on ASP based presentation, which could
alternately be:
Application (i.e. WinForms)
● XML/SOAP (i.e. Web Service)
● WAP/WML (Mobile service)
 Tier overview:
or App
Case Study : Kitchen Worktop offcuts
 A large DIY retailer wishes to sell offcuts of kitchen worktops.
Kitchen worktops typically come in three metre lengths. Most
stores offer an in house cutting service, which can leave offcuts
that the customer does not need or want.
 The justification for the system is:
 To reduce wasted warehouse space
 To (potentially) allow reductions in costs for customer needing ‘just a
couple more feet’ of worktop
 For green credentials, i.e. to recycle/reduce waste
 To increase income for the (charged for) cutting service
 In order to accomplish this, an enterprise system is to be
developed for use in house and (later) available externally as a
web service
Methodologies and Technologies
 An Agile like approach is to be used, with sprints and
incremental functionality
 Test Driven Development is to be used, particularly for Web
 JUnit is to be used for unit testing
 Hibernate is to be used for ORM mapping
Case Study : Phase 1 Detail
 The first phase is to provide the following solution:
 A JSP based web site for use in house, that display details of
all offcuts available
 These details to include:
 Name: This is the short identifier for the type of worktop, e.g.
‘Shiny Light Grey Marble’.
 Description : this is a free form area that records any extra
 Length : in metric and imperial, typically up to 3m, down to
 Depth and Height : typically 60cm deep (default) and 2.5cm high
 Contact details : free form, of the store and preferably person or
role to speak with
Case Study : Phase 1, Sprint 1
 The focus of this sprint is the presentation layer, supported
by the minimum required business logic/data objects
Presentation tier
 Following a ‘front end first’ approach
 N.B. We are first concentrating on the presentation tier and
implementing whatever we need for the JSP to be complete
● Create jsp and html pages to allow you to:
1. enter a name for a worktop in a form
2. submit the form contents to a createWorktop.jsp page
o e.g. you could call the page with
o An example page is:
Name entered is <%= request.getParameter("name")%>
3. Next add fields for Description, Length, Height, Depth
4. check the form submission and display of parameters
Business Logic 1
 Next we add some business logic
1. Add a WorktopManager class, e.g.
package com.worktops;
public class WorktopManager {
public void createWorktop(String name, String description,
String length, String height, String depth)
System.out.println("Request to create Worktop with"
+ "\nName=" + name
+ "\ndescription=" + description
+ "\nlength=" + length + "mm"
+ "\nheight=" + height + "mm"
+ "\ndepth=" + depth + "mm");
Business Logic 2
 Integrate this with the createWorktop.jsp, e.g.
<jsp:useBean id="worktopManager" class="com.worktops.WorktopManager"
Not much to say...
<% worktopManager.createWorktop(
Stop check
 What have we gained?
 + Separation of presentation from (business) logic / rules
 + Business focused functionality (not yet implemented!)
 - spaghetti?
 - code dependencies
 - run time incompatibilities (i.e. loss of compile time checking)
Business Logic Implementation 1
 We need to separate out the Worktop POJO (Plain Old Java Object) from
the manager 1. Create Worktop class
package com.worktops;
import java.io.Serializable;
public class Worktop
private String name;
o In the package explorer - right click name - Source -> Generate
getters and setters...OK
2. Add the other properties:
o description, length, height, depth
3. Generate getters and setters (use Ctrl-right click to select multiple
 Now we have a JavaBean...
Business Logic Implementation 2
 Now we update the WorktopManager.createWorktop method, similar to:
public void createWorktop(Worktop worktop)
System.out.println("Request to create Worktop with" +
"\nName=" + worktop.getName()
 .....
And the jsp:
<%@page import="com.worktops.Worktop"%>
<% Worktop worktop = new Worktop();
... also set the other properties
 Run it again and check the output...
Stop Check
 What have we gained?
 + Separation of data object from (business) logic / rules
 + Data focused class/objects
 - more spaghetti?
 - code dependencies
 - Java beans do not impose compile time constructor checking
Install Hibernate – at last
 Download
● Hibernate-3_2min.zip from blackboard
● hsqldb.jar from blackboard (simple database – or use access)
 Unzip hibernate to directory
● e.g. F:\Hibernate3.2
 Copy hsqldb.jar into directory
● e.g. F:\hsqldb
 Create a new project ‘Worktops’ in Eclipse
● Import all the jars in F:\Hibernate3.2\lib to WEB-INF/lib
● import hsqldb.jar as well (or use access)
● import F:\Hibernate3.2\hibernate3.jar as well
● under build path choose add jar and pick all the lib jars
Worktop class
 Modify the Worktop class:
import java.io.Serializable;
public class Worktop implements Serializable
private Long id; // and add getter/setter
 Note: Serializable makes the class able to be sent through a stream, e.g.
file, http, ftp, etc., without using RMI. Hibernate uses it for storing
‘persistent’ copies of objects.
Hibernate configuration file
 This tells hibernate where to look for mapping files - this is a one off
creation of file ‘hibernate.cfg.xml’ in the WEB-INF/src directory:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
<property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:hsqldb:data/test</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.username">sa</property>
<property name="hibernate.connection.password"></property>
<property name="dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect</property>
<property name="show_sql">true</property>
<property name="transaction.factory_class">
<property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class">
<property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto">update</property>
<mapping resource="/com/worktops/worktop.hbm.xml"/>
Adding a mapping file
 Now we need a worktop.hbm.xml mapping file (in WEB-
INF/src/com/worktops directory):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
"-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
o <class name="com.worktops.Worktop" table="worktops">
o <id name="id" column="id" type="long">
o <generator class="increment"/>
o </id>
o <property name="name" type="string"/>
o <property name="description" type="string"/>
o <property name="length" type="string"/>
o <property name="height" type="string"/>
o <property name="depth" type="string"/>
o </class>
 </hibernate-mapping>
Logger configuration
 While we’re at it, create the logger configuration file in
log4j.properties in the WEB-INF/src directory:
log4j.rootCategory=INFO, A1
 log4j.appender.A1=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender
 log4j.appender.A1.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
 log4j.appender.A1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p 
 Now update the jsp...
<% boolean success = false;
Worktop worktop = new Worktop();
success = true;
} catch (Exception e)
{ e.printStackTrace(); }
if (success) {
It worked!!!
} else {%>
Some problems....
<% } %>
Updating Business Logic
 The hibernate code needs to be added.
 Amend the WorktopManager:
import org.hibernate.*;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
public void createWorktop(Worktop worktop)
SessionFactory sessionFactory
= new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
System.out.println("Created Worktop with" +
 Now run it - and look in the console in eclipse for logging
Hibernate: select max(id) from worktops
Hibernate: insert into worktops (name, description, length, height, depth, id)
values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Checking the database contents
 Now amend createWorktop.jsp:
It worked :- <br><br>
java.util.List worktops = worktopManager.listWorktops();
for (int i = 0; i<worktops.size(); i++) {
Worktop theWorktop = (Worktop) worktops.get(i);
Worktop <%= theWorktop.getName() %>,
Description: <%= theWorktop.getDescription() %>
} else {%>
 and WorktopManager:
private List listWorktops()
List result = null;
SessionFactory sessionFactory
= new Configuration().configure().buildSessionFactory();
Session session = sessionFactory.openSession();
result = session.createQuery("from Worktop").list();
return result;
Tutorial exercises
 During the tutorial, follow the above example first, then:
1. Add (if you haven’t already) a form to enter new worktop details. N.B.
The database is emptied EVERY time tomcat restarts (change to access
if you wish to keep data).
2. Add a separate page (e.g. listWorktops.jsp) to display a list of
worktops names only.
3. Add the ability to read a worktop - so when a user clicks on an entry
in the list, the detail is shown.
 Hint - use (Worktop) session.get(Worktop.class, id);
4. Add a form to update a worktop’s details by reading into a form, then
updating the details.
 hint - use session.merge(worktop)
5. Add the ability to delete a worktop entry - preferably with
confirmation (use javascript); try session.delete(worktop);
Where’s the benefit?
 Consider:
● How much Sql did you need to write?
● Where do we need to change if (say) we only ‘mark’
worktops for deletion? (i.e. have a deleted flag)
● What if we change the html?
● What if we change the database contents?
● What if we change database implementation (e.g. to