
Chapter 4
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Using Grammar Rules to Define a
• Regular languages and FAs are too simple for many
– Using context-free grammars allows us to describe
more interesting languages
– Much high-level programming language syntax can be
expressed with context-free grammars
– Context-free grammars with a very simple form
provide another way to describe the regular languages
• Grammars can be ambiguous
• We will study how derivations can be related to the
structure of the string being derived
Introduction to Computation
Using Grammar Rules to Define a
Language (cont’d.)
• A grammar is a set of rules, usually simpler than
those of English, by which strings in a language can
be generated
• Consider the language AnBn = {anbn | n  0}, defined
using the recursive definition:
–   AnBn
– For every S  AnBn, aSb  AnBn
• Think of S as a variable representing an arbitrary
element, and write these rules as S   S  aSb
(In the process of obtaining an element of AnBn, S can be
replaced by either string)
Introduction to Computation
Using Grammar Rules to Define a
Language (cont’d.)
• If  and  are strings, and  contains at least one
occurrence of S, then    means that  is obtained
from  in one step, by using one of the two rules to
replace a single occurrence of S by either  or aSb
• For example, we could write:
S  aSb  aaSbb  aaaSbbb  aaabbb
to describe a derivation of the string aaabbb
• We can simplify the rules by using the | symbol to
mean “or”, so that the rules become S   | aSb
Introduction to Computation
Context-Free Grammars: Definitions
and More Examples
• Definition: A context-free grammar (CFG) is a 4-tuple
G=(V, , S, P), where V and  are disjoint finite sets,
S  V, and P is a finite set of formulas of the form
A  , where A  V and   (V ∪ )*
– Elements of  are terminal symbols, or terminals, and
elements of V are variables, or nonterminals
– S is the start variable, and elements of P are grammar
rules, or productions
– We use  for productions in a grammar and  for a
step in a derivation
– The notations  n  and  *  refer to n steps and
zero or more steps, respectively
Introduction to Computation
Context-Free Grammars: Definitions
and More Examples (cont’d.)
• We will sometimes write G to indicate a derivation
in a particular grammar G
•    means that there are strings 1, 2, and  in
(V ∪ )* and a production A   in P such that
 = 1A2 and  = 12
– This is a single step in a derivation
• What makes the grammar context-free is that the
production above, with left side A, can be applied
wherever A occurs in the string (irrespective of the
context; i.e., regardless of what 1 and 2 are)
Introduction to Computation
Context-Free Grammars: Definitions
and More Examples (cont’d.)
• Definition: If G = (V, , S, P) is a CFG, the language
generated by G is
L(G) = { x  * | S G* x}
(S is the start variable, and x is a string of terminals)
• A language L is a context-free language (CFL) if there
is a CFG G with L = L(G)
Introduction to Computation
Context-Free Grammars: Definitions
and More Examples (cont’d.)
• Consider AEqB = {x  {a,b}* | na(x) = nb(x)}
• Let’s develop a CFG for AEqB
• If x is a non-null string in AEqB then either x = ay,
where y  Lb = {z | nb(z) = na(z) + 1}, or x = by, where
y  La = {z | na(z) = nb(z) + 1}
– We represent Lb by the variable B and La by the
variable A
– The productions so far are S   | aB | bA
– All we need now are productions for A and B
Introduction to Computation
Context-Free Grammars: Definitions
and More Examples (cont’d.)
• If a string x  La starts with a, then the remainder is a
member of AEqB
• If it starts with b, the rest has two more a’s than b’s
• Observation: a string containing two more a’s than
b’s must be the concatenation of two strings, each
with one more a; similarly with a and b reversed
• The grammar resulting from these observations is
S   | aB | bA
A  aS | bAA
B  bS | aBB
(Note: if A were the start variable, it would generate La)
Introduction to Computation
Context-Free Grammars: Definitions
and More Examples (cont’d.)
• Theorem 4.9: If L1 and L2 are CFLs over , then so are
L1 ∪ L2, L1L2, and L1*
• Suppose G1 and G2 are CFGs that generate L1 and L2
respectively, and assume that they have no variables
in common
• Suppose that S1 and S2 are the start variables. Su, Sc
and Sk , the start variables of the new grammars, will
be new variables.
– Gu just adds the rules Su  S1 | S2 to G1 and G2
– Gc just adds the rule Sc  S1S2 to G1 and G2
– Gk just adds the rules Sk   | SkS1 to G1
Introduction to Computation
Regular Languages and Regular
• The three operations in Theorem 4.9 are the ones
involved in the recursive definition of regular
• The “basic” regular languages over ,  and {}, are
easily seen to be CFLs
• Now we can prove by structural induction that every
regular language over  is a CFL
• In fact, however, the CFG can be of a simpler form.
Definition 4.13: A context-free grammar is regular if
every production is of the form A  B or A  
Introduction to Computation
Regular Languages and Regular
Grammars (cont’d.)
• Theorem 4.14: For every language L  *, L is regular
if and only if L = L(G) for some regular grammar G
• Proof:
– If L is a regular language, then there is a FA
M=(Q, , q0, A, ) that accepts it
– Define G=(V, , S, P) by letting V be Q, S the initial state
q0, and P the set containing the production T  aU for
every transition (T, a) = U in M and the production
T   for every accepting state T of M
Introduction to Computation
Regular Languages and Regular
Grammars (cont’d.)
• G is a regular grammar, and G accepts the same
language as M
– For every x = a1a2…an, the transitions on these symbols
that start at q0 end at an accepting state if and only if
there is a derivation of x in G
• To prove the other direction we can start with a
regular grammar G and reverse the construction to
produce M
– M may be an NFA, but it still accepts L(G), and it
follows that L(G) is regular
Introduction to Computation
Derivation Trees and Ambiguity
• So far we’ve been interested in what strings a CFG
• It is also useful to consider how a string is generated
by a CFG
• A derivation may provide information about the
structure of a string, and if a string has several
possible derivations, one may be more appropriate
than another
• We can draw trees to represent derivations
Introduction to Computation
Derivation Trees and Ambiguity
• The root node represents the start variable S
• Any interior node and its children represent a
production A   used in the derivation; the node
represents A, and the children, from left to right,
represent the symbols in .
• Each leaf node represents a symbol or 
• The string derived is read off from left to right,
ignoring ’s
• Every derivation has exactly one derivation tree, but
a tree can represent more than one derivation
Introduction to Computation
Derivation Trees and Ambiguity
• In a derivation, at each step some production is
applied to some occurrence of a variable
• Consider a derivation that starts S  S + S. We
could apply a production to either the first or second
of the S’s, but the resulting trees would be the same
• When we talk about a string having several possible
derivations, one being more appropriate, we are
talking about derivations corresponding to different
Introduction to Computation
Derivation Trees and Ambiguity
• We can distinguish between trivially different
derivations and essentially different ones by
specifying that in a derivation, we always choose the
left-most variable to expand
• Definition 4.16: A derivation in a CFG is a leftmost
derivation (LMD) if, at each step, a production is
applied to the leftmost variable-occurrence in the
current string
– A rightmost derivation is defined similarly
Introduction to Computation
Derivation Trees and Ambiguity
• Theorem 4.17: If G is a CFG, then for any x  L(G)
these three statements are equivalent:
– x has more than one derivation tree
– x has more than one LMD
– x has more than one RMD
• Proof: see book
• Definition 4.18: A CFG G is ambiguous if, for at least
one x  L(G), x has more than one derivation tree (or
equivalently, according to Theorem 4.17, more than
one LMD)
Introduction to Computation
Derivation Trees and Ambiguity
• A classic example of ambiguity is the dangling else
• In C, an if-statement can be defined by
S  if ( E ) S | if ( E ) S else S | OS
(where OS stands for “other statement”)
• Consider the statement
if (e1) if (e2) f(); else g();
– In C, the else to belong to the second if, but this
grammar does not rule out the other interpretation
• The two derivation trees shown on the next slide
show the two interpretations of a dangling else
Introduction to Computation
Introduction to Computation
Derivation Trees and Ambiguity
• Clearly the grammar given is ambiguous, but there
are equivalent grammars that allow only the correct
• Example:
S  S1 | S2
S1  if ( E ) S1 else S1 | OS
S2  if ( E ) S | if ( E ) S1 else S2
Introduction to Computation
Derivation Trees and Ambiguity
Consider the CFG G : S  S + S | S * S | (S) | a
• G generates simple algebraic expressions
• One reason for ambiguity is that the relative
precedence of + and * hasn’t been specified: a+a*a
could be interpreted as (a+a)*a or as a+(a*a)
• In fact, S  S + S causes ambiguity by itself, because
a+a+a could be interpreted as either (a+a)+a or
a+(a+a). Similarly for S  S * S
• We might try to correct both problems by using the
productions S  S + T | T T  T + F | F
(think of T as “term” and F as “factor”)
Introduction to Computation
Derivation Trees and Ambiguity
• * now has higher precedence than + (all the
multiplications are performed within a term)
• By making the production S  S + T, not S  T + S,
we make + associate to the left. Similarly for *
• We want parenthetical expressions to be evaluated
first; this means we should consider such an
expression to be part of a factor. The resulting
unambiguous CFG generating L(G) is
S  S + T | T T  T * F | F F  (S) | a
(proofs of unambiguity and equivalence are both
somewhat complicated)
Introduction to Computation
Simplified Forms and Normal Forms
• Questions about the strings generated by a CFG are
sometimes easier to answer if we know something
about the form of the productions
– For example, if we know that a grammar has no
-productions and no unit productions (A  B) we
can deduce that no derivation of a string x can take
more than 2|x| - 1 steps (see book for details). We
could then, in principle, determine whether x can be
derived by considering derivations no longer than this
• We show how to modify an arbitrary CFG to have no
productions of either of these types
Introduction to Computation
Simplified Forms and Normal Forms
• Suppose we have the production A  BCDCB, and 
can be derived from either B or C. If we get rid of
-productions, then the steps that replace B and C by
 will no longer be possible, but we must still be able
to get all the same non-null strings from A
• We must retain the production A  BCDCB but we
should add A  CDCB, A  DCB, A  BDCB, and so on
• We will need to know what variables can derive 
(we will call such a variable a nullable variable)
Introduction to Computation
Simplified Forms and Normal Forms
• Definition 4.26: A recursive definition of the set of
nullable variables of G
– If there is a production A   then A is nullable
– If A1, A2, …, Ak are nullable variables and there is a
production B  A1A2… Ak , then B is nullable
• This leads immediately to an algorithm for
identifying the nullable variables
Introduction to Computation
Simplified Forms and Normal Forms
• Theorem 4.27: For every CFG G = (V, , S, P) the
following algorithm produces a CFG G1=(V, , S, P1)
having no -productions for which L(G1) = L(G) – {}
– Identify the nullable variables in V and initialize P1 to P
– For every production A   in P, add to P1 every
production obtained by deleting from  one or more
variable-occurrences involving a nullable variable
– Delete every -production from P1, as well as every
production of the form A  A
Introduction to Computation
Simplified Forms and Normal Forms
• The procedure we use to eliminate unit productions
is similar
• We first identify pairs of variables (A, B) for which
A * B (in this case we call B A-derivable); then for
each such pair (A, B) and each nonunit production
B  , we add the production A  
• Such pairs can be found as follows:
– If A  B is a production, then B is A-derivable
– If C is A-derivable and C  B is a production, then B is
– No other variables are A-derivable
Introduction to Computation
Simplified Forms and Normal Forms
• Theorem 4.28: For every CFG G = (V, , S, P) without
-productions, the CFG G1=(V, , S, P1) produced by
the following algorithm generates the same language
as G and has no unit productions:
– Initialize P1 to P, and for each A  V, identify the
A-derivable variables
– For every such pair A  B and every nonunit
production B  , add the production A   to P1
– Delete all unit productions from P1
Introduction to Computation
Simplified Forms and Normal Forms
• Definition 4.29: A CFG is said to be in Chomsky
normal form if every production is of one of these two
A  BC (where B and C are variables)
A   (where  is a terminal)
• Theorem 4.30: For every context-free grammar G,
there is another CFG G1 in Chomsky normal form
such that L(G1) = L(G) – {}
• The algorithm on the next slide shows how to
generate G1
Introduction to Computation
Simplified Forms and Normal Forms
• The first step is to eliminate -productions and unit
• The second step is to introduce for every terminal
symbol  a new variable X and production X  
• In every production, replace every terminal by its
new variable (except for the new productions above)
• Replace a production like A  BACB by the
productions A BY1, Y1  AY2, Y2  CB, where Y1
and Y2 are new variables
• The resulting CFG is in Chomsky normal form
Introduction to Computation