On Black-Box Separations in Cryptography

On Black-Box Separations in
Omer Reingold
Closed captioning and other considerations provided
by Tal Malkin, Luca Trevisan, and Salil Vadhan
Crypto - The Merry “Old” Days
Cryptographic Protocols,
Primitives, Homomorphic
and Assumptions
RSA Encryption
ID Based
Encryption VotingSystem
Signatures Identification
Determining The Relationships
Among Different Primitives
Most tasks in complexity-based crypto imply
PNP (or even OWF).
• Simplify our conception of the world.
• Construct protocols with as strong security
guarantee as possible.
Given any implementation of primitive A,
construct implementation of primitive B.
Some Known Reductions
Are All Crypto Primitives Equivalent?
• If so: either no cryptography or Cryptomania!
• But some tasks seem “significantly harder” than
others (e.g. private key vs. public key encryption).
• In what sense can we claim that primitive A does
not imply primitive B if we believe that both
After all, a reduction of B to A can ignore A and
build B from scratch ...
Black-Box Separations – Where it Begun
Impagliazzo-Rudich [89]
While not clear how to formalize/show non-implications
in general can do that wrt black-box reductions.
(Fully) Black-Box Reductions
Given a black-box
implementation for
primitive A, construct
implementation of primitive B.
Usually, still not structured enough
to rule out: Need black-box
proof of security (several
for A
for B
Such fully black-box reductions relativize (hold
relative to every oracle).
What's not Black Box?
• No idea … ask Boaz …
• Oh well … Cook-Levin reduction is used in:
OWF  “ZK proofs for all NP” [GMW91]
Non–BB carries on to applications:
– Semi-honest OT  malicious OT [GMW87]
– OWF  ID schemes [FFS88]
• Similarly, circuit of f used in secure
computation of f. [Yao86,GMW87]
– [Beaver96] Few OTs + OWF -> Many OTs
• Barak’s Non-BB ZK and subsequent results. Use
both old and new non-bb techniques.
What do Black-Box Separations
• This talk will concentrate on mathematical
rather than philosophical meaning. Still …
• Few Non black-box techniques (and in limited
settings). Inherent limitation on efficiency.
• Therefore, black-box separations are
explanation/indication for the hardness of
finding reduction (esp. efficient ones).
• BB-reductions more robust – work wrt.
“physical implementations” of primitives.
What do Black-Box Separations
• Insight into the relevant primitives. Guidance
for non black-box reductions or even for
black-box reductions. (Sometimes most
meaningful when looking inside the box.)
Analogy from complexity:
• A Cook/Karp reduction of problem A
to problem B is a black-box proof that
B  P  A  P.
• SAT  P  QBF2  P true but inherently
non-BB (QBF2 is “quantified Boolean
formula with 2 alternations”).
What do Black-Box Separations
• Insight into the relevant primitives. Guidance
for non black-box reductions or even for
black-box reductions. (Sometimes most
meaningful when looking inside the box.)
Examples from cryptography:
• TDP seems to be of different
complexity than OWF. [IR89] supports.
• Collision resistant hashing might have
seemed similar in nature to OWFs.
[Simon98] challenged (this is consistent
with recent cryptanalysis attacks against
popular hash functions).
What do Black-Box Separations
• Insight into the relevant primitives. Guidance
for non black-box reductions or even for
black-box reductions. (Sometimes most
meaningful when looking inside the box.)
Guidance for black-box constructions?
• Particular construction cannot be proved
in BB? May be easier to change the
construction than overcome the obstacle.
• Examples:
– Want to reduce Stat-Commit to OWF? Probably not a
good approach: Stat-Commit -> OWP -> OWF.
– [Myers 04], shows no BB proof for one particular
natural construction (static to adaptive security).
What do Black-Box Separations
• Insight into the relevant primitives. Guidance
for non black-box reductions or even for
black-box reductions. (Sometimes most
meaningful when looking inside the box.)
Word of warning:
• Potentially, a non black-box proof may
follow a black-box approach most of the
way with a “small” non black-box fix.
Black-Box and Oracle Separations
• [IR89] there exists an oracle relative to
which one-way function exists but keyagreement does not:
No fully black-box reduction of keyagreement to one-way function.
• Many other BB separations/lower bounds
– Various notions of BB reductions, in
particular not always implying oracle
separation (e.g. [GMR01]).
Crypto After IR (Impagliazzo’s Worlds)
Not even an hierarchy
of problems [GKMVR00]
Trapdoor Permutation
Secure Multi-Party
Computation (OT)
Public Key Encryption
Key Agreement
Private Key
One Way
Algoritmica, Heuristica, Pessiland
This Talk
• [IR89]: The separation, its proof and
interpretation of results.
• As many separations and proof intuitions. Focus on
techniques and subtleties.
Beware: some cheating involved
The Impagliazzo-Rudich Results
Thm: If P=NP, Key Agreement (KA) is impossible in the
Random Oracle model:
KA (Alice,Bob)  Eve, for random permutation f,
Evef breaks (Alicef,Bobf)
Cor 1: There is an oracle relative to which OWP exists
and KA does not.
The oracle: (f, PSPACE) since PPSPACE=NPPSPACE
Cor 2: There is no fully-BB reduction from KA to OWP.
Cor 3: …
[IR89] - Why f is OWP
Intuitively obvious: when trying to invert f on some
y=f(x), have no chance unless accidentally query f on x.
With q queries chances for that < 2q/2n
More formally:
 M making q queries,  n-bit y
Prf[Mf(y) = f-1(y)] < (2q+2)/2n
Fix n, by Markov
Prf { Pry [Mf(y) = f-1(y)] > n2(2q+2)/2n } < 1/n2
 M, with prob. 1 over f
Pry [Mf(y) = f-1(y)] > n2(2q+2)/2n
only finitely often ….
With prob. 1 over f,  M …
Why f is OWP Against Circuits
Too many circuit families for uniform argument (not
[GT00]: f is exponentially hard even against circuits.
High level idea: Consider C that makes q queries and
-inverts f.
C gives some non-trivial information on f
 a compact description of f, relative to C.
Loosely, the description of f contains two carefully
chosen subsets X and Y and f|{0,1}n\X
– f(X)=Y.
– Y contains ≥ 1/q frac. of y’s on which C inverts.
– X and Y allow reconstruction of f|X.
Setting parameters correctly: #descriptions << (2n)!
 C only -invert exp. small fraction of the f’s.
[IR89] – How Eve Finds the Secret
Recall, we assume P=NP, and want to show that Evef
breaks (Alicef,Bobf).
P=NP implies that without f no cryptographic hardness.
In particular, no KA !
In fact, for the purpose of oracle separation, we can
essentially assume Eve, Alice and Bob are all powerful
and only bounded by number of queries to f.
In this setting, a clear characterization of
“knowledge”: The queries made to f and its answers.
[IR89] – How Eve Finds the Secret Cont.
If s is the key agreed by Alice and Bob, assume wlog
that both parties query f on s. Therefore s is an
“intersection query”.
 Enough that Eve finds all “likely” intersection
Eve’s algorithm (over simplified):
• Let T be the transcript of (Alicef,Bobf), let L be a list
of queries and answers to f (initially empty). Repeat
polynomial number of times:
Simulate: sample a random view of Alice which is consistent
with T and L.
Update: Repeat all the “simulated queries” Alice makes, but
this time to real f. Insert to L.
Output a random query from L.
[IR89] – How Eve Finds the Secret Cont.
Eve’s algorithm (over simplified):
• Let T be the transcript of (Alicef,Bobf), let L be a list
of queries and answers to f (initially empty). Repeat
polynomial number of times:
Simulate: sample a random view of Alice which is consistent
with T and L.
Update: Repeat all the “simulated queries” Alice makes, but
this time to real f. Insert to L.
• Output a random query from L.
• Whenever simulated Alice is consistent with real Bob’s
view, simulated Alice has a fair chance to query s.
• Any inconsistency reveals one of Bob’s queries. This
can happen only polynomial number of times.
[IR89] Results – Revisited
Thm: If P=NP, Key Agreement (KA) is impossible in the
Random Oracle model.
Cannot get a more natural and meaningful separation.
How can a reduction overcome this separation?
Traditional interpretation: to overcome the separation
the construction of KA must use code of OWP.
[RTV04] shows that there is no limitation in using OWP
as a black box in construction of KA.
 Separation might be overcome using code of
adversary in proof of security (as in [Bar01,Bar02]).
Taxonomy of Black-Box Reductions I
(the case OWF ) KA) [RTV04]
Black-box implementation:
 eff. (Alice, Bob) s.t. OWF f
(Alicef,Bobf) is a secure KA.
Proof of security:
Eve breaking (Alicef,Bobf) ) Adv inverting f
Fully-BB reduction:  eff. Adv Eve (even not eff)
[ Eve breaks (Alicef,Bobf) ) Advf, Eve inverts f ]
Semi-BB reduction:  eff Eve  eff. Adv
[ Evef breaks (Alicef,Bobf) ) Advf inverts f ]
[IR89] No relativizing, thus also No Fully; If P=NP no Semi
Semi-BB vs. Relativizing
Fully-BB reduction:  eff. Adv Eve (even not eff)
[ Eve breaks (Alicef,Bobf) ) Advf, Eve inverts f ]
Semi-BB reduction:  eff Eve  eff. Adv
[ Evef breaks (Alicef,Bobf) ) Advf inverts f ]
[IR89] No relativizing, thus also No Fully; If P=NP no Semi
Semi: BB implementation with arbitrary pf of security?
No - [RTV04] No relativizing ) No Semi
•Pf idea: can embed into f an arbitrary oracle, in particular
can embed Eve. “Embedding technique” due to [Sim98]
Semi-BB vs. Relativizing
Semi-BB reduction:  eff Eve  eff. Adv
[ Evef breaks (Alicef,Bobf) ) Advf inverts f ]
[RTV04] No relativizing ) No Semi
Pf sketch:
– Let O be oracle s.t. 9 OWF g and no KA
– Define
– Every (Alicef,Bobf) can be broken in PPTf, but f cannot
be inverted in PPTf ) no semi-BB reduction
Taxonomy II – BB Implementation with
Free Proof of Security
Fully-BB reduction:  eff. Adv Eve (even not eff)
[ Eve breaks (Alicef,Bobf) ) Advf, Eve inverts f ]
Semi-BB reduction:  eff Eve  eff. Adv
[ Evef breaks (Alicef,Bobf) ) Advf inverts f ]
Mildly-BB reduction:  eff Eve  eff. Adv
[ Eve breaks (Alicef,Bobf) ) Advf inverts f ]
Now Eve is really efficient.
The Power of Mildly-BB
Mildly-BB reduction:  eff Eve  eff. Adv
[ Eve breaks (Alicef,Bobf) ) Advf inverts f ]
• Only Mildly-BB separations are about efficiency of
reductions [GT00,GGK03].
• Thm: 9 OWF ) 9 KA if and only if there is a
mildly-BB reduction from KA to OWF.
• Conclusion: the restriction is in BB proof of security
rather than in BB implementation.
The Power of Mildly-BB
Mildly-BB reduction:  eff Eve  eff. Adv
[ Eve breaks (Alicef,Bobf) ) Advf inverts f ]
• Thm: 9 OWF ) 9 KA if and only if there is a
mildly-BB reduction from KA to OWF.
• Pf sketch: Given OWF oracle f (against PPTf ), construct
secure KA (against PPT).
Case I: 9 KA
– Construction ignores oracle, just executes secure KA
The Power of Mildly-BB
Mildly-BB reduction:  eff Eve  eff. Adv
[ Eve breaks (Alicef,Bobf) ) Advf inverts f ]
• Thm: 9 OWF ) 9 KA if and only if there is a
mildly-BB reduction from KA to OWF.
• Pf sketch: Given OWF oracle f (against PPTf ), construct
secure KA (against PPT).
Case II: No KA and therefore no OWF
– Every function easy to compute is easy to invert.
) Oracle-OWF f must be hard to compute.
– KA protocol: Alice sends random (x,r), agree on
• [IR,KSS00] Random Oracle separates OWF from OWP.
• A much simpler argument for weaker result:
Thm. Gf is a permutation for every function f  For all f
can invert Gf (using a PSPACE-complete oracle).
Adv algorithm on input y= Gf(x):
• Let L be a list of queries and answers to f (initially
empty). Repeat polynomial number of times:
Simulate: generate some f’ and x’ such that f’ is consistent
with L and y= Gf’(x’).
Update: Repeat all the “simulated queries” of Gf’(x’) but this
time to real f. Insert to L.
Output last x’.
Correctness: If x’  x then the evaluations Gf(x) and
Gf’(x’) must reveal a new inconsistency of f and f’.
OWF vs. OWP Cont.
Where is the weakness? To argue that G is insecure we
assumed it is correct: Gf is a permutation for every
function f.
Is this legitimate?
More on Relatevizing vs. BB Reductions
In some scenarios (e.g. KA -> OWF),
No relativizing reduction , No fully-BB reduction.
Not always: Consider the construction of Trapdoor
(poly-1) Functions from PKE.
– [BHSV98] gives a construction in the random oracle model.
 Hard to come up with an oracle separation (as the oracle may
potentially be used for BHSV-transformation).
– [GMR01] solves it by showing for any particular construction
an oracle that foils it (rather than giving one oracle that foils
all constructions).
[Myers04] takes it further, considers one specific
(but very natural) construction and gives an oracle
that foils it.
Are we happy/unhappy with this?
[Rudich91]: Hard to Reduce Interaction
• [Rud 91] Separate k-message KA from (k-1)-message KA.
For k=3 oracle O contains: f1, f2, f3, length tripling random functions, R
defined below, П - PSPACE complete.
3 KA :
m1 =f1 (z,r)
m2 =f2 (s,m1)
m3 =f3 (z,r,m2)
On an “incorrect” input R outputs a random string.
z = R (s,m3)
[Rud91]: No 2-KA ( PKE) relative to O
m1 =f1 (z,r)
m2 =f2 (s,m1)
m3 =f3 (z,r,m2)
z = R (s,m3)
• Without R no KA [IR89]
• Let (Alice’,Bob’) be two message protocol.
• Assume Alice’ makes a useful query R (s,m3).
– (s,m3) is a “correct” input to R  must have been
created by 3 “correct” consecutive invocations
 either Alice’ or Bob’ must already know z,r,s.
– If its Alice’, R is not needed.
– Otherwise, Eve can also know (s,m3) and apply R.
How do we define BB access to a protocol?
• In [Rudich91] and most subsequent works this
means black-box access to the message and output
functions of the parties.
• Can consider a more restricted notion where the
access is to a third party implementing the
functionality. (Closer in spirit to a physical
• May make arguments much simpler but need to be
careful. For example OT in this model does not
imply OWF.
• Other possible formalizations in between [HKNRR05]
OWF vs. Collision Resistant Hashing
• [Simon98] gives an oracle separating the two.
• Here “Simon Light”: In particular, consider only
regular hash functions (every image has the same
number of preimages).
– Regular coll. resistant implied by claw-free permutations.
• Oracle: f - random functions, П - PSPACE complete,
and Q on input circuit C defined as follows:
If Cg is regular for every function g then Q outputs
uniformly selected x and x’ such that Cf(x) = Cf(x’).
Note: relative to this oracle may have collisionresistant hash functions (using Q itself).
[Simon98] handles this case as well.
OWF vs. Collision Resistant Hashing Cont.
• Oracle: f - random functions, П - PSPACE complete, and
Q on input circuit C defined as follows:
If Cg is regular for every function g then Q outputs
uniformly selected x and x’ such that Cf (x) = Cf (x’).
Proof intuition: Assume want to find f-1(y).
• Due to universal regularity, the only information given
by x and x’ are the values of f queried by the
evaluations Cf(x), and Cf(x’).
• As long as none of these queries is f-1(y) not much help.
• By regularity, x and x’ are each uniformly distributed
(though they are correlated).
• By union bound, only negligible chance to
encounter f-1(y).
Limitation On Efficiency
• This line considers the most efficient (black-box)
construction (rather than the minimal assumption
necessary) [KST99,GT00, GGK03].
• Example: OWP  PRG.
• Thm [GT00] PRG that expands the seed by k bits
requires (k/s) invocations of the OWP (where s is
the security parameter of the OWP).
m bits
m+k bits
Limitation On Efficiency Cont.
• Thm [GT00] PRG that expands the seed by k bits
requires (k/s) invocations of the OWP (where s is
the security parameter of the OWP).
m bits
m+k bits
• Idea: Define f(w,z)=g(w),z,
where w is O(s)-bit long and g is random 
Each invocation only gives O(s) bits of randomness
 Can simulate f using randomness from the seed.
Concluding Remarks
• Many more beautiful arguments we did not
• BB separations - a useful research tool.
• The extent to which the proof of security is
black-box plays a major role.
• Definitions are subtle, need to make sure we
understand the mathematical/philosophical
meaning of what we prove.
Some Open Problems
• More Non black-box techniques.
• Can we “Razborov-Rudich” ImpagliazzoRudich ?
• Power of reductions that use code of
primitive but are BB wrt adversary?
[GKMVR00] incomparability of PKE and OT
OT  PKE by an extension of [Rud91].
PKE  OT by oracle containing: f1, f2, R, П, (similar to
[Rud91]) to allow PKE. But with a small twist…
z = R (r,m2)
m1 =f1 (r)
m2 =f2 (z,s,m1)
Important: define f2 and R to output  on “incorrect”
inputs (sort of validity tests)
 Prevent this specific key agreement from being
“fakable”, and turns out to be sufficient.