Image Segmentation
Rob Atlas
Nick Bridle
Evan Radkoff
Image Segmentation
Separate an image into sets of pixels which represent
some structure in the image
Main application is object and boundary detection
High Level Overview of Papers
Local approaches
Image Segmentation
Mean Shift
Comaniciu et al., 1999
Graph cuts
Normalized Cuts
Shi and Malik, 2000
Interactive Cuts
Rother et al., 2004
Li et al., 2004
Mean Shift Analysis
Dorin Comaniciu, Peter Meer
Rutgers University, ICCV 1999
Spatial-Range Domain
Spatial domain: pixel locations
Range domain: intensity values
Spatial-Range domain: concatenation of the two
{ x, y, R, G, B }
∂s: Spatial domain normalization
∂r: Range domain normalization
{ x / ∂s , y / ∂s , R / ∂r , G / ∂r , B / ∂r }
5 dimensions for RGB, 3 for grayscale
Kernel Density Estimate
For n points {xi}i=1..n in a d-dimensional Euclidean space with
kernel function K(x) and window radius h:
Epanechnikov Kernel
cd : volume of the unit d-dimensional sphere
Estimating the Density Gradient
where Sh is a hypersphere containing nx data points
Mean Shift Vector
Vector with a direction towards the largest increase in density, thus leading to a local density
Mean Shift Procedure
1) Compute the mean shift vector Mh(x)
2) Translate the window Sh(x) by Mh(x)
3) If not converged, go to step 1.
Mathematically guaranteed
to converge
Applying Mean Shift to Images
Spatial-Range Domain: { x / ∂s , y / ∂s , R / ∂r , G / ∂r , B / ∂r
The authors apply the mean shift procedure to all points in
the spatial-range domain.
Two applications: Filtering, Segmentation
Two parameters: spatial resolution and range resolution
Mean Shift Filtering
xi: source pixel
zi: filtered pixel
for each xi
apply the mean shift procedure on xi to find the
convergence point yi
spacial domain of zi = spacial domain of xi
range domain of zi = range domain of yi
Instead of changing pixels ranges (colors), group them by
which point their mean shift procedure converges to.
No oversight required
Preserves detail when appropriate
Cannot choose how many segments are made
Normalized Cuts and Image Segmentation
Shi and Malik, 2000
Basic Idea
Treat image segmentation as a graph-partitioning problem
Big Questions:
1. How do we define a good partitioning?
2. How do we do partition efficiently?
Images as a graph
Vertices: pixels
Edges: similarity
Graph cuts
Graph is fully connected
Create disjoint vertex sets A, B s.t.
Similarity metric
Weight between edges in graph:
X(i): Location of pixel i
F(i): Feature vector describing pixel i
Simple case - F(i)=1 for segmenting points
Intensity, color, texture
: Parameters
2-way graph cut
Existing efficient methods for optimal 2-way cut
Recursive minimum cuts
Iteratively bipartition graph according to minimum cut (Wu and Leahy, 1993)
The problem: favors small clusters
Intuition for normalized cuts
Want to minimize cut score
But, we also want to partition out larger areas with more connections
So, what we're really interested in is the proportion of total weights that we are cutting for each
Normalized cuts
Goal: partition into disassociated groups
Minimizing association between groups ~
maximizing association within groups
Computational complexity
Minimizing normalized cut: NP-complete
Can compute approximate solution by solving a generalized eigenvalue problem
Eigenvalue system
D - diagonal matrix of the total weight from
each node to every other
W - matrix of weights between nodes
y - eigenvectors
lambda - eigenvalues
However, this is not in standard form for solving
A solvable representation
First eigenvector (eigenvalue=0):
Second smallest eigenvalue describes solution
Remember, the smallest eigenvalue is 0
Recursive two-way Ncut
Third, fourth, etc eigenvalues correspond to eigenvectors that subdivide the existing graphs
However, error accumulates with each
Better to recompute partitioning on each subgraph iteratively
Segmentation Algorithm
1. Create weighted graph G=(V,E)
2. Solve
and take the eigenvector with the second smallest eigenvalue
3. Bipartition the graph with this eigenvector
4. If Ncut is below threshold value, recursively partition each segment
Partitioning by an eigenvector
The partitioning eigenvector contains one continuous value per pixel
Since these are continuous, not discrete, they don't directly tell us which points are in which segment
Instead, we try different cutoffs, and select the one that produces the minimal NCut value
Partitioning by an eigenvector
Examples - segmenting point sets
Examples - segmenting noisy data
Examples - images
Example - image with texture metric
Interactive Graph Cuts
User can provide hints about where the objects are in the
Ideally, the less work the user has to do, the better
Foreground Extraction
Goal is to partition the pixels into two sets: foreground and
Foreground Extraction
Given pixel intensity values
Output set of alphas
which determine how much each pixel belongs to the
"Hard segmentation":
"Soft segmentation":
Rother et al.,
GrabCut: Handling Color Images
Previous work: histogram of gray values for foreground and
- histograms are intractable for color
- instead use Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) to
represent the distribution of color
GrabCut: Algorithm
GrabCut: Border Matting
Perform hard segmentation on image, and then relax alpha
values on the border of the object
Lazy Snapping
Li et al., SIGGRAPH 2004
Lazy Snapping: Energy Function
Minimize the Gibbs energy function
Run k-means clustering on foreground and background
E1 defined in terms of these mean colors:
Lazy Snapping: Speeding it up
Speed is crucial for a responsive user experience
Use the watershed algorithm to divide the image into small
approximately constant patches, then do graph cut using
these as the nodes
Lazy Snapping: Boundary Editing
Want boundary to "snap" to the user-defined polygon
Energy term E2 becomes
Lazy Snapping: Results
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