
Final Exam
Time: Dec 12, 2012, 8-10pm
Room: 218 MLH
Content: Chapters 1-9, Skiena
What to bring: pens, two sheets of notes (no digital devices)
Approximation Algorithms
9-25. [4] In the maximum-satisfiability problem, we seek a truth
assignment that satisfies as many clauses as possible. Give an
heuristic that always satisfies at least half as many clauses as the
optimal solution.
9-26. [5] Consider the following heuristic for vertex cover. Construct a
DFS tree of the graph, and delete all the leaves from this tree.
What remains must be a vertex cover of the graph. Prove that the
size of this cover is at most twice as large as optimal.
9-27. [5] The maximum cut problem for a graph G = (V,E) seeks to
partition the verticesV into disjoint sets A and B so as to maximize
the number of edges (a, b) ∈ E such that a ∈ A and b ∈ B. Consider
the following heuristic for max cut. First assign v1 to A and v2 to B.
For each remaining vertex, assign it to the side that adds the most
edges to the cut. Prove that this cut is at least half as large as the
optimal cut.
9-28. [5] In the bin-packing problem, we are given n items with weights
w1, w2, ...,wn, respectively. Our goal is to find the smallest number
of bins that will hold the n objects, where each bin has capacity of
at most one kilogram. The first-fit heuristic considers the objects
in the order in which they are given. For each object, place it into
first bin that has room for it. If no such bin exists, start a new bin.
Prove that this heuristic uses at most twice as many bins as the
optimal solution.
9-29. [5] For the first-fit heuristic described just above, give an
example where the packing it fits uses at least 5/3 times as many
bins as optimal.
9-30. [5] A vertex coloring of graph G = (V,E) is an assignment of colors
to vertices of V such that each edge (x, y) implies that vertices x
and y are assigned different colors. Give an algorithm for vertex
coloring G using at most Δ + 1 colors, where Δ is the maximum
vertex degree of G.
9-23. [4] Show that the following problems are in NP:
• Does graph G have a simple path (i.e. , with no vertex repeated) of
length k?
• Is integer n composite (i.e. , not prime)?
• Does graph G have a vertex cover of size k?
9-24. [7] It was a long open question whether the decision problem “Is
integer n a composite number, in other words, not prime?” can be
computed in time polynomial in the size of its input. Why doesn’t the
following algorithm suffice to prove it is in P, since it runs in O(n)
composite := false
for i := 2 to n − 1 do
if (n mod i) = 0 then
composite := true
Algorithms for Special Cases
9-21. [5] A Hamiltonian path P is a path that visits each vertex exactly
once. The problem of testing whether a graph G contains a
Hamiltonian path is NP-complete. There does not have to be an edge
in G from the ending vertex to the starting vertex of P, unlike in
the Hamiltonian cycle problem.
Give an O(n + m)-time algorithm to test whether a directed acyclic
graph G (a DAG) contains a Hamiltonian path. (Hint: think about
topological sorting and DFS.)
9-22. [8] The 2-SAT problem is, given a Boolean formula in 2conjunctive normal form (CNF), to decide whether the formula is
satisfiable. 2-SAT is like 3-SAT, except that each clause can have
only two literals. For example, the following formula is in 2-CNF:
(x1 ∨ x2) ∧ (~x2 ∨ x3) ∧ (x1 ∨ ~x3)
Give a polynomial-time algorithm to solve 2-SAT.
Creative Reductions
9-13. [5] Prove that the following problem is NP-complete:
Problem: Hitting Set
Input: A collection C of subsets of a set S, positive integer k.
Output: Does S contain a subset S’ such that |S’| ≤ k and each subset in
C contains at least one element from S’ ?
To prove hitting set is NP-complete, we will show that Hitting Set is in
NP and is NP-hard by reducing the Vertex Cover problem to Hitting
Hitting Set is in NP: The polynomial time verifier will take (S, C, k) and
H as certificate. The algorithm will check if (a) |H| = k; (b) H is a
subset of S; (c) for every set X of C, X and H have at least one
common element. The time complexity is O(|S|2|C|).
Hitting Set is NP-hard because we can reduce the known NP-complete
problem, Vertex Cover, to Hitting Set.
Problem: vertex cover
Input: A graph G = (V, E) and an integer k <= |V|.
Output: Is there a subset S of at most k vertices such that every
edge in E has at least one vertex in S?
Reduction: Given a graph G = (V,E) and a number k, we construct the
instance (S, C, k) of Hitting Set as follows: k = k, S = V and C = { {u,
v} | (u, v) in E }. The construction of (S, C, k) takes linear time.
Claim: G has a vertex cover of size k iff (V, C, k) has a hitting set of
size k.
Claim: G has a vertex cover of size k iff (V, C, k) has a hitting set of
size k.
Proof of the claim:
(Only if part): If G has a vertex cover X of size k, then X is also a
hitting set for (V, C, k) because for each edge (u, v) of E, either u or
v is in X. So for each set {u, v} of C, {u, v} has at least one element in
X. Thus X is a hitting set.
(If part): If X is a hitting set of (S, C, k), then X is also a vertex cover
of G because for each set {u, v} of C, u or v is in X, so the edge {u, v}
is covered by X.
9-15. [5] Prove that the following problem is NP-complete:
Problem: Hamiltonian Path
Input: A graph G, and vertices s and t.
Output: Does G contain a path which starts from s, ends at t, and visits
all vertices without visiting any vertex more than once? (Hint: start
from Hamiltonian cycle.)
9-16. [5] Prove that the following problem is NP-complete:
Problem: Longest Path
Input: A graph G and positive integer k.
Output: Does G contain a path that visits at least k different vertices
without visiting any vertex more than once?
9-17. [6] Prove that the following problem is NP-complete:
Problem: Dominating Set
Input: A graph G = (V,E) and positive integer k.
Output: Is there a subset V’ of V such that |V’ | ≤ k where for each
vertex x ∈ V either x ∈ V or there exists an edge (x, y), where y ∈ V
9-18. [7] Prove that the vertex cover problem (does there exist a
subset S of k vertices in a graph G such that every edge in G is
incident upon at least one vertex in S?) remains NP-complete even
when all the vertices in the graph are restricted to have even
9-19. [7] Prove that the following problem is NP-complete:
Problem: Set Packing
Input: A collection C of subsets of a set S, positive integer k.
Output: Does S contain at least k disjoint subsets (i.e. , such that none
of these subsets have any elements in common?)
9-20. [7] Prove that the following problem is NP-complete:
Problem: Feedback Vertex Set
Input: A directed graph G = (V,A) and positive integer k.
Output: Is there a subset V’ of V such that |V’ | ≤ k, such that deleting
the vertices of V’ from G leaves a DAG?
8-22. [7] Consider the problem of examining a string x = x1x2 . . . xn
from an alphabet of k symbols, and a multiplication table over this
alphabet. Decide whether or not it is possible to parenthesize x in
such a way that the value of the resulting expression is a, where a
belongs to the alphabet. The multiplication table is neither
commutative or associative, so the order of multiplication matters.
For example, consider the given multiplication table and the string
bbbba. Parenthesizing it (b(bb))(ba) gives a, but ((((bb)b)b)a) gives
c. Give an algorithm, with time polynomial in n and k, to decide
whether such a parenthesization exists for a given string,
multiplication table, and goal element.
8-22. [7] Consider the problem of examining a string x = x1x2 . . . xn
from an alphabet of k symbols, and a multiplication table over this
alphabet. Decide whether or not it is possible to parenthesize x in
such a way that the value of the resulting expression is a, where a
belongs to the alphabet. The multiplication table is neither
commutative or associative, so the order of multiplication matters.
For example, consider the given multiplication table and the string
bbbba. Parenthesizing it (b(bb))(ba) gives a, but ((((bb)b)b)a) gives
c. Give an algorithm, with time polynomial in n and k, to decide
whether such a parenthesization exists for a given string,
multiplication table, and goal element.
S(i, j) = the set of symbols produced from xixi+1 … xj.
S(i, i) = { xi }
S(i, i+1) = {xi*xi+1 }
S(i, j) = Ui <= k < j S(i, k)*S(k+1,j)
where X * Y = { x*y | x in X, y in Y }.
Decision: Is a in S(1, n)?
For the example: x = bbbba
S[1,1] = S[2,2] = S[3,3] = S[4,4] = { b }, S[5,5] = { a }
S[1,2] = S[2,3] = S[3,4] = S[4,5] = { a }
S[1,3] = S[1,1]*S[2,3] U S[1,2]*S[3,3] = { a, c }
S[2,4] = S[2,2]*S[3,4] U S[2,3]*S[4,4] = { a, c }
S[3,5] = S[3,3]*S[4,5] U S[3,4]*S[5,5] = { a }
S[1,4] = S[1,1]*S[2,4] U S[1,2]*S[3,4] U S[1,3]*S[4,4] = { a, b, c }
S[2,5] = S[2,2]*S[3,5] U S[2,3]*S[4,5] U S[2,4]*S[5,5] = { a, c }
S[1,5] = S[1,1]*S[2,5] U S[1,2]*S[3,5] U S[1,3]*S[4,5] U S[1,4]*S[5,5]
= { a, b, c }
S(i, j) = the set of symbols produced from xixi+1 … xj.
S(i, i) = { xi }
S(i, i+1) = {xi*xi+1 }
S(i, j) = Ui <= k < j S(i, k)*S(k+1,j)
where X * Y = { x*y | x in X, y in Y }.
Decision: Is a in S(1, n)?