Multiple Removal with Local Plane Waves Dmitri Lokshtanov 1- Content • Motivation • WE multiple suppression operator • Fast 2D/3D WE approach for simple sea-floor • 2D/3D WE approach for irregular sea-floor • Conclusions 2- Motivation • Seismic processing and imaging - main challenges: − Velocity model building for sub-salt and sub-basalt imaging − Removal of multiples from strong irregular boundaries 3- Near offset section (no AGC) Depth migration with water velocity Input shot gathers (no AGC) Multiple suppression • For multiples from complex boundaries the methods based on periodicity or kinematic discrimination usually don’t work or are not sufficient. • In such cases the main demultiple tools are based on the Surface Related Multiple Elimination (SRME) or Wave-Equation (WE) techniques. 8- SRME (Berkhout, 1982; Verschuur, 1991) – advantages and limitations • Does not require any structural information. Predicts all free-surface multiples • As a rule becomes less efficient with increased level of interference of multiples of different orders • Requires the same dense sampling between sources as between receivers • Noise in data and poor sampling significantly degrade the prediction quality • Missing traces required by 3D SRME are reconstructed with least-square Fourier or Radon interpolation; residual NMO correction; DMO/inverse DMO; migration/demigration 9- WE approach versus SRME • SRME is the method of preference for data from areas with deep sea-floor, especially when a thick package of strong reflectors is present below the sea-floor • WE approach is especially efficient when the main free-surface multiples are just ‘pure’ water-layer multiples and peg-legs. Gives usually better results than SRME when several orders of multiples are involved • 3D WE approach has less sampling problems than 3D SRME and it gives a flexiblility in methods for wavefield extrapolation depending on complexity of structure 10 - The operator Pg transforms the primary reflection event recorded at receiver 1 into the multiple event recorded at receiver 2 (Wiggins, 1988; Berryhill & Kim, 1986). Principles of WE approach 1. Remove pure multiples and receiver - side peg - legs : F1 (1 Pg ) D , where D are input data; Pg is the receiver - side extrapolation operator. 2. Remove source - side peg - legs : F2 (1 Ps ) F1 , where Ps is the source - side extrapolation operator. 3. Correct for the first - order water - layer multiple : F (1 Ps )(1 Pg ) D Ps Dw , where Dw is the primary reflection from the water - bottom. 12 - Adaptive subtraction of predicted multiples F (1 Ps )(1 Pg ) D Ps Dw , (1) We apply the ‘scaled version’ of (1) trace by trace to the tau-p transformed CMP or CS gathers. For each p-trace the operator has the form: f (t ) d (t ) rg (t ) d g (t ) rs (t ) d s (t ) rsg (t ) d sg (t ), ( 2) where d (t ), d g (t ), d s (t ), d sg (t ) are p - traces for the input data and the results of extrapolation through the water-layer from the receiver-side, source-side (of muted input data) and source-side after receiver-side respectively. 13 - Wave-equation approach – main features • All predicted multiples are split into 3 terms, where each term requires the same amplitude correction • All source-side and receiver-side multiples of all orders are suppressed simultaneously in one consistent step • The prediction and the adaptive subtraction of multiples are performed in the same domain • Fast version (WEREM) for a simple sea-floor. Slower version for irregular sea-floor 14 - Why in the tau-p domain • Easier to apply antialiasing protection • No problems with muting of direct arrival • Easier to define ‘multiple’ zone of tau-p domain and mute it away • Estimated reflection coefficients are explicitly angle dependent 15 - 2D WEREM – prediction of multiples - 1 The input Radon transformed CMP gathers D( p, y ) can be represented as follows: D ( p, y ) R ( p, pd ) expi pd ydpd , 2 (3) where p g p p d 2 , p s p p d 2 . For ‘locally’ 1D water-bottom and arbitrary 2D structure below it the results of receiver- side extrapolation D g ( p, y ) is: Dg ( p , y ) R ( p, pd ) expi ( pd y 2q g h)dpd 2 D ( p, x ) expi pd ( y x ) 2q g h dpd dx, 2 (4) where h is the ‘local’ water-bottom depth, while qg is the vertical slowness. 2D WEREM – prediction of multiples - 2 st For each pair x, y the stationary point pd corresponds to a simple relation: x y h tg g where pg c sin g and pg p pdst 2 . R2 R1 y x S (5) CMP * g water bottom Geometrical illustration of the result (5). x and y are CMP positions of the primary and multiple events respectively. They are related by : x y 0.5 ( R1 R2 ) h tg g . Velocity model used to generate synthetic FD data Constant P sections (angle at the surface is about 3º) Input After Werem After Remul Constant P sections (angle at the surface is about 15º) Input After Werem After Remul Velocity model 2 used to generate synthetic FD data Constant P sections (angle at the surface is about 3º) m. residual Input After Werem T. Shetland T. Draupne T. Brent Stack before multiple suppression Stack after Werem Constant P sections (angle at the surface is about 10º Input After Werem Stack before multiple suppression (left) and after Werem multiple suppression (right). The pink line shows the expected position of the first-order water-layer peg-leg from the Top Cretaceous (black line). The multiple period is about 140 msec. Constant P sections (angle at the surface is about 8º Input After Werem multiple suppression Difference raw stack stack after WEREM 500 m input WEREM 4000 m input WEREM Improving the results - local prediction / subtraction of multiples • Within the same prediction term, for the same CMP and the same p we have events reflected at different positions along the water bottom • Inconsistency between prediction and subtraction in case of rapid variation of sea-floor reflectivity • The problem is partly solved by applying adaptive subtraction in different time windows • Or by making prediction dependent on both p and offset (window) 3D WEREM – basic features • 3D data can be represented as a sum of plane waves with different vertical angles and azimuths from the source-side and receiver-side. • Current quasi 3D marine acquisition does not allow full 4D decomposition • Decomposition uniquely defines the direction of propagation from the receiverside and is an integral over crossline slownesses from the source-side • The result of decomposition are used for exact prediction of multiples from the receiver-side and approximate prediction from the source-side • The approximation is that the crossline slowness from the source-side is the same as from the receiver-side (the same azimuth for 1D structures). The approximation allows us to mix data for flip flop shooting Decomposition of point source data into plane waves (Weyl Integral): 1 2 R exp i 2 R c 2 exp i p x x p y y q z z iq z 1 2 1 2 2 where q z 2 p x p y , c Imq z 0. dp x dp y , Reflection from a 3D Earth as a sum of plane waves (positive direction of p xs , p xr are opposite to the direction of increasing xs ) d ( xs , ys 0, xr , yr ) 4 2 4 ~ R ( pxr , p yr , pxs , p ys ) S ( pxs , p ys ) exp i pxs xs pxr xr p yr yr dp xs dp ys dp xr dp yr 3 R( p xr , p yr , p xs ) exp i p xs xs p xr xr p yr yr dp xs dp xr dp yr , 3 2 where R( p xr , p yr , p xs ) ~ S ( p , p ) R ( p xr , p yr , p xs , p ys ) dp ys . xs ys 2 Radon transformed CMP gathers : 3 d ( x , h, y ) 2 3 3 2 3 h h R exp i p xs ( x 2 ) p xr ( x 2 ) p yr y dp xs dp xr dp yr R expi ph p d x p yr y dp xs dp xr dp yr , p xr p xs where p , p d p xs p xr . 2 2 D ( x, p , y ) 2 2 and R ( p, p d , p yr R expi p x p y dp dp , ) D exp i p x p y dx dy . d yr d d yr yr 3D prediction from the receiver-side : 2 Dr ( ~ x , p, ~ y) 2 2 ~ ~ R expi p x p y 2q z dp dp D( p, x, y ) expi p ( ~ x x) p ( ~ y y ) 2q z dp dp d d yr r yr d yr r d yr dx dy . p d ( ~x x) p yr ( ~y y ) 2q r z , 1 2 1 2 where q r 2 p r , p r p xr2 p yr2 c Stationary phase condition : 0 (x ~ x ) z tg r cos r , p d 1 2 , p xr p pd 2 . 0 (~ y y ) z tg r sin r . p yr R2 R1 y x S CMP * g water bottom Illustration of the stationary phase result: x and y are CMP positions of the primary and multiple events respectively. They are related by: x y 0.5 ( R1 R2 ) h tg g 37 - Approximate 3D prediction from the source-side : 2 ~ ~ Ds ( x , p, y ) 2 2 ~ ~ R exp i p x p y 2qs z dpd dp yr d yr D( p, x, y) expi p d (~ x x) p yr ( ~ y y ) 2qs z dpd dp yr dx dy . pd ( ~x x) p yr ( ~y y ) 2qs z , 1 2 1 2 where qs 2 ps , ps p xs2 p ys2 c 1 2 , p xs p pd 2 and p ys p yr . Stationary phase condition : 0 (~ x x) z tg s cos s , pd 0 (y ~ y ) z tg s sin s . p yr Input constant P section (small angles) Predicted multiples – R-side (small angles) Input constant P section (small angles) Constant P section – after prediction / subtraction (small angles) Difference (Input – 3D WEREM), small angles Input constant P section (larger angles) Constant P section – after 3D WEREM (larger angles) Werem - conclusions • Very efficient when the main assumptions are met: strongest multiples are water-layer multiples and peg-legs and the sea-floor is simple • Very fast - each predicted p trace is simply obtained as a sum of timedelayed input traces with the same p from the neighbour CMPs 46 - WE for irregular sea-floor • Kinematic prediction of multiples (extrapolation through the water layer) takes into account coupling between incident and reflected / scattered plane waves with different slownesses • Both multiple reflections and diffractions are predicted • The procedure starts from the Radon transformed CS gathers (no interleaving is required) • In 3D exact prediction from the receiver side; approximate prediction from the source side 47 - 2D prediction of multiples from the receiver side for irregular sea-floor 1. Extrapolate Radon transformed CS gather D ( p r , x s , ) down to the sea-floor: W x, z ( x), xs D( pr , xs ) expi pr ( x xs ) qr z ( x)dpr , 2 2. Calculate the amplitude Dg ( psc , xs ) of the reflected/scattered plane wave with slowness psc (Wenzel et al., 1990) dz p sc Dg ( p sc , x s ) W x, z ( x), xs 1 expi p sc ( x x s ) q sc z ( x)dx. dx q sc 48 - 2D prediction of multiples from the source side for irregular sea-floor 1. Use FFT to decompose the input data D ( p r , x s , ) into contributions with different propagation angles (wavenumbers) from the source side: R ( p r , k , ) D ( p r , x s , ) exp ikxs dx s , where the source-side wavenumber k s is defined as: k s p r k . 2. Extrapolate the results of decomposition down to the sea-floor: W x, z ( x ), p r 3. 49 - 1 R ( p r , k ) exp ik s x k sz z ( x )dk . 2 Calculate reflected / scattered responses for each k and then use inverse FFT to define Ds ( p r , x s , ) . All steps are performed in a double loop over pr and over . Velocity model for FD modelling Input P-section (zero angle) Receiver-side prediction Input P-section (zero angle) Receiver-side prediction Input P-section (20 degrees) Receiver-side prediction Source-side prediction Input CS gather After prediction + subtraction Input CS gather After prediction + subtraction Raw stack with final velocity / mute libraries Stack after WE + VF Raw CMP (no AGC) CMP after WE + VF (no AGC) Input Constant P section R-side prediction Input Constant P section R-side prediction Input Constant P section After adaptive subtraction 3D prediction from the receiver-side - 1 Decompose the recorded CS data into plane waves and then extrapolate each plane wave down to the sea-floor: 2 W ( x, y , z ) 2 2 2 2 2 R ( p , p x y ) expi p x x p y y q z z dpx dpy D( p , y ) expip x expi p x r x y ( y yr ) q z z dpy dpx dyr Innerint egralis calculat ed by t he st at ionaryphase approximation.For st at ionarypoint p y ( y yr ) q z z q~z z 2 ( y yr ) 62 - 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 ~ , where q z 2 p x p y , q z 2 p x . c c 2 3D prediction from the receiver-side - 2 Extrapolate the wavefield along the sea-floor W(x,y) up to the free-surface and calculate Radon transformed CS gathers after prediction: Dg ( p x , yr ) 2 W ( x, y) exp ip x C expi p x y ( yr y ) q z z ( x, y ) dpy dx dy As above, innerintegralis calculated by the stationaryphase approximation. 63 - Model for 3D ray tracing of primaries and sea-floor multiples primary peg-legs Modelled CS gathers Radon transformed CS gathers Constant P sections (small angle) for line with crossline offset 250m. Input 3D prediction 2D prediction Constant P sections (larger angle) for line with crossline offset 250m. Input 3D prediction 2D prediction Constant P sections (small angle) for line with crossline offset 250m. Input quasi 3D prediction 2D prediction Constant P sections (larger angle) for line with crossline offset 250m. Input quasi 3D prediction 2D prediction WE for irregular sea-floor • Both multiple reflections and diffractions are predicted • Exact 3D prediction of pure water-layer multiples and peg-legs from the receiver-side • Quasi 3D prediction of peg-legs from the the source side • 3-5 times slower than WEREM 71 - Conclusions • SRME is the method of preference for data from areas with deep seafloor, especially when a thick package of strong reflectors is present below the sea-floor • As a rule the method becomes less efficient when several orders of multiples are involved • For such data we use the wave-equation schemes, especially when the main free-surface multiples are just water-layer multiples and peg-legs • The 3D WE approach has fewer sampling problems than 3D SRME and it allows us to use different WE extrapolation schemes for different complexities of sea-floor and structure below it 72 - Thank you 73 -