Software Quality Model -- a preliminary report -- 鄢萌 刘骁 Outline 1. 软件质量 2. 软件质量模型 3. 概率质量模型 4. 主题质量模型 5. Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page2 Preface Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so. -----Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) 2015/4/8 page3 软件质量 • 软件过程质量: -- 过程质量,设计质量 -- 软件过程监控与软件过程改进(CMM/CMMI,redmine过程框架) • 软件质量: -- 满足用户的需求 -- 需求、设计及开发质量 -- 内部及外部质量(可观测) -- 设计、实现、测试及维护质量 -- 无缺陷 ,运行正确 (狭义) --与软件产品满足明确或隐含需求的能力有关的特征和特性的总和 2015/4/8 page4 软件质量模型 质量特性/特征/子特征/度量元 特征值计算方法/特征权重 软件质量模型 个体评分/特征评分/综合评分方法 2015/4/8 page5 基于源代码挖掘的软件质量模型 Level 1 质量需求特 征 建模和学习 Level 2 1 1 ,n 质量需求 子特征 Level 3 1 1 ,n 特征表示 和描述 基于源代码的软件质量评估和分析 源代码度量 特征 源代码 特征提取 现有软件质量模型 • Boehm • McCall • ISO9126 • SIG model • Squale • Sqale (sonar) 2015/4/8 page7 Boehm’s Model(Boehm, 1976) 2015/4/8 page8 McCall(US Air Force)(McCall, 1978) 2015/4/8 page9 McCall model 可维护性 灵活性 可测试性 产 品 修 正 性 可移植性 可重用性 产 可互操作性 品 转 移 性 产品运行性 正确性 完整性 rf = c1m1 + c2m2 + c3m3 + ... rf is a rating of a quality factor, f ci are the regression coefficients 2015/4/8 可靠性 有用性 有效性 m. are the various measurements f page10 ISO 9126 (1991) “软件质量”(ISO9126):软件满足规定或潜在用户需 求特性的总和。包括“内部质量”、“外部质量”和“ 使用质量”三部分。 • 外在因素:软件所提供的功能、性能、人机交互界面是否美 观、易于操作 • 内在因素:软件的设计好坏、缺陷的数目和严重程度 – – – – – – – 没有××功能(功能) 运行速度太慢(性能) 有太多的错误(缺陷) 软件不好改动(维护) 界面不美观(人机界面) 这个软件不好使用(易用性) 等等。。。。。 2015/4/8 page11 ISO 9126 2015/4/8 page12 ISO 9126 Specifying software quality for a product yet to be developed is difficult for the customer and/or supplier The customer needs to understand and communicate requirements for the product to be developed The supplier needs to understand the requirement and to assess with confidence whether it is possible to provide the product with the right level of quality ISO 9126 will serve to eliminate any misunderstanding between customer and supplier 2015/4/8 page13 ISO 9126 外部和内部质量 功能性 可靠性 易用性 效率 可维护性 可移植性 适合性 准确性 互操作性 成熟性 容错性 易恢复性 易理解性 易学性 易操作性 吸引性 时间特性 易分析性 易改变性 稳定性 易测试性 适应性 易安装性 共存性 易替换性 保密安全 性 资源利用 性 ISO 9126 does not provide sub-characteristics and metrics, nor the method for measurement, rating and assessment. 2015/4/8 page14 SIG1 model (Software Improvement Group) (2007, 2011) Ideas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Based on ISO9126 Focus on maintainability non-overlap metrics Better and worse principle Benchmark in 2011 Rating 1: <= 10% coverage Rating 2: 10% < coverage <= 60% Rating 3: 60% < coverage <= 80% Rating 4: 80% < coverage <= 95% Rating 5: coverage >95% 1. Software Improvement Group 2015/4/8 page15 SQALE(2011) • SQALE: Software Quality Assessment based on Lifecycle Expectations 2015/4/8 page16 SQALE (sonar) 2015/4/8 page17 SQALE (sonar) SQALE Quality Model Example for the Java Language 2015/4/8 page18 Outline 1. 软件质量 2. 软件质量模型 3. 概率质量模型 4. 主题质量模型 5. Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page19 Paper • Bakota T, Hegedus P, Kortvelyesi P, et al. A probabilistic software quality model[C]//Software Maintenance (ICSM), 2011 27th IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2011: 243-252. 2015/4/8 page20 Probabilistic Quality Model 存在的问题: 源代码仓库 特征/度量元 提取 现有 质量 模型 构造质量模型 概率 主题 模型 源代码底层度量元表示单一 --值或均值 上层指标计算方法的单一 --权重依据 --线性加权 创新点: 创建了一个标准数据库 从概率的角度为每层的每 个属性构造了goodness函 数 质量评估与改进 2015/4/8 page21 Overview Benchmark构建 开始 选取100 个java项 目 专家选择 度量元选择 columbus 度量元计算 构造benchmark database 与benchmark中 度量元进行比较 得到goodness 函数 计算上层特征 的goodness 验证与评估 System1 REM 构建概率质量模型 2015/4/8 page22 Probabilistic Quality Model 2015/4/8 page23 Formulation • Attribute Dependency Graph (ADG) G= (S∪A, E) S: sensor nodes A: aggregation nodes E: Edges • Goodness:how good or bad an attribute is Xu : the goodness of each node u gu : the goodness function of node u h(t) : the density functions of a system for a metric t w(t) : the weight –function of the metric t 2015/4/8 page24 Constructing goodness function (1/3) h1(t),h2(t) : the density functions of two systems for the same metric w(t) : the weight –function of the metric D(h1,h2) : h1与h2在度量元t上的差异 2015/4/8 page25 Constructing goodness function (2/3) -- w(t) : the weight–function of the metric --Set w(t)=c: all metric values matter in the same amount --Set w(t)=t: higher metrical values are worse. (e.g. McCabe’s complexity) 归一化: 2015/4/8 x →x/2· max(| max|,| min|)+0.5 [−∞,+∞] → [0,1] page26 Constructing goodness function (3/3) 第i个系统在特定的度量元上取值的随机变量: 中心极限定理: 2015/4/8 page27 Aggregation --v :each aggregate node --n :is the number of incoming edges --n :is the number of incoming edges -: the composed probability of the vote -- 2015/4/8 the goodness of the target node page28 Experiment(data) 2015/4/8 page29 Experiment(Result) 2015/4/8 page30 Evaluation(1/3) • Pearson相关系数 r X X Y Y X X Y Y 2 2 X 的离均差平方和: l XX X X Y 的离均差平方和: lYY Y Y X与Y 间的离均差积和: l XY X X Y Y lXY lXX lYY 2 2 0.8-1.0 极强相关 0.6-0.8 强相关 0.4-0.6 中等程度相关 0.2-0.4 弱相关 0.0-0.2 极弱相关或无相关 2015/4/8 page31 Evaluation(2/3) 2015/4/8 page32 Evaluation(3/3) --Averaged grades for maintainability and it’s ISO9126 attributes based on the developer’s opinion 2015/4/8 page33 Conclusion • Positive --expert knowledge --benchmark database --ISO9126 based --a probabilistic model • Negative -- weight function w(t) -- limitation of the developers -- only compare the mean values of goodness functions and the averages of the experts’ votes (distribution) 2015/4/8 page34 Outline 1. 软件质量 2. 软件质量模型 3. 概率质量模型 4. 主题质量模型 5. Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page35 Topic model in NLP -- 一个主题好比是一个“桶” -- 主题是由一“桶”有联系的单词来体现 -- 每个文档都是所有主题的概率混合 -- 每个词都与一个主题概率相关 2015/4/8 page36 Topic model in Shape semantics Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) d D z w N “face” 2015/4/8 page37 Topic model in software quality Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA) z d N D File/class 2015/4/8 w “maintainability” warning Error CBO McCabe TLLOC CC page38 Research Question 1 • 如何选择单词与主题? --based on SIG model 2015/4/8 page39 Research Question 2 • 为了得到词频矩阵,如何对单词进行量化? Practice Name Class cohesion Criteria modularity, maintainability Score class Metrics LCOM2 (lack of cohesion in methods) Mark Individual mark: – 0 if lcom2 > 100 – 1 if lcom2 > 50 – 2 if lcom2 > 0 – 3 if lcom2 <= 0 Weight soft Metadata 参考5.1.3 Company Logo Page25 Research Question 3 • 如何加入监督信息?如何解释主题模型在质量评估中的意 义? ---taged words ---labeled topic ---supervised LDA ---labeled LDA ---权重函数w(t) ---主题概率 2015/4/8 权重weight page41 Research Question 3 Correctness Reliability Efficiency Integrity Usability Maintainability Testability Flexibility Portability Reusability C Inverse R Direct E I U M T F P R Interoperability 2015/4/8 page42 Future work 1. 专家调研 2. 相关系数计算 结果评估 1. 主题概率与权重 主题应用 1. 词频矩阵构建 2. 监督信息 3. 专家知识 主题质量模型的建立 1. 围绕ISO9126 2. 以可维护性切入 3. 借鉴squale 源代码特征选择与提取 2015/4/8 page43 Outline 1. 软件质量 2. 软件质量模型 3. 概率质量模型 4. 主题质量模型 5. Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page44 Squale模型详解 Squale (Software Quality Enhancement) is an open-source platform that helps monitoring software quality for multi-language applications. It currently supports Java out-of-the-box, and can also analyse C/C++ . Squale is partially funded by the French FUI (Fonds unique interministériel ), labeled by the Systematic Paris-Region competitive cluster and supported by its FLOSS group. 2015/4/8 page45 Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page46 Squale模型详解 可以从图中看出squale模型共分为measures,pratice,critersion,factor 四 层。其中低层的若干个属性组成高层的一个属性,依次类推直到最高 层factor层。 2015/4/8 page47 Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page48 Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page49 Squale评价体系 Practice analysis • metric analysis: based on computed metrics. —— Inheritance Depth,Source comments rate • model analysis :based on model analysis. —— Encapsulation,Classes without method • rules checking :analysis based on programming rules. —— Formatting standard,Naming standard • human analysis :based on human expertise. —— Documentation quality,Code organization • dynamic analysis :based on tests analysis. —— Robustness tests,Functional limits testing 2015/4/8 page50 Squale评价体系 Practice marks Practice global marks for a project are computed, in most cases, in two steps: • Individual mark: Each element (method, class, or package in object-oriented programs) targeted by a practice is given a mark with respect to its measures. For example, the two metrics composing the comment rate practice, cyclomatic complexity and source line of code, are defined at the method level; thus a comment rate mark is computed for each method. • Global mark A global mark for the practice is computed using a weighted average of the previous individual marks. 2015/4/8 page51 Squale评价体系 Individual mark Two kinds of formulae exist for computing individual marks, namely discrete and continuous formulae. An individual mark is computed from measures in multiple ranges into a single mark in the range [0; 3]. 2015/4/8 page52 Squale评价体系 Global mark The computation of the practice mark is a two-step process. First a weighting function is applied to each individual mark: Then the inverse function: Thus the global mark for a practice is: This formula translates individual marks into a new space where low marks have significantly more weight than others. The average of the weighted marks will reflect the more important weight of the low marks. 2015/4/8 page53 Squale评价体系 2015/4/8 page54 Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page55 Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page56 Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page57 Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page58 Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page59 Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page60 Squale模型详解 2015/4/8 page61