
Chapter 5
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Definitions and Examples
• A language can be generated by a CFG if and only if it
can be accepted by a pushdown automaton
• A pushdown automaton is similar to a FA but has an
auxiliary memory in the form of a stack
• Pushdown automata are, by default,
nondeterministic. Unlike FA’s, the nondeterminism
cannot always be removed
Introduction to Computation
Definitions and Examples (cont’d.)
• We’ll start with a simple example, the language
AnBn = {anbn | n  0}
– This is not a regular language, but it is context-free
• In processing the first part of an input string that
might be in AnBn, all we need to remember is the
number of a’s
– Saving the actual a’s is a simple way to do this
– So, the PDA will start by reading a’s and pushing them
onto the stack
Introduction to Computation
Definitions and Examples (cont’d.)
• As soon as the PDA reads a b, two things should happen
– It enters a new state in which only b’s are legal inputs
– It pops one a off the stack to cancel this b
• In the new state, the correct move on the input symbol b
is to pop an a off the stack to cancel it. Once enough b’s
have been read to cancel the a’s on the stack, the string
read so far is accepted
• The stack has no limit to its size, so the PDA can handle
anything in AnBn
Introduction to Computation
Definitions and Examples (cont’d.)
• A single move of a PDA will depend on the current
state, the next input, and the symbol currently on top
of the stack (the only one the PDA can see)
• In the move, the PDA is allowed to change states and
to modify the top of the stack. In many stack
applications, the only legal stack moves are to push a
symbol on and to pop one off; here, to make things a
little simpler, we will allow the PDA to replace the top
symbol X by a string  of stack symbols
• Special cases are pushing a symbol Y (replacing X by YX)
and popping X (replacing X by )
Introduction to Computation
Definitions and Examples (cont’d.)
• Definition 5.1: A pushdown automaton is a 7-tuple
M = (Q, , , q0, Z0, A, ), where:
Q is a finite set of states
The input and stack alphabets  and  are finite sets
q0  Q is the initial state
Z0   is the initial stack symbol
A  Q is the set of accepting states
The transition function is  : Q  (  {})   
the set of finite subsets of Q  *
• Because values of  are sets, M may be nondeterministic
• A move requires that there be at least one symbol on the
stack. Z0 is the one on the stack initially
Introduction to Computation
Definitions and Examples (cont’d.)
• A configuration of a PDA is a triple (q, x, )
– q  Q is the current state
– x  * is the portion of the input string that has not yet
been read
– The contents of the stack is   * (the convention will
be that the top corresponds to the leftmost symbol)
• We write (p, x, ) ⊢M (q, y, ) to mean that one of the
possible moves in the first configuration takes M to
the second
– ⊢Mn and ⊢M* refer to n moves and zero or more moves
Introduction to Computation
Definitions and Examples (cont’d.)
• Definition 5.2: If M = (Q, , , q0, Z0, A, ) and x  *,
the string x is accepted by M if (q0, x, Z0) ⊢M* (q, , )
for some   * and some q  A
– A language L is said to be accepted by M if L is
precisely the set of strings accepted by M
– Sometimes a string accepted by M is said to be
accepted by final state, because acceptance does not
depend on the final stack contents at all
Introduction to Computation
Definitions and Examples (cont’d.)
• A PDA for AnBn is M = (Q, , , q0, Z0, A, ) where
Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3}, A = {q0, q3}, and the transitions are
shown in this table:
Move #
Stack top Move(s)
(q1, aZ0)
(q1, aa)
(q2, )
(q2, )
(q3, Z0)
all other combinations
Introduction to Computation
Definitions and Examples (cont’d.)
• The moves that M makes as it processes the
string aabb are shown below:
(q0, aabb, Z0) ⊢ (q1, abb, aZ0)
⊢ (q1, bb, aaZ0)
⊢ (q2, b, aZ0)
⊢ (q2, , Z0)
⊢ (q3, , Z0)
• M is deterministic, because it never has a choice
of moves
Deterministic Pushdown Automata
• Definition 5.10: A pushdown automaton
M = (Q, , , q0, Z0, A, ) is deterministic if it satisfies
both of the following conditions:
– For every q  Q, every  in   {}, and every X  ,
the set (q, , X) has at most one element
– For every q  Q, every   , and every X  , the two
sets (q, , X) and (q, , X) cannot both be nonempty
• A language L is a deterministic context-free language
(DCFL) if there is a deterministic PDA (DPDA)
accepting L
Introduction to Computation
Deterministic Pushdown Automata
• One example is the previous PDA accepting AnBn
• Another example: the language of balanced strings of
– Two states q0 and q1, where q0 is the accepting state
– Input symbols are ‘[‘ and ‘]’
– Stack symbols are the input symbols plus Z0
Introduction to Computation
Deterministic Pushdown Automata
• The transition table for a PDA accepting the language
of balanced strings of brackets
Move #
Stack top Move
(q1, [Z0)
(q1, [[)
(q1, )
(q0, Z0)
(all other combinations)
Introduction to Computation
Deterministic Pushdown Automata
• The language Pal of palindromes over {a,b} can be
accepted by a PDA M that saves symbols on the stack
until it “guesses” that it has reached the middle of the
string, then cancels stack symbols with input
symbols. Guessing implies nondeterminism
• The initial state of M, in which it stays while it is
processing the first half of the string, is q0
• The state it enters when it is ready to begin the
second half is q1, and the accepting state is q2
Introduction to Computation
Deterministic Pushdown Automata
• Two typical lines from the transition table are
– (q0, a, Z0) = {(q0, aZ0), (q1, Z0)}
– (q0, a, b) = {(q0, ab), (q1, b)}
• In both lines, the first move is the right one if the input
symbol a is still in the first half of the string.
• The second move is the right one if the a is the middle
symbol in an (odd-length) palindrome
• M decides which move to make by guessing. The other
guess it can make is that it has reached the middle of an
even-length palindrome. In this case, M enters q1 by a
-transition; for example, (q0, , b) = {(q1, b)}
Introduction to Computation
Deterministic Pushdown Automata
• Here are the moves by which the palindromes aba
and aa are accepted:
(q0, aba, Z0) ⊢ (q0, ba, aZ0) ⊢ (q1, a, aZ0) ⊢ (q1, , Z0)
⊢ (q2, , Z0)
(q0, aa, Z0) ⊢ (q0, a, aZ0) ⊢ (q1, a, aZ0) ⊢ (q1, , Z0)
⊢ (q2, , Z0)
• The only nondeterminism is in the transition from
q0 to q1; once M makes the transition, only two
strings can be accepted: the even-length string whose
second half is the reverse of the string read so far,
and the odd-length string whose second half is the
reverse of the string read before the previous symbol
Introduction to Computation
Deterministic Pushdown Automata
• Theorem 5.16: The language Pal cannot be accepted
by a DPDA (i.e., cannot be accepted without guessing)
• Proof sketch: suppose, for the sake of contradiction,
that M is a DPDA that accepts Pal
– We can modify M if necessary so that every move
is either of the form (p, , X) = {(q, )} or
(p, , X) = {(q, X)}
– Observe that M must read every string in its
entirety, because every string x is a prefix of the
palindrome xxr
Introduction to Computation
Deterministic Pushdown Automata
• The idea of the proof is to find two different strings r
and s such that for every suffix z, M treats both rz and
sz the same way
– This will produce a contradiction, because for every r
and s with r ≠ s, r and s are distinguishable w.r.t. Pal
• Definition: For every string x, there is a string yx such
that of all strings xy, xyx is one resulting in a
configuration with minimum stack height
– This means that if x represents the stack contents
when xyx has been processed, no symbols of x are
ever removed in further processing
Introduction to Computation
Deterministic Pushdown Automata
• Now choose the strings r and s
– There are infinitely many different strings xyx
– Therefore, because there are only a finite number of
combinations of state and stack symbol, there must be
two different strings r = uyu and s = vyv so that the
configurations resulting from M’s processing r and s
have both the same state and the same top stack
– M won’t be able to tell the difference between these
– Therefore, for every z, the results of processing rz and
sz must be the same
Introduction to Computation
A PDA from a Given CFG
• We’ll examine two ways of constructing a PDA from
an arbitrary CFG
– In both cases the PDA will be nondeterministic
• In both approaches, the PDA attempts to simulate a
derivation in the grammar, using the stack to hold
portions of the current string
– The PDA terminates the computation if it finds that the
derivation-in-progress is not consistent with the input
– It attempts to construct a derivation tree from the
input string
Introduction to Computation
A PDA from a Given CFG (cont’d.)
• The two approaches are top-down and bottom-up,
which refer to the way the tree is constructed
– We’ll describe for each one the PDA obtained from the
grammar and indicate why it accepts the language
• The top-down PDA:
– Begins by placing the start symbol of the grammar on
the stack
– From this point, each step in the construction of the
derivation tree consists of replacing a variable A that is
currently on top of the stack by the right side of a
grammar production A  
Introduction to Computation
A PDA from a Given CFG (cont’d.)
• The top-down PDA: (cont’d.)
– This step corresponds to building the portion of the
tree containing that variable-node and its children
– The intermediate moves of the PDA are to remove
terminal symbols from the stack as they are produced
and match them with input symbols
– To the extent that they continue to match, the
derivation being simulated is consistent with the input
– Because the variable replaced in each step is the
leftmost one, we are simulating a leftmost derivation
Introduction to Computation
A PDA from a Given CFG (cont’d.)
• Definition 5.17: Let G = (V, , S, P) be a CFG
– The nondeterministic top-down PDA corresponding to
G is NT(G)=(Q, , , q0, Z0, A, ), defined as follows:
• Q = {q0, q1, q2}, A = {q2},  = V ∪  ∪ {Z0}
• The initial move is (q0, , Z0) = {(q1, SZ0)}
• The only move to the accepting state is
(q1, , Z0) = {(q2, Z0)}
• The moves from q1 are the following:
– For every A  V, (q1, , A) = {(q1, ) | A    P}
– For every   , (q1, , ) = {(q1, )}
Introduction to Computation
A PDA from a Given CFG (cont’d.)
• After the initial move, before the final move, the PDA
remains in state q1
– The only moves are to replace a variable with the right
side of a production and to match a terminal symbol
on the stack with an input symbol and discard both
• Theorem 5.18: If G is a CFG, then the
nondeterministic top-down PDA NT(G) accepts the
language L(G)
– Proof: see book
Introduction to Computation
A PDA from a Given CFG (cont’d.)
• The bottom-up PDA:
– The tree is constructed from the bottom up
– The PDA simulates the reverse of a derivation starting
with the last move and ending with the first
– Another thing that’s reversed is the order in which we
read the symbols on the stack when doing a
“reduction”: the reduction corresponding to A   is
performed when the string r appears on the top of the
stack; it is replaced by A.
– The simulated derivation is a rightmost derivation
Introduction to Computation
A PDA from a Given CFG (cont’d.)
• Definition 5.22: Let G=(V, , S, P) be a CFG
– The nondeterministic bottom-up PDA corresponding to
G is NB(G)=(Q, , , q0, Z0, A, ), defined as follows:
• For every    and every X  , (q0, , X)={(q0, X)},
the shift moves
• For every production B  , and every nonnull string
  *, (q0, , r ) ⊢* (q0, B ), where this reduction is a
sequence of one or more moves in which, if there is more
than one, the intermediate configurations involve other
states that are specific to this sequence and appear in no
other moves of NB(G)
• (q1, )  (q0, , S) and (q1, , Z0)={(q2, Z0)}
Introduction to Computation
A PDA from a Given CFG (cont’d.)
• Theorem 5.23: If G is a CFG, then the nondeterministic bottom-up PDA NB(G) accepts L(G)
– Proof: see book
Introduction to Computation
A CFG from a Given PDA
• Definition 5.27: If M is a PDA with input alphabet ,
initial state q1, and initial stack symbol Z1, then M
accepts a language L by empty stack if L = Le(M),
where Le(M) = {x  * | (q1, x, Z1) ⊢ * (q, , )}
• Theorem 5.28: If M = (Q, , , q0, Z0, A, ) is a PDA,
then there is another PDA M1 such that Le(M1) = L(M)
– Proof: see book
Introduction to Computation
A CFG from a Given PDA (cont’d.)
• Theorem 5.29: If M=(Q, , , q0, Z0, A, ) is a PDA
accepting L by empty stack, then there is a CFG G
such that L = L(G)
Introduction to Computation
A CFG from a Given PDA (cont’d.)
• Proof: define G=(V, , S, P) as follows:
– V contains S and all possible variables of the form
[p, A, q], where A   and p, q  Q. P contains:
• For every q  Q, the production S  [q0, Z0, q]
• For every q, q1 Q, every     {}, and every A  ,
if (q, , A) contains (q1, ) then [q, A, q1]   is in P
• For every q, q1 Q, every     {}, every A  , and
every m  1, if (q, , A) contains (q1, B1B2…Bm) for
some B1, B2, … , Bm in , then for every choice of
q2, q3, .. , qm+1  Q, the production
[q, A, qm+1] [q1, B1, q2][q2, B2, 3]…[qm, Bm, qm+1] is in P
– See book for details
Introduction to Computation
• To parse a string relative to a CFG G means to
determine an appropriate derivation for the string, or
to determine that there is none
• Parsing a sentence is necessary to understand it
• We can sometimes eliminate the nondeterminism
from our top-down or bottom-up PDAs, yielding a
rudimentary parser
• This isn’t always possible, and even if it is, the
process is not always easy
Introduction to Computation
Parsing (cont’d.)
• Consider the CFG with rules S  [S] | SS | 
– The way we have formulated the top-down PDA
involves inherent nondeterminism
– Each time a variable appears on top of the stack, the
machine replaces it by the right side of a production
– These moves depend only on the variable; they are
-transitions and are chosen nondeterministically
– The natural approach to eliminating the
nondeterminism is to consider whether consulting the
next input symbol would allow the PDA to choose
Introduction to Computation
Parsing (cont’d.)
• The first few moves made for the input string [[][]]
are enough to show that this is not enough:
(q0, [[][]], Z0)
⊢ (q1, [[][]], SZ0)
⊢ (q1, [[][]], [S]Z0)
⊢ (q1, [][]], S]Z0)
⊢ (q1, [][]], SS]Z0)
 [S]
 [SS]
• In lines 2 and 4, S is on top of the stack and the next
symbol is a left parenthesis, but S is replaced by
different strings in these two places
Introduction to Computation
Parsing (cont’d.)
• We might have predicted this; not only is the
grammar ambiguous, but there are more productions
than there are terminal symbols for the right sides to
start with.
• Let’s try a different grammar for the language:
S  [S]S | 
– This is unambiguous and generates the same language
– In the non-deterministic top-down PDA NT(G), with
the input string [], there is still a problem, but it is not
as serious
Introduction to Computation
Parsing (cont’d.)
• The derivation goes as follows:
1. (q0, [], Z0)
2. ⊢ (q1, [], SZ0)
3. ⊢ (q1, [], [S]SZ0)
4. ⊢ (q1, ], S]SZ0)
5. ⊢ (q1, ], ]SZ0)
6. ⊢ (q1, , SZ0)
7. ⊢ (q1, , Z0)
 [S]S
 []S
 []
• During these moves, there are three times when S is
the top stack symbol
Introduction to Computation
Parsing (cont’d.)
• The first two are fine; if the input symbol is [, then
replace S by [S]S, and if it is ], then replace S by 
• Unfortunately, S is also replaced by  at the end of
the computation
– The PDA must make a -transition in this case, and if it
can choose to do this, then it’s not deterministic
• A similar problem arises for many CFGs and there is a
common solution
– We introduce an end-marker $ into the alphabet, use
it only to mark the end of the input, and change the
language (and the CFG) slightly
Introduction to Computation
Parsing (cont’d.)
• Our new CFG G has the productions S  S1$ and
S1  [S1]S1 | 
• The corresponding transition table for NT(G) is:
Move #
Stack top
(q1, SZ0)
(q1, S1$)
2 choices
(q1, )
(q1, )
(q1, )
(q2, )
Introduction to Computation
Parsing (cont’d.)
• The only non-determinism is in line 3, which allows
both the moves (q1, [S1]S1) and (q1, )
• We can fix this by replacing line 3 with these 6 lines:
Stack top
(q1,[, [S1]S1)
(q1, )
(q1,], )
(q1, )
(q1,$, )
(q1, )
Introduction to Computation
Parsing (cont’d.)
• The resulting PDA is clearly deterministic
• To check that it is equivalent to the original it suffices
to verify that our assumptions about the correct
-transition made by NT(G1) in each case where S1 is
on the stack are correct
• See book for details
• In some simple grammars, we can do something
similar to eliminate nondeterminism from the
bottom-up PDA NB(G)
Introduction to Computation