OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 OCR Examinations A Level Physical Education A 7875 Module 2565 : Option B1 part 2 Biomechanical Analysis of Human Movement Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.1 INDEX Index OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - IMPULSE - IMPULSE - FOLLOW THROUGH - IMPULSE - FORCE TIME GRAPHS - IMPULSE - CALCULATION OF VELOCITY OF STRUCK BALL - WORK AND ENERGY - WORK - WORK AND ENERGY - ENERGY - APPLICATIONS OF WORK FORMULA WORK FORMULA APPLIED TO THROWS 10 - APPLICATIONS OF WORK FORMULA 11 - APPLICATIONS OF WORK FORMULA BOB SLEIGH START 12 - POWER 13 - PROJECTILES - PROJECTILES AND YOUR PPP 14 - RELEASE 15 - FLIGHT 16 - FLIGHT - WEIGHT 17 - FLIGHT - RELATIVE SIZE OF FORCES 18 - FLIGHT - LARGE AIR RESISTANCE 19 - FLIGHT - THE BERNOULLI EFFECT 20 - FLIGHT AND LIFT - LIFT FORCES 21 - SPIN - THE MAGNUS EFFECT 22 - BOUNCING BALLS WITH SPIN 23 - CENTRE OF MASS - WHERE IS THE CENTRE OF MASS? 24 - BALANCE and TOPPLING 25 - CENTRE OF MASS - GENERATION OF ROTATION FORCE ACTING AT TAKE-OFF THROUGH CoM 26 - CENTRE OF MASS - GENERATION OF ROTATION FORCE ACTING AT TAKE-OFF NOT THROUGH CoM Previous Next 27 - LEVERS 28 - CLASSIFICATION OF LEVERS 29 - EFFICIENCY OF LEVERS 30 - MOMENT OF FORCE - TORQUE - PRINCIPLE of MOMENTS 31 - CALCULATION OF EFFORT IN MUSCLE FORCE IN TRICEPS MUSCLE a worked example 32 - PRINCIPAL AXES OF ROTATION - BODY PLANES & AXES 33 - BODY PLANES FOR MOVEMENT 34 - ANGULAR MOTION - TORQUE MOMENT OF FORCE / TORQUE / COUPLE 35 - ANGULAR MOTION - ANALOGUES OF NEWTON’s LAWS 36 - ANGLE - ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT 37 - ANGULAR VELOCITY 38 - ANGULAR ACCELERATION 39 - MOMENT OF INERTIA 40 - MOMENT OF INERTIA 41 - MOMENT OF INERTIA - The SPRINTER’S LEG 42 - CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM ANGULAR MOMENTUM CONSERVATION of ANGULAR MOMENTUM 43 - CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM - EXAMPLES THE SPINNING SKATER / THE TUMBLING GYMNAST 44 - CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM - EXAMPLES DANCER - SPIN JUMP / THE SLALOM 45 - CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM - EXAMPLES THE LONG JUMPER - BEFORE TAKE-OFF Module 2565 B1.2.2 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Impulse IMPULSE IMPULSE • another concept derived from Newton's second law • • • impulse = total change of momentum = force x time useful when large forces are applied for short times • examples of use of impulse : – fielder catching a hard cricket ball – bat, racquet, stick, golf club striking a ball – footballer kicking a ball Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.3 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Impulse IMPULSE IMPULSE • = force x time • when a bat strikes a ball, a large force is applied to the ball for a short time • follow through when striking a ball : – increases time of contact – therefore increases impulse – therefore increases final momentum (and hence the speed) of struck ball • the – – – – turn in the discus throw increases the time over which force is applied therefore increases the impulse and increases the final momentum of the discus hence increases the speed of release and the distance thrown Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.4 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Impulse IMPULSE FORCE TIME GRAPHS • the area under this graph is the impulse • • the graph below represents the force time graph for the force between foot and ground during a foot strike when sprinting the bigger the area – the bigger the impulse – and the greater the change of momentum of the runner – the greater the acceleration Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.5 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Impulse IMPULSE CALCULATION OF VELOCITY OF STRUCK BALL • estimate the area under the force time graph • this is the impulse, I = Ft • and I = change of momentum of the ball, = D mv • • • Previous divide by the mass of the ball gives you the change in velocity of the ball, = D v subtract incoming velocity (= - u) (remember to make it negative if ball travels towards the bat) final velocity v = D v - (- u) Next Module 2565 B1.2.6 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Work and Power WORK AND ENERGY WORK • is the scientific form of mechanical energy • work = force x distance moved in direction of force • unit the joule J • example : – work done on a cycle ergometer – work = force x distance moved – force = weight hung from wheel in Newtons (the weight will be 10 N per kg mass) – distance = circumference of wheel x number of revolutions of wheel – answer in joules Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.7 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Work and Power WORK AND ENERGY ENERGY • work is the same thing as energy • work is the energy used for exerting forces (i.e. mechanical energy) • energy for physical activity comes from chemical fuel foods • the chemical reaction which converts this energy into work is a complex biochemical / physiological process involving ATP, glucose, and oxygen • kinetic energy (KE) is energy due to movement Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.8 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Work and Power APPLICATIONS OF WORK FORMULA WORK FORMULA APPLIED TO THROWS • work = force x distance • this work is provided by energy converted from food fuel in the body • the throwing action converts this work into kinetic energy (KE = energy of movement) of the thrown object • therefore to maximise this KE, the thrower must maximise : – the force applied to the implement throughout the throw – by doing strength training – and the distance over which the force is applied – by learning the technique of the throw – and doing flexibility training Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.9 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Work and Power APPLICATIONS OF WORK FORMULA FORCE DISTANCE GRAPH • work = force x distance • the area under the force time graph is equal to the work done by the force over the distance • in the case of the thrower this work is converted into kinetic energy (KE) • the formula for KE = 1 m v2 2 this formula enables you to work out the release velocity of the thrown implement • Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.10 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Work and Power APPLICATIONS OF WORK FORMULA BOB SLEIGH START • the work formula is relevant • because force is applied over a distance • the work done by the pushers is converted into kinetic energy of the sleigh + bobsleighmen • work = force x distance • therefore maximum possible force has to be exerted over the maximum possible distance during the shove Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.11 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Work and Power POWER POWER • = rate of doing work = rate of using energy = work done or energy used time taken • unit the watt W • • power = force x speed (another definition) a powerful sportsperson can apply force at speed • example : to find a person's power running upstairs – he exerts a force = weight of person – through a distance = height moved – work = weight (N) x height (m) (ans J) = potential energy gained by person – power = work (ans W) time taken to run upstairs Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.12 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Projectile Motion PROJECTILES PROJECTILES • the motion of objects in flight – human bodies – shot / discus / javelin / hammer – soccer / rugby / cricket tennis / golf balls PROJECTILES AND YOUR PPP • you should include an analysis of any relevant projectile motion in your chosen sports in your PPP • • is governed by the forces acting – weight – air resistance – Magnus effect – aerodynamic lift • and the direction of motion Previous Next include analysis of – release conditions – forces likely to be acting – spin – flight pattern or path Module 2565 B1.2.13 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Projectile Motion RELEASE angle of release height of release DISTANCE TRAVELLED BY PROJECTILE speed of release Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.14 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Projectile Motion FLIGHT air resistance weight FORCES ACTING Magnus aerodynamic lift effect Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.15 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Projectile Motion FLIGHT WEIGHT • weight will always act on a body in flight • the amount to which weight is a predominant force acting governs the shape of the flight path • if weight were the only force acting then the shape of the flight path would be a parabola • some flight paths are similar to this – shot / hammer – human body in jumps / tumbles / dives Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.16 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Projectile Motion FLIGHT RELATIVE SIZE OF FORCES • the faster the projectile travels the greater will be air resistance • aerodynamic lift applies to – thrown objects with a wing shape profile – javelin / discus / rugby ball / American football / frisbee • the Magnus effect applies to spinning balls • if the shapes of the flight path differ from a parabola then some combination of these forces must be relatively large compared with the weight Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.17 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Projectile Motion FLIGHT LARGE AIR RESISTANCE • example : – badminton shuttle struck hard – the air resistance is very large compared with the weight – the resultant force is very close to the air resistance • the shuttle would slow down rapidly over the first part of the flight Previous • later in the flight of a badminton shuttle : – now the air resistance is much less – and comparable with the weight • This pattern of the resultant force changing markedly during the flight predicts a markedly asymmetric path • Next Module 2565 B1.2.18 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Projectile Motion FLIGHT - THE BERNOULLI EFFECT BERNOULLI EFFECT • is the effect that enables aerofoils to fly • • • • • as layers of air flow past the wing the layers under the wing flow further and faster than those over the top of the wing caused by reduction in pressure on a surface across which a fluid moves the greater the speed, the bigger the pressure difference, the greater the force this – – – effect is used in sport : inverted wings on racing cars create down-force which then increases friction for cornering • • Previous Next this causes reduced pressure under the wing and hence a downward force Module 2565 B1.2.19 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Projectile Motion FLIGHT AND LIFT LIFT FORCES • these forces are caused by bulk displacement of fluid and are similar to air resistance • a wing shaped object moves through the air – discus – ski jumper • • • as it moves forward and falls through the air, it pushes aside the air creating a higher pressure underneath the object and a lower pressure over the top of the object • and creates a lift force • this force is similar to the force which enables a stone to skip over the surface of water Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.20 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Projectile Motion SPIN THE MAGNUS EFFECT • this is the Bernoulli effect applied to spinning (swerving) balls • the spin takes more layers of air the long way round the ball • this means that the air travels faster round this part of the ball • • therefore there is a reduction in pressure on this side of the ball this causes the Magnus effect force as shown • the direction of swerve of spinning ball is therefore in the same sense as the direction of spin • • • • back spin - soar top spin - dip side spin - slice and hook soccer free-kicks - swerving Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.21 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Projectile Motion BOUNCING BALLS WITH SPIN BOUNCING BALLS • as a ball bounces there is friction between the lowest point of the ball and the ground • if the ball is spinning, this friction can be increased or reduced • a ball with back spin will have increased backwards friction with the ground which will cause the ball to bounce backwards form its normal path • a ball with top spin will have friction driving forwards on the ball - making the ball travel forward of its normal path Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.22 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Centre of Mass CENTRE OF MASS CENTRE of MASS (CoM) • this is the single point in a body which represents all the spread out mass of a body • the weight acts at the CoM since gravity acts on mass to produce weight WHERE IS THE CENTRE OF MASS? • position of centre of mass depends on shape of body • this is how the high jumper can have his CoM pass under the bar • but he could still clear the bar Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.23 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Centre of Mass BALANCE and TOPPLING BALANCE • to keep on balance the CoM must be over the base of support Previous TOPPLING • the CoM must be over the base of support if a person is to be on balance • toppling would be caused by the weight acting at the CoM creating a moment about the near edge of the base of support • this can be used by divers or gymnasts to initiate a controlled spinning (twisting) fall and lead into somersaults or twists Next Module 2565 B1.2.24 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Centre of Mass CENTRE OF MASS - GENERATION OF ROTATION FORCE ACTING AT TAKE-OFF THROUGH CoM • the line of action of a force on a jumper before take-off determines whether or not he rotates in the air after take off • if a force acts directly through the centre of mass of an object, then linear acceleration will occur (Newton's second law), no turning or rotating • example : – basketballer : force acts through CoM therefore jumper does not rotate in air Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.25 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Centre of Mass CENTRE OF MASS - GENERATION OF ROTATION FORCE ACTING AT TAKE-OFF NOT THROUGH CoM • a force which acts eccentrically to the centre of mass of a body will cause the body to begin to rotate (will initiate angular acceleration) • this is because the force will have a moment about the CoM and will cause turning • example : – high jumper : force acts to one side of CoM therefore jumper turns in air Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.26 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Body Levers LEVERS class 1 effort in muscle E-P-L class 2 JOINTS AS LEVERS pivot at joint load is force applied E-L-P class 3 L-E-P LEVERS • levers have an pivot (fulcrum), effort and load • and are a means of applying forces at a distance from the source of the force Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.27 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Body Levers CLASSIFICATION OF LEVERS CLASSIFICATION OF LEVERS • • • class 1 lever : pivot between effort and load see-saw lever found rarely in the body example : triceps / elbow • • • class 2 lever : load between pivot and effort wheelbarrow lever, load bigger than effort example : calf muscle / ankle • • • Previous class 3 lever : effort between pivot and load mechanical disadvantage, effort bigger than load, most common system found in body example : quads / knee and biceps / elbow Next Module 2565 B1.2.28 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Body Levers EFFICIENCY OF LEVERS angle between effort and lever arm EFFICIENCY OF LEVERS length of lever arm distance between effort and fulcrum Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.29 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Moment of Force MOMENT OF FORCE - TORQUE MOMENT of a FORCE (TORQUE) PRINCIPLE of MOMENTS • • • • • • • moment = force x distance from pivot to line of action of force unit newton metre Nm example : – moment = F x d – d measured at right angles to F Previous Next this law applies when a lever is balanced (When the arms of the lever are not accelerating) moments tend to turn a lever arm : – clockwise (CW) – or anticlockwise (ACW) anticlockwise moment = clockwise moment Module 2565 B1.2.30 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Moment of Force CALCULATION OF EFFORT IN MUSCLE FORCE IN TRICEPS MUSCLE a worked example • • • • • • • • • load (weight in hand is 20 kg) = 20 x 10 (each kg weighs 10 N) = 200 N distance of load to pivot (hand to elbow joint) = 0.3 m anticlockwise moment (of load) = 200 x 0.3 = 60 Nm distance of effort from pivot (triceps muscle insertion to elbow joint) = 0.02 m clockwise moment (of effort) = effort x 0.02 ACW moment = CW moment 60 Nm = effort x 0.02 therefore effort = 60 0.02 effort = force in triceps muscle = 3000 N Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.31 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Principal Axes of Rotation PRINCIPAL AXES OF ROTATION BODY PLANES & AXES • plane - an imaginary flat surface through the body • axis of rotation - an imaginary line about which the body rotates or spins, at right angles to the plane • vertical / longitudinal axis (V) - whole body movements - twisting / turning, spinning skater / discus / hammer / ski turns • frontal axis (F) - whole body movements include somersaults, pole vault take off, sprinting • sagittal / transverse axis (S) - whole body movements include cartwheel Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.32 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Principal Axes of Rotation BODY PLANES FOR MOVEMENT PLANES : • frontal • • sagittal - divides the body into left and right sections : flexion, extension, dorsiflexion plantarflexion - whole body movements include somersaults, pole vault take off, sprinting transverse - divides the body into upper and lower sections : medial / lateral rotation, supination, pronation - whole body movements - twisting / turning, spinning skater / discus / hammer / ski turns • • • • - divides body into front and back sections : abduction, adduction, lateral flexion - whole body movements include cartwheel as a student you will have to identify the major planes and axes in physical activity Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.33 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Angular Motion ANGULAR MOTION - TORQUE MOMENT OF FORCE TORQUE COUPLE • these are all terms which describe the turning effect produced by a force • when it acts eccentrically (to one side of) to an axis of rotation • moment = F x d • such a moment would cause rotation / turning Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.34 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Angular Motion ANGULAR MOTION ANALOGUES OF NEWTON’s LAWS NEWTON’s 1ST LAW • rate of spinning will remain the same provided no torque acts • strictly - angular momentum remains the same (is conserved) • see later for explanation of angular momentum NEWTON’s 2ND LAW • if a torque acts on a spinning system then this will change the angular velocity of the system • the rate of spinning will speed up or slow down NEWTON’s 3RD LAW • if a torque acts from one body onto another • then the first experiences an equal and opposite torque in the opposite direction Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.35 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Angular Motion - Measurements ANGLE - ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT ANGLE (ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT) • to be scientifically correct angle should not be measured in degrees, but in RADIANS (r) • angle • 360 – – – and • Previous = arc length = l radius of arc r degrees = 180o = 90o = 30o = so on (see 2 x p radians = 6.28 radians pr = 3.14 r 1/2 p r = 1.57 r 1/6 p r = 0.52 r maths text book for more) Next Module 2565 B1.2.36 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Angular Motion - Measurements ANGULAR VELOCITY ANGULAR VELOCITY • = angle turned through per second w = angle turned through = q time taken t w = Greek letter omega • • • • this is rate of spin, most easily understood as revolutions per second (revs per sec) revs per sec would have to be converted to the unit radians per second (rs-1) for calculations 1 rev per second = 2 x p = 6.28 rs-1 rates of spin apply to : – tumbling gymnasts – trampolinists (piked straight and tucked somersaults) – discus and hammer throwers – spinning skaters – skiers turning and twisting between slalom gates Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.37 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Angular Motion - Measurements ANGULAR ACCELERATION ANGULAR ACCELERATION • rate of change of angular velocity • • • • • Previous angular acceleration = change of angular velocity time taken A = w2 - w1 t note similarity of formula with linear motion used when rates of spin increase or decrease example : – hammer thrower Next Module 2565 B1.2.38 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Angular Motion - Moment of Inertia MOMENT OF INERTIA MOMENT OF INERTIA (MI) • the equivalent of mass for rotating systems • rotational inertia • objects rotating with large MI require large moments of forces / torque to change their angular velocity • objects with small MI require small moments of force / torque to change their angular velocity or w • MI depends on the spread of mass away from the axis of spin, hence body shape the more spread out the mass, the bigger the MI • • Previous unit kilogramme metre squared Next kgm2 Module 2565 B1.2.39 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Angular Motion - Moment of Inertia MOMENT OF INERTIA MOMENT OF INERTIA (MI) • MI = SMr2 • MI depends on the spread of mass away from the axis of spin, hence body shape • the more spread out the mass, the bigger the MI • • bodies with arms held out wide have large MI the further the mass is away from the axis of rotation increases the MI dramatically • • • sportspeople use this to control all spinning or turning movements pikes and tucks are good examples of use of MI, both reduce MI in the diagram, I is the MI for the left most pin man, and I has a value of about 1 kgm2 for an average person Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.40 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Angular Motion - Moment of Inertia MOMENT OF INERTIA The SPRINTER’S LEG • when the leg is straight, the leg has high MI about hip as axis • therefore requires large force / torque in groin muscle to swing leg • • • • on the other hand when fully bent the leg has low MI therefore requires low force / torque in groin muscle to swing leg so a sprinter tends to bring the leg through as bent as possible (heel as close to backside as possible) this is easier and faster the more bent the leg Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.41 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Conservation of Angular Momentum CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM ANGULAR MOMENTUM (H) • angular momentum = moment of inertia x angular velocity = rotational inertia x rate of spin • H = Ix w CONSERVATION of ANGULAR MOMENTUM • this is a law of the universe which says that angular momentum of a spinning body remains the same (provided no external forces act) • a body which is spinning / twisting / tumbling will keep its value of H once the movement has started • • • therefore if MI (I) changes by changing body shape then w must also change to keep angular momentum (H) the same if MI (I) increases (body spread out more) then w must decrease (rate of spin gets less) • strictly, this is only exactly true if the body has no contact with its surroundings, as for example a high diver doing piked or tucked somersaults in the air but it is almost true for the spinning skater ! • Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.42 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Conservation of Angular Momentum CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM - EXAMPLES THE SPINNING SKATER • arms wide - MI large - spin slowly • arms narrow - MI small - spin quickly THE TUMBLING GYMNAST • body position open - MI large - spin slowly • body position tucked - MI small - spin quickly Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.43 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Conservation of Angular Momentum CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM - EXAMPLES DANCER - SPIN JUMP • the movement is initiated with arms held wide - highest possible MI • once she has taken off, angular momentum is conserved • flight shape has arms tucked across chest - lowest possible MI • therefore highest possible rate of spin THE SLALOM SKIER • slalom skier crouches on approach to gate therefore with large turning MI • as he / she passes the gate he / she stands straight up (reducing MI) • so turns rapidly past the gate, then crouches again (increasing MI) • to resume slow turn between gates Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.44 OCR A Level Physical Education A 7875 Conservation of Angular Momentum CONSERVATION OF ANGULAR MOMENTUM - EXAMPLES THE LONG JUMPER BEFORE TAKE-OFF • the jumper has an upward reaction force acting on his / her take-off foot • which acts eccentrically to the CoM • and therefore causes clockwise rotation of the jumper’s body after take-off AFTER TAKE-OFF • the jumper would rotate forwards and land on his / her face • unless he / she could minimise the rate of rotation • • this is done by making the MI as big as possible as in the hang or sail technique Previous Next Module 2565 B1.2.45