Circular flow of signed graphs Xuding Zhu Zhejiang Normal University 2013.7 Budapest G: a graph A circulation on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, G: a graph 1 2 1 1 1 An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, 0 R 1 2 3 A circulation on G 1 2 G: a graph y -1 x 2 1 1 1 An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, 0 R 1 2 3 A circulation on G 1 2 G: a graph y 1 x 2 1 1 1 An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, 0 R 1 2 3 A circulation on G 1 2 G: a graph 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 3 A circulation on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, 1 1 2 2 2 1 The boundary of f f : V R f (v) eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) f (v) f (e) f (e) 0. vV eE If f 0, then f is a flow eE 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 3 A circulation on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, 1 1 2 2 2 1 The boundary of f f (v) : V R f (v) eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) f (v) f (e) f (e) 0. vV eE If f 0, then f is a flow eE A Γ flow 1 : an abelian group 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 3 A circulation on G AΓ An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, 1 1 2 2 2 1 The boundary of f f (v) : V R f (v) eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) If f 0, then f is a flow 1 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 3 A circulation on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, 1 1 2 2 2 1 The boundary of f f (v) : V R f (v) eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) If f 0, then f is a flow 1 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 0 3 A circulation on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, 2 1 2 0 1 0 The boundary of f f (v) : V R f (v) eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) If f 0, then f is a flow If 1 | f (e) | r 1 for everye then f is a circular r - flow The circular flow number of G Φc (G) minr : G admitsa circular r-flow A circulation on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, The boundary of f f (v) : V R f (v) eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) 1 1 .5 x 1 1 .5 1 A circular 2.5 - flow y Assume f is a circular r-flow X [X,X] is a cut flow fromX to X X If a cut has exactly2k 1 edges assume | E[X X] | k | E[X X ] | k 1 flow fromX to X flow fromX toX (r 1)k flow fromX to X k 1 1 r 2 k A graph withan edge cut of size 2k 1 has 1 c (G ) 2 k 1 1 .5 x 1 1 .5 y 1 A circular 2.5 - flow c (G) 2.5 A graph withan edge cut of size 2k 1 has 1 c (G ) 2 k 1 ( 2 ) flow conjecture Jaegerk Conjecture [1981]: A 4k-edge connectedgraph has 1 c (G ) 2 k tight,if true k 1 case 3 flow conjecture k 2 case 5 flow conjecture A graph withan edge cut of size 2k 1 has 1 c (G ) 2 k Theorem [Zhu, 2013] Thomassen [Lovasz-Thomassen-Wu-Zhang, [2012] 2013] Conjecture 12k 6413k)ksigned have graphshave (8k 2 (10 ) edge connectedgraphs 1 c (G ) 2 k A signed graph G A signed graph G a positive edge a negative edge An orientation of a signed edge x y x y a positive edge a negative edge An orientation of a signed edge x y x y x y a positive edge a negative edge An orientation of a signed edge x y x y x y a positive edge x y x y a negative edge An orientation of a signed edge y x y x y x y x y x y x a positive edge a negative edge An orientation of a signed edge x x x e e e y e E ( x) E ( y) x y e E ( x) E ( y) x y x a positive edge e e e e E ( x) E ( y) y e E ( x) E ( y) y y a negative edge A signed graph G 1 2 3 A circulation on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, A signed graph G 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 4 A circulation on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, 1 1 A signed graph G 1 0 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 0 2 3 4 0 1 0 The boundary of f A circulation on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, f : V R f (v) eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) f (v) 0. If f 0, then f is a flow vV 1 0 2 3 1 3 1 A circulation on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, 1 1 0 2 3 4 0 1 0 The boundary of f f (v) : V R f (v) eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) 1 0 2 3 0 2 0 1 0 2 3 4 1 0 1 0 If f 0, then f is a flow If 1 | f(e)| r -1 for everye f is a circular r - flow The circular flow number of G Φc (G) minr : G admitsa circular r-flow A circulation on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, The boundary of f f (v) : V R f (v) eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) A signed graph G 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 Flip at a vertex x x 1 change signs of edges incident to x 4 A flow on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) A signed graph G 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 Flip at a vertex x x 1 change signs of edges incident to x 4 A flow on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) A signed graph G 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 Flip at a vertex x x 1 change signs of edges incident to x 4 A flow on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) A signed graph G 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 Flip at a vertex x x 1 4 A flow on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, eE ( v ) f (e) change signs of edges incident to x f (e) eE ( v ) A signed graph G 1 2 3 2 1 Flip at a vertex x 1 2 3 x 1 change signs of edges incident to x 4 A flow on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) A signed graph G 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 Flip at a vertex x x 1 change signs of edges incident to x 4 A flow on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) Change the directions of `half’ edges incident to x 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 Flip at a vertex x x 1 change signs of edges incident to x 4 A flow on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) Change the directions of `half’ edges incident to x 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 Flip at a vertex x x 1 change signs of edges incident to x 4 A flow on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) Change the directions of `half’ edges incident to x The flow remains a flow 1 2 3 2 1 1 2 3 Flip at a vertex x x 1 change signs of edges incident to x 4 A flow on G An orientation togetherwith a mapping f: E(G) R, eE ( v ) f (e) f (e) eE ( v ) G G' G can be obtained from G’ by a sequence of flippings Fliping at vertices in X change the sign of edges in G G' E[ X , X ] signs of edges in G and G' disagrees on E[X,X ] for some X Observatio n This is a source ( f(e) 0) is a sink This If f is a circular r - flow, then f(e) f(e) e is a sink e is a source Assume G has exactly2k 1 negativeedges # source edges # sink edges k 1 f(e) f(e) (r 1)k e is a sink r 2 e is a source A graph having an 2edge of sizeedges 2k 1 has A signed graph with exactly k 1cut negative 1 c (G ) 2 k 1 k Theorem [Zhu, 2013] essentially ( 2k 1 )-unbalanced signed have graphshave (12k 614k)k-edge connectedgraphs 1 c (G ) 2 k One technical requirement is missing A signed graph G is essentially ( 2k 1 )-unbalanced if any G' G eitherhas an even number of negativeedges or at least 2k 1 negativeedges Z2k1) flow nn f is specialif flow An integerA (2k circulatio 1 --circulatio c (G ) 2 f (e) k, k 1 1 k G has a specialinteger(2k 1) - flow g(e) f (e) 1 is a circular ( 2 ) flow k k Theorem [Loavsz-Thomassen-Wu-Zhang, 2013] Corollary 6k-edge connectedgraphshave 1 c (G ) 2 k G has a special Z2k 1 - circulation f with f 0 Theorem [Loavsz-Thomassen-Wu-Zhang, 2013] For any β: V Z 2 k 1 with (e) 0 in Z2k 1 eE G has a specail Z 2k1 - circulation f with f β Theorem [Zhu, 2013] essentially ( 2k 1 )-unbalanced signed have graphshave (12k 614k)k-edge connectedgraphs a specialinteger(2k1 1) - flow c (G ) 2 k Lemma 1. (12k 1) edge connected essentially (2k 1) - unbalanced graphshavea specialZ 2k 1 - flow Proof Assume G is (12k-1)-edge connected essentially (2k+1)-unbalanced Assume G has the least number of negative edges among its equivalent signed graphs Q: negative edges of G R: positive edges of G G[R] is 6k-edge connected 12k 1 If |Q| is even, then # source edges # sink edges f (e) k for all e Q If |Q| is odd, then # source edges # sink edges 1 As G is essentially ( 2k 1 ) - unbalanced, # sink edges k f (e) k for all e Q, except tha t k sink edges e have f(e) k 1 f : Q k , k 1 vV f (v) 0 By LT WZ- T heorem, G[ R] has a special Z2k 1 circulation g with g f f g is a special Z2k 1 flow in G Theorem [Zhu, 2013] essentially ( 2k 1 )-unbalanced signed have graphshave (12k 614k)k-edge connectedgraphs a specialinteger(2k1 1) - flow c (G ) 2 k Lemma 1. (12k 1) edge connected essentially (2k 1) - unbalanced graphshavea specialZ 2k 1 - flow To prove Theorem above, we need (12k 1) edge connected essentially (2k 1) - unbalanced (2k 1) - flow graphshavea specialZinteger 2 k 1 - flow If Gsigned is a graph, then For graphs special Z2k 1 - flow special(2k 1) - flow NWZspecial Z3 - flow NWZspecial(2k 1) - flow If G is a graph, then special Z2k 1 - flow special(2k 1) - flow Assume f 0 u, v, f (u ) 0, f (v) 0, thereis a directedpathfromu to v G f (v) 0 f (v) 0 q' q If G is a graph, then special Z2k 1 - flow special(2k 1) - flow Assume f 0 u, v, f (u ) 0, f (v) 0, thereis a directedpathfromu to v f (v) 0 f (v) 0 q' q If G is a graph, then special Z2k 1 - flow special(2k 1) - flow u, v, f (u ) 0, f (v) 0, thereis a directedpathfromu to v f (v) 0 f (v) 0 q' q If G is a graph, then special Z2k 1 - flow special(2k 1) - flow u, v, f (u ) 0, f (v) 0, thereis a directedpathfromu to v f (v) 0 f (v) 0 (2k 1) q ' - q' q (2k 1) - q If G is a graph, then special Z2k 1 - flow special(2k 1) - flow u, v, f (u ) 0, f (v) 0, thereis a directedpathfromu to v f (v) 0 f (v) 0 (2k 1) q ' - q' (2k 1) - q If G is a graph, then special Z2k 1 - flow special(2k 1) - flow u, v, f (u ) 0, f (v) 0, thereis a directedpathfromu to v X f (v) 0 If such a path does not exist G verticescan be reachedby f (v) 0 a directedpathfrom a vertexu with f(u) 0 If G is a graph, then special Z2k 1 - flow special(2k 1) - flow u, v, f (u ) 0, f (v) 0, thereis a directedpathfromu to v X f (v) 0 If such a path does not exist G verticescan be reachedby f (v) 0 a directedpathfrom a vertexu with f(u) 0 f (v) f (e) f (e) 0 vX eE[ X X ] eE[ X X ] u, v, f (u ) 0, f (v) 0, thereis a directedpathfromu to v X f (v) 0 X G verticescan be reachedby f (v) 0 a directedpathfrom a vertexu with f(u) 0 f (v) f (e) f (e) 0 vX eE[ X X ] eE[ X X ] u, v, f (u ) 0, f (v) 0, thereis a directedpathfromu to v X f (v) 0 For a signed graph X Such a path may not exist G verticescan be reachedby f (v) 0 a directedpathfrom a vertexu with f(u) 0 f (v) f (e) f (e) 0 vX eE[ X X ] For a signed graph eE[ X X ] u, v, f (u ) 0, f (v) 0, thereis a directedpathfromu to v X f (v) 0 manysource edges in X G Such a path may not exist X f (v) 0 manysink edges in X f : a special(2k 1) - circulation in G[Q] f ( X ) f (v) vX ( X ) k | ER [ X , X ] | f ( X ) f is balanced if ( X ) k 2 X for any X X f ( X ) f (v) vX ( X ) | E[ X , X ] | f ( X ) f is balanced if ( X ) k 2 for any X Lemma2 T hereexistsa specialbalancedZ 2k 1 flow Lemma3 A specialbalancedZ 2k 1 flow can be mdoified to a special(2k 1) - flow The same proof as for ordinary graph Lemma3 A specialbalancedZ 2k 1 flow can be mdoified to a special(2k 1) - flow Lemma Thereexistsa specialbalancedZ2k 1 flow Lemma2 T hereexistsa specialbalancedZ 2k 1 flow G[R] are 6k-edge connected. By Williams-Tutte Theorem G[R] contains 3k edge-disjoint spanning trees T1 , T2 ,, T3k Lemma Thereexistsa specialbalancedZ2k 1 flow T1 G[Q] is connected T2 containsa paritysubgraph F of T1 G[Q] T1 G[Q] F is eulerian C : an eulerian cycle orient thenegativeedges on C alternately sink or source By Williams-Tutte Theorem G[R] contains 3k edge-disjoint spanning trees T1 , T2 ,, T3k Lemma2 T hereexistsa specialbalancedZ 2k 1 flow C : an eulerian cycle Lemma2 T hereexistsa specialbalancedZ 2k 1 flow C : an eulerian cycle Thank you