Challenge E: Twist-O-Rama - Ohio Destination Imagination

The Ohio Destination Imagination
Training Director’s Overview of
 Build a structure made entirely of materials the team
chooses from a list
Use idea-creation and idea-directing tools to develop
and choose options
Test the structure by placing weights on it, and by
subjecting it to torque-inducing impacts
Produce a “Bill of Materials” listing the materials used
in your structure, and provide samples of these
Produce a prop or costume made only of all the
materials used in the structure
Tell a story that has an unexpected twist or surprising
 Use of the engineering design process to design and
construct a structure
 Study the properties of a variety of materials in order
to design and construct a structure
 Knowledge of whole number computation and ratios
to determine raw scores earned for weight placement
 Team Challenge
 A. Central Challenge (240
 B. Team Choice Elements
(60 points)
 C. Reward Points
 D. Special Procedures for
the Structural Challenge
 Rules of the Road
 Published Clarifications
(online @
 The information in these
materials is binding for all
 Roadmap
 Instant Challenge Practice Set (available online in the
Resource Area at
Travel Guide for Teams (available online after Jan. 1,
Training at
Time Limit
 The team must complete the Presentation (including
setup and weight placement) in eight minutes or less.
Team Budget
 The total value of the materials used may not exceed
 My 2012-13 Team Number is: 135- ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
 My team is planning to compete in a sanctioned
 I have registered for that tournament with the
Regional Director
The Intent of the Challenge:
 The team must build a Structure made entirely of
materials chosen from a list (see Section A.3).
 A “Bill of Materials” (BOM) used to build the Structure
will be created and included in the team’s paperwork.
 The team must test the Structure’s strength at the
tournament by placing weights on it and by subjecting
it to Ram impacts at a marked corner of the Pressure
Board that will cause a twisting force.
 The team must create a Story which includes an
unexpected event or twist.
 Additionally, the team must build a prop or costume
using only all the same materials used in the Structure.
 In addition, the team must present TWO creations
called “Team Choice Elements” that show off their
interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents.
 The team may create anything they wish for Team
Choice Elements including props, music, technical
gadgets, costumes, physical actions etc.
The minimum dimensions of the Presentation Site will be
16ft x 16ft (4.88m x 4.88m). In most cases, this area will
not be marked on the floor. When possible, the
tournament may provide a larger Presentation Site. The
team may use all of the Presentation space available at
their site, but they must be prepared to present in the
minimum area specified. The team should keep in mind
that the weights, Structure Tester, and Ram will occupy a
portion of the Presentation Site.
b. The team must not move the Structure Tester from its
c. A single 3-prong AC electrical outlet will be provided at
least to the edge of the Presentation Site.
 Learn all the Challenge elements teams are
required to complete
 Learn about the elements of the Challenge
under the team’s control
 See all the scoring elements and the
maximum number of points you may
receive from each
Challenge E:
2012 - 2013
• Research
• Process Mathematics
• Architectural Design
• Theater Arts
• Structural Engineering
• Creativity
• Construction
• Critical Thinking
• Materials Science
• Communication
• Innovation and Design
• Collaboration
• Teamwork
Time Limit
Time Limit
• The team must complete the Presentation
(including setup and weight placement) in eight
minutes or less.
Team Budget
Team Budget
• The total value of the materials used may not
exceed $100US.
• The Rules of the Road will be helpful to you when
determining the value of your Tournament
Team Number
• Teams and individuals using these Program Materials must hold a
20121 - 2013 Team Number.
• The Destination ImagiNation Team Number is a license to compete
in sanctioned Tournaments and/or to use the Program Materials for
educational purposes within your team, school, group or
• Online access to Program Materials for teams who have purchased
Team Numbers is on
My 2012-13 Team Number is: 1 3 5 - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
 My team is planning to compete in a sanctioned Tournament.
 I will register for that Tournament with the Regional Director by the Region’s
A. Central Challenge - Section 1
Intent of the Challenge:
• The team must build a Structure made entirely of materials
chosen from a list (see Section A.3).
• A “Bill of Materials” (BOM) used to build the Structure will be
created and included in the team’s paperwork.
• The team must test the Structure’s strength at the
tournament by placing weights on it and by subjecting it to
Ram impacts at a marked corner of the Pressure Board that
will cause a twisting force.
• The team must create a Story which includes an unexpected
event or twist.
• Additionally, the team must build a prop or costume using
only all the same materials used in the Structure.
A. Central Challenge – Section 2
2. Designing and Building the Structure:
a. The team must design and build a Structure, made only of materials
chosen from a specific list (see Section A.3), that will be tested at
the tournament. Teams are encouraged to build and test many
structures before they come to the tournament.
b. The team must design the Structure so that they can place it on the
Structure Tester at the tournament for testing. The team will test
how much weight the Structure can hold by stacking a Pressure
Board and weights on it (Section D.4.a shows a diagram of a
Structure Tester), while at the same time subjecting it to off-center
torque and twist-inducing impacts.
c. Team members must do all tooling and/or shaping of the materials
A. Central Challenge – Section 2
d. The team must not use any type of technology that designs, creates or
aids in the testing of the Structure based on input of the Challenge
specifications such as Computer Aided Design (CAD) or Structural
Analysis Systems. The team must make any Jig(s) (see definition) used
to construct the Structure.
A. Central Challenge – Section 3
Structure Specifications:
a. The Structure must be made entirely of materials listed below.
i. Elementary Level teams must use at least three (3) Materials. Middle Level
teams must use at least four (4) Materials. Secondary/College & University
Level teams must use at least five (5) Materials.
ii. Only materials from the Structure Materials List below may be used:
Aluminum Foil: Commercially available Aluminum Foil sold in rolls or sheets from
which pieces can be cut. Aluminum Foil that is less than or equal to 200 micrometers
(0.008in) in thickness is acceptable. Most regular and heavy-duty Aluminum Foil
available in retail stores meets these requirements. Aluminum foil tape is not allowed.
Bamboo: Any of the various woody perennial evergreens of the true grass family.
Copper Wire – 16 gauge (1.29 mm) or smaller, uncoated: Wire made from elemental
Cork: The natural outer tissue of the Cork Oak, used to make stoppers or cork
Corrugated Cardboard – 3/16in (4.5 mm) thick or less: Commercially available
material used for boxes, made from wood pulp, formed of three layers: two flat outer
layers, with an internal pleated (or fluted) layer
A. Central Challenge – Section 3
Duct Tape: Grey, Silver, or any commercially available color, fabric based adhesive tape
1.88in (48mm) wide. Example: 3M UTILITY (#1900) Duct Tape.
Glue: Any commercially available adhesive material applied in a liquid form capable of
creating a permanent bond - e.g. two part epoxy, Gorilla Glue, super glues, wood glue,
hot glue, glues that use an accelerant, etc.
Hook-and-Loop fastener: Commercially available fabric-based hook-and-loop material.
Monofilament Fishing Line: Any commercially available single-strand non-metallic
fishing line, of any weight or diameter.
Newsprint: A low-grade machine-finished printed (either black and white or color) paper
made from wood pulp, used chiefly for newspapers.
Latex-Free Balloons: Commercially available non-porous elastic rubber bags capable of
being inflated. (Original packaging must be provided.)
Latex-Free Rubber Bands – Thickness/Width: 1/32in to 1/8in (0.75mm to 3.0mm); Loop
Length: 1in – 6in (25 mm – 150mm) or 2in – 12in (50mm – 300mm) opened loop length:
A commercially available continuous loop of rubber, used to hold items together. (Original
packaging must be provided.)
Pasta: A food product made primarily from flour. Examples would include spaghetti,
lasagna, fettuccini, macaroni, and noodles.
A. Central Challenge – Section 3
Plastic Drinking/Stirring Straws – ¼in (6 mm) in diameter or smaller: Commercially
available thin tubes of plastic (such as polypropylene and polystyrene) used for stirring
liquids and/or transferring them from a container to the mouth of a drinker by use of
Plastic Toothpicks – 3in (75mm) long or smaller: A pointed plastic instrument used for
removing food particles from the teeth.
Plastic Trash Bags - 33 gallon size or smaller: Commercially available non-porous
plastic bags used for the purpose of holding trash.
Playing Cards: Any type of card commercially available in multiple quantities called a
“deck,” typically used in playing a game or games of any type. Index cards, cards cut
from materials such as poster board, boxes, and the like are not considered Playing
Twist Ties – Paper or plastic wrapped wire, 4in (100mm) or less in length: Paper or
plastic wrapped lengths of wire available in supermarkets and used as a bag closure.
iii. Natural wood and products made from natural wood CANNOT be used in
the Structure or in the scored prop/costume (see A.7.b). Natural wood is a
substance found under the bark of any type of tree. Products made from natural
wood such as plywood, Masonite, and fiberboard or chipboard are also NOT
A. Central Challenge – Section 3
iv. The team may join materials together in any fashion.
v. Teams must not melt any materials except Glue for use in their Structure.
vi. Incidental marks – pencil or ink – are allowed.
b. The team must create a Bill of Materials (BOM) used, and samples of those materials
must be provided.
i. Appraisers will inspect the materials used in the Structure during Structure
Check-In (See D.2) and make sure that they correspond to those listed in the
BOM. If necessary, the Appraisers will examine the materials again after the
team tests the Structure.
ii. The team will receive points for providing a Bill of Materials and samples of the
c. The team will be asked to describe
their Structure and tell why they
chose the various materials. The
team’s design will be appraised on
how creatively the multiple materials
were included and used.
A. Central Challenge – Section 3
Weight of the Structure: The total weight of the Structure must not exceed 175
Height of the Structure: The height of the Structure must be at least 7.5in
(19.1cm) and no more than 9.0in (22.9cm).
The Structure must be a single unit. Multiple free-standing pieces placed on the
Structure Tester will not meet the Challenge requirements.
The Structure must fit on the Structure Tester. (See D.4)
An opening that can easily accept a circular column with an outside diameter
of 2in (5.1cm) MUST run the entire height of the Structure. This ensures that
the Structure will fit easily around the Safety Pole of the Structure Tester, but
not through the hole in the Pressure Board.
ii. When the Structure sits on the Tester Base, it must fit completely within the
Tester Base and around the Safety Pole.
The only places the Structure may make contact with the Structure Tester are
the top surface of the Tester Base, the bottom surface of the Pressure Board, and
the Safety Pole.
A. Central Challenge – Section 4
Weight Held Measurement Procedure:
After the Presentation time begins, the team will place the Structure over the Safety Pole so that
the Structure rests only on the Tester Base. The Structure may touch the Safety Pole.
The team may start Weight Placement at any time once the Presentation time begins. (See D.4
for Weight Placement details.)
The team begins Weight Placement by placing the Pressure Board on the Structure.
After the Pressure Board is placed, the team must deliver an impact to the corner of the
Pressure Board using the Ram (see Section A.5). The team will receive a 50 pound Bonus Card
if their Structure successfully survives the Ram impact. This card is placed by a team member on
top of the Pressure Board.
Each time a total of 45 or more pounds of weight is successfully added to the Tester
weight stack, the team must deliver another impact to the marked corner of the Pressure Board
using the Ram. The team will receive a 50 pound Bonus Card each time their Structure
successfully survives a Ram impact. This card is placed by a team member on top of the weight
After each Ram impact, the 45 pound “count” begins again. No weight amount “carries over”
from prior loading. Example: After the Pressure Board is placed, a Ram impact is required. Next,
if 45 or more pounds are loaded on the Tester (one 45 pound weight, or two 25 pound weights, or
a 25 pound and two 10 pound weights, etc.) another Ram impact is required. When 45 or more
pounds is again loaded after this impact, another Ram impact is required.
A. Central Challenge – Section 4
Once a bonus for a successful Ram Impact has been granted and the team has
placed the Bonus Card on the Tester weight stack, no weights under the Bonus Card
may be removed. Weights added after the latest Bonus Card may be removed.
After the Presentation time ends, the Weight Placement Appraiser will note the weight that
the Structure held. This is called the Official Weight Held, which includes the weights and
the Pressure Board. Only the weights that are physically on the Pressure Board when
Weight Placement ends are included in the Official Weight Held.
The Weight Placement Appraiser will also total the number of successfully survived Ram
impacts. These are indicated by Weight Bonus Cards received by the team (See A.4.d&e).
The number of Bonus Cards multiplied by 50 will equal the Total Bonus Weight (TBW).
The Weight Held Ratio (WHR) is the Official Weight Held in pounds plus the Total
Bonus Weight in pounds divided by the Structure’s weight in grams (measured to the
nearest tenth of a gram), rounded to two decimal places.
Weight Held Ratio = (Official Weight Held in pounds + Total Bonus Weight in pounds)
÷ the Structure’s weight in grams
Example: If the Official Weight Held is 195 pounds and the Total Bonus Weight is 200
pounds (4 survived Ram impacts) and the Structure’s weight is 52.3 grams, the Weight Held
Ratio is 7.55 (WHR = (195 + 200) ÷ 52.3 = 7.55).
A. Central Challenge – Section 5
The Ram: The Tournament Director will provide the Ram for use at the
tournament. (See Section D.4 for a diagram of the Ram.)The Team does NOT bring,
and cannot use, its own Ram at the tournament. For the purpose of this Challenge, a
Ram Impact is the act of striking a marked corner of the Pressure Board with the Ram.
Each Ram Impact will be delivered by a team member. The Ram has been designed to
deliver a calibrated impact to the Pressure Board when operated as directed. When a
Ram Impact is required, it will be performed in the following manner:
a. The Ram starts in the Ram Box-- a taped area at least 3ft (90cm) from the Tester.
b. After the Weight Placement Appraiser determines that the team has successfully
placed 45 pounds or more on the Tester weight stack, the team will remove the
Ram from the Ram Box and place it next to the Tester.
c. While the Ram is outside of the Ram Box, Weight Placement stops. During this
time, only team members operating the Ram may be inside the Safety Line – a
line taped 10in (25 cm) from the edge of all sides of the Structure Tester on the floor
of the Presentation Site. The Safety Line around the Structure Tester is viewed as
an imaginary plane that extends vertically from the floor to the ceiling.
d. The team will place the Ram so that while at rest, its impacting face squarely
contacts (touches) a marked corner (team choice) of the Pressure Board.
A. Central Challenge – Section 5
The team may not alternate corners for subsequent impacts, and must use
the same corner face for each impact. Each of the eight corners of the Crusher
Board will have a unique identification label to assist the Team in meeting this
The team will then pull back the Ram until it rests against the Ram stop. The team
will then release the Ram.
The Ram may not be touched by anything or anyone after it is released, until it
stops moving.
When the Weight Placement Appraiser determines that the Ram has completed an
appropriate impact, that four (4) seconds have elapsed, and that none of the
requirements listed in D.7 for Weight Placement to end are met, then a 50 pound
Bonus will be granted. The Weight Placement Appraiser will inform the team of the
Bonus grant, and give a Bonus Card to the team for placement by a team member
on the weight stack. The decision of the Weight Placement Appraiser is final.
If the Weight Placement Appraiser determines that Ram procedures were not
followed by the team, the 50 pound Bonus for the impact will not be granted, and
the Team will have to perform another RAM impact immediately before additional
weight may be placed. The decision of the Weight Placement Appraiser is final.
Possible procedural issues include:
A. Central Challenge – Section 5
Ram not aligned squarely against the Pressure Board corner.
Ram was not pulled all of the way back to the Ram stop.
Ram did not impact the same corner as a previous impact.
Ram is touched by anything or anybody after released before it stops
j. After each successfully completed Ram Impact, the Ram will be removed by a team
member to the Ram Box until the next increment of 45 pounds or more is
successfully placed on the Structure Tester.
A. Central Challenge – Section 6
Structure Scoring: It is the intent of the Challenge that the team will create a Structure
according to the specifications in A.2 and A.3, and will test the Structure at the
If the Structure does not meet the specifications in A.2 and A.3, and if the team is
unable to bring the Structure into compliance with the specifications, the Official
Weight Held will be zero. However, the team may still present its solution and earn
points for other Challenge requirements.
Any team that does not make a “good faith” attempt to present a Structure for testing
may earn points for other Challenge requirements, but they may not advance to the
next level of tournament competition. The Appraisers will make this determination.
Their decision is final.
The team will earn points for the Structure based on:
The Weight Held Ratio (See A.4.j).
Creative use of the Structural Materials: The team will be asked to describe their
Structure and explain why they chose the various materials. The team’s design will be
appraised on how creatively the multiple materials were included and used.
The production of a Bill of Materials (BOM) containing a list of all the materials used
in building the Structure. Examples, and/or packaging of each material used must be
presented with the BOM at Check-In. This BOM will receive points if present, no points if
A. Central Challenge – Section 7
Story with Twist or Surprise, and Prop or Costume:
The team will create and present a Story that has an unexpected twist or surprising
change. This twist should contain an element of surprise for the Appraisers.
The team will receive points for the creativity and surprise of the Story twist.
ii. The team will receive points for how well the Story is integrated with Weight
Placement and Ram Impact delivery.
The team will build a prop or costume made from only the same material types
used in their Structure.
They must include only all of the same material types used in their
ii. ii. They may only use the material types used in their Structure. No other
materials may be used.
iii. iii. Only one prop or costume must be built of the same material types as the
Structure. All the other props and costumes used in the team’s Presentation
may be built of any materials desired.
iv. The team will receive points if the material types used to build the one prop or
costume are the same material types used to build the Structure, and for the
creativity and workmanship of the one prop or costume.
A. Central Challenge – Section 7
B. Team Choice Elements
B. In addition to the above requirements, the team must present
TWO creations called “Team Choice Elements” that show
off their interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents. The
team may create anything they wish for Team Choice
Elements including props, music, technical gadgets, costumes,
physical actions etc.
1. The team must present both Team Choice Elements as
part of the eight-minute Presentation and each Team
Choice Element should have a meaningful connection to
the team’s Central Challenge solution. Each Team
Choice Element must be described briefly on the
Tournament Data Form found at the end of this Challenge.
B. Team Choice Elements
2. A Team Choice Element may not be a specific item that is
required in the Central Challenge that is already being
evaluated. A Team Choice Element MAY be a single unique
PART of a required item, as long as it can be evaluated as a
stand-alone item. Both Team Choice Elements may be
presented at the same time ONLY IF both can be easily
identified and scored separately. Examples of these can be
found in Rules of the Road.
3. Each Team Choice Element will be evaluated in three ways:
for the Creativity and Originality of the Team Choice Element,
and for the Quality, Workmanship, or Effort that is evident and
Integration into the Presentation. Evaluation of Team Choice
Elements is subjective.
C. Reward Points – Scoring Category 1
The Structure’s Weight Held Ratio Up to 140 points
• In each competition Level, the Structure with the highest
Weight Held Ratio (including the Bonus Weight) will receive
140 points.
• The score for all other teams in that Level will be based on
the percentage of their structure’s Weight Held Ratio
compared to the highest Weight Held Ratio in that level.
Team’s score = (WHR ÷ highest WHR in Level) X 140
• This score added to the scores the team earns for the
items listed below will equal the total Raw Score
E. Reward Points – Scoring Category 2, 3, and 4
How creatively the multiple materials were included and used in the
Structure Up to 20 points from A.6.c.ii
Structure Bill of Materials and Material Samples 0 or 10 from A.6.c.iii
Story with Twist and Prop/Costume Up to 70 points
a. Creativity and surprise of Story twist Up to 20 points from A.7.a.i
b. How well the Story is integrated with Weight Placement and Ram
Impact Delivery Up to10 points from A.7.a.ii
c. Material types used to build the one prop or costume are the same
material types used to build the Structure 0 or 10 points from
d. Creativity of prop or costume Up to 15 points from A.7.b.iv
e. Workmanship of prop or costume Up to 15 points from A.7.b.iv
E. Reward Points – Team Choice Elements
Team Choice Element 1 up to 30 points from B
a. Creativity and Originality up to 10 points from B.3
b. Quality, Workmanship, or Effort that is Evident Up to
10 points from B.3
c. Integration into the Presentation Up to 10 from B.3
Team Choice Element 2 up to 30 points from B
a. Creativity and Originality up to 10 points from B.3
b. Quality, Workmanship, or Effort that is Evident Up to
10 points from B.3
c. Integration into the Presentation Up to 10 from B.3
E. Reward Points – Team Challenge Scoring
Central Challenge Scoring at a Glance
• Instant Challenge = 25%
• Team Choice Elements 60 points = 15%
• Central Challenge 240 points = 60%
Story w/Twist & Prop/Costume = 30% of the 240 Central Challenge points
Structure Bill of Materials = 4% of the 240 Central Challenge points
Creativity/Workmanship of Structure = 8% of the 240 Central Challenge points
Structure Weight Held Ratio = 58% of the 240 Central Challenge
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge 1 & 2
1. 1. The Presentation Site
a. The minimum dimensions of the Presentation Site will be 16ft x 16ft (4.88m x 4.88m). In
most cases, this area will not be marked on the floor. When possible, the tournament may
provide a larger Presentation Site. The team may use all of the Presentation space
available at their site, but they must be prepared to present in the minimum area
specified. The team should keep in mind that the weights, Structure Tester, and Ram will
occupy a portion of the Presentation Site.
b. The team must not move the Structure Tester from its location.
c. A single 3-prong AC electrical outlet will be provided at least to the edge of the Presentation
2. The Structure Check-In Procedure: Prior to the team’s Presentation time, at a time designated
by the Tournament Director of each tournament, the team will bring their Structure, a completed
copy of Page 2 of the Tournament Data Form, and their Bill of Materials (BOM) to the Structure
Check-In Area. The purpose of Structure Check-In is to determine whether the Structure meets
the Challenge specifications. The Structure Check-In Area may be at a separate location from the
Presentation Site.
a. The Structure Check-In Appraisers will always avoid touching the Structure.
b. Structure Check-In Appraisers will instruct the team to place their Structure on the
scale. Once the scale reading stabilizes, the Structure Check-In Appraisers will verify that
the Structure does not exceed 175 grams, and record the official Structure weight to the
nearest tenth of a gram on the Structure Check-In Form.
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 2
Next, the Structure Check-In Appraisers will make sure that the team can legitimately
test the Structure using a representation of the Tester Base. A team member must
place the Structure on the representation of the Tester Base so that a 2in (5.1cm)
outside diameter cylinder easily passes through the Structure. The Structure must be
able to stand on the representation of the Tester Base without team members holding
it. The Appraisers will validate that the Structure does not touch the Safety Supports
or Safety Shields.
While the Structure rests on the representation of the Tester Base, the Appraisers will
measure it. They will verify that the Structure is at least 7.5in (19.1cm), and not more
than 9in (22.9cm) in height.
The Check-In Appraisers will make sure that Elementary Level teams constructed
the Structure using at least three of the approved Structure Materials. They will
make sure that Middle Level Teams constructed the Structure using at least four
of the approved Structure Materials. They will make sure that
Secondary/University Level Teams constructed the Structure using at least five
of the approved Structure Materials. The Check-In Appraisers will reserve the right
to recall the Structure to the Check-In Area after the team’s Presentation to verify the
team used only materials from the list in A.3.a. If the Check-In Appraisers want the
Structure returned following the Presentation, they will note it on the Structure
Check-in Form
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 2
The Structure Check-In Appraisers will make every effort, within reasonable
scheduling constraints, to allow the team the time to bring their Structure into
compliance with the above specifications. Any team whose Structure does not
meet the above specifications will receive an Official Weight Held of zero.
However, the team may still present their solution and earn points for other
Challenge requirements.
The Check-In Appraisers will also ask the team for their “Bill of Materials” detailing
which materials were used in the Structure. They will ask to see samples of each
Material used. They will then compare the “Bill of Materials” to the Structure,
and determine whether the two agree. If so, the team will receive 10 points. If
there is no “Bill of Materials” or the contents of the “Bill of “Materials” deviate from
the materials used in the Structure, or there are no Material samples, the team will
receive zero points for C.3.
When Structure Check-In is complete, the team will place their Structure into a
team-supplied storage container and the Structure Check-In Appraisers will seal
the container. The Structure and the Structure Check-In Form must remain in a
designated place in the Structure Check-In Area until approximately 20 minutes
before the team’s scheduled Presentation time.
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge
i. Approximately 20 minutes before the team's scheduled Presentation time, one or
more team members must return to the Structure Check-In Area to collect the
Structure and carry it to the Prep Area at the Presentation Site. They must bring
their Bill of Materials and Material Samples to the Prep Area as well. Team
members must not break the seal on the storage container until the Prep Area
Appraiser directs the team to do so.
j. If a team arrives in the Prep Area with a Structure storage container with a
broken seal, the team will be required to return to Check-in to have the
Structure re-checked.
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 3
Placement of the Structure on the Structure Tester: During the Presentation, the
team will demonstrate the Structure’s ability to support weight using the Structure
Tester, weights and Ram that the Tournament Director provides.
After the Presentation time begins, the team will place the Structure around the
Safety Pole and on the Tester Base. The team may adjust their Structure on the
Tester Base as needed to place the Structure to their satisfaction before beginning
Weight Placement.
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 3
b. The team may remove the Safety Shields as they place their Structure on the
Structure Tester. They must put them back into place before they begin Weight
c. The Structure Tester will sit within the Presentation Area. The team must not move
the Structure Tester from its location. The team must not use the weights, or the
Structure Tester, or the Ram for any purpose other than testing the Structure during
the Presentation.
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 4
4. Weight Placement Specifics:
a. Structure Tester, Ram and Weights: The tournament will provide a Structure
Tester shown below and with the dimensions listed in Table 1. The tournament
will provide a Ram shown below. The weight preference will be Olympic style
metal plates with a 2in (5.1cm) hole in the center. The range of weights and weight
style available may vary from tournament to tournament. The team may check with
their Tournament Director for specific weights available. The Pressure Board
counts as the first weight.
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 4
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 4
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 4
A Safety Line will be marked on the floor at the Presentation Site indicating a
distance of 10in (25 cm) from the edge of the Structure Tester on all sides. During
Ram impacts, Weight Placement stops, and all team members not operating the
Ram must remain behind (not touching) the 10in (25 cm) Safety Line. The Safety
Line around the Structure Tester is viewed as an imaginary plane that extends
vertically from the floor to the ceiling.
During the Weight Placement, team members must:
i. Use the Structure Tester, Ram, and weights the Tournament Director provides
ii. Determine the order in which they will place weights on the Structure Tester
iii. Select the weights they will place on the Structure Tester
iv. Place weights over the Safety Pole one at a time onto the Structure Tester
The Pressure Board must be the first weight the team places upon the Structure.
The Pressure Board will be clearly marked with its official weight, rounded to
the nearest pound. One or more team members may touch the Structure while
they place the Pressure Board upon the Structure.
Note: If the team wishes to know the specifics of the Structure Tester for their
tournament (i.e., the height of the Tester Base, the thickness of the Pressure Board,
and/or the actual weight of the Pressure Board), they may check with their Tournament
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 4
e. Team members must not touch or adjust the Structure or the Structure Tester
after placing the Pressure Board unless they first remove the Pressure Board.
The Pressure Board may not be removed once a Ram impact has been performed
and a bonus given.
i. Presentation time will not stop during the removal, adjustment or replacement
of weights.
ii. Only the weights actually on the Structure at the end of Weight Placement are
counted towards the Official Weight Held. (See Section D.7 for a description of
when Weight Placement ends).
iii. After the Pressure Board is placed, the first Ram impact must be delivered
before any weights are placed. See Section A.5.
Safety Notes:
When a team member’s head is below the level of the Pressure Board AND the Safety Shield in
front of the team member’s face is not in place, that team member must wear protective eyewear
for safety. When the team member’s head is no longer below the level of the Pressure Board, or
when the Safety Shield is in place, the team member may remove the eyewear. The team must
provide their own protective eyewear. Because they are used only for safety, protective
eyewear are exempt from cost on the Expense Report form. Ordinary glasses are not
considered protective eyewear. Protective eyewear is designed with both frontal and side
protection for the eyes.
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 4
Under no circumstances may a team member touch or come into contact with a
weight stack that is rotating or moving.
Team members and any Adult Assistants who are placing weights must wear closed-toed
shoes. Only those shoes that accommodate all five toes in one compartment will be
considered closed-toes shoes.
When placing a weight, team members should keep their fingers on the sides of the
weight so that they do not pinch their fingers.
When moving weights, teams should check that there is a clear path to the Structure
The Structure must support a weight for a minimum of four seconds, as counted by a Weight
Placement Appraiser, for that weight to be included in the Structure’s Official Weight Held.
The four-second count for a weight that has been placed begins when no hands are touching
any weight on the weight stack. The team does not need to wait four seconds before adding
additional weights. The Appraiser’s count is final.
The Structure must successfully support whatever weights are on the weight stack for four
seconds after each completed Ram impact for a Bonus to be awarded. If the Structure
continues to support the weight stack after the four seconds, Weight Placement may
continue. As soon as 45 pounds or more of weight have been added to the weight stack
following the previous Ram Impact, the next Ram Impact must be attempted.
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 5
Adult Assistant: Elementary Level teams may elect to use an Adult Assistant to help
place or remove weights of 25lbs (11.34kg) or more. Team members must direct the
placement or removal and support the weight to the best of their ability if they use an
Adult Assistant. The Adult Assistant:
May assist in the placement or removal of weights weighing 25lbs (11.34kg) or
more. For the purpose of this Challenge, assist means that an adult may help a child
lift, move, and set a weight that he/she might not otherwise be able to handle alone.
Must wait in an area the Appraisers designate until a team member directs
them to move towards the weights. The team member will direct the Adult
Assistant to the specific weight for which they want assistance.
Must return to the designated waiting area at any time that a team member is
not actively directing him or her to assist with placement or removal of a
weight. This means that the Adult Assistant must return to the designated
waiting area during the team’s application of Ram Impacts.
Must only respond to directions from team members or Appraisers.
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 6
Must not direct Weight Placement and/or removal or Ram placement and/or
removal in any way. If, in the opinion of the Appraisers, the Adult Assistant is
directing ANY aspect of weight selection, placement, or removal, the Appraisers will
halt Weight Placement or removal, warn the Adult Assistant of the inappropriate
action and remind him/her of the team’s responsibility. The Appraiser will instruct the
team to remove any weight(s) that they placed with excess adult assistance or
direction. Weight Placement or removal will then resume. Presentation time will not
If the Adult Assistant engages in any further inappropriate activity, the Appraisers will
direct him/her to withdraw from the Presentation Site. Team members must then
place or remove any additional weights without the aid of an Adult Assistant
and will be limited to weights of less than 25lbs (11.34kg).
Weights placed, or Ram impacts performed, with inappropriate adult
assistance or direction will not count towards the calculation of the Official
Weight Held.
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 7
The Weight Placement portion for the testing of the Structure will end when any of
the following occur:
The team elects to stop Weight Placement. The team may do this at any time
during the eight-minute Presentation. If the team indicates that testing is completed
before the end of the eight-minute time limit, the weights must remain on the
Structure Tester until counted by an Appraiser.
The team declines to do a required Ram impact after the Pressure Board is
placed, or after a 45lb increment has been placed on the tester weight stack.
Weight Placement Appraisers will inform team members when a Ram Impact is
The Pressure Board or the Structure touches any of the four Safety Supports
or any of the Safety Shields of the Structure Tester. A weight or Ram impact that
causes the Pressure Board or the Structure to touch the Safety Supports prior to the
completion of the 4-second count will not count towards the Official Weight Held
total. If the Weight Placement Appraiser cannot slide a single sheet of paper
between the Pressure Board and the Safety Support, this means that the Pressure
Board is touching the Safety Supports.
D. Special Procedures for the Structural Challenge - 7
The placed weights reach the mark that is 1in (2.5cm) below the top of the
Safety Pole or the extension pipes, when used. The team must not place any
further weights on the stack once the weights reach the 1in (2.54cm) mark below the
top of the original Safety Pole or the topmost extension pipe, when used. The mark
does not have to be visible at that point, but the team must not add any more
weights once the weight stack is at or above the mark.
The eight-minute time limit ends.
Teams may use the entire eight-minute Presentation time for Weight Placement,
regardless of whether or not they have ended the performance of their Story..
Tournament Data Form – Part 1
Part One: Required Paperwork
At the Tournament Presentation Site, the Prep Area Appraiser will ask for your
team’s forms. A complete checklist of the required forms is below.
Your team needs:
• Five copies of this completed two-page Tournament Data Form.
• Two Copies of the completed Declaration of Independence. Blank copies of this
form can be found in the Rules of the Road. One copy of this form is for Team
Challenge, the other copy of is for you to take to Instant Challenge.
• One Copy of the completed Expense Report. This form can be found in the
Rules of the Road. Be sure to bring copies of your receipts in case you are
asked for them, but it is not necessary to attach them to the form.
• Published Clarifications: We have read and are aware of the Published
Clarifications on
• Team Identification Sign: This will tell the appraisers and the audience who
you are. The team should provide a free-standing Identification sign (ID Sign) of
approximately 2ft. X 3ft displaying your Team Name, Team Number,
School/Organization(if different from Team Name), and Level.
F. Tournament Data Form – Part 2
Part Two:
Team Choice Element 1
 What is your Team Choice Element? _________________________________________
 Please write a brief description of your Team Choice Element. Make sure that
Appraisers know exactly what you want them to evaluate. What would you like them to
know about the Team Choice Element? _______________________________________
Team Choice Element 2
 What is your Team Choice Element? _________________________________________
 Please write a brief description of your Team Choice Element. Make sure that
Appraisers know exactly what you want them to evaluate. What would you like them to
know about the Team Choice Element? _______________________________________
F. Tournament Data Form – Part 3 Section 1
Part Three: Presentation Elements
This Challenge Requires the team to supply the following information to help the Appraisers
evaluate your solution. This is PAGE TWO of the form. Be sure to fill in both pages.
1. Structure Specifications: Please check to make sure your Structure meets these specifications
(See A)
 The Structure is constructed only of materials listed in A.3.a.
 At least 3 materials from A.3.a Table 1 for Elementary, at least 4 for Middle, and at
least 5 for Secondary/College & University (See A.3.a).
 The weight of the Structure does not exceed 175 grams. (See A.3.d).
 The Structure is between 7.5in (19.1cm) and 9in (22.9cm) high. (See A.3.e)
 The Structure is a single unit. (See A.3.f)
 The Structure has an opening running its entire height which can accept a circular
column with an outside diameter of 2in (5.1cm) (See A.3.g.i).
 The Structure can rest upon the Tester Base and fit around the Safety Pole (See
 The Bill of Materials (BOM) for the Structure exists and correctly corresponds to the
Structure (A.6.c.iii).
 Material Samples are available for Inspection (A.6.c.iii)
F. Tournament Data Form – Part 3 Section 2
Part Three: Presentation Elements
1. Why did you choose the various materials in your structure?
2. The Story with the twist:
a. What is your Story about?
b. What is surprising about the twist in your Story? Briefly describe the
twist ______________________________________________
3. Prop / Costume
a. What materials did you use to create your prop or costume?
b. Briefly describe your prop of costume.
Thanks for Attending this Training
Have a safe trip back home!