ASHRAE/IES 90.1-2010 Lighting Highlights Eric Richman, LC, LEED AP 90.1 Lighting Subcommittee Chair Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Summary List - ASHRAE 90.1-2010 changes Revised/corrected Interior LPDs (efficacy, geometry) Exterior LPD requirements expansion (exterior zones) ►Detailed Detailed daylighting daylighting control control and and skylight skylight requirements requirements ►Occupancy Occupancy sensor sensor control control (more (more spaces. spaces. Vacancy) Vacancy) ►Exterior Exterior lighting lighting control control (after-hours (after-hours requirements) requirements) ►Parking Parking garage garage lighting lighting control control (daylighting/after (daylighting/after hours) hours) ►Emergency Emergency (night (night light) light) shut-off shut-off and and Stairwell Stairwell control control ►Control Control incentives incentives for for advanced advanced controls controls ►Guest Guest room room bathroom bathroom lighting lighting control control (aw) (aw) ►Receptacle Receptacle shut-off shut-off control control (50% (50% auto-off) auto-off) ►Functional Functional Testing Testing(commissioning) (commissioning) 30 total addenda Building LPD Changes (sample) TABLE 9.5.1 Lighting Power Densities Using the Building Area Method Most whole building values reduced or unchanged [Addendum “by” - completed] LPD Building Area Typea Automotive facility Convention center Courthouse Dining: bar lounge/leisure Dining: cafeteria/fast food Dining: family Dormitory Exercise center Gymnasium Health-care clinic Hospital Hotel Library Manufacturing facility Motel Motion picture theater Multifamily Museum Office Parking garage (W/ft2) 0.9 0.82 1.2 1.08 1.2 1.05 1.3 0.99 1.4 0.90 1.6 0.89 1.0 0.61 1.0 0.88 1.1 1.00 1.0 0.87 1.2 1.21 1.0 1.00 1.3 1.18 1.3 1.11 1.0 0.88 1.2 0.83 0.7 0.60 1.1 1.06 1.0 0.90 0.3 0.25 Space Type LPD Changes (sample) Mixed reduction and increase in LPDs based on technology improvements and model corrections. TABLE 9.6.1 Lighting Power Densities Using the Space-by-Space Method LPD, W/ft2 Atrium— First Three Floors First 40 feet in Height Atrium— Each Additional Floor Height Above 40 Feet Classroom/ Lecture/ Training 0.6 For Penitentiary 1.3 1.3 1.23 6 0.5 0.66 Width < 8 ft 1.28 1.81 6 6 Conference/ Meeting/ Multipurpose Corridor/ Transition Laboratory For Classrooms For Medical/ Industrial/ Research 0.2 1.4 0.03 per ft (height) Common Space Typesa RCR Threshold NA Lobby For Hotel 0.02 per ft (height) NA 1.24 4 1.4 For Performing Arts Theater For Motion Picture Theater Dressing/ Locker/ Fitting Room Lounge/ Recreation For Hospital Office—Enclosed Office—Open Plan Restrooms Sales Area [for accent lighting, see Section 9.6.2(b)] Stairs – Active Stairway Active Storage LPD, W/ft2 RCR Threshold 4 1.3 1.1 3.3 0.65 2.00 6 1.1 0.52 4 0.6 0.75 6 1.2 0.8 1.1 1.1 0.9 1.7 0.73 4 1.11 0.98 0.98 1.68 8 4 8 6 0.6 0.8 0.69 0.63 10 6 Added LPD Adjustment Room Cavity Ratio Adjustment for relief in unusual spaces Use only when applying the space by space method Calculate the Room Cavity Ratio (RCR) for the empty room: RCR = 2.5 x Room Cavity Height x room perimeter length room area (Room Cavity Height = Luminaire mounting height – Workplane) If RCR is greater than the RCR threshold for that space type, a 20% increase is allowed For corridor/transition spaces, this adjustment is allowed when less than 8 feet wide, regardless of the RCR. Retail Display Allowance Reductions Reduced additional allowance for lighting specifically designed and directed to highlight merchandise Additional Interior Lighting Power Allowance = 1000 watts + (Retail Area 1 × 1.0 0.6 W/ft2) + (Retail Area 2 × 1.7 0.6 W/ft2) + (Retail Area 3 × 2.6 1.4 W/ft2) + (Retail Area 4 × 4.2 2.5 W/ft2), Change based primarily on effective use of CMH technology [Addendum “bq” to 90.1-2007 – Completed Daylighting Control Additions….. Three separate addenda (“d”, “ab”, “al”) that: Require the control of electric lighting when top and side daylight is present …AND… Require the installation of skylights when appropriate Additional addenda “ct” and “dd” (in process) modify the area thresholds for top and side daylighting Lighting Control for Toplighting Requires control of electric lighting when toplighting daylight is available Applied based on “daylight area under skylights” + “daylight area under rooftop monitors” that exceed 900 ft2 Control is required for the general lighting over these areas Control must be multi-level photocontrol At least two output levels at 0% - 35% and 50% - 70% OR Continuous dimming [Addenda “d” and “ab” to 90.1-2007 – Completed] “Daylight Area Under Skylights” “Daylight Area Under Skylights” Lighting Control for Sidelighting Requires control of electric lighting when sidelighting daylight is available in appropriate areas Applied based on “primary sidelighted area” exceeding 250 ft2. Control is required for the general lighting over these areas Control must be multi-level photocontrol At least two output levels at 0% - 35% and 50% - 70% OR Continuous dimming [Addenda “ab” (Completed review) and “ct” (In review) to 90.1-2007] “Primary Sidelighted Area” “Primary Sidelighted Area” Zonal Exterior Power Allowance Revision The existing single set of exterior power limits is expanded to be lighting zone based. The expansion follows the current IESNA development work on Model Lighting Ordinances (MLO) Exterior Lighting Zones Lighting Zone Description 1 Developed areas of National Parks, State Parks, Forest Land, and Rural areas 2 Areas predominantly consisting of residential zoning, neighborhood business districts, light industrial with limited nighttime use and residential mixed use areas 3 All other areas 4 High activity commercial districts in major metropolitan areas as designated by the local jurisdiction [Addendum “i” to 90.1-2007 - completed] Zonal Exterior Power Allowance Revision (partial list) Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 500 W 600 W 750 W 1300 W 0.06 W/ft2 0.10 W/ft2 (0.15) 0.13 W/ft2 0.7 W/linear foot 0.7 W/linear foot 0.8 W/linear foot 1.0 W/linear foot Special Feature Areas 0.14 W/ft2 0.14 W/ft2 0.16 W/ft2 0.2 W/ft2 Stairways 0.75 W/ft2 1.0 W/ft2 1.0 W/ft2 1.0 W/ft2 Pedestrian Tunnels 0.15 W/ft2 0.15 W/ft2 0.2 W/ft2 0.3 W/ft2 Landscaping 0.04 W/ft2 0.05 W/ft2 0.05 W/ft2 0.05 W/ft2 Base Site Allowance Tradable Surfaces Uncovered Parking Areas Parking areas and drives 0.04 W/ft 2 Building Grounds Walkways less than 10 feet wide Walkways 10 feet wide or greater Plaza areas Occupancy Based Control Additions Requirement for specific occupancy sensor control in additional spaces (red). conference,/meeting rooms, and training rooms, classrooms and lecture halls employee lunch and break rooms., storage and supply rooms between 50 ft2 and 1000 ft2, rooms used for document copying and printing, office spaces up to 250 ft2, [Addendum “x” to 90.1restrooms 2007 – Completed] dressing, locker, and fitting rooms. Exceptions updated (moved): Spaces with multi-scene lighting control systems Shop and laboratory classrooms Spaces where an automatic shutoff would endanger the safety or security of the room or building occupant(s) Lighting required for 24-hour operation Occupancy Manual-on Control Requirement Automatic control devices shall not be set to Automatically turn the lighting on. This effectively requires manual-on OR 50% auto-on function for automatic controls Commonly known as a “vacancy sensor” type of control in the occupancy sensor industry Exceptions (where automatic-on is allowed): public corridors and stairwells, restrooms, primary building entrance areas and lobbies , areas where manual-on operation would endanger the safety or security of the room or building occupant(s). [Addenda “aa” and “bp” to 90.1-2007 – Completed] “Bi-Level” Space Lighting Control Requires the controlled lighting have at least one control step between 30% and 70% (inclusive) of full lighting power in addition to all off. Exceptions: Lights in corridors, electrical/mechanical rooms, public lobbies, restrooms, stairways, and storage rooms Spaces with only one luminaire with rated input power less than 100W. Spaces types with a lighting power allowance of less than 0.6 W/ft2 [Addendum “ce” to 90.1-2007 – In process] Changes to Alterations Requirements Requires that BOTH Interior and Exterior alterations comply with LPD and automatic shutoff requirements Includes retrofits where luminaires are added, replaced, or removed. Also includes lamp plus ballast retrofits Alterations of less than 10% of connected lighting load are exempted. [Addendum “av” to 90.1-2007 – Completed] Parking Garage Control Requires Parking garage lighting to be automatically controlled including daylighting Must reduce lighting power by minimum of 30% when no activity detected within a lighting zone (< 3,600 sf) Daylight transition zone lighting (66 ft wide by 50 ft) must be separately controlled to turn lighting on during daylight hours and off at sunset. Daylight control required for luminaires within 20 feet of perimeter wall with net opening to wall ratio of 40%. Exceptions: Daylight transitions zones and ramps without parking are exempt from 30% reduction and daylight control. Applications using HID of 150 watts or less or Induction lamps are exempt from 30% reduction. [Addendum “cz” to 90.1-2007 – completed] Advanced Exterior Lighting Control Requires specific daylight and building operation lighting controls for exterior Lighting must turn off when there is sufficient daylight Building façade and landscape lighting must be shut off between midnight or business closing, whichever is later, and 6am or business opening, whichever comes first, or between times established by the authority having jurisdiction. The power for other lighting including advertising signage, shall be automatically reduced by at least 30%: from 12 midnight or within one (1) hour of the end of business operations, whichever is later, until 6am or business opening ,whichever is earlier; OR during any period when no activity has been detected for a time of no longer than 15 minutes. [Addendum “cd” to 90.1-2007 – in process] Receptacle (wall plug) Control Requires that 50% of receptacles (wall plugs) in a space have automatic shutoff control Applies to 125 volt 15- and 20-Ampere receptacles in Private offices, Open offices, and Computer Classrooms Requires automatic control using: Time-of-day schedule, Occupancy sensor, or Other automatic control based on occupancy Exceptions: Spaces where automatic shutoff would be safety/security issue Spaces where all loads require 24 hour operation. [Addendum “bs” to 90.1-2007 – in process] Hotel Room Bathroom Lighting Exception/Control Revision Guestrooms in hotels, motels, boarding houses or similar buildings shall have one or more control device(s) at the entry door that collectively control all permanently installed luminaires and switched receptacles, except those in the bathroom(s). Bathrooms shall have a control device installed to automatically turn off the bathroom lighting, except for night lighting not exceeding 5 watts, within 60 minutes of the occupant leaving the space. [Addendum “aw” to 90.1-2007 – Completed] Advanced Control Incentives When all mandatory control requirements are met for a space AND advanced controls are installed in that space, THEN additional limited lighting power is allowed: The allowance is based on conservative estimates of tradeoff (low percentage of expected savings) Additional power can be used anywhere in the building Additional Interior Lighting Power Allowance is calculated as: Lighting Power Under Control x Control Factor [Addendum “ac” to 90.1-2007 - completed] Control Factors for Advanced Controls (partial list) Control Factors Varying by space type Space Type Open AND Private offices Conference meeting Classroom (lect./train.) Retail Sales area Lobby, Atrium, Dining, Corridor/stairs, Gym/pool Mall concourse, Parking garage Manual, continuous dimming control OR Programmable multi-level dimming control 0.05 0.10* 0.1 0 Programmable multi-level dimming control using programmable time scheduling 0.05 0.10* 0.1 0.1 Multi-level occupancy sensors 0.05 0.05 0 0 Automatic bi-level or multi level switching in primary sidelighted areas when EA > 0.15 0 0 0.1 0 Additional Control Method *These control factors may only be used if the requirements of section are met using an occupancy sensor. Stairwell and “Emergency” Lighting Control Stairwell lighting must have automatic shutoff control Applies to lighting in enclosed stairwells Must have control to automatically reduce lighting power in any control zone by at least 50% within 30 minutes of all occupants leaving the zone. Lighting with dual function as normal and “emergency” lighting must comply with automatic shutoff requirements This was always the intent but now clarified [Addenda “cu” and “cf” to 90.1-2007 – in process] Functional Testing (commissioning) of Controls Requires functional testing (calibrated/adjusted/programmed) for lighting control devices and systems within 90 days of occupancy Must be performed by individuals NOT involved in design, manufacture, or installation For occupant sensors, time switches, programmable controls, or photosensors: Verify all performance criteria is met Confirm occupant sensor time-out and sensitivity settings Confirm timers and programs set to turn lights off Confirm photosensor controls effectively control electric lighting in response to daylight [Addendum “az” to 90.1-2007 – Completed QUESTIONS ?