NM DMS Release 3 New Features

Annual Users’ Group Meeting
© ABB Ltd. - 1
August 27 – 31, 2006
Network Manager DMS
Release 3 New Features
Martin Bass
© ABB Inc. - 2
Release 3 (2006) New Features
New features for Network Manager DMS Release 3
Consult release notes for details
Some features may require additional license fee
Release numbering has changed back to a numbered
version, to be consistent with Network Manager suite of
© ABB Inc. - 3
Release 3 New Features
Double click brings up outage detail in OMI
Right mouse in OMI status dialog brings up menu
Drag outage and drop onto crew to assign
netCADOPS call entry will allow non-customer calls to
be tied to street intersection
Crew Status Dialog changes
Security check changes
Add Cogenerator
Advanced Switching Order enhancements
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Release 3 New Features, 2
ICCP Interface to SCADA
Color by Planned
Split Mode Architecture
Show Selected Conductors
Independent symbol scaling
Admin database changes
Bus bar changes
Data maintenance
Mobile Data Integration
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Right Mouse Menu in OMI Status Dialog
Right click on a selected outage
Actions menu will appear
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Drag Outage and Drop Onto Crew to Assign
Left click outage on outage
status dialog
Drag outage and drop onto
crew status dialog
‘Fast Assign’ is done
Non-customer Call Entry Street Intersection
Requires street intersection table for each transformer
Table holds closest transformer for each intersection
User enters two streets
Transformer automatically associated with value
If multiple matches, first transformer will be used
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Dispatcher may have to correct, if needed.
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New Entry Area in Non-Customer Call
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Intersection Popup
User Presses Find or lookup
List of matching intersections
pop up
User Selects an intersection
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Street Intersection
Intersection and City automatically populated
Transformer ID added automatically behind the scenes
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Non-customer Call Shows in OMI
Non-customer call is automatically tied to transformer
Call is locatable
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Cause and Equipment for Non-Customer Calls
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Crew Status Dialog Changes
Show feeder and substation on crew status dialog
Toggle to filter logged off crews
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Crew Status Dialog Changes
Ability to change work operation center in OMI
Set current Operation Center from Crew Status dialog
Toggle to filter crew status dialog by Operation Center
Operation center filtered by Ormap login
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Do Not Tie/Parallel Tag
Special connectivity tag
Can be placed on any tie switch
Prevents a parallel from being made
Allows switch to be operated if de-energizing or
Security Checking – Do not Tie
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Do not tie tag
Security Checking – Phase Difference
Check for phase angle
Nominal phase angle trace
from source(s)
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Does not use UBLF
Accounts for 30 deg phase
shifts in wye-delta, delta-wye
Warns operator when making
parallel if circuits do not phase
because of transformer
Warning issued if over limit
Automatic Throwover Warnings
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Warning when switch in an
ATO will operate due to
energization change
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Add Temporary Generator
Similar to add generator
Prompts user for temporary
generator information before
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Safety Document Includes Clearance Tracking
Top window shows summary of tag steps in switching plan
Middle window shows clearance status for each crew
Bottom window shows details of clearance selected in middle
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Advanced Switch Order Templates
Templates can now be saved
under area of responsibility
User selects a single AOR
from a tree
Advanced Switch Order Templates
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Warning issued if steps not in selected sub area
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ICCP SCADA Interface
ICCP – Inter Control Center Protocol (TASE.2)
Industry standard for EMS to EMS communications
Set of conformance blocks define functions supported
Release 3 implementation supports
Incoming status values
Incoming analog values
Supported ICCP Conformance Blocks
Block 1 (periodic data transfer)
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Data can be grouped to be transferred at different intervals
Block 2 (exception reporting)
Used for status changes
Only changes are sent
Includes periodic sending of entire data set
Block 5 (Device control). Future release. Will also
support two-way tagging.
Unsupported ICCP Conformance Blocks
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The following blocks will not be supported
Block 3 (Block data transfer)
Block 4 (Information messages)
Block 6 (Program Control)
Block 7 (Event reporting)
Block 8 (Additional User Objects)
Block 9 (Time Series Data)
Typical Configuration Diagram
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Bilateral Tables
ICCP maps point names to Network Manager DMS
names via Bilateral Tables
SCADA system has table to map point name to ID that is
sent over the wire
Network Manager DMS has table to map ID sent over
the wire to Device ID
ID sent over the wire is determined by mutual
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ICCP Implementation Details
Separate Windows server runs SISCO MMS-Ease
Communicates to Network Manager DMS Server via
Smart Sockets
Color by Planned
New coloring option:
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Color by Planned
Separate colors for:
In Service
Planned addition
Planned deletion
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Color By Conductor Capacity
Color by conductor rating
Colors are user configurable
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Color By Conductor Capacity Margin
Color by conductor rating less
results of load flow (requires
load flow option)
Colors are user configurable
Show Selected Conductors
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Tool to highlight conductors of a given type
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Select Conductors, press OK
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Selected Conductors are Highlighted
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Independent Symbol Scaling
User can increase or decrease symbols according to
Category defined in symbol_category table
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Select Symbol to resize from pulldown
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Press Increase/decrease Size Button
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Press ‘G’ Button to Reset Symbol Size
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Multiple Administrator Databases
A registry setting
allows user to
specify admin
database to use
when logging in
Up to 32 admin
databases can be
Screen shot shows 3
admin databases
Multiple Administrator Databases
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User is presented with menu
of admin databases to select
when logging in
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Bus Bar Line Style
New busbar line style defined
Defined by bus_bar attribute in
line_type table
Old line style table no longer
Bus_bar attribute in line table
no longer supported
Bus bar nodes being phased
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Data Maintenance
Merge data maintenance to common code base
Data Maintenance login authority
Add and delete equipment with on-line
incremental update
Edit and specify equipment properties with online incremental update
Includes ATOs
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DM Login Authority
User’s login account must be given DM authority
User chooses data maintenance GUI at login
DM GUI is fully functional but not intended for
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DM Login Authority in Database
Add record to ADM_USER_CLASSES table
Record contains the following information:
USR_ID = login user id
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Logging into Data Maintenance
Check the Data
Maintenance box
Select the Operator from
the pull down list
Note: Pull down list of
operations only shows
operators with Data
Maintenance authority
Data Maintenance GUI
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Ormap title bar indicates
that operator is in data
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DM Login Authority in Database
Select Toolbars |
Components to get the
component editing toolbar
Component Editing
toolbar appears as shown
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DM Login Authority in Database
Select Toolbars | DM
Specials to get the data
maintenance specials
editing toolbar
DM Specials Editing
toolbar appears as shown
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Adding a Line
Select the Line icon on
the DM component
Hold the cursor down at
the starting position of the
Drag it to the end node
position and release
New line is created
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Data Maintenance Operator Warning
Operator is warned when
a data maintenance
operation is performed
Operator can choose to
ignore warnings
Remember that all data
maintenance operations
go to all operational
consoles immediately
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Adding a Line
End nodes will be
automatically created
Property window(s) for
line end nodes appear
Default IDs and names
are programmatically
Enter new parameters if
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Adding a Line
Property window for new
line appears
Default parameters are
Enter new parameters if
Adding a Line
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Line is immediately added
in all clients, database,
and shared memory
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Adding Line Connecting Existing Node(s)
Select the Line icon on
the DM component
Hold the cursor down at
the starting node
Drag it to the end node
position and release
New line will be
connected to existing
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Adding Path Points
Click path point editing
Left mouse click point
where path point is to be
Drag to position of path
point and release
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Adding Path Points
Path point is created at
point where mouse is
Path points are
immediately added in all
clients and database
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Deleting Individual Path Points
Right click on line near
path point to be deleted
Select Delete path point
Path point is immediately
deleted in all clients,
database, and shared
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Deleting All Line Path Points
Right click on line near
path point to be deleted
Select Delete all path
All path points on the line
are immediately deleted in
all clients, database, and
shared memory
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Deleting a Line
Right click line to be
Choose the line
component to be deleted
Select Delete from the
right click operations
Line and all connected
components is
immediately deleted in all
clients, database, and
shared memory
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Deleting a Line with Attached Devices
Warning is issued if line
has attached devices
Select OK to delete line
and all attached devices
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Updating a Line
Right click line to be
Select Update
Edit Line properties
Select OK on Update Line
Properties window
Line is immediately
updated in all clients,
database, and shared
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Adding a Source
Select the Source icon
on the DM component
Select the node where
the source is to be
Error message is issue
if selection point is not a
Enter new source
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Updating/Deleting a Source
Right click source
Select Update or Delete
For update:
Edit Source properties
Select OK on Update
Source Properties window
Source is immediately
updated in all clients,
database, and shared
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Adding Line Devices
Only one line device can
be added to the end of a
Only two line devices per
Line devices are:
Circuit Breakers
Power transformers
Editing Other Objects
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Other objects added, updated and deleted in a similar way:
Meter Points
Circuit Breaker (New – devcat 17)
Fault Indicator
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Deleting a Node with Attached Devices
Warning is issued if node
has attached components
Select OK to delete node
and all attached
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Split Line
Allows a line to be split into two lines at an operated
selected point
Select Split a Line icon on Special Data Maintenance
tool bar
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Split Line
Select the point
where the line is
to be split
Edit properties of
new node
Split Line
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Edit properties of
new line created
by the split
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Split Line
Line is split resulting in
new node and new line
Sum of two line lengths
is the original line
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Undo / Redo Operation
Previous data maintenance operations can be undone
or redone
Operations are undone or redone in series
WARNING – undo and redo operations result in
immediate incremental updates
Undo / Redo Operation
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Undo after three lines have
been added
Undo / Redo Operation
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Redo operation selected
after two undo operations
Undo / Redo Operation
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Redo after two undo operations
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Split Mode Architecture
In a two site configuration, allows each site to work
independently when communications broken
While system is split, each side can add/remove tags,
perform switching, add/remove line cuts, jumpers, etc
When systems are put back together, conflicts are
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Overview of Mobile Data Integration
Send outage assignments directly to Mobile Data
Terminal (MDT) from NM DMS
Receive assignment status updates from MDT (enroute,
Update assignments automatically to MDT as outage
engine rolls outages up
Verify and complete outages from MDT
Display crew login status in NM DMS, as entered from
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Transfer Phase Angles, Voltages from SCADA
Requires ABB Network Manager EMS (ICCP in 2007)
Additional types of analog points transferred over real
time data link
Source voltages and phase angles transferred to NM
DMS for use in load flow calculations
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Tighter Integration of Training Simulators
Requires ABB Network Manager EMS
‘Virtual time’ available in NM DMS, synchronized to EMS
NM DMS virtual clock and be started and stopped via
commands from EMS OTS
NM DMS virtual clock used in event log time stamps
Currently outage analysis not supported in this mode
NM DMS sends switching configuration changes back to
EMS for input to EMS power system applications
Other Release 3 New Features
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Power system applications (additional license fee
Unbalanced load flow
Server-based load flow
Fault location enhancements
Line Unloading tool
Multi switch RSA
Automatic Schematic Generation (additional license fee
Virtual site symbols
Equivalent Loads