Introduction to NP

MCS312: NP-completeness and
Approximation Algorithms
Instructor: Neelima Gupta
Table of Contents
Class NP and Co-NP revisited
Problem discussed
Shortest Path Problem
So far you must have seen…
Polynomial time algorithms
Exponential time algorithms
Parallel algorithms
Randomized algorithms
Optimization Problems you must
have seen
Longest Common Subsequence
Matrix Chain Multiplication
Optimal Binary Search Tree
Activity Selection Problem
Minimum Spanning Tree
Shortest Path
- Solvable in Polynomial Time by Dynamic
Programming or Greedy Approach.
Optimization Vs Decision
• In case of Optimization problems, each feasible
solution has an associated value, and we want
the feasible solution with the ‘best’ value.
• Eg: Shortest path problem-Given an undirected graph (G,s,t), we want to
compute the shortest path from vertex s to
vertex t (path using fewest edges).
Optimization & Decision
• In case of Decision problems, the answer to the
problem is a simple ‘yes’ or a ‘no’ (more formally, 1 or 0).
• We can obtain a related decision problem for a given
optimization problem by bounding the value to be
• Eg: Shortest path problem (decision version 1)
-Given an undirected graph (G,s,t,k), is there a path from
vertex s to vertex t consisting of exactly k edges?
• Shortest path problem (decision version 2)
-Given an undirected graph (G,s,t,k), is there a path from
vertex s to vertex t consisting of at most k edges?
Assignment 1
Give the decision versions(both) for the
following problems :
Longest Common Subsequence
Matrix Chain Multiplication
Optimal Binary Search Tree
Activity Selection Problem
Minimum Spanning Tree
Class NP
• The class of decision problems for which there is a
polynomially bounded nondeterministic algorithm.
• NP-completeness does not apply directly to optimization
problems, but to decision problems.
• We can obtain a decision version of an optimization
problem, which will be “easier” or at least, “no harder”
than the optimization problem.
• Optimization problem is the harder of the two.
• A Verification algorithm takes as an input, a
problem instance, and a certificate and
decides whether it is a yes-instance.
• A(x,y) = 1; iff, y is a valid certificate.
• Eg: Shortest path (verification version)
– Given an undirected graph (G,s,t,k,c), is c a
path from vertex s to vertex t of length = (or
<= for version 2) k?
– Here, c will be a sequence of edges (path)
from s to t.
• Let L1- SP = {<G,s,t,k>: Э a path from s to
of length = k}
• Let x  SP, then we claim that Э a certificate y
such that, <G,s,t,k,y> can be verified in
polynomial time.
– What is that?
– Ans: Since x  SP, Э a path from s to of length = k.
This path itself serves as the certificate.
– What does the verification algorithm do?
– Ans: Check that the given sequence of vertices u1 , u2 ,
… um indeed forms a path in G and,
– That its length is k i.e. m-1 = k.
Verification Algorithm
• For every ui,
– check if ui+1 is adjacent to it ….takes O(V) time
Overall time for this step is O(V2 )
• Checking that m – 1 <= k can be done in O(1)
• Hence, we can verify the certificate in
polynomial time.
Complement of Shortest Path
• Let L2- SPC = {<G,s,t,k>: !Э a path from
s to t of length <=k}
i.e. Is G a graph with no path between s and t of length <=k?
• Big Q: Does there exist a certificate which
can be verified for SPC in polynomial
• Existence of one path satisfying the
condition (yes) does not imply it is the only
path i.e. we cannot confirm non-existence
of other certificates.
Verification of SPC
• In case of SP problem which is polynomial time solvable,
this certificate exists
What is that?
The shortest path itself.
Can you verify it in polynomial time?
What should the verification algorithm do?
1. Verify that given sequence of edges indeed form a path in G.
2. Verify that it is indeed the shortest (Important!! How? SP
algorithm like Djikstra’s)
– 3. Verify that its length is greater than k (the shortest path of
length > k iff every path is of length > k i.e. iff there is no path of
length <= k)
• Hence SPC can also be verified in polynomial time.
Class ℕℙ & ℙ
• ℙ : Set of problems which can be solved in
polynomial time using deterministic algorithms.
• ℕℙ : Set of problems which we can be verified in
polynomial time.
Eg: Shortest-path problem, even
optimization problem belongs to class ℙ.
-P is a small part of NP.
-Problems which cannot be verified in polynomial
time are harder, and are outside NP.
• Co- ℕℙ : Set of problems whose
complement can be verified in polynomial
• Q: Does SP belong to Co - ℕℙ?
– Ans: Yes
SP belongs to NP ∩ Co-NP
NP ∩ Co-NP
Is every polynomial time solvable problem in NP ∩ CoNP ?
Assignment 2
• Show that P is contained in NP ∩ Co-NP.
i.e. All polynomial time solvable problems
and their complements are verifiable in
polynomial time.
Open Questions?
• Is P = NP?
• Is NP = Co-NP? (Unlikely)
• Is P = NP ∩ Co-NP?
The Class NP ∩ co-NP
A problem that belongs to NP ∩ co-NP is said to
have a Good Characterization
 It has short proofs for both “yes” and “no”
 An example problem belonging to NP ∩ co-NP
The graph isomorphism problem
Computational problem of determining whether
two finite graphs are isomorphic.
Status of GI problem is
It is neither known to be NP-Complete nor
known to be in P, we’ll talk about NPCompleteness a little while later.
The generalization of GI namely Subgraph
Isomorphism is known to be NPC.
More NP Problems
Independent Set
Vertex Cover
Hamiltonian Cycle
Subset Sum
Set Cover