United Networking
4.3 Boot Loader
8 April, 2015
Copyright © OneAccess Networks – All rights reserved
boot software
U nn iitte ed d N eNt e
w tow
r koi rnkgi n g
the boot software is a program whose primary function is to:
load the OneOs binary in SDRAM memory
boot parameters specify where the binary must be found:
 in Flash
 on the LAN
verify the binary checksum
uncompress the binary
execute the OneOs software
boot software allows to load a OneOs binary from a LAN
using FTP or TFTP
the boot configuration is case-sensitive
boot software
U nn iitte ed d N eNt e
w tow
r koi rnkgi n g
auto-boot software
a router cannot reboot if the file /BSA/binaries/OneOs is invalid or not found
in that case the boot-process comes in a loop
the ‘auto-boot’ can be interrupted by pressing « CTRL+O » :
<== Press CTRL+O to interrupt auto-boot
boot parameter settings
U nn iitte ed d N eNt e
w tow
r koi rnkgi n g
boot parameters:
Values & format
boot device
Ethernet interface for FTP/TFTP
processor number
not used
host name
any string
hostname of server
file name
file to load
inet on ethernet (e)
IP address of ethernet interface
inet on backplane (b)
not used
host inet (h)
IP address of the server
user (u)
any string
FTP user name
ftp password (pw)
any string
FTP password
flags (f)
boot options
target name
any string
local hostname
startup script
not used
not used
boot menu help (1)
U nn iitte ed d N eNt e
w tow
r koi rnkgi n g
boot help menu: commands
Syntax : h or ?
The commands ‘h’ or ‘?’ display the boot help menu:
boot menu help (2)
U nn iitte ed d N eNt e
w tow
r koi rnkgi n g
boot help menu: flags
the flag specifies how the "auto-boot" will be executed
boot flags
U nn iitte ed d N eNt e
w tow
r koi rnkgi n g
boot flags examples
flag structure:
 0 x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0: countdown
8: no countdown
0: FTP
0: start from FLASH
1: start from network
when the boot process is stopped by « CTRL+O » the way the
software will be loaded depends on the flag:
0x00000000: boot from flash with countdown: /BSA/binaries/OneOS
0x00000008: boot from flash without countdown: /BSA/binaries/OneOS
0x00001000: boot from network via FTP with countdown
0x00001008: boot from network via FTP without countdown
0x00001080: boot from network via TFTP with countdown
0x00001088: boot from network via TFTP without countdown
configuring boot parameters
U nn iitte ed d N eNt e
w tow
r koi rnkgi n g
configuring / changing the boot flags
stop the boot process by « CTRL+O »
[Boot Loader]: c
'.' = clear field;
'-' = go to previous field;
^D = quit
boot device
: FastEthernet0 
processor number
: 0 
host name
: 
file name
: C:\one180 c:\OneOS\ONEOS5-SIP.ZZZ 
inet on ethernet (e) : 
inet on backplane (b): 
host inet (h)
: 
user (u)
: oa test 
ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh): oa test 
flags (f)
: 0x10000008 
target name (tn)
startup script (s)
other (o)
[Boot Loader]:
booting from flash
U nn iitte ed d N eNt e
w tow
r koi rnkgi n g
boot from flash
from [Boot Loader] prompt :
use command " f " followed by software file location & file name
file name must have extension .ZZZ
booting with FTP (1)
U nn iitte ed d N eNt e
w tow
r koi rnkgi n g
booting from network using FTP
flag: 0x00001008 or 0x0001000
command « n » : load software in RAM
booting with FTP (2)
U nn iitte ed d N eNt e
w tow
r koi rnkgi n g
booting from network using FTP
flag: 0x00001008 or 0x0001000
command « g » : load software in flash and rename to OneOs
booting with TFTP
U nn iitte ed d N eNt e
w tow
r koi rnkgi n g
booting from network using TFTP
set related flags:
0x00001080 or 0x00001088
command « n » loads software in RAM
command « g » loads software in flash