Tuesday November 11 11:30 am - 12:10 pm Tom Ziegler Department of Chemistry University of Calgary,Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4 Magnetically Perturbed Time Dependent Density Functional Theory. Applications and Implementations ADF • • • • • Solves Kohn-Sham equations Properties – NMR, EFG, EPR, Raman, IR, UV/Vis, NLO, CD, … – Potential energy surfaces (transition states, geometry optimization) Environment effects – QM/MM, COSMO Relativistic effects – Scalar relativistic effects, spin-orbit coupling – Transition and heavy metal compounds Uses Slater functions Inorganic Spectroscopy hv C C C C C Cl Zr Si C Cl C C C C Basic Time Dependent Density Functionl Theory Basic Equation : F () W F 2 M.E.Casida () Gross,E.K.; Kohn W. Where : 1/2 (A B)S 1/2 S S1/ 2 (A B)1/ 2 Definition of A and B Matrices : Aia, jb Fia (a i ) 0 ij ab P jb 0 Bia,bj T. Ziegler,M.Seth,M.Krykunov,J.Autschbach A Revised Electronic Hessian for Approximate Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory SUBMITTED, J.C.P. F ia P bj 0 Basic Time Dependent Density Functionl Theory Basic Equation : F () W F 2 M.E.Casida () Gross,E.K.; Kohn W. Where : 1/2 (A B)S 1/2 S S1/ 2 (A B)1/ 2 Corredted Definition of A and B Matrices : Aia, jb F ia (a i ) 0 ij ab P jb 0 Bia,bj 1 f [Jaa,aa Kaa,aa Jii,ii Kii,ii 2Jaa,ii 2Kaa,ii ] 2 F ia P bj 0 Basic Time Dependent Density Functionl Theory Basic Equation : F () W F 2 M.E.Casida () Gross,E.K.; Kohn W. Where : 1/2 (A B)S 1/2 S S1/ 2 (A B)1/ 2 Corredted Definition of A and B Matrices : Aia, jb F ia (a i ) 0 ij ab P jb 0 Bia,bj Spin-flip transitions using non-collinear functionals Liu (2004),Ziegler+Wang (2005),Vahtras (2007) F ia P bj 0 Basic Time Dependent Density Functionl Theory Basic Equation : F () W F 2 () M.E.Casida Gross,E.K.; Kohn W. W = E o, Transition Energy : Electric Transition Dipole Moment : 1 ˆ A M J WJ (J) F (a i ) ia ia ia i r a ia Magnetic Transition Dipole Moment : J Lˆ A WJ lia Fia( J ) ia 1 ( a i ) l jb iB j r b Absorption Spectra and TD-DFT W E 0, Transition Energy : AA 2 (J) (J) f ia Fia (a i ) jb F jb (b j ) 3 ia jb B C C Inorganic Spectroscopy hv C C C C C N Cl Si N M C Zr N Cl C N C C C H Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy Why MCD and MOR ? In absorption spectroscopy only positive (often overlapping) bands More information about each excited state Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy Why MCD ? In MCD bands of different shapes More information about each excited state Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy Origin of MCD ? Absorbance in dipole approximation. J A 2 (N Ag N Jj ) ˆ Ag M Jj Ag.Jj ( ) AJ o gj N Electric dipole operator: ˆ m ˆ i (xi exi yi eyi yi eyi ) M i i Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy Origin of MCD ? Absorbance in dipole approximation. J A 2 (N Ag N Jj ) ˆ Ag M Jj Ag.Jj ( ) AJ o gj N 1 Ag.Jj ( ) f J ( J ) e WJ J 2 W J Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy Origin of MCD ? Circular Polarized Light mˆ 1 (xex iyey ) 2 mˆ 1 (xex iyey ) 2 Difference in absorbance polarized light of left and right circular (N Ag N Jj ) ˆ Jj Ag M o gj N AJ Electric dipole operator For circular polarized Light: 2 ˆ m ˆ ,i M i 2 ˆ Ag M Jj Ag.Jj ( ) Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy Origin of MCD ? The difference in absorption of left and right circularly polarized light in the presence of a magnetic field as a function of photon energy AJ' ' A,J ' A,J (N Ag N Jj ) ˆ Jj Ag M o gj N ' 2 2 ˆ Ag M Jj . Ag.Jj ( ) 1 Ag.Jj ( ) f J ( ) e W , J , 2 J W J Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy Origin of MCD ? AJ' o 3 3 o 3 o 3 (N A N J ) ˆ J A M N 2 2 ˆ A M J f J ( J )o B B (N A N J ) ˆ J A M N B 3 3 B (N A N J ) ˆ J A M N o 2 2 2 ˆ A M J f J ( J )B o ˆ J 2 f J ( J )B A M f J ( J ) oA J B 0BJ f J ( J )B oC J f J ( J )B AJ' Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy The MCD disprsion AJ' f J ( J ) oAJ B 0BJ f J ( J )B oC J f J ( J )B P.J.Stephens. Ph.D. Thesis 1964 C(T) A B A Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy The MCD disprsion AJ' f J ( J ) oAJ B 0BJ f J ( J )B oC J f J ( J )B Degenerate ground- or (and) excited state Absorption band Positive A-term P.J.Stephens. Ph.D. Thesis 1964 Negative A-term Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy The MCD disprsion AJ' f J ( J ) oAJ B 0BJ f J ( J )B oC J f J ( J )B P.J.Stephens. Ph.D. Thesis 1964 All cases Absorption band Negative B-term Positive B-term Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy The MCD disprsion AJ' f J ( J ) oAJ B 0BJ f J ( J )B oC J f J ( J )B Space and(or) spin-degenerate ground state Absorption band Negative Negative B-term C-term P.J.Stephens. Ph.D. Thesis 1964 Positive Positive B-term C-term Origin of B-Term C f ( J )B o B -A J J (BJ + J ) f J ( J )B J kT The B term A' B=0 Y Y-iaX X X+iaY A -A+ A- M- A- M- M+ M+ O O A -A+ B>0 B=0 3 1 ˆ J A M BJ 3 B B>0 2 2 ˆ A M J o M.Seth,T.Ziegler, M.Krykunov, J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 128, 144105 (2008) Expression for the B-Term The B term 3 1 ˆ J A M BJ 3 B 2 2 ˆ A M J o Or by using the identity t ˆtJ AM 2 ˆtJ AM 2 ˆrJ JM ˆ s A i ( ) i rst A M rst rs L r,s,t r,s,t Here rst is the three - dimensional Levi - Civita symbol We thus have 3 st ( ) i BJ stu 3 s,t,u Bu L M.Seth,T.Ziegler, M.Krykunov, J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 128, 144105 (2008) The Calculation of the B-term The B term : practical calculations st ( ) i BJ stu 3 s,t,u Bu We have: Where: L st () ms[XL () YL ()][mt (XL () YL ()] L Early work: J.Michl, J.Am.Chem.Soc. 100,6801 (1978) m s i(0) m s a(0) TD-DFT calculations C 0 X A * 0 CY B B X * A Y The Calculation of the B-term The B term : practical calculations We have: st ( ) i BJ stu 3 s,t,u Bu L Where: 2i BAJ stu [m s(1)u (X J(0) YJ(0) )m t(0) (X J(0) YJ(0) ) 3 stu m s(0) (X J(1)u YJ(1)u )m t(0) (X J(0) YJ(0) )] TD-DFT calculations Solve: (0) (0) C 0 X A (0) (0) (0) 0 CY B (0) B X (0) (0) A Y (0) The Calculation of the B-term The B term : practical calculations By differentiation of BAJ 2i stu [m s(1)u (X J(0) YJ(0) )m t(0) (X J(0) YJ(0) ) 3 stu m s(0) (X J(1)u YJ(1)u )m t(0) (X J(0) YJ(0) )] (0) (0) C 0 X A (0) (0) (0) 0 CY B Implementation - X ,Y (1) (1) B(0) X (0) (0) (0) A Y T he equation that we use for evaluating(1)(X , Y(1) ) is A(0) B(0)* I (1) I 0 B(0) (0) I I (0)* A 0 0 A(1) (1)* I B 0X I(1) (1) I YI B(1) X I(0) (0) (1)* A YI M.Seth,T.Ziegler, M.Krykunov, J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 128, 144105 (2008) The Calculation of the B-term Evaluation of- X(1) , Y(1) 1 1 Introducing the unitary transformation= U 1 -1 A(0) U B(0)* B(0) (0) I I (0)* A 0 0 X I(1) (1) I I U U (1) U I YI 0 I Z S (A B )S 0 A(1) I B(1)* B(1) X I(0) U U (0) (1)* A YI Affords (0) I S (0) I Here: 1/2 (1) I (0) 1/2 I (1) (1) 1/2 (0) I F (A B )S F (1) (1) 1/2 (0) I Z S (X Y ) (1) I (0) I 1/2 (1) I (1) I M.Seth,T.Ziegler, M.Krykunov, J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 128, 144105 (2008) The Calculation of the B-term The B term : practical calculations (0) (1) (0) 1/2 (1) (1) 1/2 (0) I Z S (A B )S FI I I I 1/2 (1) (1) 1/2 (0) (0) S (A B )S FI I (1) An Expression for K ai,bj We needp(1) . A well known expresson exists that is particularly simple because we have a imaginary perturbation (1) (0) (1) U p qp q q p (1) H (1) Uqp (0) pq (0) q p Where H(1) is the Hamiltonian describing t he perurbation T hus (1) (1)* (0) (0) (1)* (0) (1)* (0) Kai,bj U pa K pi,bj U pi(1)*Kap,bj U pb Kai,pj U pb Kap,bp pa pi pb p j M.Seth,T.Ziegler, J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 128, 144105 (2008) Seth+ZieglerM.Krykunov, JCP,2008,in press The Calculation of the B-term by Direct Method The B term : Direct method We must solve (0) I 1/2 I Z I(1) (0) (A (1) B (1) )S 1/2 FI(0) I S 1/2 (0) (A (1) B (1) )S1/2 FI(0) I S Our equation has the form AX b Seth+Ziegler JCP,2008 WithA a known matrix,b a known vector and X the unknown vector to be determined. T his equation can be solved easily if we have A1 . T here are two problems however (0) (a) T he matrixA (0) I . T his matrix has no inverse because I I I is an eigenvalue of (b) The matrix A is extremely large and we don' t want to try and invert it directly. To avoid this problem we : (i) Solve the equations iteratively by expanding the solution in a Krylov subspace(the space b,Ab, A2b,...Aib in theith iteration) (0) (ii) Project out from the Krylov supspaces any contribution from F I The Calculation of the B-term by Direct Method The B term : Direct Method We must solve Ax b 1/2 2i S BAJ M (Z J(1) )M (X J(0) YJ(0) ) 3 (0) J (0) I 1/2 I Z I(1) (0) (A (1) B (1) )S 1/2 FI(0) I S 1/2 (0) (A (1) B (1) )S1/2 FI(0) I S Pros (i) Can be used in conjunction with an unperturbed (0) T DDFT calculation that yields only a few solutions .F (ii)Degree of convergence is known Seth+Ziegler JCP,2008,in press Cons (i) T he iterative procedure is often slowly convergent. We are at tempting t o improve convergence by adding M.Seth,T.Ziegler, M.Krykunov, J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 128, 144105 (2008) the unperturbed T DDFT solutionsJ(0)F, J I to Krylov subspace The Calculation of the B-term by Sum-over-State Method The B term : Sum Over State (0) I 1/2 I Z I(1) (0) (A (1) B (1) )S 1/2 FI(0) I S 1/2 (0) (A (1) B (1) )S1/2 FI(0) I S Z (1) by Sum - Over- State Writing Z(1) in terms of the complete set F(0) affords Z I(1) = CJI FJ(0) JI (0) Substitute into first order equation and multiply by from F left affords J (0) (0) (0) 1/2 FJ(0) (0) S (A(1) B(1) )S 1/2 FI(0) I I ((C JI FJ ) I FJ JI (0) 1/2 (0) S (A(1) B(1) )S1/2 FI(0) I FJ Or M.Seth,T.Ziegler, M.Krykunov, J.Autschbach J.Chem. Seth+Ziegler JCP,2008,134108 Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 128, 144105 (2008) (0) 1/2 (1) (1) 1/2 (0) (0) 1/2 (1) (1) 1/2 (0) (0) (F S (A B )S F F S (A B )S FI I J I J C JI (0) (0) I J The Calculation of the B-term by Sum-over-State Method The B term : Sum Over State 1/2 2i S BAJ M (Z J(1) )M (X J(0) YJ(0) ) 3 (0) J Z (1) by Sum - Over- State: Z I(1) CJI FJ(0) JI (0) 1/2 (0) S (A(1) B(1) )S 1/2 FI(0) I (FJ C JI (0) (0) I J FJ(0) S 1/2 (A(1) B(1) )S1/2 FI(0) (0) (0) I J Pros Cons Seth+Ziegler JCP,2008,134108 Interpretation easy in terms of contributions from different excited states May need to calculate manyJ(0)Fin unperturbed T DDFT and convergence of summation is unknown Other B-term implementations J.Michl J.Am.Chem.Soc. 100, 6801, 1978 HF+CI E.Dalgaard Phys.Rev. A 42 42 1982 J.Olsen; P. 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Sum-over-state formulation Te 1b2 11A1 --> 11B1 X 0.64 2b1 X Tellurophen 4.4 11A1 --> 21A1 1b1 X 11A1 --> 11B2 X -28.0 -5.1 12.8 1a2 Seth+Ziegler JCP,2008,134108 4.8 5.2 A-term of MCD Origin of A-term AJ' 1 (N A N J ) ˆ J A M o J 3 N 2 ˆ J AM 1 (N A N J ) ˆ J A M o J 3 N B 1 o J 3 B 2 2 f ( J )0 B B ˆ J AM (N A N J ) ˆ J AM N 0 2 2 f ( J )B o ˆ J AM 2 f ( J )B f ( J ) oA J 0BJ f ( J )B oC J f ( J )B AJ' M.Seth,T.Ziegler,J.Chem.Phys. 2004,120,10943 M.Seth,T.Ziegler, M.Krykunov, J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 128, 234102 (2008) The A-term of Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy The A term o J -A J f ( J ) B 1 (N A N J ) ˆ A M J o J 3 N 1 (N A N J ) ˆ A M J o J N 3 2 2 2 ˆ A M J f ( J )0 B B 2 f ( ) J J ˆ A M J B B 0 Thus AJ 1 (N A N J ) ˆ 3 N A M J 2 ˆ J J AM 0 B M.Seth,T.Ziegler,J.Chem.Phys. 2004,120,10943 M.Seth,T.Ziegler, M.Krykunov, J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. J. Chem. 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Phys. 128, 234102 (2008) H.Solheim; ; K.Rudd; S.Coriani ,P.Norman J.Chem.Phys. 128,094193,2008 M.Krykunov,M.Seth,T.Ziegler,J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. 2007,127,244107 M.Seth,T.Ziegler, E.J.Baerends J.Chem.Phys. 2004,120,10943 M.Seth,T.Ziegler, J.Chem.Phys. 2007,127,134108 Applications:A/D Se4 2+ D4h Te4 Exp:-0.66 Calc:-0.72 Exp:-0.50 Fe(CN)64- Exp: 0.40 2+ Ni(CN)42- Calc:-0.80 Oh C6Cl6 Exp: 0.72 A D B Calc: 0.48 D4h M.Seth,T.Ziegler,J.Chem.Phys. 2004,120,10943 C6H3Br3 Exp: 0.60 D6h Calc: 0.63 D3h Calc: 0.55 Different MCD-terms Negative B-term Positive B-term Negative A-term Positive A-term 3t2 Metal 2e t1 Ligand Absorption band 2t2 M.Seth,T.Ziegler, M.Krykunov, J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. J. Chem. Phys. 128, 234102 (2008) MCD-terms for Oxyanions MCD-terms for Thioanions Theor Exp. M.Krykunov,M.Seth,T.Ziegler,J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. Submitted MCD spectra of Porphyrins containing Mg,Ni and Zn 5 10-2 21Eu N 31Eu N M N Alejandro Gonzales, Mike Seth, Tom Ziegler Inorg.Chem. Inorg. Chem. 2007,46, 9111-9125. N Orbital level diagram for ZnP ZnP 2eg1 2e1.g 2eg2 5 10-2 21Eu 2a2u 2a2.u 1a1.u 31Eu 1a1u 1b1.g 1b2.u 1e1.g 1a2.u 1b2u E.J. Baerends , G. Ricciardi , A. Rosa , S.J.A van Gisbergen J.Phys.Chem. A2001,105,3311 E.J. Baerends , G. Ricciardi , A. Rosa , S.J.A van Gisbergen Coord.Chem.Rev. 2002,230,5 ZnP Experimental Spectrum for ZnP 3Eu 2Eu C2(2a2u eg)-C1(1a1u --> 2eg) Conjugated Gouterman State 2e1.g (1b2u eg) 5 10-2 21Eu 1Eu 1A1g 2a2.u 1a1.u 31Eu C1(2a2u eg)+C2(1a1u --> 2eg) Gouterman State 1b1.g 1b2.u 1e1.g 1a2.u Ground State Complex Symmetry 1Eu Exc. Energ. (eV) exp. calc. c d 2.03 , 2.21 , 2.28 e f 2.23 , 2.18 c 2Eu ZnP % h f Assign. -> 2eg -> 2eg 52.10 46.63 0.001 Q 3.25 1b2u -> 2eg 1a1u -> 2e1g 2a2u -> 2eg 68.44 17.54 10.05 0.496 3.32 1b2u 2a2u 1a1u 1a2u 29.88 29.31 27.13 10.30 d 2.95 , 3.09 , e f 3.18 , 3.13 Composition 2a2u 1a1u g E.J. Baerends , G. Ricciardi , A. Rosa , S.J.A van Gisbergen Coord.Chem.Rev. 2002,230,5 3Eu -> -> -> -> 2eg 2eg 2eg 2eg B 0.943 Experimental Spectrum for ZnP 5 10-2 21Eu C2(2a2u eg)+C1(1a1u --> 2eg) Conjugated Gouterman State 3Eu 2Eu (1b2u eg) 31Eu C1(2a2u eg)+C2(1a1u --> 2eg) Gouterman State 1Eu 1A1g Ground State D(1Eu ) C1 2a2u y 2egy C2 1a1u y 2egx 2 1 1 2 2.92 3.25 2.27x10 2 2 2 L.Edwards,D.H.Dolphin,M.Goutermn J.Mol.Spectrosc 35(1970)90 E.J. Baerends , G. Ricciardi , A. Rosa , S.J.A van Gisbergen Coord.Chem.Rev. 2002,230,5 D(3Eu ) C1 2a2u y 2egy C2 1a1u y 2egx 1 1 2.92 3.25 9.51 2 2 2 2 Simulated Spectrum for ZnP with A-term only A-only 1Eu 2Eu+3Eu Q Complex ZnP Exp Symmetry h A h A/D 1Eu 0.05 5.49 2Eu -3.37 -1.62 3Eu -0.57 -0.15 ZnP Q S Alejandro Gonzales, Mike Seth, Tom Ziegler Inorg.Chem. Inorg. Chem. Influence of ring distortion on MCD spectrum of ZnP N N M N N N nB1 D4h C2v N nB Lˆ nB A Mˆ nB nB Mˆ A 2 1 z 2 1 x 1 2 y 1 B(nB2 ) Im 3 W n nB2 nEu N M N nB Lˆ nB A Mˆ nB nB Mˆ A 2 1 z 2 1 x 1 2 y 1 B(nB1) Im 3 Wn B(nB2 ) B(nB1) B(nB2 ) A (nE u ) B(nB1 ) Influence of ring distortion on MCD spectrum of ZnP N N M N N N N M N N nB Lˆ nB A Mˆ nB nB Mˆ A 2 1 z 2 1 x 1 2 y 1 B(nB2 ) Im 3 W n nB2 nEu nB1 D4h C2v 0.5 D4h ZnP nB Lˆ nB A Mˆ nB nB Mˆ A 2 1 z 2 1 x 1 2 y 1 B(nB1) Im 3 Wn ZnP 0.5 x10 0.0 -0.5 -0.5 2.00 x10 N o rm al iz ed In te n si ty N o rm al iz ed In te n si ty 0.0 Dist C2V 2.50 E(eV) 3.00 3.50 2.00 2.50 E(eV) 3.00 3.50 Simulated Spectrum for ZnP with B-term only B-terms Exp. 3Eu 1Eu 4 B(nEu ) Im 3 pn 2Eu nEux Lˆz pEuy A1g Mˆ x nEux pEuy Mˆ y A1g W ( pE1uy ) W (nE1uy ) 1.00 Simulated Spectrum for ZnP with A+B-term only Normalized Intensity ZnP 0.50 0.00 x 100 -0.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 E (eV) E (eV) 3.50 Exp. B(2Eu ) 4 Im 3 pn 2Eux Lˆ z 3Euy A1g Mˆ x 2Eux 3Euy Mˆ y A1g W (3E1uy ) W (2E1uy ) B(3Eu ) 4 Im 3 pn 3Eux Lˆ z 2Euy A1g Mˆ x 3Eux 2Euy Mˆ y A1g W (2E1uy ) W (3E1uy ) B(3Eu ) 4 Im 3 pn B(2Eu ) 2Eux Lˆ z 3Euy A1g Mˆ x 3Eux 2Euy Mˆ y A1g W (2E1uy ) W (3E1uy ) Alejandro Gonzales, Mike Seth, Tom Ziegler Inorg.Chem. Inorg. Chem. 2007,46, 9111-9125. Simulated Spectrum for MgP and NiP with A+B-term E(eV) MgP NiP 2eg -7.00 ZnP 2eg (a) MgP 2eg 0.5 2Eu dx2-y2 3Eu 0.0 x100 1Eu N or m al iz ed In te n si ti es 0.5 2a2u 1a1u -9.50 1a1u 2a2u dz2 2a2u 1a1u 1a2u dxy dxz, dyz 1eg 3.5 (b) NiP 1b1g 1b2u 1eg 1a2u 0.5 0.0 x100 0.5 N o rm a li ze d In te n si ti es 1a2u 1b2u 3.0 E(eV) dxz, dyz 1b2u 1eg 2.5 2.0 1eu -12.00 2.0 2.5 E(eV) 3.0 3.5 Substituted Porphyrins m N N N M N N N M N N M N N MTPP MOEP N tetraphenylporphyrin Alejandro Gonzales, Mike Seth, Tom Ziegler Inorg.Chem. Inorg. Chem. 2007,46, 9111-9125. N octaethylporphyrin Excited States for Substituted Porphyrins NiTPP 0.5 B(3Eu ) N or m al iz ed In te ns it y 0.0 A(1Eu ) N N -0.5 Ni N N B(2Eu ) 2.00 2.50 3.00 E(eV) Alejandro Gonzales, Mike Seth, Tom Ziegler Inorg.Chem. Inorg. Chem. 2007,46, 9111-9125. 3.50 Excited States for Substituted Porphyrins ZnTPP B(3Eu ) 0.5 A(1Eu ) 0.0 N or m al iz ed In te ns it y A(1Eu ) x10 N N -0.5 Zn N N B(2Eu ) 2.00 2.50 E(eV) 3.00 3.50 Alejandro Gonzales, Mike Seth, Tom Ziegler Inorg.Chem. Inorg. Chem. 2007,46, 9111-9125. Tetraazaporphyrins and Phthalocyanines m N N M N N Tetraazaporphyrins and Phthalocyanines m N N N N N M N N M N N N N N MTAP tetraazaporphyrin Tetraazaporphyrins and Phthalocyanines N m N M N N N N N N M N N M N N N N N N N N N N MTAP tetraazaporphyrin Alejandro Gonzales, Mike Seth, Tom Ziegler Inorg.Chem. Inorg. Chem. 2008,46, 9111-9125. MPc phthalocyanine Magnetic Circular Dichroism (MCD) Spectroscopy ' C A' A' A ( ) B -A J A.J (BJ + J )A.J ( ) J ( ) kT The C term B=0 A -A+ B>0 B=0 1S 1 S A- M1 P M+ EP EP kT A- M- M + 1 1 If B>0 P+ A -A+ P- N P N P N tot EP EP 3kT i ˆ ˆ ˆ C A ' L A A M J J M A ' 3 A a' Electron configuration t1u6t2u6t1u6t2g5 Seth,Ziegler,Autschbach,Ziegler JCP, 2005,09412 Limitations of Traditional TD-DFT What are the fundamental equations ? a a ix Degenerate Ground State iy ix iy ix How do we calculate excitation energies iy What do we do with a degenerate ground state that can not be represented by single Slater determinant ? TRICKS of the Trade: Calculating the Excitation Energies of Molecules with Degenerate Ground States using TD-DFT Challenges • Degenerate ground states are generally treated within DFT by fractional occupations of the degenerate orbital. This gives a ground state of indeterminent symmetry. • A degenerate ground state can be made non-degenerate by breaking utilizing a lower symmetry point group. The amount of symmetry breaking in this case can be large and symmetry assignments complicated TRICKS of the Trade: Calculating the Excitation Energies of Molecules with Degenerate Ground States using TD-DFT Solution: Transformed Reference with an Intermediate Configuration Kohn Sham (TRICKS) TDDFT Idea: Avoid problems with a degenerate ground state by taking an excited state that is nondegenerate as the (Transformed) Reference Intermediate Configuration. Application of the TRIC method Example 1: d1 transition metal complexes of Oh symmetry, d-d transition TiF63 Application of the TRIC method Results 1: d1 transition metal complexes of Oh symmetry, d-d transition. TiF63 Application of the TRIC method Example 2: d1 transition metal complexes of Td symmetry, d-d transition VCl 4 Application of the TRIC method Result 2: d1 transition metal complexes of Td symmetry, d-d transition VCl 4 Application of the TRIC method Example 3: d1 transition metal complexes of Td symmetry, charge transfer VCl 4 Application of the TRIC method Result 3: d1 transition metal complexes of Td symmetry, charge transfer VCl 4 Application: Fe(CN)63Electron configuration t1u6t2u6t1u6t2g5 Excitations are ligand-metal charge transfer. C term of a transition to a T1u state is positive and to a T2u state is negative. Transition Exp. Calc. 1 1.21/0.61 0.86 2 -0.68 -0.86 3 0.56 0.86 Seth,Ziegler,Autschbach,Ziegler JCP, 2005,09412 More Applications RuCl63- Exp Calc 7.5 7.3 6.9 7.3 -6.9 -7.3 6.3 7.3 -3.1 -7.3 2.2 7.3 [Fe(CN)5SCN]3- MnPc Exp. 0.58 -0.60 Calc. 0.84 -0.84 Seth,Ziegler,Autschbach,Ziegler JCP, 2005,09412 Exp. 0.03 Calc. 0.90 0.23 0.90 Spin-degenerate Ground State MCD via Spin-orbit Coupling <K|LAJ|J> |K> KJ |J> JA |K> |J> |J> <A|LAJ|J> |A> |A> <J|r|A> (1) |K> KJ |A> <J|r|A><A|r|K> ( 2) <K|LAJ|A> <J|r|A> ( 3) 2003,220 M.L.Kirk Curr.Op.Chem.Bio Application to Plastocyanin Application to Plastocyanin <K|LAJ|J> KJ |K> |J> |A> §M.E. <J|r|A><A|r|K> I. Solomon, R.K. Szilagyi, S. D. George and L. Basumallick, Chem. Rev, 104, 419, 2004. ( 2) 85 Application to Sulfite Oxidase Application to Sulfite Oxidase |J> L1: -SCH3. L2: -OH. L3: -S(CH2)2S-. |K> KJ |A> <K|LAJ|A> <J|r|A> §M.E. 2000. Helton, A. Pacheco, J. McMaster, J.H. Enemark and M. Kirk, J. Inorg. Biochem., 80, 227, 87 TD-DFT/MCD Fan Wang Dr. Mykhaylo Krykunov Dr.Jochen Autschbach Alejandro Gonzalez Peralta Dr. Mike Seth Hristina Zhekova PRF Mitsui MOR and MCD` TD-DFT formulation without damping We solve the equation ˆ ks ext h (r )V (r ,t) i k (r) exp[i k t] 0 t To obtain the solution k' (r ,t) C j (t) j (r ) exp[i j t] ji From which we obtain density change in frequency domain occ vir ( y) (,r ) [X( )ai Y ( )ai ] ai i a With: (X()Y ()) 2S 1/2 [ ] S 2 1 V() 1/2 MOR and MCD The expression 2BJ Vsos ( ) 2 2 W ( ) J J Allows us to calculate the MOR parameter V() from the MCD parameters BJ after summing over all states aM. Krykunov, A. Banerjee, T. Ziegler,J. Autschbach J. Chem. Phys. 2005, 122, 075105, MOR and MCD The expression 2BJ V () 2 2 W ( ) J J The expression for V( ) diverges for Vres( = WJ Vdamp () We need a TD-DFT formulation in which damping included MOR and MCD` TD-DFT formulation with damping We solve the equation ˆ ks ext h (r )V (r ,t) i k (r) exp[i k t]exp[t] 0 t To obtain finite lifetime solutions k' (r ,t) C j (t) j (r ) exp[i j t]exp[t] ji From which we obtain density change in frequency domain occ vir ( y) (,r ) [X( )ai Y ()ai ] ai With: i a (X()Y ()) 2S 1/2 [( i ) ]S 2 L.Jensen; J.Autchbach; G.C.Schatz J.Chem.Phys.2005,122,224115 V() 1/2 MOR and MCD` TD-DFT formulation with damping V () V dm res Here R,dm res R,dm res V () iV I,dm res ( ) V R,dm sos ( ) J and I,dm res V ( ) V I,dm sos ( ) J 2 ( )BJ 2 2 2 ( J ) 4 2 2 J 2 2 2 4 BJ 2 2 2 2 2 ( J ) 4 3 M.Krykunov,M.Seth,T.Ziegler,J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. 2007,submitted MOR and MCD` TD-DFT formulation with damping R,dm res V or ( ) V R,dm sos R,dm sos V ( ) 0 ( ) V udm sos Here J 2 ( )BJ 2 2 2 ( J ) 4 2 2 J 2 2 2 () fd () udm Vsos () R,dm sos V fd ( ) 2( ) 2 2 2 ( J ) 4 2 J 2 2 2 2 M.Krykunov,M.Seth,T.Ziegler,J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. 2007,submitted ( ) MOR and MCD TD-DFT formulation with damping I,dm res V ( ) V I,dm sos ( ) J or I,dm res V 4 BJ ( 2J 2 )2 4 2 2 3 ( )/ 0 BJ f J,B ( ) MCD ( ) J f J,B ( ) 4 f J,B ( ) 2 2 2 2 2 ( J ) 4 M.Krykunov,M.Seth,T.Ziegler,J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. 2007,submitted MOR and MCD n VresI,dm ( )/ 0 BJ f J,B ( ) MCD ( ) J We can obtain BJ (j = 1, n) from a least square fit of I,dm D Vres (i ) / i 0 iBJ f J,B (i ) i1 J m n For m>n M.Krykunov,M.Seth,T.Ziegler,J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. 2007,submitted 2 MCD spectra of Porphyrins containing Mg,Ni and Zn m N N M N N N N M N N MP MOEP MTPP tetraphenylporphyrin porphyrin N N N N M N tetraphenylporphyrin N N N N MTAP tetraazaporphyrin N N N N M N N N M N N N N MPc phthalocyanine Application of the TRIC method Example 2: Double Excitations Excited state TRIC state Ground state Seth,M. ; Ziegler,T. J. Chem. Phys. 2006, 124, 144105 Seth,M., Ziegler,T. , J. Chem. Phys., 2005,123, 144105, The Calculation of the B-term The B term : practical calculations where A, B C are defined by Aai ,bj abij Bai ,bj K ai ,jb Cai ,bj b j nb n j K ai ,bj 1 abij nb n j 1 * K ai , jb dr dr (r) i (r) b (r') j (r') r r' ' * * dr dr a (r) f XC (r,r', ) b (r') j (r') ' * a Limitations of Traditional TD-DFT What are the fundamental equations ? a a ix Degenerate Ground State iy ix iy ix How do we calculate excitation energies iy What do we do with a degenerate ground state that can not be represented by a single Slater determinant ? TRICKS of the Trade: Calculating the Excitation Energies of Molecules with Degenerate Ground States using TD-DFT Solution: Transformed Reference with an Intermediate Configuration Kohn Sham (TRICKS) TDDFT Idea: Avoid problems with a degenerate ground state by taking an excited state that is nondegenerate as the (Transformed) Reference Intermediate Configuration. A. I. Krylov , Acc. Chem. Res. 2006, 39, 83-91 Application of the TRIC method Example 2: d1 transition metal complexes of Td symmetry, d-d transition VCl 4 Application of the TRIC method Result 2: d1 transition metal complexes of Td symmetry, d-d transition VCl 4 Application of the TRIC method Example 3: d1 transition metal complexes of Td symmetry, charge transfer VCl 4 Application of the TRIC method Result 3: d1 transition metal complexes of Td symmetry, charge transfer VCl 4 Conclusion • Method for calculating the MCD A term (and dipole strength D) within TD-DFT is outlined. Procedure for calculating C/D more straightforward. • Implemented into the Amsterdam Density Functional Theory (ADF) program • Applications to a range of small molecules • Further information can be found in M. Seth, T Ziegler, A Banerjee, J. Autschbach, S.J.A. van Gisbergen E. J. Baerends, J. Chem. Phys. 120,10942, 2004 and M. Seth, T. Ziegler, J. Autschbach, J. Chem. Phys. accepted for publication. MOR and MCD Consider a planar polarized light traveling a distance l through a media of randomly oriented molecules along the direction of a constant magnetic field with strength B. E l E B For such a system the plane of polarization will rotate by an angle given by V ()Bl 0 cN 2BJ Vsos ( ) 3 J WJ2 2 Here V() is called the Verdet constant A.Banerjee,J.Autschbach,T.Ziegler Int.J.Quant.Chem.2006,101,572 aM. Krykunov, A. Banerjee, T. Ziegler,J. Autschbach J. Chem. Phys. 2005, 122, 075105, MOR and MCD st ( ) Bu { yz ( ) zy (}] 12 Bx cN o Im[ { ( ) xz (}] 12 By zx VRe s ( ) J Im [ o cN J J { xy ( ) yz ( )}] 12 Bz o cN Im stu ( st ( ))B 0 12 Bu (t ) (, r )] x s dr Bu J o cN Im[ [Im J u VRe s ( ) 2BJ Vsos ( ) 2 2 3 J J ( ) B J Im [ 0 cN BJ ( ) (,r )] x dr B J BJ ( ) i rst st 3 r,s,t Br M. Krykunov, A. Banerjee, T. Ziegler,J. Autschbach J. Chem. Phys. 2005, 122, 075105, L MOR and MCD n VresI,dm ( )/ 0 BJ f J,B ( ) MCD ( ) J We can obtain BJ (j = 1, n) from a least square fit of I,dm D Vres (i ) / i 0 iBJ f J,B (i ) i1 J m n For m>n M.Krykunov,M.Seth,T.Ziegler,J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. 2007,127,244107 2 MOR and MCD Thiophene Furan Selenophen Tellurophene M.Krykunov,M.Seth,T.Ziegler,J.Autschbach J.Chem.Phys. 2007,127,244107