Time & Frequency requirements vs kinds of observations Roberto Ambrosini Institute of Radio Astronomy Bologna ambrosini@ira.inaf.it Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 1 Definitions • TIME ( t ): obvious for everybody… but “the indefinite continued progress of existence and events that occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.” • Frequency ( n ): the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. While n = 1 / t , their derived observable quantities can assume different behaviors. For example an interruption of a Time Scale – will destroy it Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 2 Measuring T&F • A time measure requires a CLOCK made of: – – – – a Frequency Standard (pendulum, quartz, atomic…); an accumulator (clock display of MJD, HMS, ….); a Synchronizer (Start – Stop); an operating life longer than the interval under test • Frequency is measured by a COUNTER: – hardware is almost the same (even if arranged in a different way, only digital). Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 3 Characteristics of Frequency Standards For Relevance read top down, for Verification read bottom up: • ACCURACY - traceability to International Definition of Unit • STABILITY - precision » mass inertia (Astronomic standards) » isolation from environment (Atomic standards) • ACCESSIBILITY – type of measurement Any stable oscillator can be a Frequency Standard. This can become an (atomic) clock only if it is directly traceable to the SI unit of time (second). Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 4 Standards with increased STABILITY Astronomical (events with even larger masses or dimensions) – Earth rotation (time of the day)→ UT0 – Earth revolution (time of the year) → UT1 – ……. – PULSAR Atomic (better isolation from the environment, in a small volume) – – – – – Rubidium Cesium (laser-cooled Cs fountain) defines Current Time Unit=1s Hydrogen Maser (smaller atoms, pushed by a resonant cavity) Ion Trap (only very few atoms) Supeconducting Cavity Oscillator (only for better short term) Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 5 H- maser layout Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 6 Ways to compare instabilities (1) Spectral Density of Phase Fluctuations Sφ(f) = [rad2/Hz] →L(f) [dBc/Hz] – A faithful description of all types of instabilities Phase = (angle) time difference between two standards tuned at the same frequency – Diverges as time goes by, due to inevitable frequency drifts of indipendent atomic clocks or poor standards – Best for short term instabilities (less than 1 second) – Called time jitter in digital systems; – L(f) SSB directly measured by Spectrum Analyzer Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 7 Graphic examples £ (f) [dBc/Hz] Single Sideband Noise = ½ Sφ(f) Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 8 £ degrades at least with N² Multiplication Factor n Degradation ( dBc / Hz ) Multiplication Factor n Degradation ( dBc / Hz ) n=2 6.02 n = 16 24.08 n=3 9.54 n = 20 26.02 n=4 12.04 n = 24 27.60 n =5 13.98 n = 32 30.10 n=6 15.56 n = 48 33.62 n=8 18.06 n = 64 36.12 n=9 19.08 n = 128 42.14 n = 12 21.58 n = 256 48.16 Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 9 Why using a Phase Lock Loop? Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 10 Ways to compare instabilities (2) ALLAN Deviation σ(y)t - dimensionless – SQR of the Variance of the differences of the frequency differences – Overcomes the divergence issue, but “hides” some information – Best for medium and long term instabilities ( > 1 second) Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 11 Time Stability Analyzer http://www.alma.nrao.edu/memos/html-memos/abstracts/abs310.html • The Allan Variance algorithm ( for each t ) F (0) time t F (1) Dn1 t F (2) Dn2 3 - temporal phases t Dni = F (i 1) - F(i ) t sy2 (t) = 1/2 < (Dn1 - Dn2)2 > 2 - frac. frequencies 1 - data valid t = 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, . . . . . , 50 000, 100 000 seconds Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 12 Graphic examples ALLAN Deviation Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course σ(y)t - dimensionless R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 13 Graphic examples ALLAN Variance σ(y)t - dimensionless Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 From T4science web site 14 Time Stability Analyzer http://www.alma.nrao.edu/memos/html-memos/abstracts/abs310.html Frequency Standard #1 TSA f mix = comparison frequency A/D card Frequency Standard #2 f mix Vout = Kv sin( f(t) ) + Off f(t) = arcsin (Vout –Off) / Kv Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 15 Transfer formulas (Sφ(f) << 1 rad2) http://www.hpmemory.org/an/pdf/an_283-3.pdf Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 16 Same noise processes: different slopes £ (f) http://www2.rohde-schwarz.com/en/service_and_support/Downloads/Application_Notes/?type=20&downid=5168 Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 17 Coherence loss (VLBI) http://www.vlba.nrao.edu/memos/sci/sci04memo.pdf Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 18 Effect of a SMALL temperature gradient http://www.ira.inaf.it/Library/rapp-int-2004/237-97.pdf Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 19 Where T&F become fundamental (1) Antenna pointing Antenna beamwidth ~ c / ( Dant • Freq ) Timing required is UT1, but only UTC is distributed worldwide (GPS, WWW, Radio, etc). SRT at 100GHz needs a few millisecond sync IERS Bulletin D – announces DUT1 value Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 20 Where T&F become fundamental (2) Data acquisition Path A - RF front end 1. Preampifier (cryostat, filters,..) 2. Local Oscillator chain is made of: Station Freq. Standard Multiplier x N (degrades with N²) 3. Amplitude Calibration (Noise gen.) 4. Phase Calibration Antenna Unit Ground unit Path A Path A Path B - Backend 1. Passband Filters 2. Fractional Synthesizer 3. ADC – Digitizer and Formatter Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course Path B R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 Path B 21 T&F specs vs types of Observations (1) Single dish • Total Power – Almost no spec neither on T, or on F • Spectral Line – From n and Dn/n → Frequency accuracy – No special timing • Pulsar – 10-14 / Year – Local Freq Standard acts as a Flying Wheel to TAI • Tracking Doppler of Interplanetary spacecraft – Radio Science Sky freq. = 32 GHz – 10-14 / 1000s – Round trip light time 72 minutes Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 22 Tracking Doppler of the Cassini spacecraft Coherent frequency translators on board of Cassini X; Ka X ; Ka Transmission from a Deep Space Antenna Round Trip Light Time = 72 minutes Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 Downlink received at the Noto (I) Radiotelescope 23 A new Ka-band receiving capability at the Italian Noto radiotelescope • • • • Tip and tilt adjustments of the feed Thick passive insulation Peltier cooling of the receiver box: a fan inside avoids stratification of the air Power supplies in a separate section Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 24 A new Ka-band receiving capability at the Italian Noto radiotelescope Fuoco Primario ORN X-KA RF=31.85-32.25 IF1=1.45-1.85 DBS DB00-0734 LO=15.2GHz Lev el 10dBm I.F.= 1.65GHz +/- 200MHz G=20dB 600mA 9W N.F.= 6dB Filtro BP LORCH 32GHz BW 2.6GHz QUEST 1450-1850MHz 1 L R I Filtro BP KL 300/400 0.3 dB L I X2 MIC 1650/516 cav ity 3dB ATT. DORADO 32GHz 0.3 dB LNA MITEQ AFS3-08000850-07-10P-4 N.F.=0.7dB GAIN=30dB QUEST SM0812T01 8-12.4GHz OUT Ka 0.3 dB R LNA 32GHz G35dB ZFL-1000VH GAIN=20dB WJ-M8TC N.F.=4.5 dB RF/OL=0.001-3.4 GHz IP3 33dBm I.F.= 0.001-2GHz 320mA Lev el 10dBm 3.75W QUST 1.2-2.4GHz 0.3 dB 4.2W MIC 8400/560 cav ity CTI PDRO 15200 locked to 50MHz a 0dB 280mA +13dBm MiniCircuit ZEDC-10-2B 1-1000MHz OUT IN . . 5MHz ATT. alimentazioni +5 e +15V Mitek LP-1350-50-1-15P +13dBm min. 250mA IN 4.2W MiniCircuit ZESC-2-11 10-2000MHz OUT OUT CTI PDRO 6750 locked to 50MHz a 0dB 280mA +13dBm ATT. 10dB MITEQ PLD-5-50-15-P lev el=+16dBm 130mA . OUT MiniCircuit ZESC-2-5 10-1500MHz 3dB RF=8.2-8.6 QUST 1.2-2.4GHz IF=1.45-1.85 R MiniCircuit ZJL-3G N.F.=3.8dB QUEST 6.4-8.5GHz GAIN=19dB 30-3000MHz IP3=22 45mA QUEST 1450-1850MHz 0.54W QUEST 1450-1850MHz I WJ-M76C RF/LO=4.5-9.5GHz I.F.= DC-2.0 GHz Lev el 10 dBm ZFL-1000VH2 GAIN=28dB N.F.=4.5 dB IP3 38dBm 320mA L L JCA812-201 N.F.=3.5dB GAIN=18dB 8-12GHz IP3=23 100mA QUEST SM0812T01 8-12.4GHz 1.5W R MIC 1650/516 cav ity 0.3 dB OUT X I WJ-M8TC RF/OL=0.001-3.4 GHz I.F.= 0.001-2GHz Lev el 10dBm 4.8W Filtro BP KL 300/400 0.3 dB Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course Mixing products (IF and LO frequencies), filters and amplifier gains are selected for best Tsys, Phase Noise and IP3. All oscillators are locked to an H-Maser, the station Atomic Frequency Standard. Instantaneous BW is 400MHz in both bands. R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 25 T&F specs vs types of Observations (2) Interferometer • Astronomical VLBI – Sky Frequency determines max Phase Noise L(f) (short term) – Max Integration time determines Tau in Allan Deviation – Theoretically: NO TIMING (VLBI itself makes clock comparison) – Practically: to reduce Max Fringe Search = GPS sync ~ 10ns • GEO VLBI – Delay and Delay rate, Bandwidth synthesis, Iono correction, – 1 mm goal = 3 picoseconds !!!! Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 26 Conclusions • Each type of Observation pushes for its own separate requirements on Time AND Frequency. • The Hydrogen Maser by itself is not enough to guarantee a specific overall Stability: consider the contribution of each block of the data acquisition chain. • Express each contribution in Time Units (picoseconds) to avoid scaling them. • Phase Noise (short term) fixes maximum Sky frequency • Allan Deviation puts a limit on the max integration Time (do not forget to include other effects, such as: tropospheric turbulence, antenna deformations, temperature gradients in all devices). • In VLBI the total coherence loss accounts for the real performance of each station Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 27 Even SRT was not built in a day ! Technology in Radio Astronomy & SS Sardinian Summer School – 2nd course R. Ambrosini 11-16 June 2012 28