(d`Otreppe) Wireless Security - SharkFest

Wireless Security
June 16, 2010
Thomas d’Otreppe de Bouvette
Author of Aircrack-ng
Stanford University
June 14-17, 2010
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware
Wireless reconaissance
– Airgraph-ng
– GISKismet
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
• Still broken but still used 
• Sometimes you can’t crack the key
• « What can I do? »
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
• Check if you have enough data packets.
– ~30K are needed for 64 bit with PTW
– ~80K for 128 bit with PTW
• Switch to KoreK starting from 150-200K packets
– ~200K for 64 bit with KoreK
– ~500K for 128 bit with KoreK
• Usually, if you can’t crack, as a rule of thumb, just get
more (data) packets
• More than enough and still can’t crack the key, split
the capture file and crack them individually
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WEP – Split files
Perl script
Works on Linux/Windows
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WEP – Split files (2)
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WEP – Split files (3)
• Has several options:
– Split in files of X Mb
– Extract packets that falls within a period of time
– Extract packets that match a libpcap filter
• Just need to split in smaller files so:
– perl pcap-util split large.pcap small 3
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WEP – PTW limitations
• Works with 64 and 128 bit keys
• Works in 2 phases:
– Phase 1: ARP
– Phase 2: Then use all other data packets (some
packets are ignored because known to be
unusable for PTW)
• List of usable packets can be found at
– http://aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=supported_packets
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WEP – WEP Cloaking ™
• « Motorol AirDefese WEP Cloaking™ provides
protection for wireless infrastructure secured by
legacy encryption protocols. This is an add-on module
to Motorola AirDefense Enterprise, the market
leading Wireless Intrusion Prevention System. »
• Solution: airdecloak-ng, but sometimes aircrack-ng
can crack it directly
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WEP – WEP Cloaking ™ (2)
aircrack-ng wep_cloaking_full_speed_dl.pcap
-b 00:12:BF:12:32:29 -K -n 64 -d 1F:1F:1F
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WEP – WEP Cloaking ™ (3)
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WEP – WEP Cloaking ™ (4)
• Not all packets were filtered out but enough
to crack the key
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WEP – Broken capture file
• Aircrack-ng:
– Invalid packet capture length 0 - corrupted file?
• Wireshark
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WEP – Broken capture file (2)
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WEP – Broken capture file (3)
Mark first packet
Mark the last good packet
File – Save as …
Select « first to last marked packet »
Select an output filename then save it
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
• Choose hardware
• Wireless reconaissance
– Airgraph-ng
– GISKismet
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA is at the same time easy and hard to crack
– Easy to get the handshake
– But the passphrase can be really complex
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
• 802.11i group launched when flaws were found in
• 2 link-layer protocols:
– TKIP (WPA1): Draft 3 of 802.11i group (backward
compatible with legacy hardware).
– CCMP (WPA2): final 802.11i standard
• 2 authentication methods:
– Personal: PSK (Shared key, 8-63 characters)
– Enterprise: MGT (Radius server)
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA-PSK – 4 way handshake
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA - Location
• You need to be located not too far from the
client and the AP to hear the whole 4-way
• Aircrack-ng can work with less than the 4
EAPOL packets
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA – Good Location
Attacker Client
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA – Bad location
• Only hear the AP:
• Only hear the client:
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA – Airbase-ng
• Act as an AP with airbase-ng and get the handshake => Just
need to be in the range of the client:
airbase-ng -z 2 -W 1 –y -c 6 –F dump -e “Philips WiFi”
• Location problem solved ;), you just need the client:
Fake AP
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA – Airbase-ng (2)
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA - Debug
• Aircrack-ng/cowpatty/pyrit/OTHER TOOL
doesn’t see the handshake, why?
• So, how does it look in capture files and how
do we debug it?
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA - Debug
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA – Cracking
• Once you have the handshake, it’s time to crack it
• Two methods come to mind:
– Using a wordlist
– Bruteforcing
• Bruteforce not doable since minimum key length is 8
characters, so we need a good dictionary
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA - Dictionary
• Having the right dictionary is important !
• Here are a few tips to build yours:
– Use generic dictionaries, add things like:
Language used
Phone numbers (IE, use JTR to generate all possible phone numbers)
City and different things around
Other things that come to your mind, …
– Use programs to « add » words:
• John The Ripper (and Markov)
• Wyd
• …
• Combine all of these …
• … and you may end up with huge dictionaries.
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA – Cracking hardware
• Processing big dictionaries takes time
• CPU too slow => Use GPU and FPGA
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA – GPU performance
• Pyrit performance
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
WPA – GPU Crackers
• Quite easy to set up …
– apt-get install backtrack-cuda
• … but
– Don’t forget the power bill ;)
– Creating dictionaries takes time
• Online services available:
– Cloud computing: http://www.wpacracker.com
– GPU: http://tools.question-defense.com
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
• Choose hardware
• Wireless reconnaissance
– Airgraph-ng
– GISKismet
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware - Antennas
• Often asked: « What is the best antenna? »
• Depends on your needs:
– Long or short links? Low or High power antenna
– Point to Point or Point to Multi point ?
Directionnal antenna or omni
– Frequency? 2.4Ghz/5Ghz (4.9/5.2/5.8/…)
– ...
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware - Antennas
Antenna pattern:
• Vertical pattern: Look at the horizon
• Horizontal pattern: Look at the ground from
the sky
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware - Antennas
• Great for Point to
Multipoint connections (ie,
• Theory: radiate in all
• Highest power is not the
best one
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware - Antennas
• Omni 5dbi
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware - Antennas
• Omni 9dbi
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware - Antennas
• Sector 120°
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware - Antennas
• Grid
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware - Antennas
• Home made - Biquad
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware - Antennas
• So, don’t just get the most powerful
• Check the law
• Look at the specs of the cards
– RX sensitivity: ability to hear
– TX power: needed for long distance links
– Important: Both takes the rate, the frequency and
modulation into account
• Example: Ubiquiti SRC datasheet
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware - Cables
• Cables have losses
– Thin: high loss, usually for short links (bend easily)
– Thick: low loss, for long links (can’t be bent easily)
– Loss depends on the frequency
• Connectors also have losses: around 0.5dB
• A few cables (loss for 100 feet at 2.4Ghz)
RG174: ~60dB
RG58: ~25dB
LMR 200: ~16.5dB
LMR 400: ~6.7dB
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
• Choose hardware
• Wireless reconnaissance
– Airgraph-ng
– GISKismet
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
• Airgraph-ng creates a picture of the networks.
• Usage examples:
– Display a network map
– Network monitor
• Uses the CSV output of airodump-ng.
• Part of the suite (can be found in scripts/)
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Airgraph-ng – Graph types
• Client to Access Point Relationship graph (CAPR) :
Client to Access Point Relationship
Focus more on clients than AP
AP without clients aren’t graphed
Colors for each type of encryption
Green: WPA
Yellow: WEP
Red: Open
Black: Unknown
• Client Probe Graph (CPG):
– Links between clients and AP
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Airgraph-ng – Examples
• Parameters:
– Input file: Airodump-ng CSV file (.csv)
– Graph type:
• CAPR (Client – AP Relationship): Connected clients
• CPG (Common Probe Graph): Probed SSID
– Output file: Picture file name
• Examples:
– CAPR: airgraph-ng.py -i sharkfest-01.csv -g CAPR -o
– CPG: airgraph-ng.py -i sharkfest-01.csv -g CPG -o
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Airgraph-ng – Examples (2)
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Airgraph-ng – Examples (3)
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
Choose hardware
Wireless reconnaissance
– Airgraph-ng
– GISKismet
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
• « GISKismet is a wireless recon visualization
tool to represent data gathered using Kismet
in a flexible manner »
• Display Access Points on Google earth =>
require GPS.
• Also work with airodump-ng
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
GISKismet (2)
Store information in a database (SQLite)
Input: Kismet newcore XML (netxml)
Outputs a KML file
Filter data:
– Input: limited to things like channel, ESSID, …
– Output: Flexible, SQL order
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
GISKismet (3)
• Importing data:
– giskismet –x dump-01.kismet.netxml
• Will create a file called wireless.dbl (SQLite3 database
with 2 tables:
– Clients: all clients
– Wireless: all AP
• Exporting: giskismet –q SQL_ORDER –o
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
GISKismet (4)
SQL Queries:
• All: select * from wireless
• SSID starting with ‘SpeedTouch’:
select * from wireless where ESSID like 'SpeedTouch%'
• AP from Aruba Networks:
select * from wireless where Manuf = 'Aruba Networks'
• Hotspots:
select * from wireless where ESSID like '%hotspot%'
• Channel 6:
select * from wireless where channel = 6
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010
• Pcap-util : http://www.badpenguin.co.uk/files/pcap-util
• List of supported packets for PTW:
• John The Ripper: http://www.openwall.com/john/
• Markov: http://openwall.info/wiki/john/markov
• Wyd: http://www.remote-exploit.org/?page_id=418
• « Next generation wireless recon … » (Shmoocon 2009)
http://spl0it.org/files/talks/Abraham-SmithNextGenerationWirelessRecon-VisualizingTheAirwavesShmooCon2009.pdf (short: http://preview.tinyurl.com/nbsssp)
• Cable loss calculator: http://www.ocarc.ca/coax.htm
SHARKFEST ‘10 | Stanford University | June 14 –17, 2010