The Quasiharmonic Approximation R. Wentzcovitch U. of Minnesota VLab Tutorial “A simple approximate treatment of thermodynamical behavior” Born and Huang -It treats vibrations as if they did not interact -System is equivalent to a collection of independent harmonic oscillators -These establish the quantum mechanical energy levels of the system -The levels are used to compute the partition function, Z, and the Helmoltz free energy, F(T,V). From the latter, all thermodynamic functions can be derived. Helmholtz free energy: E internal energy S entropy F k B T ln Z Z = partition function Z sum of Boltzman factors of all energy levels Z e i kBT i eigenvalues of energy operator i For a single oscillator with freq. ωi , the energy levels are: 1 2 i , 3 2 i , 5 2 i , ... Therefore: Zi e i 2 kBT e s0 s i k BT i 2 kBT e 1 e i 1 k T Fi i k B T ln 1 e B 2 i kBT For a lattice of normal modes of vibration with frequencies ωi: F F i i is the vibrational free energy Complete free energy: F U 1 2 i i k BT i i k T ln 1 e B As a solid compresses, deforms, etc…,U and ωi’s change From F(T,V,ε1,ε2,…) all the thermodynamical properties can be dirived. F S T V E F TS F P V T H E PV G F PV Notice -This (or a more complete) quantum treatment is required at “low T” -The QHA is not appropriate at “high T” because of phonon-phonon interactions Tlow < θDebye< Thigh < Tmelt -Phonon frequencies must be accurate (first principles) -Phonon sampling must be thorough Summation (integration) over the Brillouin Zone F U 1 2 i k BT i i i k T ln 1 e B i q, n M Ex: square BZ f ( i ) i 3 d q f ( ) q ,n n d 3 X i f ( i ) w j f ( j ) j i q w i is the “multiplicity” of a point determined by symmetry In general: 1) Compute and diagonalize the dynamical matrix at few q ’s 2) Extract “force constants” 3) Recompute dynamical matrices at several q points using those force constants MgSiO3 Perovskite ----- Most abundant constituent in the Earth’s lower mantle ----- Orthorhombic distorted perovskite structure (Pbnm, Z=4) ----- Its stability is important for understanding deep mantle (D” layer) Mineral sequence II Lower Mantle + + (Mg(1-x-z),Fex, Alz)(Si(1-y),Aly)O3 (Mgx,Fe(1-x))O CaSiO3 Mineral sequence II Lower Mantle + (Mgx,Fe(1-x))SiO3 (Mgx,Fe(1-x))O Phonon dispersion of MgSiO3 perovskite Calc Exp - Calc Exp 0 GPa - Calc: Karki, Wentzcovitch, de Gironcoli, Baroni PRB 62, 14750, 2000 Exp: Raman [Durben and Wolf 1992] Infrared [Lu et al. 1994] 100 GPa MgSiO3-perovskite and MgO (gr/cm-3) V (A3) KT (GPa) d KT/dP 3.580 18.80 159 4.30 3.601 18.69 160 4.15 4.210 164.1 247 4.0 4.8 162.3 246 | 266 3.7 | 4.0 4.247 d KT2/dP2 (GPa-1) d KT/dT (Gpa K-1) 10-5 K-1 -0.030 -0.014 3.12 Calc. pc -0.0145 3.13 Exp. pc -0.016 -0.031 2.1 Calc. Pv ~ -0.02 | -0.07 1.7 | 2.2 Exp. Pv ~ (256) Exp.: [Ross & Hazen, 1989; Mao et al., 1991; Wang et al., 1994; Funamori et al., 1996; Chopelas, 1996; Gillet et al., 2000; Fiquet et al., 2000] 1 V V T P Umemoto, 2005 Thermal expansivity and the QHA (10-5 K-1) provides an a posteriori criterion for the validity of the QHA MgSiO3 Karki et al, GRL (2001) Validity of the QHA Mineral sequence II Lower Mantle QHA not-valid for this mineral !! + + (Mg(1-x-z),Fex, Alz)(Si(1-y),Aly)O3 (Mgx,Fe(1-x))O CaSiO3 Crystal Structures at High PT Quasiharmonic Approximation (QHA) • VDoS and F(T,V) within the QHA F (V , T ) U (V ) qj qj (V ) 2 k BT qj qj (V ) ln 1 exp k B T N-th (N=3,4,5…) order isothermal (eulerian or logarithm) finite strain EoS P F V T S F T V G F TS PV IMPORTANT: crystal structure and phonon frequencies are uniquely related with volume !!…. How to get V(P,T) • Static calculations give Vst(Pst). Vst is the volume of the optimized structure at Pst. • The free energy is obtained after phonon frequencies are calculated at each equilibrium structure, ω(Vst). • The relationship between structure and Vst or ω(Vst) is not altered by temperature after free energy calculations, only the pressure: P(V,T) = Pst + Pth. Pth is the contribution of the 2nd and 3rd terms in the rhs in the free energy formula. F (Vst , T ) U (V ) qj • qj (V ) 2 qj (V ) k B T ln 1 exp k B T qj Therefore: if V(P,T) = Vst then Structure(P,T) = Structure(Vst) and ω(P,T) = ω(Vst) These are Structure(P,T) and ω(P,T) given by the statically constrained QHA . See Carrier et al., PRB 76, 064116 (2007) High P,T Experiments x Static LDA Lattice parameters of MgSiO3 perovskite Carrier et al. PRB, 2008 Stress and and Strain Strain Stress Uniform deformations (macroscopic strains) ε = dL/L L L+dL More formally 2 x2 2 X2 • Xi – xi = uijxj • εij = ½ (uij + uji) x1 Stress 1 X1 1 σij (P,T)= 1 δF V δεij “Lagrangian” strains T,P Thermoelastic constant tensor CijS(T,P) 2 G T c ij ( T , P ) i kl S T c ij ( T , P ) c ij ( T , P ) equilibrium structure re-optimize i S i T j P i jVT CV c i j 300 K 1000K 2000K 3000 K 4000 K Cij(P,T) (Oganov et al,2001) MgSiO3-pv (Wentzcovitch, Karki, Cococciono, de Gironcoli, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004) Deviatoric Thermal Stresses i 1 F V i i i P Carrier et al. PRB, 2008 i 1 C ij j j a i a (1 i ) 0 i Deviatoric thermal stresses cause T dependent X-tal structure and phonon frequencies QHA should be self-consistent! Carrier et al. PRB, 2008 Anharmonicity 410 km discontinuity QHA Anharmonic 2.5 MPa/K 3.5 MPa/K Mg2SiO4→ Mg2SiO4 Wu and Wentzcovitch, PRB 2009 Summary • QHA is simple useful theory even for lower mantle • QHA + LDA gives excellent structural and thermodynamic properties • It is possible to obtain crystal structures at high pressures and temperatures using the QHA • Beware: thermal pressure is not isotropic • Phase boundaries appear to be affected by anharmonicity