Feeding a Horse For $300 Horse Seminar Series 2004 Keith Vander Velde Central District Livestock Specialist Keith.VanderVelde@ces.uwex.edu Feeding a Horse for $300 • Assumptions – 1. Feed 1,100 pound horse for 365 days and horse is used for pleasure riding-Light activity – 2. Horse Owner has area to store forage – 3. Horse has access to 2-3 acres of pasture – 4. Grain is purchased in bulk Feeding a Horse for $300 • C O N S U M P T IO N R E Q U IR E M E N T S % B O D Y W E IG H T C O N S U M P T IO N F o ra g e M a tu re H o rs e M a in ten a n ce 1 .5 -2 .0 Y o u n g H o rses N u rsin g fo a l, 3 m on th s 0 W ea n in g fo a l, 6 m on th s T o ta l 0 -0 .5 1 /5 -2 .0 1 .0 -2 .0 2 .5 -3 .5 1 .5 -3 .0 2 .0 -3 .5 1 .0 -1 .5 1 .0 -2 .0 2 .0 -3 .0 L o n g Y ea rlin g , 1 8 m o n th s 1 .0 -1 .5 1 .0 -1 .5 2 .0 -2 .5 1 .0 -1 .5 2 .0 -2 .5 Y ea rlin g fo a l, 1 2 m o n th s T w o Y ea r o ld , 2 4 m on th s Keith Vander Velde 0 .5 -1 .0 C o n cen tra te 1 .0 -1 .5 Feeding a Horse for $300 • C O M M O N FEED STU FF % DM M c a l/# A lfa lfa 90 .9 4 18 B ro m e 89 .8 0 11 O rc h a rd 88 .8 5 11 S tra w 91 .7 0 4 O a ts 89 1 .3 12 C o rn 88 1 .5 9 Keith Vander Velde % P r o t ein Maintenance Requirements Mcal/day •16.4 Protein/day •1.4 pounds Suggested Ration: Keith Vander Velde Alfalfa hay = 18 lbs. Or Orchard grass = 20 lbs. Growing Horse Requirements Mcal/day •Yearling-19 •2 yr. old-22 Protein/day •Yearling-14 % •2 yr. old 10 % Keith Vander Velde Pregnancy Requirements Mcal/day •18.4 last 3 months •1 lb./day fetal growth Protein/day •1.5 lbs. first 8 months •2 lbs.. Last 3 months Keith Vander Velde WORKING REQUIREMENTS Mcal/day •28-30 Protein/day •2.8 lbs. Suggested Ration: Keith Vander Velde Alfalfa = 20 lbs. Oats= 8.5 lbs. Feeding a Horse for $300 • Daily Needs-1100 lb Maintenance Ration – Energy-16.4 Mcal/day – Protein-1.4 lbs/day – Trace mineral Salt-Free Choice loose • Do not feed white salt in addition – Hay Ration • • • • • Alfalfa/Brome Hay (.94 + .80)/2=.87 Mcal Alfalfa/Brome Hay (18 + 11)/2=14.5 % protein Need 16.4 Mcal 16.4/.87=19 lbs Protein need 1.4 lbs-19 pounds of hay=2.75 lbs (exceeds needs) Hay at $60 per ton is $0.03 per pound=feed 20 pound per day 20 lbs x $0.03=$0.60 per day x 365 days = $219 Feeding a Horse for $300 • Daily Needs-1100 lb Maintenance Ration – Hay more Expensive: • $300/365=$0.82 per day • If need 20 lbs per day you can pay $80 per ton maximum for hay if feeding all hay ration in a year • Adding pasture grazing will reduce hay needs for 150 days or more per year • Land charge for horse per grazing season is $60-$80 per season – 3 acres at $25 in Sandy areas – 2 acres at $40 in better soils • Grazing 150 days at $60 rent=$0.40per day or $12 per month • Grazing 150 days at $80 rent=$0.53 per day $16 per month Keith Vander Velde Feeding a Horse for $300 • Daily Needs-1100 lb Maintenance Ration – Hay plus Pasture • 150 days pasture at $12 per month= $60.00 • 215 days hay at $0.60 per day=====$129.00 • Trace Mineral Salt Mix 50 lbs/year = $6.00 • TOTAL ANNUAL FEED COST=$195 Feeding a Horse for $300 • Daily Needs-1100 lb Working Horse – Energy-28 Mcal/day – Protein-2.8 lbs/day – Trace mineral Salt-Free Choice loose • Do not feed white salt in addition • Balancing a Ration worksheet meeting requirements Needs: MC Protein Working Horse 28 2.8 Brome Hay .80 11% (feed 15 lbs) = (15x.8)= 12 Mc (15x.11)= 1.65 STILL NEEDED 16 Mc 1.15 lbs Oats provides 1.3 Mc 12% Need 16Mc 16/1.3= 12.3 lbs of oats 1.47 protein 12.3 oats x 12% =1.47 Ration = 28 Mcal energy & 3.13 lbs protein Feeding a Horse for $300 • Daily Needs-1100 lb Lactating Mare – Energy-28 Mcal/day – Protein-2.8 lbs/day – Trace mineral Salt-Free Choice loose • Do not feed white salt in addition – Using the example sheet calculate a ration • NURSING REQUIREMENTS Mcal/day •28 Protein/day •12.5 % •3 lbs. Suggested Ration: Alfalfa= 20 lbs Oats= 8 lbs