GHB#: A Provably Secure HB-like Lightweight Authentication Protocol Panagiotis Rizomiliotis and Stefanos Gritzalis Dept. of Information and Communication Systems Engineering University of the Aegean, Greece 1 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Contents Motivation - RFID The HB family The HB# protocol Design Security The GHB# protocol Design Security Implementation issues Conclusions 2 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Motivation - RFID Radio Frequency Identification A technology that enables the electronic and wireless labeling and identification of objects, humans and animals Replaces barcodes Electronic device that can store and transmit data to a reader in a contactless manner using radio waves Microchip Antenna 3 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Applications Practically everywhere Credit Card Auto Immobilizers Automated Vehicle Id Forklift Handheld Conveyor Belt Animal Tracking Dock Door Point of Sale Electronic Identity 4 ACNS 2012 Smart Shelves June 26-29, Singapore Main Challenges Security Confidentiality of stored data Integrity/authenticity Impersonation Privacy Anonymity Untraceability Normally, cryptography can solve all these problems. Restrictions: Low cost Limited hardware and energy We need new lightweight algorithms!! 5 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore The HB family of protocols A set of ultra-lightweight authentication protocols initiated by Hopper and Blum’s work (the HB protocol) proposed initially for human identification Then proposed for RFID tags Based on the LPN problem 6 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore The HB family HB (2001) HB+ (2005) HB++ (2006) HB-MP (2007) HB-MP+(2008) HB* (2007) HB# (2008) Subspace LPN based protocols (2011) 7 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Three attack models (1/3) PASSIVE-model 1. Eavesdrop Tag-Reader 2. Impersonate the Tag DET – model 1. Interrogate the Tag (Reader is not present) 2. Impersonate the Tag MIM – model 1. Modify the messages between Tag-Reader (SOS – learn to authentication result) 2. Impersonate the Tag GRS-attack: Modify only the messages send by the Reader 8 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Three attack models (2/3) DET-model 9 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Three attack models (3/3) MIM-model GRS-attack when ONLY bi can be modified 10 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore The HB# protocol Gilbert, H., Robshaw, M., Seurin,Y.: HB#: Increasing the Security and Efficiency of HB+. In: Proceedings of Eurocrypt, Springer LNCS, vol. 4965, pp. 361-378, (2008) 1. Random-HB#: X,Y random 2. HB#: X,Y Toeplitz Matrices Pr( v i 1) 11 ACNS 2012 wt (v ) June 26-29, Singapore The HB# protocol’s security Based on MHB: an extension of the HB puzzle HB# is secure against the PASSIVE, DET, GRS-attack There is a MIM attack Ouafi, K., Overbeck, R., Vaudenay, S.: On the Security of HB# against a Man-in- the-Middle Attack. In: Proceedings of Asiacrypt, Springer LNCS, vol. 5350, pp.108-124 (2008) 12 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Vectorial Boolean Functions Vectorial Boolean Functions with m inputs and n outputs: F : F2 F2 n 13 ACNS 2012 m June 26-29, Singapore Gold Boolean Functions Gold, R.: Maximal recursive sequences with 3-valued recursive crosscorrelation functions. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 14, pp. 154-156, 1968 Power functions on a field F 2 x x n d where d 2 , gcd( i , n ) 1 Algebraic Degree = 2 Balanced APN High nonlinearity i 1 14 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore The GHB# protocol Modify the HB# Φ is a Gold Boolean function! 15 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Complexity and other issues Practically the same the behavior as the HB# protocol False acceptance rate False rejection rate Storage complexity. The memory cost for the tag; i.e. the storage for the two secret matrices, is (kX +kY)m bits. Communication complexity. The protocol requires (kX +kY + m) bits to be transferred in total. 16 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Security analysis Provably PASSIVE, DET and MIM secure It is based on the MHB puzzle like the HB# (Actually, similarly to the HB# proofs our reduction uses rewinding) The resistance against the MIM attacks is due to the APN property of the Gold function 17 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Intuitive approach From the presentation of Ouafi, K., Overbeck, R., Vaudenay, S.: On the Security of HB# against a Man-in-the-Middle Attack. In: Proceedings of Asiacrypt, Springer LNCS, vol. 5350, pp.108-124 (2008) HB# Estimation of the acceptance rate wt ( a X bY z v ) t GHB# z ( X ) ( b ) v The acceptance rate is random! 18 ACNS 2012 wt ( ( X ) ( a X ) ( bX ) ( b ) v z ) t Remember Φ is APN!!!!! June 26-29, Singapore Implementation Issues Implementation of the Gold function Optimal normal basis Requires 2m + 1 AND gates and 2m XOR gates. Complexity Comparison between GHB# and HB#. 19 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Conclusions RFID need ultra-lightweight protocols The HB family is the most promising candidate GHB# is provably secure It has the pros and cons of HB# Further research is needed to improve implementation complexity 20 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore Thank you for your attention Questions?? 21 ACNS 2012 June 26-29, Singapore