Greek Theater & The Oedipus Myth

Oedipus Rex Review
1. What is the priest doing at the
beginning of the play?
A. Accusing Oedipus
B. Asking the gods for help
C. Asking Teiresias for help
D. Sacrificing to the Sphinx
2. Why is the priest doing this?
A. The Sphinx has attacked the city
B. There is a plague on the city
C. It's a holiday
D. Oedipus asked him to
3. Where did Oedipus send Creon
at the beginning of the play?
A. To the Pythian oracle
B. To Delphi
C. To be banished from Thebes
D. To Corinth
4. What does Creon report?
A. That Laius's killer must be found
B. That he will kill his father and
marry his mother
C. That Teiresias killed Laius
D. That Jocasta's son must be found
5. What should happen to the man
they will find?
A. He must become the next king
B. He must be banished or killed
C. He must be sacrificed to the Sphinx
D. He must be put in jail
6. Why didn't anyone investigate
Laius's murder at the time?
A. The Sphinx was attacking the city
B. They didn't want anyone to know
that Oedipus did it
C. There was a blight on the city
D. Jocasta went into labor
7. What does Oedipus announce to
the Theban people?
A. That if any man confesses, he will
only be banished
B. That he too will be punished if he
helps the killer
C. That if anyone knows who killed
Laius, he should come forward
D. All of the above
8. Who is rumored to have killed
A. Teiresias
B. Jocasta
C. Robbers
D. All of the above
9. Who does Creon advise Oedipus
to send for?
A. Teiresias
B. The sphinx
C. Jocasta
D. A shepherd
10. What does Teiresias say when
he first arrives?
A. That the Sphinx did it
B. That Creon did it
C. That Jocasta did it
D. That he will not tell who did it
11. How does Oedipus respond when
Teiresias charges him with killing
A.He accuses Creon of killing Laius
B. He calls Teiresias a blind fool
C. He accuses Teiresias of conspiring
with Creon
D. All of the above
12. What does Teiresias say will
happen to Oedipus?
A. He will marry Antigone
B. He will leave Thebes a blind beggar
C. He will kill himself
D. He will leave Thebes in triumph
13. What does Oedipus ask Creon?
A. Why Teiresias is blind
B. Why Teiresias didn't say anything
at the time of Laius's death
C. Why Teiresias conspired with the
D. Why Jocasta married Laius
14. Does Creon want to be king?
A. Only if he can marry Jocasta
B. No – he already has the comfort
C. Yes – but not by killing for it
D. Only if Oedipus rules with him
15. What does Jocasta convince
Oedipus to do to Creon?
A. Abandon him
B. Forgive him
C. Kill him
D. Banish him
16. What does Jocasta attempt to
prove to Oedipus?
A. That Creon killed Laius
B. That the oracles are always right
C. That there is no truth in prophesy
D. That Teiresias is really his father
17. What does she say she did with her
A.She left it exposed on a mountain
B.She sacrificed it on the altar of
C.She gave it to her maid to raise
D.She drowned it in the well
18. Where was Laius killed?
A. In jail
B. At the battle of Troy
C. At a crossroads
D. In his bath
19. Why does Jocasta's story upset
A.His father was killed in a similar way
B. He fought at Troy
C. He was a witness to this death
D. He killed a man at a crossroads
20. What made Oedipus go to the
oracle when he was young?
A. Teiresias told him to
B. Creon tried to kill him
C. His parents told him to
D. A man called him a bastard
21. What did the oracle tell Oedipus?
A. That his mother was Jocasta
B. That he would kill his father and
marry his mother
C. That he should stay away from
D. That he would become blind
22. Why did Oedipus leave Corinth?
A. He wanted to find his real dad
B. He was summoned to kill the Sphinx
C. He was afraid of what the oracle
D. He was angry at the oracle
23. What is Jocasta doing the next
time she leaves the palace?
A. Killing her children
B. Burying evidence
C. Praying to the gods
D.Running away from Thebes
24. What news does the messenger
bring from Corinth?
A. That Corinth wants Oedipus to be
its king
B. That Polybus is dead
C. That Polybus was not Oedipus’
D. All of the above
25. Who gave Oedipus to Polybus
and Merop
A. Teiresias
B. Jocasta
C. The messenger
D. The Sphinx
26. What does the old shepherd tell
A.That he gave a baby with pinned
ankles to the Corinthian shepherd.
B. That he saw Oedipus kill Laius.
C. That he never saw the Corinthian
messenger before.
D. That he can’t remember anything
from the past.
27. When Oedipus realizes who he
is, what does he do?
A. Commits suicide
B. Screams at the gods
C. Kills Jocasta
D. Rushes into the palace
28. Who provides the information
about what Oedipus did inside the
A. Creon
B. A servant
C. Oedipus
D. Antigone
29. What did Oedipus use to gouge
out his eyes?
A. A knife
B. Pins from Jocasta’s gown
C. King Lauis’ royal scepter
D. Creon’s signet ring
30. What favor does Oedipus ask of
A. To let him remain king
B. To take him to the oracle at Delphi
C. To let the messenger from Corinth
take him back to that country
D. To take care of his daughters.