Week Twenty: Coordinate Plane


Chapter 7

Cartesian Coordinate




Parts of a Coordinate Plan


Graphing Ordered Pairs


Identifying Points


Identifying Ordered Pairs


Translating Points

Day 1

Bell Work

Justify your Response

I Can….

identify the parts of the

Cartesian coordinate system.

X-axis -


A coordinate system formed by the intersection of a horizontal and a vertical number line

The horizontal number line

• Y-axis The vertical number line

Ordered Pair-

A pair of numbers that can be used to represent a point in the

X-coordinate coordinate plane.

The first number given in an ordered pair ( 3 , 7 )

Y-coordinate The second number given in an ordered pair ( 5, 9 )

• Point An ordered pair graphed and labeled with a capital letter

• Origin -


The point where the x-axis intersects with the y-axis.

This point is ( 0, 0)

The four regions that the coordinate plane is divided into.

Parts of a Coordinate


Please clear your desk of everything except for a pencil and the provided note taking page.

***Please refer to the in class notes for review***

Word Bank for Notes

• Intersection

• Horizontal

• Vertical

• X-axis

• Y-axis

• Capitol Letters

• X-coordinate

• Y-coordinate

• (x, y)

• Point (x2)

• How far left or right to move from the origin

• How far up or down to move from the origin

• The 4 regions the coordinate plane is divided into.

• Corresponds

Independent Practice

Please clear your desk of everything except for a pencil.


• Label the four quadrants in red.

• Number both the x and y axis from -20 to 20.

• Color the X-axis yellow.

• Color the Y-axis orange.

• Place a blue dot at the origin.

• Find and plot the following points using green dots: (-2, 6) (-5, -8) (1, 9) (15, -14)

• Label your plotted points M, A, T, H

Wrap it Up

• Review

• Questions

• Exit Tickets

Day 2

Bell Work

Justify your response.

Homework Check

X-axis -


A coordinate system formed by the intersection of a horizontal and a vertical number line

The horizontal number line

• Y-axis The vertical number line

Ordered Pair-

A pair of numbers that can be used to represent a point in the

X-coordinate coordinate plane.

The first number given in an ordered pair ( 3 , 7 )

Y-coordinate The second number given in an ordered pair ( 5, 9 )

• Point An ordered pair graphed and labeled with a capital letter

• Origin -


The point where the x-axis intersects with the y-axis.

This point is ( 0, 0)

The four regions that the coordinate plane is divided into.

I Can….

graph ordered pairs of integers in all four quadrants of the

Cartesian coordinate system.

Graphing Ordered Pairs

Please open your book to page 424

Examples: a, b, c, d, e, and f

***Please refer to the in class notes for review***

Partner Work

Please clear your desk of everything except for a pencil.

Wrap it Up

• Review

• Questions

• Exit Tickets

Day 3

Bell Work

Justify Your Response

Homework Check

X-axis -


A coordinate system formed by the intersection of a horizontal and a vertical number line

The horizontal number line

• Y-axis The vertical number line

Ordered Pair-

A pair of numbers that can be used to represent a point in the

X-coordinate coordinate plane.

The first number given in an ordered pair ( 3 , 7 )

Y-coordinate The second number given in an ordered pair ( 5, 9 )

• Point An ordered pair graphed and labeled with a capital letter

• Origin -


The point where the x-axis intersects with the y-axis.

This point is ( 0, 0)

The four regions that the coordinate plane is divided into.

I Can….

identify points on a coordinate plane given the ordered pairs.

Identifying Points

Please take out your TCAP practice book and turn to page _________

Partner Work

Please clear your desk of everything except for a pencil.

Wrap it Up

• Review

• Questions

• Exit Tickets

Day 4

Bell Work

Justify Your Response

Homework Check

X-axis -


A coordinate system formed by the intersection of a horizontal and a vertical number line

The horizontal number line

• Y-axis The vertical number line

Ordered Pair-

A pair of numbers that can be used to represent a point in the

X-coordinate coordinate plane.

The first number given in an ordered pair ( 3 , 7 )

Y-coordinate The second number given in an ordered pair ( 5, 9 )

• Point An ordered pair graphed and labeled with a capital letter

• Origin -


The point where the x-axis intersects with the y-axis.

This point is ( 0, 0)

The four regions that the coordinate plane is divided into.

I Can….

identify ordered pairs given a plotted point on a coordinate plane.

Identifying Ordered Pairs

Please Clear your desk of everything except for a pencils and the provided page.

***Please refer to the in class notes for review***

Your Turn….

Take out your marker boards

Wrap it Up

• Review

• Questions

• Exit Tickets

Day 5

Bell Work

Justify Your Response

Homework Check

X-axis -


A coordinate system formed by the intersection of a horizontal and a vertical number line

The horizontal number line

• Y-axis The vertical number line

Ordered Pair-

A pair of numbers that can be used to represent a point in the

X-coordinate coordinate plane.

The first number given in an ordered pair ( 3 , 7 )

Y-coordinate The second number given in an ordered pair ( 5, 9 )

• Point An ordered pair graphed and labeled with a capital letter

• Origin -


The point where the x-axis intersects with the y-axis.

This point is ( 0, 0)

The four regions that the coordinate plane is divided into.

End-Unit Assessment

Please clear your desk of everything except for a pencil and a calculator.

I Can….

translate plotted points in the coordinate plane.

Translating Points

Please clear your desk of everything except for a pencil and the provided pages.

***Please refer to the in class notes for review***

Wrap it Up

• Review

• Questions

• Exit Tickets

Not Used this Week

No School

Computer Station

• www.learnzillion.com

(6 minutes per video)

• www.tenmarks.com

(10 questions per assignment)

Station Rotations

1. Write your exit ticket.

2. Pack up everything but a pencil.

3. You will have 15 minutes to complete each rotation

1 st Rotation

2 nd Rotation

3 rd Rotation

4 th Rotation

Group Work

Before we begin…….

1. Complete an exit ticket.

2. Pack up everything except for your pencil and calculator.

3. Sit quietly unit everyone is ready.

• ( 5 mins)

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