The Physics of Bowling


The Physics of Bowling

Become a professional…….maybe

10 Pin Bowling

Goal: Knock down as many pins as you can, get the most points, and have fun.

You have 10 frames to achieve this goal. You have two throws in each frame.


• Strike: knocked down all the pins on the first throw

• Spare: knocked down all the pins in two tries.

Google image

10 Pin Bowling: Lane

• 18.3 meters (60 feet) from the foul line to the 1 st pin.

• 1.52 meters width including gutters

• Starting from the foul line, about 2/3 of the lane is covered in oil.

• Arrows and dots can be used for aiming.

10 Pin Bowling: Pins

• Each pin is 3.375-3.625 lbs

• 15in tall.

• 4.7 in at the pin’s widest point

• Can’t fall if leaning <=10 degrees away from the lane’s normal.

Google image

10 Pin Bowling: Bowling Ball

• Upper limit on weight: 16 lbs

• Circumference : 27 in

• No solid material in the ball can have a density larger than


• Most Important Parts of the Ball

• Shell

• Core

Google image

Will You Strike? Depends On…

• Luck

• Pin Action

• Ball Speed

• Entry Angle

Strike video

Pin Action: Entry Angle

Altered Google image 𝜃



Pin Action: Entry Angle

Left hand

Sweet spot

Right hand

Sweet spot

Pin Action: Entry Angle

It is very possible strike at any entry angle HOWEVER,

Lower angles aimed at pockets (30-45 degrees) yield higher strike potential .

If you throw a bowling ball really straight.

• Throwing really hard at the center can leave edge pins standing.

Worse if you leave the 7 and 10 pin together.

• Throwing really soft at the center tends to leave center pins AND some edge pins

Pin Action: Hook

Hook allows the bowling ball to cause impact at a smaller entry angle.

Methods to create Hook:

• Releasing the bowling ball with wrist action ( YOU MUST


• How the bowling ball is structured.

How do Bowling Balls Curve?


• The geometric center of a bowling ball usually isn’t its center of gravity. A net torque greater than zero on a spinnig body causes precession.

Precession causes wobbling, which allows more surface area of the bowling ball to touch the lane.

Bowling balls can be drilled to enhance or negate this fact.

Simplified View of Bowling Ball r is highly exaggerated

Bowling Ball Shells

• Bowling balls with a higher coefficient of friction can change direction faster.

Common Shell Types

• Plastic

• Urethane

• “Reactive” Resin

• Particle

If a bowling ball looks dull, has scratches, etc it probably grips the lane better.



• Bowling is an oddly involved activity

• To become a great bowler you still need practice

• You can also ignore all of this if you want to.
