CS179: GPU Programming
Lecture 5: Memory
 GPU Memory Overview
 CUDA Memory Syntax
 Tips and tricks for memory handling
Memory Overview
• Very slow access:
• Between host and device
• Slow access:
• Global Memory
• Fast access:
• Shared memory, constant
memory, texture memory, local
• Very fast access:
• Register memory
Global Memory
 Read/write
 Shared between blocks and grids
 Same across multiple kernel executions
 Very slow to access
 No caching!
Constant Memory
 Read-only in device
 Cached in multiprocessor
 Fairly quick
 Cache can broadcast to all active threads
Texture Memory
 Read-only in device
 2D cached -- quick access
 Filtering methods available
Shared Memory
 Read/write per block
 Memory is shared within block
 Generally quick
 Has bad worst-cases
Local Memory
 Read/write per thread
 Not too fast (stored independent of chip)
 Each thread can only see its own local
 Indexable (can do arrays)
Register Memory
 Read/write per thread function
 Extremely fast
 Each thread can only see its own
register memory
 Not indexable (can’t do arrays)
Register Memory
 Default memory type
 Declare as normal -- no special syntax
 int var = 1;
 Only accessible by current thread
Local Memory
 “Global” variables for threads
 Can modify across local functions for a thread
 Declare with __device__ __local__ keyword
 __device__ __local__ int var = 1;
 Can also just use __local__
Syntax: Shared Memory
 Shared across threads in block, not across blocks
 Cannot use pointers, but can use array syntax for arrays
 Declare with __device__ __shared__ keyword
 __device__ __shared__ int var[];
 Can also just use __shared__
 Don’t need to declare size for arrays
Syntax: Global Memory
 Created with cudaMalloc
 Can pass pointers between host and kernel
 Transfer is slow!
 Declare with __device__keyword
 __device__ int var = 1;
Syntax: Constant Memory
 Declare with __device__ __constant__ keyword
 __device__ __constant__ int var = 1;
 Can also just use __constant__
 Set using cudaMemcpyToSymbol (or cudaMemcpy)
 cudaMemcpyToSymbol(var, src, count);
Syntax: Texture Memory
 To be discussed later…
Memory Issues
 Each multiprocessor has set amount of memory
 Limits amount of blocks we can have
 (# of blocks) x (memory used per block) <= total memory
 Either get lots of blocks using little memory, or fewer blocks using
lots of memory
Memory Issues
 Register memory is limited!
 Similar to shared memory in blocks
 Can have many threads using fewer registers, or few threads
using many registers
 Former is better, more parallelism
Memory Issues
 Global accesses: slow!
 Can be sped up when memory is contiguous
 Memory coalescing: making memory contiguous
 Coalesced accesses are:
 Contiguous accesses
 In-order accesses
 Aligned accesses
Memory Coalescing:
Aligned Accesses
 Threads read 4, 8, or 16 bytes at a time from global memory
 Accesses must be aligned in memory!
 Good:
 Bad:
 Which is worse, reading 16 bytes from 0xABCD0 or 0xABCDE?
Memory Coalescing
Aligned Accesses
Also bad: beginning unaligned
Memory Coalescing:
Aligned Accesses
 Built-in types force alignment
 float3 (12B) takes up the same space as float4 (16B)
 float3 arrays are not aligned!
 To align a struct, use __align__(x) // x = 4, 8, 16
 cudaMalloc aligns the start of each block automatically
 cudaMalloc2D aligns the start of each row for 2D arrays
Memory Coalescing:
Contiguous Accesses
 Contiguous = memory is together
 Example: non-contiguous memory
 Thread 3 and 4 swapped accesses!
Memory Coalescing:
Contiguous Accesses
 Which is better?
 index = threadIdx.x +
blockDim.x *
(blockIdx.x + gridDim.x
 index = threadIdx.x +
blockDim.y *
(blockIdx.y + gridDim.y
* blockIdx.y);
* blockIdx.x);
Memory Coalescing:
Contiguous Accesses
 Case 1: Contiguous accesses
Memory Coalescing:
Contiguous Accesses
 Case 1: Contiguous accesses
Memory Coalescing:
In-order Accesses
 In-order accesses
 Do not skip addresses
 Access addresses in order in memory
 Bad example:
 Left: address 140 skipped
 Right: lots of skipped addresses
Memory Coalescing
 Good example:
Memory Coalescing
 Not as much of an issue in new hardware
 Many restrictions relaxed -- e.g., do not need to have sequential
 However, memory coalescing and alignment still good
Memory Issues
 Shared memory:
 Also can be limiting
 Broken up into banks
 Optimal when entire warp is reading shared memory together
 Banks:
 Each bank services only one thread at a time
 Bank conflict: when two threads try to access same block
 Causes slowdowns in program!
Bank Conflicts
 Bad:
 Many threads trying to access
the same bank
Bank Conflicts
 Good:
 Few to no bank conflicts
Bank Conflicts
 Banks service 32-bit words at a time at addresses mod 64
 Bank 0 services 0x00, 0x40, 0x80, etc., bank 1 services 0x04,
0x44, 0x84, etc.
 Want to avoid multiple thread access to same bank
 Keep data spread out
 Split data that is larger than 4 bytes into multiple accesses
 Be careful of data elements with even stride
 Fast distribution of data to threads
 Happens when entire warp tries to access same address
 Memory will get broadcasted to all threads in one read
 Best memory management:
 Balances memory optimization with parallelism
 Break problem up into coalesced chunks
 Process data in shared memory, then copy back to global
 Remember to avoid bank conflicts!
Next Time
 Texture memory
 CUDA Applications in graphics