Markov Analysis Jørn Vatn NTNU 1 Introduction Markov analysis is used to model systems which have many different states These states range from “perfect function” to a total fault state The migration between the different states may often be described by a so-called Markov-model The possible transitions between the states may further be described by a Markov diagram 2 Purpose Markov analysis is well suited for deciding reliability characteristics of a system Especially the method is well suited for small systems with complicated maintenance strategies In a Markov analysis the following topics will be of interest Estimating the average time the system is in each state. These numbers might further form a basis for economic considerations. Estimating how frequent the system in average “visits” the various states. This information might further be used to estimate the need for spare parts, and maintenance personnel. Estimate the mean time until the system enters one specific state, for example a critical state. 3 Markov Analysis procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Make a sketch of the system Define the system states Draw the Markov diagram with the transition rates Quantitative assessment Compilation and presentation of the result from the analysis 4 Make a sketch of the system Pump system wit active pump and a spare pump in standby Active pump Standby pump 5 Definition of system states x1 = state of active pump x2 = state of standby pump 1 if component i is functioning xi 0 if component i is in a fault state System state xS Component state Comments x1 x2 2 1 1 Both pumps functioning 1 0 1 The active pump is in a fault state, the standby pump is functioning 0 0 0 Both pumps in a fault state 6 State transitions 1 = 2 = 1 = B = For this system we have assumed that if the active pump fails, the standby pump could always be started Further we assume that if both pumps have failed, they will both be repaired before the system is put into service again The following transition rates are defined failure rate of the active pump failure rate of the standby pump (while running, 2 = 0 in standby position) repair rate of the active pump (1/1 = Mean Down Time when the active pump has failed) repair rate when both pumps are in a fault state. I.e. we assume that if the active pump has failed, and a repair with repair rate 1 is started, one will ”start over again” with repair rate B, if the standby pump also fails, independent of “how much” have been repaired on the active pump. 7 Markov state space diagram The circles represent the system states, and the arrows represent the transition rates between the different system states The Markov diagram and the description of states represent the total qualitative description of the system 1 2 1 2 1 0 B 8 Quantitative assessment We want to assess the following quantities Average time the system remain in the various system states The visiting frequencies to each system state 1 2 9 1 2 1 0 B a00 a Transition matrix 10 A The indexing starts on 0, and moves to r, e.g. there are r +1 system states ar 0 Each cell in the matrix has two indexes, a01 a11 aij a r1 where the first (row index) represent the ”from” state, whereas the second (column index) represent the “to” state. The cells represent transition rates from one state to another aij is thus the transition rate from state i to state j The diagonal elements are a kind of ”dummy”-elements, which are filled in at the end, and shall fulfil the condition that all cells in a row adds up to zero 10 a0 r a1r arr Example transition matrix: (From , To ) 0 0 B A 1 2 2 0 1 2 0 B 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 11 1 2 1 0 B State probabilities Let Pi(t) represent the probability that the system is in state i at time t Now introduce vector notation, i.e. P(t) = [P0(t), P1(t),…,Pr(t)] From the definition of the matrix diagram it might be shown that the Markov state equations are given by: P(t) A = d P(t)/d t These equations may be used to establish both the steady state probabilities, and the time dependent solution 12 Steady state probabilities Let the vector P = [P0, P1,…,Pr] represent the average time the system is in the various system states in the long time run For example, P0 is average fraction of the time the system is in state 0, P1 is average fraction of the time the system is in state 1 The elements P = [P0, P1,…,Pr] are also denoted steady state probabilities to indicate that in the stationary situation Pi represents the probability that the system is in state i. 13 The steady state solution In the long run when the system has stabilized we must have that d P(t)/d t = 0, hence PA = 0 This system of equations is over-determined, hence we may delete one column, and replace it with the fact that P0+ P1+…+Pr = 1 Hence, we have 14 The steady state solution P A1 = b where a00 a A1 10 ar 0 a01 a11 a r1 1 1 1 and b = [0,0, …,0,1] 15 Example P0 P1 B P2 2 0 0 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 which gives 12 P0 (2 B )1 (2 1 ) B B 1 P1 ( 2 B )1 ( 2 1 ) B B ( 2 1 ) P2 ( 2 B )1 ( 2 1 ) B 16 Numerical solution To solve the steady state equations P A1 = b is a tedious task Often we therefore solve these equations by numerical methods The Markov.xls program does this, where we have to: Define the transition rates Assign numerical values to the transition rates Specify the Markov state space matrix 17 Program for simple Markov analysis Transition matrix Parameter Value Dim Init SystFail 3 2 0 1 1.00E-03 2 1 B 5.00E-03 Steady state pr. P0 0.000915 P1 0.007627 P2 0.991458 Visit frequencies v0 3.81317E-05 v1 0.000991458 v2 0.000991458 From 0 From 1 From 2 To 0 To 1 To 2 -0.04167 0 0.041667 0.005 -0.13 0.125 0 0.001 -0.001 -0 0.125 0.0416667 0 MTTFS 26200.02 Parameter Numeric values names of the parameters (Give the cells names) 1 2 1 2 1 0 B 0 A 1 2 18 B 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 2 B 1 1 Visiting frequencies Often we are interested in evaluating how many times the system enters the various states, i.e. the visiting frequencies The visiting frequency for state j is denoted j, and could be obtained by: j = -Pjajj From our example we obtain the “system failure rate” 0 P0a00 B12 (2 B )1 (2 1 ) B 19 Time dependent solution Up to now we have investigated the steady state situation In some situations we also want to investigate the time dependent solution, i.e. the probability that the system is in e.g. state 0 at time t We now let Pi(t) be the probability that the system is in state i at time t The time dependent solution may be found by: P(t) A = d P(t)/d t Which could be solved by Laplace methods, or numerical methods For numerical methods we apply Markov.xls 20 Spare parts – Simple model Assume a spare part regime where there is only one spare in the stock Upon a demand (with demand rate ) a new spare is ordered The intensity of arrival of a new spare is = 1/ MTA (Mean Time to Arrival) A 1 0 21 Spare parts 2 spares in stock Assume a spare part regime where there are two spares in the stock Upon a demand (with demand rate ) a new spare is ordered The intensity of arrival of a new spares is = 1/ MTA (Mean Time to Arrival) independent of how many in order 0 1 2 2 1 A 0 22 0 1 2 0 0