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Do now, please
Captain Jack Sparrow jumps from a cliff 45 m high.
How long does it take him to hit the water?
g = 10
𝑔 2
𝑦= 𝑡
= 9 = 3𝑠
The Wile E. Coyote Effect
Remember cartoon where the Coyote is chasing after the Road
Runner and runs off of the cliff. He hangs in mid air for a
second, looks down, and then starts to fall.
How many people believe it is true?
A few years ago some researchers in the U.S. went to elementary schools, junior
and senior high schools, and universities and asked them to look at the following:
"Ignoring air resistance, which of the following correctly
shows what an object would do if it rolled off a cliff?"
The breakdown of answers they got was
almost exactly the same at all ages.
About 60% said number 1 was correct. The object will stop in
midair, and then start to fall straight down. Because this is what
the Coyote always did in cartoons (and because some people
actually referred to it in their explanation of why they chose this
answer), the researchers called it the Wile E. Coyote Effect.
About 25% said number 2 was correct. The object will move
forward at first, but will eventually just fall straight down.
Only about 15% answered number 3. The object will continue to
move forwards the entire time it is falling.
Observations from the mini lab
As we saw with advanced coin launcher, both coins –
the that fell straight down and the one that was flung out
horizontally – hit the ground at the same time.
So what effect did horizontal velocity have on the time it took
(the downward motion) the coin to hit the ground?
The best conclusion we can make from this is that the horizontal
motion of the coin does not effect downward motion of the coin.
So, if two, three, four …. horizontally launched projectiles with
different horizontal initial speed hit the ground at the same time as
the one dropped down, what is different?
How far it lands !!!!!!
Horizontal and vertical motion don’t know each other exists
They are independent of each other – even when they
are happening at the same time !!!
How does initial velocity effect the time it takes a horizontally
launched projectile to reach the ground?
It doesn’t !!
What is the factor (besides air resistance, which we are ignoring) that
does effect a horizontally launched projectile to reach the ground?
How high off the ground the object is !
Horizontally Launched Projectiles
A ball rolling of the table is an excellent example of an object thrown into the air
with horizontal initial velocity (velocity at the time when the object is launched).
The ball becomes airborne when leaving the table.
If the air resistance and friction between the table and the ball can be neglected
(and there are many situations in which that can be done – bowling for example)
the ball moves with constant velocity before it becomes projectile. And this is
exactly velocity with which it leaves the table.
black vector represents
initial velocity of the
horizontally launched
The ball would continue its motion with the same speed and direction unless
there is an acceleration.
In horizontal direction, when launched from the table, there is nothing
that can give horizontal acceleration. Horizontal velocity remains
constant, providing negligent air resistance and friction, and the ball
covers equal distances in equal intervals of time.
In vertical direction there is gravitational acceleration.
The projectile accelerate downward.
When these two motions are combined vertical free fall motion and uniform horizontal
motion - the trajectory will be a parabola.
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The horizontal and vertical components of the velocity of
a ball launched horizontally
𝑢𝑥 = 𝑢
𝑢𝑦 = 0
𝑣𝑥 = 𝑢𝑥 = 𝑢
𝑥 = 𝑢𝑥t
𝑣𝑦 = 𝑢𝑦 + 𝑔𝑡 = 𝑔𝑡
𝑣𝑦2 = 𝑢𝑦2 + 2𝑔𝑦 = 2𝑔𝑦
𝑔 2 𝑔 2
𝑦 = 𝑢𝑦 𝑡 + 𝑡 = 𝑡
𝑢𝑦 + 𝑣𝑦
𝑡= 𝑡
DO NOW: Ball is thrown horizontally with the speed 10 m/s. Find velocity and position
after 1s and 2s.
EX: Harry accidentally falls out of a helicopter that is traveling at 100 m/s. He plunges into
a swimming pool 2 seconds later. Assuming no air resistance, what was the horizontal
and vertical distance between Harry and the swimming pool when he fell from the
vx = ux = u = 100 m/s
t= 2s
x = vx t = 200 m
𝑦 = 2 𝑡 2 = 20m
g = 10 m/s2
If the initial velocity of the ball is at some angle toward
horizontal the path of the ball will start upwards.
Horizontal component vx = ux is
constant throughout the motion.
Vertical component vy is decreasing on the way
up, becoming zero at the top, and increasing on
the way down.
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Horizontal component of motion for a projectile is
completely independent of the vertical component of
the motion. Their combined effects produce unique
path - parabola.
There is no holiday for gravity
Zookeeper has to check on monkey’s health.
To bring monkey down from the tree he shoots tranquilizer.
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The horizontal and vertical components of the velocity of
a cannonball launched at an angle
As the ball rises towards its peak, it
has a downward acceleration.
As the cannonball falls, it has a
downward acceleration.
The downward acceleration
changes the vertical component of
In the absence of horizontal forces, there would be a constant velocity in the
horizontal direction. The horizontal component of the velocity remains the same
size throughout the entire motion of the cannonball.
Remind your self continuously: forces are not required for an object to be moving
once in motion, the presence of forces will only serve to accelerate such objects.
Projectile motion is the combination of two independent motion simultaneously:
horizontal with constant velocity and free fall.
After some time interval t the object is at the position P(x,y)
𝑢𝑥 = 𝑢 cos 𝜃0
𝑢𝑦 = 𝑢 sin 𝜃0
𝑣𝑥 = 𝑢𝑥 = 𝑢
𝑣𝑦 = 𝑢𝑦 + 𝑔𝑡
𝑣𝑦2 = 𝑢𝑦2 + 2𝑔𝑦
𝑦 = 𝑢𝑦 𝑡 +
𝑥 = 𝑢𝑥t
𝑔 2
𝑢𝑦 + 𝑣𝑦
Maximum height ymax
vy = 0
The minimum speed occurs at the
top of the parabola.
the same range is obtained for two
projection angles that add up to 900
Projectile thrown with the same
speed at 300 and 600 will have the
same range. The one at 300 remains
in the air for a shorter time.
Till now we neglected we either neglected or
considered case in which air resistance was
negligible. When the air resistance is significant, the
range of projectile getting much smaller and the
path is not true parabola. It is beyond the scope of
this course to mathematically attack this problem.
Air resistance is particularly significant for
fast-moving objects. A batted baseball travels
only about 60% as far in air as it would in a
vacuum. The path is no longer parabola.
The Truck and The Ball
Imagine a pickup truck moving with a constant speed along a city street. In the course of
its motion, a ball is projected straight upwards by a launcher located in the bed of the
truck. Imagine as well that the ball does not encounter a significant amount of air
resistance. What will be the path of the ball and where will it be located with respect to
the pickup truck? How can the motion of the ball be described? And where will the ball
land with respect to the truck?
The balls are thrown horizontally. If there was no gravity the balls would
continue horizontally for ever at the same speed. But one second after
the balls are thrown, because of gravity, they had fallen 5 m below
horizontal line no matter how fast they were thrown. If the second ball is
thrown twice as fast it will go twice as far in the same time..
If the ball were thrown three times as fast, it will go three times as far in the same time. Ten times
as fast, ten times further.
What if the ball were thrown so fast that the curvature of the earth came into play???
The ball follows a curved down path (parabola). But the Earth is curved too.
What if the ball were thrown so fast that the curved path matched the Earth’s curve?
If there were no air resistance (no slowing down and eventually hitting the Earth) the ball
would orbit Earth.
An Earth satellite (space station, communication satellite, scientific satellites,… ) is simply projectile
traveling fast enough to fall around the Earth rather than into it.
Satellites in circular orbit, such as the moon or
space station, fall beneath the paths they would
follow if there were no gravity – straight line.
During each second the moon travels
about one km . In this distance it
deviates about one millimeter from a
straight line due to the earth’s
gravitational pull (dotted line). The moon
continually falls toward the earth, as do
the planets around the sun.
A satellite launched with speeds less than 8 km/s would
eventually fall to the Earth. A satellite launched with a
speed of 8 km/s would orbit the Earth in a circular path.
Launched with a greater speed satellite would orbit the Earth in
an elliptical path. If launched with too great of a speed, a satellite/projectile will escape Earth's
gravitational influences and continue in motion without actually orbiting the Earth. Such a projectile
will continue in motion until influenced by the gravitational influences of other celestial bodies.
At 8 km/s atmospheric friction would melt a piece of iron (falling stars). Therefore satellites are
launched to altitudes above 150 km. Don’t even try to think they are free of Earth’s gravity. The
force of gravity at that altitude is almost as strong as it is at the surface. The only reason we put
them there is that they are beyond Earth's atmosphere , not beyond Earth’s gravity.