Exponential Decay of Correlations Implies Area Law: Single-Shot Techniques Fernando G.S.L. Brandão ETH Zürich Based on joint work with MichaĆ Horodecki Arxiv:1206.2947 Beyond i.i.d. in Info. Theory, Cambridge 08/01/2012 This talk: • Go beyond the i.i.d. simplification used in the previous talk. • Contrast two views of single-shot info theory: 1. It’s the right info theory, i.i.d.ness is an abstraction 2. It only gives a reformulation of the problem e.g. Hmax gives the compression rate or is it defined as the compression rate? This talk: • Go beyond the i.i.d. simplification used in the previous talk. • Contrast two views of single-shot info theory: 1. It’s the right info theory, iid-ness is an abstraction 2. It only gives a reformulation of the problems (e.g. Hmax gives the compression rate or is it defined as the compression rate?) This talk: • Go beyond the i.i.d. simplification used in the previous talk. • Contrast two views of single-shot info theory: 1. It’s the right info theory, iid-ness is an abstraction 2. It only gives a trivial reformulation of the problems (e.g. Hmax gives the compression rate or is it defined as the compression rate?) The result X Y Thm 1 (B., Horodecki ‘12) If y X = [1, r], H 2-W(l ) max 1,...,n has ξ-EDC, then for every (X) £ l0 2O(x log(x )) + l Cor(A : C) := max tr ((X ÄY )(r AC - r A Ä rC )) X , Y £1 ξ-EDC (Expontial Decay of Correlations): For all regions A and C separated by l sites, Cor(A : C) £ 2-l/x The proof sketch… …was based on two ingredients: 1. State Merging Protocol (Horodecki, Oppenheim, Winter ‘05) 2. “Saturation of Mutual Information” (based on Hastings ‘07) But we only have one copy of the state… Single-shot info theory to rescue? Single-Shot Entropies 1. Conditional min-entropy (Renner ‘05) H min (A | B)r := max sup {l : 2 I A Ä s B ³ r AB } -l s 2. Smooth conditional min entropy e H min (A | B)r := max H min (A | B)r ' r '»e r 3. Smooth cond. max entropy (Tomamichel, Colbeck, Renner ‘09) H e max (A | C) := -H e max (A | B), for y 4. Smooth max mutual info I e max (A : B) := H e max e min (A)- H (A | B) ABC Single-Shot Entropies 1. Conditional min-entropy (Renner ‘05) H min (A | B)r := max sup {l : 2 I A Ä s B ³ r AB } -l s 2. Smooth conditional min entropy e H min (A | B)r := max H min (A | B)r ' r '»e r 3. Smooth cond. max entropy (Tomamichel, Colbeck, Renner ‘09) H e max (A | C) := -H e max (A | B), for y 4. Smooth max mutual info I e max (A : B) := H e max e min (A)- H (A | B) ABC Single-Shot Entropies 1. Conditional min-entropy (Renner ‘05) H min (A | B)r := max sup {l : 2 I A Ä s B ³ r AB } -l s 2. Smooth conditional min entropy e H min (A | B)r := max H min (A | B)r ' r '»e r 3. Smooth cond. max entropy (Tomamichel, Colbeck, Renner ‘09) H e max (A | C) := -H (A | B), for y e min 4. Smooth max mutual info I e max (A : B) := H e max e min (A)- H (A | B) ABC Single-Shot Entropies 1. Conditional min-entropy (Renner ‘05) H min (A | B)r := max sup {l : 2 I A Ä s B ³ r AB } -l s 2. Smooth conditional min entropy e H min (A | B)r := max H min (A | B)r ' r '»e r 3. Smooth cond. max entropy (Tomamichel, Colbeck, Renner ‘09) H e max (A | C) := -H (A | B), for y e min 4. Smooth max mutual info I e max (A : B) := H e max e min (A)- H (A | B) ABC Single-Shot Counterparts 1: Correlations vs Entropies From i.i.d. merging: For y ABC H(C) > H(B) Þ Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-I(A : B)) Lemma: For y ABC and δ, ν > 0, d 1. -H max (A | C) ³ -2 log d + 5 Þ d Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-I max (A : B) + 2 log d ) n d 2. H max (C) ³ 3H max (B) Þ Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-3H d max (B) - 6 log(d + n )) -2 -2 Single-Shot Counterparts 1: CorrelationsH(C) vs-Entropies H(AC) = -H(A | C) > 0 From i.i.d. merging: For y ABC H(C) > H(B) Þ Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-I(A : B)) Lemma: For y ABC and δ, ν > 0, d 1. -H max (A | C) ³ -2 log d + 5 Þ d Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-I max (A : B) + 2 log d ) n d 2. H max (C) ³ 3H max (B) Þ Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-3H d max (B) - 6 log(d + n )) -2 -2 Single-Shot Counterparts 1: Correlations vs Entropies Independent bounds as From i.i.d. merging: For y y ABC I max (A : B) < c H max (B) H(C) > H(B) Þ Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-I(A : B)) Lemma: For y ABC ABC d e and δ, ν > 0, d 1. -H max (A | C) ³ -2 log d + 5 Þ d Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-I max (A : B) + 2 log d ) n d 2. H max (C) ³ 3H max (B) Þ Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-3H d max (B) - 6 log(d + n )) -2 -2 Single-Shot Merging d -H max (A | C) ³ -2 log d + 5 Þ d Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-I max (A : B) + 2 log d ) Follows from single-shot state merging: (Dupuis, Berta, Wullschleger, Renner ‘10 ) A B y ABC C “Environment” EPR rate: C. Com. Cost: -H d max (A | C) + 2 log d - 5 Û -H(A | C) d I max (A : B) - 2 log d Û I(A : B) Beyond Single-Shot Merging H n max (C) ³ 3H d max (B) Þ Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-3H d max (B) - 6 log(d + n )) -2 -2 Does not follows from single shot-merging. Might have n d d H max (C) ³ 3H max (B) but -H max (A | C) << 0 !! We operate in a regime where one cannot get EPR pairs. Still one can get correlations by random measurements It only happens in the single-shot regime, asymptotically either one gets EPR pairs between A and C or decouples A from C Noisy Correlations by Random Measurements iid H(A | C) = 0 Perfect correlations EPR distillation no correlations (decoupling) d Single-shot H max (A | C) = 0 Perfect correlations EPR distillation d H max (A | B) = 0 Noisy correlations no correlations (decoupling) Single-Shot Counterparts 2: Saturation Mutual Info Given a site s, for all l0, ε > 0 there is a region B2l := BL,l/2BC,lBR,l/2 of size 2l with 1 < l/l0 < 2O(1/ε) at a distance < l02O(1/ε) from s s.t. I(BC,l:BL,l/2BR,l/2) < εl A BL s < l02O(1/ε) BC < l02O(1/ε) BR Single-Shot Counterparts 2: Saturation Mutual Info Given a site s, for all l0, ε > 0 there is a region B2l := BL,l/2BC,lBR,l/2 of size 2l with 1 < l/l0 < 2O(1/ε) at a distance < l02O(1/ε) from s s.t. I(BC,l:BL,l/2BR,l/2) < εl A BL s < l02O(1/ε) BC BR < l02O(1/ε) Single-shot Let Ψ have ξ-EDC. Given a site s, for all l0, ε, δ > 0 there is a region B2l := BL,l/2BC,lBR,l/2 of size 2l with 1 < l/l0 < exp(log(1/ε)/ε) at a distance < l0exp(log(1/ε)/ε) from s s.t. Iδmax(BC,l:BL,l/2BR,l/2) < 8εl/δ + δ Saturation von Neumann Mutual Information Given a site s, for all l0, ε > 0 there is a region B2l := BL,l/2BC,lBR,l/2 of size 2l with 1 < l/l0 < 2O(1/ε) at a distance < l02O(1/ε) from s s.t. I(BC,l:BL,l/2BR,l/2) < εl I(BC : BL BR ) £ el Û H(BC )+ H(BL BR ) - H(BC BL BR ) £ el Proof by contradiction: If it doesn’t hold, for all l: H(BC,l BL,l BR,l ) £ H(BC,l )+ H(BL,l BR,l )- el H(2l) H (l) H (l) Saturation von Neumann Mutual Information Given a site s, for all l0, ε > 0 there is a region B2l := BL,l/2BC,lBR,l/2 of size 2l with 1 < l/l0 < 2O(1/ε) at a distance < l02O(1/ε) from s s.t. I(BC,l:BL,l/2BR,l/2) < εl I(BC : BL BR ) £ el Û H(BC )+ H(BL BR ) - H(BC BL BR ) £ el Proof by contradiction: If it doesn’t hold, for all l: H(BC,l BL,l BR,l ) £ H(BC,l )+ H(BL,l BR,l )- el Interating: H(2l) H (l) H (l) H(2l) < 2H(l) – εl < 4 H(l/2) – 2εl < 8 H(l/4) – 3εl < … … which implies H(l) < l H(2) - εl log(l) Saturation max Mutual Information Single-shot Let Ψ have ξ-EDC. Given a site s, for all l0, ε, δ > 0 there is a region B2l := BL,l/2BC,lBR,l/2 of size 2l with 1 < l/l0 < exp(log(1/ε)/ε) at a distance < l0exp(log(1/ε)/ε) from s s.t. Iδmax(BC,l:BL,l/2BR,l/2) < 8εl/δ + δ We do not know how to prove it without exponential decay of correlations. Proof breaks down completely: 1. Imax not linear combination of entropies 1. Maybe use bound: Imax(A:B) < Hmax(A)+Hmax(B)-Hmin(AB) But arbitrary gaps between Hmax and Hmin Saturation max Mutual Information The idea: Use EDC to relate single-shot and i.i.d. 1. From the q. substate theorem (Jain, Radhakrishnan, Sen ’07) 1 d /2 d I max (BC : BL BR ) £ H max (BC ) + H(BL BR ) - H(BC BL BR ) + d ( d ) Suffices to prove: H max (BC,l )+ H(BL,l BR,l ) £ H(BC,l BL,l BR,l )+ el d /2 Saturation max Mutual Information The idea: Use EDC to relate single-shot and i.i.d. 1. From the q. substate theorem (Jain, Radhakrishnan, Sen ’07) 1 d /2 d I max (BC : BL BR ) £ H max (BC ) + H(BL BR ) - H(BC BL BR ) + d ( d ) Suffices to prove: H max (BC,l )+ H(BL,l BR,l ) £ H(BC,l BL,l BR,l )+ el d /2 d /2 H max (l) H (l) H(2l) Saturation max Mutual Information The idea: Use EDC to relate single-shot and i.i.d. 1. From the q. substate theorem (Jain, Radhakrishnan, Sen ’07) 1 d /2 d I max (BC : BL BR ) £ H max (BC ) + H(BL BR ) - H(BC BL BR ) + d ( d ) Suffices to prove: H max (BC,l )+ H(BL,l BR,l ) £ H(BC,l BL,l BR,l )+ el d /2 d /2 H(2l) £ H 2. Suppose not: For all l, max (l)+ H(l)- el d /2 We must relate H max (l) to H (l). In general not possible But we have EDC… Relating max to vNeumann entropy By subadditivity: e d H max (BC,l ) £ å H max (Yk ) + f (e ) k But by EDC, rZk,1,...,Zk,m - rZk,1 Ä... Ä rZk,m ( d d Thus H max (Yk ) » H max rZk,1 Ä... Ä r Zk,m 1 is small. ) By q. equipartition property (Tomamichel, Colbeck, Renner ’08) ( ) ( d H max rZk,1 Ä... Ä rZk,m » H rZk,1 Ä... Ä rZk,m ) Using Single-Shot Lemmas to show the main result 1. Area law from subvolume law 2. Getting subvolume law Area Law from Subvolume Law (cheating) l y A B ABC C H(C) > H(B) Þ Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-I(A : B)) Area Law from Subvolume Law (cheating) l y A B ABC C H(C) £ H(B) Ü Cor(A : C) < exp(-I(A : B)) Area Law from Subvolume Law (cheating) l y A B ABC C H(C) £ H(B) Ü Cor(A : C) < exp(-I(A : B)) Suppose H(B) < l/(4ξ). Since I(A:B) < 2H(B) < l/(2ξ), if state y ABC has ξ-EDC then Cor(A:C) < 2-l/ξ < 2-I(A:B) Thus: H(C) < H(B) : Area Law for C! Area Law from Subvolume Law (cheating) l y A B ABC C H(C) £ H(B) Ü Cor(A : C) < exp(-I(A : B)) Suppose H(B) < l/(4ξ). Since I(A:B) < 2H(B) < l/(2ξ), if state y ABC has ξ-EDC then Cor(A:C) < 2-l/ξ < 2-I(A:B) Thus: H(C) < H(B) : Area Law for C! It suffices to prove that nearby the boundary of C there is a region of size < l02O(ξ) with entropy < l/(4ξ) Area Law from Subvolume Law Could consider single-shot (cheating) l merging. But remember y ABC I max (A : B) < 2H max (B) d A B e C H(C) £ H(B) Ü Cor(A : C) < exp(-I(A : B)) Suppose H(B) < l/(4ξ). Since I(A:B) < 2H(B) < l/(2ξ), if state y ABC has ξ-EDC then Cor(A:C) < 2-l/ξ < 2-I(A:B) Thus: H(C) < H(B) : Area Law for C! It suffices to prove that nearby the boundary of C there is a region of size < l02O(ξ) with entropy < l/(4ξ) Area Law from Subvolume Law l A H n max y C B (C) ³ 3H ABC d max (B) Þ Cor(A : C) ³ exp(-3H d max (B)) Area Law from Subvolume Law l A H n max y C B (C) £ 3H ABC d max (B) Ü Cor(A : C) £ exp(-3H d max (B)) Area Law from Subvolume Law l A H n max y C B (C) £ 3H ABC d max (B) Ü Cor(A : C) £ exp(-3H Suppose Hmax(B) < l/(4ξ). If state y then Cor(A:C) < 2-l/ξ < 2-3H (B) ABC has ξ-EDC max Thus: Hmax(C) < Hmax(B) : Area Law for C! d max (B)) Area Law from Subvolume Law l A H n max y C B (C) £ 3H ABC d max (B) Ü Cor(A : C) £ exp(-3H Suppose Hmax(B) < l/(4ξ). If state y then Cor(A:C) < 2-l/ξ < 2-3H (B) ABC d max (B)) has ξ-EDC max Thus: Hmax(C) < Hmax(B) : Area Law for C! It suffices to prove that nearby the boundary of C there is a region of size < l02O(ξ) with max entropy < l/(4ξ) Getting Subvolume Law (cheating) “It suffices to prove that nearby the boundary of C there is a region of size < l02O(ξ) with entropy < l/(4ξ)” A BL s < l02O(1/ε) BC < l02O(1/ε) BR R := all except BLBCBR : y BL BC BR R Hastings lemma with ε = 1/(4ξ), gives I(BC:BLBR) < l/(4ξ) Then from state merging protocol and ξ-EDC: Cor(BC : R) £ 2-l/2x £ 2-I (BC :BL BR ) Þ S(R) £ S(BL BR ) Getting Subvolume Law (cheating) “It suffices to prove that nearby the boundary of C there is a region of size < l02O(ξ) with entropy < l/(4ξ)” A BL s < l02O(1/ε) BC < l02O(1/ε) BR R := all except BLBCBR : y BL BC BR R Hastings lemma with ε = 1/(4ξ), gives I(BC:BLBR) < l/(4ξ) Then from state merging protocol and ξ-EDC: Cor(BC : R) £ 2-l/2x £ 2-I (BC :BL BR ) Þ S(R) £ S(BL BR ) Finally: S(BC) ≤ S(BC) + S(BLBR) – S(R) = I(BC:BLBR) ≤ l/(4ξ) Getting Subvolume Law “It suffices to prove that nearby the boundary of C there is a region of size < l02O(ξ) with entropy < l/(4ξ)” A BL s BC BR R := all except BLBCBR : y Single-shot Hastings lemma with ε = 1/(8ξ) gives < l02O(1/ε) < l02O(1/ε) BL BC BR R Iδmax(BC:BLBR) < l/(2ξ) Then from single-shot merging and ξ-EDC: Cor(BC : R) £ 2 -l/2x £2 d -I max (BC :BL BR ) d Þ H max (BC | R) £ 0 Getting Subvolume Law “It suffices to prove that nearby the boundary of C there is a region of size < l02O(ξ) with entropy < l/(4ξ)” A BL s BC BR R := all except BLBCBR : y Single-shot Hastings lemma with ε = 1/(8ξ) gives < l02O(1/ε) < l02O(1/ε) BL BC BR R Iδmax(BC:BLBR) < l/(2ξ) Then from single-shot merging and ξ-EDC: Cor(BC : R) £ 2 -l/2x £2 d -I max (BC :BL BR ) d Þ H max (BC | R) £ 0 d Cor(A :Getting C) £ exp(-ISubvolume max (A : B)) Law d Þ H (A | C) ³ 0 max “It suffices to prove that nearby the boundary of C there is a y ABC for of size region < l02O(ξ) with entropy < l/(4ξ)” A BL s BC BR R := all except BLBCBR : y Single-shot Hastings lemma with ε = 1/(8ξ) gives < l02O(1/ε) < l02O(1/ε) BL BC BR R Iδmax(BC:BLBR) < l/(2ξ) Then from single-shot merging and ξ-EDC: Cor(BC : R) £ 2 -l/2x £2 d -I max (BC :BL BR ) d Þ H max (BC | R) £ 0 d Cor(BC : Getting R) £ exp(-I max (BC : BL BR )) Subvolume d max to C suffices Þ H “It Law (B prove | R) ³that 0 nearby the boundary of C there is a for ofysize < l02O(ξ) with entropy < l/(4ξ)” region BL BC BR R A BL s BC BR R := all except BLBCBR : y Single-shot Hastings lemma with ε = 1/(8ξ) gives < l02O(1/ε) < l02O(1/ε) BL BC BR R Iδmax(BC:BLBR) < l/(2ξ) Then from single-shot merging and ξ-EDC: Cor(BC : R) £ 2 -l/2x £2 d -I max (BC :BL BR ) d Þ H max (BC | R) ³ 0 Getting Subvolume Law Cor(BC : R) £ 2 H d max -l/2x d max d max £2 d -I max (BC :BL BR ) d Þ H max (BC | R) ³ 0 d max d min (BC ) £ H (BC )+ H (BC | R) = H (BC )- H (BC | BL BR ) e = Imax (BC : BL BR ) £ l / (2x ) By duality of min and max entropies (Tomamichel, Colbeck, Renner ‘09) Conclusions • EDC implies Area Law in 1D. • Single-shot info theory useful in physics, here condensedmatter physics/quantum many-body theory • Single-shot is more than to replace von Neumann by either min or max entropy: new regimes • Single-shot theory is less structured, but gives a unified way of addressing different types of structures (iid, permutation invariance, ergodicity, exponential decay of correlations) Thanks!