Frontiers in Fuels Science: Species-Specific Crown Profiles Models from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Background Key Concepts: Document accuracy and validity of existing crown biomass equations (Affleck) Develop new crown biomass/fuel equations for inland northwest tree species (Affleck) Parameterize crown fuel density profiles over individual stems per species with TLS • Stem dimensions • Crown characteristics (e.g. shape and density) Where We’ve Come From: Branch Scale Biomass Using TLS Background: Working Hypotheses (TLS) Boles • Incremental bole diameters used to generate basal area • Diameters could be used predict biomass from revised allometries Crown profiles differ between species • A large body of previous work on crown shapes • Laser gives precise measurements and characterize crown • High replication using laser • Tests using limited sample sizes suggest between species differences are more pronounced than those within species Biomass is distributed unequally throughout a crown: • Both vertically and horizontally • Distribution differs between species Introduction: Sampling Connection to Destructive Samples • Collect TLS data of sampled trees • Collect independent samples concurrently representing: − same species − site conditions Vicinity Map TLS Sampling Objective • n > 200 Trees sampled Trees & TLS sampled Introduction: TLS Instrument Optech Ilris 36D HD Terrestrial Lidar System • 10 KHz sampling • Point density 1cm or less • Local characterization Introduction: TLS Sampling Current Thinking: Zone of Occlusion Literature suggests that estimating biomass from TLS requires: • Scanning from multiple angles • High resolution • Offsetting potential occlusion of data within tree Project Approach: This project seeks to optimize TLS collection by: • Limit scanning time by only sampling a hemisphere • Control errors of omission through sampling volume Zone of Interception 15m Minimum Distance Introduction: TLS Sampling Data Resolution a Function of Range: The instrument is parameterized to collect data at a set resolution at a determined range (focal plane) Characterize hull of tree Focal Plane (~4.0mm density) Data decreases in density as it gains range Types of Occlusion: Penetration of energy through the canopy or objects • Angle independent/dependent Shadowing of canopy elements • Depends canopy density • Angularity (branches shadowing objects above) Origin Methods: TLS Collection and Processing Data Process Flow Data Collection • Largest time commitment (e.g. travel, set up, Etc.) • ~15 minutes per scan • Dependent on site conditions (e.g. adjacent tree density) Alignment of Scans (Polyworks) • Potentially time consuming Process Using Lab Developed Applications • Designed to begin optimizing tree processing for efficiency and repeatability • Single processing flow for applying alignment, calculating bole dimensions, and normalized canopy distance from bole. Methods: TLS-Based Bole Measurements Three Estimates of Bole Diameter Up The Tree: 1. 2. 3. Three samples of distance from bole centroid Fitted line from selected bole points Modeled from the initial bole diameter at the bottom of the tree Methods: Distance and Tree Cleaning Height (m) Methods: Building a Library of Crown Shapes Distance (m) Analysis • Species used in preliminary work • Crown Characterization • Crown Shapes (profiles and lengths) • Biomass Distribution • Bole characterization • Integrating it all • What’s next? Analysis • Data sample for preliminary analysis • 6 Douglas firs (Pseudosuga mensiesii) • 3 grand firs (Abies grandis) • 1 ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) • 1 western larch (Larix occidenatlis) Analysis: Crown Profiles • 90th crown width percentile chosen to define outer hull • Points at each height interval Analysis: Crown Profiles • Rescaled both axes as 0-1 • Did this for 6 Douglas firs and 3 grand firs Analysis: Crown Profiles • Combined all samples per species into one “uber-tree” each Analysis: Crown Profiles Model Fitting • curve smoothing • scale of variability • exclusion of bole/incorporation of crown base height Analysis: Crown Profiles Douglas Fir (n=6) Grand Fir (n=3) Ponderosa Pine (n=1) Western Larch (n=1) Analysis: Crown Base Height Using some impartial metric to consistently define lower bound of crown length Analysis: Crown Base Height Analysis: Crown Base Height / Crown Profiles Analysis: Crown Biomass Distribution • Hull / void • Survivability analysis • Hull delineation • Within-hull biomass distribution Analysis: Boles • Many different radius measures generated curve fitted constant dist1 dist2 dist3 average dist Analysis: Boles • Potential use in linking TLS data to allometry for biomass prediction • Problems to overcome Analysis: Integrating It All • • • • • Per Species Apply crown base metric Generate the “uber-tree” Fit crown profile curve Determine hull-void demarcation Determine biomass allocation pattern For New Trees • Need species, DBH, height, crown length • Use DBH to calculate biomass • Use crown profile function to build outer hull shape • Allocate biomass within defined hull Analysis: Where To Next… Things to think about: • Occlusions (of bole, inner vegetation) • Best metric for CBH delineation • Appropriate scale of variation for crown profile curve • Defining hull/void demarcation • Distributing biomass within that hull Next (this summer through Spring 2013) • More trees, more scanning, more data processing • Linkages to Affleck lab measures • Exploration of applications beyond fire The Laser Team: Eric Rowell, Ph.D. Plot scale surface fuels characterization; integration of airborne and terrestrial scanning, fuel consumption. Tara Umphries, M.S. Quantifying fuel dimensions in a grassland. Jena Ferrarese, M.S. Measuring conifer crown dimensions and the distribution of biomass within them. Theodore Adams, M.S. Defining/distributing fuel elements in diffuse shrubs of sagebrush and chamise. Acknowledgements: Joint Fire Sciences Program Inland Northwest Growth and Yield Cooperative Affleck lab Active Remote Sensing Lab, National Center for Landscape Fire Analysis