Marketing is Design: Three Words that Increased Sales 1000% Rob Walling Software By Lots of traffic… No sales :-( Image by Image by mil8 Easy on the triple sec! Image by Jorge Bassy You in the pink! Don’t I know you from somewhere? Cause: buffer overrun Image by Performant? Scalable? Core dump? Check! Check! Check! Image by •Re-design •Two shopping carts •Product line expansion •Added 800 number •Added categories •Added non-towel products •Varied shipping •Offered coupons •And on and on… Traffic Sales Image by Old: $210/month New: $2200/month Conclusion: Testing = good Image by Start here… 1000 visitors x .5% = 5 sales More traffic is expensive 2000 visitors x .5% = 10 sales The Same 1000 visitors x 1% = 10 sales A/B testing is cheap You may not like me, but I’m really, really smart. “…in the end you're still using the same focus groups; you're still doing split samples where you ask half a sample one way and the other half a different way.” - Frank Luntz I’m a wise man and I approve this saying… Image by Winner Sign up… A few days later… Slides, Screencast, Links @ Software By