APPLICATION OF EDMS TO XFEL CRYOMODULE ASSSEMBLY AT CEA Christelle CLOUE - Catherine MADEC QUICK OVERVIEW i r f u s a c la y X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r | PAGE 2 GOAL OF THE ASSEMBLY OF CRYOMODULES To assemble 100 accelerator cryomodules with a throughput of 1 per week ! operated by an industrial contractor on the Saclay site and CEA infrastructures with CEA supervision X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r | PAGE 3 CRYOMODULE MBOM In the process of assembling cryomodule, it is mandatory for traceability to gather, record, process and archive the complete configuration and fabrication information for each cryomodule MBOM The MBOM also includes inspection to be performed, the tests to be recorded, the assembly procedures etc... The XFEL cryomodule MBOM contains roughly 500 lines It uses DESY’s Engineering Data Management System (EDMS). X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r | PAGE 4 EXAMPLE : XM-2 MBOM The MBOM defines how a specific part type (fabrication part) is produced and from which components. The part gets fabricated in a physical part and assembled to other physical parts to form one cryomodule. This is recorded in the Bill of Material BOM X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r | PAGE 5 EXAMPLE : XM-2 BOM X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r | PAGE 6 EXAMPLE : NON-CONFORMANCE REPORTS X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r EXAMPLE : PHYSICAL PARTS X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r DEDICATED ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS XFel Village ~ 1350 m2 Clean rooms Bldg 124 North 25x15 m² 4 7 Assembly halls Bldg 126 North 40x11 m² 6 5 Bldg 126 South 30x17 m² Offices Court Yard 3 12 8 6 Warehouse X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r ©GoogleMap | PAGE 9 WORKSTATIONS IN ASSY HALLS Alignment Area AL-WS1 & 2 Roll-out Area RO-WS1 & 2 Warehouse Coupler Area CO-WS1 & 2 Reception Area REC-WS1 Clean room Area CO-WS1 & 2 SA-WS1 & 2 Cantilever Area CA-WS1 the XFEL Village Shipment Area SH-WS1 & 2 X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r | PAGE 10 ORGANISATION WITH ALSYOM Alsyom has been subcontracted to assemble the 100CM under the supervision of CEA. For all exchanges, CeaAlsyom shared folders X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r C. Madec | SRF13-THIOA02 | 26/09/2013 | PAGE 11 TRAVELER 1/2 XFEL TRAVELER CLEAN ROOM Task # Task identification GOM Reference Cryomodule reference: GOM Version Date Operators Report File reference FAQ NCR Comments / Main results Couplers Reception (ISO5-REC-WS) Other Components Reception (REC-WS) Cavities Reception (REC-WS + ISO5-REC-WS) ISO4 Entry Coupler & Cavity Assembly (ISO4-CC-WS) ISO4-CC 1 Couplers pumping, leak test, venting ASS_CR_26_Coupler venting for coupler cold part assembly 06/01/14 LE GOFF M. / LECUONA T. / CHATILLON F. ISO4-CC 2 Cavity positioning on coupler assembly station ASS_CR_19_Cavity positioning on coupler assembly station 06/01/14 LE GOFF M. / LECUONA T. ISO4-CC 4 Cavity pumping and venting ASS_CR_25_Cavity venting for coupler cold part assembly, n=[1;8] 06/01/14 LE GOFF M. / LECUONA T. / CHATILLON F. QR_LC2_CAV_FE00556_140107.xlsx ISO4-CC 3 Cleaning of parts ( screw, nuts, washer…) ASS_CR_28_Cleaning procedure of parts (screw, nuts, washers) 08/01/14 LE GOFF M. / LECUONA T. AR_XM4_CCC556_140108.xlsx ISO4-CC 5 Coupler cavity cold part assembly ASS_CR_36_Coupler cold part assembly ISO4-CC 6 Leak check and RGA of the assembly ASS_CR_27_Leak check and RGA of cavity and coupler cold part assembly 08/01/14 LECUONA T. / BOULCH C. QR_LC-RGA_CCC556_140108.xlsx RGA_CAV556_140108 .png ISO4-CC 7 Cavity positioning on string assembly station ASS_CR_18_Cavity positioning on string assembly station 05/02/14 LECUONA.T / LE GOFF.M ISO4-CC 27 Couplers pumping, leak test, venting ASS_CR_26_Coupler venting for coupler cold part assembly 07/01/14 LECUONA.T / LE GOFF.M / CHATILLON.F X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r QR_LC2_CCP THRI-CP315 - THRICP394_140107.xlsx QR_LC2_CCP THRI-CP315 - THRICP394_140107.xlsx | PAGE 12 TRAVELER 2/2 XFEL XM4 Task # Task identification Date Prod. Control point Alsyom Quality Control point Alsyom Validation Alsyom Doc. control point CEA Hold point CEA Validation CEA CEA Comments Couplers Reception (ISO5-REC-WS) Other Components Reception (REC-WS) Cavities Reception (REC-WS + ISO5-REC-WS) ISO4 Entry Coupler & Cavity Assembly (ISO4-CC-WS) ISO4-CC 1 Couplers pumping, leak test, venting 06/01/14 ISO4-CC 2 Cavity positioning on coupler assembly station 06/01/14 ISO4-CC 4 Cavity pumping and venting 06/01/14 X ISO4-CC 3 Cleaning of parts ( screw, nuts, washer…) 08/01/14 X X ISO4-CC 5 Coupler cavity cold part assembly ISO4-CC 6 Leak check and RGA of the assembly 08/01/14 ISO4-CC 7 Cavity positioning on string assembly station 05/02/14 X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r X NOK TRUBLET T. X OK BOULCH C. OK TRUBLET T. OK BOULCH C. X Valeur de pression avant d'ouvrir la vanne en rouge (TT) | PAGE 13 FAQ (FICHE D’AMÉLIORATION QUALITÉ) / NCR (NON CONFORMITY REPORT) All non-conformities are generating a FAQ which is processed internally (Alsyom/CEA). The CEA area manager decides if it needs to escalate to NCR through EDMS. X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r DECISION PROCESS FOR NON CONFORMITY X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r | PAGE 15 QUICK DECISION PROCESS FOR NCR X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r | PAGE 16 NON-CONFORMITY PROCESSED ON EDMS (1/2) After the processing of the NCR on EDMS, the corrective and preventive actions should be filled X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r NON-CONFORMITY PROCESSED ON EDMS (2/2) The NCR document is uploaded on EDMS which is used for coordination, review and approval of the its content, namely description of the NC, its corrective and preventive actions. Reference : CEA-XFEL-RNC-13-103-1 Reference : CEA-XFEL-RNC-13-103-1 Page : 1 NON CONFORMANCE REPORT NON CONFORMANCE REPORT Date : 17/06/2013 Enter either the "Physical Part EDMS-ID" , or the "Fab. Part Name" + "Fab. Part EDMS-ID" + "Physical Part Serial Number" . Physical Part EDMS-ID : Fab. Part Name : XM-2_CMS: Cold Mass + String Fab. Part EDMS-ID : D00000000583027 Physical Part Serial No. XM-2_CMS Recorded by : C. CLOUE / P. PLUVY Location : CEA XFEL Rollout Area TITLE : Dents on cavity bellows between cavities 1/2 and cavities 7/8 During operations in Roll Out WS, some dents have been observed on cavity bellow between cavities in position 1/2 (see Picture 1), and on cavity bellow between cavities in position 7/8 (see Picture 2). Reference documents : TECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS : Responsible (s) Shocks probably generated during string assembly operations (bellows connections on cavities) S.BERRY CORRECTIVE ACTIONS (on Physical Part, or Equipment) : Responsible (s) NA S.BERRY PREVENTIVE ACTIONS (on Fabrication Part, or Equipment) : Responsible (s) Change tooling used in SA WS (torque wrench) to prevent to hit bellows during the string assembly S. BERRY / M. MBELEG3 CATEGORY : FINAL DECISIONS : Minor : Action on Part : X Use As Is Documentation : Major : Clearance for actions Fabrication Engineer (Technical Manager) Quality Manager Project Manager (WPL) C. Cloué Unit responsible for involved product : O. Napoly Accelerator Consortium Manager : 1st distribution : The Coordinator can fill-in the names of reviewers/approver(s), but does not have to because they are listed in the "History", or on the "Reviewer/Approver" tab (names might change there). Date : 09.10.20xx Reviewer : A. MATHEISEN, L. LILJE 2nd distribution: The Coordinator can fill-in the names of reviewers/approver(s), but does not have to because they are listed in the "History", or on the "Reviewer/Approver" tab (names might change there). Date : xx.xx.20xx Reviewer : Closing : X FEL Date : xx.xx.20xx X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r By : VISA : Date : 17/06/2013 CONTINUATION SHEET Picture 1 DESCRIPTION : Page : 2 Picture 2 HOLD POINTS (1/2) Time when CEA is inspecting both the documentation and the module and authorized to proceed to the next assembly steps. XFEL Task # XM4 Task identification Date Prod. Control point Alsyom X Quality Control point Alsyom Validation Alsyom Doc. control point CEA Hold point CEA Validation CEA CEA Comments String Assembly (ISO4-SA-WS) ISO4-SA 14 Cavity 7 - 8 assembly 26/02/14 ISO4-SA 3 Qpole unit positioning 26/02/14 ISO4-SA 4 Qpole unit alignment 26/02/14 ISO4-SA 15 Qpole unit venting 26/02/14 ISO4-SA 16 Qpôle unit to string cavity assembly 27/02/14 ISO4-SA 17 Final leak check cavity string 28/02/14 ISO4-SA 17 RGA verification 28/02/14 ISO4-SA 18 Distance adjustment 28/02/14 ISO4 CTRL 1 Cavity string outgoing inspection X FEL ISO4 CTRL 2 cavity string roll out X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r 28/02/14 28/02/14 OK TRUBLET TRUBLET X OK TRUBLET X X OK TRUBLET X X OK TRUBLET X OK TRUBLET NOK TRUBLET X X X X OK | PAGE 19 TRUBLET HOLD POINTS (2/2) Check Report: Mechanical Test on Cavity String before RollOut Template_QR_MecTest1_XMn_STR_yymmdd_V2 1 2 General Information (for protocol upload) Project XFEL_WP03_Alsyom Document Type: Team XFEL_WP03_Alsyom_Team Team Folder 1_STR Manufacturer Name Commissar. À l'énergie atomique Manufacturer ID FRA-CEA-SAC Location CEA XFEL String Assembly Area in ISO4 Cleanroom Mecanical Check Part Information Part Part 1 Fabr. Part Name Fabr. Part EDMS ID STR: Cavity String PP Serial No D00000000572107 XM4 CAVITES Cavity 1 Cavity 2 Cavity 3 Cavity 4 Cavity 5 Cavity 6 Cavity 7 Cavity 8 CAV_FE00 626 607 556 597 606 621 592 594 THRI-CP- 337 382 394 315 366 399 349 213 077 071 096 052 069 079 067 086 17 Numéro de série des cavités : 18 Numéro de série des coupleurs 19 Numéro de série des soufflets : 20 Vérifier que les cavités sont bien posées sur les posts côté coupleur : OK OK OK OK OK OK NOK NOK 21 Vérifier que les cavités sont bien posées sur les posts côté opposé coupleur : OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 22 Vérifier que le système de maintien du tube He est bien fixé : OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 23 Vérifier que les tiges filetées ne sont pas débouchantes : OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r FEL VB1 000002- | PAGE 20 FURTHERMORE ….. PED : Welding documents : commments from Lars Hagge A script extracts the files (conformance report from manufacturer or WP – already on EDMS) related to the physical parts that are installed and are parts of the PED X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r C. Madec | SRF13-THIOA02 | 26/09/2013 | PAGE 21 Thanks for your attention | PAGE 22 Titre | Date Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives Centre de Saclay | 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex T. +33 (0)1 69 08 69 39 Etablissement public à caractère industriel et commercial | RCS Paris B 775 685 019 DSM Irfu SACM LIDC2 EXAMPLE OF ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES X FEL X -Ra y Fr e e -Ele ct r on La se r | PAGE 23