Programming - The Robettes

The Basics of Java Programming and
Command-Based Robot Projects
Packages and Classes
Variables and Objects
Command-Robot Concepts
If/Else Statements
For Loops and While Loops
Key Command-Robot Classes
Glossary, Q&A, Conclusions
Packages and Classes
• All java code belongs to a specific class.
• Packages are sets of related Classes
• Every project starts with one ‘main’ class/method
• More detailed classes are defined and called on to
handle various specific duties.
Packages and Classes - examples
• Generic classes that sort and organize
import java.util.*;
import com.first.team2177.common.*;
• Standard java classes for ‘streams’ and internet
import*; // read from and write to files (and to & from web sites)
import*; // internet utility library
import javax.servlet.*; // http web hosting library
import javax.mail.*;
// use this to spam your parents all night
• US F.I.R.S.T. library packages
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.*; // Talon, Limit, Joystick…
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.command.*;
• Split your Robot into 3 or more packages
import com.first.team2177.robot.*;
import com.first.team2177.robot.subsystems.*;
import com.first.team2177.robot.commands.*;
// the main stuff
// 2-4 physical subsets
// 5-15 ‘actions’ that the subsystem need to do
Packages and Classes – examples 2
• The actual class-list of our Ultimate robot.
Robot extends ...wpilib.IterativeRobot
RobotMap extends java.lang.Object (implied)
OI extends java.lang.Object (implied)
// package is ...team2177.robot.*
DriveTrain extends ...wpilib.SubSystem
ClimberSys extends …wpilib.SubSystem
DumperSys extends …wpilib.SubSystem
// package is …team2177.robot.Subsystems.*
CommandBase extends ...wpilib.Command;
AutonomousCmd extends CommandBase
TankDrive extends CommandBase
ArcadeDrive extends CommandBase
ClimbSetup extends CommandBase
ClimbPreclimb extends CommandBase
ClimbNextStep extends CommandBase
ClimbTower extends …wpilib.CommandGroup;
// package is ...team2177.robot.Commands.*
Variables and Objects
Variables hold a value or setting.
Variables give a name & type to what the value is for.
Variables can be passed between classes & methods.
Variables can keep the same value, or be changed.
• There are several basic java variable types.
Integers, Long
Floats, Doubles
• “Object” variables hold a reference to a java-Class.
• String variable are Objects, but work like a basic type.
Variables and Objects - examples
• In our project, ‘CommandBase’ defines many variables
that are used by other ‘Action’ classes.
DriveTrain drivetrain;
ClimberSys climber;
DumperSys dumper;
Joystick leftStick;
Joystick rightStick;
Joystick shootStick;
// each subsystem is its own type.
// 3 instances of the same type
// these value can change during a game, but more likely just once on startup
double driveBias = 0.7; // 0.5 would be a perfect left-right balance
double practiceSpeedFactor = 1.0; // 1.0 = full-power, down to .6 or .7 for freshmem….
boolean isPitTesting = false;
// if true, the Climber system needs to reduce lift-power
// "debug" logging variables
java.util.Vector messageTank;
long starttime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
• Groups of statements performed as a set.
Defined by a name, (parameters), and a return type.
Class MySampleClass {
boolean isButtonPressed() { statements…; return joyStick.getButtonPressed(1);}
void startOrStop(boolean) { statements; …; }
long setArmHeight(double left, double right) { …; }
Talon getActiveMotor() { …; return leftFrontMotor; }
void doSomething() { // sample statement …
// calling ‘local’ methods -- i.e. from MySampleClass, or else any class it extended…
startOrStop( isButtonPressed() ); // bool return used as a bool parameter
long h = setArmHeight( fX() , fY() ); // double,double IN, long OUT
// calling methods from other classes -- i.e. ‘imported’ variables and types
driveTrain.tankDrive( joystick.getY(), joystick2.getY() ); // double-double
} // end of doSomething method
} // end of MySampleClass
Methods – debug()
• Being ‘static’ (global), this can be called from any
class (if imported).
i.e. CommandBase.debug(“my message”);
• When called locally, including by a subclasses, only
the method name is needed.
public static void debug(String msg) {
if (messageTank.contains(msg) == false) {
messageTank.add(msg); // the parameter text.
// print the given message, along with the (first)occurrence-time
long time = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) - starttime;
String debugTime = "" + (time / 60) + ':' + (time % 60) + " ";
System.out.print(debugTime + msg);
Command-Based Robot Concepts
• “It will make simple programs more
complicated and the more complicated
programs simpler.”
• Organized into Subsystem and Command
• Easier to make adjustments throughout the
• Code is more spread out throughout the
Motor controllers, sensors,
Control Classes
Command Groups
Command-Robot Concepts – examples
‘Robot’ creates our Autonomous & CommandBase
CommandBase creates each of our subsystems.
CmdBase->OI->init() then creates teleOp commands.
ClimbTower and Autonomous are groups, they also
create other Cmds.
- one instance, created by .wpilib
RobotMap & OI – no instances.
DriveTrain, ClimberSys , DumperSys - one instance each.
AutonomousCmd - one instance, started and stopped by .wpilib/Robot
TankDrive & ArcadeDrive – 1 & 2 instances, started by OI-designated buttons
ClimbSetup – one instance, created and started by ClimberSys (then optionally by OI/joystick)
ClimbPreclimb – one instance, created and started by OI/joystick
ClimbTower – one instance, created and started by OI/joystick
ClimbNextStep – 9 instances, created and started by ClimbTower
CommandBase – 14 (extended) instances.
Command-Robot Concepts – code sample
• Calling “new” [ClassName](); truns a Class into an Object.
Here is the one global method of OI which generates our teleOp commands.
static void init(Joystick leftStick, Joystick rightStick, Joystick shootStick) { // this is just condense slightly.
// define the climb-actions based on top 3 “shooter” buttons { left, middle, right }
Button climbSetupbutton = new JoystickButton(shootStick, 4); // left button
climbSetupbutton.whenPressed(new ClimbSetup());
// besides being ‘default ‘, now also allow user to select this action
climbSetupbutton = new JoystickButton(shootStick, 3);
// middle button
climbSetupbutton.whenPressed(new ClimbPreclimb());
// user-action, perform when within the tower perimeter
Button climbExecuteButton = new JoystickButton(shootStick, 5); // right button
climbExecuteButton.whenPressed(new ClimbTower());
// in position & verified, "GO"
* Drive-Style Options
* use left-driver’s top 3 buttons { left, middle, right }
* to select between T-A-BS = Tank - Arcade – BananaSplit (aka Kaj)
/*left*/ new JoystickButton(leftStick, 4).whenPressed(new TankDriving());
/*middle*/ new JoystickButton(leftStick, 3).whenPressed(new ArcadeDriving(false));
/*right*/ new JoystickButton(leftStick, 5).whenPressed(new ArcadeDriving(true)); // true signals the right-stick for the rotation
If/Else Statements
• One, two, or many ‘conditions’ can cause different actions.
public void exampleCode(int motorSpeed) {
boolean buttonPressed = joystick.getRawButton(4);
if ( buttonPressed ) {
// because of {}, ‘this’ and
// ‘more’ are always executed back to back.
else if ( booleanA && booleanB )
sideMotor.set( -1.0 );
else if ( limitSwitch.isPressed() || motorSpeed==0 )
sideMotor.set( 1.0);
If/Else Statements – Sample Code
• Our ‘preclimb’ command-code uses multiple ifs.
public class ClimbPreclimb extends CommandBase {
boolean isOnTarget = false;
// this is used by both different methods below
public void execute() {
if (climber.shoulderPoint() < 1900) // Early on-- Raise the shoulder(&winch) quicker, and the elbow slower.
climber.NudgeArms( .50, .25, .35 );
else if (isOnTarget) // Once raised -- Stall the shoulder-motor with positive-lift, this is to avoid ‘bouncing’
climber.NudgeArms( .1, 0, 0 );
else {// Default-Action, “lower” to the target set-points.
isOnTarget = climber.SetTargetPositions("RaiseHooks - elbow-up", .6, 2600, 951, 1300 );
if (isOnTarget)
// a nested test, log when we have completed this movement
debugPrint(“now at preclimb positions " + climber.shoulderPoint() + ", …. ");
protected void interrupted() {
isOnTarget = false;
// this reset is needed when we repeatedly go between driving and preclimb
While Loops
• While loops run while a certain condition is true.
void raiseRobotArm() {
while (armHeight < 30) // condition
// loop actions…
outputPower = …statement…;
armHeight = setArm( outputPower );
While Loops – Sample Code
• Our ‘ClimbSetup’ Command
performs back-to-back loops.
public void execute() {
if (climber.winchPoint() > 900) { // only perform these loops once, on startup.
// Early on, Loosen the straps and Raise the shoulder, to assure that the elbow can be reversed-to-down.
// target is effectively a forward-leaning high-five position
while (climber.shoulderPoint() < 2500 || climber.winchPoint() < 2600 ) {
climber.setTargetPositions("pre-driving-1", 0.5, 2700, 1417, 2809 );
// Once raised, Swing the shoulder & elbow 'down', match speeds to minimize slack.
while (climber.winchPoint() > 800) {
climber.nudgeArms( -.15, -.60, -.55 );
} // end of if
// …always…, get to and maintain the proper ready-for-preclimb position
climber.setTargetPositions("driving", 0.3, 839, 2612, 700 ));
} // end of method
For Loops
• For loops run for a certain count of times.
(here the count is the condition)
void runAutonomous() {
// for each ‘N’, 1-5
for (int N=1; N<=5; N++)
// something has to eventually change N to end the loop…
// here N++ is a statement that does an N+1 each time.
// loop actions…
fireCannon( N );
} // end of for loop
} // end of runAutonomous()
For Loops - example
• What if you needed to steer this ?
final int ROWS = 4;
final int AXELS = 30;
…initialize…() {
DriveWheel wheels[][] = new DriveWheels[AXELS][ROWS];
for (int row = 0; row < ROWS; row++ )
for (int axel = 0; axel < AXELS; axel++ )
wheels[axel][row] = new DriveWheel( (row*AXELS) + axel );
Key Command-Robot Classes
• Subsystem
• Command
• CommandGroup
Key Classes – SubSystems
• The various parts of your robot
drivetrain, climber, dumper.
• Make a class for each subsystem
– File, new file, Command-Based Robot, Subsystem
• Add sensor variables, to get readings (read=input).
// i.e. long count = myEncoder.get();
• Add motor variables, to set motions (write=output).
// i.e. myTalon.set( voltage );
• Add action methods, to be used by Commands.
– // i.e. MyCommand() { mySubSystem.doSomething(); }
Key Classes – Subsystems – DriveChassis example
• Private variables for sensors and motors
Talon leftFront, rightFront, etc.
Encoder leftSpeed, rightSpeed;
• Public action methods, for use by the Commands.
void tankDrive(double left, double right) {…}
void arcadeDrive(double momentum, double angle) {…}
Key Classes – Subsystems – Climber example
• Private variables for sensors and motors
Talon shoulder = new Talon( RobotMap.SHOULDER_MOTOR);
Talon elbow =…;
Talon winch1, winch2;
“Potentiometer” shoulderPot = new AnalogChannel( RobotMap.SHOULDER_POT);
Potentiometer elbowPot = …;
Potentiometer winchPot = …;
• Private action methods, for local (climber) use.
void setShoulderPosition(long) {…}
void setElbowPosition(long) {…}
void setWinchPosition(long) {…}
• Public action methods, for use by the Commands.
void nudge(double shoulderPwr, double elbowPwr, double winchPwr) {…}
void setPos(long shoulderTgt, long elbowTgt, long winchTgt) {…}
long get___Position() { return ___Pot.getAverageValue(); }
Key Classes – Commands
• Classes that use the functions of the
subsystems to perform operations
• Make a class for each command
– File, new file, Command-Based Robot, command
• One(1) Autonomous command may use every
• Each Subsystem usually creates one defaultcommand for TeleOp.
• The OI class can make commands that
exchange control of a Subsystem.
Key Classes – Commands – ‘execute’ code
• Typically each command will ‘require’ a SubSystem in its
public class TankDriving extends CommandBase {
public TankDriving() {
// requires(Subsystem) is defined by .wpilib.Command
} // end of method
} // end of class
• ‘execute()’ has to be defined by every Command.
What execute defines are statements performed by a nearcontinuous .wpilib-defined while loop.
// Called repeatedly when this Command is scheduled to run
protected void execute() {
drivetrain.tankDrive( leftStick.getY(), rightStick.getY() );
Key Classes – Commands – ‘isFinished’ code
• We define ‘isFinished’ in our CommandBase, to just return
So generally an OI-joystick action is the only thing to interrupt
the execute()-loop
• We needed to define isFinished() within our ClimbNextStep.
This is because they are each needed back-to-back while actually
public void execute() { // simplified
isFinished = climber.SetTargetPositions(cmdName, liftPower, shoulderTgt, elbowTgt, winchTgt);
// interrupt one ClimbNextStep command so the next can begin.
public boolean isFinished() {
return isFinished;
Key Classes – Commands – other code
• These methods must be defined somewhere every Command.
• We do so as shown within our CommandBase class.
// Called just before this Command runs the first time
protected void initialize() { }
// Make this return true when this Command no longer needs to run execute()
protected boolean isFinished() {
return false; }
// Called once after isFinished returns true
protected void end() { }
// Called when another command which requires one or more of the same
// subsystems is scheduled to run
protected void interrupted() { }
Key Classes - Command Groups
• A class that performs a chain of commands.
• Key library methods
Key Classes - Command Groups – ClimbTower code
• We start this group in tele-op mode…
Effectively when the group needs to be executed, .wpilib code
will execute each command at the right time, ‘while needed’.
ClimbTower() { // this method gets called by ‘new ClimbTower()’. Within OI-init().
// Lift onto level-1 bar
addSequential(new ClimbNextStep("lift-1", 1.0, 1800, 999, 150 ));
addSequential(new WaitCommand( 1 )); // pause to stop swinging
// Lift arms to level-2 bar (elbow towards 'up')
addSequential(new ClimbNextStep("pre-up-1", .35, 3098, 999, 3550 ));// raise shoulder,
addSequential(new ClimbNextStep("pre-up-2", .35, 3098, 1536, 3788 ));// straighten elbow
addSequential(new ClimbNextStep("pre-up-3", .35, 2872, 1517, 3550 ));// swing shoulder forward
addSequential(new ClimbNextStep("lift-2", 1.0, 1800, 999, 150 ));
addSequential(new WaitCommand( 7 )); // WaitCommand is defined in .wpilib…
// … then prepare for and lift onto level 3, it is similar steps as level-2 above, just different numbers….
Key Classes - Command Groups – ClimbTower code
• Examples of Next-Step positions…
addSequential(new ClimbNextStep("pre-up-1", lowPower, #, #, #...)
addSequential(new ClimbNextStep("pre-up-3", lowPower, #, #, #...
addSequential(new ClimbNextStep("lift-2", fullPower, #, #, # ));
Glossary, Q&A
• More or less complicated java key-words…
package import public private protected
new static final void
(…and concepts) precision type-cast array scope
• Time for