Kimberly Afcha and Danielle Hettmann Measure of capacity of the runway Based on the following assumptions: ◦ Continuous supply of arrivals and/or departures ◦ Air Traffic Control rule – no simultaneous Runway Occupancy (SRO) ◦ Air Traffic Control rule – safe Wake Vortex Separation Distances between two flights ◦ Static fleet mix ◦ Approach procedure does not change Five considerations: 1. ATC Safety Rule: no Simultaneous Runway Occupancy (SRO) 2. ATC Safety Rule: Maintain Wake Vortex Separation Distance between lead and follow aircraft 3. ATC Controller/Pilot Separation Control Accuracy: ATC/Pilots insert a buffer distance to avoid violating separation rules 4. Fleet Mix: determines the type of aircraft in the leadfollow pairs. The type of aircraft determines the separation distance used. Small aircraft following large aircraft require longer distances than large aircraft following large aircraft. 5. Final Approach Path Distance: the length of time leadfollow aircraft fly the approach in pairs and separation Simultaneous Runway Occupancy (SRO): ◦ MCT = 3600 seconds/ROT Wake Vortex Separation Distance ◦ Determined by separation distance ◦ Wake vortices generated off wing-tips of aircraft ◦ Strength of the vortex is governed by the weight, speed, and shape of the wing of the generating aircraft MCT = 3600 / (s/v) where t = s/v ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ t = inter-arrival time s = distance between aircraft at runway threshold v = groundspeed of aircraft Example: Heavy following Heavy, t=96 seconds MCT = 36000 / 96 = 37.5 flights/hour Separation distance is determined through coordination of ATC and pilot Separation Buffer: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ MCT = 3600 / ((s/v)+b) t = inter-arrival time s = distance between aircraft at runway threshold v = groundspeed of aircraft b = buffer Example: Heavy following Heavy, t=96 seconds MCT = 36000 / (96 + 10)= 34 flights/hour MCT = Min(MCTSRO, MCTWVSD, MCTWVSDB) ◦ SRO = Single Runway Occupancy ◦ WVSD = Wake Vortex Separation Distance ◦ WVSDB = Wake Vortex Separation Distance and Buffer (ATC/Controller Buffer) Simplified to: MCT = Min(MCTSRO, MCTWVSDB) Fleet Mix Probability of Type of Aircraft H .3 L .2 M .25 S .25 MTC = Min ( MTCSRO, MTCWVSDB) 1. Runway Occupancy Time (ROT) 2. Probability of lead-follow E[ROT] = Σi (pi * ROTi) E[ROT] = (.3*80) + (.2*65) + (.25*50) + (.25* 45) = 60.75 MTCSRO= 3600/ E[ROT] MTCSRO= 3600/60.75 = 59.26 1. 2. 3. The and The The separation distance between the lead the follow (sij) groundspeed of the aircraft (vj) probability of a lead-follow pair (pij) Inter-arrival time (tij) Inter-arrvial time matrix T leading aircraft T= I(H) 2(L) 3(M) 4(S) Trailing aircraft 1(H) 2(L) 120 188 65 65 50 55 72 83 E[Tij] = ΣiΣj (pij *( Tij)) 3(M) 281 96 65 98 4(S) 416 194 204 120 Tij = sij/vj for compression case Tij = ((r + sij)/vj ) – (r/ vi ) for separation case Lead slower than Follow Compression distance- additional distance used by Follow as it catches up to Lead Compression Time = r/(Vj – Vi) Cases: H-H, H-L, H-M, H-S, L-L, L-M, L-S, M-M, M-S, S-S Lead faster than Follow Separation Distance- additional distance at the runway threshold caused by Lead faster than Follow Separation Time= ((r + sij)/vj ) – (r/ vi ) Cases: S-M, S-L, SH, M-L, M-H, H-L. MTC = 3600 seconds/E[tij] E[tij]= (.09*120)+(.06*188)+…+(.06*120) =141.9 MCT = 3600 seconds/141.9 = 25.368 MTC = 3600/E[tij] Where tij = Tij + b E[tij]= 146.9 seconds MTC= 3600/ 146.9 = 24.505 arrivals per hour Recall MTC = Min ( MTCSRO, MTCWVSDB) MTC = Min (59.26, 24.505) = 24.505 arrivals per hour