
ELEC 303 – Random Signals
Lecture 20 – Random processes
Dr. Farinaz Koushanfar
ECE Dept., Rice University
Nov 11, 2010
Lecture outline
Basic concepts
Random processes and linear systems
Power spectral density of stationary processes
Power spectra in LTI systems
Power spectral density of a sum process
Gaussian processes
RP and linear systems
• When a RP passes a linear time-invariant system the
output is also a RP
• Assuming a stationary process X(t) is input, the linear
time-invariant system with the impulse response h(t),
output process Y(t)
• Under what condition the output process would be
• Under what conditions will the input/output jointly
• Find the output mean, autocorrelation, and
Linear time invariant systems
• If a stationary RP with mean mX and autocorrelation
function RX()
• Linear time invariant (LTI) system with response h(t)
• Then, the input and output process X(t) and Y(t) will be
jointly stationary with
The response mean
• Using the convolution integral to relate the
output Y(t) to the input X(t), Y(t)=X()h(t-)d
This proves that mY is independent of t
Cross correlation
• The cross correlation function between output
and the input is
This shows that RXY(t1,t2) depends only on =t1-t2
Output autocorrelation
• The autocorrelation function of the output is
This shows that RY and RXY depend only on =t1-t2,
 Output process is stationary, and input/output are jointly stationary
Power spectral density of a stationary
• If the signals in the RP are slowly varying, then
the RP would mainly contain the low
frequencies in its power concentration
• If the signal changes very fast, most of the
power will be concentrated at high frequency
• The power spectral density of a RP X(t) is
denoted by SX(f) showing the strength of the
power in RP as a function of frequency
• The unit for SX(f) is Watts/Hz
Wiener-Khinchin theorem
• For a stationary RP X(t), the power spectral
density is the Fourier transform of the
autocorrelation function, i.e.,
Example 2
• Randomly choose a phase  ~ U[0,2]
• Generate a sinusoid with fixed amplitude (A)
and fixed freq (f0) but a random phase 
• The RP is X(t)= A cos(2f0t + )
• From the previous lecture, we know
Example 3
• X(t)=X
• Random variable X~U[-1,1]
• In this case
• Thus,
• For each realization of the RP, we have a different
power spectrum
Power spectral density
• The power content of a RP is the sum of the powers at
all frequencies in that RP
• To find the total power, need to integrate the power
spectral density across all frequencies
• Since SX(f) is the Fourier transform of RX(), then RX()
will be the inverse Fourier transform of SX(f), Thus
• Substituting =0, we get
Example 4
• Find the power in the process of example 2
Translation to frequency domain
• For the LTI system and stationary input, find the translation
of the relationships between the input/output in frequency
• Compute the Fourier transform of both sides to obtain
• Which says the mean of a RP is its DC value. Also, phase is
irrelevant for power. Only the magnitude affects the power
spectrum, i.e., power dependent on amplitude, not phase
Example 5
If a RP passes through a differentiator
Then, mY=mX H(0) = 0
Also, SY(f) = 42 f2 SX(f)
Cross correlation in frequency domain
• Let us define the cross spectral density SXY(f)
• Since RYX() = RXY(-), we have
• Although SX(f) and SY(f) are real nonnegative
functions, SXY(f) and SYX(f) can generally be
complex functions
Example 6
• Randomly choose a phase  ~ U[0,2]
• Generate a sinusoid with fixed amplitude (A)
and fixed freq (f0) but a random phase 
• The RP is X(t)= A cos(2f0t + )
• The X(t) goes thru a differentiator H(f)=j2f
Example 7
• X(t)=X
• Random variable X~U[-1,1]
• If this goes through differentiation, then
SY(f) = 42 f2 ((f)/3) = 0
SXY(f) = -j2f ((f)/3) = 0
Power spectral density of a sum
• Z(t) = X(t)+Y(t)
• X(t) and Y(t) are jointly stationary RPs
• Z(t) is a stationary process with
RZ() = RX() + RY() + RXY() + RYX()
• Taking the Fourier transform from both sides:
SZ(f) = SX(F) + SY(f) + 2 Re[SXY(f)]
• The power spectral density of the sum process is the sum
of the power spectral of the individual processes plus a
term, that depends on the cross correlation
• If X(t) and Y(t) are uncorrelated, then RXY()=mXmY
• If at least one of the processes is zero mean, RXY()=0, and
we get: SZ(f) = SX(F) + SY(f)
Example 8
Random variable X~U[-1,1]
Z(t) = X(t) + d/dt X(t), then
SXY(f) = jA2f0 /2 [(f+f0) - (f-f0)]
Re[SXY(f)] = 0
SZ(f)= SX(f)+SY(f) = A2(1/4+2f02)[(f+f0)+(f-f0)]
Gaussian processes
• Widely used in communication
• Because thermal noise in electronics is produced
by the random movement of electrons closely
modeled by a Gaussian RP
• In a Gaussian RP, if we look at different instances
of time, the resulting RVs will be jointly Gaussian:
Definition 1: A random process X(t) is a Gaussian process if
for all n and all (t1,t2,…,tn), the RVs {X(ti)}, i=1,…,n have a
jointly Gaussian density function.
Gaussian processes (Cont’d)
Definition 2: The random processes X(t) and Y(t) are jointly
Gaussian if for all n and all (t1,t2,…,tn), and (1,2,…,m)the
random vector {X(ti)}, i=1,…,n, {Y(j}, j=1,…,m have an n+m
dimensional jointly Gaussian density function.
• It is obvious that if X(t) and Y(t) are jointly
Gaussian, then each of them is individually
• The reverse is not always true
• The Gaussian processes have important and
unique properties
Important properties of Gaussian
• Property 1: If the Gaussian process X(t) is
passed through an LTI system, then the output
process Y(t) will also be a Gaussian process.
Y(t) and X(t) will be jointly Gaussian processes
• Property 2: For jointly Gaussian processes,
uncorrelatedness and independence are