Sahand Negahban Sewoong Oh Devavrat Shah Yale + UIUC + MIT o Given partial preferences o Compute global ranking with scores to reflect intensity o Sports o Outcome of games between teams/players o Social recommendations o Ratings of few restaurants/movies o Competitive conference/Graduate admission o Ordering of few papers/applicants o Partial preferences are revealed in different forms o Sports: Win and Loss o Social: Starred rating o Conferences: Scores o All can be viewed as pair-wise comparisons o IND beats AUS: IND > AUS o South Indies ***** vs MTR ***: SI > MTR o Ranking Paper 10/10 vs Other Paper 5/10: Ranking > Other o Revealed preferences lead to o Bag of pair-wise comparisons o Sports, Social, Conferences, Transactions, etc. o Question of interest o Obtain global ranking over objects of interest o Teams/Players, Restaurants, Papers, Applicants. o Along with intensity/score for each object o Using given partial preferences/pair-wise comparisons # times 1 defeats 2 A12 1 A21 6 2 5 3 4 o Q1. Given weighted comparison graph G=(V, E, A) o Find ranking of/scores associated with objects o Q2. When possible (e.g. Conference/Crowd-Sourcing), choose G so as to o Minimize the number of comparisons required to find ranking/scores A12 1 A21 6 o We posit 5 3 o Distribution over permutations as ground-truth o Pair-wise comparisons are drawn from this distribution Data A > B > C B > C > A B > C > A B > C > A Distribution 0.25 A > B > C 0.75 B > C > A Ranking B > C > A 2 4 6 2 > 3 o Useful axiomatic properties [Young ‘74] 4 > 4 o Simple > 1 o Borda count: average position is score > 5 o NP-hard, 2-approx algorithm [Dwork et al ’01] > 2 o Extended Condorcet Criteria > 6 o Kemeny optimal: minimize disagreements > 5 o Some algorithms 5 2 > 1 o Axiomatic impossibility [Arrow ’51] A21 > 4 o Input: complete preference (not comparisons) > 3 6 A12 1 3 A12 1 A21 6 2 o Algorithm with comparisons o Variant of Kemeny optimal: argmin s åA I(s (i) < s (j)) 5 3 ij 4 o NP-hard o Variant of Borda count: average position from comparison? o If pij = Aij/(Aij+ Aji) represent pair-wise marginal distribution o Then, Borda count is given as c(i) µ å pij j [Ammar, Shah ’11] o Requires: G complete, many comparisons per pair o Also see (short list of relatd works): [Diaconis ‘87], [Alder et al ‘87], [Braverman-Mossel ’09], [Caramanis et al ‘11], [Fernoud et al ’11], [Duchi et al ‘12]… A12 1 A21 6 2 o General model o Effectively impossible to do aggregation 5 o Practically o Restrict choice model o Popularly utilized model is instance of Thurstone’s ‘27 o Used for transportation system (cf. McFadden) o TrueSkill uses for ranking online gamers o Pricing in airline industry (cf. Talluri and Van Ryzin) o… 3 4 o Choice model (distribution over permutations) [Bradley-Terry-Luce (BTL) or MNL Model] o Each object i has an associated weight wi > 0 o When objects i and j are compared o P(i > j) = wi /(wi + wj) o Sampling model o Edges E of graph G are selected o For each (i,j) ε E, sample k pair-wise comparisons A12 1 A21 6 2 o Random walk on comparison graph G=(V,E,A) o d = max (undirected) vertex degree of G o For each edge (i,j): 5 o Pij = (Aji +1)/(Aij +Aji +2) x 1/(d+1) o For each node i: o Pii = 1- Σj≠i Pij o Let G be connected o Let s be the unique stationary distribution of RW P sT = sT P o Ranking: o Use s as scores of objects o Closely related to Dwork et al ‘01 + Saaty ‘03 3 4 A12 1 A21 6 2 o Random walk on comparison graph G=(V,E,A) o Let s be the unique stationary distribution of RW P o Ranking: sT = sT P o Use s as scores of objects æ A +1 ö 1 ij ç ÷÷ s(j) s(i) = å ç j≠i Z(i) è Aij +A ji +2 ø o That is, object i has higher score if o It beats object j with higher score, o Or, beats many objects. 5 3 4 A12 1 A21 6 2 o Random walk on comparison graph G=(V,E,A) o Let s be the unique stationary distribution of RW P o Ranking: sT = sT P o Use s as scores of objects æ A +1 ö 1 ij ç ÷÷ s(j) s(i) = å ç j≠i Z(i) è Aij +A ji +2 ø o Compared to variant of Borda count: æ A +1 ö ij ÷ sb (i) = å çç j≠i A +A +2 ÷ è ij ji ø 5 3 4 International Cricket Ranking o Error(s) = 1 w (å i>j ) (wi -w j ) I {(s(i)-s(j))(wi -w j )<0} 2 1/2 o G: Erdos-Renyi graph with edge prob. d/n k d/n o Theorem 1 (Negahban-Oh-Shah). o Let R= (maxij wi/wj). o Let G be Erdos-Renyi graph. o Under Rank centrality, with d = Ω(log n) s-w ≤C w R 5log n kd o That is, sufficient to have O(R5 n log n) samples o Optimal dependence on n for ER graph o Dependence on R ? o Theorem 1 (Negahban-Oh-Shah). o Let R= (maxij wi/wj). o Let G be Erdos-Renyi graph. o Under Rank centrality, with d = Ω(log n) s-w ≤C w R 5log n kd o Information theoretic lower-bound: for any algorithm s-w 1 ³ C' w kd o Theorem 2 (Negahban-Oh-Shah). o Let R= (maxij wi/wj). o Let G be any connected graph: o L = D-1 E be it’s Laplacian o Δ = 1- λmax(L) o κ = dmax /dmin o Under Rank centrality, with kd = Ω(log n) s-w C R 5log n ≤ k w D kd o That is, number of samples required O(R5 κ2 n log n x Δ-2) o Graph structure plays role through it’s Laplacian o Theorem 2 (Negahban-Oh-Shah). o Under Rank centrality, with kd = Ω(log n) s-w C R 5log n ≤ k w D kd o That is, number of samples required O(R5 κ2 n log n x Δ-2) o Choice of graph G o Subject to constraints, choose G so that o Spectral gap Δ is maximized o SDP [Boyd, Diaconis, Xiao ‘04] o Bound on o Use of comparison theorem [Diaconis-Saloff Coste ‘94]++ o Bound on o Use of (modified) concentration of measure inequality for matrices o Finally, use this to further bound Error(s) A12 1 A21 6 o MIT admission system 5 o ACM conferences (MobiHoc ‘11, Sigmetrics ‘13) o Past few years has been used for efficient reviewing o Daily polls (cf. A. Ammar) o o Netflix o? 2 3 4 o Pair-wise comparisons o Universal way to look at partial preferences o Rank centrality o Simple and intuitive algorithm for rank aggregation o The comparison graph plays important role in aggregation o Choose G to maximize spectral gap of natural RW