Advent 2 Remembering 200 years of the Gospel in New Zealand and Samuel Marsden The Gathering of the Community E te whānau a te Karaiti, welcome to this holy table; welcome to you, for we are Christ's body, Christ's work in the world. Welcome to you whose baptism makes you salt of the earth and light to the world. Rejoice and be glad. Praise God who gives us forgiveness and hope. Amen. Christ is our light, the joy of our salvation. Praise and glory to Christ, God’s new beginning for humanity making ritual water gospel wine, cleansing all our worship. Love and loyalty to Christ, who gives us the gospel. Praise to Christ who calls us to holiness. Advent Wreath God for whom we wait and watch, before Jesus came you sent a messenger to get people ready for the coming of your Son. Jesus may we continue getting ready help us to change the things in our lives that hurt others. May we, like Jesus, be people who bring peace. This Christmas we remember Samuel Marsden who came to New Zealand to bring peace and to share the Good News of God’s love. Marsden brought good news of great joy help us to prepare the way so that others can share this good news and have the Peace of Christ.” The second candle reminds us of Peace and that we are called to be a people of Peace. As we light the next candle we remember the peace we have in this land and continue to pray for peace for others in our world. Let us share in telling others that true Peace is found in Jesus. Song of Praise Christ is the living water cleansing, refreshing, making all things new. Jesus Christ is the Good News; setting us free to love, encouraging us to share our good news with others. Song of Praise So now we offer our thanks for the history of these islands; for the people who lived here before us, for the respect and care they have shown for the land. Song of Praise We offer thanks and praise to God for this good land; for all those who live here, for the CMS missionares who shared the Good News of Jesus Christ and those who continue to share it. Song of Praise Our thanks for your continuing love for this land and its people; for Aotearoa, New Zealand, for our life here, together, for our calling to be your love for each other. Forgiveness We come seeking forgiveness for all we have failed to be and do as members of Christ's body. Silence In God there is forgiveness Loving and all-seeing God, forgive us where we have failed to support one another and to be what we claim to be. Forgive us where we have failed to serve you; and where our thoughts and actions have been contrary to yours we ask your pardon. God forgives us; be at peace. Silence Rejoice and be glad, for Christ is resurrection, reconciliation for all the human race. We shall all be one in Christ, one in our life together. Praise to God who has created us, praise to God who has accepted us, praise to God who sends us into the world. Sentence of the Day Whakapaia te huarahi o te Ariki, whakatikaia ōna ara. Ka whakapuakina anō te korōria o Ihowā, ā, ka kite ngātahi ngā kikokiko katoa Ruka 3:4; Ihāia 40:5a Prepare the way of the Lord; make his paths straight. For the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together. Luke 3:4; Isaiah 40:5a A Collect of the Day God for whom we wait and watch, you sent John the Baptist to prepare for the coming of your Son: give us courage to speak the truth even to the point of suffering. This we ask through Christ our Saviour. Amen. A Collect for Samuel Marsden Jesus, you send your apostles to bring good tidings; when Samuel came to Aotearoa, the task was more difficult than he supposed. Prince of peace, when Maori and pakeha meet together, keep us humble, we pray. Amen. The Proclamation Samuel Marsden Samuel Marsden began the first Christian mission in New Zealand. He was born in 1765 and became chaplain of the penal colony in New South Wales in 1794. There he met and welcomed Maori visitors and conceived the idea of a mission to New Zealand. Having obtained the backing of the Church Missionary Society for his project, Marsden set up the first mission station in New Zealand under the protection of the Nga Puhi chief Ruatara in the Bay of Islands in 1814. The Proclamation In 1814, Marsden directed missionaries Thomas Kendall and William Hall to proceed to the Bay of Islands to reignite communications with Ruatara. The trip was a success and Kendall and Hall were well received. Ruatara and a number of other Maori including the chiefs Hongi Hika and Korokoro travelled back with Kendall and Hall to Sydney where upon their favourable report, Marsden proceeded to prepare for his first mission visit to New Zealand. The Proclamation They arrived in the Bay of Islands on 22nd December and anchored at Rangihoua, in sight of Ruatara’s pa. After Marsden conducted the first Christian service in New Zealand he remained at Oihi for another two months before leaving in late February. Sadly, Ruatara died just four days later. Marsden returned to New Zealand on six further visits to oversee the mission. He died on 12 May 1838. First Testament Reading Isaiah 40:1-11 Silence for reflection Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Thanks be to God. Psalm of the Day Psalm 85:1-2, 8-13 Epistle Reading 2 Peter 3:8-15a Silence for reflection Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church. Thanks be to God. Song or Hymn Gospel The Holy Gospel according to Mark Chapter 1 beginning at verse 1 Praise and glory to God After the reading, Silence for reflection This is the Gospel of Christ Praise to Christ, the Word The Sermon Preparing the Way of the Gospel The Affirmation of Faith You, O God, are supreme and holy. You create our world and give us life. Your purpose overarches everything we do. You have always been with us. You are God. You, O God, are infinitely generous, good beyond all measure. The Affirmation of Faith You came to us before we came to you. You have revealed and proved your love for us in Jesus Christ, who lived and died and rose again. You are with us now. You are God. The Affirmation of Faith You, O God, are Holy Spirit. You empower us to be your gospel in the world. You reconcile and heal; you overcome death. You are our God. We worship you. The Prayers of the People Let us pray for the Church and the world, giving thanks for God’s goodness. The Lord’s Prayer As Christ teaches us we pray Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. The Lord’s Prayer Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen. Children’s Work and Participation The children are welcomed back to the service and invited to share their work Decorations are added to the Christmas Tree. The Peace Kia whakapainga a te Karaiti, te Ariki o te rongomau. Blessed be Christ the Prince of Peace E turaki nei I nga tau-arai o te wehe. who breaks down the walls that divide. Kia tau te rangimarie o te Atua ki a koutou. The peace of God be always with you. Kia whakapainga te Karaiti e tuitui nei I a tatou I roto I te rongomau. Praise to Christ who unites us in peace. The Preparation of the Gifts To you, Lord, belongs the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory and the majesty. All that is in the heavens and the earth is yours, and of your own we give you. The Great Thanksgiving Christ is risen! He is risen indeed. Lift your hearts to heaven where Christ in glory reigns. Let us give thanks to God. It is right to offer thanks and praise. It is the joy of our salvation, God of the universe, to give you thanks through Jesus Christ. You called the world into being and your creation has never ceased. In your great love you have invited us into your work of creation. You have created us to be fully human when we experience and share love one with another. For this gift of loving, we thank you. You sent your Son to show us the way of love and to be the truth we need to know. You sent your Son to give his life to release us from our sin and guilt. You continue to send people to prepare the way for message of your love. We give you thanks for those who have proclaimed your message or made it possible for others to be your love in this land. You gave Samuel Marsden a vision for this land and energy and courage to bring your Good News to Aotearoa, New Zealand. You continue to call us to be your love and presence in this world so all may come to know you. Holy God, holy and merciful, holy and just, glory and goodness come from you. Glory to you most high and gracious God. Blessed are you, most holy, in your Son, who washed his disciples' feet. 'I am among you,' he said, 'as one who serves.‘ On that night before he died he took bread and gave you thanks. He broke it, gave it to his disciples, and said: Take, eat, this is my body which is given for you; do this to remember me. After supper, he took the cup, and gave you thanks. He gave it to them and said: Drink this. It is my blood of the new covenant, shed for you, shed for all, to forgive sin; do this to remember me. Therefore with this bread and wine we recall your goodness to us. God of the past and present, we your people remember your Son. We thank you for his cross and rising again, we take courage from his ascension; we look for his coming in glory and in him we give ourselves to you. Send your Holy Spirit, that we who receive Christ's body may indeed be the body of Christ, and we who share his cup draw strength from the one true vine. Called to follow Christ, help us to reconcile and unite. Called to suffer, give us hope in our calling. For you, the heavenly one, make all things new; you are the beginning and the end, the last and the first. Praise, glory and love be yours, this and every day, from us and all people, here and everywhere. Amen. Silence The Communion Te tinana o te Karaiti I whatiia mo tatou. Christ's body was broken for us on the cross. Ko I ate taro o te ora. Christ is the bread of life. I maringi ona toto hei murunga hara. His blood was shed for our forgiveness. Kua ara mai te Karaiti I te mate. Christ is risen from the dead. The Invitation Haere mai e te kahui a te Atua, tangohia enei kai rangatira a te Karaiti. Come God's people, come to receive Christ's heavenly food. Communion All are welcome at the Lord’s table Prayer After Communion Blessed be God who calls us together. Praise to God who makes us one people. Blessed be God who has forgiven our sin. Praise to God who gives hope and freedom. Blessed be God whose Word is proclaimed. Praise to God who is revealed as love. Blessed be God who has called us and sends us out. Therefore we offer all that we are that the Love of God may be made known to others. Take and use our best intentions and desires That as we wait for your coming, we may prepare the way for the Good News of your love. Blessing May the God of Love who wants this love to be shared with all help you in your task of preparing the way for the Good News of Christ and the blessing of God our Creator, Redeemer and Giver of life be with you always. Amen. Dismissal Go now to prepare the way for God’s Good News in the world. Go in peace. Amen. We go to share God’s love with all people, in the power of Christ.