LICEO SCIENTIFICO “G. GALILEI" SIENA PROGRAMMA DI INGLESE CLASSE 1C A.S. 2013/2014 Prof.ssa LAURA PIERSIMONI Dal libro English in MindVOL. 2 ed. Cambridgeunità 1-9. GET INSIDE Grammar ed. Macmillan tutte le unità delle strutture studiate. To be: simplepresent (affermativa, negativa, interrogativa, interogativa-negativa) Il presentsimple. Uso dei verbi ausiliari. IPA: international phonetic alphabet. Present continuous, uso. Simple present vs present continuous Countable/uncountable nouns Grammar unit 2,3,4,5,6,10,11,12,13,14,5 Frequency adverbs: unit 19 di Grammar Grammar unt 18,20 Grammar unit 21,22 p. 70 (verbi di stato).countable and uncountable nouns: unit 73 Some, any: grammar unit 76 Grammar unit 1, articles. Il past simple. Regular and irregular verbs. Il pastsimple: forma negativa, interrogativa e interrogativa-negativa. Grammar: unit 23,24,25,26. Visione del film in lingua originaleinglese "Oliver Twist" : vocabulary work. Il past continuous. Grammar: unit 27, 28, 83, 16, 17. Past continuous vs past simple. Say and tell: uso. Comparative adjectives. Comparativo di maggioranza, uguaglianza e minoranza. O. Wilde: The Birthday of the Infanta (p. 1) Vocabulary work. Superlativo relativo di maggioranza e minoranza. Superlativo assoluto. The Birthday of the Infanta: fino a p. 3. Comparativi e superlativi irregolari. Unit 3: p. 30,31,32,33 con ex. Comparative adverbs. Il future simple (will+infinitive). Grammar: unit 96,97,98,47. Grammar: unit 85,74,78,88,92,93,103,104,110,111,112,113. TO BE GOING TO. Grammar: unit 44,77,79,90,94. Visione del film "Pride and prejudice". Il present simple e il present continuous come future tenses. Grammar: unit 45,46,47,48. MAY, MIGHT. Ex.pp. 3738,39. Check pp. 40,41. FIRST CONDITIONAL. CAN,COULD: uso. Question-tags. O. Wilde: "The birthday of the Infanta" (riassuntodelle prime trepagine). Time clauses. Grammar: unit125,89,99,pp. 478,479,480,481. ZERO CONDITIONAL. TO BE ABLE TO, TO BE PERMITTED TO, TO BE ALLOWED TO. MUST, MUSTN'T, NEEDN'T (uso). MUST vs. TO HAVE TO. Grammar: pp. 338,339,unit 30,31,32. Unit 5 pp. 45,46,47. Il PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE: uso. Visione del film DEAD POETS SOCIETY. Present Perfect with SINCE/FOR (duration form). Grammar unit 33,34. Il PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE. SHALL WE? LET'S... Fare+infinito: MAKE S.O. DO, LET S.O. DO. Visione del film "Michael Collins". Verbs+ -ing; verbs+ to. Grammar unit 69,70,71 USED TO: Grammar unit 75,86. Grammar unit 53,56: will,shall,would,can,could,must,can't. Il SIMPLE PAST PASSIVE. Defining relatives Grammar pp. 446,448,484,492. Visione del film “The King’s Speech”. Grammar unit 80,81,82. Lezione : THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS GRAMMAR UNIT 35,41. Siena, 7 Giugno 2014 Il Docente Prof.ssa Laura Piersimoni LICEO SCIENTIFICO “G: GALILEI” SIENA PROGRAMMA DI INGLESE CLASSE 1E A.S. 2013/2014 Prof.ssa Laura Piersimoni Dal libro New Horizons Vol. 1: tutte le unità. Grammar and Vocabulary Trainertutte le unità delle strutture studiate. Unit 1, 3, pag. 18. To be: (affermativa, interrogativa, negativa, interrogativa-negativa) Grammar Unit 91 Indefinite article e partitivi (some - any). Have got e short answers. Saxon Genitive. Grammar unit 2,3,95,97,101. Indefinite article, countable/uncountable nouns. Grammar unit 6,7,8,9,,93,94 Grammar unit 144: frequency adverbs. Il present. Continuous Present simple vs present continuous Grammar: unit 13,14,4,15. IPA: International Phonetic Alphabet. Countable and uncountable nouns, there is/there are, some and any. Quantifiers:much,many,too much/many, a lot of, lots of, enough. Uso con countable e uncountable nouns. Visione del film in lingua originaleinglese "Oliver Twist" ( H. 0,12): vocabulary work. Il simple past di TO BE. Il simplepast dei REGULAR VERBS. Il pastsimple dei verbi irregolari. Quantifiers: much, many, too much/many, enough, a little, a few, little, few, a lot of, lots of. Grammar: unit 19, 20, 21. Grammar unit 22. Il past continuous:grammar unit 24,25,26. Past continuous vs past simple. CAN, COULD, MAY,MIGHT. Phrasal verbs. Borrow/lend. Comparative adjectives ( maggioranza). Comparative adjectives: uguaglianza e minoranza. Verifiche. Comparativi e superlativi irregolari. Superlativo assoluto, relativo di maggioranza e minoranza. TO BE GOING TO. Il present continuous as a future tense. Grammar: unit 44,45. Il present simple as a future tense. O. Wilde: "The Happy Prince". Reading and vocabulary work. Pp. 1,2,3. Il SIMPLE FUTURE: will infinitive. Grammar unit 17,18,46,47,48,98,109,114,117,120,121145,146. Can for offers,would like. Function: expressions used for suggesting. Can/could, may/might. Lab: visione del film "Pride and Prejudice". FIRST CONDITIONAL: grammar unit 49,159. TIME CLAUSES. ZERO CONDITIONAL. Grammar unit 49,159. TO BE ALLOWED TO, TO BE PERMITTED TO, TO BE ABLE TO. MUST, MUSTN'T: uso. NEEDN'T: uso. Grammar: unit 74,7579. CAN/COULD, WILL/WOULD. Grammar: unit 80,81. MUST vs. TO HAVE TO. LIKE+ -ING. Il PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE: uso. SHALL I? (uso nelle offerte). Grammar: unit 32,33,34,35,36. Lezione : Lab: visione del film "Australia". Subject questions. Pronomiindefiniti. La DURATION FORM con FOR e SINCE. Grammar unit 37, 38. USED TO. Grammar unit 23,56. Grammar unit 62,63,64,58,77. SHOULD, OUGHT TO, HAD BETTER. Grammar p.138, unit 83,73,82,42,85,87,106. Relative pronouns: defining. Visione del film "Gandhi". Definingrelatives retti da preposizione. WHAT DOES HE LIKE? WHAT IS HE LIKE? WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? Il Present perfect continuous.Unit 15 pp.136,137,138,139 Grammarunit 39,40,41. Siena, 7 Giugno 2014 Il Docente Prof,ssa Laura Piersimoni LICEO SCIENTIFICO “G. GALILEI” SIENA PROGRAMMA DI INGLESE CLASSE 2C A.S. 2013/2014 Prof.ssa Laura Piersimoni Dal libro New Horizons Vol. 2 tutte le unità. Dal libro Grammar and Vocabulary Trainer tutte le unità delle strutture studiate. Will infinitive May, might Uses of will. Uso di must. To have to: uso. First conditional Defining relatives (uso). Grammar: unit 115,116,118,119. Must,may,might,can't,can. Modals expressing different degrees of certainty Non- defining relatives Simple past vs past continuous. Il past continuous. Can, be able to, manage to, succeed in. Visione del film"The King's Speech" (h. 1,25) Lezione : Correzione ex. Correzione composition (ghost story) e riassunti sul film (3 da 200 parole l'uno). The Present Perfect Simple, uso. The Picture of Dorian Gray capitolo 1. Il present perfect continuous: uso. Grammar: unit 39,40,41. Uso del present perfect continuous. THE PICTUREOF DORIAN GRAY.Fine Chapter 1. THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY:ch. 2 pp. 13,14,15. The past perfect Question tags. Reported speech. Grammar: unit 27, 168, 169. Modals+HAVE+past participle. Grammar: unit 54, 170,171,172. Grammar unit 87. Modals+be+ ING. Introductoryverbs e loro costruzioni. Il second conditional. WISH+PAST SIMPLE. Grammar: unit 173,160,161,155,163,159,42,43,56,61,59,60,130 e p. 306. Fare + infinito. Make so. do, let so. do, get so. to do,make oneself+ past participle. Grammar Unit 68. Be allowed to, be made to. Lettura di "The fall of the House of Usher" di E:A: Poe. Future continuous and future perfect: uso. Grammar: unit 53,52,55,57. Visione del film "Pride and Prejudice". THE PASSIVE. Grammarunit 178,179. Da p. 440 a. 450. Il PASSIVO CON I VERBI CHE REGGONO IL DOUBLE OBJECT. Grammar unit 180. Visione del film "DEAD POETS SOCIETY" Il PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS: uso. Grammar: unit 28,29. Grammar pp. 444,445,448,449,450. Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns Visione del film" Le Crociate: KINGDOM OF HEAVEN". Used to, comparative adverbs. THIRD CONDITIONAL WISH+PAST PERFECT; WISH+WOULD.. Grammar unit 162,164,165,58,62,63,64. VERBS+ING,VERBS+TO. Visione del film "Gandhi". HAVE STH. DONE (fare causativo). Unit 182,183. Verbs+ -ING/TO. Verbs of sensation+ -ING/TO. Grammar unit 66,69. USED TO, BE USED TO/ GET USED TO + -ING Grammar unit 176,177. Grammar unit 23,31,57. Visione del film “The Lord of the Rings” Siena, 7 Giugno 2014 Il Docente Prof.ssa Laura Piersimoni LICEO SCIENTIFICO “G. GALILEI” SIENA PROGRAMMA DI INGLESE CLASSE 2F A.S. 2013/2014 Prof.ssa Laura Piersimoni Dal libro New Horizons Vol. 2 tutte le unità. Dal libro Grammar and Vocabulary Trainer tutte le unità delle strutture studiate. Will infinitive May, might Uses of will. Must First conditional e time clauses. Defining relative pronouns: uso. Grammar unit 115,116,118.119. Modals used to make hypothesis Non-defining relatives. Simple past vs past continuous Could, be able to, manage to. Past continuous . Visione del film "King Arthur" Il present perfect simple: uso. The present perfect continuous: uso. Grammar unit 39,40,41. Il past perfect. Question tags. Reported speech, variazioni. Grammar: unit 27, 168,169,54,170,171,172. Modals+have+ past perfect. HAD BETTER, WOULD RATHER. Grammar: p.193,197.Iintroductory verbs e lorocostruzioni Second conditional. Grammar unit 160,161. WISH+past simple. Grammar unit 163 Grammar: unit.173,160,161,155,159,42,43,56,61,59,60,130,p.360. Fare+infinito: make+so.+do, let+so.+do, make+oneself+past participle, get+so.+to do. Be made to, be allowed to do. Grammar unit 55. Future continuous and future perfect: uso. Lezione : Lab: visione del film "Pride and Prejudice". THE PASSIVE. Grammarunit 178,179. Il passivo con i verbi che reggono il doppio complemento oggetto. Grammarunit 180. Grammar: riepilogo da p. 440 a p. 450. Visione del film "Dead Poets Society". Lezione : Il pastperfectcontinuous. PAST PERFECT SIMPLE vs.PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS. Grammar: unit 28,29 Grammar: pp.448,449,450. Lab: visione del film "The Crusades". USED TO, WOULD, WOULDN'T. Comparative adverbs. THIRD CONDITIONAL. Visione del film "The Crusades: Kingdom of Heaven". WISH+PAST PERFECT. Grammar unit 58,63. Verbs + -ING, verbs + to. Grammar unit 165. Lezione : Correzione del compito in classe. Grammar: unit 62,63,64,162,163,164,165. HAVE SOMETHING DONE. Verbs + to/-ing. Grammar unit 66,164,182,183. Verbi di percezione +-ING/BASE FORM. GRAMMAR unit 69. Prhrasal verbs. TO BE USED TO, TO GET USED TO, USED TO. Grammar: unit 176,177. Visione del film"The Lord of the Rings". Grammarunit 23,31,57. Siena, 7 Giugno 2014 Il Docente Prof.ssa Laura Piersimoni