Notices to Mariners OSTEND JULY 17th 2014 NR. 15 + 1 BELGIUM >15/239 LODEWIJKBANK - NORTHWIND WIND FARM CORRECTION OF LIST OF LIGHTS Insert in the List of Lights: the following international light numbers: Turbine NW C-10 NW A-06 NW H-04 NW H-09 NW G-09 NW E-09 NW D-06 Position 51°38,69’N 002°54,72’E 51°37,55’N 002°56,61’E 51°36,58’N 002°54,66’E 51°35,86’N 002°52,57’E 51°35,82’N 002°52,10’E 51°36,09’N 002°51,54’E 51°37,41’N 002°53,16’E Belg. Light nr. 0047.1 0047.2 0047.3 0047.4 0047.5 0047.6 0047.7 INT. Light nr. B0148.9 B0148.96 B0148.95 B0148.94 B0148.93 B0148.92 B0148.91 _(Belg. LL) _(Source: UKHO: List of Lights: week 28/14 dated 30/06/2014) >15/240 COASTAL ROUTE - VICINITY NIEUWPOORT - MODIFICATION OF BUOYAGE - CORRECTION OF CHARTS AND LIST OF LIGHTS The lettering of the buoy “GOLFMEET NP” in position 51°09,61’N 002°41,51’E is modified in “HNP” (Belg. LL nr. 0405.2). _(Belg. charts: D11, 102 (INT1480) - Belg. LL) _(Source: E-mail MRCC Oostende dated 03/07/2014) >15/241 APPROACH OOSTENDE - MODIFICATION OF BUOYAGE Wave recorder buoy aKust17, is replaced by wave recorder buoy aKust2 in the same position 51°14,81’N 002°55,66’E. (Belg. LL nr.: 0439.1) _(Belg. charts: D11, 102 (INT1480), 101 (INT1474)) _(Source: MRCC Oostende MSI 307/14 and 308/14 dated 09/07/2014) Notices to Mariners OSTEND 17 July 2014 No. 15 2 >15/242 COASTAL ROUTE - VICINITY BLANKENBERGE MODIFICATION OF BUOYAGE - CORRECTION OF CHARTS AND LIST OF LIGHTS The lettering of the buoy “GOLFMEET BL” in position 51°19,03’N 003°06,09’E is modified in “HBL” (Belg. LL nr. 0467.2). _(Belg. charts: D11, 101 (INT1474) - Belg. LL) _(Source: E-mail MRCC Oostende dated 03/07/2014) 3 THE NETHERLANDS >15/243 (T) WESTERN SCHELDT - FLUSHING ROADS SWIMMING COMPETITION On 20 July 2014, a swimming competition will take place from Flushing to Breskens. Therefore two fairways will be closed for the shipping. The Sardijngeul will be closed from 14:30 until about 15:30. Wielingen will be closed from 15:00 until about 16:30. Competition buoys will be established to indicate the corridor. The participants will be escorted by a number of vessels. Between these vessels, a prohibition of sailing will be established. _(Belg. charts: 104/10, D11, 101 (INT1474)) _( Source: Bass Vlissingen 070-2014 dated 09/07/2014) Notices to Mariners OSTEND 17 July 2014 No. 15 4 MARITIME SAFETY INFORMATION (MSI) Valid on 17/07/2014 (WGS84) > 14/187 COASTAL ROUTE - DE PANNE-OOSTENDE Special marking buoy 4 in position 51°13,38’N 002°52,75’E is temporarily removed. > 14/222 IMO ROUTE - WESTHINDER Wave recorder (aKust31) in position 51°21,00’N 002°42,35’E is 320 degrees, 150 metres off station. > 14/306 APPROACH WESTERN SCHELDT - WIELINGENPAS Light buoy NIPPON in position 51°22,57’N 003°05,27’E is unlit. > 14/317 BE TERRITORIAL WATERS 2 transponders lost by vessel Simon Stevin in the vicinity of Blighbank. Model: Konsberg - type maxi3430V30H. Please contact MRCC Oostende when finding the transponders. > LB004/14 PORT OF NIEUWPOORT The red light in the port of Nieuwpoort in the vicinity of ‘Krommenhoek’ is out of order. LB016/14 ZEEBRUGGE OUTER HARBOUR Light buoy ZOK-N in position 51°21,43’N 003°11,43’E is unlit. LB017/14 ZEEBRUGGE OUTER HARBOUR Light buoy ZOK-N in position 51°21,43’N 003°11,43’E is 265 degrees, 1450 metres off station. Compiled by: afdeling Kust - Vlaamse Hydrografie Administratief Centrum (1st floor) Vrijhavenstraat 3 8400 Oostende Published by: Vlaams Ministerie van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken Brussel 2013 © Vlaams Ministerie van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken Price: Subscription fee n° 01 - n° 26: 30 euro a year (reference: BAZ2014/AL) Subscription fee n° 02 - n° 26: 15 euro a year (reference: BAZ2014) Price BaZ n° 01: 15 euro (reference: BAZ2014/1) Amount to be transferred with the corresponding reference on bank account number IBAN: BE29 0910 1286 5764, BIC: GKCCBEBB, in the name of: Vlaams Ministerie van Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken E.V. Flanders Hydraulics Berchemlei 115 2140 Borgerhout This is a free translation of the official “Berichten aan Zeevarenden”. In case of dispute the Dutch text is the only valid copy. Soundings are true directions from sea calculated for light sectors. Lengths are related to Greenwich. Copying information from this publication is only authorized with full source information: afdeling Kust - Vlaamse Hydrografie Realisation: Goekint Graphics nv Photography: afdeling Kust NOTICES TO MARINERS OSTEND JULY 17th 2014 NR. 15 Notices to Mariners Nr.15 — 2014