Alltid på 67:an / Always at Bar 67 Räkmackan - Välj mellan hel eller halv Shrimp sandwich - Choose large or small 179:- / 94:- Barens Burgare - Med chipotlemajonnäs, coleslaw & pommes frites eller mixsallad Burger - With chipotle mayonnaise, coleslaw & french fries or mixed salad 169:Med Monterey Jack ost / with Monterey Jack cheese - 10:Med bacon / with bacon - 10:Med jalapenosalsa / with jalapeno salsa - 10:Med Kvibille ädel / with blue cheese - 20:- Vegetarisk burgare - Med coleslaw & pommes frites eller mixsallad Vegetarian burger - With coleslaw and french fries or mixed salad 139:- Räksallad med ägg, gulbetor & klassisk Rhode island Shrimp salad with egg, beets & Rhode island dressing 164:- Ceasarsallad med kyckling eller halloumi Ceasar salad with chicken or halloumi 154:- Toppa med 50 gram handskalade räkor - 20:Top it up with 50 grams of hand peeled shrimp - 20:- Kantarelltoast med Västerbotten, skottsallad & picklad lök Mushroom toast with cheese, salad & pickled onions 69:- Förrätter / Starters Barens krämiga räktoast med citron & dill Bar 67’s creamy shrimp toast with lemon & dill 125:- Lättgravad inkokt gös med smörstekt trumpetsvamp, gulbeta samt krondill & pepparotskräm Marinated pike-perch with butter fried trumpet mushrooms, yellow beets and dill & horse radish cream 115:- Jordärtskockssoppa med knaprigt sidfläsk, prästostkräm & krutonger Jerusalem artichoke soup with crispy pancetta, cheese cream & croutons 125:- Rökt ankbröst med Karl Johansvamp, friterad lök & picklade lantmorötter Smoked duck breast with porcini mushrooms, fried onions & pickled carrots 119:- Huvudrätter / Main courses Bakad torskrygg med betor, kapris, späd spenat, Amandinepotatis & brynt citronsmör Oven baked cod with beets, capers, spinach, potatoes & browned lemon butter 239:- Fisk & skaldjursgryta med tomat, saffran & fänkål serveras med rouille & krutonger Fish & seafood casserole with tomato, safron and fennel served with rouille & croutons 210:- 250 gram grillad Angusentrecote med vitlök & timjanssmör, confiterad schalottenlök, bakad tomat & pommes frites 9 oz. grilled Angus entrecote with garlic & thyme butter, shallot confit, baked tomato and French fries 295:- Lammrostbiff med smörbakad blomkål, rosmarinsky & getostrisotto Roast lamb with butter baked cauliflower, rosemary gravy & goat cheese risotto 259:- Linguini med kycklingfilé, champinjoner, rostad paprika & vitlök Linguini with chicken, mushrooms, roasted bell peppers & garlic 159:- Getostrisotto med kantareller, gulbetor, spenat & smörbakad blomkål Goat cheese risotto with mushrooms, beets, spinach & cauliflower 159:- Kvällens rätt Serveras måndag till torsdag Fråga personalen! Daily special Served Monday to Thursday Ask the staff! För barnen / For the kids Pasta med köttfärssås Pasta Bolognese 69:- Hamburgare Hamburger 69:- Kycklingfilé med pommes frites Chicken with French fries 69:- Alla varmrätter kan beställas som halvportion till halva priset för barn upp till 12 år All main courses can be ordered as half portions at half price for children up to 12 years of age Vaniljglass & chokladsås Vanilla icecream & chocolate sauce 39:- Desserter / Desserts Hembakad äppelpaj med calvados & vaniljglass Home made apple pie with Calvados & vanilla ice cream 69:Dancing Coyote, California, USA 6cl 60:- Chokladkaka med myntamarinerade björnbär & lättvispad grädde Chocolate cake with mint marinated blackberries and whipped cream 75:Moscatel de Setubal, Setubal, Portugal 6cl 60:- Lingonbavaroise med pecanötsmaräng & kolasås Lingonberry bavaroise with pecan maringue & caramel sauce 75:Pedro Ximenes 1827, Spain 6cl 60:- Sorbetkula Scoop of sorbet 39:- Chokladtryffel Chocolate truffle 19:- Irish Coffee Irish whisky, Coffee, Brown sugar, Whipped cream 92:- Vita viner / White wines Piccini Bianco Toscana, Italy. Chardonnay/Vermentino Flaska 295:- Glas 74:- Fleur du Cap Stellenbosch, South Africa. 100%Sauvignon Blanc Flaska 345:- Glas 86:- Pasqua Soave Veneto, Italy. 100%Garganega Flaska 315:- Glas 79:- Schlumberger Alsace, France. 100%Riesling Flaska 385:- Glas 96:- Michael-David Chardonnay California, USA. 100%Chardonnay Flaska 445:- Glas 116:- Champagne & Mousserande Hatt et Söner Grande Cuvée Champagne, France. 45% Chardonnay, 40% Pinot Noir, 15%Pinot Meunier Flaska 595:- Rotari Cuvée 28 Trentino, Italy. 90% Chardonnay, 10% Pinot Nero Flaska 349:- Glas 64:- Cava Villa Clara Rioja, Spain. 100% Parellada Flaska 335:- Glas 60:- Rosévin/Rosewine Piccini Rosé Puglia, Italy. 100% Negroamaro Flaska 295:- Glas 74:- Röda viner / Red wines Piccini Rosso Toscana, Italy. 100% Sangiovese Flaska 295:- Glas 74:- High Altitude Mendoza, Argentina 50% Malbec 50 %Syrah Flaska 325:- Glas 82:- Campolieti Ripasso Veneto, Italy. 70% Corvina, 20% Molinara, 10% Rondinella Flaska 345:- Glas 86:- Baron de Ley Rioja Reserva Rioja, Spain. 100% Tempranillo Flaska 385:- Glas 96:- 7 Deadly Zins California, USA. 70%Zinfandel, 30% Petite Sirah Flaska 405:- Glas 102:- El Massaya Classic Bekaa valley, Lebanon. 60% Cinsault, 20% Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Syrah Flaska 415:- Glas 104:- Perrin Côte du Rhône Réserve Rhône, France 40%Syrah, 40% Grenache 20% Mourvedre Flaska 375:- Glas 94:- Allesverloren Swartland, South Africa. 100%Tinta Barocca Flaska 395:- Glas 105:- Öl på fat / Draft beer Carlsberg Export 40cl 54:- Eriksberg Karaktär 40cl 59:- Öl på flaska / Bottled beer Eriksberg 50cl 66:- Franziskaner Weissbier 50cl 69:Carlsberg Hof 33cl 52:- Guiness Extra Stout 33 cl 54:Leffe Blonde 33cl 54:- Brooklyn Lager 33cl 54:Brooklyn IPA 33cl 62:- Somersby pear cider 33cl 54:- Läsk & Vatten / Sodas Carlsberg non alcoholic beer 28:- Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Zingo, 7-up 28:- Ramlösa naturell eller citrus/Mineralwater 28:- Juice - apelsin, äpple, tranbär/Juice - orange, apple, cranberry 20:Mjölk/Milk 20:- Kaffe & te / Coffee & tea Bryggkaffe/Normal coffee 28:Te/Tea 28:- Enkel espresso/Single espresso 28:- Dubbel Espresso/Double Espresso 30:Latte Macchiato 34:Cafe Latte 34:- Cappuccino 34:-