IULs organisationsstruktur Sekretariat Internationella Unionen för Livsmedels-, Njutningsmedels- och Lantarbetareförbund samt förbund inom hotell- och restaurangbranschen (IUL) Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8 1213 Petit-Lancy Schweiz Ron Oswald [General Secretary] 377-383 Sussex Street, rm 5, 8th Fl. Labour Council Bldg. Sydney NSW 2000 Australien Ma Wei Pin [Regional Secretary] European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Sectors and Allied Branches (EFFAT-IUL) Rue Fossé-aux-Loups, 38 Boîte no 3 1000 Bruxelles Belgien Harald Wiedenhofer [Regional Secretary] IUF Africa IUF North America +41 22 793 22 33 +41 22 793 22 38 Text41: mailto:iuf@iuf.org +61 2 9264 6409 +61 2 9261 8539 Text41: mailto:iuf-asia@iuf.org +32 2 218 77 30 +32 2 218 30 18 Text41: mailto:effat@effat.org c/o IUF-UITA-IUL Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8 1213 Petit-Lancy Schweiz +41 22 793 22 33 +41 22 793 22 38 Text41: mailto:iufafrica@iuf.org c/o IUF Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8 1213 Petit-Lancy Schweiz +41 22 793 22 33 +41 22 793 22 38 Text41: mailto:iuf@iuf.org +1 246 436 7020 +1 246 426 3492 +1 246 436 6496 Text41: mailto:bwu@caribsurf.com Text41: http://www.iuf.org Regional Representation Asien/Stillahavsområdet IUF Regional Secretariat for Asia and the Pacific Text41: http://www.asianfoodworker.net Europa Text41: http://www.effat.org Text41: http://www.iuf.org Karibik IUF Caribbean c/o Barbados Workers' Union "Solidarity House", Harmony Hall - St. Michael P.O. Box 172 Bridgetown Barbados IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 LeVere Richards [Regional Secretary] sida 1 IULs organisationsstruktur Regional Representation Latinamerika Secretaría Regional Latinoamericana UITA Wilson Ferreira Aldunate 1229 Oficina 201 CP. 11100 Montevideo Uruguay Gerardo Iglesias [Secretario Regional] +598 2 900 7473 +598 2 902 1048 +598 2 903 0905 Text41: mailto:patricia@rel-uita.org Ildikó Krén [Coordinator SEE] +36 1 3540589 +36 1 3540589 Text41: mailto:ildiko.kren@iuf.org Mato Lalic [Project Coordinator] +385 1 465 5711 +385 1 465 5711 Text41: mailto:sindikat@inet.hr +41 22 793 22 33 +41 22 793 22 38 Text41: mailto:iuf-eeca@iuf.org Text41: mailto:uita@rel-uita.org Text41: http://www.rel-uita.org Underregionala Sekretariat Central-, Nordöst- och Sydösteuropa IUF TNC Coordinator South Eastern Europe Andrássy út 76 H-1062 Budapest Ungern South Eastern Europe Education Project Trg kralja Petra Kresimira lV Office br. 2/11 (kod EKN-a) 10000 Zagreb Kroatien Text41: http://www.icemiufsee.org Kontinentala och Västeuropa IUF Eastern Europe and Central Asia c/o IUF-UITA-IUL Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8 1213 Petit-Lancy Schweiz Text41: http://www.iuf.ru Latinamerica UITA Colombia Calle 36 N° 16-56 Bogotá D.E. D.C. Colombia Luis Alejandro Pedraza [Coordinador] +571 287 7186 Text41: mailto:uitacolombia@hotmail.com Sampoong Bldg. 4th Floor Daerim-dong 739-4 Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul 150-070 Sydkorea Ok-soon Cheong [Liaison Officer] +82 2 465 0965 +82 2 465 0965 Text41: mailto:ok-soon@iuf.org Nordostasien IUF Korean Liaison Office IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.asianfoodworker.net/hangul/ sida 2 IULs organisationsstruktur Underregionala Sekretariat Södra Asien IUF India Agriculture and Outreach Office 1347, 17-B, MHB Colony Tata Power House Road Borivali (East) Mumbai - 400 066 Indien Sujata Gothoskar [Coordinator] +91 22 2886 8329 +91 98 2093 0369 Text41: mailto:sujatagothoskar@gmail.com IUF India Education and Outreach Office Santonia, Plot No.27 R.S.C 12/63, Sector 2 Charkop Kandivali (w) Mumbai - 400067 Indien Franklyn D'souza [Coordinator] +91 22 2869 2418 +91 22 2869 2418 Text41: mailto:franklyn.dsouza@iuf.org IUF Pakistan Outreach Office Flat No. 11, Al-Mubashir Appartments SB-36, Block 13-C University Road, Gulshan -e- Iqbal Karachi 75300 Pakistan Qamar ul Hassan [Project Officer] +92 21 482 2012 +92 21 482 2012 Text41: mailto:qamar@iuf.org Jalan Cikutra Baru X NO. 20 Komplek Cikutra Baru Bandung 40124, West Java Indonesien Hemasari Dharmabumi [Education Programme Facilitator] +62 22 721 7084 +62 22 721 7084 Text41: mailto:hemasari@iuf.org 285/88 Suksawat 17 Road Bangpakok, Ratburana Bangkok 10140 Thailand Premjai Jaikla [Project Coordinator] +66 86 887 2005 Text41: mailto:iufsiam@asianfoodworker.net c/o Hotell och Restaurang Facket Box 1143 111 81 Stockholm Sverige Ella Niia [Ordförande] Per Persson [Kassör] +46 771 57 5859 +46 8 21 71 18 Text41: http://www.asianfoodworker.net/urdu/ Sydostasien IUF Indonesia Project Office IUF Thai Outreach Office Text41: http://www.asianfoodworker.net/ri/ Text41: http://www.asianfoodworker.net/siam/ Underregionala Samordningsorgan Norden Nordisk Union för Hotel-, Café- og Restaurantansatte (HRF) IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:ella.niia@hrf.net sida 3 IULs organisationsstruktur Underregionala Samordningsorgan Nordisk Union inden för Naerings-og Nydelsesmiddelindustrien c/o NNN Arbeidersamfunnets plass 1 Postbox 8719, Youngstorget 0028 Oslo 1 Norge Jan-Egil Pedersen [Forbundsleder] Arild Oliversen [Kassör] +47 2 220 6675 +47 2 236 4784 Text41: mailto:firmapost@nnn.no Senbai Bldg. 4F 5-26-30 Shiba, Minato-ku Tokyo 108-0014 Japan Nobuhiro Nakata [General Secretary] +81 3 57 65 55 17 +81 3 57 65 55 18 Text41: mailto:iuf-jcc@iuf.org c/o Svenska Kommunalarbetareförbundet Box 19039 104 32 Stockholm Sverige Kristina Olsson [Samordnare] +46 8 728 2800 +46 8 31 8745 Text41: mailto:kristina.olsson@kommunal.se Nationella Samordningsorgan Japan IUF Japan Coordinating Council (IUFJCC) Sverige Svenska IUL-kommittén IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 4 Arbetsutskott IUL Ordförande Hans-Olof Nilsson Upplandsgatan 3 Box 1156 111 81 Stockholm Sverige +46 8 796 2900 Text41: mailto:hans-olof.nilsson@livs.se +46 8 796 2903 Text41: http://www.livs.se Olof Palmes Gata 31 Box 1143 111 81 Stockholm Sverige +46 771 57 58 59 Text41: mailto:malin.ackholt@hrf.net +46 8 21 71 18 Text41: http://www.hrf.net 1775 K Street NW Suite 620 Washington, DC 20006 Förenta staterna +1 202 393 4373 Text41: mailto:danderson@unitehere.org +1 202 223 6213 Text41: http://www.unitehere.org Level 4 133 Parramatta Road P.O. Box 160 Granville NSW 2142 Australien +61 2 9897 9133 Text41: mailto:jennifer.dowell@amwu.asn.au +61 9897 9276 Text41: http://www.amwu.asn.au Unite House 128 Theobalds Road Holborn London WC1X 8TN Storbritannien +44 20 7611 2500 Text41: mailto:jennie.formby@unitetheunion.com +44 20 7611 2555 Text41: http://www.unitetheunion.org.uk Federation of All Japan Foods and Tobacco Workers' Unions [Food-Rengo] Hiroo Office Bldg., 3-18 1 chome, Hiroo Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0012 Japan +81 3 3446 2082 Text41: mailto:jfu210@jfu.or.jp +81 3 3446 6779 Text41: http://www.jfu.or.jp Unión de Trabajadores del Turismo, Hoteleros y Gastronómicos de la República Argentina [UTHGRA] Avenida de Mayo 930 C.P. 1084 Buenos Aires Argentina +54 11 4341 8010 Text41: mailto:scampomar@uthgra.org.ar +54 11 4341 8025 Text41: mailto:nlatorre@uthgra.org.ar Svenska Livsmedelsarbetareförbundet [LIVS] Vice ordförande Malin Ackholt Debbie Anderson Jennifer Dowell Jennie Formby Masanori Kon Norberto Latorre Hotell- och Restaurang Facket [HRF] UNITE HERE! Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union [AMWU] Unite the Union IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.uthgra.org.ar sida 5 Arbetsutskott Vice ordförande Haubachstrasse 76 Postfach 5011 80 22711 Hamburg Tyskland +49 40 380 130 Text41: mailto:franz-josef.moellenberg@ngg.net +49 40 380 2637 Text41: mailto:hv.vorsitzender@ngg.net Federación de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Alimentación [FTIA] Estados Unidos 1474/76 C.P. 1101 Buenos Aires Argentina +54 11 4306 8027 Text41: mailto:hectormorcillo@ftia.org.ar +54 11 4305 2722 Text41: mailto:hectormorcillo@arnet.com.ar United Food and Commercial Workers' International Union [UFCW] 1775 K Street, N.W. Washington DC 20006 Förenta staterna +1 202 223 3111 Text41: mailto:aspaulding@ufcw.org +1 202 466 1562 Text41: http://www.ufcw.org Federación Argentina Trabajadores Pasteleros, Confiteros, Heladeros, Pizzeros y Alfajoreros [FATPCHPYA] Bogado 4551 C.P. 1183 Buenos Aires Argentina +54 11 4203 2778 +54 11 4244 4019 +54 11 4864 1799 +54 11 4861 7493 Text41: mailto:secretariadelamujer@pasteleros.o International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations [IUF] Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8 1213 Petit-Lancy Schweiz +41 22 793 22 33 Text41: mailto:ron.oswald@iuf.org +41 22 793 22 38 Text41: http://www.iuf.org John Angelus National Union of Hotel, Bar and Restaurant Workers [NUHBRW] 44-4c Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia +60 3 2142 6384 +60 3 2142 8653 +60 3 2148 7181 Text41: mailto:nuhbrw@streamyx.com Stuart Appelbaum Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union [RWDSU/UFCW] 30 East 29th Street New York, NY 10016 Förenta staterna +1 212 684 5300 Text41: mailto:SAppelbaum@aol.com +1 212 779 2809 Text41: http://www.rwdsu.org Franz-Josef Möllenberg Héctor Morcillo Alan Spaulding Silvia Villaverde Gewerkschaft Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten [NGG] Text41: http://www.ngg.net rg.ar Text41: mailto:administracion@sur.pasteleros.org .ar Text41: http://www.federacion.pasteleros.org.ar IULs Generalsekreterare Ron Oswald Vice ordförande suppleant IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 6 Arbetsutskott Vice ordförande suppleant Neuza Barbosa de Lima Therese Guovelin Karmen Leban Eli Ljunggren Jyotiben Macwan Karen Matley Jesús Villar Rodríguez Nick Worhaug Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias de Alimentação e Afins [CNTA] SCRS/SUL 507 - Bloco C - Loja 3/5 CEP. 70351-530 Brasilia - DF Brasilien +55 61 3242 6171 +55 61 3242 1492 +55 61 3242 6171 Text41: mailto:cntalimeira@gmail.com Hotell- och Restaurang Facket [HRF] Olof Palmes Gata 31 Box 1143 111 81 Stockholm Sverige +46 8 5880 9889 Text41: mailto:therese.guovelin@hrf.net +46 8 21 71 18 Text41: http://www.hrf.net Sindikat Delavcev Gostinstva in Turizma Slovenije [SGIT] Dalmatinova 4 1000 Ljubljana Slovenien +386 1 4341 268 +386 1 4341 269 +386 1 4341 311 Text41: mailto:karmen.leban@sindikat-git.si Fellesforbundet Lilletorget 1 0184 Oslo Norge +47 23 06 31 00 Text41: mailto:eli.ljunggren@fellesforbundet.no +47 23 06 31 01 Text41: http://www.fellesforbundet.no Sewa Reception Center Opp. Victoria Garden, Bhadra Ahmedabad 380 001 Indien +91 792 550 6477 Text41: mailto:sewaunion@dataone.in +91 79 2550 6446 Text41: mailto:mail@sewa.org Unite House 128 Theobalds Road Holborn London WC1X 8TN Storbritannien +44 20 7611 2500 Text41: mailto:Karen.Matley@kerryfoods.co.uk +44 20 7611 2555 Text41: http://www.unitetheunion.org.uk Plaza Cristino Martos 4 - 3ª planta 28015 Madrid Spanien +34 91 540 9266 +34 91 540 9218 +34 91 559 8630 Text41: mailto:agroalimentaria@agroalimentaria. 4853 East Hasting Street Burnaby BC V5C 2L1 Kanada +1 604 473 4816 Text41: mailto:dworhaug@local40union.com Self Employed Women's Association [SEWA] Unite the Union Federación Agroalimentaria de CC.OO. UNITE HERE! Canada IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.cntaafins.org.br Text41: http://www.sindikat-git.si Text41: http://www.sewa.org ccoo.es Text41: http://www.uniteherecanada.org sida 7 Styrelse roterande: Östra Medelhavsområdet Afrika Karibien Kontinentala Västeuropa Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Mohamed Helal El-Sharkawy Katishi Masemola Hannington Okoth-Korombo Egypten / GTUHTW Sydafrika / FAWU Kenya / KUCFAW Vakant Vakant Laurent Tiga Nakoulma Uganda Egypten / GTUFW Burkina Faso / SYNTETH Zaharatou Hamani Abdou Aïssetou Camara Soumare Dorothea Y. Makhasu Niger / SNTIN Mali / SYNAPE Malawi / HFPCWU Helena Molly Burgess Verita Smith Vakant Bermuda / BIU Guyana / CCWU Dominica / WAWU Seepaul Narine Clifton Grant Bert Paterson Guyana / GAWU Jamaica / UAWU Grenada / GTAWU Lucilla Magini Enrico Tonghini Gabriele Guglielmi Italien / FLAI-CGIL Italien / UILA-UIL Italien / FILCAMS-CGIL Rosetta Raso Francisco Dominguez Villalón Tania Picco Italien / FISASCAT-CISL Spanien / CHTJ-UGT Luxemburg / LCGB Jesús Villar Rodríguez Pilar Rato Jesús García Zamora Spanien / Federación Agroalimentaria de CC.OO. Spanien / FECOHT-CC.OO Spanien / FTA-UGT Rafaël Nedzynski Bruno Vannoni Mireille Ormaechea Frankrike / FGTA-FO Frankrike / FGA-CFDT Frankrike / FCDS-CGT Nicole Ubrecht Pia Stalpaert Ilse Galliaert Belgien / HORVAL-FGTB Belgien / CCAS-CSC Belgien / SETCa-BBTK Franz-Josef Möllenberg Återstår för beslut Klaus Schroeter Tyskland / NGG Schweiz / Hotel & Gastro Union Tyskland / NGG Michaela Rosenberger Holger Bartels Rudolf Kaske Tyskland / NGG Tyskland / IG-BAU Österrike / Gewerkschaft vida IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 8 Styrelse roterande: Östra Medelhavsområdet Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Martin Siecker Jet Grimbergen Återstår för beslut Nederländerna / FNV Bondgenoten Nederländerna / FNV Bondgenoten Nederländerna / CNV Vakmensen Gerhard Riess Återstår för beslut Jorge Santos Österrike / Gewerkschaft PRO-GE Schweiz / UNIA Portugal / SETAA Karmen Leban Grazina Gruzdiene Svetla Vasileva Slovenien / SGIT Lituanen / LPMS Bulgarien / FITUA Josip Pavic Slavko Vlaisavljevic Zivko Danevski Kroatien / PPDIV Serbien / GS PUT "Nezavisnost" Makedonia / Agro-Sindikat Östeuropa och Centralasien Kumushbek Mambetov Valentina Mazur Ilyas Aliev Kirgisistan / AWU Moldavien / SindLUCAS Azerbajdzjan, Republiken / "Khidmat-Is" Norden Annika Rönni-Sällinen Aage Nykjær Jensen Peter Kaae Holm Suomi / PAM Danmark / Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F) Danmark / Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F) Malin Ackholt Therese Guovelin Martina Perzanowska Sverige / HRF Sverige / HRF Sverige / UNIONEN Hans-Olof Nilsson Henri Lindholm Barbro Henning Sverige / LIVS Suomi / SEL Sverige / UNIONEN Ole Wehlast Hanne Holgaard Matti Koskinen Danmark / Fødevareforbundet NNF Danmark / Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F) Suomi / Pro Tobias Baudin Jan-Egil Pedersen Kirsi Koponen Sverige / Kommunal Norge / NNN Suomi / PEL Jennie Formby John Dunne Diane Jackson Storbritannien / Unite the Union Irland / SIPTU Irland / SIPTU Joanne McGuinness Vakant Vakant Storbritannien / USDAW Storbritannien / Amicus section of Unite, the Union Storbritannien Kontinentala Västeuropa Nordöst, Sydöst- & Centraleuropa Storbritannien och Irland IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 9 Styrelse roterande: Östra Medelhavsområdet Latinamerika Nordamerika Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Gerónimo Venegas Alberto Ercílio Broch Carlos H. Reyes Argentina / UATRE Brasilien / CONTAG Honduras / STIBYS Neuza Barbosa de Lima Geni Della Rosa Alexis Alberto Cancino Opazo Brasilien / CNTA Brasilien / CONTAC Chile / CONTRAPECH Adela Torres Melquiades de Araújo Lucila Quintana Acuña Colombia / SINTRAINAGRO Brasilien / CNTA Peru / JNC Héctor Morcillo Vakant David Morales Argentina / FTIA Mexiko / STIASRM Guatemala / FESTRAS Alan Spaulding Joseph Hansen Wayne Hanley Förenta staterna / UFCW Förenta staterna / UFCW Kanada / UFCW Stuart Appelbaum Mark Lauritsen Jack Wurm Förenta staterna / RWDSU/UFCW Förenta staterna / UFCW Förenta staterna / RWDSU/UFCW Nick Worhaug Paul Clifford Återstår för beslut Kanada / UNITE HERE! Canada Kanada / UNITE HERE! Canada Kanada / UNITE HERE! Canada Debbie Anderson Återstår för beslut Återstår för beslut Förenta staterna / UNITE HERE! Förenta staterna / UNITE HERE! Förenta staterna / UNITE HERE! Frank Hurt David Durkee Sean Kelly Förenta staterna / BCTGM Förenta staterna / BCTGM Kanada / BCTGM Vakant Robert Orr Derik McArthur Kanada / CAW Kanada / CAW Kanada / RWDSU/UFCW Autumn Weintraub Ginny Coughlin Mitch Ackerman Förenta staterna / SEIU Förenta staterna / SEIU Förenta staterna / SEIU Jack Cipriani Dave Laughton Tim Beaty Förenta staterna / IBT Förenta staterna / IBT Förenta staterna / IBT IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 10 Styrelse roterande: Östra Medelhavsområdet Nordostasien Södra Asien Sydostasien Stillahavsområdet Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Masanori Kon Yoichi Tagami Takashi Emori Japan / Food-Rengo Japan / Service-Tourism Rengo Japan / Food-Rengo Tokuda Kozo Hiroshi Ogawa Mandy Li Japan / UI ZENSEN Japan / Noh-Dan-Roh Hong Kong / SBHKEGU Youngsu PARK Chang Nam PARK Sang Dae PARK Sydkorea / KFSU Sydkorea / Coca-Cola Beverage Company North Labor Union Sydkorea / NKLU Hanae Nakano Nam Hee PARK Ai Kitada Japan / UI ZENSEN Sydkorea / KWTU Japan / Food-Rengo Jyotiben Macwan Malik Ghulam Mehboob Chandika Devi Shrestha Indien / SEWA Pakistan / PHRCTCAWF Nepal / NTHCRW John Angelus Vakant Daniel Edralin Malaysia / NUHBRW Indonesien Filippinerna / NUWHRAIN Jennifer Dowell James Ritchie Felix Anthony Australien / AMWU Nya Zeeland / NZDWU Fiji / FSGWU Bob Boscacci Återstår för beslut Antony Thow Australien / AWU Australien / LHMU Australien / NUW Bedrettin Kaykaç Hertzel Yaka Neophytos Konstantinou Turkiet / TARIM-IS Israel / SYNTAP Cypern / OVIEK-SEK Mecit Amaç Periclis Pericleous Shmuel Ben Shaya Turkiet / TEKGIDA-IS Cypern / OEXEKA-SEK Israel / National Union of Salaried Employees Periclis Pericleous Shmuel Ben Shaya Bedrettin Kaykaç Cypern / OEXEKA-SEK Israel / National Union of Salaried Employees Turkiet / TARIM-IS Östra Medelhavsområdet 2008 2009 2010 IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 11 Styrelse roterande: Östra Medelhavsområdet Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Hertzel Yaka Mecit Amaç Neophytos Konstantinou Israel / SYNTAP Turkiet / TEKGIDA-IS Cypern / OVIEK-SEK Shmuel Ben Shaya Periclis Pericleous Bedrettin Kaykaç Israel / National Union of Salaried Employees Cypern / OEXEKA-SEK Turkiet / TARIM-IS Lantarbetarefackgruppen (ex-officio) Vakant Karen Matley Gerónimo Venegas Ghana / GAWU Storbritannien / Unite the Union Argentina / UATRE HRCT-fackgruppen (exofficio) Norberto Latorre Eli Ljunggren Yoichi Tagami Argentina / UTHGRA Norge / HRAF Japan / Service-Tourism Rengo Kvinnokommittén (exofficio) Silvia Villaverde Therese Guovelin Jennifer Dowell Argentina / FATPCHPYA Sverige / HRF Australien / AMWU Generalsekreterare (exofficio) Ron Oswald 2011 2012 Schweiz / IUF IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 12 Lantarbetarfackgruppens Styrelse (1) Ordförande (2) Vice ordförande Afrika Asien/Stillahavsområdet Central- och Östeuropa Karibien Latinamerika Västeuropa Kvinnor Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Mohammed Abdelhalem Ahmed Katishi Masemola Aïssetou Camara Soumare Egypten / GTUA Sydafrika / FAWU Mali / SYNAPE Reserverad för Cesar Melhem Reserverad för Japan / Noh-Dan-Roh Australien / AWU Fiji / FSGWU Anuradha Talwar R. Jey Kumar Återstår för beslut Indien / PBKMS Malaysia / AMESU Kumushbek Mambetov Galina Smirnaya Tofiq Guliyev Kirgisistan / AWU Ukraina / Agro-Industrial Workers' Union of Ukraine Azerbajdzjan, Republiken / Agri. & Food Ind. Workers' Union "Kandgida-Is" Veronica Griffith Seepaul Narine Clifton Grant Barbados / BWU Guyana / GAWU Jamaica / UAWU Gerónimo Venegas (2) Alberto Ercílio Broch Adela Torres Argentina / UATRE Brasilien / CONTAG Colombia / SINTRAINAGRO Karen Matley (2) Martin Siecker Anders Bergström Storbritannien / Unite the Union Nederländerna / FNV Bondgenoten Sverige / Kommunal Bedrettin Kaykaç Ernesto D'Ambrosio Antonio Perianes Pedrero Turkiet / TARIM-IS Italien / FLAI-CGIL Spanien / Federación Agroalimentaria de CC.OO. Vakant Carolina Llanos Jyotiben Macwan Ghana / GAWU Argentina / UATRE Indien / SEWA IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 13 HRCT-Anställdas Fackgruppsstyrelse (1) Ordförande * Byte varje år (2) 1:e Vice ordförande (3) 2:e Vice ordförande Afrika Asien Central- och Östeuropa Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Stephen Mugole Marie Fiankan Vakant Uganda / UHFTAWU Elfenbenkusten / CIAGAHCI-DIGNITE Yoichi Tagami (3) Vakant Daniel Edralin Japan / Service-Tourism Rengo Malaysia Filippinerna / NUWHRAIN Julius Buchta Vakant Vakant Helena Molly Burgess Verita Smith Bert Paterson Bermuda / BIU Guyana / CCWU Grenada / GTAWU Frans Dirix Alain Detemmerman Denis Raguet Belgien / CCAS-CSC Belgien / HORVAL-FGTB Frankrike / FGTA-FO Klaus Schroeter Gilles Desbordes Rudolf Kaske Tyskland / NGG Frankrike / FdS-CFDT Österrike / Gewerkschaft vida Norberto Latorre (1) Manuel Romero Peña Héctor Martínez Mora Argentina / UTHGRA Venezuela / SINTRAHOSIVEN Mexiko / ASUTIGH Debbie Anderson Vakant Vakant Nick Worhaug Paul Clifford Vakant Kanada / UNITE HERE! Canada Kanada / UNITE HERE! Canada Eli Ljunggren (2) Annika Rönni-Sällinen Martina Perzanowska Norge / Fellesforbundet Suomi / PAM Sverige / UNIONEN Aage Nykjær Jensen Malin Ackholt Vakant Danmark / Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F) Sverige / HRF Island Periclis Pericleous Josef Bugeja* Vakant Cypern / OEXEKA-SEK Malta / GWU Slovakien / OZPOCR Karibien Kontinentala Västeuropa Latinamerika Nordamerika Förenta staterna / UNITE HERE! Norden Östra Medelhavsområdet 2010 IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 14 HRCT-Anställdas Fackgruppsstyrelse (1) Ordförande * Byte varje år (2) 1:e Vice ordförande (3) 2:e Vice ordförande Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Josef Bugeja* Periclis Pericleous Vakant Malta / GWU Cypern / OEXEKA-SEK Storbritannien och Irland Vakant Vakant Vakant Stillahavsområdet Vakant Vakant Vakant Emilio Fargnoli Emilio Ferrero López Fernando Medina Gomez Italien / UILTuCS-UIL Spanien / CHTJ-UGT Spanien / FECOHT-CC.OO Gabriele Guglielmi Fernando Medina Gomez Emilio Ferrero López Italien / FILCAMS-CGIL Spanien / FECOHT-CC.OO Spanien / CHTJ-UGT 2011 Sydeuropa 2010 2011 IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 15 Tobaksarbetarfackgruppens Styrelse (1) Ordförande (2) Vice ordförande Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Khairy Abdoul-Azim Mobasher Vakant Vakant Egypten / GTUFW Sydafrika Osamu Kawashima (2) Ganesan Murty Japan / Food-Rengo Malaysia / BATEU Vera Bogdanova Shair Abdulazizli Lyubov Yarovaya Ryssland / AIWU of the Russian Federation Azerbajdzjan, Republiken / Agri. & Food Ind. Workers' Union "Kandgida-Is" Ukraina / Agro-Industrial Workers' Union of Ukraine Vakant Ronald Schouller Vakant Tyskland Frankrike / FGTA-FO Dorval Knak Juan Martini Vakant Brasilien / FENTIFUMO Argentina / FTT Uruguay Vakant Vakant Vakant Kanada Förenta staterna Förenta staterna Erna Lange (1) Mikael Löthén Eystein Gaare Danmark / Fødevareforbundet NNF Sverige / LIVS Norge / NNN Östra Medelhavsområdet Vakant Vakant Vakant Storbritannien och Irland Vakant Vakant Vakant Storbritannien Storbritannien Irland Antonio Perianes Pedrero Vakant Jorge Santos Spanien / Federación Agroalimentaria de CC.OO. Italien Portugal / SETAA Afrika Asien/Stillahavsområdet Central- och Östeuropa Kontinentala Västeuropa Latinamerika Nordamerika Norden Sydeuropa IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Vakant sida 16 Kvinnokommitté för Afrika Södra Afrika Fransktalande Västafrika Nordafrika Östafrika Västafrika Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Dainess Chawinga Getrude Hambira Pulane Maine Zambia / HCWUZ Zimbabwe / GAPWUZ Sydafrika / FAWU Aïssetou Camara Soumare Nouratou Gambia Marie Fiankan Mali / SYNAPE Benin / FESYNDER Elfenbenkusten / CIAGAHCI-DIGNITE Vakant Vakant Vakant Egypten / GTUA Egypten / GTUFW Egypten / GTUHTW Vakant Rebecca Nyathogora Muthukia Auma Immaculate Kenya / KUCFAW Uganda / NUPAW Vakant Stellina Dormenyo Ampo Vakant Ghana / GAWU Ghana / ICU Nigeria IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 17 Kvinnokommitte för Asien och Stillahavsområdet * Ordförande Nordostasien Stillahavsområdet Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Hanae Nakano Nam Hee Park Kwai Fong Ip Japan / UI ZENSEN Sydkorea / KWTU Hong Kong / CHIEGU Susie Allison Vakant Julie Kahaki Australien / NUW Södra Asien Sydostasien Nya Zeeland / SFWU Anuradha Talwar Mehek Butt Indien / PBKMS Pakistan / NFFBTW Sagung Ratmudiani Vijaya Latchmi Vakant Indonesien / FSPM Malaysia / KPPRW/RWEU Kambodja / CTSWF IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Vakant sida 18 Regionalkommitté för Afrika (1) Ordförande (2) Ordförande för Kvinnokommittén Centrala och södra Afrika Nordafrika Östafrika Sydafrika Västafrika Kvinnor Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Vakant Vakant Vakant Zimbabwe / FFAWUZ Zambia / NUPAWZ Malawi / SPAWUM Mohamed Helal El-Sharkawy (1) Vakant M. Mohy El-Dean El-Bassousy Egypten / GTUHTW Egypten / GTUFW Egypten / GTUA Kamya Nadab Francis Bushuru Wangara Tamim Salehe Uganda / UBTAWU Kenya / KUSPW Tanzania / TUICO Katishi Masemola Vakant Reserverat för kvinna Sydafrika / FAWU Sydafrika / FAWU Sydafrika Abdou Diaouga Gilbert Awinongwa Reserverat för kvinna Niger / SNTIN Ghana / ICU Nigeria Vakant Dainess Chawinga Aïssetou Camara Soumare Zambia / HCWUZ Mali / SYNAPE Regionalsekreterare Vakant Generalsekreterare (exofficio) Ron Oswald Schweiz / IUF IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 19 Regionalkommitté för Asien och Stillahavsområdet * Ordförande Nordostasien Södra Asien Stillahavsområdet Sydostasien Kvinnor Regionalsekreterare Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Masanori Kon Tokuda Kozo Gyuhyok KANG Japan / Food-Rengo Japan / UI ZENSEN Sydkorea / KFSU Hiroshi Ogawa Yoichi Tagami Wan Lung Lee Japan / Noh-Dan-Roh Japan / Service-Tourism Rengo Hong Kong / CHIEGU Shikha Joshi Malik Ghulam Mehboob Vakant Indien / SEWA Pakistan / PHRCTCAWF Nepal Charlie Donnelly * James Ritchie Mark Boyd Australien / NUW Nya Zeeland / NZDWU Australien / LHMU Daniel Edralin John Angelus Hamidi Dinar Filippinerna / NUWHRAIN Malaysia / NUHBRW Indonesien / FSPM Susie Allison Hanae Nakano Vakant Australien / NUW Japan / UI ZENSEN Ma Wei Pin Australien / IUF Regional Secretariat for Asia and the Pacific Generalsekreterare (exofficio) Ron Oswald Schweiz / IUF IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 20 Regionalkommitté för Karibien (1) Ordförande (2) 1:e Vice ordförande (3) 2:e Vice ordförande Medlemmar Regionalsekreterare Ordinarie Suppleant Helena Molly Burgess (1) Veronica Griffith Bermuda / BIU Barbados / BWU Seepaul Narine (2) Vakant Guyana / GAWU Dominica Clifton Grant (3) Rudranath Indarsingh Jamaica / UAWU Trinidad och Tobabo / ATSGWTU LeVere Richards Louise Glasgow Barbados / BWU St. Vincent / CTAWU Bert Paterson Senator Chester Hughes Grenada / GTAWU Antigua / AWU Verita Smith Vakant Guyana / CCWU Bahamas LeVere Richards Barbados / IUF Caribbean Generalsekreterare (exofficio) Ron Oswald Schweiz / IUF IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 21 Regionalkommitté för Latinamerika (1) Ordförande (2) Vice ordförande Zone A: Centralamerika, Karibien och Mexico Zone B: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru och Venezuela Ordinarie Suppleant 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Vakant Héctor Martínez Mora Eduardo Esquivel Armando Ruiz Mexiko / STIASRM Mexiko / ASUTIGH Mexiko / STIE Mexiko / UNTIARTHG-CROC Återstår för beslut Återstår för beslut Återstår för beslut Återstår för beslut Guatemala Guatemala Nicaragua Panama Edwin Ranchos David Morales Carlos H. Reyes Wilson Montero Guatemala / FESTRAS Guatemala / FESTRAS Honduras / STIBYS Dominikanska Republiken / SITRAUC Luis Alejandro Pedraza Återstår för beslut Juan Pedemonte Hernández Lucinda Quispe Alaya Peru / SUPNEP Peru / CNA Adela Torres Återstår för beslut Colombia / SINTRAINAGRO Venezuela / SINTRAHOSIVEN Colombia / UNAC Lucila Quintana Acuña Återstår för beslut Peru / JNC Zone C: Argentinia, Chile och Uruguay Zone D: Brasilien och Paraguay Guillermo Rivera Medardo Cuesta Manuel Romero Peña Carlos Velastegui Navarrete Colombia / SINTRAINAGRO Colombia / SINTRAINAGRO Venezuela / SINTRAHOSIVEN Ecuador / CESTNE Robustiano Argentino Geneiro (1) Enrique Hector Terny Pablo Quiroga Vakant Argentina / UTHGRA Argentina / SATIF Argentina / FATAGA Héctor Luis Ponce Héctor Morcillo Juan Martini Cijifredo Vera Vera Argentina / ATILRA Argentina / FTIA Argentina / FTT Chile / CONTALAPCH Silvia Villaverde Patricia Alonso Mabel Altfater Karina Pérez Argentina / FATPCHPYA Argentina / FAUPPA Argentina / SATIF Uruguay / UTRASURPA Carolina Llanos Silvia Elias Vakant Susana Césari Argentina / UATRE Argentina / FATPCHPYA Chile Argentina / UTHGRA Neuza Barbosa de Lima (2) Dulce Elena Ferreira Geni Della Rosa Carmen Foro Brasilien / CNTA Brasilien / CNTA Brasilien / CONTAC Brasilien / CONTAG Alberto Ercílio Broch Återstår för beslut Artur Bueno de Camargo Carlos Florentín Brasilien / CONTAG Brasilien / CONTAG Brasilien / CNTA Paraguay / FETRATBA IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 22 Regionalkommitté för Latinamerika (1) Ordförande (2) Vice ordförande Ordinarie Suppleant 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant Zone D: Brasilien och Paraguay Siderlei Silva de Oliveira Återstår för beslut Dorval Knak Lucilene Binfeld Brasilien / CONTAC Brasilien / FERAESP Brasilien / FENTIFUMO Brasilien / CONTRACS Generalsekreterare (exofficio) Ron Oswald Regionalsekreterare Gerardo Iglesias Uruguay / REL-UITA IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 23 Regionalkommitté för Nordamerika Ordförande: vakant Ordinarie 1:e Suppleant 2:e Suppleant AFSCME (USA) Michael Zucker Michael Messina Vakant BCTGM (Kanada) Sean Kelly Vakant Vakant BCTGM (USA) Frank Hurt David Durkee Vakant CAW (Kanada) Robert Orr Vakant Vakant NUPGE (Kanada) J. Cameron Nelson John MacNamee Vakant RWDSU/UFCW (Kanada) Derik McArthur Paul Labelle Jason Grandbois RWDSU/UFCW (USA) Stuart Appelbaum Manny Laub Jack Wurm SEIU (USA) Andrew Stern Michael Baratz Vakant UFCW (Kanada) Wayne Hanley Vakant Vakant UFCW (USA) Alan Spaulding Joseph Hansen Vakant UNITE HERE Nick Worhaug Paul Clifford Vakant UNITE HERE Debbie Anderson Vakant Vakant USW (USA) William R. Gibbons Keith D. Romig William Coleman Generalsekreterare (exofficio) Ron Oswald IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 24 European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agricultural and Tourism Sectors and Allied Branches - EFFAT ( IUL Europa) NN - Inte nominerad Ordinarie Suppleant Ordförande livsmedelssektorn Ole Wehlast Danmark / Fødevareforbundet NNF vice ordförande livsmedelssektorn Margot Sastre Albis Spanien / Federación Agroalimentaria de CC.OO. Ordförande lantbrukssektorn Peter Kaae Holm Danmark / Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F) vice ordförande lantbrukssektorn Valentina Vasilionova Bulgarien / FITUA Ordförande turismsektorn Emilio Fargnoli Italien / UILTuCS-UIL vice ordförande turismsektorn Michaela Rosenberger Tyskland / NGG Ordförande ungdomskommittén NN Ordförande småbrukarekommittén Allessandro Ranaldi Italien Ordförande kvinnokommittén Marjorie Burgos Spanien Sekreterare lantbrukssektorn Arnd Spahn Belgien / EFFAT-IUF Sekreterare livsmedelssektorn Vakant EFFAT-IUF Sekreterare turismsektorn Kerstin Howald Belgien / EFFAT-IUF Ordförande Bruno Vannoni Frankrike / FGA-CFDT IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Miguel Rodriguez Gutierrez Spanien / FTA-UGT Aage Nykjær Jensen Danmark / Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F) NN sida 25 European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agricultural and Tourism Sectors and Allied Branches - EFFAT ( IUL Europa) NN - Inte nominerad Ordinarie Suppleant vice ordförande Therese Guovelin Sverige / HRF Generalsekreterare Harald Wiedenhofer Belgien / EFFAT-IUF Generalsekreterare (exofficio) Ron Oswald Schweiz / IUF IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 26 EFFAT - Presidium NN - Inte nominerad Vice ordförande BeNeLux, Frankrike Vice ordförande suppleant Pia Stalpaert Belgien / CCAS-CSC Alain Detemmerman Belgien / HORVAL-FGTB Rafaël Nedzynski Frankrike / FGTA-FO Wim Baltussen Nederländerna Central- och Östeuropa Bohumir Dufek Tjeckien / OSPZV-ASO Karmen Leban Slovenien / SGIT Irland, Storbritannien Jennie Formby Storbritannien / Unite the Union Ian Waddell Storbritannien / Unite the Union Norden Therese Guovelin Sverige / HRF Annika Rönni-Sällinen Suomi / PAM Jan-Egil Pedersen Norge / NNN Henri Lindholm Suomi / SEL Franz-Josef Möllenberg Tyskland / NGG Klaus Schroeter Tyskland / NGG Holger Bartels Tyskland / IG-BAU Rudolf Kaske Österrike / Gewerkschaft vida Östra Medelhavsområdet Augusto Cianfoni Italien / FAI-CISL Josef Bugeja Malta / GWU Västra Medelhavsområdet Sebastián Serena Expósito Spanien / FTA-UGT Elena Mañas Argemi Spanien Österrike, Tyskland, Schweiz IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 27 EFFAT - Styrelse NN - Inte nominerad Medlem Suppleant Albanien to be decided to be decided Belgien Tangui Cornu HORVAL-FGTB Alain Detemmerman HORVAL-FGTB Louis De Prins CCAS-CSC Pia Stalpaert CCAS-CSC Piet Foulon LBC-NVK Bruno Baudson CNE-CSC Ilse Galliaert SETCa-BBTK Koen Dewinter Bosnien och Herzegovina Mehmed Avdagic PPDIVUT Maja Radic Bulgarien Valentina Vasilionova FITUA NN Cypern Periclis Pericleous OEXEKA-SEK Neophytos Constantinou Danmark Jens Peter Bostrup Fødevareforbundet NNF Tage Arentoft Fødevareforbundet NNF Preben Rasmussen Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F) Peter James Stark HK/HANDEL Hanne Holgaard Fagligt Fælles Forbund (3F) Karsten Hansen Service Forbundet Estland NN Färöarna Ingeborg Vinther Føroya Arbeidarafelag NN Frankrike Hélène Deborde FGA-CFDT Pierre van Noppen FNAA CFE-CGC Jocelyne Marmande FGTA-FO Claire Etineau FSCOPA-CFTC Mireille Ormaechea FCDS-CGT Doudou Konate FdS-CFDT Grekland Leonidas Karathanasis POEEYTE Panagiotis Proutzos Irland NN IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 NN NN sida 28 EFFAT - Styrelse NN - Inte nominerad Medlem Island Skuli Thoroddson Italien Roberto Montagner Suppleant SGS Kristjan Gunnarsson SGS Ivana Galli FLAI-CGIL Giovanni Pirulli FISASCAT-CISL Claudia Sacilotto Maurizio Scarpa FILCAMS-CGIL Enrico Tonghini Kosovo, UNMIK Haxhi Arifi AGROKOMPLEKSI-SPAK NN Kroatien Armando Bicak Lubjomira Loncar Lettland Kalnina Irena Senkans Arnis Lituanen Grazina Gruzdiene LPMS NN Luxemburg Romain Daubenfeld NGG-OGB-L Tania Picco LCG Makedonia Zivko Danevski Agro-Sindikat Rada Bezovska Agro-Sindikat Malta Josef Bugeja GWU Kevin Camilleri GWU Montenegro Cede Milinic Samostalni Sindikat Radnika Turizma i Ugostiteljst Vakant Samostalni Sindikat Radnika Poljoprivrede, Prehram Nederländerna Wim Baltussen Anneke van Wezel FNV Bondgenoten Jet Grimbergen FNV Bondgenoten Albert Daverschot Norge Österrike UILA-UIL STUH NN Bart Bruggeman CNV BedrijvenBond Jan-Egil Pedersen NNN Inger Furmyr NNN Eli Ljunggren Fellesforbundet Rolf Jørn Karlsen Fellesforbundet Gerhard Riess Gewerkschaft PRO-GE Alois Karner IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 29 EFFAT - Styrelse NN - Inte nominerad Medlem Suppleant Österrike Rudolf Kaske Gewerkschaft vida Rudolf Komaromy Polen Leon Grycuk RPP Miroslaw Nowicki Portugal Antonio Pernica Emanuel Babo Rumänien NN NN San Marino NN NN Schweiz Vakant NN Serbien Slavko Vlaisavljevic GS PUT "Nezavisnost" NN Slovakien Julius Buchta OZPOCR František Baláž OZPP Slovenien Jovo Labanac KZI Karmen Leban SGIT Spanien Jesús García Zamora FTA-UGT Emilio Ferrero López CHTJ-UGT Jesús Villar Rodríguez Federación Agroalimentaria de CC.OO. Elena Mañas Argemi Pilar Rato FECOHT-CC.OO Fernando Medina Gomez Ian Waddell Unite the Union John Gorle Storbritannien Suomi SPSPOZ FECOHT-CC.OO Marilyn French Jackie Barnwell Mark Plumb Allan Black GMB Margaret Boyd Karen Matley Unite the Union Annika Rönni-Sällinen PAM Mari Taivainen Henri Lindholm SEL Veli-Matti Kuntonen IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 SEL sida 30 EFFAT - Styrelse NN - Inte nominerad Medlem Suppleant Suomi Teija Sinisalo Pro Kirsi Koponen PEL Sverige Anja Westberg Kommunal Hans Kotzan Kommunal Therese Guovelin HRF Ella Niia HRF Pauli Kristiansson LIVS Hans-Olof Nilsson LIVS Tjeckien Bohumir Dufek OSPZV-ASO Frantisek Tesar OSPZV-ASO Turkiet Mecit Amaç TEKGIDA-IS Bedrettin Kaykaç TARIM-IS Tyskland Franz-Josef Möllenberg NGG Klaus Schroeter NGG Michaela Rosenberger NGG NN Claus-Harald Güster NGG NN Holger Bartels IG-BAU Karin Cordes Käthchen Nowak Ungern László Kanizslai IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Korbinian Sedlmaier EDOSZ Gabor Golhovics sida 31 Medlemsförbund Angola Rua Rainha Ginga N° 23 Cx. Postal N° 28 Luanda Viriato Fernandes Bumba [Secretario Geral] +244 222 334 670 +244 222 338 502 +244 222 393 590 Text41: mailto:untadis@netangola.com Antigua and Barbuda Workers' Union [AWU] Freedom Hall Newgate Street P.O. Box 940 St. John's Sen. David Massiah [General Secretary] +1 268 462 2005 +1 268 462 0442 +1 268 462 5220 Text41: mailto:awu@candw.ag Antigua Trades and Labour Union [ATLU] Emancipation House 46 North Street P.O. Box 3 St. John's Alrick Daniel [General Secretary] +1 268 462 0090 +1 268 562 2501 +1 268 462 4056 Text41: mailto:atandlu@hotmail.com Asociación de Trabajadores de la Industria Lechera [ATILRA] Hipolito Irigoyen 4060 C.P. 1208 Buenos Aires Héctor Luis Ponce [Secretario General] +54 11 4883 9200 +54 11 4883 9200 Text41: mailto:personal@atilra.org.ar Federación Argentina de Trabajadores Cerveceros y Afines [FATCA] Humahuaca No. 4072 1192 Buenos Aires Carlos Guido Frigerio [Secretario General] +54 11 4862 2666 +54 11 4863 2159 +54 11 4862 2666 Text41: mailto:fatca@speedy.com.ar Federación Argentina de Trabajadores de Aguas Gaseosas y Afines [FATAGA] Piedras 77 Piso 3 C.P. 1406 Buenos Aires Raúl Alberto Alvarez [Secretario General] +54 11 4331 6737 +54 11 4331 7153 +54 11 4637 3872 +54 11 4637 3884 Text41: mailto:presidencia@fataga.com.ar Federación Argentina Trabajadores Pasteleros, Confiteros, Heladeros, Pizzeros y Alfajoreros [FATPCHPYA] Bogado 4551 C.P. 1183 Buenos Aires Luis Ramón Hlebowicz [Secretario General] +54 11 4864 1799 +54 11 4861 7493 +54 11 4864 1799 +54 11 4861 7493 Text41: mailto:administracion@sur.pasteleros.org Federación Argentina Unión Personal de Panadería y Afines de la República Argentina [FAUPPA] Av. Boedo 168 C.P. 1206 Buenos Aires Abel Norberto Frutos [Secretario General] +54 11 4957 1533 +54 11 4957 3100 +54 11 4957 7728 Text41: mailto:sslymacgt@yahoo.com.ar Federaçao Dos Sindicatos dos Trabalhadores da Agro-Pecuária, Pescas e Derivados de Angola [FSTAPPD] Antigua Argentina IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:nas@oscervecera.org.ar Text41: http://www.fataga.com.ar .ar Text41: http://www.federacion.pasteleros.org.ar sida 32 Medlemsförbund Argentina Federación de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Alimentación [FTIA] Estados Unidos 1474/76 C.P. 1101 Buenos Aires Luis Ramón Morán [Secretario General] +54 11 4306 8027 +54 11 4305 2722 Text41: mailto:ftia@datamarkets.com.ar Federación de Trabajadores del Complejo Industrial Oleaginoso, Desmontadores de Algodón y Afines de la República Argentina [FTCIODyA] Piedras 77 Piso 5° Dpto. "B" C.P. 1070 Buenos Aires Oscar Enrique Rojas [Secretario General] + 54 11 4342 5887 + 54 11 4342 7964 + 54 11 4342 7964 + 54 11 4342 8281 Text41: mailto:gremiales@federacionaceitera.co Federación de Trabajadores del Tabaco de la Republica Argentina [FTT] Esteban Bonorino 281 C.P. 1406 Buenos Aires Juan Martini [Secretario General] +54 11 4613 0804 +54 11 4613 9183 Text41: mailto:ospitabaco@infovia.com.ar Sindicato Argentino Trabajadores de la Industria Fideera y Afines [SATIF] Río de Janeiro 34/36 C.P. 1405 Buenos Aires Enrique Hector Terny [Secretario General] +54 11 4901 6125 +54 11 4902 3032 +54 11 4903 7599 Text41: mailto:ospif_central@speedy.com.ar Sindicato Único de Empleados del Tabaco de la República Argentina [SUETRA] Bolivia 384 C1406ADF Ciudad Autónoma de Bs. As. Buenos Aires Raúl Edgardo Quiñones [Secretario General] +54 11 4637 3232 +54 11 4637 3233 +54 11 4637 3232 +54 11 4637 3234 Text41: mailto:suetra@suetra-tabacos.com.ar Sindicato Único de Guardavidas y Afines de la República Argentina [SUGARA] Virrey Cevallos 639 C.P. 1077 Buenos Aires Roberto Solari [Secretario General] +54 11 4384 5091 +54 11 4381 5355 Text41: mailto:nlatorre@utghra.org.ar Unión Argentina de Trabajadores Rurales y Estibadores [UATRE] Reconquista 630 - 6º piso C1003 ABN Buenos Aires Gerónimo Venegas [Secretario General] +54 11 4315 5800 +54 11 4312 2437 Text41: mailto:presidencia@osprera.org.ar Unión de Trabajadores de Carga y Descarga de la República Argentina [UTCDRA] Cochabamba 1635 C.P. 1148 Buenos Aires Luis Horacio Campos [Secretario General] +54 11 4304 8358 +54 11 4304 5484 Text41: mailto:estibaros@hotmail.com Unión de Trabajadores del Turismo, Hoteleros y Gastronómicos de la República Argentina [UTHGRA] Avenida de Mayo 930 C.P. 1084 Buenos Aires Luis Barrionuevo [Secretario General] +54 11 4341 8010 +54 11 4341 8025 Text41: mailto:ageneiro@uthgra.org.ar IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:hectormorcillo@ftia.org.ar m.ar Text41: http://www.federacionaceitera.com.ar Text41: mailto:satif_eterny@speedy.com.ar Text41: http://www.suetra-tabacos.com.ar Text41: http://www.sugara.com.ar Text41: mailto:riesgoslaborales@osprera.org.ar Text41: http://www.uatre.org.ar Text41: mailto:nlatorre@uthgra.org.ar Text41: http://www.uthgra.org.ar sida 33 Medlemsförbund Armenien ul. Sargsyana 26/3 Office 602,603 375010 Yerevan Hasmik Jhangiryan [President] +374 10 520 400 +374 10 520 401 Text41: mailto:profagro@mail.ru Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union [AMIEU] Level 1 - 39 Lytton Road East Brisbane QLD Australia 4169 Brian Crawford [General Secretary] +61 7 3217 3766 +61 7 3217 4462 Text41: mailto:federal@amieuqld.asn.au Australian Manufacturing Workers' Union [AMWU] Level 4 133 Parramatta Road P.O. Box 160 Granville NSW 2142 Julius Roe [National President] Dave Oliver [National Secretary] +61 2 9897 9133 +61 2 9897 9274 Text41: mailto:amwu2@amwu.asn.au Level 10 377-383 Sussex Street Sydney NSW 200 Paul Howes [National Secretary] Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers' Union [LHMU] Locked Bag 9 Haymarket NSW 1240 National Union of Workers [NUW] Republican Union of Agro-Industrial Workers Organisations of Armenia Australien Text41: http://www.amieu.asn.au Text41: mailto:info@amwu.asn.au Text41: http://www.amwu.asn.au +61 2 8005 3333 +61 2 8005 3300 Text41: mailto:members@awu.net.au Louise Tarrant [National Secretary] +61 2 8204 7200 +61 2 9281 4480 Text41: mailto:lhmu@lhmu.org.au 833 Bourke Street Docklands VIC3008 P.O. Box 343, North Melbourne Victoria 3051 Charlie Donnelly [General Secretary] +61 3 9287 1850 +61 3 9287 1818 Text41: mailto:nuwnat@nuw.org.au Agricultural and Food Industry Workers' Union "Kandgida-Is" Azadlyg Prospekt 181 370151 Baku Tofiq Guliyev [President] +994 12 563 1712 +994 12 563 1712 Text41: mailto:kandgidaish_az@yahoo.com Federation of Commerce, Catering, Consumers' Cooperatives, Health Resorts, Tourism, Sport, Hotel, Fish Industry and Allied Workers' Unions [Khidmat-Is] 12 Bul-Bul Avenue 370000 Baku Ilyas Aliev [President] +994 12 598 4522 +994 12 493 5588 Text41: mailto:xidmat-ish@mail.ru Australian Workers' Union [AWU] Text41: http://www.awu.net.au Text41: http://www.lhmu.org.au Text41: http://www.nuw.org.au Azerbajdzjan, Republiken IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 34 Medlemsförbund Barbados Barbados Workers' Union [BWU] "Solidarity House", Harmony Hall St. Michael P.O. Box 172 Bridgetown Sir Roy Trotman [General Secretary] Linda Brooks [President] +1 246 426 3492 +1 246 426 3495 +1 246 436 6496 Text41: mailto:bwu@caribsurf.com 18, rue des Alexiens 1000 Bruxelles Alain Detemmerman [Secrétaire fédéral] +32 2 512 9700 +32 2 512 9609 +32 2 512 5368 Text41: mailto:horval@horval.be Text41: http://www.bwu-bb.org Belgien Centrale Alimentation-Horeca-Services FGTB [HORVAL-FGTB] Text41: mailto:alain.detemmerman@horval.be Text41: http://www.horval.be Centrale nationale des employés CNECSC [CNE-CSC] Avenue Alcide de Gasperi 21 1400 Nivelles Felipe Van Keirsbilck [Secrétaire général] Bruno Baudson [Secrétaire national] +32 6788 9191 +32 6788 9197 Text41: mailto:bruno.baudson@acv-csc.be CSC Alimentation et Services [CCASCSC] Rue des Chartreux 70 1000 Bruxelles Pia Stalpaert [Secrétaire national] +32 2 500 2811 +32 2 500 2899 Text41: mailto:ccvd-ccas@acv-csc.be Text41: http://www.cne-gnc.be Text41: mailto:p.stalpaert@acv-csc.be Text41: http://www.acv-csc.be La Centrale générale FGTB Landelijke Bedienden Centrale [LBCNVK] Rue Haute 26-28 1000 Bruxelles Alain Clauwaert [Président] Jacques Michiels [Secrétaire général] +32 2 549 0549 +32 2 514 1691 Text41: mailto:alain.clauwaert@accg.be Sudermanstraat 5 2000 Antwerpen Ferre Wyckmans [Secrétaire général] +32 3 220 8711 +32 3 220 8983 Text41: mailto:lbc-nvk.internationaal@acv-csc.be Text41: http://www.accg.be Text41: mailto:lbc-nvk@acv-csc.be Text41: http://www.lbc-nvk.be Syndicat des employés, techniciens et cadres [SETCa-BBTK] rue Haute, 42 1000 Bruxelles Erwin De Deyn [Président] +32 2 512 5250 +32 2 511 0508 Text41: mailto:federal@setca-fgtb.be Text41: mailto:eddeny@bbtk-abvv.be Text41: http://www.setca.org Syndicat Libéral CGSLB Alimentation & Distribution [CGSLB] Boulevard Poincaré 72-74 1070 Bruxelles IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Bernard Noël [Secrétaire national] +32 2 558 5150 +32 2 558 5151 Text41: mailto:cgslb@cgslb.be Text41: http://www.cgslb.be sida 35 Medlemsförbund Belize Orange Walk Branch Tate Street P.O. Box 110 Orange Walk Town Horris Patten [Chairman] Angel Wade [Vice Chairman] +501 322 2327 +501 322 2327 Text41: mailto:bwu@btl.net Fédération des syndicats du développement rural [FESYNDER] 04 BP 1115 Cotonou Robert Yavohedji [Secrétaire général] +229 21 303 182 +229 21 302 359 Text41: mailto:s_dossou@yahoo.fr Fédération des Travailleurs de l'Hôtellerie, de Tourisme et Assimilés [FESYNTRA-HTA] 04 BP 1115 Cotonou Leopold Bide [Secrétaire général] +229 21 303 182 +229 9540 1918 Text41: mailto:s_dossou@yahoo.fr Syndicat des Forestiers du Bénin [SYNFORB] 06 BP 884 Coutonou Marcel Dagbeto [Secrétaire général] + 229 97 29 29 01 + 229 93 68 88 00 Text41: mailto:courrielsynforb@yahoo.fr Syndicat des Travailleurs de la SOBEBRA [SYNTRA.SOB] 01 BP 135 Cotonou Vincent de François Bonou [Secrétaire général] +229 9571 0341 Text41: mailto:bonouvincentdefrancois@yahoo.fr Syndicat des Travailleurs du Sucre et de l'Alcool [SYNTRASA] BP 06 Save Clément Oga [Secrétaire général] +229 9550 3344 +229 9531 4392 Text41: mailto:syntrasasucobe@yahoo.fr Syndicat national des travailleurs de boulangeries et pâtisseries du Bénin [SYNTRABOPAB] 01 BP 69 Cotonou Epiphane S. Houessou [Secrétaire général] +229 2130 3613 49 Union Square Hamilton, HM-12 Helena Molly Burgess [General Secretary] +1 441 292 0044 +1 441 295 7992 Text41: mailto:biu@biu.bm ul. Obala Kulina bana br. 1 71000 Sarajevo Mehmed Avdagic [President] +387 33 226 942 +387 33 213 720 Text41: mailto:ppdivut@bih.net.ba The Belize Workers Union [BWU] Benin Text41: mailto:gambianouratou@yahoo.fr Text41: mailto:dagbemara@yahoo.fr Bermuda Bermuda Industrial Union [BIU] Text41: http://www.biu.bm Bosnien och Herzegovina Samostalni Sindikat Radnika Poljoprivrede, Prehrambene i Duhanske Industrije, Vodoprivrede, Ugostiteljstva, Turizma i Trgovine Republike BiH [PPDIVUT] IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.ppdivut.ba sida 36 Medlemsförbund Bosnien och Herzegovina Sindikat poljoprivrede i prehrambene industrije RS BiH +387 55 209 763 +387 55 209 763 Text41: mailto:gslavisa@teol.net +55 61 2102 2288 +55 61 2102 2299 Text41: mailto:contag@contag.org.br ul. Baje Stanišica 20 76300 Bijeljina Jovan Jovanovic [Vorsitzender] Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura [CONTAG] SMPW Quadra 01 Conjunto 02 Lote 02 Núcleo Bandeirante CEP: 71.735-102 Alberto Ercílio Broch [Presidente] Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias da Alimentaçao, Agro-Indústria, Cooperativas de Cereais e Indústrias do Meio Rural [CONTAC] Rua Caetano Pinto 575 3° Andar Bráz C.P. 0304-000 São Paulo - SP Siderlei Silva de Oliveira [Presidente] +55 11 2108 9309 +55 11 2108 9196 Text41: mailto:contacsp@uol.com.br Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias de Alimentação e Afins [CNTA] SCRS/SUL 507 - Bloco C - Loja 3/5 CEP. 70351-530 Brasilia - DF Artur Bueno de Camargo [Presidente] +55 61 3242 6171 +55 61 3242 1492 +55 61 3242 6171 Text41: mailto:cntalimeira@gmail.com Confederaçao Nacional Trabalhadores no Comércio e Serviços [CONTRACS] Rua Caetano Pinto 575 4° Andar - Brás CEP. 03041-000 São Paulo - SP Lucilene Binfeld [Presidente] Luciano Pereira Leite [Secretário Geral] +55 11 2108 9159 +55 11 3209 7496 Text41: mailto:contracs@contracs.org.br Federaçao dos Empregado Rurais Assalaliardos do Estado de Sao Paulo [FERAESP] Av. Gutemberg, nº 166 - Vila Xavier CEP: 14810-180 Araraquara São Paulo - SP Elios Neves [Presidente] +55 16 3322 4861 +55 16 3322 9677 +55 16 3322 4861 +55 16 3322 9677 Text41: mailto:feraesp@feraesp.org.br Federação Nacional dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias do Fumo e Afins [FENTIFUMO] Rua Marechal Deodoro, N° 476 sala 303 CEP. 96810-110 Santa Cruz do Sul - RS José Milton Kuhnen [Presidente] Dorval Knak [Vice-Presidente] +55 51 3711 7216 +55 51 3711 7216 Text41: mailto:fentifumo@yahoo.com.br 2, Angel Kanchev Str., fl 5 Sofia 1000 Anelia Nacheva [Chairperson] +359 888 100048 +359 2 987 9887 +359 2981 2928 Text41: mailto:nfzgs@podkrepa.org Text41: mailto:zitopromet@rstel.net Brasilien Text41: mailto:alberto@contag.org.br Text41: http://www.contag.org.br Text41: http://www.contacbrasil.org Text41: http://www.cntaafins.org.br Text41: http://www.contracs.org.br Text41: http://www.feraesp.org.br Bulgarien Agriculture and Forest Industry Federation [PODKREPA] IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:intdept@podkrepa.org sida 37 Medlemsförbund Bulgarien Svetlana Vassileva [President] +359 2 952 1540 +359 2 952 2503 Text41: mailto:vvasilionova@citub.net Federation of Independent Trade 29, Vladayska str. Unions in the Food Industry [FITU-Food] 1606 Sofia Slavcho Petrov [President] +359 2 952 3072 +359 2 951 6817 +359 2 952 1670 Text41: mailto:fitu.food@mail.bg Federatsia Khranitelna Promishlenost [FKP-PODKREPA] 2 Angel Kantchev Str. 1000 Sofia Roumen Elenkin [Chairman] +359 2 987 9887 +359 2 981 2928 Text41: mailto:international_department@podkre Syndicat des producteurs de bière et travailleurs des branches connexes de l'industrie alimentaire Macedonia Square 1, Floor 6, Office 3, 1040 Sofia Krasimir Pashtrapanski [President] +359 2 986 30 31 +359 2 986 30 31 Text41: mailto:pastrapanski@gmail.com Fédération nationale de l'alimentation et de l'hôtellerie du Burkina [FNAHB] 01 BP 127 Ouagadougou 01 Salifou Traoré [Secrétaire général] +226 5030 6060 +226 5030 6767 Text41: mailto:hotinde@fasonet.bf Fédération nationale des agriculteurs, planteurs éleveurs et maraîchers [FNAPEM] 01 BP 99 Ouagadougou 01 Sidiki Traoré [Secrétaire général] +226 20 97 26 61 Text41: mailto:sidiki_traore@yahoo.fr Fédération nationale des boulangers et pâtissiers du Burkina Faso [FNBP] 11 BP 1126 Ouagadougou 11 Tiga Mahamadi Djiguimbe [Président] +226 5031 3671 +226 5031 3671 Syndicat national des travailleurs de l'agriculture [SYNATRAG] 01 BP 547 Ouagadougou 01 Lobassa Somda [Secrétaire général] +226 5031 3671 +226 5031 3671 Text41: mailto:synatrag@yahoo.fr Syndicat national des travailleurs de l'environnement, du tourisme et de l'hôtellerie [SYNTETH] 11 BP 1956 CMS Ouagadougou 11 Justin Zongo [Secrétaire général] +226 5036 3021 +226 5035 8243 Text41: mailto:naktiga@yahoo.fr San Diego N° 2061 - Dpto. 201 Santiago de Chile Jorge Gómez Lizana [Presidente] +56 2 544 2638 +56 2 551 0446 Text41: mailto:confedachf1@yahoo.es Fédération des syndicats indépendants de l'agriculture [FITUA] 29, Vladayska str. 1606 Sofia pa.org Text41: mailto:food_industry@podkrepa.org Text41: http://www.podkrepa.org Text41: mailto:nadyadas@yahoo.com Burkina Faso Text41: mailto:semmabf@yahoo.fr Text41: mailto:uitaburkina@yahoo.fr Chile Confederación Nacional de Federaciones de Empresa Alimenticias y Afines de Chile [CONFEDACH] IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 38 Medlemsförbund Chile Confederación Trabajadores Empresa de la Alimentacion y Área Privada de Chile [CONTALAPCH] Av. Nomato Coo 2666 Puente Alto Santiago de Chile Cijifredo Vera Vera [Presidente] +56 9 748 3246 Text41: mailto:cijifredovera@hotmail.com Confederación Trabajadores Pesqueros de Chile y Ramas Afines [CONTRAPECH] Av. Bulnes N° 107 Oficina 22 Código Postal 56 Santiago de Chile Alexis Alberto Cancino Opazo [Secretario General] +56 2 688 5838 +56 2 688 5838 Text41: mailto:alexiscancinoopazo@gmail.com Federación de Sindicatos de la Empresa Nestlé Chile S.A., Complejo Industrial Macul Padre Tadeo n° 5410 Quinta Normal Población las Palmeras Luis Sandoval Valdés [Presidente] +56 09 442 8637 +56 09 879 6130 +56 09 361 9455 Text41: mailto:sando_val_@hotmail.com Federación Nacional de Sindicatos Unilever [FENASIUN] Avenida Carrascal N° 3334 Quinta Normal 802000 Santiago de Chile Claudio Urrutia Olivares [Presidente] +56 2 681 1706 Text41: mailto:fed.sind.unileverchile@gmail.com Federación Nacional N° 2 de Sindicatos Empresas CCU Ahumada 131, oficina 309 Santiago de Chile Luis Mundaca [Secretario General] Sindicato de Empresa Industria de Alimentos Dos en Uno S.A. Arcor [SITRADEU] Arauco 1138 Santiago Centro Juan Domingo Tropa [Presidente] Víctor Zambrano Pavez [Secretario General] Sindicato Nacional de Corteros de Caña [SINALCORTEROS] c/o UITA Colombia Calle 36 N° 16-56 Bogotá D.E.D.C. Adolfo Tigreros [Secretario General] Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Agropecuaria [SINTRAINAGRO] Calle 99 # 98-60 Apartadó Antioquía Guillermo Rivera [Presidente] Adela Torres [Secretaria General] +57 48 282 017 +57 48 285 088 Text41: mailto:sintrainagro@gmail.com Unión Nacional Agroalimentaria de Colombia [UNAC] Calle 36 N° 16-56 Bogotá D.C. Luis Alejandro Pedraza [Presidente] Sonia Perez [Secretaria General] +57 1 287 7186 +57 1 287 7186 Text41: mailto:unionagroalimentaria@hotmail.co Text41: mailto:fednac2@gmail.com +55 2 556 6590 +56 2 554 3338 +56 2 556 6590 Text41: mailto:juandomingot@yahoo.es Text41: mailto:hgaetep@hotmail.com Colombia IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:uitacolombia@hotmail.com Text41: mailto:sinalcorteros@gmail.com Text41: http://www.sintrainagro.org.co m Text41: http://www.colombiaunac.oeg sida 39 Medlemsförbund Costa Rica De la Farmacia Fischel, 100 mts Norte y 25 mts Este, Edificio Anaclara Tercer Piso, Contiguo al Edificio ANDE San José Ramón Barrantes [Presidente] +506 258 3437 +506 256 5225 Text41: mailto:cosibacr@sol.racsa.co.cr Strovolos Avenue 11 P.O. Box 25018 1306 Nicosia Neophytos Konstantinou [General Secretary] +357 22 849 849 +357 22 849 850 Text41: mailto:george.kashiouris@sek.org.cy Federation of Transport Petroleum and Strovolos Avenue 11 Agricultural Workers of Cyprus [FTPAW] P.O. Box 25018 1306 Nicosia Pantelis Stavrou [General Secretary] +357 22 849 849 +357 22 849 850 Text41: mailto:pantelis.stavrou@sek.org.cy Hotel, Catering & Restaurant Employees Federation [OEXEKA-SEK] Strovolos Avenue 11 P.O. Box 25018 1306 Nicosia Periclis Pericleous [General Secretary] +357 22 849 849 +357 22 849 850 Text41: mailto:sek@sek.com.cy Vester Søgade 12, 2 1790 København V Jens Bundvad [International sekretær] +45 33 63 8000 +45 33 63 8096 Text41: mailto:co@co-industri.dk Kampmannsgade 4 Postboks 392 1790 København V Poul Erik Skov Christensen [Forbundsformand] Aage Nykjær Jensen [Generalsekretær] Preben Rasmussen [HRCTcontact] +45 70 30 03 00 +45 70 30 03 01 Text41: mailto:3f@3f.dk C.F. Richs Vej 103 Postboks 79 2000 Frederiksberg Ole Wehlast [Forbundsformand] +45 38 187 272 +45 38 187 223 Text41: mailto:iso@nnf.dk Wiedekampsgade 8 0900 København C Jørgen Hoppe [Forbundsformand] +45 33 30 43 43 +45 33 30 48 49 Text41: mailto:44jho@hk.dk Upsalagade 20 2100 København Ø Karsten Hansen [Forbundsformand] +45 7015 0400 +45 7015 0405 Text41: mailto:service@forbundet.dk Coordinadora de Sindicatos Bananeros de Costa Rica [COSIBA] Cypern Cyprus Industrial Workers' Federation [OVIEK-SEK] Text41: http://www.sek.org.cy Text41: http://www.sek.org.cy Text41: mailto:periklis.perikleous@sek.org.cy Text41: http://www.sek.org.cy Danmark CO-Industri Fagligt Fælles Forbund [3F] Fødevareforbundet NNF HK/HANDEL Service Forbundet IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.co-industri.dk Text41: mailto:preben.rasmussen@3f.dk Text41: http://www.3f.dk Text41: http://www.nnf.dk Text41: http://www.hkhandel.dk Text41: http://www.forbundet.dk sida 40 Medlemsförbund Dominica 43 Hillsborough Street Roseau Bernice Joseph [President] Kertist Augustus [General Secretary] +1 767 448 2343 +1 767 448 0086 Text41: mailto:wawuunion@hotmail.com Sindicato de Trabajadores de Mercasid [SITRASID] Respaldo 21 # 201 Santo Domingo Fredy Colombino Sanchez [Secretario General] +1 809 536 4393 Text41: mailto:bmatos_perez@hotmail.com Sindicato de Trabajadores de Nestlé Dominicana - Fábrica San Francisco de Macoris [SITRANESTLESF] Calle 5 # 24 Club Leo Duarte San Francisco de Macoris Francis Taveras [Secretario General] +1 809 588 4750 +1 809 588 4750 Text41: mailto:sitranestlesf@yahoo.com Sindicato de Trabajadores de Unilever Caribe [SITRAUC] Respaldo 21 Nº 201 B, Altos Villas Agrícolas, Santo Domingo Distrito Nacional Wilson Montero [Secretario General] Waterfront & Allied Workers Union [WAWU] Dominikanska Republiken Text41: mailto:sitrauc@hotmail.com Ecuador Comité de Empresa y Sindicato de Trabajadores de Nestlé Ecuador S.A. [CESTNE] Calle Machala 617 y Chamber Guayaquil +593 4244 6709 Text41: mailto:carvelastegui312009@hotamil.co m Egypten General Trade Union for Hotel and Tourism Workers [GTUHTW] 90 El Galaa Street Cairo Mohamed Helal El-Sharkawy [President] +20 2 574 0362 +20 2 574 0413 +20 2 577 3901 Text41: mailto:metwally999@yahoo.co.uk General Trade Union of Agriculture and Irrigation [GTUA] 197 Bour saied street El Saida Zeinab Cairo Mohammed Abdelhalem Ahmed [President] +20 2 365 2149 +20 2 364 3630 Text41: mailto:metwally999@yahoo.co.uk General Trade Union of Food Workers [GTUFW] P.O. Box 2230 Cairo Shaaban Ali Mustafa [General Secretary] +20 2 684 3530 +20 2 684 1026 +20 2 684 0170 Text41: mailto:taha_kamel@yahoo.com IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 41 Medlemsförbund El Salvador Boulevard Universitario No 2226 Colonia San José San Salvador Guadalupe Atilio Jaimes Pérez [Secretario General] +503 223 1604 +503 296 2421 +503 223 1604 +503 296 2421 Text41: mailto:festssabhralimento@yahoo.com Immeuble Dignité Boulevard Nangui Abrogoua 03 BP 2031 Abidjan 03 Marie Fiankan [Secrétaire générale] +225 20 37 74 89 +225 20 37 85 00 Text41: mailto:dignite@aviso.ci Federation of the Food, Beverages, Tobacco and Allied Industry Trade Unions [FFBTAI] P.O. Box 12148 Addis Ababa W/Tigist Tefera [Vice President] +251 11 515 6051 +251 11 550 2919 +251 11 515 4571 +251 11 550 2918 National Federation of Farm, Plantation, Fishery and Agro Industry Trade Unions [NFFPFAI] P.O. Box 100637 Addis Ababa Gebeyehu Adugna [President] +251 11 155 965 +251 11 1523 825 National Industrial Federation of Tourism, Hotel and General Service Workers P.O. Box 5451 Addis Ababa Gessese Abegaz [President] +251 11 551 8064 +251 11 515 5154 Tjarnardeild 5-7 Postmoga 56 110 Tórshavn Ingeborg Vinther [Förbundsordförande] +298 312 101 +298 315 374 Text41: mailto:fafelag@fafelag.fo Fiji Sugar and General Workers' Union [FSGWU] 16 Walu Street P. O. Box 330 Lautoka Felix Anthony [General Secretary] +679 666 0746 +679 666 4888 Text41: mailto:fsgwu@connect.com.fj National Union of Hospitality Catering and Tourism Industries Employees [NUHCTIE] P.O. Box 9426 Nadi Airport Mereoni Qaranivalu [President] Daniel Urai [General Secretary] +679 670 0906 +679 992 9713 +679 670 0181 Text41: mailto:nuhctie@connect.com.fj Federación Sindical de Trabajadores Salvadorenõs del Sector Alimentos, Bedidas, Hoteles, Restaurantes, Agroindustrias [FESTSSABHRA] Elfenbenkusten Centrale des industries agroalimentaires, de l'hôtellerie et des branches connexes de Côte d'Ivoire [CIAGAHCI-DIGNITE] Etiopien Färöarna Føroya Arbeidarafelag Text41: http://www.fafelag.fo Fiji IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 42 Medlemsförbund Filippinerna Alliance of Coca-Cola Unions Philippines [ACCUP] c/o Danny Fuentes LEARN Workers' House 94 Scout Delgado, Barangay Laging Handa Quezon City 1103 Nonilo D. Arca [General Secretary] +63 2 927 6713 +63 2 927 6709 Text41: mailto:fuentes.danny@gmail.com Council of Filipino Nestlé Unions [CFNU] Union of Nestlé Workers Nestlé Cagayan de Oro Factory Tablon 9000 Cagayan de Oro City Jerry Tabiliran [President] +63 2 927 6713 c/o LEARN Danny Fuentes +63 2 927 6709 c/o LEARN +63 2 890 2944 Text41: mailto:jerry.tabiliran@ph.nestle.com National Union of Workers in Hotel, Restaurant and Allied Industries [NUWHRAIN] 2125 Taft Avenue Malate, Manila 1000 Daniel Edralin [General Secretary] +63 2 536 2886 +63 2 536 2883 +63 2 536 2883 Text41: mailto:edralind@dlsu.edu.ph American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO [AFSCME] 1625 L Street N.W. Washington DC 20036-5687 Gerald W. McEntee [President] Jack Howard [Consultant to the President] +1 202 429 1000 +1 202 429 1293 Text41: mailto:webmaster@afscme.org Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union [BCTGM] 10401 Connecticut Avenue Kensington, MD 20895 Frank Hurt [International President] +1 301 933 8600 +1 301 946 8452 Text41: mailto:khall@bctgm.org Farm Labour Organizing Committee [FLOC] 1221 Broadway St. Ohio 43609 Toledo Baldemar Velasquez [President] +1 419 243 3456 +1 419 243 5655 Text41: mailto:bvelasq@floc.com 25 Louisiana Avenue N.W. Washington DC 20001-2198 James Hoffa [General President] Tim Beaty [Director of Global Strategies] +1 202 624 6800 +1 202 624 6910 Stuart Appelbaum [President] +1 212 684 5300 +1 212 779 2809 Text41: mailto:infomail@learn.org.ph Text41: mailto:unioncdo@yahoo.com Förenta staterna International Brotherhood of Teamsters [IBT] Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union [RWDSU/UFCW] 30 East 29th Street New York, NY 10016 IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.afscme.org Text41: http://www.bctgm.org Text41: mailto:cernst@floc.com Text41: http://www.floc.com Text41: mailto:tbeaty@teamster.org Text41: mailto:ups@teamster.org Text41: http://www.teamster.org Text41: mailto:rwdsu@aol.com Text41: http://www.rwdsu.org sida 43 Medlemsförbund Förenta staterna +1 202 730 7000 +1 202 730 7807 +1 202 350 6618 Text41: mailto:scott.shumaker@seiu.org +1 212 265 7000 +1 212 265 3415 Text41: mailto:unitehere@unitehere.org Joseph Hansen [International President] Alan Spaulding [Director for Global Strategy] +1 202 223 3111 +1 202 466 1562 Text41: mailto:aspaulding@ufcw.org 5 Gateway Center Pittsburg, PA 15222 Gerard D. Fernandez [Assistant to the President] Leo Gerard [International President] +1 412 562 2400 +1 412 562 2612 +1 412 562 2613 Text41: mailto:webmaster@usw.org Fédération commerce distribution services CGT [FCDS-CGT] Case 425 93514 Montreuil CEDEX Evelyne Barrere-Petit [Secrétaire générale] +33 1 4818 8311 +33 1 4818 8319 Text41: mailto:fd.commerce.services@cgt.fr Fédération des services CFDT [FdSCFDT] Tour Essor 14, rue Scandicci 93500 Pantin Gilles Desbordes [Secrétaire général] +33 1 4810 6590 +33 1 4810 6595 Text41: mailto:desbordesg@cfdt-services.fr Fédération générale agroalimentaire CFDT [FGA-CFDT] 47-49 avenue Simon Bolivar 75950 Paris CEDEX 19 Patrick Massard [Secrétaire général] +33 1 5641 5000 +33 1 5641 5050 +33 1 5641 5030 Text41: mailto:fga@cfdt.fr Fédération générale des travailleurs de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation, des tabacs et allumettes et des services annexes - Force Ouvrière [FGTA-FO] 7, Passage Tenaille 75680 Paris CEDEX 14 Rafaël Nedzynski [Secrétaire général] +33 1 4052 8510 +33 1 4052 8512 Text41: mailto:fgtafo@fgta-fo.org Fédération nationale agroalimentaire CFE-CGC [FNAA CFE-CGC] 34 rue Salvador Allendé 92000 Nanterre Préfecture Bernard Boulery [Président] +33 1 4120 4848 +33 1 4120 4849 Text41: mailto:agro@cfecgc.fr Service Employees International Union [SEIU] 1800 Massachusetts Avenue Washington DC 20036 Mary Kay Henry [President] UNITE HERE! 275, 7th Avenue 11th floor New York, NY 10001 John Wilhelm [President] United Food and Commercial Workers' International Union [UFCW] 1775 K Street, N.W. Washington DC 20006 United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, AllliedIndustrial and Services Workers International Union [USW] Text41: http://www.seiu.org Text41: http://www.unitehere.org Text41: http://www.ufcw.org Text41: http://www.usw.org Frankrike IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.cgt.fr Text41: mailto:services@cfdt.fr Text41: http://www.cfdt-services.fr Text41: http://www.fga-cfdt.fr Text41: http://www.fgtafo.fr Text41: http://www.cfecgcagro.com sida 44 Medlemsförbund Frankrike +33 1 5530 1212 +33 1 5530 1313 Text41: mailto:inova@cfecgc.fr Kingsley Ofei-Nkansah [General Secretary] +233 21 672 469 +233 21 672 468 +233 21 667 161 c/o TUC Text41: mailto:gawughanatuc@yahoo.com Hall of Trade Unions P.O. Box 2358 Accra Gilbert Awinongwa [Acting General Secretary] +233 21 662 577 +233 21 669 308 +233 21 669 394 Text41: mailto:icu-info@africaonline.com.gh 87-89 Solonos Str. 106 79 Athenes Leonidas Karathanasis [Presidente] +30 210 363 7907 +30 210 363 7767 +30 210 363 7456 Text41: mailto:poeeyte@otenet.gr P.O. Box 405 Green Street St. George's Bert Paterson [General Secretary] +1 473 440 2231 +1 473 440 5878 Text41: mailto:gtawu@caribsurf.com Federación Sindical de Trabajadores de la Alimentación y Afines Servicios y Similares [FESTRAS] 16a Avenida 13-52 Zona 1 Guatemala David Morales [Secretario General] +502 2251 8091 +502 2251 8091 Text41: mailto:festras@gmail.com Sindicato de Trabajadores Bananeros de Izabal [SITRABI] Avenida Bandegua 4-17 "A" Zona 1 Morales, Izabal C.A. Noé Antonio Ramírez Portela [Secretario General] +502 7947 8208 +502 7947 8208 Text41: mailto:sitrabi@itelgua.com Fédération nationale de l'hôtellerie, restauration, sports, loisirs et casinos [CFE-CGC] 59, rue du Rocher 75008 Paris Patrick Sorin-Brobst [Président] General Agricultural Workers' Union of TUC [GAWU] Hall of Trade Unions P.O. Box 701 Accra Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union [ICU] Text41: http://www.cfecgc.org Ghana Text41: mailto:gilbert_aa2009@yahoo.com Grekland Panellinia Omospondia Ergaton Episitismou kai Ypallelon Touristiko Epaggelmaton (Fédération Panhellénique des travailleurs de l'alimentation et des hôtels) [POEEYTE] Grenada Grenada Technical and Allied Workers' Union [GTAWU] Guatemala IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 45 Medlemsförbund Guyana Clerical & Commercial Workers' Union [CCWU] 140 Quamina Street P.O. Box 101045 Georgetown Fitzgerald Agard [General President] Ann Anderson [General Secretary] +592 225 2822 +592 225 2827 +592 227 2618 Text41: mailto:ccwu.union@networksgy.com Guyana Agricultural and General Workers' Union [GAWU] 59 High Street And Wight's Lane Kingston Georgetown Seepaul Narine [General Secretary] +592 227 2091 +592 227 2092 +592 227 2093 Text41: mailto:gawu@bbgy.com National Association of Agricultural, Commercial & Industrial Employees [NAACIE] 64 High Street Kingston Georgetown Kenneth Joseph [General Secretary] +592 225 8791 +592 227 2301 +592 227 2301 Text41: mailto:verbeke@networksgy.com Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria de las Bebida y Similares [STIBYS] Barrio Las Brisas entre la gasolinera Sheel Camosa y los puentes de las Brisas Bulevar Fuerzas Armadas Tegucigalpa Carlos H. Reyes [Presidente de la junta directiva central] +504 233 5464 +504 233 3210 +504 233 4525 Text41: mailto:stibys@gmail.com Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Tela Railroad Company [SITRATERCO] La Lima Cortés Miguel Roberto Romero [Presidente] +504 668 2012 +504 668 2021 +504 668 2023 Text41: mailto:sitraterco@infovia.hn Sindicato de Trabajadores del Instituto Nacional Agrario [SITRAINA] Barrio Concepción, 1a Avenida entre Calle 7 y 8 Luis Santos Madrid Rios [Presidente] Casa N° 739 Comayaguela Municipio del Distrito Central +504 238 1649 +504 238 1649 Text41: mailto:sitraina73@yahoo.es Catering & Hotels Industries Employees General Union [CHIEGU] 19th Floor, Wing Wong Commercial Building 557-559, Nathan Road Yaumatei, Kowloon Wan Lung Lee [President] +852 2770 8668 +852 2770 7388 Text41: mailto:soin@hkctu.org.hk Swire Beverages Hong Kong Employees General Union [SBHKEGU] 19th Floor, Wing Wong Commercial Bldg. 557-559 Nathan Road Yaumatei, Kowloon Wai Shun Yeung [Chair] +852 2770 8668 +852 2770 7388 Text41: mailto:mandyli@hkctu.org.hk Honduras Text41: mailto:luis1970_rios@yahoo.es Hong Kong IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:suzanne@hkctu.org.hk sida 46 Medlemsförbund Indien All India Council of Unilever Unions [AICUU] 12 Navprabhat Chambers Ranade Road, Dadar Mumbai 400 028 P. Rama Rao [President] +91 22 2416 3804 +91 22 2430 0072 +91 22 2053 6966 +91 40 2761 6158 Text41: mailto:hleu@bom3.vsnl.net.in Andhra Pradesh Vyavasaya Vruthidarula Union [APVVU] # 6, S.B.I. Colony (2nd floor) Chittoor - 517001 Andhra Pradesh P. S. Ajay Kumar [General Secretary] +91 85 7222 8592 +91 85 7223 0804 Text41: mailto:apvvu98@gmail.com Dairy Employee's Federation of India [DEFOI] G-5 Macedo Appartments Behind Korde General stores Ponda Tisk, Ponda-Goa 403 401 Puti Gaonkar [General Secretary] +91 8343 231 2422 Text41: mailto:putigaonkar@yahoo.co.in Dynamix Dairy Industries Kamgar Sanghatana [DDIKS] c/o Dynamix Dairy Industries Ltd E-94, M.T.D.C., Bhigwan Road, Baramati 413133 Dist-Pune Maharashtra Pandurang Kachare [President] +91 21 1224 3821 +91 21 1224 3822 +91 21 1224 3710 +91 21 1224 3707 Text41: mailto:pmkunion@rediffmail.com Federation of All India Nestle Employees Guru Ram Dass Nagar Moga opp. Nestlé Gate No. 2 District Moga, Punjab Rajwant Singh Mahla [President] +91 99 1470 0802 Text41: mailto:rajwant.1971@qmail.com Gujarat Khet Kamdar Sangathan's (Gujarat Agricultural Labour Union) [GALU] 9, Mangaldeep Flats Near Parikshit Bridge Gandhi Ashram Ahmedabad 380027 Paulomee Mistry [General Secretary] +91 79 2755 9842 +91 79 2755 3071 Text41: mailto:disha.ahmedabad@gmail.com Hind Khet Mazdoor Panchayat [HKMP] 201, H L R Housing Colony, Indira Nagar Purnea 854 301 Bihar Allimuddin Ansari [General Secretary] +91 64 5424 2822 +91 64 5424 2822 Text41: mailto:alimhkmp@rediffmail.com Karnataka Sugar Workers Federation [KSWF] Door 46 /47, 16th ward, Kampli, Bellary district Karnataka Aravi Basavana Gowda [President] +91 94 4817 3209 Text41: mailto:sujatagothoskar@gmail.com IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 47 Medlemsförbund Indien Milk, Food, Factory Workers Union Text41: mailto:mohindersingh_glaxo737@yahoo. Patiala Road Punjab 147201 Nabha, Distt Patiala Manjeet Singh [President] Mohinder Singh [General Secretary] +91 99 440 7125 Neelamalai Plantation Workers' Union [NPWU] 32/32, Main Road Salem District Yercaud 636 601 Tamil Nadu V.K. Nallamuthu [General Secretary] +91 42 8122 2241 +91 42 8122 2279 Text41: mailto:sujatagothoskar@gmail.com Paschim Banga Khet Majoor Samity [PBKMS] 1, Shibtala Road, Vill-Maheswarpur P.O. Badu West Bengal 700128 Anuradha Talwar [President] Swapan Ganguly [General Secretary] +91 33 2538 2064 +91 33 2526 0386 +91 33 2538 4779 Text41: mailto:pbkmswb@gmail.com Self Employed Women's Association [SEWA] Sewa Reception Center Opp. Victoria Garden, Bhadra Ahmedabad 380 001 Jyotiben Macwan [General Secretary] +91 79 2657 7593 +91 79 2550 6444 +91 79 2550 6446 Text41: mailto:sewaunion@dataone.in The Estates Staff's Union of South India [ESUSI] 211, Venkatasamy Road (west) P. B. No. 1112 R.S. Puram Coimbatore 641 002 Tamil Nadu P. R. Thomas [Working President] E.V. Dan [Jt. General Secretary] +91 42 2254 1442 +91 93 6000 7776 +91 42 2255 6702 Text41: mailto:esusiho@yahoo.com West Bengal Cha Mazdoor Sabha [WBCMS] Cha Shramik Bhawan Jalpaiguri 735101 West Bengal Samir Roy [General Secretary] +91 35 6122 8264 +91 35 6122 0694 +91 35 6123 0349 Text41: mailto:samir_roy11@rediffmail.com Federasi Serikat Buruh Nestlé Indonesia [FSBNI] Perumahan Pondok Asri Blok 1 No. 5 Pasuruan 67171 Eko Sumaryono [President] Basuki Nugroho [General Secretary] +62 343 414 036 +62 343 414 036 Text41: mailto:hemasari@iuf.org Federation of Hotel, Restaurant, Plaza, Apartment, Catering and Tourism Workers' Free Union [FSPM] Jl Johar No.2 Menteng, Jakarta Hamidi Dinar [President] Benny Nasution [General Secretary] +62 213 100 062 Text41: mailto:hamidi.dinar@gmail.com com Text41: mailto:mail@sewa.org Text41: http://www.sewa.org Indonesien IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 48 Medlemsförbund Indonesien Serikat Pekerja Kirin Miwon Foods Lr. Sutami Km 40 Desa Gunung Pasir Jaya Kec. Sekampung Udik 34183 Lampung Timur Zaenal Abidin [President] Judi Prihanto [General Secretary] +62 813 7962 4261 Text41: mailto:kirinmiwon_union@yahoo.com Liberty Hall Dublin 1 Jack O'Connor [General President] +353 1 858 6300 +353 1 874 9466 Text41: mailto:information@siptu.ie Irland Services Industrial Professional Technical Union [SIPTU] Text41: mailto:msherlock@siptu.ie Text41: http://www.siptu.ie Island +354 580 5240 +354 580 5210 Text41: mailto:matvis@matvis.is Skuli Thoroddson [General Secretary] +354 562 6410 +354 552 6830 Text41: mailto:sgs@sgs.is 8 Shaul Hameleckh Blvd. P.O. Box 40033 61400 Tel-Aviv Fredi Cohen [General Secretary] +972 3 696 7776 +972 3 696 6868 Text41: mailto:shuli.tae@histadrut.org.il Histadrut Building 93 Arlozoroff st. 62 098 Tel-Aviv Hertzel Yaka [Secrétaire national] +972 3 692 1484 +972 3 692 1485 +972 3 695 8655 Text41: mailto:avitals@histadrut.org.il Federazione agricola alimentare ambientale industriale CISL [FAI-CISL] Via Tevere 20 00198 Roma Augusto Cianfoni [Segretario Generale] +39 06 845 691 +39 06 884 0652 Text41: mailto:federazione_fai@cisl.it Federazione del commercio, turismo e dei servizi CISL [FISASCAT-CISL] Via Livenza 7 00198 Roma Pierangelo Raineri [Segretario Generale] +39 06 854 1042 +39 06 884 5742 Text41: mailto:fisascat.nazionale@cisl.it Federazione italiana lavoratori commercio turismo servizi CGIL [FILCAMS-CGIL] Via Leopoldo Serra 31 00153 Roma Franco Martini [Segretario Generale] +39 06 588 5102 +39 06 588 5323 Text41: mailto:gabriele.guglielmi@filcams.cgil.it Matvæla- og veitingafélag Íslands [MATVÍS] Stórhöfdi 31 110 Reykjavík Níels Olgeirsson [Chairman] Starfsgreinasamband Island [SGS] Saetúni 1 105 Reykjavík Text41: http://www.matvis.is Text41: http://www.sgs.is Israel National Union of Salaried Employees Syndicat des travailleurs de l'alimentation et pharmaceutique [SYNTAP] Text41: mailto:avitals@histadrut.org.il Text41: mailto:hertzel@histadrut.org.il Italien IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.fai.cisl.it Text41: http://www.fisascat.org Text41: mailto:posta@filcams.cgil.it Text41: http://www.filcams.cgil.it sida 49 Medlemsförbund Italien Federazione Nazionale Lavoratori Agroindustria CGIL [FLAI-CGIL] Via Leopoldo Serra 31 00153 Roma Stefania Crogi [Segretario Generale] +39 06 585 611 +39 06 585 61334 Text41: mailto:flai-nazionale@flai.it Unione italiana lavoratori agroalimentari UIL [UILA-UIL] Via Savoia 80 00198 Roma Stefano Mantegazza [Segretario Generale] +39 06 8530 1610 +39 06 8530 3253 Text41: mailto:uilanazionale@uila.it Unione italiana lavoratori turismo commercio e servizi UIL [UILTuCS-UIL] Via Nizza 154 00198 Roma Raffaele Vanni [Presidente] Brunetto Boco [Segretario Generale] +39 06 8424 2276 +39 06 8424 2284 +39 06 8424 2292 Text41: mailto:uiltucs@tin.it Bustamante Industrial Trade Union [BITU] 98-100 Duke Street P.O. Box 383 Kingston George Fyffe [General Secretary] +1 876 922 2443 +1 876 922 2444 +1 876 967 0120 Text41: mailto:bitu@cwjamaica.com University & Allied Workers' Union [UAWU] 50 Lady Musgrave Road Kingston 10 Pauline Martin [General Secretary] Clifton Grant [1st Vice President] +1 876 927 7968 +1 876 927 9931 Text41: mailto:uawuu@yahoo.com Federation of All Japan Foods and Tobacco Workers' Unions [FoodRengo] Hiroo Office Bldg., 3-18 1 chome, Hiroo Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0012 Kazuo Watanabe [President] Masanori Kon [Vice President] +81 3 3446 2082 +81 3 3446 6779 Text41: mailto:jfu210@jfu.or.jp Japan Federation of Service and Tourism Industries Workers' Unions (Service-Tourism Rengo) Sakamachi M Bldg. 2F, 28-6 Sakamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0002 Tetsuya Oki [President] +81 3 5919 3261 +81 3 5919 3264 Text41: mailto:stu@net-stu.com National Federation of Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Cooperatives' Workers' Unions [Noh-Dan-Roh] 5th Floor Heiwa Bldg No. 5, 1-5-8 Hamamatsucho, Minato-ku Tokyo 105-0013 Hiroshi Ogawa [General Secretary] +81 3 3437 0931 +81 3 3437 0681 Text41: mailto:honbu@nodanro.or.jp The Japanese Federation of Textile, Chemical, Food, Commercial, Service and General Workers Unions [UI ZENSEN] 4-8-16, Kudan Minami 4-Chome Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0074 Kiyoshi Ochiai [President] Hisanobu Shimada [General Secretary] +81 3 3288 3723 +81 3 3288 3728 Text41: mailto:h-nakano@uizensen.or.jp Text41: http://www.flai.it Text41: http://www.uila.it Text41: http://www.uiltucs.it Jamaica Japan IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.jfu.or.jp Text41: http://www.jtuc-rengo.or.jp Text41: http://www.nodanro.or.jp Text41: mailto:kokusai@uizensen.or.jp Text41: http://www.uizensen.or.jp sida 50 Medlemsförbund Jordanien P. O. Box 20407 Amman 11118 Khaled Abu Marjoub [President] +962 6 569 7244 +962 6 569 7244 Text41: mailto:k_abumarjoub@yahoo.com #2.3G, Street 26BT Sangkat Boeung Tompun Khan Mean Chey Phnom Penh Pat Sambo [President] Sreng Meng [General Secretary] +855 12 986 019 +855 12 927 283 Text41: mailto:ctswf_labor@yahoo.com Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (Synd. int. des trav. boulangerie, confiserie, tabac et meunerie) [BCTGM] 5800 Metropolitan Suite 325 Montréal, QC H1S 1A7 Sean Kelly [International VicePresident] +1 514 527 9371 +1 514 527 8105 Text41: mailto:khall@bctgm.org Canadian Auto Workers [CAW] 205 Placer Court Toronto ON M2H 3H9 Ken Lewenza [National President] +1 416 497 4110 +1 416 495 6552 Text41: mailto:caw@caw.ca National Union of Public and General Employees [NUPGE] 15 Auriga Drive Nepean ON K2E 1B7 James Clancy [National President] J. Cameron Nelson [Local President] +1 613 228 9800 +1 613 228 9801 Text41: mailto:national@nupge.ca Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (Union des employés de gros, de détail et des magasins à rayons) National Office [RWDSU/UFCW] 230 Regent Street Sudbury, ON P3C 4C5 Derik McArthur [Canadian Director] +1 705 674 0768 +1 705 674 6815 Text41: mailto:derikmcarthur@rwdsu.ca UNITE HERE! Canada 4853 East Hasting Street Burnaby BC V5C 2L1 Nick Worhaug [Canadian Director] +1 604 473 4816 Text41: mailto:dworhaug@local40union.com 300-61 International Boulevard Rexdale, Toronto Ontario M9W 6KA Wayne Hanley [National Director] +1 416 675 1104 +1 416 675 6919 General Trade Union of Workers in Public Services & Free Occupations Kambodja Cambodian Tourism and Service Workers' Federation [CTSWF] Text41: mailto:narithsokk@yahoo.com Kanada United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (Union internationale des travailleurs et travailleuses unis de l'alimentation et du commerce) - Canada [UFCW] IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.bctm.qc.ca Text41: http://www.caw.ca Text41: http://www.nupge.ca Text41: http://www.rwdsu.org Text41: http://www.uniteherecanada.org Text41: mailto:ufcw@ufcw.ca Text41: http://www.ufcw.ca Text41: http://www.tuac.ca sida 51 Medlemsförbund Kazakhstan Agro-Industrial Workers' Union of Almaty [AIWU] Kurmangazy 48 A 050000 Almaty Tastan Tokseitov [President] +7 327 2 610 339 +7 327 2 610 339 Text41: mailto:tokseitov39@mail.ru Agro-Industrial Workers Union of Southern Kazakhstan ul. Kazybek bi 49 486050 Shimkent Barlybai Kyandykov [President] +7 7252 53 02 77 +7 7252 53 96 96 Text41: mailto:uk_profsoyuz@mail.ru Regional Organisation of Agricultural, Food and Allied Workers' Unions of Eastern Kazakhstan ul. Golovkova, office 501 Ust-Kamenogorsk 070004 Kazakhstan Valery Ryzhov [President] +7 323 254 515 +7 323 254 515 Kenya Union of Commercial, Food and Allied Workers [KUCFAW] Comfood Building Kilome Road P.O. Box 46818 Nairobi Bonface M. Kavuvi [Acting General Secretary] +254 20 2245 054 +254 20 2313 118 Text41: mailto:kucfaw@yahoo.com Kenya Union of Domestic, Hotels, Educational Institutions, Hospitals and Allied Workers [KUDHEIHA] Sonalux House 4th Floor, Moi Avenue P.O. Box 41763 - 00100 Nairobi Albert Njeru Obed [General Secretary] +254 20 2241 509 +254 20 2502 2116 +254 20 2212 643 Text41: mailto:info@kudheiha.co.ke Kenya Union of Sugar Plantation Workers [KUSPW] P.O. Box 19019 Kisumu Francis Bushuru Wangara [General Secretary] +254 57 2012 595 +254 57 2012 595 Text41: mailto:kuspaw.ksm@gmail.com Agricultural Workers' Union [AWU] Prospekt Chui 207 720032 Bishkek Kumushbek Mambetov [President] +996 312 +996 312 +996 312 +996 312 Text41: mailto:mambetov@mail.ru Food and Processing Workers Union Prospekt Chui 207 720032 Bishkek Sagynbek Apsaliev [President] +996 312 61 32 61 +996 312 61 32 61 Text41: mailto:lid.al@mail.ru Sheshi "Nëna Terezë" nr. 35 kutia postare nr. 175 38000 Prishtinë Haxhi Arifi [President] +381 38 222 859 +377 44 507 907 +381 38 222 859 Text41: mailto:agrokompleksk@hotmail.com Kenya Kirgisistan 212 377 21 23 77 665 809 212 377 Kosovo, UNMIK AGROKOMPLEKSI-SPAK IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 52 Medlemsförbund Kroatien Sindikat turizma i usluga Hrvatske [STUH] Krešimirov trg 2 10000 Zagreb Maja Mirt Bicanic [International Affairs] +385 1 465 5620 +385 1 465 5012 Text41: mailto:stuh@stuh.hr Sindikat zaposlenih u poljoprivredi, prehrambenoj i duhanskoj industriji i vodoprivedi Hrvatske [PPDIV] Lj. Posavskog 5 10000 Zagreb Josip Pavic [President] +385 1 465 5042 +385 1 465 5008 Text41: mailto:ppdiv@ppdiv.hr Text41: http://www.stuh.hr Text41: mailto:vedrana.kovacic@ppdiv.hr Text41: http://www.ppdiv.hr Lesotho National Union of Commerce, Catering and Allied Workers [NUCCAW] 1st floor, 3rd Door, Intercon Trust Building Main South One Rd, Lithabaneng P.O. Box 15851 Maseru Elliot Ramochela [General Secretary] +266 2231 1985 +266 2232 0253 +266 2232 3559 Text41: mailto:nuccaw@yahoo.com Bruninieku iela 29/31 Riga LV - 1001 Juris Kalnins [President] +371 703 5940 +371 703 5932 +371 703 5936 Text41: mailto:arodbiedriba@lakrs.lv +961 790 0072 +961 1 570 800 +961 1 570 801 Text41: mailto:president@cgtl-lb.org Lettland Latvian Trade Union of Public Service and Transport Workers [LAKRS] Text41: http://www.lakrs.lv Libanon Fédération des Syndicats des P.O. Box 4381 Employés des Hôtels Restaurants Beyrouth Alimentation et Lieux de Loisirs au Liban Béchara Chaaya [President] National Federation of Tobacco Workers [NFTW] P.O. Box 109 El Nabatiya Beyrouth Hassan Fakih [President] +961 776 1762 +961 776 4567 Lietuvos komercijos ir kooperacijos darbuotoju profesine sajunga (Lithuanian Trade Union of Commercial and Cooperative Employees) [LTUCCE] J. Jasinskio g. 9 - 305 2600 Vilnius Regina Vaiciulionyte [President] +370 5 262 2480 +370 5 222 4788 Text41: mailto:lkkdps@post.5ci.lt Lietuvos maistininku profesiné sajunga (Lithuanian Trade Union of Food Producers) [LPMS] Jasinskio g. 9 - 406 2600 Vilnius Grazina Gruzdiene [President] +370 52 626 168 +370 52 626 893 +370 852 122 521 Text41: mailto:lpms@takas.lt Text41: mailto:secretary@cgtl-lb.org Text41: http://www.cgtl-lb.org Lituanen IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.profsajunga.lt Text41: http://www.maistprofsajunga.lt sida 53 Medlemsförbund Lituanen J. Basanaviciaus 29a 2600 Vilnius Regina Dapsyte [President] Alfonsas Gedgaudas [Chairman] +370 5 2650 170 +370 5 2650 274 +370 5 2650 172 Text41: mailto:lzudps@gmail.com Lëtzebuerger Chrëschtleche Gewerkschaftsbond/Confédération luxembourgeoise des syndicats chrétiens [LCGB] 11 rue du Commerce B.P. 1208 1012 Luxemburg Robert Weber [Président national] Patrick Dury [Secrétaire général] +352 49 94 241 +352 499 42 449 Text41: mailto:info@lcgb.lu Syndikat Nahrung-Genuss-Gaststätten OGB-L [NGG-OGB-L] 60 boulevard J.F. Kennedy B.P. 149 4002 Esch/Alzette Romain Daubenfeld [Zentralsekretär] +352 54 05 45-1 +352 54 16 20 Text41: mailto:ogb-l@ogb-l.lu Trade Union of the Workers from the Agroindustrial Complex of the Republic of Macedonia [Agro-Sindikat] 12 Udarna Brigada 2-a 91 000 Skopje Zivko Danevski [President] +389 23 164 846 +389 23 164 846 Text41: mailto:agrosindikat@mt.net.mk Trade Union of the Workers in Catering, Tourism, Communal Economy, Handicraft and Companies Training and Employing Disabled Persons 12 Udarna Brigada 2-a 91 000 Skopje Zoran Georgievski [President] Caslav Teodosievski [General Secretary] +389 23 239 857 +389 23 239 857 Hotels, Food Processing and Catering Workers Union [HFPCWU] P.O. Box 5094 Limbe Dorothea Y. Makhasu [General Secretary] +265 1 820 314 +265 1 824 277 Text41: mailto:hfpcwu@sdnp.org.mw Sugar Plantation and Allied Workers Union of Malawi [SPAWUM] P.O. Box 46 Dwangwa Nkhotakota Veronica Karim [Secretary General] +265 295 266 +265 292 460 +265 295 243 Text41: mailto:vkarim@illovo.co.za Tobacco and Allied Workers Union of Malawi [TOAWUM] P.O. Box 477 Nkhotakota Raphael B. Sandramu [General Secretary] +265 1 292 444 +265 1 292 288 Text41: mailto:raphaelsandramu@yahoo.com Lietuvos zemés ukio darbuotoju profesiniu sajungu federacija (Trade Union Federation of Lithuanian Agricultural Workers) [TUFLAW] Text41: http://www.lzud.lt Luxemburg Text41: http://www.lcgb.lu Text41: http://www.ogb-l.lu Makedonia Malawi IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 54 Medlemsförbund Malaysia All Malayan Estates Staff Union [AMESU] 29-3 USJ 1/1A 47620 Subang Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Kuala Lumpur R. Jey Kumar [Acting Hon General Secretary] +60 3 8024 9533 +60 3 8024 0375 +60 3 8024 7822 Text41: mailto:amesu@streamyx.com British American Tobacco Employees Union [BATEU] Virginia Park Jalan Universiti 46200 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan Ganesan Murty [General Secretary] +60 3 7491 7433 +60 3 7957 6810 Text41: mailto:reu@tm.net.my Genting Malaysia Workers Union [KPPRW/RWEU] Genting Highlands Resort 69000 Pahang Robert Vijendran [General Secretary] + 60 3 6101 1834 +60 3 6101 2834 Text41: mailto:robertrweu@yahoo.com Kesatuan Pekerja Pekerja Perkilangan Perusahaan Makanan/Food Industry Employees Union [KPPPM/FIEU] No. 145-A-2 Indah UPC Batu 3½, Jalan Klang Lama 58000 Kuala Lumpur Mohammed Zelan Bin Harun [President] +60 3 7982 3345 +60 3 7982 2353 +60 3 7981 7733 Text41: mailto:fieu.kpppm@yahoo.com National Union of Hotel, Bar and Restaurant Workers [NUHBRW] 44-4c Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur John Angelus [General Secretary] +60 3 2142 6384 +60 3 2142 8653 +60 3 2148 7181 Text41: mailto:nuhbrw@streamyx.com Sabah Hotel, Resort and Restaurant Employee's Union [SHRREU] 19, Tingkat 3, Block C, Lintas Square W.D.T. No. 19 Jalan Padang Merdeka Sabah 88900 Kota Kinabalu Abdullah Mohd Shabudin [General Secretary] +60 1 9897 9010 Text41: mailto:shahbudin_abdullah@yahoo.com Syndicat national de la production de l'environnement [SYNAPE] Bourse du travail B.P. 169 Bamako Abdoulaye Abbas Sylla [Secrétaire général] +223 2022 5759 +223 7646 2798 +223 2023 2624 Text41: mailto:uitafmali@yahoo.fr Syndicat national de l'industrie alimentaire, du tourisme, de l'habillement et des travailleurs des ambassades et du Personnel de Maison - Section Hôtellerie [SYNIATHA] Boulevard de l'Indépendance Code Postal 1720 Bamako Drissa Diarra [Secrétaire général] +223 66 76 46 50 +223 65 90 36 83 Text41: mailto:djebouni@yahoo.fr Mali IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:afemdjipara@yahoo.fr sida 55 Medlemsförbund Malta Workers' Memorial Building South Street Valletta VLT 11 Tony Zarb [General Secretary] Josef Bugeja [National Secretary - Hospitality & Food Section] +356 256 79200 +356 241 966/7 +356 242 975 Text41: mailto:mparnis@gwu.org.mt 232 Avenue Des FAR Casablanca Ahmed Bahhanniss [Secrétaire général] +212 2244 7345 +212 2244 7346 Text41: mailto:umt.casablanca@gmail.com Artisans and General Workers' Union [AGWU] Emmanuel Anquetil Labour Centre Royal Road, Grand River North West Bell Village Port Louis Lall Dewnath [President] Lutchmeepersad Ramsurn [General Secretary] +230 212 0553 +230 210 1748 +230 212 0553 +230 210 1748 Text41: mailto:agwu0882@yahoo.com Government Services Employees Association [GSA] Unity House 107 A, Royal Road Beau Bassin Poonit Ramjug [General Secretary] Radhakrishna Sadien [General President] +230 464 4242 +230 466 0626 +230 465 3220 Text41: mailto:gsa@intnet.mu Agrupación Sindical Única de Trabajadores y Empleados de la Industria Gastronómica, Hoteles, Moteles, Bares, Centros Nocturnos, Recreativos y Conexos del D.F. [ASUTIGH] Paseo de la Reforma N° 325 Colonia Cuauhtémoc México, D.F. Héctor Martínez Mora [Secretario General] +52 55 5242 5579 +52 55 5258 8500 +52 55 5207 0684 Text41: mailto:asutighh@hotmail.com Federación Nacional Refresquera CROC Río Lerma 171 – piso 1 Colonia Cuauhtemoc C.P. 065000 México D.F. José del Valle [Secretario General] +52 55 5208 2329 +52 55 5208 3866 +52 55 5208 3866 Text41: mailto:delvallecroc@yahoo.com.mx General Workers' Union [GWU] Text41: mailto:info@gwu.org.mt Text41: http://www.gwu.org.mt Marocko Syndicat de Boisson Gazeuse Coca Cola Mauritius Text41: http://www.gsamauritius.org Mexiko IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:crocinternacional@hotmail.com sida 56 Medlemsförbund Mexiko Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria Embotelladora de Aguas Gaseosas, Refrescos, Aguas Naturales, Cervezas y de las Bebidas Envasadas en General Similares y Conexos de la República Mexicana, C.T.M. [STIE] Medellín N° 203 Colonia Roma C.P. 06700 México, D.F. Armando Neyra Chavez [Secretario General] +52 55 5574 5913 +52 55 5574 4716 Text41: mailto:pollo1936@hotmail.com Unión Nacional de Trabajadores de la Industria Alimenticia, Refresquera, Turística Hotelera, Gastronómica y Similares y Conexos [UNTIARTHGCROC] Calle Donceles 28 Colonia Centro México, D.F. Eduardo Miranda [Presidente] +52 55 5208 5444 ext 136 +52 55 5782 3336 Text41: mailto:eduardomiran@cinet.com.mx Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Indústria Alimentar e Bebidas [SINTIAB] Av. Eduardo Mondlane, 1267 Caixa Postal 394 Maputo Samuel Fenias Matsinhe [Secretário Geral] +258 213 24709 +258 213 24123 +258 213 24123 Text41: mailto:sintiab@tvcabo.co.mz Sindicato Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Industria Do Açúcar [SINTIA] Avenida Das FPLM 1912 Maputo Alexandre Candido Munguambe [Secretário Geral] +258 1 461 975 +258 1 461 772 +258 1 461 772 Text41: mailto:sintiasugar@tdm.co.mz Commerce, Catering, Restaurant, Hotel, Service and Consumer Cooperatives Workers' Union [SindLUCAS] Office 414 dom 129, 31st of August 1989 str. 2012 Chisinau Valentina Mazur [President] +373 22 23 71 31 +373 22 22 43 17 Text41: mailto:sindlucas@mail.ru Federatia Sindicatelor din Domeniil Cooperatiei de Consum, Comertului si Antreprenoreatului din Republica Moldova [MOLDSINDCOOPCOMERT] Bd. Stefan cel Mare 67 2012 Chisinãu Ion Ursu [Secrétaire général] +373 2227 1004 +373 2227 1790 Text41: mailto:msind@mdl.net Novaka Miloševa 29/1 81000 Podgorica Vladimir Krsmanovic [International and Project Officer] +382 20 230 547 +382 20 230 713 +382 20 230 499 Text41: mailto:vladok2002@t-com.me Moçambique Moldavien Montenegro Samostalni Sindikat Radnika Poljoprivrede, Prehrambene i Duvanske Industrije Crne Gore IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.ssscg.co.me sida 57 Medlemsförbund Montenegro Novaka Miloseva 29/1 81000 Podgorica Cede Milinic [President] +381 81 230 499 +381 81 230 499 Text41: mailto:vladok2002@t-com.me Postbus 2525 3500 GM Utrecht Jaap Jongejan [President] Bart Bruggeman [General Secretary] +31 30 751 1570 +31 30 751 1859 Text41: mailto:a.vanwijngaarden@cnvvakmensen Varrolaan 100 P.O. Box 9208 3506 GE Utrecht Henk Van der Kolk [President] +31 30 273 8222 +31 30 273 8225 Text41: mailto:info@bg.fnv.nl Louis Armstrongweg 100 Postbus 1435 1300 BK Almere Eiko de Vries [Secretaris] +31 36 535 8500 +31 36 536 3397 Text41: mailto:horecabond@fnv.nl Nepal Independent Food and Beverage Workers' Union [NIFBWU] P.O. Box 10652 Manamohan Labour Building Putalisadak Kathmandu Krishna Rimal [President] Nepal Independent Hotel, Casino & Restaurant Workers' Union [NIHWU] P.O. Box No. 10652 Manamohan Labour Building Putalisadak Kathmandu Surya Bahadur Kunwar [President] Ram Budhathoki [General Secretary] +977 1 4246 437 ext 303 977 1 424 8072 +977 1 4248 073 Text41: mailto:dfa@gefont.org Nepal Tourism, Hotel, Casino and Restaurant Workers' Union [NTHCRW] c/o Hotel Soaltee Holiday Inn Crown Plaza GPO 5507 Kathmandu Kem Raj Khadka [President] Uttam Kumar Gautam [General Secretary] +977 1 552 7443 +977 1 427 2205 Text41: mailto:nthcrwu@wlink.com.np Union of Trekking-Travels-Rafting Workers [UNITRAV] Post Box No. 10652 Manamohan Labour Building Putalisadak Kathmandu Shiva Bhakta Thapa [President] +977 1 424 8072 +977 1 424 8073 Text41: mailto:dfa@gefont.org Samostalni Sindikat Radnika Turizma i Ugostiteljstva Crne Gore Nederländerna CNV Vakmensen FNV Bondgenoten FNV Horecabond .nl Text41: http://www.cnv.net Text41: http://www.fnvbondgenoten.nl Text41: http://www.horecabond.fnv.nl Nepal IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 +977 1 423 9724 +977 1 424 8072 ext 305 +977 1 424 8073 Text41: http://www.gefont.org Text41: http://www.gefont.org Text41: http://www.gefont.org sida 58 Medlemsförbund Nicaragua Asociación Nicaragüense de Afectados por Insuficiencia Renal Crónica "Domingo Téllez" [ANAIRC] de la Policía Nacional 2 cuadras al Sur y 2 cuadras al Oeste Chichigalpa Carmen Ríos Urbina [Presidenta] +505 2 8033 750 Text41: mailto:anairc.chichigalpa@gmail.com Federación Unitaria de Trabajadores de la Alimentación, Agroindustria, Turismo, Servicio, Comercio y Conexos de Nicaragua [FUTATSCON] Apartado postal 2781 Managua Marcial Cabrera [Secretario General] +505 2 222 6096 +505 2 222 5372 Text41: mailto:marcial1956@yahoo.es Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Compañía Centroamericana de Productos Lácteos [SINPROLAC] Banco BANCENTRO 10 kmts al norte Calle de los bancos Centro Comercial Catalina - Modulo N B12 Matagualpa Félix Pedro Rizo Gutiérrez [Secretario General] +505 2 83 53 60 59 Text41: mailto:marcial1956@yahoo.es Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de la Empresa Coca Cola [SUTEC] Km 4 ½ Carretera Norte Managua Daniel Reyes [Secretario General] +505 2 242 557 440 +505 2 249 6742 ext 3382 y 3313 +505 2 249 1621 Text41: mailto:josmar_bravos@hotmail.com Syndicat national autonome des travailleurs des eaux et fôrets [SNATEF] B.P. 11627 Niamey Illiya Yahaya [Secrétaire général] +227 20 97 69 88 +227 20 87 99 14 Text41: mailto:illiya_yahaya@yahoo.fr Syndicat national des agents de l'agriculture du Niger [SNAAN] B.P. 12 667 Niamey Manou Bagué [Secrétaire général] +227 20 73 52 56 +227 20 74 19 83 Text41: mailto:boubacaralz@yahoo.fr Syndicat national des travailleurs de hôtels, bar restaurants et assimilés [SYNTHOBRA] B.P. 388 Niamey Mamadou Ali [Secrétaire général] +227 20 72 27 10 Syndicat national des travailleurs de l'industrie du Niger [SNTIN] B.P. 388 Niamey Abdou Diaouga [Secrétaire général] Zaharatou Hamani Abdou [Assistant General Secretary] +227 2073 5496 +227 2074 2581 Text41: mailto:sntin@intnet.ne Syndicat unique du personnel des ressources animales [SUPRA] B.P. 11 890 Niamey Mamane Labbo [Secrétaire général] +227 20 92 58 73 Text41: mailto:mamanelabbo@yahoo.fr Text41: mailto:feliperizo63@hotmail.com Niger IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:sntin@intnet.ne Text41: mailto:harouna.yali@unilever.com sida 59 Medlemsförbund Nigeria Agricultural and Allied Employees' Union of Nigeria [AAEUN] P.O. Box 217 Gwagwalada, FCT Abuja Ededuan Sunday Aitokhuehi [Acting General Secretary] +234 988 20208 +234 805 222 0281 Text41: mailto:sgaaeun@yahoo.com Food, Beverage & Tobacco Senior Staff Association [FOBTOB] 32, Isaac John Street Igbobi, Fadeyi Lagos Gabriel Babalola [Coordinador] +234 1 470 5685 Text41: mailto:fobtobssa@hotmail.com Hotel and Personal Services Senior Staff Association [HPSSSA] 10, Fadeyi Street Off Obafemi Awolowo Way Ikeja Lagos Toly Musa [President] Dele Dada [General Secretary] +234 1 4711 565 National Union of Food, Beverage and Tobacco Employees [NUFBTE] 9 Mortune Avenue Valley Estate Dopemu Lagos Lateef Idowu Oyelekan [President] +234 803 3297 595 +234 802 4004 840 Text41: mailto:gabrielbabalola@yahoo.com National Union of Hotels and Personal Services Workers [NUHPSW] Plot 81, Kuje Lay-out II, Gwagwalada, FCT, Abuja Lagos Leke Success [President] Augustine Mbavough [General Secretary] +234 803 3741 538 Text41: mailto:gabrielbabalola@yahoo.com Lilletorget 1 0184 Oslo Arve Bakke [Forbundsleder] +47 23 06 31 00 +47 23 06 31 01 Text41: mailto:fellesforbundet@fellesforbundet.no Youngsgt. 11 0108 Oslo Leif Sande [Forbundsleder] +47 23 06 13 40 +47 23 06 13 60 Text41: mailto:leif.sande@industrienergi.no Text41: mailto:secretariat@fobtob.com Text41: http://www.fobtob.com Text41: mailto:secretariat@hapsssa.com Text41: mailto:musa_toly@yahoo.co.uk Norge Fellesforbundet Industri Energi [IE] Text41: http://www.fellesforbundet.no Text41: mailto:oslopost@industrienergi.no Text41: http://www.industrienergi.no Norsk Nærings- og Nytelsesmiddelarbeiderforbund [NNN] Arbeidersamfunnets plass 1 Postboks 8719 Youngstorget 0028 Oslo IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Jan-Egil Pedersen [Forbundsleder] +47 23 10 29 60 +47 23 10 29 61 Text41: mailto:firmapost@nnn.no Text41: http://www.nnn.no sida 60 Medlemsförbund Nya Zeeland Engineering, Printing & Manufacturing Union [EPMU] PO Box 14-277, Kilbirnie 7 McGregor Street Rongotai Wellington Paul Tolich [Senior National Industrial Officer] +64 0800 186 466 +64 4 387 4673 Text41: mailto:us@epmu.org.nz National Distribution Union [NDU] 120 Church St Onehunga Private Bag 92-904 Post code 1643 1061 Auckland Karl Andersen [Secretary] +64 9 622 8350 +64 9 622 8353 Text41: mailto:info@ndu.org.nz New Zealand Dairy Workers Union Incorporated [NZDWU] P.O. Box 9046 Hamilton James Ritchie [National Secretary] +64 7 839 0239 +64 7 838 0398 Text41: mailto:nzdwu@wave.co.nz New Zealand Meat Workers and Related Trades Union Incorported 199 Armagh Street P.O. Box 13048 8141 Christchurch Dave Eastlake [General Secretary] +64 3 366 5105 +64 3 379 7763 Text41: mailto:nzmeatworkersunion@clear.net.nz Service and Food Workers Union-Nga Ringa Tota [SFWU] 35-39 George Street, Kingsland Private Bag 68-914 Newton, Auckland 1032 John Ryall [National Secretary] +64 9 375 2680 +64 9 375 2681 Text41: mailto:john.ryall@sfwu.org.nz Teinfalstrasse 7 1010 Wien Fritz Neugebauer [Präsident] Johann-Böhm-Platz 1 1020 Wien Text41: http://www.epmu.org.nz Text41: mailto:karl.andersen@ndu.org.nz Text41: http://www.ndu.org.nz Text41: http://www.nzdwu.org.nz Text41: mailto:info@sfwu.org.nz Text41: http://www.sfwu.org Österrike Gewerkschaft Öffentlicher Dienst [GÖD] Gewerkschaft PRO-GE Gewerkschaft vida Johann Böhm-Platz, 1 1020 Wien +43 1 534 54 300 +43 1 534 54 279 +43 664 442 8077 Text41: mailto:maria.tackner@goed.at Rainer Wimmer [Bundesvorsitzender] Manfred Anderle [*Not defined] +43 1 53 444 69 006 +43 1 53 444 10 3270 Text41: mailto:office@proge.at Rudolf Kaske [Vorsitzender] +43 1 53 444 79 321 +43 1 53 444 102 140 Text41: mailto:josef.treiber@bnet.at Text41: mailto:peter.schissler@proge.at Text41: http://www.proge.at Text41: mailto:internationals@vida.at Text41: mailto:rudolf.kaske@vida.at Text41: http://www.vida.at IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 61 Medlemsförbund Pakistan Text41: mailto:khaistarehmankhan@yahoo.com National Federation of Food, Beverages and Tobacco Workers [NFFBTW] c/o IUF Asia and Pacific Pakistan Outreach Office Flat No. 11, Al- Mubashir Appartments SB-36, Block 13-C, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Karachi 75300 Syed Nazar Husain Shah [President] Khaista Rehman Khan [Deputy General Secretary] +92 21 482 2012 +92 21 482 2012 Pakistan Hotel, Restaurant, Clubs, Tourism, Catering and Allied Workers [PHRCTCAWF] 17 - Al Amna Plaza M.A. Jinnah Road Karachi Malik Ghulam Mehboob [General Secretary] +92 21 2780 792 +92 21 2780 792 Federación Industrial de Sindicatos de Trabajadores de las Provincias Centrales [FISITRAPROCEN] Av. San Juan de Dios Natá Provincia de Coclé Eusebio Moreno [Secretario General] +507 993 5586 +507 997 0052 +507 993 5586 Text41: mailto:sitea_61@hotmail.com Sindicato de Trabajadores del Hotel Continental [SITRAHOCO] Calle 31 Avenida México - Edificio CTRP Ciudad de Panamá Miguel Herrera [Secretario General] +507 263 9999 ext. 722 +507 225 02 59 Text41: mailto:mahs-9@hotmail.com Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores de Envases y Alimentos [SITEA] Ave. San Juan de Dios Natá Provincia de Coclé Marcelino Macías Reyes [Secretario General] +507 993 5586 +507 996 8973 +507 993 5586 Text41: mailto:sitea_61@hotmail.com Sindicato Industrial de Trabajadores de la Fabricación y Comercialización de Refrescos Bebidas, Gaseosas, Cervezas, Licores y Similares [SITRAFCOREBGASCELIS] Calle Perejil # 37-A Edificio Vía España - Oficina 13 Ciudad de Panamá Alejandro John [Secretario General] +507 225 3942 +507 225 3942 Text41: mailto:lloga999@yahoo.es P.O. Box 601 Oro Province Popondetta Paul Mondo [General Secretary] +675 638 487 Panama Papua Nya Guinea Higaturu Oil Palms Processing Workers Union IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 62 Medlemsförbund Paraguay Federación de Trabajadores Agro Alimentaria del Paraguay [FTAPY] Simeón Valiente 109 Entre 24 de Mayo y Pascual Gaete Barrio María Auxiliadora Ciudad de San Antonio Rubén Darío Coronel [Secretario General] +595 982 201 425 +595 21 990 765 +595 212 016 Text41: mailto:abuster56@gmail.com Sindicato de Trabajadores de Cervecería Paraguaya [SINTRACERVEPAR] Km. 10.5 Mariscal Estigarribia Casi Arquimide San Lorenzo - Central San Lorenzo Jorge Cáceres [Secretario General] +595 982 209 353 Text41: mailto:felari66@yahoo.com.ar Sindicato de Trabajadores de Parmalat Paraguay [SITRAPARPASA] Nuestra Señora de la Asunción Capilla Cue, Central San Lorenzo Virgilio Ruiz Diaz [Secretario General] +595 981 162 144 Text41: mailto:guillermo_yegros@hotmail.com Confederación Nacional Agraria [CNA] Jr. Antonio Miroquesada 327 8vo piso, Lima Antolin Huascar Flores [Presidente] +51 1 428 3805 +51 1 428 3805 Text41: mailto:cna@cna.org.pe Federación Nacional de Trabajadores del Sector de la Industria de Alimentos, Bebidas y Afines [FNT-CGTP-ABA] Jr. Camana N° 780 Oficina 102 CP 01 Cercado de Lima Julio Falla Juarez [Presidente] +51 1 426 1972 Text41: mailto:jgfalla@hotmail.com Sindicato de Trabajadores ARCOR de Péru S.A. Calle Leoncio Prado 143 Chancay–Huaral Lima Juan Carlos Donayre Martinez [Secretario General] +51 9 9065 7623 +51 9 8979 3576 Text41: mailto:jdon631@hotmail.com Sindicato de Trabajadores de Hoteles Sheraton del Péru Guillermo Dansey N° 076 Oficina 301 Lima Bartolomé García [Secretario General] +51 1 315 5000 +51 1 526 0311 Sindicato de Trabajadores de Kraft Jr. Eleazar Guzmàn y Barron Foods Perú S.A. [SINTRAKRAFTPERU] N° 2436 - Urbanización Elio Lima 1 Carlos Javier Guerra Ramos [Secretario General] +51 1 336 7874 +51 1 336 9109 +51 1 336 5339 Text41: mailto:sintrakraftperu@hotmail.com Sindicato Nacional de Obreros de Union de Cervecerias Peruana Backus y Johnston S.A.A. [SINOUCPBJSAA] Nilton Flores Peña [Secretario General] +51 1 481 2221 +51 1 481 2221 Text41: mailto:sindiobrerosbackus@hotmail.com Text41: mailto:jorgecaceres78@hotmail.com Peru Calle Atahualpa Nº125- RIMAC Lima IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:eecarpe@hotmail.com sida 63 Medlemsförbund Peru +51 1 774 9139 +51 1 319 4000 anexo 1518 +51 1 526 0311 c/o F. Godofredo Text41: mailto:sinatrel_2006@hotmail.com Alexander Caballero Huertas [Presidente] +51 1 263 6161 Text41: mailto:acbhueal@hotmail.com Jr. Cuzco Nº 253 Magdalena del Mar Lima Juan Pedemonte Hernández [Secretario General] +51 1 263 1400 +51 1 263 6833 Text41: mailto:supnep2005@yahoo.com Calle Leoncio Prado Nº 330 Sullana – Piura James Richard Villasante Dominguez [Secretario General] +51 0 7350 1756 Text41: mailto:suntambev2006@hotmail.com ul. Jasna 7 00-019 Warszawa Miroslaw Nowicki [President] +48 22 827 9238 +48 22 827 9238 Text41: mailto:spspoz@solidarnosc.org.pl Sindicato Nacional Trabajadores de la Embotelladora Latinoamericana [SINATREL] Calle Las Camelias 168 Vipol-Callao Sindicato Único Nacional de Trabajadores Nestlé Perú S.A. [SUNTRANEP] Plaza 2 de Mayo N° 08 3er piso Lima Sindicato Único Pescadores de Nuevas Embarcaciones del Perú [SUPNEP] Sindicato Unitario Nacional de Trabajadores de la Compañia Cervecera Ambev Perú S.A.C. [SUNTAMBEV] Raúl Rengifo [Secretario General] Fausto Godofredo [Coordinador] Text41: mailto:rubikyrios_7@hotmail.com Text41: http://www.sinatrel.com.pe Text41: http://www.suntranep.org Polen Sekretariat Przemyslu Spozywczego NSZZ "Solidarnosc" [SPSPOZ] Text41: mailto:zagr@solidarnosc.org.pl Text41: http://www.solidarnosc.org.pl Portugal Sindicato da Agricultura, Alimentação e Florestas [SETAA] +351 21 811 0290 +351 21 811 0299 Text41: mailto:sede@setaa.pt Adrian Marin [Executive President] Dragos Frumosu [President] +40 21 312 6334 +40 31 8059 388 +40 21 312 1680 +40 31 805 9389 Text41: mailto:fsia@rdsmail.ro Niculae Stefan [President] Tudor Dorobantu [General Secretary] +40 1 311 1514 +40 1 311 1514 Text41: mailto:agrostar@fnsadscagrostar.ro Av. Coronel Eduardo Galhardo, N° 16 A 1170-105 Lisboa Jorge Santos [Secretario Geral] Federatia Nationala a Sindicatelor din Industria Alimentara, a Bauturilor, Tutunului si Ramuri Conexe [SINDALIMENTA] Piata Walter Maracineanu nr. 1-3 Entrance B, First floor, Room 115, Postal Code 010155 Bucuresti 1 The National Federation of Rural Workers' Unions [AGROSTAR] Str. Walter Maracineanu nr. 1-3 et. 4, cam. 303 109 225 Bucuresti Text41: http://www.setaa.pt Rumänien IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:contact@federatiagrostar@eu sida 64 Medlemsförbund Ryssland +7 495 938 8764 +7 495 938 8684 Text41: mailto:info@profagro.ru Alexey Simon [President] +7 3852 256 517 +7 3852 256 517 Text41: mailto:simon.alexey@mail.ru ul. Novo-Orlovskaya 7 Moscow Victor Grachev [President] +7 909 669 0102 Text41: mailto:viktorgrachev@yandex.ru Heineken Novosibirsk Workers' Union ul. Zabalyeva 21, kv 10 630120 Novosibirsk Aleksei Chistokletov [Chair] Nestlé Altai Workers' Union Barnaul, Pavlovsky trakt 58-A 656064 Altaisky Krai Lubov Seregina [President] +7 3852 399 599 +7 3852 461 449 Text41: mailto:lubov.seregina@ru.nestle.com Rostov - Baltika BBH Workers Union ul. Dovatora 146-A 344090 Rostov-on-Don Yuri Sokolov [President] +7 8863 250 5184 +7 8863 278 1680 Text41: mailto:sokol_1963@list.ru Union of Food, Tobacco, Services and Allied Workers "Solidarnost" [Solidarnost] App. 256 Mjachkovsky blvd 3 109451 Moscow Nikolay Stroenko [President] + 7 906 093 8802 + 7 495 777 8624 Text41: mailto:profsouz.solidarnost@mail.ru Via Cinque Febbraio,17 47895 Domagnano Repubblica di San Marino Marco Beccari [General Secretary] +378 0549 962080 +378 0549 962095 Text41: mailto:info@cdls.sm Secrétariat central Weltpoststrasse 20 Postfach 272 3000 Bern 15 Mauro Moretto [Zentralsekretär Tourismus] +41 31 350 2339 +41 31 350 2222 Text41: mailto:mauro.moretto@unia.ch Agro-Industrial Worker's Union of the Russian Federation [AIWU] Leninsky prospect 42 House of Unions 119119 Moscow Natalia Agapova [President] Coca-Cola Barnaul Workers' Union Zvezdanaya ul, 6a Altaisky kray 656049 Barnaul Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia Moscow Workers' Union Text41: http://www.profagro.ru Text41: mailto:notriver@gmail.com San Marino Confederazione Democratica Lavoratori Sammarinesi [CDLS] Text41: http://www.cdls.sm Schweiz UNIA IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.unia.ch sida 65 Medlemsförbund Senegal Syndicat Autonome des Travailleurs de l'Agriculture [SATAG] GY 593 Avenue Roi Fahd Ben Abdel Aziz BP 47599 Dakar Amadou Mbodj [Secrétaire général] +221 77 533 2645 Syndicat Autonome des Travailleurs de l'Agroindustrie Alimentaire [SATAGRIAS] Cie Sucrière Sénégalaise BP 49 Richard-Toll Aliou Ba [Secrétaire général] +221 33 652 6741 +221 33 963 3147 Text41: mailto:abdiouf.qualite@css.sn Syndicat autonome des travailleurs de l'hôtellerie, de la restauration et des branches connexes [SATHR] Boîte postale 47599 Dakar Malick Diop [Secrétaire général] +221 33 867 5513 +221 776 355 536 +221 33 867 5514 Text41: mailto:malick_d@yahoo.fr Syndicat autonome des travailleurs de Nestlé Sénégal [SATNS-UNSAS] Km 8, route de Rufisque BP 796 Dakar N'Diaye Mor [General Secretary] +221 630 91 38 +221 348 46 47 +221 8 34 17 02 Text41: mailto:mor.ndiaye@sn.nestle.com Syndicat Autonome et Démocratique des Travailleurs des Industries Alimentaires [SYNADTRIA] Avenue Felix Eboue BP 2068 Dakar Daonda Yade [Secrétaire général] +221 77 608 1177 +221 33 839 9749 Syndicat national des travailleurs des industries alimentaires [SNTA/CNTS] 7, avenue du Pdt Lamine Guèye Bourse du Travail CNTS 937 Dakar Mouhamadou Lamine Fall [Secrétaire général] +221 33 8 21 04 91 + 221 77 506 29 64 +221 33 8 21 77 71 Text41: mailto:cnts@orange.sn Nušiceva 4/V 11000 Beograd Slavko Vlaisavljevic [President] +381 11 324 5082 +381 11 324 5041 +381 11 324 5082 +381 11 324 4118 Text41: mailto:gs-put@eunet.rs Text41: http://www.css.sn Text41: mailto:unsas@sentoo.sn Text41: mailto:laminfal2009@hotmail.com Serbien Food, Hotel and Tourism Industry Branch Trade Union of Nezavisnost [GS PUT "Nezavisnost"] Text41: mailto:janjic.g@gmail.com Text41: http://www.gsputnezavisnost.org.rs Sierra Leone The Sierra Leone Union of Securities Watchmen and General Workers 80 Kissy Bye Pass Road Kissy Freetown IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Kothorkai B.J. Conteh [General Secretary] +232 76 644 764 +232 77 629 208 sida 66 Medlemsförbund Slovakien Odborový zväz potravinárov Slovenskej Republiky [OZPSR] Vajnorská ul. 1 815 70 Bratislava Magdaléna Mellenová [Predseda] +421 2 5024 0354 +421 2 5024 0355 +421 2 5024 0353 Text41: mailto:ozpsr@stonline.sk Odborovy zväz pracovníkov obchodu a cestovného ruchu [OZPOCR] Vajnorská ul. 1 815 70 Bratislava Katarína Kulandová [President] Julius Buchta [General Secretary] +421 2 502 40351 +421 2 502 40352 Text41: mailto:gahr@mail.t-com.sk Odborový zväz pracovníkov poinohospodárstva na Slovensku [OZPP] Vajnorská ul. 1 815 17 Bratislava František Baláž [Vorsitzenden] +421 502 403 47 +421 502 402 60 +421 2 554 216 73 Text41: mailto:ozpp@ozpp.sk Sindikat Delavcev Gostinstva in Turizma Slovenije [SGIT] Dalmatinova 4 1000 Ljubljana Karmen Leban [Generalsekretärin] +386 1 4341 268 +386 1 4341 269 +386 1 4341 311 Text41: mailto:karmen.leban@sindikat-git.si Sindikat Kmetijstva in Zivilske Industrije Slovenije [KZI] Dalmatinova 4 1000 Ljubljana Jovo Labanac [Secretary] +386 1434 1200 +386 1231 7298 Text41: mailto:kzi@sindikat-zsss.si Barrainkúa, 13 Apartado de Correos 1391 48009 Bilbao Igor Eizagirre [Secretario General] +34 94 403 7700 +34 94 403 7711 Text41: mailto:prentsa@elasind.org Plaza Cristino Martos 4 - 3ª planta 28015 Madrid Jesús Villar Rodríguez [Secretario General] +34 91 540 9266 +34 91 540 9218 +34 91 559 8630 Text41: mailto:agroalimentaria@agroalimentaria. Avenida de América 25 - 3ª planta 28002 Madrid Jesús García Zamora [Secretario General] +34 91 589 7462 +34 91 589 7461 +34 91 589 7463 +34 91 589 7178 Text41: mailto:agroalimentaria3@fta.ugt.org +34 91 540 9221 +34 91 559 7196 Text41: mailto:fecoht@fecoht.ccoo.es Slovenien Text41: http://www.sindikat-git.si Text41: http://www.sindikat-zsss.si Spanien ELA-Zerbitzuak Federación Agroalimentaria de CC.OO. Federación Agroalimentaria UGT [FTAUGT] Federación Estatal de Comercio, Hostelería y Turismo de CC.OO. [FECOHT-CC.OO] Plaza Cristino Martos 4 - 3ª planta 28015 Madrid IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Javier González Martino [Secretario General] Text41: http://www.ela-sindikatua.org ccoo.es Text41: mailto:general@fta.ugt.org Text41: http://www.ugt.es/fta Text41: http://www.fecoht.ccoo.es sida 67 Medlemsförbund Spanien Federación Estatal de Trabajadores de Comercio, Hostelería-Turismo y Juego de la U.G.T. [CHTJ-UGT] Avenida de América 25 - 4ª planta 28002 Madrid Francisco Dominguez Villalón [Secretario General] +34 91 589 7309 +34 91 589 7313 +34 91 589 7477 Text41: mailto:internacional@chtjugt.net Federación Estatal de Transportes, Comunicaciones y Mar UGT [TCMUGT] Avenida de América 25 - 8ª planta 28002 Madrid Miguel Ángel Cillero [Secretario General] +34 91 589 7125 +34 91 589 7119 +34 91 519 7120 Text41: mailto:internacional@tcmugt.es Text41: http://www.chjugt.com Text41: mailto:ugt@tcmugt.es Text41: http://www.tcmugt.es Sri Lanka Ceylon Mercantile, Industrial and General Workers' Union [CMU] No. 3, 22nd Lane Kollupitiya Colombo 3 Bala Tampoe [General Secretary] +94 11 2328 157 +94 11 2328 158 +94 11 2434 025 Text41: mailto:gscmu@sltnet.lk Food Beverages & Tobacco Employees Industries Union [FBTEIU] 513-2/1 Elvitigala Mawatha Colombo 5 D.W. Subasinghe [General Secretary] +94 11 451 0718 +94 11 451 0718 Text41: mailto:fbtieu@sltnet.lk National Workers Union [NWU] Cnr. Chausse & Micaud St. P.O. Box 713 Castries Tyrone Maynard [President] George Goddard Jr [General Secretary] +1 758 452 3664 +1 758 459 0181 +1 758 453 2896 Text41: mailto:natwork3@hotmail.com St. Lucia Seamen Waterfront & General Workers' Union P.O. Box 166 Castries Cecilia Adolph [General Secretary] +1 758 452 1669 +1 758 452 1931 +1 758 452 5452 Text41: mailto:ceciliaadolph@hotmail.com Bakers, Food & Allied Workers' Union [BFAWU] Stanborough House, Great North Road, Stanborough, Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL8 7TA Joe Marino [General Secretary] Ronnie Draper [National President] +44 17 0726 0150 +44 17 0725 9450 +44 17 0726 1570 Text41: mailto:info@bfawu.org GMB 22-24 Worple Road London SW19 4DD Paul Kenny [General Secretary] +44 20 8947 3131 +44 20 8944 6552 Text41: mailto:info@gmb.org.uk 188 Wilmslow Road Manchester M14 6LJ John Hannett [General Secretary] +44 16 1224 2804 +44 16 1249 2400 +44 16 1257 2566 Text41: mailto:enquiries@usdaw.org.uk St. Lucia Storbritannien Union of Shop Distributive and Allied Workers [USDAW] IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.bfawu.org Text41: http://www.gmb.org.uk Text41: http://www.usdaw.org.uk sida 68 Medlemsförbund Storbritannien Unite House 128 Theobalds Road Holborn London WC1X 8TN Len McCluskey [General Secretary] Ian Waddell [National Secretary Rural, Agricultural & Allied Workers] Jennie Formby [National Secretary - Food Drink & Tobacco Sector] +44 20 7611 2500 +44 20 7611 2555 Text41: mailto:len.mccluskey@unitetheunion.org Selkämerenkuja 1 A PL 183 00180 Helsinki Antti Rinne [Förbundsordförande] Matti Koskinen [Head of International Affairs] +358 9 172 73 301 +358 20 172 73330 Text41: mailto:helka.stenroos@proliitto.fi Palvelualojen ammattiliitto PAM ry [PAM] Paasivuorenkatu 4-6 A PL 54 00531 Helsinki Ann Selin [Förbundsordförande] +358 20 774 002 +358 20 701 1119 Text41: mailto:pam@pam.fi Puu- ja erityisalojen liitto [PEL] Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 B PL 318 00531 Helsinki Sakari Lepola [Förbundsordförande] +358 20 615 161 +358 20 761 160 Text41: mailto:tiedotus@puuliitto.fi Siltasaarenkatu 6 PL 213 00530 Helsinki Veli-Matti Kuntonen [Förbundsordförande] +358 20 774 004 +358 20 774 0604 Text41: mailto:veli-matti.kuntonen@selry.fi Ratamestarinkatu 11 00520 Helsinki Päivikki Kumpulainen [International adviser] +358 75 324 7525 +358 75 324 7575 Text41: mailto:paivikki.kumpulainen@pardia.fi Olof Palmes Gata 31 Box 1143 111 81 Stockholm Ella Niia [Förbundsordförande] +46 771 57 58 59 +46 8 21 71 18 Text41: mailto:info@hrf.net Box 19 039 104 32 Stockholm Annelie Nordström [Förbundsordförande] +46 10 442 7000 +46 8 31 87 45 Text41: mailto:kommunal.forbundet@kommunal.s Unite the Union Text41: http://www.unitetheunion.org.uk Suomi Ammattiliitto Pro [Pro] Suomen Elintarviketyöläisten Liitto r.y. [SEL] The Federation of Salaried Employees Pardia [PARDIA] Text41: http://www.proliitto.fi Text41: http://www.pamliitto.fi Text41: http://www.puuliitto.fi Text41: mailto:eila.kamarainen@selry.fi Text41: http://www.selry.fi Text41: http://www.pardia.fi Sverige Hotell- och Restaurang Facket [HRF] Svenska Kommunalarbetareförbundet [Kommunal] IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.hrf.net e Text41: http://www.kommunal.se sida 69 Medlemsförbund Sverige +46 8 796 2900 +46 8 796 2903 Text41: mailto:info@livs.se Cecilia Fahlberg [Förbundsordförande] +46 8504 15000 Text41: mailto:koc@unionen.se P.O. Box 2010 Manzini Jan J. Sithole [General Secretary] +268 52 171 +268 52 171 Swaziland Hotel, Catering and Allied Workers' Union [SHCAWU] P.O. Box 236 Ezulwini Barbra Dlamini [General Secretary] +268 61 201 Swaziland Manufacturing and Allied Workers Union [SMAWU] No. 9 Agora Shopping Complex, Matsapha King Mswati III Avenue P.O. Box 2379 Manzini M200 Sipho Mamba [General Secretary] +268 518 6503 +268 518 6995 +268 518 7028 P.O. Box 1234 7915 Woodstock Katishi Masemola [General Secretary] +27 21 637 9040 +27 21 637 9196 Svenska Livsmedelsarbetareförbundet [LIVS] Upplandsgatan 3 Box 1156 111 81 Stockholm Hans-Olof Nilsson [Ordförande] UNIONEN Olof Palmes gata 17 105 32 Stockholm Swaziland Agricultural & Plantation Workers Union [SAPWU] Text41: http://www.livs.se Text41: http://www.unionen.se Swaziland Sydafrika Food and Allied Workers Union [FAWU] Text41: mailto:nicoleen@fawu.org.za Text41: mailto:admin@fawu.org.za Text41: http://www.fawu.org.za P.O. Box 10730 Johannesburg 2000 Bones Zingisile Skulu [General Secretary] +27 11 403 8333 +27 11 403 0852 +27 11 403 0309 Text41: mailto:bzskulu@saccawu.org.za Coca-Cola Beverage Company North Labor Union [CCBCNLU] 291-1 Doksandong Keumcheon-gu Seoul South Korea 153-010 Chang Nam PARK [President] Jai Ho KIM [General Secretary] +82 2 801 5465 +82 2 801 5464 Text41: mailto:parkcn@hanmail.net Coca-Cola Beverage Company Southeast Labor Union [CCBCSELU] 116-1 Yusan-dong Yangsan City Kyeongnam 626-230 Hoon Jae LEE [President] Young Jin KIM [General Secretary] +82 5 5370 4565 +82 5 5370 4568 Text41: mailto:youngjin.park@ccbk.co.kr South African Commercial Catering and Allied Workers Union [SACCAWU] Text41: mailto:secretariatadmin@saccawu.org.za Sydkorea IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:jaiho.kim@ccbk.co.kr Text41: mailto:lee85hj@hanmail.net sida 70 Medlemsförbund Sydkorea Coca-Cola Beverage Company Southwest Labor Union [CCBCSWLU] Text41: mailto:yhkimcoke@hanmail.net 408-1 Yangsan-dong Buk-ki, Gwangiu South Korea 500-200 Yonghwan KIM [President] Taeil KIM [General Secretary] Korean Chemical and Textile Workers Union, Dongsuh Foods Workers' Union Chapter Labor Union Office, 411-1 Beonji Cheong-cheon 2-dong Bupyeong-gu, Incheon 403-768 Tae Hwan KANG [President] Sang Ju Han [General Secretary] +82 3 2500 3621 +82 3 2500 3620 Text41: mailto:dsnjbp@jinbo.net Korean Federation of Private Service Workers Unions [KFSU] 3rd Floor, Wu-seong Building, 94-14 Beonji, Yeong-deung-po-dong 7-ga, Yeong-deung-po-gu Seoul 150-037 Gyuhyok KANG [President] +82 2 2678 8830 +82 2 2678 0246 Text41: mailto:kkh0010@lycos.co.kr Korean Women's Trade Union [KWTU] 4th Fl, 351-28 Seogyo-dong, Mapo-gu Seoul 121-837 Nam Hee PARK [President] Hae Sun LEE [General Secretary] +82 2 336 6377 +82 2 336 6246 Text41: mailto:1105pnh@hanmail.net 1-8 Song-Jeong Dong Heung-deok ku Cheong Ju City Chung-Buk 361-815 Sang Dae PARK [President] Jong Rok Ham [General Secretary] +82 4 3279 7340 +82 4 3279 7341 +82 4 3279 7342 Text41: mailto:nkunion@jinbo.net Conservation Hotels Domestic and Allied Workers Union [CHODAWU] P.O. Box 15549 Dar-es-Salaam Kiwanga Towegale [Acting General Secretary] +255 22 211 0559 +255 22 211 0559 Text41: mailto:chodawu@cats-net.com Tanzania Plantation and Agricultural Workers Union [TPAWU] c/o TFTU P.O. Box 77420 Dar-es-Salaam Kabengwe Ndebile Kabengwe [General Secretary] +255 22 218 2496 +255 22 218 2497 Text41: mailto:tpawu@africaonline.co.tz Tanzania Union of Industrial and Commercial Workers [TUICO] Ilala Shariff Shamba TUICO Building P.O. Box 5680 Dar-es-Salaam Boniface Y. Nkakatisi [General Secretary] +255 22 286 6910 +255 22 286 6960 +255 22 286 6911 Text41: mailto:tuico2004@yahoo.com Zanzibar Tourism, Hotels, Conservation Domestic & Allied Workers Union [ZATHOCODAWU] Makao Makuu P.O. Box 667 Zanzibar Salum Ally Ally [General Secretary] +255 773 265 079 +255 786 844 435 +255 024 223 0558 Text41: mailto:zatuc_congress@yahoo.com Nestlé Korea Labour Union [NKLU] +82 6 2570 3191 +82 6 2570 3195 Text41: mailto:wtikim0610@hanmail.net Text41: http://www.cocacolaunion.com Text41: mailto:koobo9@hanmail.net Text41: http://www.kwunion.or.kr Tanzania IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 71 Medlemsförbund Thailand Food Workers Federation of Thailand [FWFT] 331/26 Moo7 Teparak Muang District Samutprakarn Suebsawat Em-oat [President] Tosaporn Koomtago [General Secretary] +66 2 753 3658 +66 2 753 3658 Text41: mailto:fwft_thai@yahoo.co.th Lever Brother Trade Union 63 Moo4 Latkrabang Industrial Estate 10520 Bangkok Suvit Pengdam [President] Noppadol Pongsaiarak [General Secretary] + 662 170 5262 + 662 326 0686 Text41: mailto:leverunion08@gmail.com 12/133 Moo. 3 Choafa Road Vichit Sub-District, Muang District Phuket Vijit Dasantad [President] +66 76 218 358 +66 76 218 358 Text41: mailto:phuket_fhsl@hotmail.com Tyrsova 6 120 00 Praha 2 Bohumir Dufek [Vorsitzender] +420 222 716 490 +420 222 711 965 Text41: mailto:dufek.bohumir@ospzv-aso.cz Syndicat des industries agroalimentaires du Togo [SYNIAT] Zone Industrielle du Port B.P. 81038 Lomé Roger Kossi Awity-Boko [Secrétaire général] +228 981 7617 +228 923 4601 +228 227 4635 Text41: mailto:syntaliment1@yahoo.fr Syndicat des travailleurs des entreprises de boissons [SYNTEB] 25, Rue de Champagne B.P. 1370 Lomé Dodji Kpalete [Secrétaire général] +228 901 7090 +228 222 5400 Text41: mailto:synteb@yahoo.fr Syndicat Libre des Employés de l'Industrie Touristique du Togo [SYLEITTO] c/o SYNTEB 25, Rue de Champagne B.P. 1370 Lomé Kinanwiti Zimare [Secrétaire général] +228 936 7205 Text41: mailto:syleitto@yahoo.fr Rienzi Complex 79-81 Southern Main Road Exchange Village, Couva Rudranath Indarsingh [President General] Pooran Rattan [General Secretary] +1 868 636 2354 +1 868 636 4280 +1 868 636 3372 Text41: mailto:atsgwtu@tstt.net.tt Phuket Federation of Hotel and Service Labour [FHSL] Text41: http://www.leverunion.com Tjeckien Odborový Svaz Pracovníku Zemedelství a Výživy-Asociace Svobodných Odboru Ceské Republiky [OSPZV-ASO CR] Text41: http://www.ospzv-aso.cz Togo Trinidad och Tobabo All Trinidad Sugar & General Workers' Trade Union [ATSGWTU] IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 72 Medlemsförbund Trinidad och Tobabo National Union of Government and Federated Workers [NUGFW] Text41: mailto:nugfwhr@yahoo.com Corner Smart & Francis Streets St. Augustine James Lambert [President General] Jacqueline Jack [General Secretary] +1 868 645 0651 +1 868 645 5856 +1 868 663 3405 Fédération générale de l'agriculture [FGA] 17, rue Souk H'ras Tunis Hassen Ghodbane [Secrétaire général] +216 71 332 400 Fédération générale de l'alimentation et du tourisme UGTT [FGAT- UGTT] 29, place M'hamed Ali 1001 Tunis Kamel Saad [Secrétaire général] +216 71 348 517 +216 71 348 517 Text41: mailto:fgat.tunis@yahoo.fr Türkiye Orman-Topraksu-Tarim Ve Tarim Sanayii Isçileri Sendikasi [TARIMIS] Bankaçi Sok. No. 10 Kocatepe 06700 Ankara Bedrettin Kaykaç [President] +90 312 419 0456 +90 312 419 3113 Text41: mailto:tarim-is@tr.net Türkiye Otel, Lokanta Dinlenme Yerleri Isçileri Sendikasi Genel Merkez [TOLEYIS] Inebey Mahallesi Küçük Langa Caddesi Bilir Is Merkezi Kat. 1 No. 16/18 Aksaray Istanbul Çemail Bakindi [General Secretary of Organizing] +90 212 530 7382 +90 212 530 7299 Text41: mailto:toleyis@toleyis.org.tr Türkiye Tütün Müskirat, Gida ve Yardimci Isçileri Sendikasi [TEKGIDAIS] Konaklar Sokak No. 1 4, Levent 34330 Istanbul Mustafa Türkel [President] Mecit Amaç [General Secretary] +90 212 2644 996 Intern 113 +90 212 278 9534 Gewerkschaft Nahrung-GenussGaststätten [NGG] Haubachstrasse 76 Postfach 5011 80 22711 Hamburg Franz-Josef Möllenberg [Vorsitzender] +49 40 380 130 +49 40 380 2637 Text41: mailto:hv.internationales@ngg.net Industriegewerkschaft Bauen-AgrarUmwelt [IG-BAU] VB lll Büro Berlin Luisenstr. 38 10117 Berlin Holger Bartels [Leiter der Abteilung Agrar und Umwelt] Klaus Wiesehügel [Bundesvorsitzender] +49 30 24 639 301 +49 30 24 639 333 Text41: mailto:europa@igbau.de Text41: http://www.nugfw.org.tt Tunisien Text41: mailto:ugtt.relaintl@planet.tn Turkiet Text41: http://www.tarimis.org.tr Text41: mailto:international@toleyis.org.tr Text41: http://www.toleyis.org.tr Text41: http://www.tekgida.org.tr Tyskland IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: http://www.ngg.net Text41: mailto:agrar@igbau.de Text41: http://www.igbau.de sida 73 Medlemsförbund Uganda Text41: mailto:nucmaw@yahoo.com National Union of Co-operative Movement and Allied Workers [NUCMAW] P.O. Box 1227 Kampala Theopista Ssentongo [General Secretary] +256 41 566 137 +256 41 345 597 Uganda Beverage, Tobacco & Allied Workers' Union [UBTAWU] Universal House Luwun Street Plot 6 P.O. Box 4341 Kampala Kamya Nadab [General Secretary] +256 77 2451 4831 +256 41 4252 978 +256 31 2271 225 Uganda Fisheries and Allied Workers Union [UFAWU] Plot 12 Iganda Road P O Box 553 Jinja Mukasa Henery [General Secretary] +256 77 569 460 +256 77 259 833 Text41: mailto:ufawu@yahoo.co.uk Uganda Hotels, Food, Tourism and Allied Workers' Union [UHFTAWU] 50 Kampala Road P.O.Box 3799 Kampala Stephen Mugole [General Secretary] +256 434 130 660 +256 414 272 903 Text41: mailto:mugostep@hotmail.com Agro-Industrial Workers' Union of Ukraine 2, Nezalezhnost Square 01012 Kyiv Vladimir Chepur [President] +380 44 278 4354 +380 44 278 4354 Text41: mailto:apk@fpsu.org.ua All Ukrainian Commerce and Catering & Consumer Cooperatives Workers’ Union 39/41 ul. Shota Rustaveli, office 309 01023 Kyiv Tatyana Yasko [President] +380 44 289 0350 +380 44 289 0350 Text41: mailto:torg@kyiv.uar.net Philip Morris Ukraine Workers Union 1, Polyovy Vyizd Komunist Village Region Kharkiv District 62482 Kharkov Andriy Deyisov [President] +380 57 775 9000 Text41: mailto:andrey.denysov@pmintl.com Élelmezésipari Dolgozók Szakszervezeteinek Szövetsége [EDOSZ] Városligeti fasor 44 1068 Budapest Jeno Dékán [President] Élelmiszeripari Dolgozók Szakszervezete [ÉDSZ] Városligeti fasor 44 1068 Budapest Magdolna Ványa [President] Text41: mailto:christinenansubuga@yahoo.com Text41: mailto:uhftawu@yahoo.com Ukraina Text41: mailto:anders_d@mail.ru Ungern IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 +36 1 413 2120 +36 1 413 2119 Text41: mailto:info@edosz.hu +36 304 061 009 +36 1 413 2119 Text41: mailto:vanya@edsz.net Text41: http://www.edosz.hu sida 74 Medlemsförbund Ungern +36 1 413 2111 +36 1 413 2119 Text41: mailto:hdsz@t-online.hu János Manek [Generalsekretär] +36 1 301 9052 +36 1 331 4568 Text41: mailto:titkarsag@medosz.hu Zsuzsanna Várnai [General Secretary] +36 1 311 94 36 +36 1 331 05 60 Text41: mailto:visz@t-online.hu Húsipari Dolgozók Szakszervezete [HDSz] Városligeti fasor 44 1068 Budapest József Kapuvári [Präsident] Mezógazdasagi Erdészeti és Vizügyi Dolgozók Szakszervezete (Hungarian Federation of Agricultural, Forestry and Water Supply Workers) [MEDOSZ] Vl. Jókai u.2 Pf 269 1392 Budapest 62 Vendéglato és Idegenforgalmi Szakszervezet [VISZ] Benczúr u. 45 1068 Budapest Text41: http://www.mszosz.hu Text41: mailto:visz@axelero.hu Text41: http://www.visz.org.hu Uruguay +598 2 3200 243 int 221b +598 9 8858 368 +598 2 3202 977 Text41: mailto:jtons@adinet.com.uy Silvina Amuz [Secretaria General] +598 9 974 9946 Text41: mailto:samuz77@yahoo.com Batoví 2288 C.P. 11800 Montevideo Gerardo Pereira [Secretario General] +598 2 924 8649 +598 2 924 2381 +598 2 924 2381 Text41: mailto:sat@chasque.apc.org Sindicato de Empleados de Nix-Nativa y Afines [SENNA] Miguel Angel 3634 Zona Buceo Montevideo Emilio Borges [Presidente] +598 3 655 807 c/o Jorge Burgos +598 9 992 380 +598 5 261 314 Text41: mailto:acateconocemostodos@hotmail.c Sindicato de Obreros y Empleados de Norteña [SOEN] Luis Batlle Berres 1413 Paysandú Jose Oxley [Secretario General] +598 7 224 734 +598 7 224 734 Text41: mailto:oxleyj@ambev.com.uy Sindicato de Packing del Sur [SIPASUR] c/o Rel-UITA Wilson Ferreira Aldunate 1229 Oficina 201 C.P. 11100 Montevideo Silvia Ferreira [Secretaria General] +598 2 3140 033 Text41: mailto:sipasur@gmail.com Centro Gremial de Maltería Oriental [C.G.M.O.] Abrevadero 5525 Montevideo Juan Tons [Presidente] Centro Gremial Maltero Uruguay Nueva Palmira Ibicuy 953 Nueva Palmira Sindicato Autónomo Tabacalero [SAT] IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:luisramirez@infotec.com.uy om sida 75 Medlemsförbund Uruguay Sindicato de Trabajadores de Coca Cola [STCC] Camino Carrasco 6173 Montevideo Gustavo Sotelo [Presidente] +598 2 6008 401 int. 1239 +598 2 6008 401 Text41: mailto:stcccfoeb@adinet.com.uy Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Citricultura y Afines [SITRACITA] Apolon - Ex Ruta 3 C.P. 50.000 Salto Héctor Alcides Piedra Buena [Presidente] +598 73 41510 Text41: mailto:sitracorrural@adinet.com.uy Sindicato Nestlé del Uruguay San Petersburgo 4192 Montevideo Víctor Laborde [Secretario General] +598 2 508 0621 al 23 +598 2 506 1713 Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de la Caballada Salto [SUTLCAS] Florencio Sánchez 1489 Salto Pablo Ramírez [Secretario General] +598 95 768 603 Text41: mailto:sutlcas@hotmail.com Unión de Trabajadores Rurales y Afines del Sur del País [UTRASURPA] 25 de Agosto 879 C.P. 30.000 San José de Mayo Walter Portal [Presidente] Germán González [Secretario General] +598 994 300 669 Text41: mailto:utrasurpa@adinet.com.uy Ipostel -Parque Central Edificio Tajamar N° Postal 1015 Apartado de correos 17014 Caracas Manuel Romero Peña [Presidente] +58 212 574 4135 +58 212 574 8191 +58 212 574 2413 Text41: mailto:sintrahosiven@cantv.net Hotel Catering Workers Union of Zambia [HCWUZ] P.O. Box 35693 Lusaka Dainess Chawinga [General Secretary] +260 1 236 092 +260 1 222 111 Text41: mailto:dchawinga@yahoo.com National Union of Commercial and Industrial Workers [NUCIW] Plot No. 17 Obote Avenue Kitwe Chambers Building P.O. Box 21735 KITWE Seth Paradza [General Secretary] +212 23 52 11 +212 23 52 11 Text41: mailto:nuciw@zamnet.zm National Union of Plantation, Agricultural and Allied Workers of Zambia [NUPAAW] P.O. Box 80529 Kabwe Godwin Mungala [General Secretary] +260 5 224 548 +260 5 224 548 Text41: mailto:nupawhq@yahoo.com Venezuela Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Hoteleros, Turísticos, Alimentación, Similares, Conexos y Afines de Venezuela [SINTRAHOSIVEN] Zambia IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:astridahphiri1@yahoo.co.uk sida 76 Medlemsförbund Zimbabwe Federation of Food and Allied Workers Unions Zimbabwe [FFAWUZ] 3rd floor, Gorlon House 7 Jason Moyo Ave P.O. Box 4211 Harare Paul Twawanda Chapisa [President] +263 4 748 482 +263 4 757 600 Text41: mailto:info@zctu.co.zw General Agriculture and Plantation Workers' Union of Zimbabwe [GAPWUZ] No. 14 Macleren Road Newton Park P.O. Box 1952 Harare Getrude Hambira [General Secretary] +263 4 741 937 +263 4 720 049 (c/o FORUM SYD) Text41: mailto:gertrudehambira@hotmail.com Zimbabwe Catering & Hotel Worker's Union [ZCHWU] Gowero House corner Nelson Mandela Mbuya Nehanda Street Harare Timothy Nxumalo [Acting General Secretary] +263 4 758 902 +263 4 794 626 IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:sitholejuliet@yahoo.com sida 77 Förbund som ansluts under förutsättning att ansökningsformaliteter fullföljs Argentina Federación Gremial del Personal de la Industria de la Carne y sus Derivados [FGPICD] Hipólito Yrigoyen 746 1096 Buenos Aires José Alberto Fantini [Secretario General] +54 11 4 331 6781 +54 11 4 331 6781 Text41: mailto:carmolinares@yahoo.com.ar Text41: mailto:jfantini@federaciondelacarne.org.a r Text41: http://www.federaciondelacarne.org.ar Burkina Faso 220 Secteur 17 Pissy 01 BP 170 Ouagadougou 01 Mamadou El Hadj Nama [Secrétaire général] +226 7024 9650 +226 7024 8151 Text41: mailto:syynteabf@yahoo.fr Rumichaca 2206 y Manabí 4to pPiso, Oficina 4- 5 Edificio Monterrey Guayaqui Angel Armando Rivero [Presidente] +593 42 414076 +593 42 414077 Text41: mailto:fenacle486@hotmail.com Palma House Adabraka Greater Accra Kenneth Koomson [General Secretary] +233 21 252 105 Text41: mailto:fawugh@gmail.com Serikat Buruh Mandiri Sugar Labinta [SMPSL] Ir. Sutany km 27 Malang Sari Kec Tanjung Sari Lampung Salatan Suyanto [President] +62 812 7250 8223 +62 813 6913 4635 Text41: mailto:sugarlabinta@yahoo.com Serikat Buruh Mandiri Umas Jaya [SBMUJ] Ir. Sutami km 27 Deasea Pasir Jaya Lampung 34183 Lampung Timur Anatasius Hermawan [President] +62 815 409 16521 +62 857 582 06394 Text41: mailto:umasjaya_union@yahoo.com Serikat Buruh Philip Seafood Indonesia [SBPSI] Jl. Ir. Sutami km 7 Campang Raya Tanjung Karang Timur 35122 Bandar Lampung Mutihat [President] +62 828 8090 1793 +62 857 6830 2459 Syndicat National des Eaux et Assimilés [SYNTEA] Ecuador Federación Nacional de Trabajadores Agroindustriales, Campesinos e Indígenas Libres del Ecuador [FENACLE] Text41: mailto:gelarrivero@yahoo.com.ar Ghana Food and Allied Workers Union [FAWU] Text41: mailto:fawu@labourstudies.com Indonesien IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 sida 78 Förbund som ansluts under förutsättning att ansökningsformaliteter fullföljs Storbritannien UNISON 1 Mabledon Place London, WC1H 9AJ Dave Prentis [General Secretary] Keith Sonnet [Deputy General Secretary] +44 020 7551 1336 Fabián Chamorro [Presidente] +598 9 4794 142 Text41: mailto:k.sonnet@unison.co.uk Text41: mailto:d.johnson@unison.co.uk Text41: http://www.unison.org.uk Uruguay Sindicato Obrero Frigorífico Maragato [SOFRIM] Canelones 562 Dpto de San José San José de Mayo IUL Adresslista och Kommittélista - 2011 Text41: mailto:sofrimsanjose@hotmail.com sida 79