Välkommen till Stockholms Åringsauktion 2010! H järtligt välkommen till årets traditionella åringsauktion i Stockholm, den sjunde i ordningen i vår regi! Efter ett par mellanår med sviktande konjunkturer runt om i vår värld börjar optimism och investeringsvilja vända tillbaka igen. Vi känner att det våras för galoppen även om det står oktober i almanackan. Att vi är Skandinaviens största fullblodsauktion känner numera de flesta galoppvänner till. 100 åringar återfinns i årets katalog, något färre än förra året men kvalitativt betydligt bättre. Vi har i årets katalog avkommor efter hingstar som ligger i toppskiktet på de kontinentala auktionerna. S tödet till de svenskfödda hästarna kommer att omformas under kommande år. Klart är att 20% av de totala prispengarna även fortsättningsvis kommer att förbehållas den svenska hästen. Hur systemet kommer att se ut är i skrivande stund oklart, men principen är klar: Den svenska hästnäringen ska stöttas och det ska löna sig att köpa svenskt. Numera är klassikerna Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpning, Svenskt St Leger, Dansk 2000 Guineas, Dansk Derby och Dansk St Leger förbehållna skandinaviskuppfödda hästar. Sammantaget öppnar detta för våra svenska åringar att tjäna fina pengar! Till detta kommer det penningstinna Breeders’ Trophy-paketet. V år satsning på Auktionslöpningen fortsätter. Vi återgår emellertid till att ha en enda gemensam löpning för hingstar och ston. Vårt fleråriga samarbete med Agria fördjupas. Detta innebär att första insats till auktionslöpningen betalas av Agria och att SÅEF därigenom kan betala 20% extra uppfödarpremier för prisplacerade hästar sålda på vår auktion. Så var med och dela på miljonerna – kom och bjud på våra fina åringar lördagen den 9 oktober! OCKHO ST L A EKONOMISK FÖRENING IONER Omslagsfoto Stefan Uppström. RINGS KT Petra Amoudruz Roger Asp Leif Wretman M SÅ U Stockholms Åringsauktioner Ekonomisk Förening (SÅEF) Förteckning - Åringar Åringarna i bokstavsordning AHLINA 70 AISHITERA 40 ALTALUS 48 ALVENA STORM 22 AMALTHEA 41 AMERICAN KISS 68 ARIZONA HIGH 94 ASTRUD 63 ATHLET 84 BACCMAN 2 BANDITOS 47 BECKENBAUER 45 BINAMIX 66 CAN WIN 26 CANAVERAL 11 CARABELLA 5 CELINE 51 COLONEL 39 CREME DE LA CREME 55 DAZZLING DAISY 96 DIABLESSE 58 DOMO ARIGATO 4 EARTH HOUR 71 EASY COME EASY GO (den) 61 EL GRAN MAGO 67 GATTINO 38 GIRL FROM IPANEMA 23 HIDDEN HOPE 12 HOVDAMEN 79 INTEGRAL 15 JACQUIN 19 JAPONICA 37 JIMENEZ 8 JIMMY MACK 56 JOBIM 34 JOUYE 69 JUMANTHES 25 JUMELLEA 81 KANZEE GOLD 78 KEY TO HEAVEN 28 LAKE COOLOOLA (ger) 77 LUCKY SONG 32 MACABEO 29 MARDI GRAZ 89 MONALISA 54 MONTUS 91 MORS 10 MOUNTAIN JACK 82 2 MOUNTAIN ONYX MOUNTAIN STAR NIECE PEARL ONEOFAKIND ONLY JACKIE PEARL JAM PILLMAN PRAISE PUYOL QUITE FLIRTY RAFTIN RISCOLI RIVA DEL SOLE ROCKPORT SUNDAY ROYAL REFERENCE SALANDER SEIGNEUR THUNDER SOMETHING SPECIAL SUNSET SUSINA SWEET SYMPHONY TABASCO (den) TUSEN TAKK TWITTER UNCLE SAM VANESSA HIGH WEEWAN 9 52 3 83 98 17 93 80 90 53 18 35 57 87 76 31 44 33 46 62 72 74 30 65 42 85 99 VOLITA HIGH YUYU 7 13 Ej namngivna åringar NN (ger) u Safe Trip 49 NN (ger) u Vinjett 27 NN u Arizona’s Child 73 NN u Clois Mor 14 NN u Congress Woman 21 NN u Definite Rose 50 NN u Di’s Pearl 64 NN u Double Top 60 NN u Fortunate Star 100 NN u Kursiang 1 NN u La Lula 86 NN u Magic Moment 75 NN u Maloo 43 NN u Marlene 20 NN u Midnight Moonlight 6 NN u Muja Maiy 16 NN u Pep’n Chilli 24 NN u Piccolezza 92 NN u Safarinight 59 NN u Saucy Girl 88 NN u Stigmata 97 NN u Talaila 95 NN u Tawny Eagle 36 Bilderna på omslaget: Överst vinner Racemusic HB:s Jelly Roll klassiska Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpning 2010 på Täby före inbördes hårt stridande Dantolini (t v) som blir 2e, Capital Hill (nr 7), som blir 3e och Chalten (skymd) som blir 4e. Vinnaren ropades in av tränare Patrick Wahl för Racemusic HB, som även som ägare vann Jockeyklubbens 2009 (Erroll), på SÅEF-auktioinen 2008. Segrarens uppfödare är Jenny och Ture Lindblad och Ulla Lindblad, Ärla, som härmed noterade sig för sin största framgång hittills som fullblodsuppfödare. Övriga hästar på bilden är också ”auktionshästar”. Danskfödde Dantolini (undan från Sverige exporterade franskfödda modern Gryngolette) var med på den danska auktionen 2008 och Capital Hill och Chalten gick genom ringen på SÅEF 2008. Den infällda hästen är Uppercut Action, som den 31 augusti vann årets SM för 2-åriga hästar och som tidigare avlagt sitt maidenship och löpt 2e i värdefulla Malmö Stads Pris på Jägersro. Han tränas för Stall Gransäter av Lennart Reuterskiöld jr och är uppfödd av Bo Helander på Svista Säteri, Brottby. Uppercut Action var med på SÅEF-auktionen i fjol 2009, där han återropades. Han såldes dock direkt efter auktionen. Fotos Stefan Uppström. RINGS A KT EKONOMISK FÖRENING IONER OCKHO ST L SÅ U M Stockholms Åringsauktioner på Täby Galopp lördagen den 9 oktober Tidsprogram för auktionshelgen Fredag 8 oktober Boxarna disponeras från kl 09.00. Kl 18.00-20.00 Åringarna tillgängliga för visning Lördag 9 oktober Kl 9.30-12.00 12.00 13.30 Visning av åringarna - se schema nedan! Lunchbuffé Auktionen börjar Funktionärer Uppstallning/platsansvarig Personal Sekretariat Displayservice Koordinator SÅEF Utropare/presentatör Leif Wretman 070-573 78 00 Petra Amoudruz 073-213 80 57 Gunnar Olausson, Göran Nilsson, Marita Wirenstål SRB Roger Asp 070-918 32 01 Alastair Pim (Tattersalls) Obligatoriskt tidsschema för visning av åringarna i nummerordning i ledvolten lördag morgon kl 10.30-11.30. Åringarna visas i skritt i ledvolten, numrerade med ”hip numbers”, och leds runt i högervarv enligt följande tidsschema: Kl 10.00 Kl 10.15 Kl 10.30 Kl 10.45 Kl 11.00 Kl 11.15 Kl 11.30 Nr 1-15 Nr 16-30 Nr 31-45 Nr 46-60 Nr 61-75 Nr 76-90 Nr 91-100 Bokning av hotellrum Scandic Hotel Täby - 08-517 354 00. Täby Park Hotel - 08-506 483 00 Såstaholm Hotel - 08-510 194 00. Ange ”Åringsauktion 2010” för att få subventionerat pris. 3 Villkoren 2010: Auktionsvillkoren 1. Auktionen anordnas av Stockholms Åringsauktioner ekonomisk förening (SÅEF) lördagen den 9 oktober 2010 på Täby Galopp och är förbehållen medlemmar i SFAF (Svenska Fullblodsavelsföreningen) med hos Svensk Galopp (SG) inregistrerade fullblodsåringar 2010 (föl födda 2009). Säljare ansvarar för att åring som utbjudes är vederbörligen inregistrerad. Auktionen beräknas starta kl 13.30, med visning fredag kl 18-20 och lördagen från kl 09.30. Åringarna beräknas kunna mottagas fredag från kl 09.00 samt lördag fram till kl 09.00. Exakta tidsangivelser meddelas senare. 2. Åringarna säljs i befintligt skick. Samtliga uppgifter rörande åringen är lämnade av säljaren, som ensam svarar för riktigheten av dessa. SÅEF och säljaren friskriver sig uttryckligen för fel och brister hos de försålda åringarna. Arrangören och säljarens ansvar gentemot köparen är begränsat till prisavdrag eller till att som mest återbetala det klubbade priset jämte provision och mervärdesskatt. Arrangören och säljaren ansvarar således inte för direkta eller indirekta skador som köparen drabbas av. 3. För fullgörande av sin undersökningsplikt äger köpare rätt och möjlighet att besiktiga och/eller låta veterinärundersöka hästen före auktionstillfället. Kostnaden för en sådan åtgärd skall betalas av köparen. 4. Försäljningen sker i nummerordning enligt katalogen. 5. Anmälningstiden utgår fredagen den 6 augusti. Anmälningsavgiften till auktionen är 2.200 kr per åring och inkluderar boxplats, strö, egen katalogsida samt första anmälningsavgift till Auktionslöpning 2011. Anmälningsavgiften skall vara betald senast 1 september. Faktura utsändes. Anmälningsavgift återbetalas ej, oavsett skäl till strykning. Efteranmälan mottages ej. 6. Anmälan kan göras med den anmälningsblankett som utsändes till samtliga ägare av fullblodsåringar eller direkt till SRB AB, Box 14, 182 05 Djursholm som framställer auktionskatalogen. På anmälningsblanketten skall säljarens registreringsnummer för mervärdesskatt anges. Om skyldighet att redovisa mervärdesskatt ej föreligger skall detta markeras i avsedd ruta. 7. Transportbidrag lämnas med 400 kr per häst om resvägen enkel väg överstiger 250 km. 8. Budgivningen skall vara på minst 1.000 kr per bud. Minimipris 10.000 kr. 9. Bevakning av reservpriser görs ej från SÅEF:s sida utan säljare har att själv med motbud eller på annat sätt bevaka sin åring under det att den är i ring för försäljning. 10. Försäljningen sker kontant eller - om så överenskommes med säljaren - mot faktura per 30 dagar netto, räknat från auktionsdagen. Resp säljare ombesörjer fakturering och kreditbevakning. Vid försenad betalning har säljaren rätt att debitera dröjsmålsränta med 2% per månad räknat från förfallodagen. 11. Auktionsprovision debiteras säljaren med 2% och köparen med 5%. Vid återrop debiteras säljaren 3% i återropsprovision. Vid återrop debiteras således säljaren totalt 5%. Åring som säljs efter auktionen men före 13 oktober registreras som såld på auktionen om säljaren dokumenterar köpet på SÅEF försäljningsblankett och anmäler köpet till SÅEF senast 2010-1012 kl 24.00. Återropsprovisionen bortfaller då och köparen debiteras sedvanlig köpprovision. Provisioner debiteras separat genom SÅEF. Vid försenad eller utebliven betalning debiterar SÅEF dröjsmålsränta med 2% per månad. 4 12. Mervärdesskatt tillkommer på anmälningsavgift, inropssumma, auktionsprovision och ev övriga avgifter. 13. Om i katalogen upptagen åring utan giltig anledning dras tillbaka från auktionen, debiteras säljaren en provision på 5% av auktionsmedelpriset. Som giltig anledning godtas endast veterinärintyg utvisande att det av medicinska skäl är omöjligt för åringen att delta. 14. Äganderätten till såld häst övergår till köparen först när hästen är till fullo betald. Efter klubbslaget övergår ansvaret och eventuella kostnader på köparen. Skulle häst insjukna, skadas eller dö efter klubbslaget är köparen ändå skyldig att betala hela köpesumman inkl provision. 15. Samtliga försålda åringar, utom de som återropats, nytecknas kostnadsfritt under 30 dagar i AGRIA Racing till klubbat pris (exkl moms och provisioner). 16. Följande veterinärintyg skall avlämnas till behörig auktionsfunktionär vid åringens ankomst till auktionsplatsen: a) Intyg gällande influensavaccination: Minimikravet är en grundvaccination där andra injektionen ges 1-2 mån efter den första och inte får vara utförd senare än 10 dagar före auktionsdagen. b) Intyg gällande smittfrihet: Intyget, som får vara högst 3 dygn gammalt, skall utvisa att såväl åringen som övriga hästar i aktuellt stall inte uppvisar symptom på smittsam sjukdom. 17. SÅEF förbehåller sig rätt att ombesörja dopingprovtagning auktionsdagen på åringarna jämlikt SG:s bestämmelser om otillåtna medel. 18. Inropad häst skall vara avhämtad senast kl 12.00 den 10 oktober. I annat fall förbehåller sig SÅEF dels rätten att flytta hästen dels debitera en avgift om 3.000 kr per häst. 19. SÅEF (inkl SRB AB som framställer katalogen) fritar sig från allt ansvar beträffande ev felaktigheter och tryckfel i auktionskatalogen. STOCKHOLMS ÅRINGSAUKTIONER EKONOMISK FÖRENING (SÅEF) Svensk Galopps hemsida: 08-627 20 00 vx svenskgalopp.se 5 Katalogens uppgifter 2010 För kataloguppgifterna ansvarar resp säljare. SÅEF påtar sig ej ansvar för ev tryckfel, så ej heller SRB AB, som på uppdrag av arrangören svarat för den tekniska produktionen. I syfte att efter hand i allt väsentligt konsekvent kunna följa internationell katalogpraxis (International Cataloguing Standards Committee - ICSC) har central redigering av formuleringar, benämningar o dyl utförts, i första hand betr användandet av s k ”Black Type” - fet stil. Följande praxis gäller - så konsekvent som varit möjligt - för 2010 års katalog: 1 Presentation av resp åring har skett genom mödernelinjen i tre generationer, d v s med 1. mor, 2. mor och 3. mor. I vissa fall har ytterligare textredovisning gjorts i sammandrag. 2 Löpningars namn har endast angivits om de har eller har haft lägst L-status (Listed Race) eller motsvarande, eller är traditionella s k storlöpningar i Skandinavien. 3 Grupp/Grade- och Listed Races (även R för ”restricted”) har utmärkts på vederbörligt sätt (Gr1, Gd1), (Gr2, Gd2), etc - om de omnämnts beträffande utlandet (England, Irland, Frankrike, Västtyskland, Italien) fr o m 1971 (USA och Kanada fr o m 1973). Nämnda länder ingår i del 1 av ICSC:s rekommendationspublikation liksom efter särskilt tillstånd vissa betydande löpningar i Australien, Nya Zeeland och Sydafrika, samt i Sydamerika (Argentina, Brasilien, Chile, Peru och Uruguay). 4 För Skandinavien - som ingår i del 2 av ICSC:s rekommendationer - där Gr- och Listed Race-systemet infördes fr o m 1976, rekommenderar ICSC att Gr-, SkGr- eller Listed Races-benämningar ej utsätts för ifrågavarande löpningar, dock att vinnare och placerade (2:e och 3:e) utmärks med fet stil enl mom 5. Fr o m 1997 har också SkGr-benämningarna börjat utelämnas. 5 Följande har gällt beträffande normal och fet stil. Exempel: a) CLONDYKE Vinnare i motsv kategori Gr1, Gr2, Gr3 eller L (Listed), R (restricted), b) Clondyke 2:e eller 3:e i löpning enl a), c) Vinnare av annan löpning. Begreppet ”vinnare” anger att hästen vunnit en löpning, eller om ospecificerat antal segrar, minst en löpning. CLONDYKE d) Clondyke Övrig häst. Begreppet ”plac”, placerad, anges endast för 2:a och 3:eplacering. 6 Utslagsgivande för användandet av versaler och fet stil enl mom 5 har varit huruvida ifrågavarande löpning vid något tillfälle varit av motsv Gr, SkGr eller L-karaktär. Fet stil har använts för begreppen win, wins, won, winner, vinnare, segr och om hästen varit officiell Champion i något sammanhang. Antal segrar har angivits i siffror, antal vinnare för mor i bokstäver. 7 Angivandet av suffix för uppgift om födelseland skall ses som upplysning om var hästen är född. 8 För vissa åringar har uppgifterna publicerats på engelska. Materialet har tillställts digitalt och för att undvika förlust av uppgifter m m, har resp säljare medgivit att uppgifterna publiceras på originalspråket. Redigering och layout har därvid följt den vedertagna engelska modellen, som i vissa fall skiljer sig något från den svenska. 9 Redaktionen har avslutats per 2 september. Rättelser och ändringar som därefter inkommer publiceras i förekommande fall i SG:s kalender och på uppförstorade katalogsidor vid auktionen. 10 Uppgifter om säljare på varje katalogsida har försetts med tillgängliga telefonnummer och e-post. 11 Uppgifter om åringen är anmäld i ”Breeders-serie/löpning” har i förekommande fall angivits längst upp på sidan och på säljarens ansvar enligt: BT11-13 - Breeders’ Trophy-programmet för föl födda 2009 och som avser säsongerna som 2-, 3- och 4-åriga (Sverige), BP12 - Breeders Prize 2012 (Norge) för 3-åriga och BC13 - Breeeders’ Cup 2013 (Danmark) för 4-åriga. 6 Lång erfarenhet och pålitligt hög klass! Sedan starten 1982 har Svista Säteris uppfödningar tillsammmans vunnit 18.666.810 kr vid löpningar i Sverige och mer än 8 mkr utomlands. Under 10 år bedrev vi uppfödning både på Irland och i Sverige, men numera satsar vi enbart på svenskfödda hästar.Vi har 10 åringar i årets katalog till SÅEF-auktionen: Katalognr 14, 24, 36, 43, 59, 64, 73, 86, 95 och 100 Några av våra bästa uppfödningar: Erroll Erroll, JK Jubileumslöpn Swedish Open Mile (L), Svenskt Kriterium, Easy Way 3 segr, 2a SM 2-åriga, 4e Sv Oaks, Scand Classic Challenge Salad Days Breeders’ Trophy Malvern Lass Årets 2-åring på Täby 2004 Carrousel 2e SM 2-åriga, 3e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn och SM 2-åriga, FT92 Uppercut Action SM 2-åriga 2010, 2e Malmö Stads Pris 2010 Double Net, Svenskt Derby, JK Jubileumslöpn, Breeders’ Tr, SM Stayers Simply Coolawinnia Svenskt Oaks, JK Avelslöpn, 2a Sv St Leger Selous, Svenskt St Leger 3a Vinterfavoriternas Pris Nebukanatt Vinterfavoriternas Pris, hindervinnare i Frankrike och Schweiz Välkomna att bese vår åringskull! Kerstin och Bo Helander på Svista Säteri Turtle Turmoil 5 raka segr på häckar inkl Svenskt Champion Hurdle Donn Eagle Svelandlöpning, 2e Vinterfavoriternas Pris, Malmö Stads Pris Champollion Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpning I’m Proposing Stakesvinnare i England, TF 110 Stone Tycoon 2e i Listed, 12 segr i Italien Blue Secret 2e i Listed, 8 segr i Italien . . . och många fler! 7 Förteckning - Mödrar Mödrarna i bokstavsordning American Pay Day 89 MARDI GRAZ Amourina 54 MONALISA Arizona’s Child 73 NN u Arizona’s Child Bacchia 2 BACCMAN Be Practical 94 ARIZONA HIGH Blue Jean Baby 87 ROCKPORT SUNDAY Brightest Star 70 AHLINA Brilliant Mistake 18 RAFTIN Can Can 26 CAN WIN Casata 35 RISCOLI Cheeky Face 33 SOMETHING SPECIAL Clan Campbell 69 JOUYE Clois Mor 14 NN u Clois Mor Composit-A 34 JOBIM Congress Woman 21 NN u Congress Woman Costly Member 39 COLONEL Crystal Rosie 9 MOUNTAIN ONYX Debbie 96 DAZZLING DAISY Definite Rose 50 NN u Definite Rose Delta Downs 56 JIMMY MACK Di’s Pearl 64 NN u Di’s Pearl Double Top 35 NN u Double Top Edna Boyle 19 JACQUIN Fairy Jane 13 YUYU Fortunate Star 100 NN u Fortunate Star Ginger 81 JUMELLEA Gryngolette 66 BINAMIX Hataalii 29 MACABEO Hot Beignet 41 AMALTHEA Inchgower 93 PILLMAN Interviewer 15 INTEGRAL Isabel Grace 37 JAPONICA Jade’s Jewel 25 JUMANTHES Just in Time 90 PUYOL Kombi Plus 22 ALVENA STORM Kufoof 40 AISHITERA Kursiang 1 NN u Kursiang La Bonita 91 MONTUS La Lula 86 NN u La Lula Lake St Clair 77 LAKE COOLOOLA (ger) Little Fairy Little Green Apple Loose And Lethal Magic Moment Maloo Marbella Marlene Maxizone Mercurial Midnight Moonlight 58 23 42 75 43 5 20 85 7 6 Miss Ulleröd Mixie Morning Chorus Muja Maiy Never Stop Niece OK Maite Oldopal Colours Only Bee Pearly Pet Pep’n Chilli Persian Flight Piccolezza Point Taken 82 52 10 16 84 3 78 11 98 17 24 4 92 61 Power Kiss Primecat Quite Easy Quite Lucky Redbone Reference Lady River Aln Robin Lane Rue d’Alsace Rue La Fayette Safarinight Safe Trip Saucy Girl See Me 68 38 53 32 80 76 57 51 55 45 59 49 88 31 DIABLESSE GIRL FROM IPANEMA UNCLE SAM NN u Magic Moment NN u Maloo CARABELLA NN u Marlene VANESSA HIGH VOLITA HIGH NN u Midnight Moonlight MOUNTAIN JACK MOUNTAIN STAR MORS NN u Muja Maiy ATHLET NIECE PEARL KANZEE GOLD CANAVERAL ONLY JACKIE PEARL JAM NN u Pep’n Chilli DOMO ARIGATO NN u Piccolezza EASY COME EASY GO (den) AMERICAN KISS GATTINO QUITE FLIRTY LUCKY SONG PRAISE ROYAL REFERENCE RIVA DEL SOLE CELINE CREME DE LA CREME BECKENBAUER NN u Safarinight NN (ger) u Safe Trip NN u Saucy Girl SALANDER Katalogsidorna för åringarna kommer vid behov att löpande uppdateras på SÅEF:s hemsida (saef.se) fram till auktionsdatum. Uppdateringarna görs i röd färg och kommer även att finnas med på de sidor (A3) som klistras upp på boxdörrarna auktionsdagen. 8 Seeking The Storm Seigneur’s Lady Soul Sister Sparkling Outlook Stigmata Sun Orchid Suzie-Q Sweet Chili Sweeten Talaila Tawny Eagle 30 44 79 8 97 46 62 74 72 95 36 TUSEN TAKK SEIGNEUR THUNDER HOVDAMEN JIMENEZ NN u Stigmata SUNSET SUSINA TABASCO (den) SWEET SYMPHONY NN u Talaila NN u Tawny Eagle Tess The Spread Topcoat Tua Valerine Weezer Veronese Vinjett Word In Spanish Zack’s Key Zhenyi 47 67 71 65 83 99 48 27 63 28 12 BANDITOS EL GRAN MAGO EARTH HOUR TWITTER ONEOFAKIND WEEWAN ALTALUS NN (ger) u Vinjett ASTRUD KEY TO HEAVEN HIDDEN HOPE Easy KB har Sveriges smartaste system för andelshästägande! Alla kan vara med - på en svans, en nos, en hov, eller på en större bit. Vi skräddarsyr andelsägandet efter önskemål, både om du är ensam, eller om ni redan är några stycken . . . Vårt andelsägarsystem kan med fördel nyttjas av kompisgäng, som kommer via ATG-ombud, företag, idrottsföreningar, etc. Vi kan ibland erbjuda andelar i galopphästar som redan finns i systemet och vi kan ”ta in” en galopphäst som ni själva väljer ut. Du väljer själv vilken häst/vilka hästar du skall köpa andelar i. I varje häst finns 20 andelar, och samma person kan äga 1 - 20 andelar. Samma person kan äga andelar i flera hästar - med full kvittning . . . Varje andel ”lever sitt eget liv”, och ingen är ansvarig för mer än sina egna andelar! All moms dras av - direkt. För utförlig information ta kontakt med Folke Forsmarker på Easy KB - Tel 018-12 40 04! 9 Förteckning - Säljare Säljare i bokstavsordning Madelaine Agmell, Allatorp Lyckebo, 355 95 Tävelsås 29 MACABEO Christer B Andersson, Valnäsgatan 89, 387 96 Köpingsvik 2 BACCMAN 93 PILLMAN Ove Bergenudd, Onslunda 2282, 277 45 St Olof 18 RAFTIN Morten Buck, Buck Racing Kongshavn 4, 1367 Snaröya 31 SALANDER Benny Carlsson, Recruitment B Carlsson AB Kårkeslättsvägen 49, 233 38 Svedala 15 INTEGRAL 44 SEIGNEUR THUNDER ´ 76 ROYAL REFERENCE Nils Petter Gill, Stall Bonne Nuit Övre Båstad Gård/Leangv 43, 1387 Asker 61 EASY COME EASY GO (den) Helena Gärtner, Stall Navesta Lerbo, Navesta 1, 640 23 Valla 51 CELINE Stig Hansson, Nummerettavägen 3, 245 45 Staffanstorp 35 RISCOLI 38 GATTINO 45 BECKENBAUER 55 CREME DE LA CREME 90 PUYOL Bo Helander, Svista Säteri Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby 14 NN u Clois Mor 24 NN u Pep’n Chilli 36 NN u Tawny Eagle 43 NN u Maloo 59 NN u Safarinight 64 NN u Di’s Pearl 73 NN u Arizona’s Child 86 NN u La Lula 95 NN u Talaila 100 NN u Fortunate Star 10 Mette Gro Hermansen, Vrängebol Gärdet, 672 93 Årjäng 1 NN u Kursiang 83 ONEOFAKIND Anneli Holm, Holm Bostäder KB Älvsåkers Byväg 183, 434 96 Kungsbacka 48 ALTALUS 70 AHLINA Christer Häggström, Väsjö Fastighets AB Drottn Kristinas väg 31 N, 114 28 Stockholm 42 UNCLE SAM Eva Isacsson Sjunnesson, HorseNature KB Solbacka, 186 97 Brottby 74 TABASCO (den) Emilie Johansson, Komtillmåtta, 575 96 Eksjö 96 DAZZLING DAISY Karin Johansson, Brantshammar Stuteri AB Brantshammar, 741 92 Knivsta 17 PEARL JAM 32 LUCKY SONG 46 SUNSET 53 QUITE FLIRTY 57 RIVA DEL SOLE 65 TWITTER Per Olof Jonsson, Alvena Gård AB Alvena 604, 622 40 Gotlands Tofta 22 ALVENA STORM Birgitta Landström, Åkarps Gård, 544 92 Hjo 3 NIECE PEARL Jenny Lennström, Björnbacka Stuteri, 697 92 Pålsboda 89 MARDI GRAZ Jenny Lindblad, Stall Joie de Vie Målsjö Brunnshult, 643 97 Västra Näshulta 7 VOLITA HIGH 85 VANESSA HIGH 94 ARIZONA HIGH Jessica Long, JP Long HB Norregårdsvägen 33 - 38, 230 41 Klågerup 21 NN u Congress Woman Helena Mansén, Spritz Media Klasrovägen 39 A, 191 49 Sollentuna 58 DIABLESSE Wiola Mobeck, Stall CW Hårstastugan, Runtuna, 611 93 Nyköping 5 CARABELLA 40 AISHITERA 62 SUSINA 78 KANZEE GOLD Bengt Morberg, Vallhall Fäboda 15, 734 91 Hallstahammar 91 MONTUS Tor Petter Mygland, Las Pampas Polo Team Box 87, Smestad, 0309 Oslo 4 DOMO ARIGATO 30 TUSEN TAKK Pernilla Nilsson, Råby 14, 775 96 Krylbo 28 KEY TO HEAVEN 66 BINAMIX 84 ATHLET Sonja Olsson, Östersäby Stuteri Östersäby, 736 92 Kungsör 6 NN u Midnight Moonlight 20 NN u Marlene 50 NN u Definite Rose 60 NN u Double Top 75 NN u Magic Moment 88 NN u Saucy Girl 92 NN u Piccolezza Eva C S Pettersson, Tranberga Gård Tranberga Gård, 230 40 Bara 8 JIMENEZ 19 JACQUIN 25 JUMANTHES 37 JAPONICA 69 JOUYE 81 JUMELLEA Lennart Reuterskiöld, Stall Reuterskiöld HB Sommarlustvägen 16, 230 42 Tygelsjö 77 LAKE COOLOOLA (ger) Ann Kristin Robsrud, Stall Luxus Robsrudveien 12, 1470 Lorenskog 33 SOMETHING SPECIAL Ivan Sjöberg, Rävdansens stuteri Lindarsnäs Egendom, 640 43 Ärla 11 CANAVERAL 23 GIRL FROM IPANEMA 34 JOBIM 56 JIMMY MACK 63 ASTRUD 71 EARTH HOUR 80 PRAISE 87 ROCKPORT SUNDAY Sven Rosenqvist, Ölanda 207, 446 95 Älvängen 41 AMALTHEA Espen Ski, Eiksveien 56, 1359 Eiksmarka 16 NN u Muja Maiy Gösta Staffansson, Nannberga Gammelgård 214, 732 91 Arboga 67 EL GRAN MAGO 98 ONLY JACKIE Annika Stalfelt, Lanna Niordsta 109, 692 93 Kumla 39 COLONEL Lars Stelius, Asserdalsvägen 113, 434 96 Kungsbacka 12 HIDDEN HOPE Sven Stjerndorff, Berg, 740 21 Järlåsa 9 MOUNTAIN ONYX 52 MOUNTAIN STAR 82 MOUNTAIN JACK Berndt Strömberg, Stall Rancho AB Rancho, 230 41 Klågerup 27 NN (ger) u Vinjett 49 NN (ger) u Safe Trip Christer Svanholm, Kylteknik i Kalmar AB Dragonvägen 13, 392 39 Kalmar 68 AMERICAN KISS Stefan Uppström, Uppström Foto Karlsrovägen 18, 182 33 Danderyd 97 NN u Stigmata Patrick Wahl, Sundbyvägen 16, 186 70 Brottby 47 BANDITOS Leif Wretman, Wretman Stable o Stud HB Kommendörsgatan 20, 114 48 Stockholm 13 YUYU 79 HOVDAMEN Göran Åsheim, Stuteri Hagen Annedalsvägen 34, 291 63 Kristianstad 26 CAN WIN 54 MONALISA 72 SWEET SYMPHONY Anne-Li Ädel, Team Speed HB Östanås 150, 740 45 Tärnsjö 10 MORS 99 WEEWAN 11 Förteckning - Hingstar Hingstförteckning ACADEMY AWARD (IRE) 2000 br Danehill - Ingabelle e Taufan Endast startat 2 ggr som 2-åring, sedan skadad. Bror till WILD BLUEBELL, Concorde S, Gr3, 2e Belgrave S, L, 1000 Guineas Trial, L, Brownstown Stud S, L, PRIORY BELLE, topprankat 2-årssto på Irland 1995, Moyglare Stud S, Gr1, 2e Debutante S, L, och till EVA’S REQUEST, Weld Park S, Gr3, Princess Elizabeth S, Gr3, 2e Prestige S, Gr3. Till avel 2003, Champion 2-årshingst i Skandinavien 2007 och 2009, Championhingst stora listan Danmark 2008. Far till bl a THEATRICAL AWARD, 9 segr, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, M Wettermarks Minneslöpn, L, Bloomers’ Vase, L, Norsk Derby, Norsk 1000 Guineas, REVENTON, 7 segr, Skand Opdraetningslöb, Dansk Kriterium, Dansk Auktionslöb, SYDNEY, 6 segr, Mowerinalöb, MASTER KID, 4 segr, Dansk Derby, SIR HENRY, 2 segr, Dansk Derby, SIR RANDOLPH, 5 segr, Dansk 2000 Guineas, Skandinavisk Opdraetningslöb, RUNNER RUNNER, 4 segr, Breeders Prize Classic, LOIS LANE, 4 segr, Dansk Kriterium, Dansk Auktionslöb, etc. Kat nr: 7, 26, 30, 31, 54. AMERICAN POST (GB) 2001 mbr Bering - Wells Fargo e Sadler’s Wells 6 wins at 2 and 3 and £495,760 incl Poule d’Essai des Poulains Gr1, Grand Criterium Gr1, Racing Post Trophy Gr1, Prix de Fontainebleau Gr3, Prix Omnium II L. Sire of 42 winners of 85 races and £1,429,958 incl ANA AMERICANA (Prix Casimir Delmarre L, 2nd Prix du Calvados Gr3, Prix Finlande L, 3rd Prix Saint-Alary Gr1), LILISIDE (Prix de la Californie L, Prix La Camargo L), LILY AGAIN (Star S L), NOVITA (Junioren Preis L, 2nd Dusseldorfer Stutenpreis L, 3rd Schwarzgold Rennen Gr3, Grosser Fahrhof Preis L, Prix des Lilas L), QUEEN AMERICA (Prix des Jouvenceaux et des Jouvencelles L, 3rd Prix du Calvados Gr3), VALIDOR (Derby du Midi L, Grand Prix de la Regio Alsace L, 2nd Grand Prix de Nantes L). Kat nr: 68. BERTOLINI (USA) br 1996 Danzig - Aquilegia e Alydar Champion 3yo Sprinter in France in 1999, 2 wins at 2 and 3 and £460,570 incl July S Gr3, European Free H L, 2nd Nunthorpe S Gr1, Stanley Sprint Cup Gr1, Middle Park S Gr1, Prix Robert Papin Gr2, 3rd July Cup Gr1, Prix Maurice de Gheest Gr1, King’s Stand S Gr2, Jersey S Gr3, Dubai Golden Shaheen S Gr3. Sire of winners of over 704 races and £6,567,161 incl JUICE (NZ Bloodstock Thoroughbred Breeders S Gr1), DONNA BLINI (Cheveley Park S Gr1, Cherry Hinton S Gr2, 2nd Summer S Gr3, Hilary Needler Trophy L), MOORHOUSE LAD (King George S Gr3, 2nd Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp Gr1), BOW BRIDGE (Marygate S L, 3rd Queen Mary S Gr2), PRIME DEFENDER (European Free H L, Sandy Lane S L, Cammidge Trophy L, 2nd Champagne Lanson Sprint Gr3, Shadwell S Gr3, Cathedral S L, 3rd Renaissance S Gr3), PUTTANESCA (New Zealand Bloodstock Royal S Gr2), SUITS ME (Winter Open S, L, 2nd Winter Derby Trial S L), TABARET (Roses S L, 3rd Harry Rosebery S L, Windsor Castle S L), etc. Kat nr: 12. BINARY FILE (USA) 1998 br Nureyev - Binary e Rainbow Quest 7 segr, 3,3 milj kr, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, Strensall S, L, Pramms Memorial, L, Swedish Open Mile, L, Pokallöb, L, 2e Stockholm Cup International, Gr3, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, 3e Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, 4e Valley Chapel Memorial, L. Till avel 2008; första årgången är ettåringar 2010. Kat nr: 66. 12 BLACK SAM BELLAMY (IRE) 1999 br Sadler’s Wells - Urban Sea e Miswaki Champion 3yo in Italy in 2002, 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £389,848 incl Tattersalls Gold Cup Gr1, Gran Premio del Jockey Club Gr1, Alleged S L, 2nd Grosser Bugatti Preis Gr1, Prix Hocquart Gr2, 3rd Coronation Cup Gr1, Criterium de Saint-Cloud Gr1; own brother to GALILEO - leading sire globally - and half brother to SEA THE STARS, Epsom Derby S, Gr1, King George S, Gr1, 2000 Guineas S, Gr1, Irish Champion S, Gr1, Eclipse S, Gr1. The dam URBAN SEA won Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe, Gr1, world leading broodmare and dam of four Gr1-winning sons. Sire of 34 winners of 62 races and £695,226 incl GOATHEMALA (EBF Stutenpreis Gr3, 2nd Walther J Jacobs Stutenpreis Gr3, 3rd Diana Trial Gr2), SAPHIR (Bavarian Classic Gr3, 2nd Fruhjahrspreis Des Bankhauses Metzler Gr3), VALDINO (Deutsches St Leger Gr3, Jacob Fleischhauer Cup L, Badener Steher Cup L, 2nd Grosser Preis Der Nurnberger Versicherungsgruppe L), DAVERON (Preis Der Hotellerie Baden-Baden L, 3rd Siemens-Rennen - Hanshin Cup L), GALANA (Henkel-Trial L). Kat nr: 42, 49, 77. BOSUN’S WATCH (GB) 2004 br Singspiel - Sinking (GB) e Midyan (USA) 4 segr, 1600-2200 m, på 4 starter, Norsk 2000 Guineas, Jydsk Derby. Fadern SINGSPIEL, Champion Turf Horse i Nord-Amerika 1996, Topprankad Äldre Häst i UAE 1997, 9 segr, Dubai World Cup, Gr1, Japan Cup, Gr1, Coronation Cup, Gr1, Juddmonte International S, Gr1, Canadian International S, Gr1, Select S, Gr3, Gordon Richards S, Gr3, 2e Breeders’ Cup Turf, Gr1, Coronation Cup, Gr1, Grand Prix de Paris, Gr1, Coral-Eclipse S, Gr1, Princess of Wales’s S, Gr2, Great Voltigeur S, Gr2, Thresher Classic Trial S, Gr3. Till avel 1998 och far till 8 kullar med totalt 732 avk i startbar ålder, varav 529 har startat, 353 segrat och vunnit 913 segrar, varav 62 Black Type-vinnare, och totalt 45.557.778 USD. Ledande avelshingst i UAE 2003. Far till bl a MOON BALLAD, Årets Häst i UAE, Topprankad äldre häst i UAE, Dubai World Cup, Gr1, LAHUDOOD, Champion Turf Mare, Breeders’ Cup Filly And Mare Turf, Gr1, PAPINEAU, Topprankad äldre häst i England som 4-åring, Gold Cup, Gr1, LATERAL, Topprankad som 3-åring i Tyskland, Topprankad 2-åring hingst i Italien, Gran Criterium, Gr1, LOHENGRIN, Nakayama Kinen, Gr2, ASAKUSA DEN’EN, Yasuda Kinen, Gr1, CONFIDENTIAL LADY, Prix de Diane Hermes, Gr1, FOLK OPERA, EP Taylor S, Gr1, REWAAYA, Sir Rupert Clarke S, Gr1, SINGHALESE, Del Mar Oaks, Gr1, etc. Till avel 2008; första årgången är åringar 2010. Kat nr: 89. 13 CHINEUR (FR) 2001 br Fasliyev - Wardara e Sharpo 7 wins at 2 to 4 and £254,088 incl King’s Stand S Gr2, Prix de Saint-Georges Gr3, Criterium de Vitesse L, Prix Saraca L, Prix Hampton L, Prix Cor de Chasse L, 2nd Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte Gr2, 3rd Prix Eclipse Gr3, Prix du Petit Couvert Gr3. To stud in 2006, oldest crop 3yo in 2010, sire of 21 winners of 31 races and £447,646 incl Roi de Vitesse (2nd Superlative S Gr2, 3rd Rochestown S L), Silver Grey (2nd Prix Thomas Bryon Gr3), En Un Clin d’Oeil (2nd Golden Fleece S L), Singeur (2nd Doncaster S L). Kat nr: 97 DESERT PRINCE (IRE) 1995 br Green Desert - Flying Fairy e Bustino World Champion 3yo in 1998, 5 wins at 2 and 3 and £495,005 incl Irish 2000 Guineas Gr1, Prix du Moulin Gr1, Queen Elizabeth II S Gr1, European Free H L, 2nd St James’s Palace S Gr1, Coventry S Gr3, 3rd Poule d’Essai des Poulains Gr1. Sire of 327 winners of 954 races and $12,149,369 incl OUTBACK PRINCE (AUS) (T J Smith H Gr1, 2nd Champion S Gr1, 3rd Rosehill Guineas Gr1, KUSI (AUS) (BlueDiamond S Gr1, Skyline S Gr3), MAIL THE DESERT (Moyglare Stud S Gr1, 3rd Coronation S Gr1), (Scottish Derby Gr2, 2nd St James’s Palace S Gr1, 3rd Eclipse S Gr1),GOLDEN ACE (Coronation Cup Gr1 (2x), Gold Cup Gr1), SYRINX (Breeder’s S Gr2), SPIRIT OF DESERT (Premio Parioli (2000 Guineas Gr2, 2nd Gran Criterium Gr1), TARZI (Hyperion S Gr3, Scahill S Gr3, 2nd Railway S (2x),2nd Lee Steere S Gr2), WHAZZIS (Gran Premio Gr3), BALLAST (Tropical Turf H Gr3 (2x) 3rd River City Hcp Gr3), DESERT CLEARANCE (Victoria St Leger Gr3), FOSS WAY (Solario S Gr3), FRANCE (Tetrarch S Gr3, 2nd Irish 2000 S Gr3), PRINCESS IRIS (Firth of Clyde S Gr3), MARINE BLEUE (Kölner Herbst Stuten Meile Gr3, Prix de Lilas Gr3), L’INDISCRETA (Premio Carlo Chiesa Gr3), KALIYAN (St Leger, Austria, Gr3), etc. Kat nr: 74 DISTANT THUNDER (USA) 2003 fux Storm Cat - Miss Prospector e Crafty Prospector Endast startat 4 ggr (som 3-åring 2006). Fadern STORM CAT (USA), 4 segr, Young America S, Gr1, 2e Breeders’ Cup Juvenile, Gr1, etc, Champion Sire i USA två gånger, far till 16 kullar i startbar ålder, 1.139 föl, varav 844 (74%) startat, 144 är Black Type-vinnare, 8 Champions; 614 (73%) vinnare av 1.790 löpningar och USD 72.723.924 samt CAD 846.733 i USA inkl GIANT’S CAUSEWAY, Irish Champion S, Gr1, avelshingst, STORM FLAG FLYING, Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, Gr1, SWEET CATOMINE, ALJABR, ONE COOL CAT, BLACK MINNALOUSHE, SOPHISTICAT, CAT THIEF, TABASCO CAT, etc, samtliga Gr1-vinnare, etc. Till avel 2007; första årgången är 2-åringar 2010. Kat nr: 3, 19, 44, 69. ECUADORS DREAM (IRE) 1995 mbr Saumarez - Norfolk Lily e Blakeney Won at 3 and 176.600 kr, Svenskt Derby Consolation, 4th Pilot Fineliner Cup, L. Retired privately to stud in Sweden 2006; sire of one previous foal: Ketchikan, 2007, ran 8 times in Norway. Kat nr: 1, 33, 83. Hur många galopphästar du än äger eller tränar har vi Kerstin, Lars och Roger. De kan allt om hästförsäkringar. Kontakta Kerstin Åker 070-371 60 56 Lars Lindh 070-557 87 07 Roger Nilsson 0708-11 49 14 14 Vi är vinstrikaste uppfödare i Täbys större löpningar under 50 år! Vid galamiddagen i samband med Täby Galopps 50-årsfirande presenterades BZ:s jubileumsskrift över alla storlöpningar på Täby Galopp sedan starten 1960 och där stod det svart på vitt att Rävdansens Stuteri är det stuteri vars uppfödningar vunnit mest prispengar som vinnare av större löpningar på Täby Galopp under banans 50-åriga historia! Och då är inte hästar som fötts upp på stuteriet för andra ägare medräknade! T ex SONGLINE, TESORERO, ARCUS, FIRST EDITION, ARTEMIS CLUB, YOU NEVER KNOW, m fl, m fl. Hästar som fötts upp på Rävdansen har nu sprungit in närmare 35.000.000 kr! Vi har lanserat 3 championhingstar genom åren: DIAGHLYPHARD, FUNAMBULE och nu senast, EISHIN DUNKIRK. Vår nya hingst till 2010, PHILOMATHEIA, har stora framgångar i Italien just nu, så det är inte omöjligt att vi har en ny champion i vardande! Årets största stjärna för oss har varit WAKAYAMA (Eishin Dunkirk), som sprang in närmare 1 miljon innan en svår skada stoppade henne. EISHIN DUNKIRK har ju också svarat för klassiske vinnaren 2010, JELLY ROLL, som hemförde Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpning. Nu kommer vi med följande 8 åringar till auktionen: 11 CANAVERAL, 23 GIRL FROM IPANEMA, 34 JOBIM, 56 JIMMY MACK, 63 ASTRUD, 71 EARTH HOUR, 80 PRAISE, 87 ROCKPORT SUNDAY OBSERVERA! De hästar som vi inte lyckas sälja på auktionen, till vad vi tycker rimliga priser, går tillbaka till stuteriet, där vi påbörjar inridning och träning från vår träningsanläggning, under ledning av Dennis Elliott. Vårt mål är att sälja samtliga hästar och det är vår förhoppning att de som inte säljs på auktionen finner köpare senare under våren. De som inte är sålda kommer att starta i Rävdansens färger, men observera, de är hela tiden TILL SALU. Rävdansen (Ivan Sjöberg) +46 705 51 09 93 www.ravdansen.se 15 EISHIN DUNKIRK (USA) 1997 fux Mr Prospector - Forest Flower e Green Forest 3 segr i Japan över 1000-1400 m, 39,571,000 yen, 2e Kansakura S, 3e Tenozan S. Fadern MR PROSPECTOR ledande avelshingst i USA 2 ggr, ledande morfarshingst i USA 11 år i följd, far till 25 årgångar, 1.195 föl, 985 startande, 182 Svinnare, 16 Champions, 751 vinnare av 2.380 löpningar. Först till avel i Japan 2003 och där far till tre startade avk, HONEST JOHN, 4 segr, motsv 6.192.164 SEK, Sapporo Sponichi Sho, L, 2e Uzamasa S, L, Maya S, L, A Shin Sword, 5 segr, 3e Wakakusa Sho, L, och Eishin Ichizu, plac 2e 5 ggr. Till avel i Sverige 2005. Championhingst 2-åriga avk 2009 och 2e vinstrikaste hingst 2-åriga avk i Skandinavien 2009. Far till 11 vinnare av 14 startande; WAKAYAMA, 4 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, 2a Sv Kriterium, 3e Dianalöpn, 4e Sv Oaks, JELLY ROLL, 3 segr, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Crown of Creation, vinnare i debuten, 2e SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, Rikoschett, vinnare av Dunderdebutanten i första starten, 3e SM 2-åriga, Wood Prince, plac 2 ggr, 2e Norsk Rikstoto Grand Prix, HOKKAIDO, 2 segr, 5e SM 2-åriga, GEORGEBLACK, 2 segr, HIGH NOON, 2 segr, NICE AND ROUGH, 2 segr, SALLY SOLE, 2 segr, YAMAGUCHI, 2 segr, samt GARION, vinnare. Kat nr: 4, 11, 22, 23, 34, 40, 56, 62, 63, 71, 78, 87. FLYINFACT (FR) 1994 br In The Wings - Zeffirella e Known Fact 3 segr, 1400-1600 m, obesegrad som 2-åring, Vinterfavoritternes Pris, 3e Dansk Derby. Till avel 1998, far till bl a FLY SOCIETY, 9 segr, Skandinavisk Grand Prix, 2e Stockholms Stora Pris, Gr3, Pokallöb, L, Copenhagen Golden Mile, L, 3 ggr, Dansk Jockey Club Cup, L, 2 ggr, och Skandinavisk Grand Prix, samt ATTENTION PLEASE, 2 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Classic Consolation, FT81. Kat nr: 41. FUNAMBULE (USA) 1987 fux Lyphard - Sonoma e Habitat 4 segr, Prix de Chenes, Gr3, Prix de la Porte Maillot, Gr3, Prix de Palais Royal, Gr3, 3e Dubai Poule d’Essai de Poulains, Gr1. Till avel i Frankrike 1991 och far där till vinnare av 110 löpningar och över 16 milj FF inkl JEOPARDY, 5 segr, Singapore Derby, PLAISIR DES YEUX, 2 segr, Prix Dorina, SECRET DE RE, 6 segr, Bukit Timah Trophy, etc. Championhingst i Sverige och Skandinavien 2004, 2007, 2008 och 2009; far till 97 vinnare av 317 segrar och ca 35 milj kr, bl a FUNNY LEGEND, 24 segr, drygt 5,4 milj kr, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, Stockholms Stora Pris, Gr3, Lanwades Stud S, L, 2 ggr, Coolmore Matchmaker S, L, Bloomers’ Vase, L, Dianalöpning, Mowerinalöb, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, etc, TESORERO, 16 segr, IBM Stockholm Stora Pris, L, Swedish Open Mile, L, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Skandinavisk Mesterskap, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, Krafft SM Milers, 2 ggr, 2e Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, ELLICAT, 8 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, SM 2-åriga, 2a Breeders’ Trophy Classic, SHADE OF PALE, 4 segr, Svenskt St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Kapps Stora Pris, PAMONA, 5 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, TGAB Auktionslöpn, SM för 2-åriga hästar, ARTEMIS CLUB, 3 segr, Dianalöpn, SFAF:s Stora Pris, ELLIS LAD, 5 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Scandinavian Classic Challenge, SCOTTISH FUN, 3 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, LITTLE GREEN APPLE, 5 segr, Svenskt Kriterium, GREEN ROCKET, 4 segr, Amacitalöpn, EUPHORIA, 2 segr, Götalandlöpn, EXCITINGGREYGIRL, SFAF:s Stora Treåringspris, 2a SM 2-åriga, ARTIE BUCCO, Skand Mesterskap 3-årige, DOUBLE UP, Svenskt Oaks, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, GIMME GIMME, 5 segr, TGAB Auktionslöpn, Dianalöpn, MARIA MÖY, 5 segr, Norsk Breeders’ Prize Sprint, Norsk Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, HOLLY SOCIETY, 3 segr, SM 2-åriga, TRIESTE, 2 segr, Altamiralöpn. Kat nr: 17, 47, 53, 57, 65, 91. 50 år av större löpningar på Täby! Skriften redovisar 1.065 hästar med ägare, uppfödare, tränare och ryttare, som vunnit de 1.657 större loppen som hittills ridits på Täby. Totalt 100 sid. Indexerad. Lätt att hitta ditt eget namn om du vunnit. Statistik och utförligt sökregister för alla hästar. 50 fotos. Utgiven av SRB AB. Riktpris 100 kr (exkl ev porto). Rekvirera från srbz@home.se Publikationen kan köpas på Jägersro direkt av Sam W Friberg 0708-39 18 52, på Täby Galopp i Ladieskiosken. 16 Vi driver ett av Sveriges framgångsrikaste fullblodsstuterier. Våra uppfödningar har nu nått 20.414.325 kr sedan starten 1980. Vid auktionen bjuder vi ut numren 6, 20, 50, 60, 75, 88 och 92 Östersäbyuppfödningen Carezza Racings DESERT STAR vann BT Mile 2004 med Sara Slot. Segerpriset var 593.185 kr. Vinstrikaste uppfödningar från Östersäby Stuteri Pl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Häst LUCKY GROOM MIRONA LUCKY HEART DESERT STAR BLACK ERN THE GROOM ELEGANT SONG LACELLE ITSAGROOM SAUCY BIRD Föd år 1992 2006 2000 2001 2001 1997 2003 2001 2005 1998 Härstamning French Groom-County Meo Mirio-Saucy Girl Heart of Oak-Lucky Groom Desert Sport-International Star Young Ern-Coronati French Groom-Saucy Girl Songline-Saucy Girl Heart of Oak-Impington Itsabrahma-Saucy Girl Diaghlyphard-Saucy Girl St 88 15 93 9 12 18 34 46 22 10 1-2-3 14-14-14 3-4-1 17-8-10 4-1-0 4-0-0 4-3-3 5-4-2 10-9-2 4-3-5 2-1-1 Prissum 1 240.900 1.007.119 1.006.090 814.985 811.516 779.500 736.204 727.334 686.423 580.102 Alla resultat i Skandinavien. Totalt har vi haft 80 föl inregistrerade, som sedan vunnit prispengar. Vid stuteriet finns hingstarna Dustoori, Heart of Oak, Mirio, Swedish Shave och Terroir. Några större löpningar vunna i Sverige med våra uppfödningar: BT Trophy Mile (Desert Star), Svenskt Kriterium (Black Ern, Saucy Bird), SM 2-åriga ston (Saucy Bird), Altamiralöpning (Lois, SFAF/SÅEFAuktionslöpning (Mirona), Götalandlöpning (Itsarisk), SM Sprinters, (Lucky Groom, Lucky Heart). Tel 0227-201 33 stuteri, 0227-201 23 stall, 0702-81 10 48 mobil 17 HEART OF OAK (USA) 1992 fux Woodman - L’On Vite e Secretariat 6 segr, Toto-Lotto Sprint-Preis, L, och Pramms Minneslöpning, L. Halvbror till HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR, Champion 2-åring i Frankrike 2006, Phoenix S, Gr1, Gran Criterium, Gr1, Railway S, Gr2, samt 2e Dewhurst S, Gr1, och National S, Gr1. Till avel 1998 och far till 29 vinnare av 63 startande, bl a QUEEN OF HEARTS, 4 segr, Norsk Breeders’ Prize, Svenskt Oaks, 2a Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, LUCKY HEART, 16 segr, SM Sprinters, Mandarin Premiärhandikap, 2 ggr, 4e Stora Tvååringspriset, Fidelity, 4 segr, 2a Altamiralöpn, Kaibito, vinnare, 3e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, LACELLE, 9 segr, 4e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 5e SM Classic, WHITE OAK, 6 segr, 5e TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, WILLY, 5 segr, WILD AT HEART, 4 segr, 4e Scandinavia Cup, L, CORCELL, 4 segr, HOOF HEARTED, 4 segr, KING OF DYNAMITE, 3 segr, MOGUL, 4 segr, AJAZ, 3 segr, SAUCY HEART, 3 segr, GRANDINA, 2 segr, 4e Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, ALONSO, 2 segr, BYZANTINE GOLD, 2 segr, GREEN ENVIRONMENT, 2 segr, KAWA HEART, 2 segr, LIFT OFF, 2 segr, HAPPY BLIND DATE, 2 segr, MOUNTAIN CRYSTAL, 2 segr, OAK THRILLS, vinnare, 4e Duty Time Trophy, samt vinnarna ACE OF HEARTS, CROSS MY HEART, HEART THRILLS, SPRING HEART, TOMB RAIDER och BRAVE HEART. Kat nr: 6, 24, 39, 52, 59, 73, 75, 92, 95. HIGH CHAPARRAL (IRE) 1999 br Sadler’s Wells - Kasora e Darshaan Champion 3yo in England and Ireland in 2002 (11-13f), 10 wins at 2 to 4 and £3,446,309 incl Derby S Gr1, Irish Derby Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Turf Gr1 (twice), Irish Champion S Gr1, Racing Post Trophy Gr1, Royal Whip S Gr2, Derby Trial S Gr3, 3rd Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe Gr1 (twice). Sire of 115 winners of 223 races and £4,762,238 incl SO YOU THINK (AUS) (Cox Plate Gr1), MONACO CONSUL (AUS) (Victoria Derby Gr1, Spring Champion S Gr1), JOANNA (Prix de Sandringham Gr2, Prix du Calvados Gr3, Prix Imprudence Gr3, Prix de la Porte Maillot Gr3, 2nd Poule d’Essai des Pouliches Gr1, Prix Maurice de Gheest Gr1, 3rd Prix Marcel Boussac Gr1), THE MINIVER ROSE (Park Hill S Gr2), HIGH HEELED (St Simon S Gr3, 3rd Oaks S Gr1, Coronation Cup Gr1), ABOVE AVERAGE (Classic Trial Gr3), GOLDEN SWORD (Chester Vase Gr3, 2nd Irish Derby Gr1, 3rd Dubai City of Gold Gr1), MAGADAN (Prix d’Hedouville Gr3, 3rd Grand Prix de Paris Gr1), SENLIS (Premio Parioli Gr3), NOLL WALLOP (Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial Gr3), SERIENHOEHE (Maurice Lacroix-Trophy Gr3), UNSUNG HEROINE (Give Thanks S Gr3, 2nd St Leger S Gr1), REDWOOD (Glorius S Gr3). Kat nr: 100. HOLY BULL (USA) 1991 sk Great Above - Sharon Brown e Al Hattab Champion 3yo in USA in 1994, 13 wins at 2 to 4 and £2,481,760 incl Travers S Gr1, Metropolitan H Gr1, Woodward S Gr1, Haskell Invitational H Gr1, Florida Derby Gr1, Futurity S Gr1, Blue Grass S Gr2, Dwyer S Gr2, Hutcheson S Gr2. Sire of 473 winners of 1357 races and £43,894,256 incl MACHO UNO (Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Gr1, Grey Breeders’ Cup S Gr1), GIACOMO (Kentucky Derby Gr1), San Diego H Gr2), FLASHY BULL (Stephen Foster H Gr1), CONFESSIONAL (Frizette S Gr1), BISHOP COURT HILL (Carter H Gr1), POHAVE (Triple Bend Breeders’ Cup Invitational H Gr1). Kat nr: 72. HOMME D’HONNEUR (FR) 1992 br Sadler’s Wells - Luth De Saron e Luthier 2 segr, 2e Prix Denisy, L, och Prix Charles et Henry Rochet, L. Fadern SADLER’S WELLS Champion avelshingst i England 1990 samt 1992-1999, far till 530 vinnare av 71 milj US-dollar, varav 153 Black Type-vinnare inkl Gr1-vinnarna MONTJEU, NORTHERN SPUR, OLD VIC, CARNEGIE, IN THE WINGS, MOONSHELL, KING’S THEATRE, SALSABIL, JOHANN QUATZ, INTREPIDITY, etc. Till avel 2001 och far till 41 avk varav 27 startat och 9 segrat inkl EQUIP HILL, Årets Häst i Sverige 2007, 9 segr, Scandinavian Open Championship, Gr3, Valley Chapel Memorial, L, Kapps Stora Pris, 2 ggr, FT93, Mr Rasmus, 2 segr, 2e Hurricanelöpn, HUMBLE STAR, 6 segr, BAGDAD, 2 segr, LILLPRINSEN, 2 segr, BEAUTIFUL JOKE, FEMME D’HONNEUR, FULL RICH, MISS ANGELIQUE, alla vinnare, samt DREAM KEEPER, vinnare i steeplechase 2010. Kat nr: 2, 93. 18 INCHRORY (GB) 1993 br Midyan - Applecross e Glint of Gold 18 segr, toppade Skandinavisk Generalhandikap 1996 som 3-åring med 92 och 1998 som äldre häst med 93, Stockholm Cup International, Gr3, Oslo Cup, L, 3 ggr, Norsk Derby, Norsk 2000 Guineas, Kapps Stora Pris, L, Pilot Fineliner Cup, L, 2e Stockholm Cup International, Gr3, Scandinavian Open Championship, Gr3, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, L, Songline Classic, L, Norsk St Leger, Duty Time Trophy, L, 3e Stockholm Cup International, Gr3, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, L, 2 ggr, Kapps Stora Pr, L. Fadern MIDYAN (USA), Jersey S, Gr3, Rockingham S, L, 2e Challenge S, Gr2, Supreme S, Gr3, Beeswing S, Gr3, Criterion S, Gr3, Lanson Champagne Vintage S, Gr3, 3e 2000 Guineas, Gr1. Far till 17 Black Type-vinnare, 4 Champions och 223 vinnare av mer än 11 milj US- inkl ALHIJAZ, Champion 2-åring i Italien, 9 segr, Premio Parioli, Gr1, Premio Vitaria di Capua, Gr1, 2 ggr, Gran Premio Criterium, Gr1, Gardner Merchant Mile, Gr2, avelshingst, BEAUCHAMP HERO, 6 segr, Hardwicke S, Gr2, LES BOYER, 9 segr, Premio Emilio Turati, Gr2, 2 ggr, Pr Tantieme, L, ACCENTO, 4 segr, Grosser Kaufhof Preis, Gr2, etc. INCHRORY (GB) till avel i Norge 2002, i Sverige 2003. Far i Sverige till 65 föl i startbar ålder per 2010 varav 45 startat och 23 segrat inkl Aladar, 3 segr, plac 5 ggr, FT86, 2a Dansk Derby, Norsk St Leger, 3e Scandinavian Classic Challenge, JUST NU, 5 segr som 2-åring, FT75, ELIARA, 6 segr, FT76, INQUIETTE, 2 segr, FT73, GREENDAY, 4 segr, 5e SFAF:s Auktionslöpn, FT75, WENDOVER WILLIE, 3 segr, FT73, STORMY GIRL, 3 segr, FT71, FALDOR, vinnare, samt vinnare över häckar i debuten 2008, FT69, HOLMA IVORY, 6 segr, ANAADA, 2 segr, MRS CROW, 2 segr, MRS CASINO ROYAL, 3 segr inkl vinnare på häckar, samt vinnarna POLY, FT68, GRAPOLINI, FT68, DAD’S PRIDE, HEADMASTER, REX SHIPPING, MR KEATING, EXPLOSIVE HILL och STARGAZER. Kat nr: 18. INDESATCHEL (IRE) 2002 br Danehill Dancer - Floria e Petorius 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £229,761 incl Greenham S Gr3, Tetrarch S Gr3, Loughbrown S L, 2nd Poule d’Essai des Poulains Gr1, Blenheim S L, 3rd Anglesey S Gr3, Go and Go Round Tower S Gr3. Sire of 4 winners of 6 races and £86,116 from his first crop viz. Galtymore Lad (2 wins, 2nd Winkfield S L), BOLD BIDDER (2 wins), FABIELLO and TEDSMORE DAME. Kat nr: 94. Rune Ohlssons Hästtransporter Mobil 0707-48 44 40 Fax 046-611 95 19 JAUNTY JACK (GB) 1994 br Midyan - Juliette Marny e Blakeney TF90 som 2-åring och TF110 som 3-åring i England, Gran Premio d’Italia, Premio Emanuele Filiberto, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, 1800 gr, 2e Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, 3e Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, Oslo Cup, L, 2400 gr, Duty Time Trophy. Fadern MIDYAN (USA), Jersey S, Gr3, Rockingham S, L, 2e Challenge S, Gr2, Supreme S, Gr3, Beeswing S, Gr3, Criterion S, Gr3, Lanson Champagne Vintage S, Gr3, 3e 2000 Guineas, Gr1. Far till 17 Black Type-vinnare, 4 Champions och 223 vinnare av mer än 11 milj US- inkl ALHIJAZ, Champion 2-åring i Italien, 9 segr, Premio Parioli, Gr1, Premio Vitaria di Capua, Gr1, 2 ggr, Gran Premio Criterium, Gr1, Gardner Merchant Mile, Gr2, avelshingst, BEAUCHAMP HERO, 6 segr, Hardwicke S, Gr2, LES BOYER, 9 segr, Premio Emilio Turati, Gr2, 2 ggr, Pr Tantieme, L, ACCENTO, 4 segr, Grosser Kaufhof Preis, Gr2, etc. JAUNTY JACK (GB), betäckte ett sto 2004, till avel i Sverige 2005. Far till 10 avk i startbar ålder per 2010 varav 4 har startat: Jackyline, startat 10 ggr, FT52, Jackie Ant, startat 13 ggr, FT56, Why Speak At All, startat 4 ggr, och Little Jack, startat en gång som 3-åring 2010. Kat nr: 20, 82, 98. JEUNE HOMME (USA) 1990 br Nureyev - Alydariel e Alydar 4 wins and £432,175 at 3 and 4 years, from 1600 m to 2000 m, incl Citation H, Hollywood Park, Gr2, Prix Messidor, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr3, Prix Ridgway, Longchamp, L, 2nd Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr3, La Coupe, Saint-Cloud, Gr3, Prix Phil Drake, Maisons-Laffitte, L, 3rd Citation H, Hollywood Park, Gr2, Prix Guillaume d’Ornano, Deauville, Gr2. Retired to stud in 1996, leading sire in Chile in 2004. Sire of 74% winners-to-runners, 23 Black Type-winners, 61 winners of 198 races and £1.826.570 incl COMETE (7 wins incl Prix du Pin, Longchamp, Gr3), JEUNE DREAM (5 wins incl Premio Merano, Milan, L, 3rd Premio Boticelli, Rome, L), 2006 Chilean Gr2 winners ITALO AMERICANO and PETIT GALEON; he is also broodmare sire of 2006 US Gr1 Beverly D S winner GORELLA. Jeune Homme’s dam Alydariel is a S-winning half-sister to Coolmore sire Royal Academy, as well as Terlingua (dam of STORM CAT). Jeune Homme also sire of Avrances (2 wins, 3rd Prix de la Vallee d’Auge, Deauville, L), Existentialiste (7 wins, 3rd Grand Prix du Sud-Ouest, La Teste, L), L’Eclipse Francais (3 wins, 3rd Criterium du Bequet, La Teste, L), and in Sweden BEAUTIFUL DRIFTER (USA), 3 wins. To stud in Sweden in 2007, first crop are 2-year-olds 2010 incl Jeune Fils, placed twice in 2 starts, and Legacy, ran 3 times at 2, 2010. Kat nr: 14. KÖNIGSTIGER (GER) 2002 br Tiger Hill - Kittywake e Barathea 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £196,922 incl Gran Criterium Gr1, Oppenheim Union-Rennen Gr2, Fruhjahrspreis des Bankhaus Metzler Gr3, 2nd Merrill Lynch Euro Cup Gr2. Sire of 13 winners of 16 races and £200,601 incl Devilish Lips (2nd Prix Amandine L, 3rd Preis HSBS der Trinkhaus L), Anking (3rd Preis der Dreijahrigen L). Kat nr: 25, 27, 76. LATERAL (GB) 2003 br Singspiel - Ligona e Aragon Champion 2yo colt in Italy in 2005, Champion 3yo miler in Germany in 2006, 6 wins at 2 and 3 and £178,629 incl Gran Criterium Gr1, Europa Meile Gr2, Jaxx Pokal Gr3, Oppenheim Pramerica Meile Gr3, Kronimus Rennen L, 3rd Darley Oettingen-Rennen Gr2, Bavarian Classic Gr3, Prix de Guiche Gr3. His first crop are yearlings. Kat nr: 15. 20 LUCKY STORY (USA) 2001 mbr Kris S - Spring Flight e Miswaki Joint-Top rated 2yo colt in England in 2003, Joint-Top rated 3yo miler in Europe in 2004, 4 wins at 2 and £200,793 incl Champagne S Gr2, Vintage S Gr2, 2nd Queen Elizabeth II S Gr1, Sovereign S Gr3. Sire of 33 winners of 70 races and £1,065,255 incl ART CONNOISSEUR (Golden Jubilee S Gr1, Coventry S Gr2, 2nd Phoenix S Gr1), LUCKY LIKE (Totepool 2yo Trophy L), PRIMO LADY (Marygate Fillies S L), Hartley (2nd Thoroughbred S L, 3rd City Plate L), Caranbola (2nd Hilary Needler Trophy L), Letizia Relco (3rd Criterium Labronico L). Kat nr: 60 MANDRAKE EL MAGO (CHI) 1999 br Golden Voyager - Manon Lescaut e Musketeer 9 segr, Clasico Raimundo Valdes C, Gr3, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, Pramms Memorial, L, Stockholms Stora Pris, Gr3, 2 ggr, Valley Chapel Memorial, Malmö Sommarhandikap, 2e Gran Premio Criadores-Vina San Pedro, Gr2, Pramms Memorial, L, 3e Chilenskt 2000 Guineas, Gr1, Stockholm Cup International, Gr3, 2 ggr, 4e Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, SFK Minneslöpn, L, 5e Grosse Porsche Trophy, Gr2. Fadern GOLDEN VOYAGER (USA), 3 segr, USD96.875. Far till 70 föl, 60 startande, 13 Black Type-vinnare, 3 Champions, 36 vinnare av 109 löpn och USD1.227.105 t o m 2003 inkl CRYSTAL HOUSE (CHI), Årets Häst i Chile, Chilenskt Derby, Gr1, etc, GUACATE, Champion i Chile, Clasico Club Hipico de Santiago Falabella, Gr1, etc, PENUMBROSA, Champion i Chile, Clasico Geoffrey Bushell, Gr3, MISTER ACPEN, Chilenskt 2000 Gns, Gr1, MANDRAKE EL MAGO, se ovan, CALAFQUEN, Premio Otono Pedro Garcia de la Huerta, Gr2, etc. Till avel 2006; första årgången (13 föl) är 3-åringar 2010, varav 8 har startat och 4 är vinnare; JURGITA PLAYER, vinnare i debuten, HISPANIELLA, EQUEEN HILL och OCKIDOCK, samt placerade Chillán, 3e Breeders’ Trophy Mile, Classic Trial, 5e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, och Habenaria, plac 2 ggr. Kat nr: 8, 21, 29, 67, 79. 21 MEDECIS (GB) 1999 fux Machiavellian - Renashaan e Darshaan 4 wins at 2 and 3 and £170,928 incl Prix de la Jonchere Gr3, Prix Herod L, Prix Omnium II L, 2nd Poule d’Essai des Poulains Gr1, Prix de la Foret Gr1, Prix de Fontainebleau Gr3, Morvich H Gr3. Sire of 27 winners of 102 races and £859,354 incl PALLODIO (La Coupe de Maisons-Laffitte Gr3, Grand Prix de la Riviera Cote d’Azur L, 3rd Prix Ganay Gr1, Winter Derby Gr3, Prix Herod L), ONE LICKETY SPLIT (AUS) (Golden S L), Duchess of Foxland (2nd Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial Gr3, 3rd Athasi S Gr3), December Draw (3rd Magnolia S L). Kat nr: 36. MELMAC 1991 br Diaghlyphard - Sovereign Star e Comedy Star 26 segr, 1000-1600 m, Sydsvenskan Sprint L, Malmö Hösthandikap (2 ggr), 2e Verdexa Cup L, Zawawi Baltic Cup L, Sydsvenskan Sprint L, (3 ggr), SM Sprinters, 3e JK Jub löpn, Zawawi Baltic Cup L, Sydsvenskan Sprint L, Malmö Hösthandikap, Rosengårdlöpn, SM Sprinters (3 ggr), 4e IBM PC Vårsprint L, Zawawi Baltic Cup L, 5e Täby Open Sprint Champ L, högst rankade Äldre Häst på Svensk Generalhkp 1995. Till avel 1997; far till 41 startande avk, varav 20 är vinnare, bl a MOLTAS, 9 segr, plac 12 ggr, Swedish Open Mile, L, Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, Skandinavisk Mesterskap för 3-åringar, SM Classic, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 2 ggr, 2e Swedish Open Mile, L, GHR Gold Cup, 3e Songline Classic, L, SM Classic, 4e Sv Kriterium, 5e Nickes Minneslöpn, L, 2 ggr, FT92, HÅ-TE-HÅ, 4 segr, FT71, 2-åringernes Stayerprøve, Den Jydske Vinterfavorit, Pokallöb, BE Profilers 3-årsserie, Mikado, 5 segr, Fyraårspokalen, 3e Scand Classic Challenge, samt vinnarna MULDER, 13 segr, MCBELL, 7 segr, RISING STAR, 6 segr, MURRAY, 6 segr, MADRINA, 4 segr, MONZA, 4 segr, MYKENE, 5 segr, BROOKVILLE, 4 segr, MERRIMAC, 3 segr, MYSTIK, 3 segr, MALF, 2 segr, MYTHOS, 7 segr, MAROUF, 2 segr, samt vinnarna GREAT WHITE, HAPPY LARRY, MIRIFICO, 4e Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, MURASI och MONTEREY. Kat nr: 5, 9. MIRIO (FR) 1997 fux Priolo - Mira Monte e Baillamont 6 segr i Frankrike på 2000-2400 m, 4.003.065 omräknat i SEK inkl franskbonus, Grand Prix de Saint Cloud, Gr1, plac 6 ggr, 3e Prix Le Fabuleux, L, Saint-Cloud. Till avel i Sverige 2003. Far till 8 vinnare av 26 startande avk inkl MIRONA, 3 segr, SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, 2a Svenskt Oaks, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 4e Erik O Steens Memorial, L, 5e Mowerinalöb, King Accent, 2 segr, 2a SM 2-åriga, MIROBOLANT, Dansk Derby Consolation, 6e Svenskt Derby 2007, THE BISHOP’S JOY, Y 2 segr, WING COMMANDER, 2 segr, samt vinnarna IRISH’S FIGHTER, MAZZARIN och YOUKNOWWHAT ROSE. Kat nr: 35, 43, 50, 88. Blomsterarrangemangen kommer från 22 5.118.401 kr har utdelats enbart till vinnarna av de sju första Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Funny Legend, Tam O’Rito, Icaros, Cattlemans Clipper, Shade of Pale, Ellis Lad och Holly Golightly I denna katalog är det 74 åringar som har chansen till de största pengarna som finns för svenskuppfödda hästar på Täby Galopp! Den senaste vinnaren av Breeders’ Trophy Classic är HOLLY GOLIGHTLY (i mitten, liten bläs), som på bilden ses vinna årets upplaga på Täby Galopp den 28 augusti under Espen Ski. I ett fullt startfält på 15 hästar hade det av ägaren Stall Bonne Nuit (Nils Petter Gill, Norge) i Sverige (hos Eva Isacsson Sjunnesson i Brottby) uppfödda stoet dessutom startspåret 15. Tillsammans med uppfödarpremien på 61.500 kr blev den totala bruttosegerchecken skriven på 559.250 kr. Foto Stefan Uppström. Du ser längst upp till höger på varje katalogsida om den utbjudna åringen är anmäld till den lukrativa Breeders’ Trophy-serien för perioden 2011-2013. 23 MOST WELCOME (GB) fux 1984 Be My Guest - Topsy e Habitat 4 segr, 1200-2000 m, 4e topprankad 3-årig hingst i England 1987, Lockinge S, Gr2, 1600 m, Select S, Gr3, 2e Derby S, Gr1, Champion S, Gr1, Gordon Richards EBF S, Gr3, 3e Sussex S, Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Mile, Gr1, Belmont Turf Classic, Gr1, Prince of Wales’s S, Gr2, Trusthouse Forte Mile, Gr2, Craven S, Gr3, 4e Sussex S, Gr1, TF131. Till avel i England 1990, far till vinnare av drygt 1.000 löpn och drygt 130 milj SEK inkl SUANCES, TF127, Prix Jean Prat, Gr1, Prix de Guiche, Gr3, SASURU, TF 124, Prix d’Ispahan, Gr1, Prix G d’Omano, Gr2, Gordon Richards S, Gr3, avelshingst, ARCTIC OWL, TF 124, Irish St Leger, Gr1, Prix Kergorlay, Gr2, Henry II S, Gr3, Jocky Club Cup, Gr3, 2e Princess of Wales’s S, Gr2, Jockey Club Cup, Gr3, Lonsdale S, Gr3, PRIZE GIVING, San Marcos H, Gd2, 2e San Luis Obispo H, Gd2, 3e Hollywood Turf H, Gd2, ECCENTRIC, Breeders’ Cup S, Gd2, Connaught S, Gd3, Fayette S, Gd3, Winter Derby, Gr3, CALL ME, Brown Bess H, Gd3, Alcatraz H, L, 2e Miss America H, L, 3e Palomar H, Gd3, Louis R Rowan H, Gd3, FLYING DREAM, BMW Europachampionat, Gr3, Telenorma Preis, L, 2a Preis der Diana (Tyskt Oaks), Gr2, Preis der Hannoverschen Sparkassen, Gr3, 2 ggr, BENEVENTA, Gr3-vinnare, Gr3-plac, Listed 19 vinnare 2004, COCKTAIL, Listedvinnare 2004, CROESCO CARIAD, Premio Novella, L, 2e Falmouth S, Gr2, ARRIVING, Middleton S, L, 2e Sun Chariot S, Gr2, Fawley Stud Golden Daffodil S, L, m fl. Morfar till Gr1-vinnarna PASTORAL PURSUITS (avelshingst) och GOODRICKE. Till avel i Sverige 2004, far till 20 vinnare av 38 startande, bl a ARCUS, 7 segr, 1.383.632 kr, vinstoch segerrikaste 2-årig häst 2007, JK Jubileumslöpn, BT Trophy Mile, BT Trophy Juvenile, 2e BT Classic, MR ADMIRAL, 3 segr, PremiärH, 2e SM Sprinters, HOLLY GOLIGHTLY, 3 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, MR MINISTER (GB), 6 segr, Sofierolöpn, Maddox, 2 segr, 3e Dansk Derby, Clauses Star, vinnare, 2e Danskt 2000 Gs, 2e Skandinavisk Mesterskap, Aquila Flyer, vinnare, 2e Norsk Auksjonslöp, 2e Norsk Opprettslöp, Novacon, vinnare, 2e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, NIGHT CHORUS (GB), 6 segr, DANISH WELCOME, 5 segr, TAIWAN (GB), 5 segr och mor till FUN DANCER, 3 segr, MADDOX, 4 segr, PANDURO, 4 segr, FAHEMA (GB), 2 segr, KNOXVILLE, 3 segr, EMPEROR, 2 segr, samt vinnare över häckar, MOST WANTED, 2 segr, PAMPERWELL, 2 segr, VERY WELCOME, 2 segr, WELCOME IN MAY, 2 segr, samt vinnarna ASUNCION, BLADES OF GLORY, CALIENTE, CHAPTERELEVEN, CILLA, CLAUSES ELISA, FAYENCE, IONIUS, LETS GO, MARRAKECH, MINT CONDITION, MY ALIBI, NOVAPAL, NOVAROC, ONTHERUN, SALOBRE, TAM O’MILL och WELCOMETOMYWORLD. Kat nr: 58, 80, 84, 85. NOROIT (GER) 1998 mbr Monsun - Noble Princesse e Windwurf 2 wins at 3 and £134,832 incl Europa Championat Grosser Preis der Frankfurter Sparkasse Gr2, 2nd Grosser Dallmayr-Preis Bayerisches Zuchtrennen Gr1, 3rd Deutsche Post Euro Express Preis von Europa Gr1, Grosser Preis von Baden Gr1, Moet & Chandon Cup L. Sire of 9 winners of 10 races and £36,819 viz ENGAI (2 wins), KIM POSSIBLE, SHOSHONI, DIAMOND WORLD, ASCOT, AZAMBOURG, BELLUCIA, LADY MACBETH and VENGADORC. Kat nr: 16. ONE COOL CAT (USA) 2001 br Storm Cat - Tacha e Mr Prospector Champion 3yo sprinter in Europe in 2004, 5 wins at 2 and 3 and £325,493 incl National S Gr1, Phoenix S Gr1, Anglesey S Gr3, Phoenix Sprint Gr3, 3rd Nunthorpe S Gr1. Sire of 124 winners of 240 races and £2,604,359 incl DIGLETT (Premio Alberto Giubilo L, 3rd Premio Primi Passi Gr3), ICESOLATOR (National S L, 3rd Greenham S Gr3), KNAVESMIRE (Hilary Needler Trophy L), MAGIC CAT (Harry Rosebery S L), SMOKEY STORM (Woodcote S L), COOL CONTEST (Premio Alessandro Perrone L), SARABIA (Preis der Stadtsparkasse Dusseldorf L), LAYLA’S HERO (Rockingham S L, Doncaster S L), LUNGWA (Prix Le Fabuleux L). Kat nr: 86. Intresserad av ”Papperskalendern”? Hör av dig till SRB så får du pris för resterande nummer 2010 inkl några nr ”bakåt”. srbz@home.se 24 PEINTRE CELEBRE (USA) 1994 fux Nureyev - Peinture Bleue e Alydar Champion 3yo in Europe in 1997, 5 wins at 2 and 3 and £927,340 incl Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe Gr1, Prix du Jockey Club Gr1, Grand Prix de Paris Gr1, Prix Greffulhe Gr2, 2nd Prix Niel Gr2, 3rd Prix des Chenes Gr3. Sire of 252 winners of 591 races and £16,080,504 incl PRIDE (Champion S Gr1, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud Gr1, Hong Kong Cup Gr1), BELLE ET CELEBRE (Prix Saint-Alary Gr1), SUDAN (Gran Premio di Milano Gr1), CASTLEDALE (Santa Anita Derby Gr1, Shoemaker Breeders’ Cup Mile S Gr1), DAI JIN (BMW Deutsches Derby Gr1, Credit Suisse Private Banking Pokal Gr1), PEARL OF LOVE (Gran Criterium Gr1), VALLEE ENCHANTEE (Hong Kong Vase Gr1), BENTLEY BISCUIT (AUS) (T J Smith S Gr1), MR CELEBRITY (NZ) (George Main S Gr1), MR SANDGROPER (AUS) (Western Australian Derby Gr1). Kat nr: 64. SHAMARDAL (USA) 2002 br Giant’s Causeway - Helsinki e Machiavellian Champion 2yo in Europe in 2004, Champion 3yo miler in Europe in 2005, 6 wins at 2 and 3 and £1,099,290 incl Poule d’Essai des Poulains Gr1, Prix du Jockey Club Gr1, St James’s Palace S Gr1, Dewhurst S Gr1, Vintage S Gr2. Sire of 66 winners of 104 races and £3,717,098 incl FAINT PERFUME (AUS) (Crown Oaks Gr1), LOPE DE VEGA (Prix du Jockey Club Gr1, Poule d’Essai de Poulains Gr1, 3rd Prix de Fontainebleau Gr3), ZAZOU (Oppenheim Union Rennen Gr2, Dr Busch Memorial Gr3, 2nd Deutsches Derby Gr1), DUNBOYNE EXPRESS (Anglesey S Gr3), ARCTIC (Go and Go Round Tower S Gr3), SHAKESPEAREAN (Solario S Gr3, Surrey S L, 3rd Superlative S Gr2), ELLE SHADOW (Berberis Rennen L, 2nd Preis der Diana Gr1, 2nd Hamburger Stutenpreis Gr3, 3rd Diana Trial Gr2), SIYAADAH (UAE 1000 Guineas L, 3rd UAE Oaks L). Kat nr: 70. SHARP MATT (GB) 1991 fux Sharpo - Matoa e Tom Rolfe 15 segr, 1000-1200 m, NJK Sprintlöp, L, 2 ggr, Zawawi Cup, L, 4 ggr, Sydsvenskan Sprint, L, Polar Sprint Cup, Malmö Hösthandikap, The Heatherwold Cup, 2e Polar Million Cup, L, Polar Sprint Cup, NJK Sprintlöp, L, Rosengårdlöpn, Malmö Hösthandikap, 2 ggr, Sydsvenskan Sprint, L, 3e Svealandlöpning, Malmö Stads Pris, 4e Sydsvenskan Sprint, L, 2 ggr, Malmö Hösthandikap 2 ggr, 5e KG’s Store Sprint, L, Polar Million Cup, L, NJK Sprintlöp, L. Till avel 2000; far till totalt 56 avk i startbar ålder, varav 37 startat och 22 segrat inkl Sharp View, 7 segr, plac 7 ggr, 3e Malmö Hösthandikap FT81, QUITE LUCKY, 3 segr, plac 6 ggr, samt 5e Norsk 1000 Guineas, SM Sprinters, FT80, SHARP FOX, 6 segr, plac 14 ggr, FT71, SHARP LASS, 4 segr, plac 7 ggr, FT 67, RUSSIAN RULER, 3 segr, plac 3 ggr som 2-åring, FT79, SIR WILLOW, 5 segr, plac 4 ggr, FT73, ANAM CARA, 4 segr, plac 7 ggr, FT65, BULL, 3 segr, plac 5 ggr, FT76, SEKHMET, 2 segr, plac 9 ggr, FT69, QUITE NICE, 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, FT74, ROSSI CONTESSA, 2 segr, plac 5 ggr, FT66, PETIT MINOU, 2 segr, plac 4 ggr, FT69, samt SHARP CHRIS, vinnare, plac 3 ggr, FT70, SHANZADI, vinnare, plac 8 ggr, FT72, QUITE SHARP, vinnare, plac 6 ggr, FT65, CHICHEN ITZA, vinnare, plac 3 ggr, FT67, MEXICAN TEQUILA, vinnare, plac 2 ggr, FT68, samt vinnarna DEBATT, EASTER BOY, MISUNDERSTOOD och GLENN. Kat nr: 96, 99. SINGSPIEL (IRE) 1992 br In The Wings - Glorious Song e Halo Champion older horse in UAE in 1997, 9 wins at 2 to 5 and £3,424,158 incl Canadian International Gr1, Japan Cup Gr1, Juddmonte International Gr1, Coronation Cup Gr1, Gordon Richards S Gr3, Select S Gr3, Dubai World Cup L, 2nd Eclipse S Gr1, Grand Prix de Paris Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Turf Gr1, Coronation Cup Gr1. Sire of 415 winners of 1071 races and £34,849,005 incl DAR RE MI (Pretty Polly S Gr1, Yorkshire Oaks Gr1, Dubai Sheema Classic Gr1), EASTERN ANTHEM (Dubai Sheema Classic Gr1), HIBAAYEB (Fillies Mile Gr1), MOON BALLAD (Dubai World Cup Gr1), CONFIDENTIAL LADY (Prix de Diane Gr1), LAHUDOOD (Breeders’ Cup Filly & Mare Turf Gr1, Flower Bowl Invitational S Gr1), FOLK OPERA (E.P. Taylor S Gr1), LATERAL (Gran Criterium Gr1), PAPINEAU (Ascot Gold Cup Gr1), ASAKUSA DEN’EN (Yasuda Kinen Gr1), SINGHALESE (Del Mar Oaks Gr1). Kat nr: 48. 25 SLEEPING INDIAN (GB) 2001 br Indian Ridge - Las Flores e Sadler’s Wells 6 wins at 3 to 5 and £252,417 incl Challenge S Gr2, Hungerford S Gr3, Ben Marshall S L, John of Gaunt S L, Dubai Duty Free Cup L, 2nd Park S Gr2, Challenge S Gr2. Sire of 6 winners of 7 races and £49,001 from his first crop viz Shoshoni Wind (2nd Empress S L), DOZY JOE (2 wins), POSTILLION, SUPER MAZILIER, TTAKEAWAY and WAKING W W WARRIOR . Kat nr: 51. SONGLINE 1993 mbr Diaghlyphard - Princess Persian e Persian Bold 14 segr, 3.221.500 kr, vinstrikaste svenskuppfödda hingst genom tiderna, Årets Häst i Sverige 1996 och 1997, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, Kapps Stora Pris, L, 2 ggr, Pokallöb, L, Jägersro Cup, Svenskt St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy, Norsk Breeders Prize, Svenskt Kriterium, Upplandlöpn, SM för 2-åringar, 2e Svenskt Derby och Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn. Till avel 1999. Far till 39 individuella vinnare av 13,4 milj kr inkl HALFSONG, vinstrikaste svenskuppfödda häst genom tiderna, Årets Häst 2003, 12 segr, ca 3,5 milj kr, Scandinavian Open Championship, Gr3, Dansk Derby, Svenskt Oaks, Dansk Oaks, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, Golden Mile, L, Scandinavia Cup, L, Scania Sprint, 2a Svenskt Derby, Scandinavia Cup, L, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, FIRST EDITION, Årets 2-åring 2002 och Årets 3-åring 2003, 8 segr, ca 3 milj kr, Breeders’ Trophy, Norsk Breeders’ Prize, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, Stora Tvååringspriset, SM Classic, 2e Svenskt St Leger, Kapps Stora Pris, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, 2-års Breeders, 3e Svenskt Kriterium, INCHLINE, 5 segr, Dansk Derby, Dansk 2000 Guineas, 2e Svenskt Kriterium, 3e Dansk Kriterium, Made in Sweden, 2 segr, 2a Svenskt Oaks, 3a Dianalöpn, Elegant Song, 4 segr, 2e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, även vinnare över häckar, Alvena Quling, 2 segr, 2e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Sun Song, vinnare, 3e Breeders’ Trophy Mile, 5e Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, PERFECT DAY, 7 segr, SONG OF COSMO, 7 segr, TALISKER, 8 segr, RUNAWAY BRIDE, 5 segr, MISTERCHEEZDOODLE, 4 segr, CHIQUITITA, 4 segr, CHORUSSO, 6 segr, FRÄULEIN, 5 segr, LOOK WHO’S TALKING, 3 segr inkl en över häckar, DREAM CATCHER, 5 segr, inkl 2 över häckar i England, GALAHAD, 3 segr, SING SING, 3 segr, SYMPHONIAS MAXIMUS, 3 segr, CALENDAR GIRL, 2 segr, CAROLINE PLAYER, 3 segr, GLENURY ROYAL, MANIQUATTRO LO, SUPER TROUPER, ROSE GATE, SNOWMAN, ANTIQUARY, alla 2 segr, samt vinnarna GAVROCHE, KEEP ON STEAMING, LEMON TREE, LITTLE TOM PLAYER, RATIONAL ROSE, THE ROCK, TOXIC, SONJA, STRAX, SONGMATE och SONG-MAID (även plac över häckar). Kat nr: 10, 32, 46, 61. När man köper en häst köper man en dröm! Vägen mot drömmen kan vara kantad av glädje och besvikelse men garanterat spännande och innehållsrik. Att ha häst i träning hos oss innebär så mycket mer än bara pengar in och ut. Ring eller maila oss så berättar vi mer! Jessica och Padraig Long Tel: 0708-64 88 24 Mail: info@longracing.se www.longracing.se 26 Long o g Racing on R ci Ra cing - Keep it simple and keep them happy - RINGS A KT EKONOMISK FÖRENING IONER OCKHO ST L SÅ U M Välkommen till Agria Svensk Auktionslöpning 2011! Tillsammans med Agria vill vi göra Auktionslöpningen ännu intressantare för både köpare och säljare av våra åringar. 2011 rids löpningen som en gemensam löpning för hingstar och ston. Beräknad prissumma 500.000 kr 1. insats betalas av Agria. Stockholms Åringsauktioner betalar dessutom 20% extra uppfödarpremier för prisplacerade hästar sålda på vår auktion. SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpning 2011 rids i november på Täby Galopp SWEDISH SHAVE (FR) 1998 fux Midyan - Shavya e Shavian 11 segr, Prix de Ris Orangis, Deauville, Gr3, Grosser Preis von Berlin, Hoppegarten, Gr3, Prix de Bonnevil, Chantilly, L, Prix Servanne, Maisons-Laffitte, L, Prix Servanne, Chantilly, L, Prix Cor de Chasse, Maisons Laffitte, L, The Naas International S, 2e Prix Meautry (2 ggr), Deauville, Gr3, Prix de Ris Orangis, Deauville, Gr3, Prix Servanne, Chantilly, L, Prix Cor de Chasse, Maisons Laffitte, L, 3e Prix Contessina, Maisons Laffitte, L, 4e Prix Maurice de Gheest, Gr1. SWEDISH SHAVE (FR) till avel 2005; far till 50 avk i startbar ålder, varav 28 startat och 15 segrat, 3e på listan ”Leading 2nd Crop Sires in Europe in 2009” pr 20 nov 2009, inkl SWEDISH CAT, 5 segr, FT80, Melmaclöpn, SWEDISH GIRL, 3 segr, FT74, Altamiralöpn, Swedish Streak, 2 segr, 3a Altamiralöpn, Salamanca, vinnare, 2a Melmaclöpn, 4e SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, FT70, GAUNTLETT, 6 segr, FT84, SWEDISH STEP, 4 segr, FT69, MISS FLAMINGO, 2 segr, TAPAS, 2 segr, FT70, samt vinnarna CHARMING SHAVE, IDIDITMYWAY, MR SABATINI, KING BULLTOFTA, SWEDISH TIME, FLAVIO och SWEDISH PRINCESS. Kat nr: 28, 35, 38, 45, 55, 90. TOYLSOME (GB) 1999 fux Cadeaux Genereux - Treasure Trove e The Minstrel Champion 3yo sprinter in Germany in 2002, 16 wins at 3 to 8 and £263,349 incl Prix de la Foret Gr1, Grosser Preis von Berlin Gr3, Bayerischer Fliegerpreis L (4 times), 2nd Silberne Peitsche Gr3, 3rd Challenge S Gr2. His first crop are yearlings 2010. Kat nr: 81. WITH APPROVAL (CAN) 1986 sk Caro - Passing Mood e Buckpasser Horse of the Year and Champion 3yo in Canada in 1989, 13 wins at 2 to 4 and £1,488,934 incl Bowling Green H Gr2, Tidal H Gr2, Queen’s Plate S L, Prince of Wales S L, Display S L, 2nd Arlington Million Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Turf Gr1, Sword Dancer S Gr1, Tampa Bay Derby Gr3, 3rd Turf Classic Gr1. Sire of 475 winners of 1706 races and £26,102,673 (ca 3000 mkr) incl ALLENDE (Hong Kong Jockey Club Trophy S Gr2), DUST ME OFF (Bonnie Miss S Gr2), LASTING APPROVAL (Oak Tree Derby Gr2, 2nd Early Times Turf Classic Gr1, Hollywood Derby Gr1), TALKIN MAN (Gotham S Gr2, Wood Memorial S Gr2), Grey S Gr3), T H APPROVAL (Del Mar H Gr2, San Juan Capistrano H Gr2 (twice), 2nd Clement L, Hirsch Memorial Turf Championship Gr1), MISSION APROVED (Saranac S Gr3, Singspiel S Gr3), OK BY ME (Lexington H Gr3, New Hampshire Sweepstakes H Gr3), RAY’S APPROVAL (Robert F Carey Memorial H Gr3), SILVERFOOT (Kentucky Cup Turf H Gr3, Stars and Stripes H Gr3), 2nd United Nations S Gr1), SKY APPROVAL (Aqueduct H Gr3), THESAURUS (Forerunner S Gr3, 2nd Gulfstream Park Breeders’ Cup H Gr1), VAN MINISTER (Hill Prince S Gr3), ZANETTI (Toronto Cup H Gr3). Kat nr: 13, 37. Transportera till vinnarcirkeln med HÅKANS! 070-591 24 00 Hemsida (www) 28 Håkan mobil hakanshasttransporter.se EN HEL TIDNING BARA OM GALOPP. Fyra gånger om året. Alltid 4-färg. Alltid minst 100 sidor. Direkt hem i brevlådan för 210:- om året. Beställ på www.galoppmagasinet.se. 29 Åringen säljs utan moms mettegrorh@gmail.com Anmäld till BT11-13 1 Mette Gro Hermansen Vrängebol Gärdet 672 93 Årjäng SWE00000739 Mörkbrun hingst 090511 Saumarez (GB) Ecuadors Dream (IRE), mbr 1995 Norfolk Lily (GB) Petong (GB) Kursiang (GB), sk 1996 Bellyphax (GB), 1988 0573-502 31 070-369 60 96 Rainbow Quest (USA) Fiesta Fun (GB) Blakeney (GB) Cecilia Bianchi (FR) Mansingh (USA) Iridium (GB) Bellypha (IRE) Princely Maid (GB), 1967 1. mor KURSIANG (GB), placed twice at 2 years inc 4th Regal Stakes, Chepstow; also 2 wins at 4 and 6 years in Norway and £6125 and placed 10 times; dam of one winner from 1 previous foal; KETCHIKAN, 2007 g by Ecuadors Dream (IRE), winner at 3, 2010, 25.933 kr, FT52 SWE00000739, see above 2. mor Bellyphax (GB), unraced; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc, BELUGA BAY (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £29,220 and placed 3 times. GREY IRON (GB), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Turkey and £71,602. KURSIANG (GB), see above. CEDAR DU LIBAN (GB), 2 wins, £15,582, winner at 2 years and £7784 and placed 3 times; also winner at 3 years in Macau and £7798. AXFORD LORD (GB), winner at 2 years and £6917 and placed 5 times. BELLE VUE (GB), winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of four winners inc, IT WAS MEANT TO BE (GB), 6 wins at 2 and 3 years and £20,630 and placed 5 times; also 6 wins at 5 and 6 years in U.S.A. and £78,570 and placed 7 times. 3. mor PRINCELY MAID (GB) e King’s Troop (GB), winner at 2 years; dam of eleven winners from 13 runners and 17 foals; FORZANDO, 12 wins at 2 to 5 years at home, in Italy and in U.S.A. and £394,796 inc. Metropolitan H, Belmont Park, Gr1, 4th Norcros July Cup, Newmarket, Gr1; sire. Shanaar, 5 wins at 4 and 5 years in France and in U.S.A. and £38,139 2nd Governor’s H, Turf Paradise and 3rd Premio d’Estate, Milan, Gr3. Lady Constance, 2 wins at 2 years and £11,094 2nd Tote Sprint Trophy H, Ascot, L. and 3rd William Hill Sprint Championship, York, Gr2; dam of four winners inc, BAHRAIN STAR, winner at 2 years; dam of HIKOKI GUMO (IRE), 4 wins in Japan and £765,797 inc. Kisaragi Sho, Kyoto, L. Provaci Ancora, 16 wins in Italy and £22,919, 3rd Premio Campidoglio, Rome, L. Pennina, 9 wins, £16,271; 5 wins at 2 years and £6964, 2nd Tote Sprint Trophy H, Ascot, L, William Hill Sprint H, Epsom, L, 3rd Champion Trophy, Ripon, L. and New Ham S, Goodwood, L.; also 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £9307; dam of seven winners inc, TIMBO (FR), won Prix du Cercle, Deauville, L. RANJI, 9 wins in Austria and £5018. ZANONI, 4 wins, £24,923, 2 wins at 3 years and £17,946; also 2 wins at 5 years in Italy and £6977. ALTEZA REAL, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £6021; dam of three winners inc, INFANTA REAL, 2 wins at 2 years and £9371, Doncaster S, L; dam of INFORMANT (GB), 7 wins in Denmark, France and Sweden, £84,644 Taby Open Sprint Championship, L, IBM Store Sprint, L, Verdexa Cup, L.; sire; grandam of MAJESTIC MISSILE (IRE), 6 wins at home and in France, £169,225, Cornwallis S, Ascot, Gr3, Betfair Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3 and Prix Petit Couvert, Longchamp, Gr3, 3rd Nunthorpe S, York, Gr1; sire, SIR ALBERT (GB), 3 wins at home and in Hong Kong and £163,341, Costcutter Roses S, York, L. 30 www.stallandersson.se - ch7478@hotmail.com 2 Christer B Andersson Valnäsgatan 89 387 96 Köpingesvik BACCMAN Brun hingst 090525 Sadler’s Wells (USA) Homme d’Honneur (FR), br 1992 Luth De Saron (FR) Diaghlyphard (USA) Bacchia, br 1991 Bali, 1986 0485-730 28 0735-65 10 20 Northern Dancer (CAN) Fairy Bridge (USA) Luthier (FR) Rose De Saron (FR) Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Lane Court (IRE) Baccarat Rose (GB), 1974 1. mor BACCHIA, winner and placed, 44.000 kr, FT65, dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 prev foal; MY DIAMOND, 2001 f by Black Diamond, 2 wins, placed 3 times, 49.098 kr, FT52 Baccman, see above 2. mor Bali, placed twice, 16.100 kr, FT63, dam of one winner from 4 runners and in all 4 foals; BACCHIA, see above Bonanza, 1995 f by Steve’s Friend (USA), placed twice, 21.400 kr, FT59 Baligo, 1992 g by Diligo (FR), placed, 8.500 kr, FT61 Buffalo, 1993 g by Exceller (USA), ran 6 times, 7.900 kr, FT58 3. mor Baccarat Rose (GB) by Meadow Mint (USA), 6 wins, £8.183, winner at 2 years; also 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in France, in Norway and in Sweden and £7514 placed 2nd Sceptre S, Klampenborg, Gr3 and Lovey-Dovey Cup, Taby, Gr3; dam of four winners from 7 runners and in all 9 foals; Barito, 1989 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), 14 wins, placed 12 times, 371.700 kr; incl 3 wins over hurdles and placed 3 times incl 3rd Svenskt Champion Hurdle, FT77 Grey Baron, 1990 g by Dalby Jaguar (GB), 10 wins, placed 12 times, 341.600 kr, incl 6 wins over jumps and placed 4 times incl 2nd Gyllene Hästen, St Eriks Pris, FT69 TREVOR, 1983 g by Royal Conductor (USA), 11 wins, placed 11 times, 245.000 kr, FT72 CAIRO, 1982 g by Charlie Boy (DEN), 2 wins, placed 6 times, 44.700 kr, FT66 The next dam ROSY MORN (GB) by Roan Rocket (IRE), ran a few times at 2 years; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 9 foals; NICHOLAS GREY, 8 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy and £41,788 inc. Premio Carlo Chiesa, Rome, L, Premio Ceprano, Rome, L. and Premio Torricola, Rome, L, placed 2nd Oaks d’Italia, Milan, Gr1, 3rd Premio Lydia Tesio, Rome, Gr1, Premio Royal Mares, Turin, Gr3 and 4th Premio Bagutta, Milan, Gr3; dam of nine winners inc, TERIMON, 4 wins at 3 to 5 years and £498,151 inc. Juddmonte International S, York, Gr1 and Earl of Sefton EBF S, Newmarket, Gr3 (twice), placed 16 times inc. 2nd Hanson Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr1, Ever Ready Derby S, Epsom, Gr1, Coral Eclipse S, Sandown Park, Gr1, Great Voltigeur S, York, Gr2, 3rd Hanson Coronation Cup, Epsom Downs, Gr1, Prince of Wales’s S, Royal Ascot, Gr2 (twice) and 4th St Leger S, Ayr, Gr1; sire. DYSCOLOS, won Premio Arconte, Rome, L, 2nd Premio Nearco, Rome, Gr3, Premio Daumier, Rome, L, Premio Sette Colli, Rome, L. and 3rd Premio Pisa, Pisa, Gr3. BUTSOVA, winner at 3 years and £15,084, Remembrance Day EBF S, Doncaster, L, placed 7 times inc. 3rd Bentinck S, Newmarket, L.; dam of Bustinetta (GB), winner at 3 years and £8568 and placed 8 times inc. 3rd George Stubbs S, Newmarket, L. NICHODOULA (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £9939 and placed 8 times; dam of Give Back Calais (IRE), 2 wins, £24,447, winner at 3 years and £19,981 and placed 7 times inc. 3rd ABN Amro Futures Ltd Dragon S, Sandown Park, L.; also winner in Switzerland and placed 5 times, Ribbons And Bows (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years and £13,494 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Milcars Star S, Sandown Park, L, DOTADA (IRE), 4 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2010 and £37,802 and placed 4 times. 31 Anmäld till BT11-13 bllandstrom@telia.com 3 NIECE PEARL Fux sto 090329 Birgitta o Lennart Landström Åkarps Gård 0503-170 10 fax 544 92 Hjo 0739-84 26 36 Storm Cat (USA) Distant Thunder (USA), fux 2003 Miss Prospector (USA) River Scape (USA) Niece, mbr 1991 Nigella, 1976 Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Crafty Prospector (USA) Eternal Vow (USA) Riverman (USA) His Squaw (USA) Moderne (FR) Niga, 1958 1. mor Niece, ej startat, mor till fem vinnare av 5 startande och totalt 8 avkommor i startbar ålder; DICK, 1997 v e Diligo (FR), 2 segr, plac 2 ggr på endast 5 starter, 203.500 kr, SM Sprinters, FT77 MANICK, 2001 s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), 6 segr, plac 14 ggr, 494.900 kr, Juvenile Fillies, 2a Amacitalöpn, 6a Dianalöpn, FT76 Micke, 2002 v e Bal du Seigneur (USA), 5 segr, plac 7 ggr, inkl vinnare och plac över häckar, 291.082 kr, 3e Skandinavisk Mesterskap for 3-åringer, HM Drottningens Pris (häcklöpn), 7e Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT79 DANNICKE, 1996 v e Diligo (FR), 2 segr, plac 5 ggr, 94.600 kr, FT68 FIRE NICK, 1999 v e Fire Worshipper (IRE), vinnare, plac 6 ggr, 101.550 kr, FT68 Jannicke, 1998 s e Sparkling Boy (IRE), ej startat Unica, 2003 s e Nicolotte (GB), ej startat Sica Girl, 2005 s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), ej startat Niece Pearl, se ovan 2. mor NIGELLA, 6 segr, plac 6 ggr, Diana Trial, 5e Svenskt Oaks, helsyster till NICKE, mor till tre vinnare av 5 startande och totalt 7 avkommor; NIGALLO, 1983 h e Glacial (DEN), 6 segr, plac 12 ggr, 113.800 kr, FT77 NICKAN, 1984 s e Tammer Fors (IRE), 2 segr, 33.300 kr, mor till en vinnare: NIVA, 1991 s e Viking (USA), vinnare, plac 2 ggr, 29.100 kr, FT54 IRISH NICK, 1989 v e Bold Irish (IRE), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 35.700 kr, FT57 Nitella, 1986 s e Tammer Fors (IRE), plac, FT53 Nicorin, 1988 h e Tammer Fors (IRE), startat, 1.800 kr, FT56 Niece, se ovan 3. mor Niga, e Hyperbole (GB), ej startat, mor till åtta vinnare; NICKE, 1974 h e Moderne (FR), Årets Häst 1978, 1980 och 1984; 24 segr, plac 20 ggr, 1.194.865 kr, Stockholm Cup 3 ggr, Skandinavisk Grand Prix 2 ggr, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, SFK:s Jubileumslöpn, L, Dansk Eclipse S, L, SKS Stora Pris 5 ggr, Tvååringarnas Stayerprov, FT94, avelshingst och far till 17 vinnare av 20 startande och totalt 23 avkommor inkl ALGOL, 4 segr, FT78, Dansk Derby, Torino, 11 segr, FT78, 2e Svenskt Derby, 3e Sv St Leger, Vital, 3 segr, FT79, 2e Sv St Leger, 3e Skand Mesterskap 3-år, QUICK NICK, 2 segr, FT75, LOVELY TALK, 3 segr, FT68, NIZZE, 15 segr, FT70, NUTZ, 11 segr, FT66, NIKE, 5 segr, FT70, NICCO, 4 segr, FT64, etc Billie Boy, 1964 h e Carnoustie (GB), 6 segr, 2e Norsk Derby Nial, 1972 h e Montal (FR), 3 segr, 2e Vinterfavoriternas Pris, Svenskt Derby MONITOR, 1969 v e Moderne (FR), 10 segr NIGELLA, se ovan NICOTINE, 1980 v e Tammer Fors (IRE), 3 segr, plac 9 ggr, FT69 CARITA, 1966 s e Hurricane, vinnare NIKODEMUS, 1978 h e Montal (FR), vinnare Scripta, 1967 s e Moderne (FR), mor till två vinnare: BABY BOY, 3 segr, och TICK-TICK, vinnare 32 Anmäld till BT11-13 laspampas@arslonga.no 4 Tor Petter Mygland/Las Pampas Polo Tm Box 87, Smestad + 47 41 91 20 00 N-0309 Oslo, Norge + 47 92 88 52 00 DOMO ARIGATO Fux sto 090316 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Catrail (USA) Persian Flight (GB), fux 1998 Persian Victory (IRE), 1988 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Storm Cat (USA) Tough As Nails (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Lady Habitat (GB), 1975 1. mor Persian Flight (GB), ran once at 3 years, dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 previous foals; CATCHING THE STORM (NOR), 2006 by Deceptor (USA), 4 wins, placed 3 times, 541.500 NOK, Skandinavisk Mesterskap For 2-åringer, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Norsk Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, FT75 Luz Arcal (NOR), 2004 by Chequer (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 6 times, 226.450 NOK, 2nd Norsk Auksjonslöp, Eivind Lyches Minnelöp, FT75 Seeking The Storm (NOR), 2003 f by Lujain (USA), winner, placed 5 times, 123.800 NOK, 3rd Malmö Stads Pris, 4th Dansk Kriterium, 5th Stig Holms Memorial, FT73 ZEN CAT (NOR), 2005 by Joup (ARG), winner, placed twice, 62.300 NOK, FT67 Gemma Hartmann (SWE), 2007 f by Most Welcome (GB), ran 3 times, 3.400 NOK, FT62 Primus Motor (SWE), 2008 c by Most Welcome (GB), ran twice at 2, 2010, 8.000 kr Domo Arigato, see above 2. mor PERSIAN VICTORY (IRE), unraced; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals; PERSIAN TREASURE (GB), 12 wins, 2009 in Italy and £60,380 and placed 22 times. LA DATA DI GIULIO (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2010 in Italy and £17,312 and placed 12 times. VICTORY ROLL (GB), placed once at 4 years; also 4 wins over hurdles at 5 years and £20,470 and placed 5 times and placed twice over fences. FINAL VICTORY (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 and £41,530 and placed 6 times. OCEAN VICTORY (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and £31,103 and placed 3 times. SIR PERSIAN (IRE), winner at 2 years in Italy and £8662 and placed once. 3. mor LADY HABITAT (GB) by Habitat (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and 7,209,000 lire and placed 5 times; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc, BIG REEF, 5 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in Italy and £79,175 inc. Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio d’Aprile, Milan, Gr3, placed 2nd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples, Gr3, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, L, Premio Tupini, Rome, L, 3rd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples, Gr3, 4th G.P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan, Gr1, Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio Ellington, Rome, Gr3; sire. HABIDOS, 3 wins at 2 years in Italy and 24,968,000 lire inc. Criterium Labronico, Livorno, L, placed once; dam of six winners inc, LUNA D’ESTATE (GB), 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Italy and £33,178 and placed 16 times; dam of ZENONE (IRE), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2009 in Italy and £98,969 inc. Premio del Piazzale-Mem. Enrico Camici, Milan, L, placed 16 times inc. 2nd Premio Federico Regoli, Pisa, L, LUNA NEL POZZO (GB), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £25,683 inc. Premio Repubbliche Marinare -Tattersalls, Rome, L, placed once, 3rd Premio Gino e Luciano Mantovani, Milan, L. I REMEMBER (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £13,308; dam of L’INDISCRETA (GB), 4 wins at 2-4 years, 2009 in Italy, £102,929, Premio Carlo Chiesa, Gr3, Premio Ubaldo Pandolfi, L, placed 9 times, 2nd Premio Divino Amore, L, Premio Eupili, L, 3rd Premio Omenoni, Gr3, Premio Pietro Bessero Trofeo Shadwell, L, L’INVITATA (GB), winner at 3 years, 2009 in Italy and placed once. 33 Anmäld till BT11-13 stallc_w@hotmail.com 5 CARABELLA Brunt sto 090502 Wiola o Conny Mobeck/Stall CW Hårstastugan, Runtuna 0155-24 15 33 611 93 Nyköping 0704-29 88 05 Diaghlyphard (USA) Melmac, br 1991 Sovereign Star Bal du Seigneur (USA) Marbella, br 1994 Manitoba, 1985 Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Comedy Star (USA) Thyra Rose (GB) Nureyev (USA) Sonoma (FR) Radetzky (GB) Maniette, 1972 1. mor Marbella, plac, 12.400 kr, FT61, mor till en vinnare av 5 startande och totalt 5 föl i startbar ålder; MCBELL, 1999 v e Melmac, 7 segr, plac 18 ggr, 426.046 kr, FT67 Mallory Bell, 2003 s e Melmac, startat 6 ggr, 8.600 kr, FT65 Bermuda Bell, 2002 s e Melmac, startat, 4.810 kr, FT57 Pondus, 2004 v e Songline, endast startat en gång Bell Street Blues, 2006 s e Most Welcome (GB), startat en gång Carabella, se ovan 2. mor Manitoba, 4 segr, plac 8 ggr, 2a SM för 4-åriga och äldre, 3e SM för 2-åringar, SM för 3-åriga, 4e Vinterfavoriternas Pris, FT74, mor till fem vinnare av 8 startande och totalt 9 föl i startbar ålder; MEXELLER, -93 h e Exceller (USA), 7 segr, plac 10 ggr, 203.500 kr, FT74 MOVITA, -95 s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), 5 segr, plac 6 ggr, 155.900 kr, FT70 MISS ULLERÖD, -96 s e Mas Media (GB), 3 segr, plac 5 ggr, 86.900 kr, FT62, mor till två vinnare: MISSIL, 2 segr, plac 5 ggr, 108.350 kr, FT60, och HAPPY LARRY, vinnare, 40.195 kr, FT73 MARCUS, -99 h e Precocious (GB), vinnare och plac 2 ggr, 50.940 kr inkl bonus, FT62 MASIBA, -92 s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), vinnare som 2-åring, plac 5 ggr, 70.200 kr, FT61 Marbella, se ovan Mowia, -91 s e Steve’s Friend (USA), plac 3 ggr, 18.900 kr, FT62 Minetta, -97 s e Precocious (GB), plac 4 ggr, 38.600 kr, FT59 3. mor MANIETTE, e Hornbeam (GB), 5 segr, Dansk Kriterium, Svenskt Kriterium och Dianalöpn, mor till sju vinnare av 10 startande och totalt 12 föl i startbar ålder; MAGO, 5 segr, Svensk Uppfödningslöpn, Vinterfavoritternes Ærespræmie, 2e SM för 3-åringar, avelshingst i Danmark MARINETTE, 4 segr, Dianalöpn, FT77 Manac, 8 segr, 3e Dansk Forårslöb Manitoba, se ovan MAGI, 3 segr, 4e Bloomers’ Vase, FT74, mor till fyra vinnare av 5 startande och totalt 8 föl; MAGI’S DIAMOND, 2 segr, plac 6 ggr, 157.960 kr, FT81 ELOGE, 3 segr, plac 7 ggr, 92.650 kr, FT76 EMY, 3 segr, plac 2 ggr, 61.300 kr, FT74 ECLAIR, vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 46.700 kr, FT65 MANDRILL, 3 segr, FT74 MADONNA, vinnare Nästa mor MANIE, 4 segr, Sv Kriterium, SFK,s Stolöpn, 3e Mowerinalöb, mor till vinnare; MANESCO, 5 segr, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Stockholms Stora Pris, 3e Bergen Bank Ærespremie, Prix Montenica, avelshingst MANIFEST, 6 segr, Svenskt Derby, Drottningens Pris, 2e Grand Prix de Bruxelles, 4e Silja Line Cup, Norsk Derby, avelshingst MANDARIN, 15 segr, 628.100 kr, Skandinavisk Mesterskap, 3e Svenskt Kriterium. 34 Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12, BC13 lars.olsson@u.lrf.se 6 SWE00000634 Fux hingst 090509 Sonja Olsson Östersäby Stuteri 736 92 Kungsör Woodman (USA) Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992 L’On Vite (USA) Bahamian Bounty (GB) Midnight Moonlight (GB), sk 2003 Magnolia (GB), 1994 0227-201 33 0702-81 10 48 Mr Prospector (USA) Playmate (USA) Secretariat (USA) Fanfreluche (CAN) Cadeaux Genereux (GB) Clarentia (IRE) Petong (GB) Daffodil Fields (GB), 1985 1. mor Midnight Moonlight (GB), placed once in only 2 starts at 3, 2006, 13.193 kr. Madame Puteaux, 2008 f by Bertolini (USA), in training with Madeleine Smith, qualified 31/8 SWE00000634, see above 2. mor MAGNOLIA (GB), placed once at 2 years; Own sister to PETULA (GB); dam of two winners from 6 runners and 7 foals; LUJARUN (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2007 in Italy and £6635 and placed 16 times. ONE UPMANSHIP (GB), winner at 3 years and £9206 and placed 8 times. 3. mor DAFFODIL FIELDS (GB) by Try My Best (USA), placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 11 foals inc, NAAHY (GB), 8 wins at 2 to 4 years and £139,474 inc. Ballycorus S, Leopardstown, Gr3, placed 8 times inc. 2nd Vodafone Surrey S, Epsom Downs, L. PAPPA REALE (GB), 13 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £202,354 inc. Premio Bersaglio Limited H, Milan, L, Premio Certosa, Milan, L. and Premio Alessandro Perrone, Rome, L, placed 20 times inc. 3rd Premio Capannelle Limited H, Rome, L, Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L. and Premio Torricola, Rome, L.; dam of four winners inc, PATAPAN (USA), 16 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2007 in Italy and £216,247 inc. Premio Umbria, Rome, Gr3 and Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L, placed 17 times inc. 2nd Premio Certosa, Milan, L, 3rd Premio Alberto Giubilo, Rome, L, Gran Premio Citta’ di Napoli, Naples, L. (twice), Premio Certosa, Milan, L. and Premio Eupili, Milan, L. PER INCANTO (USA), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2007 in Italy and £57,036 inc. Premio Tudini, Rome, Gr3, placed twice. Cantastorie Muto (USA), 3 wins, £26,921, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £17,891 and placed 4 times; also winner over jumps at 4 years in Italy and £9030 and placed 5 times inc 3rd Corsa Corona Ferrea Hurdle, Milan, L. PETULA (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £21,900 inc. St Hugh’s S, Newbury, L, placed 7 times, 2nd Sandy Lane S, Haydock Park, L. and 3rd Nestle Rowntree Black Duck S, York, L.; dam of four winners inc, Coffee Time (IRE), placed 19 times at 2 to 4 years and £14,720 inc 3rd Hilary Needler Trophy, Beverley, L.; dam of COMPTON FORD (GB), 2 wins at 2-3 years, 2009, and placed once. NIGHT LIFE (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £13,758 and placed 5 times; dam of New Awakening (USA), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2008 in U.S.A. and placed 3rd John Battaglia Memorial S, Turfway Park, L, Fabrigas (IRE), winner at 2 years and £14,908 and placed 3 times; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2008 in Hong Kong and £50,316. PETFIELD (GB), 19 wins in Italy and £53,796 and placed 47 times. GIUNCHIGLIO (GB), 2 wins at 5 years and £12,605 and placed 8 times. YELLOW TRUMPET (GB), winner at 2 years; dam of two winners inc, City of Tribes (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2007 and £38,305 and placed 5 times inc. 2nd Abergwaun S, Tipperary, L, Scurry S, Sandown Park, L, and 3rd Watson/McCrohan Sandy Lane S, Haydock Park, L.; also placed once at 4 years, 2008 in Hong Kong and £6298. 35 Anmäld till BT11-13 jenny.lindblad@hotmail.com 7 VOLITA HIGH Brunt sto 090322 Ture o Jenny Lindblad/Stall Joie de Vie Målsjö Brunnshult 016-700 20 643 97 Västra Näshulta 070-658 42 97 Danehill (USA) Academy Award (IRE), br 2000 Ingabelle (GB) Highest Honor (FR) Mercurial (GB), fux 2000 Moidart (GB), 1990 Danzig (USA) Razyana (USA) Taufan (USA) Bodelle (USA) Kenmare (FR) High River (FR) Electric (GB) Marypark (GB), 1970 1. mor Mercurial (GB), unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 previous foals; JELLY ROLL, 2007 g by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 3 wins, placed 6 times in 12 starts, 740.195 kr incl bonus, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Classic Trial, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Mile, 5th SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, 7th Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT79 MONTGOMERY, 2005 g by Mujahid (USA), 3 wins in Sweden and placed 16 times, 332.821 kr incl bonus, FT79 Moment of Magic, 2006 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), only ran 3 times at 3, 2009, FT40 Volita High, see above 2. mor MOIDART (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £27,250; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 11 foals; EILEAN SHONA (GB), f by Suave Dancer (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £31,225 inc. NGK Spark Plugs Stubbs Rated S, Newmarket, L.; dam of three winners inc, DART (GB), 4 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2010 and £13,418. KNOTGARDEN (IRE), winner at 4 years, 2010. SNAKE DANCER (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years in France and £59,890, broodmare. MORAR (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, 2009 in France and £19,806. MOSCA (GB), winner at 3 years; dam of a winner, SIXHILLS (FR), winner at 3 years; dam of two winners inc, BLACKSTAIRMOUNTAIN (IRE), 5 wins, £84,697, winner at 4 years, 2009 and £10,698; also 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years, 2009 and £13,795; also 2 wins over hurdles at 5 years, 2010 and £60,204, Evening Herald Champion Novice Hurdle, Punchestown, Gr1. 3. mor MARYPARK (GB) by Charlottown (GB), 3 wins at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 14 foals inc, COULSTRY, 8 wins in Norway and £27,799, Major Chr. f Michelets Minnelop, Ovrevoll, Gr3. ATTADALE (GB), 14 wins, £54,752, 3 wins at 3 and 6 years and £13,085; also 11 wins over hurdles and £41,667. LOCH SEAFORTH, 5 wins at 3 years and £18,338. HALBA, 3 wins at 3 years and £6615; dam of five winners inc, ISLAND REEF, won Badener Meile, Baden-Baden, Gr3; sire. MOIDART (GB), see above. RYNECHRA, 2 wins at 3 years and £5331; dam of seven winners inc, COIGACH (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, £46,851, Worthington Best Bitter Park Hill S, Gr3. KYLE RHEA (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, £29,310 inc. Shadwell Stud Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L. Applecross, 3 wins at 3 years and £48,021 2nd Park Hill S, Doncaster, Gr2; dam of INVERMARK (GB), 5 wins at home and in France and £187,084 inc. Prix du Cadran, Longchamp, Gr1, 2nd Ascot Gold Cup, Royal Ascot, Gr1, CRAIGSTEEL (GB), 5 wins at home and in U.S.A. and £309,324 inc. Princess of Wales’s Greene King S, Newmarket, Gr2, 2nd Turf Classic Invitational S, Belmont Park, Gr1; sire, INCHRORY (GB), Champion 3yr old in Scandinavia in 1996, 18 wins at home, in Norway and in Sweden and £287,264 inc. Land Rover Stockholm Cup International, Taby, Gr3; sire. 36 Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12 www.tranberga.se 8 JIMENEZ Brun hingst 090318 Eva CS Pettersson Tranberga 230 40 Bara Golden Voyager (USA) Mandrake El Mago (CHI), mbr 1999 Manon Lescaut (CHI) College Chapel (GB) Sparkling Outlook (IRE), br 1996 Hamsah (IRE), 1990 tranberga@msn.com 040-630 24 60 0708-48 21 75 Mr Prospector (USA) La Voyageuse (USA) Musketeer (USA) Kamasutra (USA) Sharpo (GB) Scarcely Blessed (IRE) Green Desert (USA) Hayloft (FR), 1973 1. mor Sparkling Outlook (IRE), winner at 2 years and 90.470 kr, placed 4 times incl 3rd Desert King S, Cork, L, her only season to race; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age; PAST TIMES, 2002 f by Duty Time (GB), 4 wins and placed 7 times, 238.250 kr, FT77 SPARKLING TIME, 2001 c by Duty Time (GB), winner and placed 5 times, 106.330 kr, FT70 LILLPRINSEN, 2003 c by Homme d’Honneur (FR), 2 wins and placed twice, 96.300 kr, FT65, dead Fernandezia, 2005 f by Lord of Men (GB), ran 4 times, 5.706 kr, FT50 Galeandra, 2006 f by Indian Lodge (IRE), unraced, dead at 3 years Insel, 2008 c by Distant Thunder (USA), in training with Johan Reuterskiöld, Jägersro, qualified 4/7 Jimenez, see above 2. mor Hamsah (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £9,046, placed twice incl 2nd St Hugh’s S, Newbury, L; also placed twice at 3 years in U.A.E; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 12 foals of racing age vizSharplaw Star, 2 wins and placed twice in 4 starts, $35.507, 3rd Queen Mary S, Ascot, Gr2 Sparkling Outlook (IRE), see above. PROMENADE (GB), 3 wins at 2 years, 2003 and $21.805 and placed once, broodmare. Copine (GB), ran on the flat in France, dam of one winner: XARINE (FR), winner at 3, 2008 3. mor HAYLOFT (FR), by Tudor Melody (GB), 3 wins at 2 years incl Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3, placed 4 times incl 3rd Queen Mary S, Royal Ascot, Gr2; dam of three winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizWASSL, 4 wins incl Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1, Clerical Medical Greenham S, Newbury, Gr3 and Juddmonte Lockinge S, Newbury, Gr3, 2nd Joe McGrath Memorial S, Leopardstown, Gr1 and 3rd Sussex S, Goodwood, Gr1 (twice), Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Gr1 and 4th Queen Anne S, Royal Ascot, Gr2; sire. Hamsah (IRE), see above. VILLAGE SCENE, 2 wins over hurdles and placed twice. Mill Loft, placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of six winners. FLIRTING DANCER (USA), winner, Kukri Trophy, Sha Tin, L. SWEDA (USA), winner in Hong Kong. SKY LIFT (USA), winner in USA. ST JUSTIN (USA), winner in USA. Pennyweight, unplaced; dam of winners. ON TIPTOES (GB), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years incl Queen Mary S, Royal Ascot, Gr3 and TNT Aviation Bentinck S, Newmarket, L, and placed 3 times; dam of Caballero (GB), 2nd Vodafone Surrey S, Epsom, L, CURRENCY (GB), 7 wins and placed 7 times, KINNINO (GB), 4 wins and placed 7 times, ODETTE (GB), 2 wins and placed 5 times; grandam of VIOLETTE (GB), 4 wins at 2 years, Firth of Clyde S, Gr3, SILCA’S GIFT (GB), 2 wins incl Albany S, Ascot, L, her only starts, and ON POINT (GB), 2 wins. 37 Anmäld till BT11-13 9 MOUNTAIN ONYX Mörkbrunt sto 090425 Sven Stjerndorff Berg 740 21 Järlåsa Diaghlyphard (USA) Melmac, br 1991 Sovereign Star Ardkinglass (GB) Crystal Rosie (GB), sk 1996 Indian Crystal (GB), 1991 s.stjerndorff@telia.com 018-39 18 70 070-621 98 89 Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Comedy Star (USA) Thyra Rose (GB) Green Desert (USA) Reuval (GB) Petong (GB) Gentle Gypsy (GB), 1981 1. mor Crystal Rosie (GB), plac som 2-åring, 3e Newcastle Maiden S, Newcastle, mor till två vinnare av 2 startande och totalt 5 avkommor i startbar ålder; MOUNTAIN CRYSTAL, 2005 s e Heart of Oak (USA), 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 132.300 kr, FT65 MOUNTAIN ROSIE, 2003 s e Prince of Birds (USA), vinnare, plac 5 ggr, 79.500 kr, FT58 Mountain Desert, 2004 h e Desert Sport (FR), ej startat på grund av skada Mountain Mirio, 2006 s e Mirio (FR), ej startat Photo’s Fact, 2002 h e Factual (USA), ej startat, död som 3-åring Mountain Diamond, 2008 h e Heart of Oak (USA), i träning hos Maja Persson, Tierp Mountain Onyx, se ovan 2. mor INDIAN CRYSTAL (GB), 2 segr som 2- och 3-åring och £ 9.618, plac 7 ggr; mor till två vinnare av 4 startande och totalt 5 föl inkl GEM OF WISDOM (GB), 2 segr som 2-åring och £4.981, plac 3 ggr EASTERN PROMISE (GB), vinnare som 2-åring och £4.692, plac 5 ggr Crystal Rosie (GB) se ovan 3. mor GENTLE GIPSY, e Junius (USA), 2 segr som 2-åring, plac 4 ggr; mor till fem vinnare av 8 startande av totalt 9 föl inkl COCONUT JOHNNY (GB), 24 segr i England, Tyskland, Norge och Sverige, Nickes Minneslöpn, Täby, L, 2a i Per-Erik Pramms Minneslöpn, Jägersro, L, och Zawawi Cup, Jägersro, L. INDIAN CRYSTAL (GB), se ovan NABEELA (GB), 2 segr i USA GITANO NEGRO (GB), 2 segr i Norge och Sverige AUTOMATIC (GB), vinnare som 3-åring och plac 10 ggr GENTLE GIPSYs mor ROSSALDENE, vinnare och plac som 2-åring, mor till åtta vinnare av 11 startande av totalt 14 föl inkl REGIMENT (IRE), 3 segr hemma och i USA, Easter S, Kempton Park, L. CAPE TOWN (IRE), 5 segr som 2- till 6-åring, Viktor Chandler European Free Handikap, Newmarket, L, och Michael Page International Silver Trophy, Ascot, L, 2e Attheraces Mile S, Sandown Park, Gr2, Vodafone Horris Hill S, Newbury, Gr3, och 3e Entenmann´s Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1. Lammastide (IRE), 2 segr som 2-åring, 3e Precocious National S, Sandown Park, L; mor till vinnare. Green’s Fereley (IRE), 3 segr som 2- och 3-åring, 3e Bovis Autumn S, Ascot, L. 38 www.teamspeed.se - info@teamspeed.se 10 MORS Brun hingst 090502 Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12, BC13 Team Speed HB, Anne-Li Ädel Östanås 150 0292-440 25 740 45 Tärnsjö 073-550 44 47 Diaghlyphard (USA) Songline, br 1993 Princess Persian (IRE) Prince Sabo (GB) Morning Chorus (GB), br 1996 Leave At Dawn (GB), 1992 Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Blue Parrot (FR) Young Generation (IRE) Jubilee Song (GB) Slip Anchor (GB) Barely Hot (GB), 1980 1. mor Morning Chorus (GB), placed once at 2 years, 2nd Rouus Stakes, York; also placed 3 times in Sweden, FT73; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 4 previous foals; CHORUSSO, 2004 g by Songline, 6 wins and placed 5 times, 323.600 kr, FT78 GOTCHA, 2005 c by Funambule (USA), 2 wins and placed 6 times, 212.400 kr, FT73 Collina Chorus, 2002 f by Island Reef (IRE), placed, 14.400 kr, FT56 Solong, 2007 g by Songline, placed in just 3 starts at 3, 2010, 12.000 kr, FT64 Mors, see above 2. mor Leave At Dawn (GB), unraced; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals; HERNANDO’S BOY (GB), 6 wins, £42,475, 2 wins at 4 and 6 years, 2007 and placed 7 times; also 4 wins over hurdles at 3 and 4 years and placed 7 times. NASSAU NIGHT (GB), 3 wins, £9433, winner at 3 years and £5112 and placed 3 times; also 2 wins at 4 years in Denmark and placed 6 times. POLAR DAWN (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, £12,980 and placed 4 times, broodmare. BONNSKI (GB), winner at 3 years in Sweden, FT67, broodmare. 3. mor Barely Hot (GB), by Bold Lad (IRE), placed once at 3 years; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals inc, SIMMERING (GB), 12 wins at 2 to 5 years at home, in Germany and in Norway and £63,046 inc Frankenheim Alt Pokal, Dusseldorf, L, Norsk 1000 Guineas, Ovrevoll, L, Norsk 2000 Guineas, Ovrevoll, L. and Morten Klaveness Minnelop, Ovrevoll, L. (twice), placed 2nd Norsk Jockeyklubs Sprintlop, Ovrevoll, L, Schwarzgold Rennen, Hoppegarten, L, 3rd Norsk Jockeyklubs Sprintlop, Ovrevoll, L. and Morten Klaveness Minnelop, Ovrevoll, L; dam of eight winners inc, SOLVANA (IRE), 8 wins in Denmark, Norway and Sweden and 1.706.131 kr, placed 12 times, Altamiralöpn, Scania Sprint, 2nd Taby Open Sprint Championship, Taby, Gr3 (twice), Polar Cup, Ovrevoll, Gr3, Norsk Jockeyklubs Sprintlop, Ovrevoll, L, and Scania Sprint, FT90 KALLE (GB), 6 wins, £97,441, 5 wins in Denmark and in Norway and £95,552; also winner over jumps at 6 years in Norway, Skand Mesterskap for 2-åringer, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Norsk Rikstoto Grand Prix, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy, Norsk Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, 3rd Norsk Breeders Prize, Fearnleylöpet, FT83 SIMIAN (SWE), 5 wins, placed 6 times, 934.965 kr, Sofierolöpn, SM Sprinters, Rosengårdlöpn, 2nd Mischa Kahns Minneslöpn, Svenskt Kriterium, 3rd Malmö Sommarhcp, 4th Voterlöpn, 5th Jäg Sprint, L, SM Sprinters, FT88 Simsala (GB), winner, placed 7 times, 436.886 kr, 2nd Svenskt Oaks, FT87 Simano (IRE), 5 wins in Norway and Sweden, 401.856 kr, 2nd Derby Milen, Norsk Kriterium, 3rd Dansk 2000 Guineas, 4th Heatherwold Cup, 5th Malmö Sommarhcp, FT82 Jackie Mendez, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £19,281 placed 2nd Premio Bimbi, Milan, L, 3rd Premio Aniene, Rome, L; dam of seven winners inc, NOVITA ECLATANTI (GB), 11 wins in Italy and £129,399, Criterium di Roma-Memorial A Giubilo, L, Premio Capannelle H, L, Premio Divino Amore, L, placed 2nd Premio Umbria, Gr3. Hot Run (DEN), 16 wins in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £34,540 and placed 42 times, 2nd Kolner Sprint Preis, Koln, L, Verdexa Cup, L. and 3rd Sydsvenskan Sprint, L; sire. 39 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com 11 CANAVERAL Brun hingst 090223 Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri Lindarsnäs Egendom 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Fairy King (USA) Oldopal Colours (IRE), br 1995 Thistlewood (IRE), 1979 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Northern Dancer (CAN) Fairy Bridge (USA) Kalamoun (GB) Le Melody (IRE), 1971 1. mor Oldopal Colours (IRE), ej startat p g a skada vid transporten från auktionen. Mor till 7 föl inklusive; Forza IC Gruppen (ex Wang Dang Doodle), 1999 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), plac Steel Claw, 2000 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), ej satt i träning p g a ponnymått Dream Supreme, 2007 s e Most Welcome (GB), ej startat, skadad i transportolycka hos tränare Canaveral, se ovan 2. mor Thistlewood (IRE) unraced; own sister to KAROL; dam of eight winners inclRIMPA (IRE), (c. by Last Tycoon); 2 wins and £13,199, Minstrel S, L, and placed twice, 3rd Ballyroan S, L. Sylvatica, (f. by Thatching): winner and £5095 at 2, 3rd Wassl Race, L; dam of four winners. BENGA (GB), 7 wins in Turkey from 3 to 7 years and £72.610 TAAJREH (IRE), winner at 3 years, £4.633 and placed 3 times; dam of ROYAL RHAPSODY (IRE), f by Ali-Royal (IRE), 2 wins in Italy at 2 years and £35.357, Premio Alberto Giubilo, L, Rome, and placed twice THISTLE HILL (IRE), 1991 f by Danehill (USA), winner at 3, dam of three winners BEAUTIFUL FRANCE, (f. by Sadler´s Wells); winner at 3, dam of eight winners: Beautiful Fire (IRE); 5 wins in GB/IRE and Hong Kong, £370.917, 3rd Futurity S, Gr3. ALLELUIA TREE, (f. by Royal Academy (USA), won Prix de la Loire, at 2, 1994, £9153, dam of four winners incl BERMUDA GRASS, (c. by Danehill), 2 wins at 2, Prix Peintre Celebre, L. Ardmelody, (f. by Alleged), unraced; dam of six winners incl SCORPION (by Montjeu), Champion 3yr old stayer in Europa in 2005, 4 wins, Coronation Cup, Gr1, Grand Prix de Paris, Gr1, St Leger, Gr1, 2nd Irish Derby, Gr1, 2nd Irish St Leger, Gr1, Hardwicke S, Gr2, Gallinule S, Gr3, Ormonde S, Gr3, Barathea Finale S, L MEMORIES (IRE), (f. by Don’t Forget Me), 9 wins and £20,520 at 2 and 3, 1994 inc Solonaway Race, L, and placed inc Leopardstown 1000 Gns Trial S, L, Oaks Trial, L,also 7 wins in USA in 1995-96, $529,136 inc Orchid H, Gr2, Bewitch S, Gr3, Locust Grove S, L, Woodbine Breeders Cup H, Gr1 (in Canada), 2nd Bewitch S, Gr3, Bryan Station S, L, Dowager S, L, 3rd. Mint Julep S, L, The Very One H, L. GARUDA (IRE), (c. by Danehill), 2 wins at 3 and 4 inc Magnolia S, L, 2nd Europa Preis, Gr1, Gordon Richard S, Gr3, 3rd Haydock Park July S, L, sire in France. DANISH RHAPSODY, (g. by Danehill), 9 wins, £172,184 at 4-6, Foundation S, L, (twice) William Hill Cup H, L, John Davies S, L, Glorius S, L, 2nd Hungerford S, Gr3, 3rd Ormonde S, Gr3. 3. mor LE MELODY (IRE), by Levmoss (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3, her only starts; dam of eight winners incARDROSS, Champion Older Horse in France in 1982, Champion Older Stayer in England in 1981, 14 wins, £3031,866 inc Ascot Gold Cup (twice), Gr1, placed 5 times inc 2nd Ascot Gold Cup, Gr1, also winner at 5 in France, 1,210,000 fr, Prix Royal Oak, Gr1, placed twice 2nd Prix de l´Arc de Triomphe, Gr1, 3rd Prix Royal Oak, Gr1; sire. GESEDEH, 4 wins, £45,714 at 3 inc Pretty Polly S, L, placed 4 times inc 2nd Sun Chariot S, Gr2, Bonusprint Sepember S, Gr3, winner in France and £18,141, Prix de Flore, Gr3, granddam of ROBERTICO, 3 wins, BMW Deutsches Derby, Gr1 40 Lars Stelius lars.stelius@hotmail.com Asserdalsvägen 113 0300-386 04 434 96 Kungsbacka 0707-12 61 04 12 HIDDEN HOPE Brunt sto 090304 Danzig (USA) Bertolini (USA), 1996 Aquilegia (USA) Galileo (IRE) Zhenyi (GB), mbr 2003 China (GB), 1998 Northern Dancer (CAN) Pas De Nom (USA) Alydar (USA) Courtly Dee (USA) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Urban Sea (USA) Royal Academy (USA) One Way Street (USA), 1981 1. mor Zhenyi (GB), unraced; dam of: Hidden Fairytale (GB), 2008 f by Bahamian Bounty (GB), in training. Hidden Hope (SWE), see above. 2. mor China (GB), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of three winners: CATAI (GB), 4 wins in Italy at 3 and 4 years and placed 6 times. CUTTER (GB), 3 wins in Italy at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2010 and £31,581 and placed 7 times including fourth in Premio Alberto Zanoletti, Milan, L. and Premio Andred, Pisa, L; broodmare. PIQUANTE (GB), winner at 3 years, 2009 and placed 7 times. Returning Hero (GB), 2008 c by Dubawi (IRE), in training with Saeed Bin Suroor, Newmarket 3. mor ONE WAY STREET (USA) by Habitat (USA), 4 wins at 3 years including Princess Royal Stakes, Ascot, Gr3, from only 6 starts; dam of eleven winners including: GRAPE TREE ROAD (GB), c by Caerleon (USA), Top rated 3yr old in France in 1996 (9.5-10.5f), 3 wins in France including Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr1 and Prix de Suresnes, Longchamp, L; sire. RED ROUTE (GB), c by Polish Precedent (USA), 3 wins including Tripleprint Geoffrey Freer S, Newbury, Gr2 and Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L; sire. WINDSOR CASTLE (GB), c by Generous (IRE), 4 wins including Queen’s Vase, Royal Ascot, Gr3, placed third in Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, Longchamp, Gr2; sire. Good Surprise (GB), c by Halling (USA), 4 wins at home and in France, placed second in Seamus McGrath Memorial Saval Beg S, Leopardstown, L, Cill Dara Securities Ballycullen S, Curragh, L. and O2 Kilternan S, Leopardstown, L. Souffle (GB), f by Zafonic (USA), 2 wins, placed second in NGK Spark Plugs Stubbs Rated Stakes, Newmarket, L; dam of winners. USK THE WAY (GB), winner and placed twice; dam of winners. Bod Spectrum (GB), 4 wins in Italy, placed second in Criterium Labronico, Livorno, L. OLYMPIC WAY (GB), winner and placed once; dam of winners. ARIKANA (IND), 2 wins in India including Godolphin Barb Stakes, Malakpet, L. Caressing (IND), winner in India, placed second in The Hindu Bangalore Oaks, Bangalore, L. STREET OPERA, winner, from only 3 starts; dam of winners. STRETAREZ (FR), 8 wins at home and in France including Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, Longchamp, Gr2, Ormonde S, Chester, Gr3, Prix de Barbeville, Longchamp, Gr3, Grand Prix de la Ville de Nantes, Nantes, L, Prix Right Royal, Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix Vulcain, Deauville, L. STREET SHAANA (FR), 2 wins in France including Prix de Lutece, Longchamp, Gr3, placed third in Prix de Royallieu Hotel du Golf Barriere, Longchamp, Gr2. Ombrie (GB), placed twice in France; dam of winners. WATAR (IRE), Top rated 3yr old stayer in France in 2008, 3 wins in France including Qatar Prix Chaudenay, Longchamp, Gr2 and Prix Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L, placed third in Prix de Lutece, Longchamp, Gr3, Prix du Lys, Longchamp, Gr3 and SG Private Banking Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr3. 41 Leif Wretman/Wretman Stable & Stud Kommendörsgatan 20 08-662 84 94 114 48 Stockholm 070-573 78 00 13 YUYU Mörkbrun hingst 090314 Caro (IRE) With Approval (CAN), sk 1986 Passing Mood (CAN) Fairy King (USA) Fairy Jane (IRE), br 1996 Tapaculo (GB), 1981 Fortino II (FR) Chambord (GB) Buckpasser (USA) Cool Mood (USA) Northern Dancer (CAN) Fairy Bridge (USA) Tap On Wood (IRE) Sunbittern (GB), 1970 1. mor FAIRY JANE (IRE), winner at 3 years in Sweden; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 7 foals; BE ALERT, 2002 v e Diaghlyphard (USA), 8 segr och plac 8 ggr, 580.558 kr, Sofierolöpn, 4e Malmö Sommarhandikap, FT88 STRAX (gb), 2005 h e Songline, vinnare och plac på endast 8 starter, 69.500 kr, FT70 Be Aware, 2004 h e Songline, plac 3 ggr på 3 starter, 29.100 kr, FT69 Be Ahead, 2003 h e Richard of York (GB), startat 9 gånger, 4.900 kr, FT55 Suddelina, 2001 s e Funambule (USA), startat fyra gånger, 2.730 kr, FT58 Origo, 2006 v e Domedriver (IRE), ej startat High Alert, 2007 h e Most Welcome (GB), i träning hos Tina Långström, Täby Yuyu, se ovan 2. mor Tapaculo (GB), winner at 2 years and £6484 3rd Waterford Candelabra S, Goodwood, Gr3; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 11 foals; WAGNER (IRE), 7 wins, £41,009, winner at 2 years; also 4 wins over hurdles at 3, 5 and 6 years and £22,991 and 2 wins over fences at 6 years and £14,322. FIRE BLUE (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years in Brazil; dam of a winner, ROCK GIRL (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £7703. BANANA COVE (IRE), 2 wins, £8232, winner at 3 years; also winner over hurdles at 4 years. FAIRY JANE (IRE), see above. Labwah (IRE), ran on the flat in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of a winner, AENAABEE (KSA), winner, 2010 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 3. mor Sunbittern (GB) by Sea Hawk (FR), 3 wins at 2 years 4th Cheveley Park S, Newmarket, Gr1; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 14 foals; HIGH HAWK, 6 wins at 3 years at home, in France and in Italy and £114,619, Premio Roma, Gr1, 2nd Irish Guinness Oaks, Curragh, Gr1 and Oaks d’Italia, Milan, Gr1; dam of ten winners inc, IN THE WINGS, won Hanson Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr1, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Turf, Belmont Park, Gr1 and 2nd Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr1; sire. MOROZOV (USA), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £123,636 inc. Prix Hubert de Chaudenay, Longchamp, Gr2; sire. HUNTING HAWK (IRE), won Prix Greffulhe, Longchamp, Gr2 and 3rd Prix du Jockey Club Lancia, Chantilly, Gr1; sire. HAWKER’S NEWS (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £35,644 inc. Jardine Insurance Derby Trial S, Lingfield Park, Gr3; sire. ARLETTE (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £10,383; dam of ALEXANDROS (GB), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2010 at home, in France and in U.A.E. and £788,797 inc. Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr3 and Dubal Al Rashidiya S, Meydan, Gr3, 2nd Juddmonte Lockinge S, Newbury, Gr1, 3rd Darley Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr1, Grosser Dallmayr Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr1 and Dubai Duty Free S, Nad Al Sheba, Gr1. Tapaculo, see above. 42 Anmäld till BT11-13 14 SWE00000533 Brun hingst 090313 Kerstin o Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby Nureyev (USA) Jeune Homme (USA), br 1990 Alydariel (USA) Ela-Mana-Mou (IRE) Clois Mor (IRE), mbr 1994 Bay Empress (GB), 1980 08-512 416 12 070-757 78 76 Northern Dancer (CAN) Special (USA) Alydar (USA) Crimson Saint (USA) Pitcairn (GB) Rose Bertin (GB) Empery (USA) Not Mistaken (IRE), 1975 1. mor Clois Mor (IRE), ran once over jumps in Sweden at 3 years; Own sister to BELA-M (IRE); dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing ageTURTLE TURMOIL (IRE), 2000 c by Turtle Island (IRE), 10 wins, 553.177 kr, and placed 18 times, FT84; 5 wins at 2 to 4 years and also 5 wins over hurdles in 2007 incl Svenskt Champion Hurdle and Lindarängen Memorial, 3rd HM Drottningens Pris, Årets Hinderhäst 2007 Picture Perfect, 2006 f by Celtic Swing (GB), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 250.800 kr, 2nd Skandinavisk mesterskap for 2-åringer, Eivind Eckbo Legats Vandrepokal, FT72 SAMBALANDO, 2004 c by Ashkalani (IRE), 2 wins, placed twice, 144.227 kr, 5th TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, FT78, fatal accident in June at 3 years, dead MORE AMOUR (IRE), winner at 3 years in Denmark and 31.880 kr and placed 3 times, FT66 Crowned Fox (IRE), 2002 c by Foxhound (USA), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years, 2005, FT75 Singing Mom, 2007 f by Songline, placed 3 times at 3, 2010, 64.500 kr, FT67 Rose Indienne (IRE), 2003 f by Indian Danehill (IRE), exported to Italy. SWE00000533, see above 2. mor BAY EMPRESS (GB) by Empery (USA), 2 wins at 3 years and £11,540 incl Brownstown S, Curragh, Gr3, placed 3 times incl 3rd Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr2 and Gilltown Stud S, Curragh, Gr3; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizBELA-M (IRE) (f. by Ela-Mana-Mou), 2 wins at 3 years in Germany and £36,868 incl Nereide - Mitglieder Horster Rennverein, Gelsenkirchen, L. and placed 5 times incl 2nd Deutscher Herold-(Hamburger Stutenpreis), Hamburg, Gr3, Diana Trial/Las Vegas-Slenderella Rennen, Mulheim, L. and 3rd Prix Fille de l’Air, Toulouse, Gr3; dam of winners. Emission (IRE) (c. by Glow (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £16,353 and placed 12 times incl 2nd Norsk Kriterium, Ovrevoll, L. Calva’s Glow (IRE) (f. by Glow (USA), winner at 2 years in Belgium and £9,626 and placed twice incl 2nd Prix Gutt - Tattersalls, Ostend, L. BABYCARO, 2 wins at 3 years in Italy. SUMMERHILL, 2 wins at 3 years and £3,854 and placed once; dam of winners. MANA-MOU BAY (IRE), 4 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years incl Washington Singer S, Newbury, L. and placed 8 times. 3. mor The next dam Not Mistaken (USA), by Mill Reef (USA), unraced; dam of eleven winners from 14 runners and 14 foals of racing age inclBAY EMPRESS, see above. Identity Parade, winner at 2 years and placed once; also 3 wins in Italy and placed 6 times incl 2nd Criterium Varesino, Varese, L. and Premio Merano, Milan, L. El Favorecido (IRE), 22 wins in Italy, placed 66 times incl 2nd Premio di Lombardia Limited H, L. WHITE OF MORN, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed twice; also 7 wins in France and in Switzerland; also 3 wins over jumps in West Germany and in Switzerland. ALESSIO BACCETTI (IRE), 11 wins in Italy and placed 26 times. DARA DEE, 2 wins at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of winners. 43 benny@recruitment.se Recruitment Benny Carlsson AB Kråkeslättsvägen 49 040-40 14 08 233 38 Svedala 070-540 51 00 15 INTEGRAL Brunt sto 090312 Singspiel (IRE) Lateral (GB), br 2003 Ligona (GB) Common Grounds (GB) Interviewer (IRE), br 1998 Marylou Whitney (USA), 1991 In The Wings (IRE) Glorious Song (CAN) Aragon (GB) Lima (USA) Kris (GB) Sweetly (FR) Fappiano (USA) Top Socialite (USA), 1982 1. mor INTERVIEWER (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £29,516 and placed 14 times, Juvenile Fillies, 2nd Scandinavia Cup, 4th Altamiralöpn, 5th Scania Sprint, FT80; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 previous foals; SWEET PENNIE, 2005 f by Pennekamp (USA), 3 wins at 3-5 years, 2010 in Sweden and £12.601 and placed 4 times, FT59 INTERLOTTE, 2004 f by Nicolotte (GB), winner at 3 years, 2007 in Sweden and £16.907 and placed 8 times, 4th Altamiralöpn, FT73, exported to Pakistan 2008, winner of Queen Elizabeth Cup in Pakistan INDIAN PACIFIC, 2006 g by Indian Lodge (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2009 in Sweden and £14.594 and placed 6 times, FT71 Intiango (ger), 2008 f by Sabiango (GER), in training with Jan-Erik Pettersson, qualified 29/8 Integral, see above 2. mor MARYLOU WHITNEY (USA), placed once in USA; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 10 foals; INTERVIEWER (IRE), see above. REFERENCE LADY (IRE), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Denmark and in Sweden and £39,350, Juvenile Fillies, placed 5 times, 2nd Svenskt Oaks, 3rd Lanwades S, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Dansk Oaks, 4th Bloomers’ Vase, 5th in a Listed Race in Germany, also 5th Swedish Derby, FT84; dam of a winner: FAIRY KAMP, 3 wins, and placed twice, £11.668, FT76 SIDESIDE (SPA), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2010 in Spain and £63.407. ON LOCATION (IRE), 6 wins at 3 years in Germany and in Sweden, £13,413, placed once, FT84 LAWGIVER (IRE), 3 wins over hurdles, 2010, and £22.676 and placed once over fences at 5 years. Satin Cape (IRE), placed once at 2 years; dam of a winner: JOLLY SNAKE (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2010, and £10.155 She also has a 2-y-o filly by Federal Trial (USA) named Replayside (SPA). 3. mor TOP SOCIALITE (USA), by Topsider (USA), 10 wins at home and in U.S.A. and $400,815, £71,528 and 312,000 fr. inc. Pritchard Services Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr3 and Gainsborough Stud Fred Darling S, Newbury, Gr3, 2nd Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1 and 3rd Goffs Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1; dam of three winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc, ALLARME SOCIALE (USA), 6 wins, £45,785, winner at 2 years; also 5 wins at 3 and 5 years in Italy and £43,019. TOP FANTASY (JPN), 5 wins at 4 and 5 years in Japan and £66.088 Hejraan (USA), placed once at 2 years; dam of five winners inc, SAMUEL CHARLES (GB), 19 wins, 2008 and £81,787. Life of the Party (USA), placed twice in U.S.A.; dam of four winners inc, One More Round (USA), winner, 2009, 2nd Castlemartin & La Louviere Gladness S, Curragh, Gr3, Emirates Airline Minstrel S, Curragh, Gr3, Eircom Ballycorus S, Leopardstown, Gr3 and BBC World Al Fahidi Fort S, Nad Al Sheba, Gr3. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS (USA), winner at 3 years, 2010, and £8.412 44 espenski@hotmail.com Åringen säljs utan moms 16 SWE00000461 Brunt sto 090224 (ej färdigregistrerad) Anmäld till BT11-13 Espen Ski Eiksveien 56 (+47) 40 23 00 31 N-1359 Eiksmarka, Norge Monsun (GER) Noroit (GER), br 1998 Noble Princesse (GER) Mujadil (USA) Muja Maiy (IRE), br 2001 Maiyria (IRE), 1994 Königsstuhl (GER) Mosella (GER) Windwurf (GER) Nagaika (GER) Storm Bird (CAN) Vallee Secrete (USA) Shernazar (IRE) Marmana (USA), 1980 1. mor MUJA MAIY (IRE), 4 wins, placed 3 times, 126.200 kr, FT79, dam of (first foal): Merci (ger), 2008 f by Most Welcome (GB), in training with Johan Lindberg, Täby SWE00000461, see above 2. mor MAIYRIA (IRE), ran once at 3 years; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 foals; MUJA MAIY (IRE), see above. MAYKEL (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 in Italy and £5880 and placed 8 times. VENAROSSA (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2008 in Italy and £5043 and placed 3 times. TITINIUS (IRE), winner at 3 years and £19,127, placed 19 times; also placed over hurdles, 2007. 3. mor MARMANA (USA), by Blushing Groom (FR), placed 4 times in France; Own sister to MALAKIM (USA); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc., MASSLAMA (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France inc. Prix des Reservoirs, Longchamp, Gr3 and Prix Vanteaux, Longchamp, Gr3, placed once; dam of five winners inc., MASSIGANN (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years in France and £40,724 inc. P. Point du Jour Fourrages A.N. Dutertre, Craon, L., placed 3 times inc. 3rd Prix Edmond Blanc, Saint-Cloud, Gr3. BENTA BERRI (FR), winner, 2008 in France and in Spain. MARCHAND D’ARGENT (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £25,074 and placed 8 times; also 2 wins over hurdles at 6 years, 2009 and £7508 and placed once. Mannsara (IRE), placed once at 2 in France; dam of MANZILA (FR), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2008 at home and in France and £64,438 inc. Prix Servanne, Chantilly, L., placed 3rd Stowe Family Law Henry Gee S., Chester, L., RUSSIAN GEORGE (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2009 and £13,243 and placed 7 times, and DANCING RED DEVIL (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2009 and £6273. Mardani (IRE), 8 wins, £75,743, 4 wins at 3 and 4 years and £55,647 and placed 10 times inc. 2nd Theo Fennell Glorious Rated S., Goodwood, L.; also placed twice at 3 and 5 years in Switzerland; also 4 wins over hurdles and £16,535 and placed 3 times. MADJLISI (FR), 12 wins in Belgium and in France and £51,272 and placed 36 times. MALTAYA (FR), 6 wins at 4 and 6 years in France and placed 13 times; dam of a winner, MARONEA (FR), 2 wins at 3 years in France and placed 4 times; dam of four winners, Marmaga (IRE), unraced; dam of two winners inc., DESTINATION WORLD (GB), 12 wins at 2-6, 2009 in Italy and £43,978 and placed 25 times. The next dam MILL RIVER (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £5107; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals inc., MALAKIM (USA), 3 wins in France inc. Prix d’Hedouville, Longchamp, Gr3; sire. Madaiyn (IRE), winner at 3 years in France and £32,106, 2nd Prix du Lys, Saint-Cloud, Gr3. Malkhatoun (USA), winner in France, 2nd Prix Nimbus, M’-Laffitte, L. MARIYADA (USA), winner at 3 years in France and 67,000 fr.; dam of three winners inc., MARILAYA (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £9885; dam of MARALAN (IRE), 7 wins, £119,381, winner at 3 years and £15,334; also 4 wins over hurdles at 4 to 6 years, 2007 and £51,392 2nd Tipperary Hurdle, Tipperary, Gr2 and 2 wins over fences, 2008 and £52,655, Newlands Chase, Naas, Gr2 and Kevin McManus Flyingbolt Novice Chase, Navan, Gr2 45 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.brantshammar.se - karin.johansson@brantshammar.se Karin Johansson Brantshammar Stuteri 741 92 Knivsta 17 PEARL JAM Brun hingst 090601 Lyphard (USA) Funambule (USA), fux 1987 Sonoma (FR) Kefaah (USA) Pearly Pet (IRE), br 1995 Petrine (IRE), 1981 018-38 11 25 070-628 11 25 Northern Dancer (CAN) Goofed (USA) Habitat (USA) Satu (GB) Blushing Groom (FR) Tertiary (USA) Petorius (IRE) Plum Fool (GB), 1972 1. mor PEARLY PET (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years in Sweden and placed 9 times, 342.100 kr, Amacitalöpn, 3rd Bloomers’ Vase, 5th Norsk Oaks, FT82, dam of two winners from 3 runners and 6 foals of racing ageQUINT ESSENTIALS, 2003 g by Be My Chief (USA), 11 wins, placed 22 times, 951.671 kr, Norsk Derby Mile, 2nd SM Classic, 3rd SM Classic, Övrevoll Mile Cup, 4th Nationaldagspokalen, FT87 LIVIGNO, 2005 g by Funambule (USA), 5 wins, placed 5 times, 444.548 kr, Skandinavisk Mesterskap For Tvååringer, 3rd Övrevoll Sprint Cup, SM Sprinters, 4th Larch Ærespræmie, FT81 Pearly Boss, 2004 c by Be My Chief (USA), ran twice at 3, dead at 3, 2007 Peace, 2008 f by Funambule (USA), in training with Elisabeth Gautier, Vellinge Pearl Jam, see above 2. mor PETRINE (IRE), ran a few times at 3; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing agePEARLY PET (IRE), see above. Imperialist (IRE) (f. by Imperial Frontier (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £23,724, placed 6 times incl 3rd Its Aviation Services Sirenia S, Kempton Park, L SIMPLESS (IRE), 8 wins at 2 to 6 years in Italy and £20,854 and placed 25 times. LITTLE VENICE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2003 and £14,593 and placed 7 times. She’s Simply Great (IRE), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years; also placed once over hurdles. 3. mor PLUM FOOL (GB), by Silly Season (USA), winner in France and placed 3 times; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age vizPlum Lane, winner at 2 years, placed 4 times incl 3rd Salisbury S, Salisbury, L; also winner in West Germany. RED BEARD (IRE), 10 wins in Italy and placed 33 times; dam of one winner. ZANY, 2 wins at 4 years and placed 6 times; also placed over hurdles; dam of winners. Mr Toad (IRE), 3rd Sirenia S, Kempton Park, L ZANY ZANNA (IRE), 4 wins at 2 years and placed 4 times; also winner in USA PLUM BOLD, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. PLUMBIRD (GB), winner, Premio Melton - Memorial Tudini, Rome, Gr3, 2nd Premio Melton Memorial Tudini, Rome, Gr3. VERY WELCOME, winner, Hong Kong Derby, Sha Tin, L, 3rd Hong Kong Cup, Sha Tin, L Pomona (GB), 2nd Santa Barbara H, Santa Anita, Gr2 and 3rd Yellow Ribbon H, Santa Anita, Gr1 and Kentucky Cup Ladies’ Turf H, Kentucky Downs, L Plum First (GB), 5 wins at 2 to 5 years, placed 34 times incl 2nd East Riding Stks, Beverley, L PLUMB LINE (GB), winner in Italy. ROMAN WALK, winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of ROBINS (IRE), winner, Premio Chiusura, Milan, Gr3 and Premio Daumier, Rome, L, 2nd Premio W. W. F, Rome, L and 3rd Premio Parioli, Rome, Gr1 and Premio W. W. F, Rome, L, ROYAL MAGIC (ITY), winner in Italy, ROMAN WONDER (IRE), winner in Italy. HOUSE GUEST, winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of winners. JIMMY’S DREAM, winner at 5 years and placed 6 times; also winner over hurdles, placed twice. PLATIN DANCER (IRE), winner in West Germany; also winner over jumps in Switzerland. 46 Anmäld till BT11-13 18 RAFTIN Mörkbrunt sto 090214 Ove Bergenudd Onslunda 2282 277 45 St Olof Midyan (USA) Inchrory (GB), br 1993 Applecross (GB) Diaghlyphard (USA) Brilliant Mistake, br 1994 Ballymena Lass (IRE), 1988 ove@bergenudd.net 0414-602 33 0708-48 07 52 Miswaki (USA) Country Dream (USA) Glint of Gold (GB) Rynechra (GB) Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Last Tycoon (GB) Karella (GB), 1974 1. mor BRILLIANT MISTAKE, 5 segr, 260.100 kr inkl bonus, 5e Breeders’ Trophy, FT78, mor till en vinnare av 5 startande och 6 avkommor i startbar ålder; POLY, 2005 s e Inchrory (GB), vinnare och plac på endast 5 starter, 97.100 kr inkl bonus, FT68 Ragtime Oriole, 2004 s e Troon (GB), plac, 14.400 kr, FT49 Thiago, 2007 v e Inchrory (GB), startat 4 ggr, 19.250, FT51 Brilliant Succé, 2000 s e Caerwent (IRE), endast startat 5 ggr, död Tuffy, 2002 s e Homme d’Honneur (FR), startat 8 ggr som 3- och 4-åring, FT58 Brilliant Star, 2001 s e Caerwent (IRE), ej startat, död som 3-åring Raftin, se ovan 2. mor BALLYMENA LASS (IRE), vinnare och plac i Sverige, plac i 8 av 9 starter på Irland, 69.915 kr, 2a Lower Grange Fillies Maiden, Gowran Park, 3e Thomastown Fillies Ext H, Gowran Park, FT70; mor till fyra vinnare av 6 startande och totalt 7 avkommor i startbar ålder; BRILLIANT MISTAKE, se ovan SURVIVOR LAD, 2002 h e Funambule (USA), vinnare och plac 7 ggr, 113.835 kr, FT76 MARABO, 1998 s e Bloomerace, 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 82.240 kr, FT73 CRUELLA DE VILLE, 1997 s e Blue Talk, vinnare som 2-åring, plac 3 ggr, 103.200 kr, FT70, mor till en vinnare av 1 startande och totalt 1 föl i startbar ålder; CRYSTAL HEART, 2005 v e Heart of Oak (USA), vinnare o plac 2 ggr på 7 st, 45.250 kr, FT58 Queen of Zenobia, 1996 s e National Zenith (USA), plac 5 ggr, 47.700 kr, FT65 Cloetta, 1999 s e Caerwent (IRE), plac som 2- och 3-åring, 32.505 kr, FT63 3. mor KARELLA (GB) e Jukebox (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £1936 and placed 5 times; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age incl– LOVELY CHIMES, f by London Bells (CAN), winner, £7222 at 2 years viz Cherry Blossom S, Phoenix Park, L; dam of winners. CLASSY CHIME (JPN), winner in Japan. LA PETITE NOBLESSE, f by Thatching, 3 wins, £23,116 at 2 and 3 years incl Philips Electronics S Ext H, Curragh, L. and Doncaster S, Doncaster, L; dam of a winner. NEW HEIGHTS (GB), winner at 2 years, 1994 and £6742 and placed 4 times. GAY BARBARELLA, 3 wins in Denmark, £1080; dam of winners. MUSCAT, winner in Austria, in Germany and in Switzerland. ULPHA, winner at 2 years and £1681 and placed 4 times; dam of a winner. GOOD PROFIT (IRE), winner in Macau. The next dam Wise Counsel (GB) by Counsel (GB), placed twice at 4; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals of racing age; Just Revenge, 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, placed 13 times incl 3rd in Woodcote S, Epsom, L; 3 wins over hurdles and placed 15 times; WICKWELL, 8 wins and placed 17 times; also placed twice over jumps; AS WISE, placed 3 times at 2 years; also 7 wins in Austria; OLD HUBERT, 6 wins and placed 15 times; LEGAL FIDDLE, winner at 4 years and placed 14 times. 47 www.tranberga.se 19 JACQUIN Brun hingst 090311 Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12 Eva C S Pettersson Tranberga Gård 230 40 Bara Storm Cat (USA) Distant Thunder (USA), fux 2003 Miss Prospector (USA) Holy Bull (USA) Edna Boyle (USA), sk 2001 Spilled Beans (USA), 1989 tranberga@msn.com 040-630 24 60 0708-48 21 75 Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Crafty Prospector (USA) Eternal Vow (USA) Great Above (USA) Sharon Brown (USA) Secretariat (USA) Endurable Heights (USA), 79 1. mor EDNA BOYLE (USA), unraced; dam of two runners from 2 previous foals; Bud The Spud (USA), 2005 g by Black Minnaloushe (USA), placed once at 3, 2008 in Canada Huntley, 2007 g by Doneraile Court (USA), ran once at 3, 2010 Jacquin, see above 2. mor SPILLED BEANS (USA), placed once in USA; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 13 foals inc, BOTSCHAFTER (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Japan and £76,307. FINAL BID (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and £6543. WILD SAM (USA), winner in USA ADMIRE WOLF (USA), winner in Japan. 3. mor ENDURABLE HEIGHTS (USA), by Graustark (USA), ran on the flat in USA at 3 years; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc, BARODET (USA), 3 wins at 3 years in France and in USA and $41,680 inc Prix des Yearlings, L. MISS MARILYN (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Brazil; dam of four winners, SARASOTA SAND (USA), 4 wins in USA E Z JET (USA), 3 wins in USA INSHIRAH (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £5992; dam of eight winners inc, DAYS OF GRACE (GB), 8 wins at 2 to 6 years and £44,433; dam of MOGOK RUBY (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2008 and £13,726. The next dam MIRA FEMME, 14 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA and $306,912 inc Hollywood Lassie S, Hollywood Park and Santa Ynez S, Santa Anita; dam of ten winners from 14 runners and 15 foals inc, FEMME ELITE (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and in USA and 708,450 fr. and $35,480 inc Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of four winners inc, STEINBECK (USA), won Prix Daphnis, Evry, Gr3, Prix La Rochette, Longchamp, Gr3, 2nd Beefeater Gin Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr2 and 3rd Prix Robert Papin, M’-Laffitte, Gr2; sire. BATONNIER (USA), 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA and $232,105 inc Illinois Derby, Sportsmans Park, Gr3, 2nd Swaps S, Hollywood Park, Gr1; sire. MIRA IRISH KEY (USA), winner at 3 years in USA; dam of nine winners inc, PUFFY DOODLE (USA), won Palatine Breeders’ Cup S, Arlington Int. and 3rd Arlington Washington Lassie S, Arlington Int, Gr1. CLASSIC PERFECTION (USA), winner at 2 years in USA; dam of nine winners inc, CLASSIC GO GO (USA), won Bowie S, Bowie, General George S, Bowie, Lucky Draw S, Aqueduct, Thanksgiving Day H, Bay Meadows, Winter Quarters H, Meadowlands and 4th Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr1; sire. AIRONLASS (USA), won Ontario Debutante S, Fort Erie; dam of CLASSY WOMEN (USA), won Hillsborough H, Bay Meadows, Gr3, 3rd Test S, Saratoga, Gr1; grandam of AD VALOREM (USA), won Middle Park S, Newmarket, Gr1 and Queen Anne S, Ascot, Gr1, Kid Lemonade (USA), winner in USA, 2nd Stanton S, Delaware, Femmina (USA), winner in Canada and in USA 3rd Chieftan’s Command S, Aqueduct. 48 Anmäld till BT11-13, BC13 lars.olsson@u.lrf.se 20 SWE00000632 Mörkbrun hingst 090412 Sonja Olsson Östersäby Stuteri 736 92 Kungsör Midyan (USA) Jaunty Jack (GB), br 1994 Juliette Marny (GB) Komaite (USA) Marlene (GB), br 1995 Kaiserlinde (GER), 1983 0227-201 33 0702-81 10 48 Miswaki (USA) Country Dream (USA) Blakeney (GB) Set Free (GB) Nureyev (USA) Brown Berry (USA) Frontal (FR) Kaiserliebe (GER), 1976 1. mor Marlene (GB), placed once at 3 years; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 previous foals; La Pija, 2004 f by Prince of Birds (USA), placed twice at 2, 2006 in Sweden, 63.840 kr, 3rd in Krafft SM för 2-åriga hästar, FT69 DESERT RALLY, 2005 c by Desert Sport (FR), 6 wins, placed 3 times, 259.793 kr, 5th Nationaldagspokalen, FT82 PIGALLE (GB), 2000 f by Fraam (GB), 4 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2006 in Germany and £13,676 and placed 12 times. Lili Marleen, 2007 f by Desert Sport (FR), placed 4 times, 41.853 kr, FT65 Solidarity, 2001 c by Fraam (GB), placed in only 4 starts, 13.750 kr, FT61 Marnie Oak, 2008 f by Heart of Oak (USA), exported to Norway 2009, ran once at 2, 2010 SWE00000632, see above 2. mor KAISERLINDE (GER), unraced; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals; KAISERBIRKE (GER), 3 wins at 3 to 5 years in West Germany. PHYSICAL FORCE (GB), 2 wins, £18,849, winner at 4 years and £9341; also winner over fences, 2007 and £9508; also winner of a point-to-point. DOODLE BUG (GB), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; also winner over hurdles at 4 years. KANTILENE (IRE), winner at 3 years in Germany; dam of four winners KARAJANA (IRE), winner at 3 years in Germany; dam of three winners 3. mor Kaiserliebe (GER) by Tarim (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in West Germany and 15,220 D.M. 2nd Nereide-Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, L.; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc., KEY TO HEIGHTS (GER), 3 wins at 2 years in West Germany and £31,214 inc. Alexander Rennen-Valentin Seibert Mem., Frankfurt, L. KAISERBUCHE, 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in West Germany and £7984; dam of five winners inc., KULITCH (FR), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £34,617; dam of KYPRIA (FR), 3 wins over jumps at 3 to 5 years, 2009 in France and £37,497. The next dam KRONUNGSPRACHT (GER), winner at 2 years in West Germany; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 10 foals; KLASSIKER (GER), 5 wins, £52,080, 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in West Germany and £48,207 inc. Grosser Preis der Continentale St Leger, Dortmund, Gr2, 4th Holsten Cup Deutsches Derby, Hamburg, Gr1; also winner over jumps at 6 years in West Germany. KAISERBLUME (FR), Champion 3yr old filly in Germany in 1982, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in West Germany and 116,150 D.M. inc. Deutscher Stutenpreis-Ford Hentschel, Hannover, Gr3, 3rd Preis der Diana, Mulheim, Gr2; dam of seven winners inc., KAISERBLUTE (GER), won Festa Rennen, Baden-Baden, L. KING’S BLADE (IRE), winner in Germany; dam of KING’S BOY (GER), 14 wins in Germany, in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in Turkey and £352,583 inc. Badener Steher Cup, BadenBaden, L., 3rd Premio Carlo d’Alessio, Rome, Gr2. KAISERBLUMCHEN (GER), 2 wins, 2009 in Germany and £17,106. KARUMA (GER), 2 wins at 4 years in Germany; dam of KISS ME LIPS (GER), placed 49 twice at 3 and 4 years, 2008 in Germany. Anmäld till BT11-13 www.longracing.se 21 SWE00000575 Brunt sto 090330 Jessica Long/JP Long HB jplong@live.se Norregårdsvägen 33-38 040-48 11 85 230 41 Klågerup 0708-64 88 24 Golden Voyager (USA) Mandrake El Mago (CHI), mbr 1999 Manon Lescaut (CHI) Desert Style (IRE) Congress Woman (IRE), br 2004 Villafranca (IRE), 1995 Mr Prospector (USA) La Voyageuse (USA) Musketeer (USA) Kamasutra (USA) Green Desert (USA) Organza (GB9 In The Wings (IRE) Ville Eternelle (USA), 1988 1. mor Congress Woman (IRE), 3 wins in Denmark and Sweden at 2 and 3 years and £12,289 incl Sommarstoet, placed once viz 3rd Amacitalöpn, also 4th Dianalöpn, 5th Stig Holms Memorial, FT78 Above is her first foal. SWE00000575, see above 2. mor VILLAFRANCA (IRE), 2 wins in France at 3 and 4 years and £12,904 and placed 4 times; dam of four winners: VILLA SCIARRA (IRE), 2003 c by Elnadim (USA), 4 wins in Italy at 2 and 6 years, 2009 and £76,310 incl Criterium di Pisa, Pisa, L., placed 22 times incl second in Criterium Labronico, Livorno, L. and Premio Toscana, Florence, L. CONGRESS WOMAN (IRE), see above. OKAFRANCA (IRE), 2005 g by Okawango (USA), 2 wins at 3 years and £10,447 SWEET POTATO (IRE), 2002 f by Monashee Mountain (USA), winner. Libertino (IRE), 2007 g by Bertolini (USA), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years, 2010. Assent (IRE), 2006 f by Kheleyf (USA), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Aussie Rules (USA) and a yearling colt by Clodovil (IRE). 3. mor VILLE ETERNELLE (USA) by Slew O’Gold (USA), 3 wins in France at 3 years; dam of five winners: VILLAFRANCA (IRE), see above. ARIUS (GB), 2 wins in France at 3 years. STARVIL (IRE), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times. MARUAN (GB), winner. ARME FATALE (IRE), winner in France at 3 years and placed twice; dam of winners. L’ENFANT TERRIBLE (IRE), 3 wins in Italy at 2 and 4 years and placed 16 times. COLEMANSTOWN (GB), 3 wins from 3 to 5 years and placed 7 times. WILLYCONKER (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years, 2009 and placed once, from only 5 starts. Esquiline (USA), dam of winners. WIXOE EXPRESS (IRE), 6 wins at home and in U.S.A. from 3 to 5 years and £90,379 including Tanforan Handicap, Golden Gate, L. COPPET (IRE), 2 wins in France at 3 years and £25,465 and placed 6 times. Intresserad av ”Papperskalendern”? Hör av dig till SRB så får du pris för resterande nummer 2010 inkl några nr ”bakåt”. srbz@home.se 50 Anmäld till BT11-13 alvena@telia.com 22 ALVENA STORM Brun hingst 090326 Per Olof Jonsson, Alvena Gård AB Alvena 604 0498-26 65 19 622 40 Gotlands Tofta 070-432 24 88 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Go For Gin (USA) Kombi Plus (USA), br 1999 Melodica (GB), 1994 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Cormorant (USA) Never Knock (USA) Machiavellian (USA) Melodist (USA), 1985 1. mor Kombi Plus (USA), placed 5 times, 69.270 kr, 4th in Altamiralöpn, FT66, dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 previous foal; Alvena Quling, 2007 g by Songline, 2 wins and placed twice in 8 starts at 3, 2010, 404.875 kr, 2nd Breeders Trophy Classic 2010, FT81 Alvena Storm, se ovan 2. mor MELODICA (GB), winner at 3 years and £6654; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 foals; FARINELLI (GB), g by Selkirk (USA), 3 wins, £44,793; 2 wins at 3 years and £33,366 inc Navigation S, Cork, L.; also placed twice over hurdles at 5 years, 2008 and winner over fences at 6 years, 2009 and £10,606. SULTRY SIREN (USA), winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £12,978. 3. mor MELODIST (USA) by The Minstrel (CAN), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy and £138,943 inc. Kildangan Stud Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr1 and Oaks d’Italia, Milan, Gr1; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc, SONG OF THE SWORD (GB), 9 wins, £44,426, 2 wins at 3 years and £8765; also 4 wins over hurdles at 4 years and £23,144 inc Bovis Crowngap Winter Novices’ Hurdle, Sandown Park, Gr2 and 3 wins over fences at 5 years and £12,517. MELNIK (GB), 3 wins, £24,626, placed twice at 3 years; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and £17,557 and winner over fences at 5 years and £5342; also 6 wins in point-to-points. Meseta (GB), ran on the flat in France; dam of a winner, WON IN THE DARK (IRE), placed twice at 3 and 5 years, 2009; also 6 wins over hurdles at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2010 and £185,646 inc. Eventus Marquees Champion 4yo Hurdle, Punchestown, Gr1 and Durkan New Homes Juvenile Hurdle, Leopardstown, Gr1, 2nd December Festival Hurdle, Leopardstown, Gr1 and 3rd JCB Triumph Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr1. Kate Maher (IRE), ran twice; dam of a winner, PERFECT COURTESY (IRE), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; also 5 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2010 in France and in Germany and £38,434. The next dam NATIVE NURSE (USA), placed 4 times in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 12 foals; LOVE SIGN (USA), 16 wins in U.S.A. and $934,827 inc. Alabama S, Saratoga, Gr1 and Beldame S, Belmont Park, Gr1 (twice), 2nd Spinster S, Keeneland, Gr1, Maskette S, Belmont Park, Gr1, Ruffian H, Belmont Park, Gr1, 3rd Beldame S, Belmont Park, Gr1, Delaware H, Delaware Park, Gr1, Ruffian H, Belmont Park, Gr1, 4th Spinster S, Keeneland, Gr1 and Ladies H, Aqueduct, Gr1; dam of Ti Amo (USA), unraced; grandam of GOINWEST (USA), 10 wins in U.S.A. inc. Dwight D Patterson H, Turf Paradise. MELODIST (USA), see above. FATIH (USA), 10 wins at home and in U.S.A. and $416,025 inc. Arcadia H, Santa Anita, Gr2 and Golden Gate H, Golden Gate, Gr2, 4th San Luis Rey S, Santa Anita, Gr1; sire. ORIGINAL CIN (USA), 6 wins in USA, $114,700, Hollywood Express H, dam of four winners inc PHILIPINO BABY (USA), winner in USA; dam of WITH A FLING (USA), winner. 51 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com 23 GIRL FROM IPANEMA Fux sto 090302 Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri Lindarsnäs Egendom 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Funambule (USA) Little Green Apple, br 1996 Dappled Flag (USA), 1985 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Lyphard (USA) Sonoma (FR) Akureyri (CAN) Baruna (USA), 1979 1. mor LITTLE GREEN APPLE, 5 segr, 627.700 kr (inkl 76.600 kr bonus), Svenskt Kriterium, 2a Altamiralöpn, 4e SM 2-åriga, 5e Amacitalöpn, FT81, mor till 6 avkommor inklusive: Thunder Clap, 2004 h e Songline, startat 3 ggr Havanna, 2005 h e Most Welcome (GB), ej startat, skadad som föl Rianna, 2006 s e Most Welcome (GB), ej startat, skadad i träning Girl From Ipanema, se ovan 2. mor DAPPLED FLAG (USA), vinnare som 2-åring i England, mor till nio vinnare av 12 föl (10 startat och 8 segrat som 2-åringar) LITTLE GREEN APPLE, se ovan MELLOW YELLOW, -95 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 segr, 174.000 kr, SM 2-åriga, mor till DUCHESS BLUE, 4 segr, FT76, och Carpenter, plac 6 ggr, FT75 Green River, -91 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 6 segr, plac 18 ggr, 580.460 kr, 2e Svealandlöpn, 3e SM 2-åriga, Vinterfav Pris, SM Milers, 4e Malmö Stads Pris, Sv Kriterium, 5e Breeders’ Trophy RED HOUSE, -93 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 5 segr, 275.700 kr, 5e Sv Kriterium, SM 2-år, Breeders’ Trophy REDBONE, -98 s e Spectacular Tide (USA), 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 119.800 kr (inkl 19.900 bonus), Breeders’ Trial, FT71, mor till en vinnare: WAKAYAMA, 2007 s e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 4 segr, plac 3 ggr på 8 starter, 967.865 kr, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, Becky Moss Fillies Mile, 2a Svenskt Kriterium, 3a Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, 4e Svenskt Oaks, FT82 QUIET FIRE, -92 h e Verd-Antique (GB), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 55.300 kr GO BANANAS, -97 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 50.750 kr PURPLE HEATHER, -99 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare på endast 4 starter, 23.100 kr, FT69, mor till en vinnare: OCKIDOCK, 2007 s e Mandrake El Mago (CHI), vinnare, 70.000 kr, FT62 WHITE FLAG, -01 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare och plac som 2-åring, 51.500 kr Grey Diana, -02 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), startat, 7.850 kr, mor till en vinnare: ZAHIR, 2007 v e Heart of Oak (USA), vinnare, plac 4 ggr på 11 starter, 144.200 kr, FT72 3. mor Baruna (USA), by Grey Dawn (FR), sister to Eleven Pelicans, dam of five winners; DIAMONDRUNA (f. by Diamond Sword). winner at 2, 1997, $70,998, C.T.H.S. Sales S. Dancer´s Kolo (g. by Diamond Sword). 2 wins at 2, placed at 3, 1997, $126,369, 2nd Golden Gate Derby, L, 3rd C.T.H.S. Sales S, Juvenile Breeders´Cup S, etc. BRETTHEVET (g. by Diamond Sword), 5 wins, 3 to 5, $38,012 DAPPLED FLAG, see above. Red Rain (f. by Secreto). Placed at 2, dam of two winners, incl BENT CREEK CITY (f. by Carson City). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $86,740, Cinderella S, L, (Hol, $40,600), 2nd Landaluce S, Hollywood Park, Gr2, and 3rd Sorrento S, Del Mar, Gr2. Red Press (c by Press Card) 5 wins, $128.962, 2nd Rumson S, L 52 Anmäld till BT11-13 24 SWE0000539 Brun hingst 090409 Kerstin o Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby Woodman (USA) Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992 L’On Vite (USA) Diaghlyphard (USA) Pep’n Chilli, mbr 1998 Kiranat (FR), 1988 08-512 416 12 070-757 78 76 Mr Prospector (USA) Playmate (USA) Secretariat (USA) Fanfreluche (CAN) Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Lashkari (GB) Kawarah (GB), 1979 1. mor Pep’n Chilli, unraced, dam of one winner from 4 runners and 4 previous foals: UPPERCUT ACTION, 2008 c by Statue of Liberty (USA), 2 wins and placed twice in 4 starts at 2, 2010, 422.500 kr, SM 2-åriga hästar, 2nd Malmö Stads Pris Mejram, 2006 f by Medecis (GB), placed at 2, 2008, 8.400 kr, FT58 Royal Connection, 2003 c by Turtle Island (IRE), ran 12 times, 7.458 kr, FT55 Pepper On, 2004 c by Malvernico (IRE), ran once at 3, 2007 SWE00000539, see above 2. mor KIRANAT (FR), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and placed 3 times; dam of two winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizNEBUKANATT, Champion 2YO in Scandinavia in 1999, 10 wins; 5 wins at 2 to 5 years in Sweden and 1.029.828 kr and placed 12 times, Vinterfavoriternas Pris, 4th Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn; also 5 wins over jumps in France and in Switzerland, 2nd g P. der SchweizDobi Inter AG Chase, Aarau and g P. der BMW Partner in der Region Chase, Maienfeld, FT84 NEBUKADAG, 2 wins at 2 years, 2003 in Sweden and 142.300 kr and placed 3 times, 4th SM 2-åriga hästar, FT77. Magical Girl (IRE), placed 6 times at 2 to 4 years in Germany. Hard Day’s Night, placed once in only 4 starts at 2 years in Sweden, 18.750 kr, FT65, broodmare 3. mor KAWARAH (GB), by Relko (GB), 2 wins in France and placed 3 times; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizKIRANAT (FR), see above. KALYANPOUR (FR), winner in France. Kawsara (FR), unraced; dam of winners. Miss Elodie (FR), 3rd Prix Imprudence, M’-Laffitte, L.; dam of Elodibelle (FR), 2nd Prix des Lilas, M’-Laffitte, L, and 3rd Prix La Camargo, M’-Laffitte, L.; grandam of Meet Me At Midnite (USA), 3rd Singapore Plate S, Arlington International, Gr3. TULLIUS (FR), winner in France. RENATABELLA (FR), winner in France. Kamarkha, unplaced in France; dam of one winner. KALAXY (FR), winner in France. The next dam KARMOUNA, placed twice in France; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age inclKIRMANN, 3 wins at 3 and 4 years incl Jockey Club S, Newmarket, Gr2 and White Rose S, Ascot, L, 2nd King Edward VII S, Royal Ascot, Gr2, Alycidon S, Goodwood, L.; sire in New Zealand. KARELIAAN (FR), 3 wins in France and in USA incl Prix de Courcelles, Longchamp, L, 3rd Criterium de Saint-Cloud, Saint-Cloud, Gr2 and 4th Prix Eugene Adam, Saint-Cloud, Gr2. KALHAAT (FR), winner in France 2nd Prix Achille-Fould Hurdle, Auteuil. KARERA, winner in France; dam of winners. Kabiyla, 2nd Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr2, Sir Charles Clore Memorial S, Newbury, L. Karnatak, 2nd Lydney Novices’ Chase, Cheltenham. 53 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.tranberga.se 25 JUMANTHES Brun hingst 090412 Eva C S Pettersson Tranberga Gård 230 40 Bara Tiger Hill (IRE) Königstiger (GER), 2002 Kittiwake (GB) Mukaddamah (USA) Jade’s Jewel (IRE), fux 1995 Vaguely Jade (IRE), 1982 tranberga@msn.com 040-630 24 60 0708-48 21 75 Danehill (USA) The Filly (GER) Barathea (IRE) Gull Nook (GB) Storm Bird (CAN) Tash (USA) Corvaro (USA) Tanzanite (USA), 1968 1. mor Jade’s Jewel (IRE), placed, 17.900 kr; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 4 previous foals; Graphiella, 2006 f by Terroir (IRE), 2 wins and placed 7 times, 419.112 kr, 2nd Bloomers’ Vase, L, SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, 3rd Götalandlöpn, Sommarstoet, 4th Stig Holms Memorial, FT83 Hispaniella, 2007 f by Mandrake El Mago (CHI), winner and placed 5 times in 11 starts, 186.900 kr, 3rd SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, FT72 ELIARA, 2004 f by Inchrory (GB), 6 wins and placed 7 times, 279.020 kr, FT79 Isotria, 2008 f by Distant Thunder (USA), in training with Lennart Reuterskiöld jr, Jägersro Jumanthes, see above 2. mor Vaguely Jade (IRE), unraced; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals; Greenhue (IRE) (g. by Soviet Lad (USA), 4 wins, £27,374, placed twice at 2 and 4 years; also winner over hurdles at 3 years and £10,410 2nd Denny Juvenile Hurdle, Leopardstown, L. and 3rd Juvenile Hurdle, Fairyhouse, L. and 3 wins over fences at 6 years and £16,756. SHINING JEWEL, 10 wins at 3 to 6 years and £37,495; sire. LORD OBERON (IRE), 8 wins and £41,556; also placed once over hurdles at 4 years. WHEATSHEAF LADY (IRE), 7 wins, £15,322, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £9249; also 5 wins at 5 and 6 years in Belgium and £6073; dam of three winners inc, VIROSBIRO (IRE), 19 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2008, in Hungary and £29.187 QUERIN PIER (IRE), placed 3 times at 2 years and £6814; also 2 wins at 5 and 6 years, 2005 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £33,603. DANISH REBEL (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2007, also placed 5 times over hurdles at 3-5, 2009 AARDVARK, 6 wins at 2 to 4 years and £24,646. 3. mor Tanzanite (USA), by Mongo (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and $19,770 2nd Cherry Hill S, Garden State, Gr3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals; POIL IS BACK, 12 wins in Belgium and £46,494 inc Prix Fernand du Roy de Blicquy, Sterrebeek, L. (twice). RED JADE, winner at 2 years; dam of six winners inc, MAHOGANY, won Gainsborough Stud Fred Darling S, Newbury, Gr3 and 4th Nassau S, Goodwood, Gr2. RED MILE, winner in Norway. HINARI TELEVIDEO, 4 wins at 2 to 5 years and £40,994; dam of SHONTAINE (GB), 12 wins and £45,825. TARTAN GEM (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years and £12,477. Whist Awhile, unraced; dam of four winners inc QUALITAIR MEMORY (IRE), placed 3 times at 2 to 4 years; also 3 wins over hurdles at 3 and 5 years and 3 wins over fences, KING OF TOYS (IRE), 5 wins at 4 and 5 years in Hong Kong and £128,259. Impropriety, unraced; dam of JAMAIS SANS MOI (GB), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in Italy, PORTITE SOPHIE (GB), 3 wins, MASTER MAHOGANY (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2005 and £22,323; also winner over hurdles at 5 years, 2006 and £19,349. 54 Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12, BC13 goran.asheim@gmail.com 26 CAN WIN Brunt sto 090320 Stuteri Hagen o Göran Åsheim Annedalsvägen 34 044-21 14 23 291 63 Kristianstad 0709-72 27 30 Danehill (USA) Academy Award (IRE), br 2000 Ingabelle (GB) Ocean of Wisdom (USA) Can Can, mbr 2003 Slipping (GB), br 1994 Danzig (USA) Razyana (USA) Taufan (USA) Bodelle (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Coup De Folie (USA) Slip Anchor (GB) Lyme Bay (USA), 1985 1. mor Can Can, placed twice in just 3 starts at 2, 24.200 kr, FT75, dam of (first foal), Can Win, see above 2. mor SLIPPING (GB), winner at 3 years in Italy; also 3 wins over jumps in Italy, 513.000 kr, dam of 3 foals; Can Can, see above Capella, 2000 s e College Chapel (GB), unraced, broodmare and dam of one winner: ITSACAIN, 2004 g by Itsabrahma (GB), 2 wins, placed 5 times, 167.000 kr, FT70 Cavat, 2001 h e Funambule (USA), unraced 3. mor LYME BAY (USA) by Pharly (FR), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy, 715.000 kr, Premio Torricola, Rome, L, 3rd Premio Regina Elena, Rome, Gr2; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age; GOLDEN LYME (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in Italy, 291.000 kr SHARP POINTS (GB), 9 wins at 2 to 7 years, 2000 in Italy, 984.000 kr SADDLER’S COVE (FR), 4 wins at 3 and 6 years, 2001 in Italy, 378.000 kr SLIPPING (GB), see above. The next dam Lulworth Cove (GB) by Averof (GB), winner in France, 4th Prix du Petit Couvert, Longchamp, Gr3; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizLYME BAY (USA), see above. REFERENCE LIGHT (USA) (c. by Diesis), 6 wins at home and in Italy, £141.938, Premio Bersaglio, Milan, L. and Premio Aringo, Rome, L, 2nd Premio Melton - Memorial Tudini, Rome, Gr2 and 3rd Greenlands S, Curragh, Gr3 and Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr3. SHOOT IN THE DARK (USA) (c. by Diesis), 7 wins in Italy, £128.215, Premio Aringo, Rome, L, 2nd Criterium di Roma, Rome, Gr3. CRESTA TREMENDOUS (USA), 8 wins in Italy and USA and placed 16 times ENSHARP (USA), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years; £10.621 and placed 10 times, also winner over jumps, steeplechase, £5.586, and placed 5 times FAST CAR (FR), winner at 3 years in France; dam of a winner: SQUIRE CORRIE (GB), 11 wins and £71.202 and placed 29 times The next dam Princess Zena, winner at 2 years, placed viz 3rd Queen Mary S, Royal Ascot, Gr2; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 17 foals of racing age vizSUPREME LEADER, 3 wins at 3 and 4 years incl Earl of Sefton EBF S, Newmarket, Gr3 and Westbury EBF S, Gr3, 3rd General Accident 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1, Juddmonte Lockinge S, Newbury, Gr2, Brigadier Gerard S, Gr3, September S, Kempton Park, Gr3, 4th Ever Ready Derby S, Epsom, Gr1 and Waterford Crystal Mile, Goodwood, Gr2; sire. DANCING ZENA (IRE), 8 wins in U.A.E. incl Abu Dhabi National Day Cup, Abu Dhabi, L. OCEANUS, 3 wins over hurdles and 1 steeplechase, Winter Novices’ Hurdle, Sandown, L. Volida, winner at 2 years, 4th Lowther S, York, Gr2; dam of winners. Lulworth Cove, see above. 55 www.stallrancho.se 27 GER000269940 (ger) Brunt sto 090314 (OBS! Svenskuppfödd!) Caroline Strömberg/Stall Rancho AB Stall Rancho 230 41 Klågerup 0708-48 11 45 Tiger Hill (IRE) Königstiger (GER), 2002 Kittiwake (GB) Mango Express (GB) Vinjett, br 1999 Vinga (IRE), 1989 Danehill (USA) The Filly (GER) Barathea (IRE) Gull Nook (GB) Free State (IRE) Polyandrist (GB) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Cornish Heroine (USA), 79 1. mor VINJETT, 5 wins and 479.740 SEK, Sceptre S, Klampenborg, twice, placed 8 times incl 3rd Mowerinaløb, 4th Breeders’ Trophy, Täby, Norsk Oaks, FT79; dam of 2 previous foals; Mini Mango, 2006 f by Indian Lodge (IRE), ran 5 times at 2-3 yrs, 2008-2009, 5.689 kr, FT66 Hakuna Matata (fr), 2007 c by Königstiger (GER), placed twice, 28.177 kr, FT62 Vote For Me (ger), 2008 g by Xaar (GB), in training in Norway GER000269940 (ger), see above 2. mor VINGA (IRE), winner at 3 years in Denmark, placed twice, also placed in Sweden, 21.030 SEK, dam of five winners from 11 foals of racing age inclVINJETT, see above Satang, 2005 g by Pennekamp, 7 wins, placed 9 times, 491.765 kr, 3rd Jägersro Cup, Stockholms Hösthandicap, FT82 BORN FREE, 1998 c by Theatrician (USA), 2 wins and 72.700 SEK, FT72, died at 3 years, 2001 CROSBY, 1997 c by Billion (USA), winner, placed 7 times and 98.000 SEK, FT65 STYLISH LADY, 2004 f by Be My Chief (USA), winner at 3 years, 2007, and placed 6 times. Ellis Island, 1996 f by Selkirk (USA), unraced due to injury, dam of four winners from 4 runners: FIRST EDITION, 2000 c by Songline, 8 wins, placed 9 times, 2.965.350 SEK, Breeders’ Trophy, Breeders’ Prize, SM Classic, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, Stora Tvååringspriset, 2nd Svenskt St Leger, Breeders’ 2-års Trophy, 3rd Sv Kriterium, 4th Svenskt Derby, FT88 ELLIS LAD, 2006 g by Funambule (USA), 8 wins, placed 5 times in 16 starts, 2.227.546 kr, Breeders’ Trophy Mile and Breeders’ Trophy Classic 2009, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer 2010, Scandinavian Classic Challenge, SM Classic 2010, FT90 ELLIS DANCER, 2004 g by Funambule (USA), 3 wins, placed 4 times, 360.894 kr, Hurricanelöpn, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Classic 2007, 5th Scandinavian Classic Challenge, FT78 Mister Creakle, 2001 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins, placed 7 times, 618.103 SEK, 2nd TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, Sweden Cup Stayers, 3rd Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Mile, Sofierolöpn, FT83 Lara’s Key (gb), 1995 f by Eighty Eight Keys (USA), placed twice, FT63, dam of one winner, SUPER TROUPER, 2002 g by Songline, 2 wins and placed 10 times, 152.250 SEK, FT73 3. mor Cornish Heroine (USA), by Cornish Prince (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,393, placed 3 times, 2nd in Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L, 3rd in Esal Bookmakers Oaks Trial S, Lingfield, Gr3; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age vizLOMAX (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £24,385; PINECONE PETER (GB), winner at 3 years and £2766; also 9 wins over hurdles. DALAWISE (IRE), winner at 2 years and £5983; dam of five winners. VINGA (IRE), see above NOVALAW, 2 wins in Sweden, 62,500 SEK, dam of two winners, NOVACOURT (f by Diaghlyphard (USA), 6 wins and 228.810 SEK, FT73 NOVACALL (g by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner and placed 4 times, 54.595 SEK, FT68 56 Åringen är röntgad u a. Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 pernillan1976@yahoo.se 775 96 Krylbo 0706-31 73 17 28 KEY TO HEAVEN Fux hingst 090408 Midyan (USA) Swedish Shave (FR), fux 1998 Shavya (GB) Key of Luck (USA) Zack’s Key (IRE), sk 2002 Ex-Imager (IRE), 1987 Miswaki (USA) Country Dream (USA) Shavian (GB) Stormy Scene (IRE) Chief’s Crown (USA) Balbonella (FR) Exhibitioner (GB) Manx Image (IRE), 1976 1. mor Zack’s Key (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 192.135 kr, and placed 6 times, 3rd Rosengårdlöpn, Jydsk Petit Prix, FT79; dam of one previous foal; Key of Thunder, 2008 c by Distant Thunder (USA), in training with Hans-Inge Larsen, Jägersro Key To Heaven, see above 2. mor Ex-Imager (IRE), unraced; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 13 foals inc, Imsoexcited (IRE), 3 wins, placed 3 times in 11 starts, 222.820 kr, 2a Altamiralöpn, 4e Scania Sprint, Rosengårdlöpn, FT85; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age: GIMME GIMME, 2005 s e Funambule (USA), 5 segr, plac 4 ggr, 879.104 kr, Dianalöpn, SFAF:s Stora Pris Auktionslöpn, 3e Bloomers’ Vase, L, 4e Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, L, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, 7e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT83 Zack’s Key (IRE), see above DEMON DANCER (IRE), 10 wins in Norway and £12,716 and placed 8 times. MODERN STYLE (IRE), 9 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £82,777 and placed 22 times; dam of a winner: BARRIQUE (ITY), winner at 3 years, 2008 in Italy and placed 5 times. DISSIDENTIA (IRE), 4 wins in Belgium and in France; dam of two winners, GOLDEN LEGACY (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years and £46,360 inc Tsg Firth of Clyde S, Ayr, Gr3, placed 3 times inc 4th Sky Bet Cheveley Park S, Gr1, Newmarket PARI E DISPARI (IRE), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy, £51,275 and placed 23 times. 3. mor Manx Image (IRE) by Dancer’s Image (USA), placed 4 times at 3 years from only 7 starts; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 9 foals; BALLAD DANCER, 9 wins and £39,774 and placed 24 times. LADY ATTIVA, winner at 3 years and placed once; dam of, Double Resolve (GB), placed twice in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years; dam of DOUBLE MEASURE (GB), winner of a point-to-point, 2007 and placed once. The next dam EL GALGO (GB) by Miralgo (GB), winner at 3 years; dam of three winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc, ATTIVO, 10 wins, £41,391, 5 wins and £23,294 inc Ladbroke Chester Cup H, Chester, L. and Joe Coral Northumberland Plate H, Newcastle, L; also 5 wins over hurdles and £17,029 inc Daily Express Triumph Hurdle, Cheltenham, L. The Shaker, 5 wins, £10,580, 4 wins at 3 and 4 years 2nd Hennessy H, Leopardstown, L. (twice), 3rd Whitehall S, Phoenix, Gr3; also winner in USA Go Friendly, ran a few times and ran 3 times over hurdles; dam of six winners inc, GAROZZO, won Premio d’Estate, Milan, Gr3, 4th Premio Tevere, Rome, Gr2. KRISTALLINA, winner at 3 years; dam of Krisfield, winner at 2 years and £10,159 4th Gimcrack S, York, Gr2; sire, Dona Krista, winner at 2 years 4th Waterford Candelabra S, Goodwood, Gr3; grandam of RISKY (GB), won Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3, 2nd Cheveley Park S, Newmarket, Gr1. SHADY SPRING, winner in USA; dam of WATERSCAPE (USA), won Morvich H, Oak Tree, L. 57 Åringen säljes utan moms 29 MACABEO Brun hingst 090420 Anmäld till BT11-13, BC13 Madelaine Agmell Allatorp Lyckebo 355 95 Tävelsås Golden Voyager (USA) Mandrake El Mago (CHI), mbr 1999 Manon Lescaut (CHI) Bal du Seigneur (USA) Hataalii, mbr 1995 Mrs Boel, 1990 maddie111@live.se 0708-87 65 91 Mr Prospector (USA) La Voyageuse (USA) Musketeer (USA) Kamasutra (USA) Nureyev (USA) Sonoma (FR) Steve’s Friend (USA) Twin’s Fire (GB), 1976 1. mor HATAALII, vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 80.900 kr, FT71, mor till (första fölet)Macabeo, se ovan 2. mor Mrs Boel, plac 4 ggr, 33.200 kr, FT65, mor till en vinnare av 4 startande och totalt 4 avkommor; HATALII, se ovan Keetaan, 1999 h e Caerwent (IRE), plac 5 ggr, 70.400 kr, FT67 Aliil, 1996 s e Lotus Pool (USA), startat 6 ggr, 1.500 kr, FT50 Olivia Sacc, 2001 s e Asket (SU), endast startat 3 ggr 3. mor TWIN’S FIRE (GB), 10 segr, Norsk Oaks, Peugeot Pokallöp, 2a Oslo Cup, L, 3e Peugeot Pokallöp, Norsk 1000 Guineas, mor till tre vinnare av 8 startande och totalt 8 avkommor; Mango Sampaquita, 1985 s e Colombian Friend (USA), 3 segr i Norge, 207.500 kr, 2a Skand Mesterskap 3-årige, 3e Eurocard Cup, 4e Svenskt Oaks, FT78 Mr Clapton, 1987 h e Steve’s Friend (USA), 3 segr, plac 6 ggr, 449.050 kr, 2e Svenskt Derby, 3e Breeders’ Trophy, 4e Svenskt St Leger, 5e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, FT80 SENZA UNA DONNA, 1991 s e Steve’s Friend (USA), vinnare, plac 6 ggr, 55.900 kr, FT60, mor till tre vinnare från 6 startande och totalt 7 avkommor inkl: WINDHOVER, 2001 v e Troon (GB), 7 segr, plac 13 ggr, 335.769 kr, FT71 MARWIN, 1999 h e Eighty Eight Keys (USA), 2 segr, plac 4 ggr, 97.500 kr, FT71 MRS MISKOVSKY, 2003 s e Duty Time (GB), vinnare, plac 2 ggr, 134.240 kr, FT73 Mrs Boel, se ovan 3. mor Forest Row (GB), e Royal Highway (GB), startat över häckar, mor till fyra vinnare TWIN’S FIRE (GB), se ovan BURLEY, 3 segr som 2-åring, TF 87, även vinnare i Hong Kong FORTUNE’S PATH, plac i England, 3 segr på Malaysia WESTWOOD DEAL, 2 segr på hinder Nästa mor Queen of the Chase, e Foxhunter (GB), mor till fyra vinnare STAGHOUND, 16 segr, 5 segr på hinder FELLHOUND, 2 segr, 10 segr på hinder QUEEN OF THE RING, vinnare AQUATOR, 3 segr som 2- och 3-åring i Österrike, vinnare på hinder Kythrea, plac, mor till vinnare Forest Row, se ovan Nästa mor Queen of the Meadows, även mor till VILMORIN, 5 segr, King’s Stand S, avelshingst. 58 Anmäld till BT11-13 laspampas@arslonga.no Tor Petter Mygland/Las Pampas Polo Tm Box 87, Smestad + 47 41 91 20 00 N-0309 Oslo, Norge + 47 92 88 52 00 30 TUSEN TAKK Färg sto 090000 Danehill (USA) Academy Award (IRE), br 2000 Ingabelle (GB) Lujain (USA) Seeking The Storm (NOR), br 2003 Persian Flight (GB), fux 1998 Danzig (USA) Razyana (USA) Taufan (USA) Bodelle (USA) Seeking The Gold (USA) Satin Flower (USA) Catrail (USA) Persian Victory (IRE), 1988 1. mor Seeking The Storm (NOR), winner, placed 5 times, 123.800 NOK, 3rd Malmö Stads Pris, 4th Dansk Kriterium, 5th Stig Holms Memorial, FT73, damt of (first foal): Tusen Takk, see above 2. mor Persian Flight (GB), ran once at 3, dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age; CATCHING THE STORM (NOR), 2006 by Deceptor (USA), 4 wins, placed 3 times, 541.500 NOK, Skandinavisk Mesterskap For 2-åringer, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Norsk Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, FT75 Luz Arcal (NOR), 2004 by Chequer (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 6 times, 226.450 NOK, 2nd Norsk Auksjonslöp, Eyvind Lyches Minnelöp, FT75 Seeking The Storm (NOR), see above ZEN CAT (NOR), 2005 by Joup (ARG), winner, placed twice, 62.300 NOK, FT67 Gemma Hartmann (SWE), 2007 f by Most Welcome (GB), ran 3 times, 3.400 NOK, FT62 Primus Motor (SWE), 2008 c by Most Welcome (GB), ran twice at 2, 2010, 8.000 kr Domo Arigato (SWE), 2009 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), yearling 2010 3. mor PERSIAN VICTORY (IRE), unraced; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals; PERSIAN TREASURE (GB), 12 wins, 2009 in Italy and £60,380 and placed 22 times. LA DATA DI GIULIO (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2010 in Italy and £17,312 and placed 12 times. VICTORY ROLL (GB), placed once at 4 years; also 4 wins over hurdles at 5 years and £20,470 and placed 5 times and placed twice over fences. FINAL VICTORY (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 and £41,530 and placed 6 times. OCEAN VICTORY (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and £31,103 and placed 3 times. SIR PERSIAN (IRE), winner at 2 years in Italy and £8662 and placed once. The next dam LADY HABITAT (GB) by Habitat (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and 7,209,000 lire and placed 5 times; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc, BIG REEF, 5 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in Italy and £79,175 inc. Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio d’Aprile, Milan, Gr3, placed 2nd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples, Gr3, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, L, Premio Tupini, Rome, L, 3rd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples, Gr3, 4th G.P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan, Gr1, Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio Ellington, Rome, Gr3; sire. HABIDOS, 3 wins at 2 years in Italy and 24,968,000 lire inc. Criterium Labronico, Livorno, L, placed once; dam of six winners inc, LUNA D’ESTATE (GB), 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Italy and £33,178 and placed 16 times; dam of ZENONE (IRE), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2009 in Italy and £98,969 inc. Premio del Piazzale-Mem. Enrico Camici, Milan, L, placed 16 times inc. 2nd Premio Federico Regoli, Pisa, L, LUNA NEL POZZO (GB), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £25,683 inc. Premio Repubbliche Marinare -Tattersalls, Rome, L, placed once, 3rd Premio Gino e Luciano Mantovani, Milan, L. I REMEMBER (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £13,308; dam of L’INDISCRETA (GB), 4 wins at 2-4 years, 2009 in Italy, £102,929, Premio Carlo Chiesa, Gr3, Premio Ubaldo Pandolfi, L, placed 9 times, 2nd Premio Divino Amore, L, Premio Eupili, L, etc. 59 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.longracing.se 31 SALANDER (fr) Brunt sto 090403 Buck Racing (Morten Buck) Kongshavn 4 racing@buck.no N-1367 Snaröya, Norge (47) 90 88 48 28 Danehill (USA) Academy Award (IRE), br 2000 Ingabelle (GB) Spectrum (IRE) See Me, fux 1998 Simply Katie (GB), 1993 Danzig (USA) Razyana (USA) Taufan (USA) Bodelle (USA) Rainbow Quest (USA) River Dancer (GB) Most Welcome (GB) Rechanit (IRE), 1988 1. mor SEE ME, winner at 2, 130.455 SEK, 4th Norwegian 1000 Guineas, 5th SM 2-åriga ston, FT75, dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age: SHADE OF PALE (ger), 4 wins and placed 3 times, 1.253.682 kr, Sv St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Kapps Stora Pris, 4th Norsk Breeders’ Prize Classic, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, Melmaclöpn, FT89 RED DRESS ON, 2003 f by Loup Solitaire (USA), 3 wins, placed 8 times, 738.725 kr, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, L, Svenskt Oaks, Skand Mesterskap 2-åringer, 2nd Lanwades Stud S, L, SM Classic, 3rd Kapps Stora Pris, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 5th SFK:s Jubileumslöpn, L, FT86 TEMPURA, 2006 f by Samum (GER), winner and placed in just 7 starts at 3, 2009, 48.992 kr, 5th Norsk Oaks, FT74 Finally Me (fr), 2007 f by Final Appearance (IRE), ran twice at 3, 2010 Be My Buck, 2004 f by Be My Chief (USA), unraced, dead at 2 Salander (fr), see above 2. mor SIMPLY KATIE (GB), 2 wins from 2 starts SEK 130.445, TF 96+; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age; XSTASE, -02 by Trempolino, 7 wins, placed 4 times, 1.228.617 kr, Scandinavia Cup, L, Svenskt Oaks, Mowerinalöb, Svenskt Kriterium, 2nd Sofierolöpn, Sweden Cup Juvenile Mile, Norsk Derby Milen, 3rd Dianalöpn, 4th Norsk 1000 Guineas, Norsk Oaks, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, FT87 ON LIGHT, 2000 f by Midyan (USA), 8 wins, placed 5 times, 504.850 SEK, Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, Diana Trial, 4e Bloomers’ Vase, FT87 Borena (fr), -01 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), winner, 398.178 kr incl bonus, 2nd Sofierolöpn, 4th Svenskt Oaks, Norsk Breeders Prize, 5th Dianalöpn, 7th Agria Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT78 SEE ME, see above MISS AUGUST, -03 f by Be My Chief (USA), 2 wins, 119.705 kr, FT78 WALK THE PLANK (fr), 2005 g by Defnite Article (GB), 3 wins and placed in 8 st, 89.500 kr, FT65 PROPELINO (ire), 2006 g by Trempolino (USA), winner and placed, 95.150 kr, FT71 ONE COOL BUCK (IRE), 2007 g by One Cool Cat (USA), winner and placed twice in Norway and Sweden in 6 starts at 2-3 years, 2009-2010, 72.930 kr, FT75 3. mor RECHANIT (IRE) by Local Suitor (USA), 4 wins at 3 in Italy and placed 4 times, dam of six winnersPRIME HAND (GB), 4 wins, £ 73.803, winner at 3 years and placed 3 times. £6.659, also 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in USA and £67.144 and placed twi HIP HOP HARRY (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2004 and £15.093 and placed 4 times. GOODWOOD SPIRIT (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, and £22.234 and placed 9 times. RECHULLIN (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of two winners, HAFAL (KSA), winner 2006 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. NAWAAHEL (KSA) winner 2006 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ROCCAROMANA (GB), winner at 2 years, 2006 in Italy and placed once. Aonach Mor (GB), unraced; dam of a winner. MERCARI (GB), winner at 3 years, 2005 and placed twice. 60 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.brantshammar.se 32 LUCKY SONG Brunt sto 090504 Karin Johansson Brantshammar Stuteri 741 92 Knivsta Diaghlyphard (USA) Songline, br 1993 Princess Persian (IRE) Sharp Matt (GB) Quite Lucky, fux 2001 Quite Easy (IRE), br 1996 018-38 11 25 070-628 11 25 Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Blue Parrot (FR) Sharpo (GB) Matoa (USA) Roi Danzig (USA) Quietly Impressive (IRE), 88 1. mor QUITE LUCKY, 3 wins and placed 6 times, 252.535 kr, Cinnamon Challenge, 2nd Cinnamon Challenge, 5th Norwegian 1000 Guineas, SM Sprinters, FT80, dam of (first foal): Lucky Me, 2008 f by Black Sam Bellamy (IRE), ran once at 2, 2010 Lucky Song, se ovan 2. mor QUITE EASY (IRE), 7 wins and placed 5 times, 384.500 kr, Juvenile Mile, 2nd Scandinavia Cup and Amacitalöpn, 5th in Norwegian 1000 Guineas, FT85, dam of four winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing ageQUITE LUCKY, see above QUITE NICE, 2003 f by Sharp Matt (GB), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 162.800 kr, FT74 QUITE SHARP, 2002 g by Sharp Matt (GB), winner and placed 6 times, 91.850 kr, FT65 TRAINER’S TRIAL, 2006 c by Funambule (USA), winner in first and only start at 2, 80.000 kr, FT70 Quite The Best, 2004 c by Malvernico (IRE), ran 6 times at 2 and 3 years, 2.500 kr, FT59 Queensland, 2007 f by Funambule (USA), in training with Mikael Tjernström, Täby Quick Step, 2008 g by Sharp Matt (GB), in training with Henrik Engblom, Mellerud Quite Flirty, 2009 f by Funambule (USA), yearling 2010 3. mor QUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), by Taufan (USA), 3 wins at 3 years and £13,203 and placed 6 times; also placed once over hurdles; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizQUITE EASY (IRE), see above. QUIET TRAVELLER (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £27,621 and placed 13 times. PERUVIAN BREEZE (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2004 and £3,619 and placed once. The next dam WAY AHEAD (IRE) by Sovereign Path (GB), winner at 3 years, from only 2 starts; dam of one winner from 6 runners and 10 foals of racing ageQUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), see above. The next dam Emma Canute, 2 wins at 2 years, placed 6 times incl 2nd Princess Margaret S, Ascot; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age inclEVERYTHING NICE, 7 wins at home and in USA incl Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr3 and Musidora S, York, Gr3, 2nd Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr2, Pretty Polly S, L; dam of winners. NICER (IRE), won The I.A.W.S. Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1, 3rd Premio Vittorio di Capua-Consiglio d’ Europa, Milan, Gr1. Nice Noble (USA), 3rd Premio Novella, Milan, L; dam of Magno (USA), winner, 2nd Racing Post Trophy S, Doncaster, Gr1, Nice Cresta (USA), 3rd Canadian S, Woodbine, L.R. and Ontario Colleen S, Fort Erie R; grandam of Skyrock (USA), 2nd Prix Saraca, Saint-Cloud, L, Prix Hampton, Chantilly, L. Naxos (USA), 3rd Villager S, Keystone; grandam of Whyome (IRE), 2nd Gran Criterium, Gr1, Prix des Chenes, Longchamp, Gr3. Investment (USA), unraced; dam of KEENELAND GOLD (SAF), won ACSA Benefit H, Gr3, D H Harris H, L, 2nd Premier’s Cup, Gr1, 3rd The Champion S, Gr1, FAMILY INVESTMENT (USA), won Ontario Colleen S, L, Whimsical S, L, 2nd Duchess S, L, Alpine Chief (USA), 2nd South African Derby Futurity, Gr1. 61 Åringen säljs utan moms Anmäld till BT11-13 33 SOMETHING SPECIAL Brunt sto 090604 Ann Kristin Robsrud/Stall Luxus Robsrudveien 12 N-1470 Lorenskog, Norge Saumarez (GB) Ecuadors Dream (IRE), mbr 1995 Norfolk Lily (GB) Final Appearance (IRE) Cheeky Face (DEN), br 2002 My Beloved (IRE), 1994 Rainbow Quest (USA) Fiesta Fun (GB) Blakeney (GB) Cecilia Bianchi (FR) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Topping Girl (GB) Polish Patriot (USA) Arbour (USA), 1986 1. mor Cheeky Face (DEN), placed twice in 8 starts, 24.207 kr, FT59, dam of (first foal); Something Special, see above 2. mor MY BELOVED (IRE), winner at 2 years and £7172 and placed 7 times; dam of 1 runner and 2 foals, Cheeky Face (DEN), see above. 3. mor ARBOUR (USA) by Graustark (USA), winner at 3; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals; ALPINE HIDEAWAY (IRE), 10 wins, £43,177, 6 wins and £27,430 and placed 14 times; also 4 wins over hurdles and £15,747 and placed 9 times. PLUMBACO (IRE), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years in Italy and £25,555 and placed 16 times. FOREST LOCH (GB), 2 wins at 4 years in Norway and £6996 and placed 5 times. MY BELOVED (IRE), see above. RED TEL (IRE), winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years and placed once; also placed 3 times over hurdles at 4 and 5 years. AGATHAUMAS (GER), winner at 2 years in Turkey and £11,259. The next dam VIP (CHI), 2 wins in Chile inc Premio Carlos Covarrubias Varras, Club Hipico, Gr2, placed once, 4th Premio Polla de Potrancas (1000 Guineas), Santiago, Gr1; Own sister to Lord Protector (CHI); dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals; CLEVER CLAYTON (USA), 6 wins in U.S.A. ARBOUR (USA), see above. The next dam DAUKA, ran on the flat in Chile; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 8 foals; PROTECTORA (CHI), Champion 3yr old filly in Chile in 1972, 13 wins in Chile and in U.S.A. and $94,998 inc. Premio Nacional Ricardo Lyon, Santiago, Gr1, Premio Las Oaks, Santiago, Gr1, Premio El Ensayo, Club Hipico, Gr1, Premio Tanteo de Portancas, Santiago, Gr1, Premio Polla de Potrancas (1000 Guineas), Santiago, Gr1, Premio Valparaiso Sporting Club, Valparaiso, Gr1, Premio Eduardo Castillo U, Hipodromo Chile, Gr2, Orchid H, Gulfstream Park, Gr3, Nettie H, Woodbine, L. and Premio Sociedad de Criadores, Hipodromo Chile, L, placed 2nd Premio El Derby, Valparaiso, Gr1, Arlington Matron H, Arlington Park, Gr2, 4th c Internacional Jockey Club del Peru, Hipo Monterrico, Gr1, Chrysanthemum H, Laurel, Gr3 and Suwannee River H, Gulfstream Park, Gr3; dam of winners inc, PROTECTION RACKET (USA), won Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1, Doncaster Cup, Doncaster, Gr3, Tote Ebor H, York, L, 2nd Queen’s Vase, Royal Ascot, Gr3 and Prix d’Hedouville, Longchamp, L.; sire. BEIJING (USA), 4 wins at 3 years and £24,253 and placed 4 times; dam of Anchorman (GB), 6 wins, 297.930 kr; 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 3rd Pilot Fineliner Cup, L; also 4 wins over jumps at 5 years in Norway and Sweden, Danjing (IRE), 3 wins, £35,492, 2 wins at 3 years and £20,396 and placed 10 times; also winner over hurdles at 4 years and £15,096 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Glenlivet Anniversary Novices’ Hurdle, Liverpool, L. and Hamlet Ext. Mild Cigars Gold Card Hurdle, Cheltenham, L. 62 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com 34 JOBIM Fux hingst 090315 Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri Lindarsnäs Egendom 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Composit-A (GB), fux 1993 Rise and Fall (GB), 1984 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Bold Lad (IRE) Relkarunner (GB) Mill Reef (USA) Light Duty (GB), 1972 1. mor COMPOSIT-A (GB), winner at 2, placed 4th Juvenile Mile, dam of three winners from 5 runners vizCalifornia Bullet, 2001 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner and placed 3 times, 217.350 kr, 3rd Danish Derby UNIFILO, 2000 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins and placed 12 times, 138.335 kr EMPEROR, 2006 c by Most Welcome (GB), 3 wins and placed 8 times in Norway, 269.776 in SEK, incl a win in his first race over hurdles at Övrevoll in 2010. Jobim, see above 2. mor Rise and Fall (GB), ran a few times at 3; Own sister to SPECIAL LEAVE and Paradise Bay, dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizFLY TO THE STARS (c. by Bluebird), Champion Older Miler in England 2000. 7 wins, Lockinge S, Gr1, Prix de Rond Point, Gr2, Prix de Messidor, Gr3, Britannia H, Royal Ascot, Golden Mile, 2nd Irish 2000 Gs Trial, L, 3rd Dubai Duty Free, Dubai etc, TF 128. FALLEN STAR (f. by Brief Truce). 3 wins, £75.063, Silver Trophy S, L, 2nd Premio Sergio Cumani, Gr3, Rosemary Rated S, L, 3rd Matron S, Gr3, Nassau S, Gr1, Sun Chariot S Gr2. Danseur Landais (c. by Damister). 6 wins at 3 to 6, placed 6 times incl 2nd Prix Lord Seymour, L, Longchamp, and 3rd Grand Prix d’Evry, Gr2. Stepping Up (IRE), 2003 c by Soviet Star, winner at 2 and £21.465, placed 4 times, third in Somerville Tattersalls S, Gr3, Newmarket TUDOR COURT (IRE), 2005 f by Cape Cross, placed twice at 2 years, 2007, and £1.141, also 2 wins in France at 3, 2008 and £12.500 and placed once COMPOSIT-A (f. by Persian Bold), see above. 3. mor Light Duty (GB), by Queen’s Hussar (GB), winner at 3, placed 4 times incl 2nd Yorkshire Oaks, Gr1, Ribblesdale S, Royal Ascot, Gr2, St. Catherin´s S, L, and 3rd Sandleford Priory S, L, from only 7 starts. Own sister to HIGHCLERE and Blazing Glory; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age inclSPECIAL LEAVE (c. by Mill Reef). winner of Hyperion S, L. LAUGTER (f. by Shirley Heights). 2 wins in England and USA, Houghton S, Newmarket, L. SPRING TO ACTION, (c. by Shareef Dancer). 2 wins incl Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L. Paradise Bay, (c. by Mill Reef). winner, and placed incl Warren S, Epsom, L; sire The next dam Highlight, 2 wins at 3 years, placed 3 times incl 4th Princess Royal S, Ascot, her only season to race; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age incl; HIGHCLERE, 3 wins in England and in France incl 1000 Guineas S, Newmarket, Gr1, Prix de Diane, Gr1, 2nd King George VI & Queen Eliabeth S, Gr1; dam of winners. MILFORD, 3 wins incl Princess of Wales´s S, Gr2, sire. HEIGHT OF FASHION, 5 wins incl Princess of Wales´s S, Gr2; dam of ALWASMI, won Lanes End John Porter S, Gr2, 4th Irish St Leger, Gr1, sire, UNFUWAIN, Jockey Club S, Gr2, 2nd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S, Gr1, sire, NASHWAN, won Epsom Derby, Gr1, 2000 Guineas, Gr1, Coral Eclipse S, Gr1, King George VI & Queen, Gr1. 63 Stig Hansson Nummerettavägen 3 245 45 Staffanstorp 35 RISCOLI Fux hingst 090318 Midyan (USA) Swedish Shave (FR), fux 1998 Shavya (GB) Kalanisi (IRE) Casata (IRE), br 2003 La Menorquina (USA), 1990 070-522 00 03 Miswaki (USA) Country Dream (USA) Shavian (GB) Stormy Scene (IRE) Doyoun (IRE) Kalamba (IRE) Woodman (USA) Hail The Lady (USA), 1982 1. mor CASATA (IRE), 5 wins, placed 4 times, 728.159 kr, Dianalöpn, Amacitalöpn, Svealandlöpn, Becky Moss Fillies Mile, 4th Dansk Oaks, Cinnamon Challenge, 7th Svenskt Oaks, FT82, dam of (first foal); Riscoli, see above 2. mor LA MENORQUINA (USA), 5 wins, £26,001, 3 wins and £14,676 and placed 14 times; also 2 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years and £11,325 and placed 9 times; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 6 foals; CASATA (IRE), see above. BALEARIC STAR (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £15,417 and placed 6 times; also placed once over hurdles at 5 years; also 3 wins in point-to-points, 2010 and placed 10 times. CAUNTON BECK (FR), 2 wins at 3 years, 2010 in France and £34,983 and placed 5 times. 3. mor HAIL THE LADY (USA), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £74,538 inc. Forget Me Not H, Fairmount Park, placed 12 times inc. 2nd Aspidistra H, Calder, 3rd Impatiens H, Calder and Black Velvet H, Calder; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 foals; LORD ATLAS (USA), 5 wins, £639,703; winner at 2 years in Japan and £36,632 and placed once; also 4 wins over jumps at 4 and 5 years in Japan and £603,071 inc. Kyoto Daishogai Autumn Steeplechase, Kyoto, L, placed twice, 3rd Kyoto Daishogai Autumn Steeplechase, Kyoto, L. His Excellence (USA), winner at 2 years and £68,101 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Budweiser Irish Derby, Curragh, Gr1 and Gallinule S, Curragh, Gr2; sire. LA MENORQUINA (USA), see above. GRANDINARE (USA), winner at 2 years and £5043 and placed once; also placed twice over hurdles at 4 years. Northeros’ Lady (USA), ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Memsahib (USA), unraced; dam of CHARLIE’S PIZZAZZ (USA), won Lincoln H, Ruidoso Downs, placed 3rd Carlos Salazar S, Albuquerque. The next dam LADY PORTIA (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in U.S.A. and $48,990 and placed 4 times; Own sister to BAILJUMPER (USA), SYRIANNA (USA) and HONORABLE MISS (USA); dam of six winners from 7 runners and 11 foals inc, HAIL THE LADY (USA), see above. ELGIN LADY (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in USA, £15,776 and placed 3 times; dam of winners inc, ONE FIT LADY (USA), won Forward Gal H, Delaware Park and 2nd Critical Miss S, Philadelphia Pk; dam of Mr Muffin Man (USA), placed 3rd Canadian Juvenile S, Northlands Park, L. and Birdcatcher S, Northlands Park, Eternal Grace (USA), placed 2nd Sorority S, Monmouth Park, L. Uncle Gidge (USA), placed 2nd Donald LeVine Memorial H, Philadelphia Park, L. and 3rd Teddy Drone S, Monmouth Park, L. Christi Dawn (USA), unraced; dam of winners. Downtown Grill (USA), ran on the flat; dam of DEE DEE’S DINER (USA), 11 wins at 3-6, £249,539, Valkyr S, Hollywood Park, L, Czaria H, and Ladies Secret S, placed 10 times. 64 36 SWE00000540 Fux sto 090417 Kerstin o Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby Machiavellian (USA) Medecis (GB), 1999 Renashaan (FR) Eagle Eyed (USA) Tawny Eagle, br 2000 Not Too Bad (IRE), 1988 08-512 416 12 070-757 78 76 Mr Prospector (USA) Coup De Folie (USA) Darshaan (GB) Gerbera (USA) Danzig (USA) Razyana (USA) Simply Great (FR) Audenhove (GER), 1979 1. mor TAWNY EAGLE, winner at 2 years in Sweden and 100.950 kr and placed 7 times, FT70, dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age; KNOXVILLE, 2006 g by Most Welcome (GB), 3 wins in 8 starts at 3, 2009, 157.800 kr, FT71, fatal accident in September at 3, dead Charlie Brown, 2005 g by King Charlemagne (USA), ran 10 times, 11.100 kr, FT59 SWE00000540, see above 2. mor Not Too Bad (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in Sweden and £22,039 and placed 14 times incl 2nd Norsk 1000 Guineas, Ovrevoll, L. and 3rd Malmo Stads Pris, Jagersro, L.; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing ageStone Tycoon (IRE), 1998 c by Bigstone (IRE), 12 wins at 3 to 8 years, 2006 in Italy and 1.650.000 kr and placed 44 times incl 2nd Premio Nearco, Rome, L. BONGO QUEST (IRE), 1996 f by Be My Guest (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden, £3,039 and placed 5 times, FT74; dam of three winners, CON CIO (IRE), c by Sri Pekan (USA), 8 wins in Italy and placed 3 times, ca 650.000 kr EST EST EST (IRE), f by Shinko Forest (IRE), 4 wins, placed 7 times, 222.400 kr, FT79 I ASK YOU (IRE), f by Ashkalani (IRE), 2 wins and placed, 67.900 kr, FT67 Delaroche, 2008 g by Heart of Oak (USA), placed in 2 starts at 2, 2010, 11.900 kr BOYS’ CHOICE, 2004 f by Indian Danehill (IRE), winner and placed, 156.960 kr, FT73 TAWNY EAGLE, see above NO TWO WORDS (IRE), 2002 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner at 2 years, 2004 in Sweden and £3,225 and placed twice, FT72 To The Queen, 1994 f by Roi Danzig (USA), placed 3 times in Sweden, dam of four winners, CROSSOFFISSIO, 2003 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), 5 wins, placed 3 times, 312.270 kr, 4th Rosengårdlöpn, 5th Sofierolöpn, FT84 QUEEN OF RACING, 2005 f by Pennekamp (USA), 2 wins and placed 5 times, 228.340 kr, also 4th in Amacitalöpn and SM för 2-åriga hästar 2007, FT71 KINGBIRD, 2004 c by Prince of Birds (USA), 3 wins, placed 9 times, 225.050 kr, FT65 MAZZARIN, 2006 f by Mirio (FR), winner and placed, 98.200 kr, FT68; also ran once over hurdles at 4, 2010, 2.500 kr 3. mor AUDENHOVE (GER), ny Marduk (GER), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in West Germany and 51,920 D.M. and placed 13 times; Own sister to ALEGRIA (GER); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizNot Too Bad (IRE), see above. GOLDEN LUCK, 6 wins at 5 to 7 years in Hong Kong, £77,690. ROOFTOP FLYER (IRE), winner at 2 years and £6,728 and placed 3 times; also 9 wins in Germany and £26,745 and placed 24 times. ANGEL OF ZURICH (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 6 years in West Germany and in Switzerland, £3,615; also 2 wins over jumps in Switzerland. SUPERB INVESTMENT (IRE), Champion 2yr Old Filly in Czechoslovakia in 1992, 3 wins at 2 years in Czechoslovakia and £4,052 and placed 3 times; dam of winners. 65 www.tranberga.se Eva C S Pettersson Tranberga Gård 230 40 Bara 37 JAPONICA Skimmel sto 090210 Caro (IRE) With Approval (CAN), sk 1986 Passing Mood (CAN) Orpen (USA) Isabel Grace (IRE), br 2002 Celtic Guest (IRE), 1995 tranberga@msn.com 040-630 24 60 0708-48 21 75 Fortino II (FR) Chambord (GB) Buckpasser (USA) Cool Mood (USA) Lure (USA) Bonita Francita (USA) Be My Guest (USA) Gossip (USA), 1977 1. mor ISABEL GRACE (IRE), 3 wins and placed twice in 9 starts, 194.230 kr, Amacitalöpn, FT83, dam ofJaponica, see above 2. mor CELTIC GUEST (IRE), unraced; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 8 foals; ISABEL GRACE (IRE), see above. WHISPERING SPIRIT (IRE), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 and £9989 and placed 5 times. ONDA ANOMALA (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years, 2009 in Italy and £16,683 and placed 6 times. She also has a yearling colt by Moss Vale (IRE). 3. mor Gossip (USA), ran 3 times at 2 years; dam of four winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc, Gymcrak Tiger (IRE), 4 wins, £16,095, 2 wins and £9253 and placed 4 times inc. 2nd Bonusprint Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L.; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and £5312 and placed twice and placed twice over fences; also placed once in a point-to-point. PURIM, placed twice at 2 years; also 4 wins at 5 years in Malaysia and £12,887. RUNNING EDGE, 3 wins, £5610, winner at 2 years and placed; also 2 wins at 6 years in USA The next dam SWEET REASON, unraced; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 12 foals inc, BRIGHTELMSTONE, 2 wins at 2 years and £7896 inc. Acorn S, Epsom, L, placed 5 times inc. 2nd Chesham S, Royal Ascot, L, 3rd Tote Free H, Newmarket, L, 4th Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3 and Oaks Trial S, Lingfield Park, Gr3; dam of five winners inc, BOON POINT, won Grand H. International d’Ostende, Ostend, L. (twice), 3rd Premio Presidente della Repubblica, Rome, Gr1, Doonside Cup, Ayr, L, Hyperion S, Ascot, L. and Foundation S, Goodwood, L. Exemplary, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Lowther S, York, Gr3 and 3rd Star Fillies S, Sandown Park, Gr3; dam of thirteen winners inc, SHEILA’S SECRET (IRE), 6 wins at 2 and 4 years and £39,191 and placed 15 times; dam of Secret Venue (GB), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 and £23,694 and placed 6 times, Phoebs (GB), winner at 2 years, 2010 and £6115 and placed twice. ARCTIC KITE, winner in U.S.A.; grandam of HAZYVIEW (GB), 7 wins at 2 to 4 years and £195,099 inc. Vodafone Diomed S, Epsom Downs, Gr3, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars Newmarket S, Newmarket, L, Haven & British Holidays Fairway S, Newmarket, L. and totesport.com Midsummer S, Windsor, L, placed 2nd Gallagher Group Ltd Derby Trial, Lingfield Park, Gr3, Select Racing UK On Sky 432 S, Goodwood, Gr3, Betfred Gordon Richards S, Sandown Park, Gr3 and 3rd P.Eugene Adam (G.P.de Maisons-Laffitte), Maisons-Laffitte, Gr2. November, ran; dam of five winners inc, GWIFFINA, winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of TEDBURROW (GB), 21 wins and £327,856, Stillorgan Park Hotel Flying Five, Leopardstown, Gr3 (twice), John Smith’s Extra Smooth Chipchase S, Newcastle, Gr3, Equity Financial Services Abernant S, Newmarket, L, Cammidge Trophy S, Doncaster, L, John Smith’s Extra Smooth Chipchase S, Newcastle, L, City Wall S, Chester, L. (twice) and Intercity Group Queensferry S, Chester, L, placed 2nd Duke of York Victor Chandler S, York, Gr3, The Tote Account Bet Now Flying Five, Leopardstown, Gr3, Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr3, Bedford Lodge Hotel Bentinck S, Newmarket, L. 66 Stig Hansson Nummerettavägen 3 245 45 Staffanstorp 38 GATTINO Fux hingst 090429 Midyan (USA) Swedish Shave (FR), fux 1998 Shavya (GB) Catrail (USA) Primecat (GB), br 1998 Priada (USA), 1994 070-522 00 03 Miswaki (USA) Country Dream (USA) Shavian (GB) Stormy Scene (IRE) Storm Cat (USA) Tough As Nails (USA) Dayjur (USA) Primevere (USA), 1982 1. mor PRIMECAT (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Sweden, 361.650 kr, and placed 13 times, Malmö Stads Pris, 2nd Mowerinalöb (Danish 1000 Gns), 4th Svealandlöpn, 5th Bloomers’ Vase and Sofierolöpn, FT85, dam of one winner from 2 runners and 3 foals of racing age: SWEDISH CAT, 2006 f by Swedish Shave (FR), 5 wins, placed 6 times, 392.600 kr, Melmaclöpn, 3rd Kay Jensens Pris, FT81 One More Cat, 2007 g by Swedish Shave (FR), placed 3 times in 10 starts, 35.000 kr, FT64 Torrina, 2008 f by Terroir (IRE), in training with Hans-Inge Larsen, Jägersro Gattino, see above 2. mor PRIADA (USA), unraced; dam of two winners inc, PRIZE (FR), 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2005 in France, £44,879 and placed 14 times. 3. mor Primevere (USA), e Irish River (FR), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and placed once, 3rd Prix Finlande, Evry, L; dam of five winners, PRIOLO (USA), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and 3,790,000 fr, £19,316 and $108,000 inc. Emirates Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr1, P. Fresnay-le-Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1, Prix Jean Prat, Longchamp, Gr1 and Prix Matchem, Evry, L, placed 2nd Grand Prix de Paris Louis Vuitton, Longchamp, Gr1, Prix d’Ispahan, Chantilly, Gr1, Prix Lovelace, M’-Laffitte, L, 3rd Sussex S, Goodwood, Gr1, Emirates Prix du Moulin de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Mile, Belmont, Gr1, Prix Greffulhe, Longchamp, Gr2; sire. Prevail (USA), winner at 2 years in France and 150,500 fr. and placed twice inc. 3rd Prix des Reservoirs, Longchamp, Gr3; dam of a winner, PERSISTENT MEMORY (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in France and £10,951. Provisoire (USA), placed once at 2 years in France; dam of PROVERB (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2005 in France and £39,404 and placed 4 times. EISHIN KIMBALL (USA), 2 wins in Japan. DE LA RUE (USA), winner at 3 years, 2006 and placed once. NEBAAL (USA), winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years. Printaniere (USA), placed once at 2 years in France; dam of two winners, PRINCIERE (USA), winner in Puerto Rico. TACKY WAKI (USA), winner in USA; dam of COBRA KID (USA), 3 wins in USA The next dam SPRING IS SPRUNG (USA), ran on the flat in USA; Own sister to FLITALONG (USA); dam of five winners inc, TIME TO SPRING (USA), 3 wins in France; dam of two winners inc, HORIZON LOINTAIN (FR), 2 wins at 3 years, 2006 in France, £19,413, placed 5 times. SPRING DIGGER (USA), 2 wins in USA and $54,151. The next dam PLEASANT FLIGHT (USA), winner at 2 years in USA, $15,010; Own sister to BOLD QUEEN, WHAT A PLEASURE (USA), BOLD PRINCESS (USA) and Great Era (USA); dam of five winners inc FLITALONG (USA), 5 wins in USA and $209,980 inc Pan American H, Gulfstream Park, Gr2; dam of three winners inc SOAR TO THE STARS (USA), won Gallant Fox H, Aqueduct, Gr2. 67 Anmäld till BT11-13 39 COLONEL Brun hingst 090520 Annika Stalfelt Lanna Niordsta 109 692 93 Kumla Woodman (USA) Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992 L’On Vite (USA) Emarati (USA) Costly Member, br 2000 Sawlah (GB), br 1985 annika@niordsta.se 0582-230 05 070-885 78 08 Mr Prospector (USA) Playmate (USA) Secretariat (USA) Fanfreluche (CAN) Danzig (USA) Bold Example (USA) Known Fact (USA) Sanctuary (GB), 1979 1. mor Costly Member, 2 wins at 2 years and placed 7 times, 262.650 kr, 2nd Stora Tvååringspriset, 3rd SM 2-åriga hästar, FT79; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 previous foal; HOLLY SOCIETY, 2007 f by Funambule (USA), 3 wins in 4 starts at 2, 2009, 363.070 kr, SM för 2-åriga hästar, FT74 Colonel, see above 2. mor SAWLAH (GB), winner at 2 years and £1.741 and placed; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age inclCostly Member, see above Olga, 2003 f by Baryshnikov (AUS), winner, 2nd TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, 5th Amacitalöpn, FT76 FANUS (IRE), 1996 c by Cadeaux Genereux (GB), 13 wins and placed 20 times in Spain and in Sweden, 579.773 kr, FT84, FIELD SPURT (GB),1998 c by Flying Spur (AUS), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2003 in Japan and £662,817 and placed 7 times. PANCAKEHILL (GB), 1999 f by Sabrehill (USA), 2 wins and £13,064 and placed 10 times. ZAITOON (IRE), 1991 g by Waajib, placed 3 times at 3 years; also 2 wins and £18,888 over hurdles and 4 wins in steeplechases and £30,867 and placed 30 times. Iktidar (GB), 1993 f by Green Desert (USA), placed twice at 3 years; dam of three winners inclIkan (IRE), 2000 f by Sri Pekan (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, placed 12 times incl 2nd Constant Security Doncaster S, L, and Valjarv (IRE), 2001 f by Bluebird (USA), winner at 2 years, placed 10 times incl 3rd Green Ridge Stables Empress S, Newmarket, L Totte, 2005 g by Itsabrahma (GB), placed 7 times, 93.128 kr, FT60 3. mor Sanctuary (GB) by Welsh Pageant (FR), unraced; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age inclSHEIKH ALBADOU (GB), c by Green Desert (USA), Champion older sprinter in Europe in 1992, 6 wins and £662.269 at home and in USA incl Keeneland Nunthorpe S, York, Gr1, Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Gr1, Breeders’ Cup Sprint, Churchill Downs, Gr1, King’s Stand S, Royal Ascot, Gr2, 2nd Ladbroke Sprint Cup, Haydock Park, Gr1, CIGA Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp, Gr1, Vosburgh S, Belmont Park, Gr1 and 3rd July Cup, Newmarket, Gr1; sire. Latalomne (USA), 6 wins and £40.329, TF 123; 2 wins on the flat, winner over hurdles and 3 wins over fences, 3rd Barton & Guestier Top Novices’ Hurdle, L, Liverpool ASSIGNMENT, 6 wins at 3 to 7 years and £49,789. DURHAM (GB), 8 wins and £45,790; also winner over hurdles. The next dam HIDING PLACE, by Doutelle (GB), 4 wins at 3 years, Nell Gwyn S, Newm and St James’ Fillies S, Sandown Park and placed 3 times; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age incl LITTLE WOLF, 7 wins at home and in France incl Ascot Gold Cup, Royal Ascot, Gr1, Goodwood Cup, Gr2, Prix Jean de Chaudenay, Saint-Cloud, Gr2, 2nd Gr Preis von Berlin, Gr1; sire, SMUGGLER, 7 wins incl Yorkshire Cup, York, Gr2, 3rd Coronation Cup, Gr1 (twice); sire, and DISGUISE, 3 wins at home and in Spain incl Horris Hill S, Newbury, Gr2 and P de la Direccion Gen Produccion Agraria, Madrid, Gr3, 68 2nd Prix Eclipse, Saint-Cloud, Gr3; sire in France. Anmäld till BT11-13 stallc_w@hotmail.com 40 AISHITERA Brun hingst 090507 Wiola o Conny Mobeck/Stall CW Hårstastugan, Runtuna 0155-24 15 33 611 93 Nyköping 0704-29 88 05 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Silver Hawk (USA) Kufoof (USA), br 2000 Barakat (GB), 1987 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Roberto (USA) Gris Vitesse (USA) Bustino (GB) Rosia Bay (GB), 1977 1. mor Kufoof (USA), ran once at 3 years and ran on the flat in Sweden at 5 years; 2.300 kr, FT68, dam of one winner from 2 runner and 2 previous foal; SALLY SOLE, 2007 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins, placed, 202.400 kr, 4th SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, FT74 Sir Bourbon Love, 2008 c by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), placed twice in 3 starts at 2, 2010, 40.500 kr Aishitera, see above 2. mor BARAKAT (GB), 2 wins at 3 years; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals; MABADI (USA) (f. by Sahm (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2007 at home and in USA and £81,673 inc Yerba Buena S, Golden Gate, L, 2nd Santa Barbara H, Santa Anita, Gr2. Mumaris (USA) (g. by Capote (USA), 8 wins, £60,827, winner at 3 years and £6608; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years and £10,793 3rd Listowel Races Sup. Club Lartigue Hurdle, Listowel, Gr2 and 5 wins over fences and £43,426. Ta Awun (USA) (f. by Housebuster (USA), winner at 3 years and £10,490 3rd Upavon S, Salisbury, L; dam of two winners inc MOSAWAT (GB), winner at 5 years, 2007 and £6466. KILLCARA BOY (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, 2008 and £12,271. MABROOKA (USA), winner at 3 years; also placed once over hurdles, broodmare. MUDALAL (USA), winner at 3 years. FAKIH (USA), winner at 3 years and £5412. TADAWUL (USA), winner at 3 years and £5330, broodmare. 3. mor ROSIA BAY (GB), 2 wins; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc, IBN BEY, Champion 3yr old colt in Italy in 1987, 10 wins at 2 to 6 years at home, in France, in West Germany and in Italy and £990,044 inc Jefferson Smurfit Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1, Gran Premio d’Italia, Milan, Gr1, Der Grosse Preis der Berliner Bank, Dusseldorf, Gr1 and R+V Preis von Europa, Koln, Gr1; sire. ROSEATE TERN, 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £273,119 inc Yorkshire Oaks, Gr1, 2nd Oaks S, Epsom, Gr1 and 3rd St Leger S, Ayr, Gr1; dam of five winners inc, ESLOOB (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £61,841 inc Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L. and Hoppings S, Newcastle, L, 3rd Fillies’ Mile S, Ascot, Gr1. SIYADAH (USA), won R L Davison Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L. Min Elreeh (USA), ran once; dam of ALLODIAL LAND (USA), 14 wins, £238,714, 7 wins in France 2nd EME Derby du Midi, La Teste De Buch, L; also 7 wins over jumps, 2006 in France inc Grand Chase de Lyon, L. and Prix Paris Turf P. Guillaume d’Ornano Hurdle, L. Za Aamah (USA), unraced; dam of MOIQEN (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2008 and £68,669 inc P W McGrath Memorial Ballysax S, Leopardstown, Gr3, 3rd Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial S, Leopardstown, Gr2. TABAREEH (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £24,875. CERISE BOUQUET, winner at 2 years; dam of five winners inc, RED CAMELLIA (GB), 3 wins at 2 years and £66,359 inc Crowson Prestige S, Goodwood, Gr3, 3rd Dubai Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of RED BLOOM (GB), 69 6 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2006 and £436,479 inc Meon Valley S F Mile S, Ascot, Gr1. 41 AMALTHEA Mörkbrunt sto 090416 Sven Rosenqvist Ölanda 207 446 95 Älvängen In The Wings (IRE) Flyinfact (FR), br 1994 Zeffirella (GB) Devil His Due (USA) Hot Beignet (USA), sk 1997 Minnu (USA), 1988 www.aleracing.se svenne@aleracing.se 0703-39 44 91 Sadler’s Wells (USA) High Hawk (IRE) Known Fact (USA) Lyric Dance (GB) Devil’s Bag (USA) Plenty O’Toole (USA) Saratoga Six (USA) Akamini (FR), 1982 1. mor Hot Beignet (USA), ej startat, mor till två vinnare av 2 startande och totalt 4 föl i startbar ålder; HILDIS DUE (NOR), vinnare och plac 9 ggr, 99.167 kr, FT49 REBECCA IS DUE (NOR), plac 2 ggr på slätt, samt vinnare och plac 2 ggr över häckar, 47.975 kr, FT49 Phyxius, 2008 h e Flyinfact (FR), i träning hos Susanne Sivrup-Rosenqvist, Älvängen Devil His Spirit, 2003 v e Musical Fappi (USA), ej startat, död som 3-åring Amalthea, se ovan 2. mor MINNU (USA), 4 wins in U.S.A.; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 6 foals, SILBERMANN (USA), 3 wins at 4 years in Germany and £9423 and placed 7 times. Judo Chop (USA), ran once in U.S.A.; dam of, I’s A Fact (USA), placed 2nd Ocala Breeders Sales Sprint (fillies), Ocala T.C. 3. mor AKAMINI (FR), 4 wins in France and in U.S.A. and $88,800 inc Prix Soya, M’-Laffitte, L. and Senorita S., Hollywood Park, placed 2nd La Habra S., Santa Anita, Sorority S., Golden Gate and 3rd Honeymoon H., Hollywood Park, Gr3; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 8 foals inc., Broadway (USA), 2 wins in U.S.A. placed 3rd Azalea S., Remington Park, dam of winners. AKARA (USA), 5 wins in U.S.A. MINNU (USA), see above. The next dam AL-BURAK, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France and 23,000 fr. inc. Park S., Phoenix Park, Gr3, placed 2nd Railway S., Curragh, Gr3; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 15 foals inc., ENEMY ACTION, 4 wins, £25,647, winner at 3 years and £9459 and placed 7 times; also 3 wins over hurdles at 3 years and £16,188 inc. Finale Junior Hurdle, Chepstow, L., placed twice inc. 2nd Food Brokers Finesse 4yo Hurdle, Cheltenham, L. AKAMINI (FR), see above. LIBBY LEE (USA), 6 wins in U.S.A. inc. Sweet & Sassy S., Delaware Park, placed 2nd Half Moon H., Meadowlands and 3rd New Era S., Monmouth Park; dam of a winner, CAFE BOSTONIAN (USA), won Shimpu S., Niigata, L., 2nd CBC Sho, Chukyo, L. (twice), Silk Road S., Kyoto, L., 3rd Yukan Fuji Sho Crystal Cup, Nakayama, L. and Ocean S., Nakayama, L. SHIFT SURPRISE (USA), 2 wins at 3 years and £6282 and placed twice; dam of two winners inc., CITY BY NIGHT (USA), won Stephen Foster H., Churchill Downs, Gr2, Lexington S., Keeneland, Gr2, 2nd Breeders’ Futurity, Keeneland, Gr2, Washington Park H., Arlington Int., Gr2, Fayette S., Keeneland, Gr3, Miller High Life Cradle S., River Downs, L, Johnny Morris Breeders’ Cup S., Arlington Int., L, Breeders’ Cup Rascal S., River Downs and 3rd Iroquois S., Churchill Downs, Gr3; sire. Luscious (USA), unraced; dam of NOT GROUNDED (USA), won D S. Shine Young Memorial Futurity, Evangeline Downs, L. and Calcasieu S., Delta Downs. Silencieuse (USA), ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of SILENT SHODA (USA), 2 wins at 2 years, 2009 in France and £38,592 and placed twice. 70 christer.haggstrom@se.ey.com Anmäld till BT11-13 42 UNCLE SAM Väsjö Fastighets AB m fl Drottning Kristinas v 31 N 08-30 35 70 114 28 Stockholm 070-318 97 40 Brun hingst 090419 Sadler’s Wells (USA) Black Sam Bellamy (IRE), br 1999 Urban Sea (USA) Mark of Esteem (IRE) Loose And Lethal (IRE), br 2001 Majakerta (IRE), 1991 Northern Dancer (CAN) Fairy Bridge (USA) Miswaki (USA) Allegretta (GB) Darshaan (GB) Homage (GB) Shernazar (IRE) Majieda (USA), 1978 1. mor LOOSE AND LETHAL (IRE), winner at 3 years in France and £9647 and placed 4 times; dam of 1 runner and 2 previous foals; Kaho Na Pyar Hai (FR), 2007 c by Charming Groom (FR), placed once at 2 years, 2009 in France. Xaantana, 2008 f by Xaar (GB), in training with Fredrik Reuterskiöld, Jägersro, qualified 15/7 Uncle Sam, see above 2. mor MAJAKERTA (IRE), placed once at 3 years in France; also 2 wins over jumps in France and placed 3 times; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 foals; MAGIC LIVIUS (IRE), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2009 in Italy and £32,840 and placed 26 times. LOOSE AND LETHAL (IRE), see above. SEVEN DAYS (IRE), winner of a point-to-point at 4 years, 2009. 3. mor MAJIEDA (USA) by Kashmir II (GB), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 13 foals inc, FINE FELLOW (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years in France and £93,070 inc. Prix La Rochette, Longchamp, Gr3, placed 8 times inc. 2nd Prix de la Jonchere, Chantilly, Gr3, Prix du Ranelagh, Longchamp, L, Prix des Jouvenceaux et des Jouvencelles, Vichy, L, Prix Roland de Chambure, SaintCloud, L, 3rd Mehl-Mulhens Rennen, Koln, Gr2 and Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr3. Mahshari, winner at 3 years in France and £18,817 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Prix du Lys, Chantilly, Gr3. MARIYFA, 7 wins in Belgium and £9346. MANIYSA, 5 wins, £9975, 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £5139; also 3 wins over jumps at 5 years in France; dam of a winner: SAINTE ASTRID (FR), winner in France; dam of PRINCE TATANE (FR), 10 wins over jumps in France and £100,223 inc. G.P. du Craon-Conseil Gen. Mayenne Stp, L, placed 5 times. MADJARA, 3 wins at 3 years in France and £8955; dam of a winner, MAJAKERTA (IRE), see above. PAIN PERDU (IRE), winner at 3 years in France and £7828 and placed 6 times; dam of five winners inc, SISTER BLUEBIRD (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £23,644 inc. Milcars Star S, Sandown Park, L, placed 6 times. TIFERNATI (GB), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2008 and £49,827 and placed 9 times. TOBY TYLER (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 and £9520 and placed 3 times. Miriana (IRE), ran twice and ran once over hurdles; dam of a winner, SABII SANDS (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2009 and £6372 and placed twice. The next dam MANUSHKA (FR), winner at 3 years in France; Own sister to CROQUE MONSIEUR (FR); dam of three winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc MANNTIKA, winner at 3 years; dam of seven winners inc MANNTARI (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £79,287 inc. Smurfit National S, Curragh, Gr1; sire. 71 Anmäld till BT11-13 Kerstin o Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby 43 SWE0000536 Brun hingst 090403 Priolo (USA) Mirio (FR), fux 1997 Mira Monte (GB) Malvernico (IRE) Maloo, br 2004 Coolawinnia Lass (IRE), br 1998 08-512 416 12 070-757 78 76 Sovereign Dancer (USA) Primevere (USA) Baillamont (USA) Mirea (USA) Nordico (USA) Malvern Beauty (GB) Thatching (IRE) Joyful Lass (USA), 1982 1. mor MALOO, 2004 f by Malvernico (IRE), winner and placed, 125.300 kr, FT72, dam of (first foal)SWE00000536, see above 2. mor Coolawinnia Lass (IRE), unraced, dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals of racing ageMALVERN LASS, 2-year-old of the year at Täby Galopp 2004, 3 wins in 3 starts at 2, 127.600 kr, FT82, dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals: Swinging Lass, 2007 f by Celtic Swing (GB), 3 wins, placed twice at 2 and 3 years, 2010, 288.720 kr, 3rd SM 2-åriga, 4th Dunderdebutanten, FT75 Melass, 2008 f by Songline, in training with Johan Lindberg, Täby MALOO, see above, Victor West, 2003 c by Malvernico (IRE), only ran 3 times, dead 3. mor Joyful Lass (USA), e Danzig (USA), ran a few times in USA; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 12 foals Talasea (1987 f by Lear Fan (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy and £15,769 and placed 12 times incl 3rd Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L RUSTIC WEDDING (GB), 1989 f by Red Sunset), winner, £2,488 at 2 years; also 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in Germany, £3,442; dam of one winner. REKTOR SKINNER (GER), c by Chief Singer, 2 wins in Germany and placed 4 times. PRETTY TARA (IRE), 2000 f by Namaqualand (USA), 2 wins, placed twice, 82.900 kr, FT67 Kermit (IRE), 1996 c by Tirol, placed 7 times at 2 to 4 years in Norway in Sweden. Pretty Gasa, 2002 f by Be My Chief (USA), placed 4 times at 3 years 2005, 35.900 kr, FT65 Namaqualass (IRE), 1997 f by Namaqualand (USA), placed 3 times at 2 years. Coolawinnia Lass (IRE), see above The next dam Jubilant (USA), by Laugh Aloud (GB), 7 wins in USA and $97,560 and placed 17 times incl 2nd Oneonta H, Santa Anita; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizBold And Joyful (USA), f by Bold Forbes (USA), winner in USA and $35,618 and placed 6 times incl 3rd Bornastar S, Hawthorne, Fashion S, Belmont Park and 4th Schuylerville S, Saratoga, Gr3; dam of winners. EXULTANT (USA), 8 wins in USA and placed 9 times. TAP FOR JOY (USA), 6 wins in USA NORTHERN ECSTASY (USA), 2 wins in USA EXALTANT (USA), winner in USA The next dam TIFFANY (USA) by Royal Gem (AUS), 17 wins in USA and placed 30 times; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizJubilant (USA), see above. GEM LINE, 15 wins in USA and placed 7 times. MAGGIE’S CHOICE, 10 wins in USA and placed 8 times. FINAL TIFF (USA), 4 wins in USA 72 Anmäld till BT11-13, BC13 benny@recruitment.se 44 SEIGNEUR THUNDER Brun hingst 090511 Recruitment Benny Carlsson AB Kråkeslättsvägen 49 040-40 14 08 233 38 Svedala 070-540 51 00 Storm Cat (USA) Distant Thunder (USA), fux 2003 Miss Prospector (USA) Bal du Seigneur (USA) Seigneur’s Lady, br 1996 Valentine Lady (GB), 1986 Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Crafty Prospector (USA) Eternal Vow (USA) Nureyev (USA) Sonoma (FR) Carriage Way (GB) Central Carpets (IRE), 1979 1. mor SEIGNEUR’S LADY, 3 wins, placed 7 times, £23.691, FT78; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 previous foals; CHIEFS LADY, 2002 f by Be My Chief (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Denmark and in Sweden and £11,078 and placed 8 times, FT74 LORDS LADY, 2006 f by Lord of Men (GB), winner at 2 years, 2008 in Sweden and placed twice, £8.501, FT64 Recruitments Lady, 2003 f by Be My Chief (USA), unraced, exported to Pakistan, broodmare Thunder Lady, 2008 f by Distant Thunder (USA), in training with Annika Källse, Täby Seigneur Thunder, see above 2. mor VALENTINE LADY (GB), placed twice at 2 years; also 3 wins at 4 years in Denmark and in Sweden, FT62; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 7 foals; SEIGNEUR’S LADY, see above FORMOTEROL, 4 wins at 2-6 years, 2007 in Sweden and £18,136, placed 12 times, FT73 OXEASY, 3 wins at 3-5 years, 2008 in Sweden and £16,870 and placed 18 times, FT75 TALINUMS LADY, 3 wins, placed 3 times, £13.072, FT69 VALIANT LADY, 2 wins at 3-4 years in Norway and in Sweden and placed 3 times, £4.144, FT63 RESEARCHER, winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 3 times, £2.945, FT70 Lady Shahd, only ran 3 times 3. mor CENTRAL CARPETS (IRE) by Garda’s Revenge (USA), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £5971 and placed 15 times; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 6 foals; VALENTINE LADY, see above. The next dam HOMECOMINGS (GB) by Primera (IRE), ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 6 foals; TREBLE JUMP, placed 3 times at 2 years; also 4 wins in Austria. CENTRAL CARPETS, see above. AVOCA LADY, winner at 4 years and placed 5 times. FINE HOME, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of a winner, SPARKLING ROCK, winner in France. Sparkling Home (FR), unraced; dam of Dakota Alex (FR), placed once in France; also 2 wins over jumps at 4 years in France placed 3rd Prix Rigoletto Steeplechase, Auteuil, L. and P.Guillaume de Pracomtal Gd Spring Chase, Pau, L. TONY’S MARK, winner at 4 years and placed 3 times. The next dam TIME OF HOPE (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed once; dam of two winners from 8 runners and 10 foals incl LADY EVER-SO-SURE, 7 wins and £11,896 and placed 9 times; dam of three winners incl RIVER POWER (GB), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £23,813 and placed 16 times, SURE FUTURE (GB), placed twice; also 3 wins over hurdles at 6 years and £26,289 and placed 14 times and placed 3 times over fences; also 4 wins in point-to-points, 2009 and placed 9 times and RUANO (GB), winner at 6 years and placed 5 times. 73 Stig Hansson Nummerettavägen 3 245 45 Staffanstorp 45 BECKENBAUER Brun hingst 090409 Midyan (USA) Swedish Shave (FR), fux 1998 Shavya (GB) Flying Spur (AUS) Rue La Fayette, br 2000 Rue Pigalle (IRE), br 1994 070-522 00 03 Miswaki (USA) Country Dream (USA) Shavian (GB) Stormy Scene (IRE) Danehill (USA) Rolls (USA) Bluebird (USA) Flying Diva (GB), 1987 1. mor RUE LA FAYETTE, 9 wins and placed 11 times, 1.307.158 kr plus 88.500 kr bonus, Spielbank Bad Neuenahr Europa Sprint, Köln, L, Germany, Krafft SM för Sprinters, SM för 2-åriga, Amacitalöpn, Fillies Sprint, Kay Jensens Pris, 2nd Prix Hampton, Chantilly, L, Täby Vårsprint, L, Rosengårdlöpning, Sweden Cup Juvenile Sprint, Götalandlöpn, Svenskeliten Sprinters, 3rd Prix Servanne, Chantilly, L, Dansk Kriterium, 4th Dianalöpning, 5th Prix Saint Georges, Longchamp, Gr3, FT92 Flying Fayette, 2007 c by Whipper (USA), unraced (not registered) Louise, 2008 f by Paolini (GER), in training with Jan-Åke Hellberg, Södra Sandby Beckenbauer, see above 2. mor Rue Pigalle (IRE), placed once at 3 years in France, dam of two winners from 2 runners and 4 foals: RUE LA FAYETTE, see above SIR ROBIN, 2003 c by Richard of York (GB), 3 wins, placed 4 times, 222.724 kr, FT75 Lady Marion, 2002 f by Charnwood Forest (IRE), unraced, dam of two foals of racing age; Elphinstone, 2006 g by El Gran Lode (ARG), placed 6 times, 85.600 kr, FT73 Go Figure, 2007 g by Academy Award (IRE), placed twice at 3, 2010, 25.900 kr, FT63 3. mor FLYING DIVA (GB), by Chief Singer (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and placed twice; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizBLACK AMBER (IRE) (g. by College Chapel (GB), 2 wins at home and in France, Prix Robert Papin (Ominium de 2 ans), M’-Laffitte, Gr2, placed 4 times, 3rd July S, Newmarket, Gr3. WHITE PLAINS (IRE), 15 wins from 2 to 8 and placed 30 times; placed twice over hurdles. LOVELY (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2001 in France. CYPRESS AVENUE (IRE), placed 6 times at 3-4 years; also 4 wins over hurdles, placed 14 times. Hoh Navigator (IRE), placed 8 times at 2 to 4 years. The next dam Flying Fantasy by Habitat, ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; Own sister to FLYING WATER (FR); dam of four winners from 6 runners and 10 foals of racing age vizCROSS THE SKY (IRE), won 7 races in Yugoslavia. FLYING DIVA, see above. ROUND ROBIN (IRE), placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years; also won 9 races over hurdles and 2 steeplechases and placed 8 times. FANILLE, winner over hurdles and placed 5 times. Fantasise (FR), placed once at 2 years; dam of winners. Clearwater Lady (IRE), won 4 races at home and in Norway, 3rd Torvald Og Morten Klaveness Minnelop, Ovrevoll, L. The next dam Formentera (FR), placed once in France; dam of 7 winners from 9 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizFLYING WATER (FR), Champion Older Mare in Europe in 1977, won 7 races at home, in France and U.S.A, Champion S, Newmarket, Gr1, 1000 Guineas S, Newmarket, Gr1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1, Nell Gwyn S, Gr3 and Prix Maurice de Gheest, Gr3. 74 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.brantshammar.se 46 SUNSET Mörkbrunt sto 090604 Karin Johansson Brantshammar Stuteri 741 92 Knivsta Diaghlyphard (USA) Songline, br 1993 Princess Persian (IRE) Warning (GB) Sun Orchid (USA), br 1996 Omnia (USA) , 1991 018-38 11 25 070-628 11 25 Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Blue Parrot (FR) Known Fact (USA) Slightly Dangerous (USA) Green Dancer (USA) Rutledge Place (USA), 1985 1. mor SUN ORCHID (USA), winner at 3 years in Sweden and £3,415 and placed once; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 7 foals of racing age includingSun Song, 2006 s e Songline, winner and placed 4 times, 330.090 kr, 3rd Dianalöpn, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, 4th Diana Trial, 5th Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, Scand Classic Challenge, FT78 BLACK ORCHID, 2005 f by Sharp Matt (GB), 2 wins, placed 4 times, 106.000 kr, FT62 Orchid Beauty, 2001 f by Malvernico (IRE), placed, 15.710 kr, FT58 Majestic Song, 2007 c by Songline, placed in first start at 2, 2009, 14.193 kr, FT67 Sun Trip, 2008 f by Songline, in training with Alex McLaren, Täby, qualified 19/8 Sunset, see above 2. mor Omnia (USA), winner at 3 years and £7,092, placed 5 times incl 3rd in Golden Daffodil Stakes, Chepstow, L; also placed once at 3 years in Italy viz 2nd in Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age vizTHE ROCK (USA), 2 wins in Singapore. SUN ORCHID (USA), see above. MISLEADINGMISS (USA), winner in USA GOTTA TEMPER (USA), winner in USA and placed once. 3. mor RUTLEDGE PLACE (USA), by Caro (IRE), unraced; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 11 foals of racing age vizFIRM PLEDGE (USA), 7 wins at home and in USA incl Tanforan Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr3, placed 2nd in San Francisco Handicap, Bay Meadows, Gr3 and 3rd in Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr1 and Golden Eagle Farm Handicap, Bay Meadows. Omnia (USA), see above. STELLAR EMPRESS (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and placed once; dam of winners. Welsh Queen (IRE), winner at 3 years, placed twice incl 2nd in Derrinstown Stud 1000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L. HIDDEN AGENDA (USA), winner in USA and placed 3 times. SUMMERWOOD (USA), winner in USA CABALLUS (USA), placed 3 times at 3 years; also 2 wins and placed twice over hurdles. The next dam BOLD PLACE (USA), 9 wins in USA incl Pageant Handicap, Atlantic City, Gr3, First Lady Handicap, Laurel and Mill Race Handicap, Keystone and placed 10 times incl 2nd in Margate Handicap, Atlantic City, Gr3, Miss America Stakes, Atlantic City, Jockey Club of Buenos Aires Stakes, Laurel and 3rd in Long Island Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr3 and Eatontown Handicap, Monmouth Park; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 7 foals of racing age inclGEM DIAMOND (USA), 6 wins in France incl Prix du Gros-Chene, Chantilly, Gr3, placed 4th in Prix de Saint-Georges, Longchamp, Gr3; sire in France. DANCING PLACE (FR), 2 wins in France incl Prix des Lilas, Chantilly, L, placed 2nd in Country Queen Stakes, Hollywood Park and 4th in Prix d’Astarte, Deauville, Gr2; dam of winners. NO PLACE, Premio del Dado, Milan, L, placed 4th in Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr1. 75 Anmäld till BT11-13 Patrick Wahl pwahlracing@hotmail.com Sundbyvägen 16 08-732 70 07 186 70 Brottby 070-496 16 69 47 BANDITOS Brun hingst 090428 Lyphard (USA) Funambule (USA), fux 1987 Sonoma (FR) Spectacular Tide (USA) Tess, br 1997 Factually (GB), br 1989 Northern Dancer (CAN) Goofed (USA) Habitat (USA) Satu (GB) Tsunami Slew (USA) Bid Me Adieu (USA) Known Fact (USA) Alydear (USA), 1981 1. mor Tess, plac, 17.100 kr, FT60, mor till fyra vinnare av 5 startande och 5 avkommor i startbar ålder; Ferrita, 2008 s e Academy Award (IRE), vinnare och plac på 3 starter som 2-åring 2010, 151.000 kr, 3e SM 2-åriga hästar 2010 WISE CHOICE, 2005 s e Pennekamp (USA), 3 segr, plac 10 ggr, 322.336 kr, 5e Amacitalöpn, 6e Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, FT77 FUN EXCEPTION, 2006 v e Funambule (USA), 3 segr, plac 3 ggr på 12 starter, 270.430 kr, 4e Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, 5e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, 7e Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT79 ILENNA, 2004 s e Final Appearance (IRE), vinnare och plac 5 ggr på 13 starter, 110.700 kr, FT67 Valetta, 2007 s e Academy Award (IRE), plac som 2-åring, 15.500 kr, FT58 Banditos, se ovan 2. mor Factually (GB), vinnare, 80.300 kr, 2a Norsk Kriterium, FT74, Topprankat 2-årigt Sto Sv Gen hkp 1991, mor till tre vinnare av 7 startande och 7 avkommor i startbar ålder; TESORERO, -96 h e Funambule (USA), 16 segr, plac 14 ggr, 2.980.045 kr, Swedish Open Mile, L, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Skand Mesterskap 2-åringar, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, Sweden Cup Mile, Krafft SM Classic, Krafft SM Milers, 2e Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, Sweden Cup Mile, 2 ggr, 3e Svenskt Derby, Breeders’ Trophy, FT91 CRUSH, -04 s e Funambule (USA), 2 segr och plac 2 ggr på endast 5 starter, 69.000 kr, FT69 YAMAGUCHI, 2007 v e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 segr på 7 starter som 3-åring 2010, 130.000 kr, FT76 Tess, se ovan 3. mor ALYDEAR (USA), by Alydar (USA), winner in USA and placed 4 times; dam of two winners from 4 runners Factually (GB), se ovan ABOUT LOVE (USA), 4 wins in USA The next dam HER DELIGHT (USA), by Herbager (FR), winner in USA; dam of eight winners from 10 runners FLEET AND FANCY (USA), 4 wins in GB and in Belgium incl Prix Baillet-Latour, Boitsfort, L. Count Ivor (USA), 2 wins in France, 3rd Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr3; sire in France. LIKEABLE (USA), 3 wins in USA and placed 9 times. PLEASURE MISS (USA), winner in USA and placed once; dam of winners. FANCY STYLE (USA), winner in USA; dam of Mischief Afoot (USA), 3rd Arizona Cinco de Mayo Stallion S, Turf Paradise. BATEAU MOUCHE (USA), winner in USA and placed 6 times; dam of winners. Embraceable You (USA), unraced; dam of winners. Great Contract (USA), winner, 3rd Ak-Sar-Ben Omaha Gold Cup, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr3 and Fairmount Derby, Fairmount Park, Gr3. Great Finesse (USA), unraced; dam of winners. VAL D’ENCHERE (USA), winner, Americana H, L, Palm Beach H, L, 2nd Christmas Day H, Gr3, Memorial Day H, L, Budweiser Miami Breeders Cup H, L, Hurricanes H. 76 48 ALTALUS Mörkbrun hingst 090213 a-holm@hotmail.com Annelie Holm/Holm Bostäder KB Älvsåkers Byväg 183 0300-54 18 88 434 96 Kungsbacka 0708-57 44 59 In The WIngs (IRE) Singspiel (IRE), br 1992 Glorious Song (CAN) Bianconi (USA) Veronese (USA), mbr 2002 Just Juliet (USA), 1982 Sadler’s Wells (USA) High Hawk (IRE) Halo (USA) Ballade (USA) Danzig (USA) Fall Aspen (USA) What a Pleasure (USA) My Juliet (USA), 1972 1. mor Veronese (USA), unraced; dam of 2 previous foals; a 3-y-o gelding and a 2-y-o gelding by Avonbridge (GB). Altalus, see above 2. mor JUST JULIET (USA), winner at 2 years in U.S.A. and $12,558; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 15 foals; WHAT A BLADE (USA), 12 wins in U.S.A. and $85,497. AJUSTA BLADE (USA), 9 wins in U.S.A. and $107,891. JUST FLY (USA), 5 wins in West Germany and 53,900 D.M.; dam of six winners inc, JUST WONDER (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and in U.S.A. and £174,792 inc. Cinema H, Hollywood Park, Gr3, 3rd Charles Whittingham Memorial H, Hollywood Park, Gr1. JUST TIME (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Germany and £46,913 inc. Europa Sprint, L. JUST ZOUD (GB), winner at 3 years in Germany; dam of a winner: JOHNNY ROOK (GER), placed twice at 2 years, 2008; also 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 in Greece and £33,969. RECKLESS CAPOTE (USA), winner, 2009 in U.S.A. MOGAMBO’S PLEASURE (USA), 4 wins in U.S.A. and $89,100. ZENNO SHICHOU (USA), 4 wins in Japan and £448,479; dam of two winners, ZENNO VERANO (JPN), winner, 2010 in Japan. ESTRELA (JPN), winner, 2009 in Japan. WHERE’S MY SHOES (USA), 3 wins in U.S.A. and $99,155. DARE TO CHALLENGE (USA), 2 wins at 5 years in U.S.A. JULIETTA MIA (USA), winner at 2 years and £6946; dam of two winners, Fair Verona (USA), ran twice; dam of a winner, VERASI (GB), 7 wins, £127,343, placed once at 3 years; also 4 wins over hurdles at 3, 4 and 6 years and £84,137 inc. William Hill H. Hurdle, Sandown Park, L, 3rd Tote Scoop6 Sandown H. Hurdle, Sandown Park, Gr3 and 3 wins over fences, 2008 and £42,774 inc. December Novices’ Steeplechase, Lingfield Park, Gr2. 3. mor MY JULIET (USA), by Gallant Romeo (USA), Champion sprinter in U.S.A. in 1976, 24 wins at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and $548,859 inc. Vosburgh S, Aqueduct, Gr2, Cotillion S, Keystone, Gr2 and Michigan Mile and One Eighth H, Detroit, Gr2; Own sister to Our Romeo (USA); dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc, STELLA MADRID (USA), 6 wins in U.S.A. and $712,097 inc. Acorn S, Belmont Park, Gr1, Frizette S, Belmont Park, Gr1, Matron S, Belmont Park, Gr1 and Spinaway S, Saratoga, Gr1, 3rd Mother Goose S, Belmont Park, Gr1 and Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies, Gulfstream Park, Gr1; dam of six winners inc, ISLE DE FRANCE (USA), won Prix Minerve, Deauville, Gr3, Hillsborough H, Bay Meadows, Gr3 and 2nd P.Marcel Boussac-Criterium des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1. DIAMOND BIKO (JPN), Champion older mare in Japan in 2002, won Fuchu Himba S, Nakayama, L, Sankeisports Hai Hanshin Himba Tokubetsu, Hanshin, L, Kansai Telecasting Corp. Sho Rose S, Hanshin, L. and Laurel R.C. Sho Nakayama Himba S, Nakayama, L. 77 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.stallrancho.se 49 GER000268010 (ger) Brunt sto 090207 (OBS! Svenskuppfödd!) Caroline Strömberg/Stall Rancho AB Stall Rancho 230 41 Klågerup 0708-48 11 45 Sadler’s Wells (USA) Black Sam Bellamy (IRE), br 1999 Urban Sea (USA) Hector Protector (GB) Safe Trip (GB), br 1999 Green Charter (GB), 1993 Northern Dancer (CAN) Fairy Bridge (USA) Miswaki (USA) Allegretta (GB) Woodman (USA) Korveya (USA) Green Desert (GB) By Charter (GB), 1986 1. mor Safe Trip (GB), winner and placed 3 times incl 2nd in Coolmore Matchmaker Stakes L. and 3rd in M og T Klaveness Minnelöp L, and 183.570 SEK, FT83; dam of 3 previous foals, 2 to run; So Trendy (ger), 2007 f by Diktat (GB), placed 4 times in 13 starts, 73.065 kr, 5th SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, FT65 Otilia (fr), 2006 f by Indian Lodge (IRE), placed twice in just 4 starts at 2, 2008, 23.600 kr, FT62 Sir Postillion (ger), 2008 g by Black Sam Bellamy (IRE), in training with Lennart Reuterskiöld jr, Jäg GER000268010 (ger), see above 2. mor GREEN CHARTER (GB), winner, £6.285, dam of four winners, Perks (IRE), 2005 by Selkirk, 3 wins in GB, Heritage H, placed 5 times and 1.137.097 kr, 3rd Alphabet Suppl Doonside Cup S, L, Pomfret Stakes, L, TF116 (2008) and FT91 (2010) Safe Trip (GB), see above Downbeat (GB), 2004 g by Fantastic Light (USA), 5 wins at 2-5 years, 2009, 269.026 kr, placed 12 times, 2nd Petit Prix, FT74 MANOUCHE (GB), 2003), winner and placed 3 times in GB. 3. mor By Charter (GB), by Shirley Heights (GB), winner and placed 2nd in Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L; 3rd in TNT Aviation Fred Archer Stakes L, dam of eight winners incl, ANTON CHECHOV (GB), 2 wins, Prix Hocquart, Gr2, Eyrefield S, L, also placed 3rd in BMW Deutsches Derby, Gr1, in 2007 FIRST CHARTER (GB) 6 wins, Lonsdale Stakes Gr2, March Stakes L (twice), Fred Archer Stakes L placed 8 times incl. 2nd Coral September Stakes Gr3, Peugeot Gordon Stakes Gr3 and 3rd in Irish Field Irish St Leger Gr1. PRIVATE CHARTER (GB) 3 wins incl Godolphin S L, placed 6 times incl 2nd in Derby Italiano Gr1. Ridge Runner (GB), winner at 2 years, also 6 wins at 4 to 7 years i USA, £34.115, 2nd Cherokee Run H Careful Timing (GB) winner and placed 3rd in Riggs Bank Harvest Stakes, Ascot, L. Sharp Terms, dam of Sunsemperchi (GB) winner, placed 2nd in Premio M Incisa della Rocchetta, Gr3. The next dam TIME CHARTER (GB) by Saritamer (USA), Champion older mare in England in 1983, 2nd top rated 3yr old filly in England in 1982; 8 wins, Coronation Cup Gr1, Oaks Stakes Gr1, Dubai Champion Stakes Gr1, Sun Chariot Stakes Gr2, Prix Foy Gr3, dam of seven winners incl, ZINAAD (GB), 3 wins incl Jockey Club Stakes Gr 2£7,830 at 2 years Godolphin Stakes L, Sire TIME ALLOWED (GB), 3 wins incl Jockey Club Stakes Gr2, Princess Royal Stakes Gr3. TIME SAVED, winner, dam of two winners inclPLEA BARGAIN (GB), 3 wins, King Edward VII S, Gr2, Princess Royal S, Gr3 TIRA (GB), 2 wins at 2 years, Sunley Empress S, L, in 2009 Not Before Time, dam of seven winners inclTIME AWAY (IRE), JT 4th top rated 3yr old filly in England in 2001. 2 wins incl. Tattersalls Musidora Stakes Gr3 and placed 3rd in Prix de Hermes Gr1 and Vodafone Nassau Stakes Gr1, dam of TIME ON, 3 wins incl. Prix de Malleret Gr2. Cheshire Oaks L, in 2006. 78 Anmäld till BT11-13 lars.olsson@u.lrf.se Sonja Olsson Östersäby Stuteri 736 92 Kungsör 50 SWE00000629 Fux hingst 090322 Priolo (USA) Mirio (FR), fux 1997 Mira Monte (GB) Definite Article (GB) Definite Rose (SWE), fux 2003 North Cider Rose (IRE), 1999 0227-201 33 0702-81 10 48 Sovereign Dancer (USA) Primevere (USA) Baillamont (USA) Mirea (USA) Indian Ridge (IRE) Summer Fashion (GB) Goldmark (USA) Scotia Rose (IRE), 1982 1. mor DEFINITE ROSE, winner and placed, 68.500 kr, FT76; dam of one previous foal; Melrose, 2008 f by Melmac, ran twice at 2, 2010 SWE00000629, see above 2. mor North Cider Rose (IRE), only ran 4 times, dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals; DEFINITE ROSE, see above She also has a 3-y-o filly by Slickly (FR) and a yearling filly by Frenchmans Bay (FR) 3. mor SCOTIA ROSE (IRE) by Tap On Wood (IRE), winner at 3 years and £1,343 and placed twice, from only 4 starts; dam of nine winners from 15 runners and 16 foals of racing age inclAMIARGE (GB), 4 wins at 5 to 7 years and £20,596. OVER THE COUNTER (IRE), 4 wins; 2 wins at 2 years; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years and £7.294, broodmare SCOTJADIL (IRE), 4 wins in Switzerland and £7.646 MISS MACKAY (GB), placed twice at 2 years; also 2 wins in Holland, dam of three winners inc: SPARTAN (IRE), winner at 4 years, 2009 in Greece and £10.380 Rose Society (GB), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of six winners: RED BRIAR (IRE), 13 wins, Prix du Haras de la Huderie, Deauville, L, placed 2nd Baldwin Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr3. SILVERANI (IRE), 3 wins, Top Crowd Handicap, Santa Anita. INTENSIFY (IRE), 4 wins at 4-5 years, 2009 in Greece and £20.953 The next dam TABLE ROSE, winner in U.S.A. and placed once; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age incl Blow For Blow (FR), placed twice; also 6 wins in Belgium, placed 2nd Prix de la Commune d’Hoeilaert, Groenendael, L. GRUB, winner at 2 years; dam of winners. PRINCIPALITY (AUS), won Blue Diamond Stakes, Caulfield, Gr1, Derby Trial Stakes, Geelong, L, placed 2nd Maribyrnong Plate, Flemington, Gr2; sire in Australia. Blushing Maid, placed once at 2 years; dam of winners. GOOD BABA (BRZ), won Grande Premio Major Suckow, Gavea, Gr1 and Cria. y Prop. Cavalo Corrida Rio Janeiro, Gavea, L. ORMENIS (BRZ), won Grande Premio Presidente Guilherme Ellis, Cidade Jardim, Gr3. Centre Piece, unplaced; dam of winners. GREENLAND PARK, won Queen Mary S, Royal Ascot, Gr2, Cornwallis S, Ascot, Gr3, Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3, 2nd Flying Childers Stakes, Doncaster, Gr1, 3rd William Hill July Cup, Newmarket, Gr1, Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of FITNAH, won Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr1, Prix de la Nonette, Longchamp, Gr3, Prix du Prince d’Orange, Longchamp, Gr3, Prix Vanteaux, Longchamp, Gr3, 2nd Prix de Diane, Chantilly, Gr1, Prix d’Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr1, Trusthouse Forte Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr1; grandam of NO EXCUSE NEEDED (GB), 4 wins, Queen Anne S, Royal Ascot, Gr2, Celebration Mile S, Gr2, Champagne Lanson Vintage S, Gr3, 2nd Champagne Lanson Sussex Stakes, Gr1; 4th dam of CACTUS RIDGE (USA), won Arlington Washington Futurity, Gr3. 79 helena.gartner@galoppsport.se Helena Gärtner/Navesta Hästklinik AB Lerbo, Navesta 1 0150-66 41 99 640 23 Valla 070-254 77 14 51 CELINE Brunt sto 090222 Indian Ridge (IRE) Sleeping Indian (GB), 2001 Las Flores (IRE) Tenby (GB) Robin Lane (GB), br 1995 Hiawatha’s Song (USA), 1990 Ahonoora (GB) Hillbrow (GB) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Producer (USA) Caerleon (USA) Shining Water (GB) Chief’s Crown (USA) Hippodamia (USA), 1971 1. mor Robin Lane (GB), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years and £ 63 715 and placed 11 times including second in Crisholm Bookmakers Virgina Rated Stakes, Newcastle, L; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 previous foals vizHEARTHSTEAD DREAM (GB), 2001 g by Dr Fong (USA), 5 wins and £39.031, and placed 15 times, also 3 wins over hurdles and placed 3 times, £24.420 FINAL VETO (GB), 2003 g by Vettori (IRE), 2 wins and placed 6 times over hurdles, also placed in NH Flat Race, £12.960 TSARLATANOS (GB), 2004 by Tobugg (IRE), 3 wins and placed 13 times in Greece, £21.615 Billy the Beagle (GB), 2002 g by Pursuit of Love (GB), died at 4 Anglesey (GB), 2005 by Vettori (IRE), unplaced Shamarlane (GB), 2007 by Shamardal (USA), ran a few times Celine, see above 2. mor HIAWATHA’S SONG (USA), 2 wins and placed twice in France, 105.000 francs, dam of five winners from 7 runners and 7 foals; Robin Lane (GB), see above COURT OF APPEAL (GB), 13 wins, £97.970, and placed 36 times TEARLESS QUEEN (JPN), 4 wins at 2 to 5 years in Japan and £273.807 JUJU SANSAN (JPN), winner and placed 11 times, £121.026 MIRACLE WORKER (JPN), winner and placed twice 3. mor HIPPODAMIA (USA), by Hail To Reason (USA), Champion 2 yr old filly in France in 1973, 4 wins in France and in USA including Criterium des Pouliches, Longchamp Gr1, placed second in Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp Gr1, Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp Gr1, dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 14 foals; GLOBE (USA), 6 wins in USA and $212 533 including Exelsior Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr2, and Grey Lag Handicap, Gr3, placed second in Valedictory Handicap, Greenwood, L; sire HOYA (USA), 4 wins in France and USA, including Prix Charles Lafitte, Longchamp, L., third in Prix Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L Foamflower (USA), 2 wins in USA, placed second in Cornucoia Stakes, Louisiana Downs; dam of winners Balance (USA), 2 wins in France and 159 700 franc, placed second in Prix Imprudence, M-Lafitte, L; dam of winners HOUSATONIC (USA), winner at 3 years; dam of winners: HOUSAMIX (FR), won Prix Niel, Longchamp, Gr2, sire HOUSA DANCER (FR), won Prix Finlande, Longchamp L. Miss America Hcp Golden Gate, L., second in Vanity International Hcp, Hollywood Park, Gr1 House in Wood (FR), unraced; dam of ALEXANDER TANGO (IRE) 4 wins at home and in the USA including Garden City Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr1 HYMENEE (USA), winner at 3 years in France; dam of winners: Harlem Dancer (GB) 2 wins, third in Prix de Thiberville, Longchamp L. 80 Anmäld till BT11-13 52 MOUNTAIN STAR Fux sto 090425 Sven Stjerndorff Berg 740 21 Järlåsa Woodman (USA) Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992 L’On Vite (USA) Diaghlyphard (USA) Mixie, fux 1996 Darling Daddy (GB), 1983 s.stjerndorff@telia.com 018-39 18 70 070-621 98 89 Mr Prospector (USA) Playmate (USA) Secretariat (USA) Fanfreluche (CAN) Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Warpath (GB) Gemima Tenderfoot (IRE), 78 1. mor Mixie, 5 segr, plac 14 ggr, 854.020 kr inkl bonus, 2a SM 2-åriga, Bloomers’ Vase, Coolmore Matchmaker S, SM 3-åriga, 3e Sv Kriterium, Dianalöpn, Skandinavisk Mesterskap, FT82; mor till 4 föl: Mountain Mixie, 2004 s e Primatico (USA), ej startat, död Mountain Heart, 2007 s e Heart of Oak (USA), startat 6 gånger, FT57 Mountain Superior, 2008 h e Mirio (FR), i träning hos Karin Möller, Angarn Mountain Star, se ovan 2. mor Darling Daddy (GB), plac, 6.100 kr, FT66, mor till tre vinnare av 5 startande och totalt 6 avkommor: Mixie, se ovan Mint, 1997 h e Spectacular Tide (USA), 2 segr. plac 5 ggr, 238.200 kr samt 42.000 kr bonus, 2e Norsk St Leger, 5e Svenskt St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy, FT77 MIMIK, 1989 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 3 segr, plac 7 ggr, 95.700 kr, FT74 Mirabelle, 1992 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), plac, 9.600 kr, FT66 Mimitra, 1993 s e Royal Whip (IRE), startat, 2.000 kr, FT51 Mirac, 1994 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), förolyckad som åring 3. mor Gemima Tenderfoot (IRE), e Prince Tenderfoot (USA), ej startat, mor till bl a Darling Daddy (GB), se ovan Lord Tenderfoot, plac, samt plac över hinder Nästa mor SUPER GEM e Vaguely Noble, 2 segr, mor till en vinnare: BRAWLER, vinnare i USA. SUPER GEMs mor DICTATES, 4 segr, mor till tre vinnare, bl a NORTHERN DICTATOR, 3 segr i USA, TRIANGHEART, vinnare i Frankrike, RIVALERO, vinnare i USA. Breeders' Trophy, Breeders Prize och Breeders' Cup Uppgifter om åringen är anmäld i "Breeders-löpning" har i förekommande fall angivits längst upp till höger på katalogsidan enligt följande: BT11-13 - Breeders’ Trophy-serien 2011-2013 (Sverige), BP12 - Breeders Prize 2012 (Norge) för 3-åriga och BC13 - Breeders' Cup 2013 (Danmark) för 4-åriga hästar. Uppgifterna har intagits i katalogen på resp säljares ansvar. 81 Karin Johansson Brantshammar Stuteri 741 92 Knivsta 53 QUITE FLIRTY Brunt sto 090226 Lyphard (USA) Funambule (USA), fux 1987 Sonoma (FR) Roi Danzig (USA) Quite Easy (IRE), br 1996 Quietly Impressive (IRE), 1988 018-38 11 25 070-628 11 25 Northern Dancer (CAN) Goofed (USA) Habitat (USA) Satu (GB) Danzig (USA) Gdynia (USA) Taufan (USA) Way Ahead (IRE), 1977 1. mor QUITE EASY (IRE), 7 wins and placed 5 times, 384.500 kr, Juvenile Mile, 2nd Scandinavia Cup and Amacitalöpn, 5th in Norwegian 1000 Guineas, FT85, dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing ageQUITE LUCKY, 2001 f by Sharp Matt (GB), 3 wins and placed 6 times, 252.535 kr, Cinnamon Challenge, 2nd Cinnamon Challenge, 5th Norwegian 1000 Guineas, SM Sprinters, FT80 QUITE NICE, 2003 f by Sharp Matt (GB), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 162.800 kr, FT74 QUITE SHARP, 2002 g by Sharp Matt (GB), winner and placed 6 times, 91.850 kr, FT65 TRAINER’S TRIAL, 2006 c by Funambule (USA), winner in first and only start at 2, 80.000 kr, FT70 Quite The Best, 2004 c by Malvernico (IRE), ran 6 times at 2 and 3 years, 2.500 kr, FT59 Queensland, 2007 f by Funambule (USA), in training with Mikael Tjernström, Täby Quick Step, 2008 g by Sharp Matt (GB), in training with Henrik Engblom, Mellerud Quite Flirty, see above 2. mor QUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £13,203 and placed 6 times; also placed once over hurdles; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age vizQUITE EASY (IRE), see above. QUIET TRAVELLER (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £27,621 and placed 13 times. PERUVIAN BREEZE (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2004 and £3,619 and placed once. 3. mor WAY AHEAD (IRE) by Sovereign Path (GB), winner at 3 years, from only 2 starts; dam of one winner from 6 runners and 10 foals of racing ageQUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), see above. The next dam Emma Canute, 2 wins at 2 years, placed 6 times incl 2nd Princess Margaret S, Ascot; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age inclEVERYTHING NICE, 7 wins at home and in USA incl Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr3 and Musidora S, York, Gr3, 2nd Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr2, Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L; dam of winners. NICER (IRE), won The I.A.W.S. Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1, 3rd Premio Vittorio di Capua-Consiglio d’ Europa, Milan, Gr1. Nice Noble (USA), 3rd Premio Novella, Milan, L; dam of Magno (USA), winner, 2nd Racing Post Trophy S, Doncaster, Gr1, Nice Cresta (USA), 3rd Canadian S, Woodbine, L.R. and Ontario Colleen S, Fort Erie R; grandam of Skyrock (USA), 2nd Prix Saraca, Saint-Cloud, L, Prix Hampton, Chantilly, L. Naxos (USA), 3rd Villager S, Keystone; grandam of Whyome (IRE), 2nd Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr1, Prix des Chenes, Longchamp, Gr3. Investment (USA), unraced; dam of KEENELAND GOLD (SAF), won ACSA Benefit H, Turffontein, Gr3 and D H Harris H, Newmarket, L, 2nd Premier’s Cup, Turffontein, Gr1 and 3rd The Champion S, Turffontein, Gr1, FAMILY INVESTMENT (USA), won Ontario Colleen S, Woodbine, L. and Whimsical S, Woodbine, L, 2nd Duchess S, Woodbine, L, Alpine Chief (USA), 2nd Computaform South African Derby Futurity, Turffontein, Gr1; grandam of Splash Of Silver (USA), 2nd Collinsville H and Cardinal Breeders’ Cup H. 82 Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12, BC13 goran.asheim@gmail.com 54 MONALISA Brunt sto 090403 Stuteri Hagen o Göran Åsheim Annedalsvägen 34 044-21 14 23 291 63 Kristianstad 0709-72 27 30 Danehill (USA) Academy Award (IRE), br 2000 Ingabelle (GB) Modern Pleasure (USA) Amourina, br 1989 Amourette, 1984 Danzig (USA) Razyana (USA) Taufan (USA) Bodelle (USA) What A Pleasure (USA) Method Actress (USA) Montal (FR) Altesse, 1971 1. mor Amourina, 3 segr, 208.000 kr, 2a SM 2-åriga hästar, 3e Amacitalöpn, Vinterfavoriternas Pris, 5e Svealandlöpn, FT69, mor till åtta vinnare av 10 startande och totalt 11 avkommor i startbar ålder: PAMONA, 2001 s e Funambule (USA), Champion 2-åring 2003, 5 segr, 1.165.465 kr (varav bonus 55.350 kr), Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, Duty Time Juvenile Mile och Krafft SM för 2-åriga hästar 2003, 3e Dianalöpn, Amacitalöpn, FT84 som 2-åring 2003 Memory, 2002 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 4 segr, 458.962 kr, 2a Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, FT80 Morell, 1995 h e Eighty Eight Keys (USA), 3 segr, 306.160 kr (varav bonus 83.000 kr), 2e Malmö Stads Pris, 3e Götalandlöpn, 5e Rosengårdlöpn, även plac över häckar, FT80 Mohikan, 2006 v e Indian Lodge (IRE), vinnare, plac 5 ggr, 155.092 kr, 3e Auktionslöpn, FT70 MON DIA, 2005 s e Funambule (USA), 2 segr och plac 4 ggr, 272.099 kr, 3e Melmaclöpn, 6e Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT76 Morina, 1998 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), plac 2 ggr på endast 4 starter, FT72, mor till en vinnare: WELCOME IN MAY, 2005 s e Most Welcome (GB), 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 151.700 kr, FT76 Övriga vinnare är MONTILJA, 1997 s e Talinum (USA), 4 segr, MONACO, 1996 h e Lotus Pool (USA), 3 segr, och MORENO, 1994 h e National Zenith (USA), 3 segr varav 1 på häckar. 2. mor AMOURETTE, 5 segr, 293.700 kr, Dianalöpn, Eurocard Cup, mor till sex vinnare av 6 startande: AMOULETTE, s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), 2 segr, 234.200 kr, SFAF:s Stora Pris, 4e Amacitalöpn, mor till tre vinnare: MISTER ADMIRAL, 7 segr, plac 11 ggr, 546.200 kr, Premiärhandicap, 2e SM Sprinters, FT87, Fidelity, 4 segr, plac 6 ggr, 258.730 kr, 2a Altamiralöpn, FT81, och PANDURO, 4 segr, plac 4 ggr, 211.200 kr, FT74 Amourina, se ovan Agena, -01 s e Be My Chief (USA), vinnare, plac 8 ggr som 2-3-år, 196.150 kr (varav bonus 19.450 kr), 2a Sweden Cup Juvenile Mile, FT73 Amira, -90 s e Modern Pleasure (USA), skadad som föl, mor till sex vinnare inkl: NAMIR, -95 h e National Zenith (USA), Champion 2-åring 1997, 19 segr, 1.883.300 kr, SFAF:s Stora Pris, Sweden Cup Stayer, 2 ggr, Vinterfinalen Stayers, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 3e SM Stayers, 4e Duty Time Juv Mile, SM Stayers (2 ggr), 5e SM Stayers, FT89 TIMO, -98 h e Lotus Pool (USA), 3 segr, 587.350 kr, Ceres Jydsk Derby, 2e Svenskt Kriterium, 3e Dansk Kriterium, 4e Duty Time Juvenile Mile, 5e Breeders’ Trophy, Vinterfav Pris, FT80 Phoenix Fabulous (ex Ritmo), -00 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 3 segr, plac 3 ggr, 176.840 kr, Svenskt St Leger Consolation, Dansk Kriterium Consolation, AGRIA Breeders’ Trophy Trial, 2e Vinterfavoritternes Ærespræmie, FT79 Midway, -04 s e Final Appearance (IRE), 2 segr, plac 4 ggr, 197.200 kr, 3e Altamiralp, FT72 MIADONNA, -03 s e Richard of York (GB), 3 segr, plac 7 ggr, 87.378 kr, FT58 TIMJAN, -05 s e Funambule (USA), vinnare i sin enda start, 55.000 kr, FT70, död som 3-åring AMADEO, h e Modern Pleasure (USA), 5 segr, 212.700 kr, FT79 AMOUROSA, s e Exceller (USA), 3 segr, 123.600 kr (varav bonus 20.500 kr), mor till en vinnare: PARTY TIME, 3 segr, plac 7 ggr, 180.180 kr, FT83 3. mor ALTESSE, e Moderne (FR), 2 segr som 2-åring, Svealandlöpn, mor till sju vinnare av 10 startande; AMOURETTE, se ovan, ALLIAX, 2 segr, 15.250 kr, 4e Dansk St Leger, ALABAMA, 8 segr, 83 104.700 kr, FT80, och AZIZ, 6 segr, 79.300 kr, FT75, AGATON SACC, vinnare, FT74. 55 CREME DE LA CREME Fux sto 090429 Stig Hansson Nummerettavägen 3 245 45 Staffanstorp Midyan (USA) Swedish Shave (FR), fux 1998 Shavya (GB) Danehill Dancer (IRE) Rue d’Alsace (GB), br 2002 Dim Ofan (GB), 1996 070-522 00 03 Miswaki (USA) Country Dream (USA) Shavian (GB) Stormy Scene (IRE) Danehill (USA) Mira Adonde (IRE) Petong (GB) Wilsonic (GB), 1989 1. mor RUE D’ALSACE (GB), 3 segr, plac 9 ggr, 587.578 kr, Norsk Oaks, Sommarstoet, 2a Mumm Cordon Rouge Cup Sierstorpff Rennen, Hamburg, L, Vinterfavoriternas Pris, Amacitalöpn, 4e Malmö Stads Pris, Svealandlöpn, 5e i Gr2-lopp i Baden-Baden som 2-åring 2004, FT85, mor till ett tidigare föl; Cabriolet, 2008 h e Domedriver (IRE), i träning hos Katharina Stenefeldt, Jägersro Creme De La Creme, se ovan 2. mor DIM OFAN (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years and £13,216; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 7 foals; RUE D’ALSACE (GB), see above. RUE FLANDRINE (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Denmark, 135.887 kr, FT73, broodmare DARK MOMENT (GB), winner at 3 years, 2009. She also has a yearling filly by Ivan Denisovich (IRE) and a filly foal by Vital Equine (IRE). 3. mor WILSONIC (GB), by Damister, placed 6 times at 2 and 4 years; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizWILDERBROOK HAL (GB), 7 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2005 in Greece and £35,583. HEATHYARDS SHEIK (GB), 4 wins at 3 years and £8,854; also placed once in Macau. DIM OFAN (GB), see above FIRST STEPS (IRE), 4 wins; dam of two winners, SECOND STEP and SWEDISH STEP The next dam CAPE CHESTNUT (GB), by Bustino (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingDAZZLING HEIGHTS, 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in France and £23,910 inc. Prix Panacee, Toulouse, L.; dam of winners inc., KIMBRIDGE KNIGHT (IRE), 12 wins at home, in Malaysia and in Singapore and £485,212 inc. Singapore Derby, Singapore, L., Tunku Gold Cup, Selangor, L. (twice) and Perak Derby, Perak, L., 3rd Sandown Cup, Sandown, Gr2. MAURI MOON (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £53,836 inc. Oak Tree S., Goodwood, L.; dam of KIWI MOON (GB), winner at 2 years, 2008. Pacific Grove (GB), 3 wins at 2 years and £39,754 2nd Newgate Stud Radley S., Newbury, L.; dam of MOKABRA (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years at home and in Germany and £64,078 inc. Maurice Lacroix-Trophy, Baden-Baden, Gr2. Green Bonnet (IRE), placed once at 3 years in France; dam of SEA LAND (FR), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2009, and MIRAMIX (FR), winner at 3 years, 2008 in France. Moogie, 2 wins at 2 years 2nd Venus Fillies S., Kempton Park, L. and 4th Coronation S., Royal Ascot, Gr1; also 3rd Prix Chloe, Evry, Gr3; dam of winners inc., CATWALK (GB), winner at 2 years, Sweet Solera S., Newmarket, L. LEASE LEND (GB), 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 3 and 4 years, 2007; 2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years, 2008 and placed 5 times over fences at 5 years, 2008. MOOD SWINGS (IRE), winner at 2 years; also placed once at 3 years in U.A.E.; dam of GRAND DUCAL (IRE), 2 wins at 2-3 years, 2009 and £69,838, Airlie Stud Gallinule S, Curragh, Gr3, 84 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com 56 JIMMY MACK Fux hingst 090425 Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri Lindarsnäs Egendom 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Deputy Minister (CAN) Delta Downs (GB), br 1990 Ruthless Rose (USA), 1985 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Vice Regent (USA) Mint Copy (USA) Conquistador Cielo (USA) Unfurled (USA), 1974 1. mor DELTA DOWNS (GB), vinnare i England som 2-åring, mor till fem vinnare av 6 startande och totalt 8 avkommor i startbar ålder, Crown of Creation, 2006 v e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), vinnare och plac 7 ggr, 225.700 kr, 2e SFAF/ SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, FT77 MEKONG, -04 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 7 segr, plac 4 ggr, 289.366 kr, Norsk Rikstoto Mile Cup, 3e Norsk Rikstoto Stayer Cup, FT75, Championtäcke 2008 Övrevoll STATE, -98 s e Spectacular Tide (USA), 4 segr, plac 14 ggr, 418.250 kr inkl bonus, FT79 SOUL SACRIFICE, -01 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 54.940 kr, FT78 ASUNCION, -05 s e Most Welcome (GB), vinnare och plac, 93.200 kr, FT72 Jimmy Mack, se ovan 2. mor Ruthless Rose (USA), sister to SHAADI, dam of six winners from 8 foals, 7 of racing age, inclREGAL ROSE (f. by Danehill), unbeaten in 2 wins at 2, incl Cheverley Park S, Gr1. GENERALIST, (c. by Danehill), winner, £998,089, Kinko Sho, Gr2, Nikkan Sports Shinzan Kinen, Gr3, and Australia H, (Japanese record 10fT). 3rd Asahai Sansai S, Gr1, sire in Japan. MASCHIKANE SIRUYAKIMI, (c. by Green Desert), 5 wins in Japan, £214,153, a $427.000 yearling at Tattersalls 1996. DELTA DOWNS, (f. by Deputy Minister), see above SOCIETY ROSE, (f. by Saddler´s Hall), winner in 2 starts at 2. Polisonne, (f. by Polish Precedent), placed. Regency Rose, (f by Danehill), unraced, dam of a winner REGIONAL COUNSEL, (c by Medician), winner, Anglesey Stakes, Gr3, 2006 3. mor UNFURLED (USA), by Hoist the Flag (USA), winner at 2, dam of nine winners, incl SHAADI (c. by Danzig), 5 wins in 7 starts, $452,583, winner, Coolmore Irish 2000 Guineas, Gr1, St. James Palace S, Gr1, Craven S, Gr3; Sire in Japan. PLEASURE CAY (f. by Foolish Pleasure). 9 wins, $380,599. Bed O´Roses H, Gr3, Barbara Fritche H, Gr3, Viorginia Belle S, L, Rancho Bernardo H, L, 2nd Vagrancy H, Gr3, A Gleam H, L Svarga (f. by Raja Baba). 5 wins, $114.916, incl 3rd Violet H, Gr3, etc, dam of four winners from 4 foals, 4 to race, incl Miss Quote, 3rd Pretty Polly Drummond S, L. UNBAISED, ( f by Foolish Pleasure), winner at 3 in England, dam of six winners from 8 foals, 7 to race, XANNAX, (c. by The Minstrel), 4 wins in N.A. and France, 3 to 6. RAAWIYEH, (f. by Raja Baba), winner 2 to 5, dam of three winners from 4 foals, 3 to race, UNFORETOLD, (f. by Foolish Pleasure). In N.A, 3 wins at 3 to 4, dam of three winners from 6 foals, 5 to race, NORTHERN ATHLETE (JPN), (c. by Northern Taste), 3rd Nikkan Sports Sho Shinzan Kinen, Jpn MONOPRINT, (f. by Conquistador Cielo). 2 wins in N.A. at 3, dam of two winners from 3 foals, 2 to race, incl BRUSH OVER, 6 wins incl Conniver H, L, and Brushed On, 2 wins, 2nd Gravesand H, Gr3, 3rd Bold Ruler S, L, Sugar Bowl H. 85 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.brantshammar.se Karin Johansson Brantshammar Stuteri 741 92 Knivsta 57 RIVA DEL SOLE Brunt sto 090420 Lyphard (USA) Funambule (USA), fux 1987 Sonoma (FR) Inchinor (GB) River Aln (GB), br 1998 Play With Me (IRE), 1990 018-38 11 25 070-628 11 25 Northern Dancer (CAN) Goofed (USA) Habitat (USA) Satu (GB) Ahonoora (GB) Inchmurrin (IRE) Alzao (USA) Strike it Rich (FR), 1979 1. mor RIVER ALN (GB), 7 segr, plac 11 ggr, 955.690 kr, Lanwades Stud S, Peugeot Pokallöp, 2a Norsk Oaks, Norsk 1000 Guineas, Juvenile Fillies, 3e Lanwades Stud S, Meridian Stutteri Hoppelöp, Klaveness Minnelöp, L, 4e Lanwades Stud S, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Scandinavia Cup, 5e Klaveness Minnelöp, L, Scandinavia Cup, FT87. Helsyster till SHAWDON (GB); mor till tre startande av 4 avkommor i startbar ålder; Steel Attraction, 2006 h e Slickly (FR), plac, 25.600 kr, FT64 Steel River, 2005 s e Zilzal (USA), startat 9 ggr, 2.500 kr, FT62 Rivieran, 2007 s e Most Welcome (GB), endast startat en gång, död som 3-åring Rioja, 2008 s e Sharp Matt (GB), i träning hos Roy Arne Kvisla, Täby Riva Del Sole, se ovan 2. mor PLAY WITH ME (IRE), winner; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc, CROW WOOD (GB) (g. by Halling (USA), 10 wins, £231,233, 7 wins; also 3 wins over hurdles, 2006 inc. Elite Hurrdle, Wincanton, Gr2. SHAWDON (GB) (c. by Inchinor (GB), Champion 3yr old in Scandinavia in 1998, 11 wins at home, in Austria, in Germany and in Norway and £174,476 inc. Silberne Peitsche, Gelsenkirchen-Horst, L, Weser Report Sprint Cup, Bremen, L, Preis der Pferdeanzeigers, Hannover, L, Kolner Fruhjahrs Sprint-Preis, Cologne, L. (twice) and Polar Million Cup, Ovrevoll, L, 3rd Premio Chiusura, Milan, Gr3 and Lambada Taby Open Sprint Championship, Taby, Gr3, sire LINCOLN DEAN (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years and £14,111. PANTHER FARNESE (GB), 2 wins at 4 years, 2006 in France and £7750. SIR ROBINSON (ITY), winner at 3 years, 2008 in Italy. LADY FROM LUCCA (GB), winner at 3 years in Germany; dam of a winner, LET GO (GER), winner, 2006 in France and in Germany; also winner over jumps, 2007. Suerte (GB), ran; dam of a winner, LOS GIGANTES (FR), 2 wins at 2 years, 2008 in France and £19,559. 3. mor STRIKE IT RICH (FR), by Rheingold (IRE), 2 wins; dam of eight winners from 13 runners and 13 foals LADY BENTLEY, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy and £100,344 inc. Oaks d’Italia, Milan, Gr1, 2nd G.P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1; dam of four winners inc, MARANIA (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £26,556; dam of BATISTA BOMB (IRE), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2007 in Italy and £39,931. Green Bentley (IRE), placed 5 times at 2 years and £5240; dam of Mr Almutafak (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years, 2006 in Italy and £7949; also 3rd Premio Giulio Caccia Hurdle, Milan, L, Miss Gabriella (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2007 in Italy; also 3rd Premio Ezio Vanoni Steeplechase, Merano, Gr3. TARAS EMPEROR (IRE), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years and £35,156 inc. Credit Suisse First Boston National S, Sandown Park, L. BRIGAND (IRE), 5 wins, £31,153, winner at 3 years; also 4 wins in U.A.E. RICH NEPHEW, 4 wins, £14,353, winner at 3 years; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and £8008 and placed 11 times over fences and £5102. MACARONI GOLD (IRE), 4 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2006 and £17,833. 86 Åringen är född och uppvuxen på Rävdansens Stuteri, Ärla Anmäld till BT11-13, BC13 Helena Mansén helena@spritzmedia.se Klasrovägen 39 A 08-96 05 47 191 49 Sollentuna 070-924 79 98 58 DIABLESSE Fux sto 090218 Be My Guest (USA) Most Welcome (GB), fux 1984 Topsy (GB) Prince of Birds (USA) Little Fairy, br 2002 Jour Ferie (IRE), 1993 Northern Dancer (CAN) What A Treat (USA) Habitat (USA) Furioso (GB) Storm Bird (CAN) Special Key (USA) Taufan (USA) Snowfields (USA), 1988 1. mor Little Fairy, ran 9 times, 4.500 kr, FT66, dam of one previous foal; Concorde, 2007 g by Most Welcome (GB), placed, 22.200 kr Diablesse, see above 2. mor JOUR FERIE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in France, 198.720 kr, and placed 4 times in France and once in Sweden, FT79; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 4 foals; RAIKKONEN (IRE), g by Lake Coniston (IRE), 5 wins, £65,406, 3 wins at 3 to 5 years and £21,387 and placed 4 times; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years and £44,019 inc. Woodlands Park Brown Lad H. Hurdle, Naas, Gr3, placed 10 times inc. 2nd Tote Ireland Anniversary H. Hurdle, Punchestown, L. Won’t Care Today (IRE), placed twice at 3 years in Sweden. Little Fairy (SWE), see above. 3. mor SNOWFIELDS (USA), winner at 2 years in France and £13,222 and placed 5 times; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 foal; Jour Ferie (IRE), see above. The next dam Tundra Goose, 3 wins, £22,132, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £9771 and placed once, 3rd Rochford Thompson Newbury S, Newbury, L.; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £12,361 and placed once; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 7 foals inc, Polar Wind (GB), 5 wins, £24,755, 3 wins at 3 years and £13,071 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L.; also 2 wins at 4 years in U.A.E. and £11,684 and placed 4 times. ICY TUNDRA (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £14,272, placed 6 times; dam of two winners and grandam of ONE OF THREE (IRE), winner at 4 years, 2010 and £7350 and placed 3 times. Mechilie (GB), placed once at 3 years; dam of two winners, SUPER ROSS (IRE), 4 wins over hurdles at 6 years, 2009 and £11,567 and placed 7 times. SHEPPERTON (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 in Italy and £24,882 and placed 15 times. The next dam GOOSIE (USA), 3 wins at 3 years inc. Cornelscourt S, Leopardstown, L.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc, GREAT BOSS, 9 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in Italy and £73,898 inc. Premio Lazio, Rome, Gr3, Premio Roma Vecchia, Gr3, Premio Aldo Ricchi, L, Premio Ezio Vanoni, L. and Premio Villa Borghese, L, placed 9 times inc. 2nd Premio Campidoglio, L, Premio Niccolo dell’Arca, L, 3rd Premio Presidente della Repubblica, Gr1, Premio Pietro Palmieri, L. and 4th Premio Principe Amedeo, Gr2; sire. Camisado, 2 wins at 3 years and £9502 and placed twice inc. 3rd Pacemaker International Whitehall S, Phoenix Park, Gr3. Tundra Goose, see above. Lohengrin, 6 wins, £13,808, 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years and £11,588 and placed 5 times; also placed 3rd Grand Prix de Bruxelles, Groenendael, L.; also 2 wins over hurdles. GOOSIE-GANTLET, winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of eight winners inc ULLA LAING, 3 wins at 2 years and £13,548 inc Firth of Clyde S, Ayr, L, placed twice inc 3rd Rockfel S, L. 87 Anmäld till BT11-13 59 SWE00000543 Fux sto 090410 Kerstin o Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby Woodman (USA) Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992 L’On Vite (USA) Night Shift (USA) Safarinight (IRE), br 2003 Selous (IRE), 1996 08-512 416 12 070-757 78 76 Mr Prospector (USA) Playmate (USA) Secretariat (USA) Fanfreluche (CAN) Northern Dancer (CAN) Ciboulette (USA) Second Set (IRE) Talama (FR), 1987 1. mor Safarinight, placed 4 times, 46.900 kr, FT67, dam of (first foal): SWE00000543, see above 2. mor SELOUS (IRE), 4 wins, 461.250 kr; 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £34,390 and placed 6 times; Svenskt St Leger, 3rd Vinterfavoriternas Pris, 4th Dianalöpn, FT83, also winner over jumps at 4 years in Switzerland, dam of one winner from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age inc: Carrousel, -05 g by Spinning World (USA), winner and placed 5 times, 344.345 kr, 2nd in SM för 2-åriga hästar, 3rd Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, 4th Svenskt St Leger, 5th Vinterfavoriternas Pris, FT80 Welcome Back, 2008 c by Fasliyev (USA), placed twice in 5 starts at 2, 2010, 22.800 kr Safarinight, see above Selous Dancer, 2006 f by Funambule (USA), only ran twice 3. mor Talama (FR) by Shakapour (IRE), winner at 3 years in France and 104.000 FF and placed once, 3rd Prix de Thiberville, Deauville, L; dam of four winners, SELOUS (IRE), see above TAKU (IRE), placed once at 2 years; also 5 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.A.E. and £15,152. TALAMA LADY (IRE), 3 wins, £9621, 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years; also winner over hurdles, 2004 and £6065 and placed twice. PENNE DANCER (IRE), 2 wins, £7777, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. The next dam TALOSCA (FR) by Abdos (FR), 2 wins in France and placed 6 times; also placed once over jumps in France; dam of two winners, Talama (FR), see above. TAZIYR (FR), 9 wins, 7 wins in France and 409,200 fr. and placed 31 times; also 2 wins over jumps in France. Timoro (FR), placed 3 times over jumps in France. Tazmaan (FR), placed once in France. Tapalana (FR), placed once in France. Tamarisca (FR), ran on the flat in France; dam of seven winners, MILORD (IND), winner in India. CHESTNUT WHISPER (IND), winner in India. MASTERPIECE (IND), winner in India. CALAMINT (IND), winner in India. KEEP BATTLING (IND), winner in India. MILADY (IND), winner in India. FAIR AND FANCY (IND), winner in India. The next dam TALICA, 2 wins in France; dam of a winner, TALOSCA (FR), see above. Lystra, unraced; dam of two winners inc LYSAN (FR), winner in France; also winner over jumps in France, and ABALDA (FR), winner in Morocco. 88 lars.olsson@u.lrf.se Sonja Olsson Östersäby Stuteri 736 92 Kungsör 60 SWE00000628 Mörkbrun hingst 090510 Kris S (USA) Lucky Story (USA), 2001 Spring Flight (USA) Thatching (IRE) Double Top (IRE), mbr 1995 Top Call (GB), 1976 0227-201 33 0702-81 10 48 Roberto (USA) Sharp Queen (USA) Miswaki (USA) Coco La Investment (USA) Thatch (USA) Abella (GB) High Top (IRE) Last Call (GB), 1964 1. mor Double Top (IRE), unraced; Own sister to COPING; dam of two winners from 5 rnrs and 8 pr foals; SECOND INTEREST (GB), 1999 f by Hamas (IRE), 5 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Denmark and Sweden and £12,770 and placed 22 times. ASPASSOCONDAISY (GB), 2000 f by Perugino (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £7213 and placed 7 times. Top Place (GB), 2001 f by Compton Place (GB), placed once at 4 years, broodmare. Igneous (GB), 2006 g by Lucky Story (USA), placed once at 2 years, 2008. Ellemental (GB), 2008 f by Elnadim (USA), unraced to date. She also has a 6-y-o mare by Kyllachy (GB). 2. mor TOP CALL (GB), 2 wins at 2 years; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 12 foals; COPING (c by Thatching), 11 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in Italy and £78.602 inc Premio Fiume, Milan, L, 4th Premio Cascine, Firenze, Gr3. CALL-TO-ACCOUNT (c by Grundy), 9 wins at 3 to 5 years in British West Indies and £48.489 inc Carib Beer Trinidad Turf Club Cup, Queen’s Park, L, President’s Cup, Queen’s Park, L, President’s Easter Trophy, Union Park, L, Regent Stores Classic, Santa Rosa Park, L, and Santa Rosa Trophy, L. Tom Guinn (c by Niniski (USA), 22 wins in Austria, in West Germany and in Italy and £221.606, 3rd Premio Libero Perlini, Naples, L (twice). Kasikci (GB) (f by Petoski), winner at 2 years and £8410 3rd Sweet Solera S, Newmarket, L. Salazie (f by Ile de Bourbon (USA), winner at 2 years; also 2nd Premio Andreina, Pisa, L; dam of six winners inc SENSAZIONE (GB), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £104.749 inc Premio Novella, Milan, L, Premio Royal Mares, Turin, L, and Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L. 2nd Premio Dormello, Milan, Gr3; dam of QUEEN SENSAZIONE (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 in Italy and £54.312 inc Premio Baggio, Milan, L. Sensazione World (IRE), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2009 in Italy and £63.561 2nd Premio Nogara, Milan, L. 3rd Criterium Femminile, Rome, L. and Premio Seregno, Milan, L.; grandam of FAIR NASHWAN (GB), Champion older mare in Italy in 2006, 6 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £166.685 inc Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr3, 2nd GP del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1 and 3rd Oaks d’Italia, Milan, Gr1, FAIRY EFISIO (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, 2008 in Italy and £44.928 inc Premio Seregno, Milan, L. 3rd P Emirates Airline Regina Elena-1000 Gns, Rome, Gr3. SOFT CALL (GB), Champion 3yr old filly in Austria in 1991, Champion older mare in Slovak Republic in 1993, 10 wins, £34.066, winner at 2 years; also 9 wins at 3 to 5 years in Austria and in Czech Republic and £31,324; dam of three winners CALL THE BIRD (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy. 3. mor LAST CALL (GB), winner at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 foals; ACHIEVED, Champion 2yr old in Ireland in 1981, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £60.007 inc Gallaghouse Phoenix S, Phoenix Park, Gr1, 3rd Sussex S, Goodwood, Gr1; sire. FINAL STRAW, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £116.545 inc Laurent Perrier Champagne S, Doncaster, Gr2, 2nd Sussex S, Goodwood, Gr1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1, and 3rd Airlie Coolmore Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1; sire. 89 Åringen född och uppfödd hos Eva Isacsson Sjunnesson, Brottby 61 EASY COME EASY GO Mörkbrunt sto 090604 (den) Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12 Nils Petter Gill/Stall Bonne Nuit Ovre Båstad Gård + 47 22 36 56 00 N-1387 Asker, Norge + 47 91 70 49 79 Diaghlyphard (USA) Songline, br 1993 Princess Persian (IRE) Thunder Gulch (USA) Point Taken (NOR), fux 2001 Top Cat (FR), 1993 Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Blue Parrot (FR) Gulch (USA) Line of Thunder (USA) Be My Chief (USA) Pussy Foot (GB), 1986 1. mor POINT TAKEN (NOR), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Norway and £22,259 and placed 10 times, Derby Milen, 2nd Norsk Rikstoto Grand Prix, 3rd Altamiralöpn, 4th Övrevoll Mile Cup, Norsk Mesterskap 3-år og eldre, FT79; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 previous foals; HOLLY GOLIGHTLY (SWE), 2007 f by Most Welcome (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2010 in Norway and in Sweden and 740.295 SEK and placed 4 times, won Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 3rd Skandinavisk Mesterskap 3-årige, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT80. Mikkelangelo (SWE), 2008 g by Most Welcome (GB), ran twice at 2, 2010, 6.718 SEK Easy Come Easy Go (den), see above. 2. mor TOP CAT (FR), 11 wins, £66,458, 2 wins at 2 years and £14,855 and placed 3 times; also 9 wins at 3 to 6 years in Canada, in Norway and in Sweden and £51,603, Norweigan 1000 Guineas, Bloomers’ Vase, Scandinavia Cup, 2nd Scandinavia Cup (twice), 3rd Rosengårdlöpn, 4th Bloomers’ Vase, Torvald og Morten Klaveness Memorial, FT88; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals; POINT TAKEN (NOR), see above. LLORET DE MAR (NOR), 3 wins at 3 years in Norway and £33,298 and placed 11 times, won Skandinavisk Mesterskap for 3-åringer, FT77 Pannacotta (DEN), placed 3 times at 2 years, 2009 in Norway and in Sweden, 4th Götalandlöpn Check That Cat (NOR), 2004 c by Chequer (USA), placed once at 2 years in Norway, dead at 2 Cat Wind (DEN), 2008 f by Final Appearance (IRE), in training with Peter Jardby, Trelleborg 3. mor PUSSY FOOT (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and £14,626 and placed 10 times; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals; TOP CAT (FR), see above. PLENTYMORE (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in Germany and £29,769 and placed 9 times. ANSTAND (GB), 5 wins at 3 and 6 years and £20,634 and placed 6 times. MORE IBSON (IRE), winner at 2 years in Sweden. The next dam CATS, placed once at 2 years; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 13 foals; CATAINER (NZ), 11 wins in Australia and £147,593 inc. Schweppes Cup, Caulfield, L, Fantastic Flowers Zeditave S, Caulfield, L. and KPMG H, Morphettville, L, placed 12 times inc. 2nd Safeway Bletchingly S, Caulfield, Gr3, Sir John Monash S, Caulfield, L. and 3rd Japan Racing Association Autumn S, Sandown, Gr3. Coup Taine (NZ), 5 wins in New Zealand placed 3rd Ray Coupland S, Ashburton, L. CLEVER CLAN (NZ), 11 wins in Australia and in Macau and £168,140 and placed 21 times. KIDD (NZ), 6 wins at 4 to 6 years in Australia, in New Zealand and in Singapore and £76,647 and placed 8 times. ACTION SHOT (NZ), 3 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years in Australia and £80,475 and placed 16 times. PUSSY FOOT (GB), see above. DANCING CATS (NZ), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Australia and £11,137 and placed 8 times. Lady Fergie (NZ), unraced; dam of winners inc, FERCERTAIN (NZ), won ZM Thompson H, Trentham, Gr3, 3rd Anniversary H, Trentham, L. 90 Anmäld till BT11-13 stallc_w@hotmail.com 62 SUSINA Brunt sto 090415 Wiola o Conny Mobeck/Stall CW Hårstastugan, Runtuna 0155-24 15 33 611 93 Nyköping 0704-29 88 05 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Batshoof (IRE) Suzie-Q (GB), br 1996 Veuve (GB), 1992 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Steel Habit (IRE) Tirol (GB) Clicquot (IRE), 1977 1. mor SUZIE-Q (GB), vinnare, plac 2 ggr, 40.700 kr, FT67, mor till tre vinnare av 5 startande och totalt 5 avkommor i startbar ålder; PEGGY SUE, 2006 s e El Gran Lode (ARG), 5 segr och plac 7 ggr, 390.850 kr, 4e Adalöpn, Melmaclöpn, FT76 MINI COOPER, 2002 v e Desert Sport (FR), 4 segr, plac 10 ggr, 235.400 kr, FT66 BROOKVILLE, 2003 v e Melmac, 4 segr, plac 12 ggr, 232.650 kr, FT60 El Camino, 2005 h e El Gran Lode (ARG), plac 2 ggr, 39.700 kr, FT69 Gasoline, 2007 s e El Gran Lode (ARG), startat 4 ggr som 3-åring 2010, FT61 Susina, se ovan 2. mor Veuve (GB), unraced; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals inc GLITTER AND GLORY (GB), placed 7 times at 3 to 5 years, 2004; also winner over hurdles, 2004. DESTINATION (GB), winner at 4 years and £7123. MIND OVER MATTER (GB), winner at 4 years; also placed 4 times over hurdles. SUZIE-Q (GB), see above 3. mor CLICQUOT (IRE) e Bold Lad (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £5733; dam of five winners inc, PREMIERE CUVEE, Champion Older Mare in Germany in 1986, 3 wins at home and in West Germany inc Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr3; dam of six winners inc, SHE BAT (GB), 6 wins inc Premio Bagutta - Memorial Sergio Cumani, Milan, Gr3; dam of SHE BREEZE (GB), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2004 inc Premio Roberto Baldassarri, Rome, L, 2nd Premio Carlo Chiesa, Rome, Gr3, She Basic (IRE), winner, 2005, 3rd P.Regina Elena-Gioco Lotto -1000 Guineas, Rome, Gr2. CASK (GB), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years at home and in USA inc Ritz Club Fern Hill Rated H, Ascot, L; dam of JARDIN BLEU (GB), 4 wins, 2006 in France. FIZZED (GB), 4 wins inc Fern Hill Rated H, Ascot, L, 2nd P. d’Astarte, Deauville, Gr2. SIBERIAN STORM (GB), 5 wins at 4 to 6 years in USA and £8067. Zayala (GB), unraced; dam of two winners inc, Zaya (GER), winner at 2 years, 2007 in Germany 3rd Grosser Preis der HTP Cup, L. The next dam EFFERVESCENCE II, 2 wins at 3 years in France; dam of seven winners inc, EL FAMOSO (GB), 3 wins in France inc Prix de la Ville de Trouville, Deauville, L; sire in Sweden and Denmark (SIR CHARLES (DEN), Sv Derby Trial, PRADO (SWE), Sv Uppfödn löpn) BABYCHAM SPARKLE, 2 wins at 2 years; dam of six winners inc, DEEP FINESSE (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in France inc Palace House S, Newmarket, Gr3, 3rd Flying Childers S, Doncaster, Gr2. NUMBER ELEVEN, winner at 3 years; dam of INDIAN JOCKEY (GB), 20 wins, £88,690, 3 wins at 3 and 4 years; also 8 wins over hurdles at 3 to 6 years and 9 wins over fences inc United House Construction H. Chase, Ascot, L. CHAMPAGNE GIRL (GB), winner at 2 years; dam of HALMAHERA (IRE), 9 wins and £302,432 inc Wilmott Dixon Cornwallis S, Ascot, Gr3, Profiteer (IRE), winner at 4 years and £6493; also 14 wins, 2006 in Italy and £34,710. 91 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com 63 ASTRUD Brunt sto 090218 Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri Lindarsnäs Egendom 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Funambule (USA) Word In Spanish, br 2001 Rotherfield Park (IRE), 1992 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Lyphard (USA) Sonoma (FR) High Estate (GB) Alriyaah (GB), 1987 1. mor Word in Spanish, 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 142.308 kr, 2a Skandinavisk Mesterskap för 3-åringar, FT75, mor till en vinnare av 1 startande och 1 tidigare föl; CALIENTE, 2007 s e Most Welcome (GB), vinnare, plac 7 ggr på 12 starter, 215.104 kr, 4e Skandinavisk Mesterskap for 3-åringer, 5e Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, FT73 Astrud, se ovan 2. mor ROTHERFIELD PARK (IRE), vinnare som 2-åring och plac 7 ggr, Silver Birch Stakes (AW), Wolverhampton, mor till tre vinnare av 3 startande och totalt 3 avkommor, Word in Spanish, se ovan JAPAN, 2000 v e Caerwent (IRE), 7 segr, plac 6 ggr, 309.110 kr, FT74 MISS SUDDENLY, 1999 s e Ali-Royal (IRE), 3 segr, plac, 72.550 kr, FT78 3. mor ALRIYAAH (GB) e Shareef Dancer (USA), winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals inc, CATZ (IRE), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in USA and £104,876 inc Glendale H, Turf Paradise, dam of a winner. ALEKHINE (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 5 years, 2006 and £13,519 and placed 7 times; also placed twice over hurdles at 4 years. CONWY LODGE (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £10,594 and placed once. JAYELLE (IRE), 2 wins at 4 years, 2008 in Greece and £9466 and placed once. MAGIC STAR (IRE), winner at 3 years and £8435 and placed once, broodmare. MIRANI (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of two winners, KRISTAKI (GB), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Greece and £27,909 and placed twice. CALVI (GB), 3 wins at 3 years in Greece and £17,446. The next dam SHARPINA, unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc, Special Star (GB), 19 wins at 2 to 6 years in Italy, £186,608, placed 26 times inc 2nd Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr3, Gran Premio UNIRE Limited H, Naples, L. ERTLON (GB), 6 wins and £51,313 and placed 34 times. MINAMINO HORUZANTO (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Japan, £91,477, placed 7 times. PADDY EGAN, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £7176 and placed twice. GLAMOUR GAME (GB), 2 wins, £8123, winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; also winner over hurdles at 4 years and placed 3 times; dam of two winners inc, SIR HARRY ORMESHER (GB), winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years, 2007; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years, 2008 and £18,755 and placed twice. The next dam REGAL SPLENDOUR, winner at 3 years; dam of four winners from 5 runrs and 7 foals SORAYAH, 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in USA and £95,348 inc Q,Saratoga, 4th Black Helen H, Hialeah Park, Gr2 and Sheepshead Bay H, Belmont Park, Gr2; dam of five winners inc SUPERCAL (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £73,625 inc Milcars Chartwell S, Lingfield Park, L, 3rd Prix d’Astarte, Deauville, Gr2; dam of SUPERJET (IRE), winner at 3 years and £9999; also winner over hurdles at 4 years,£8846, CALTRA PRINCESS (IRE), winner at 3 years and £6719. 92 64 SWE00000544 Brun hingst 090417 Kerstin o Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby Nureyev (USA) Peintre Celebre (USA), 1994 Peinture Bleue (USA) Diaghlyphard (USA) Di’s Pearl, br 1992 Emerald Heroine (FR), 1983 08-512 416 12 070-757 78 76 Northern Dancer (CAN) Special (USA) Alydar (USA) Petroleuse (IRE) Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Rabdan (GB) Bold Green (USA), 1978 1. mor Di’s Pearl, plac, 36.300 kr, mor till sju vinnare av 8 startande och totalt 8 föl i startbar ålder; CHAMPOLLION, 2004 h e Dushyantor (USA), 3 segr och plac, 555.175 kr, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, 4e Dansk Derby, Svenskt Derby Trial, Vinterfavoriternas Pris, FT80 Triple It, 1999 h e Namaqualand (USA), 6 segr och plac 3 ggr, 408.525 kr, 2e Svenskt Kriterium, FT79 Easy Way, 2006 s e Medecis (GB), 3 segr och plac 3 ggr, 458.700 kr, 2e SM för 2-åriga hästar, 4e Svenskt Oaks, Scandinavian Classic Challenge, 6e Dianalöpn, FT79 DIAMONDSANDPEARLS (ire), 2003 s e Nicolotte (GB), 6 segr, plac 8 ggr, 289.347 kr, FT73 MIRRORVICE (ire), 1997 h e Malvernico (IRE), vinnare och plac 2 ggr på 4 st, 48.500 kr, FT74 SHEER PEARL, 2002 s e Shernazar (IRE), vinnare och plac 3 ggr på endast 4 st, 82.560 kr, FT76, mor till två avkommor: Face Me, 2007 s e Mull of Kintyre (USA), plac i 2 starter som 3-åring 2010, 10.700 kr, FT65, och Fun Pearl, 2008 s e Funambule (USA), i träning hos R A Kvisla, kvalat 31/8 CHAPTERELEVEN, 2007 v e Most Welcome (GB), vinnare i debuten som 3-åring 2010, 60.000 kr, FT70 2. mor Emerald Heroine (FR), plac 3 ggr i Frankrike, mor till fem vinnare av 9 startande och 11 föl inkl: EL VENEZOLANO, 1996 h e Malvernico (IRE), 3 segr, 214.000 kr, 3-års Mile i Norge (motsv Sofierolöpn), FT80 Mangas Coloradas, 1995 h e Strong Statement (USA), vinnare som 2-åring i Norge, 85.000 kr, 3e Jydsk Derby, FT79 MAGICAL GEM, 1993 s e Magical Wonder (USA), 5 segr, 214.700 kr, 4e Sv Oaks, Dianalöpn, FT78, mor till vinnare: Ditzinger’s Ruby, 2 segr, Dubbelpotten, 3e Stora Tvååringspriset, FT78 ONTRAK, 1994 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 segr och plac 2 ggr som 2-åring, 57.700 kr, FT75 RUBY QUEEN, 1988 s e Ti King, 2 segr och plac 4 ggr, FT63 Cala Mallorca, 1998 s e Magical Wonder (USA), plac 2 ggr på 4 st som 3-åring, FT72 3. mor BOLD GREEN (USA), e Green Dancer (USA), 2 segr, 218.800 FF, Prix Coronation, L, 2a Pr de Cabourg, L, 3e Prix de la Vallee d’Auge, L, mor till nio vinnare av 11 startande och 12 avkommor i startbar ålder, bl a HEVER GOLF RANGER, vinnare i England, 4e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, 205.945 kr VILLA VERDE, 8 segr i Frankrike, varav 6 över hinder, mor till fyra vinnare GOING CRAZY, 2 segr i Frankrike PRIMA VERDE (GB), 2 segr och plac 2 ggr Emerald Heroine (FR), se ovan BOLD GREENs mor Boldmani e Bold Hour, 2 segr som 2- och 3-åring, 2a Silken Glider S, L, 4e Cheshire Oaks, Gr3, Curragh S, Gr3, mor till fem vinnare; BOLD GREEN, se ovan BOLD GOLD, 4 segr i Frankrike, vinnare i Italien HIDDEN WARNING, vinnare som 2-åring, mor till vinnare; UNAWARE, 2 segr i Sydafrika, Germiston November H, Gr1, Adm Challenge Cup, Gr2. 93 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.brantshammar.se Karin Johansson Brantshammar Stuteri 741 92 Knivsta 65 TWITTER Brunt sto 090426 Lyphard (USA) Funambule (USA), fux 1987 Sonoma (FR) Strong Statement (USA) Tua, br 1991 Tuya, 1977 018-38 11 25 070-628 11 25 Northern Dancer (CAN) Goofed (USA) Habitat (USA) Satu (GB) Czaravich (USA) Siz Ziz Zit (USA) Curacao Tutti Frutti, 1960 1. mor TUA, 3 segr, plac 12 ggr, 128.200 kr, FT67. Mor till en vinnare av 2 startande och 3 avkommor i startbar ålder; TIP TOP, 1999 v e Malvernico (IRE), 2 segr och plac 2 ggr på 7 starter, 89.250 kr, FT76 Tullan, 2006 s e Funambule (USA), endast startat en gång Tulpan, 2007 s e Funambule (USA), ej startat, såld som ridhäst Twitter, se ovan 2. mor Tuya, ej startat. Mor till en vinnare av en startande och totalt 2 avkommor: TUA, se ovan Tough Statement, 1992 h e Strong Statement (USA), ej startat 3. mor TUTTI FRUTTI, e Norse (GB), vinnare, mor till tre vinnare av 3 startande och totalt 14 avkommor inkl TURF, 1966 h e Queen’s Proctor (GB), 13 segr TURBO, 1967 v e Queen’s Proctor (GB), 2 segr TUVA, 1969 s e Curacao, vinnare Tuya, se ovan Titicaca 1973 s e Curacao, ej startat, exp till Schweiz Tussilago, 1978 s e Curacao, ej startat, mor till Tuffe John, 1983 v e Long John (DEN), plac 4 ggr på 7 starter, FT67 Tussilong, 1986 v e Long John (DEN), plac 3 ggr på 7 starter, FT60 Nästa mor KORVETT e Marjolet (FR), 10 segr, Stockholms Stora Pris, mor till tre vinnare av 6 föl: VEDETTE, 1962 s e Queen’s Proctor (GB), 11 segr, mor till vinnare: DEMIS, 1974 v e Slabang, 12 segr, 4e Vinterfavoriternas Pris ARTIST, 4 segr TUTTI FRUTTI, se ovan Nästa mor FAVOURITE MISS e Desiderio (FR), 2 segr, halvsyster till HERES, 4 segr, Svenskt Derby 1943, mor till vinnare: KORVETT, se ovan Kontakta Kerstin Åker 070-371 60 56 Lars Lindh 070-557 87 07 Roger Nilsson 0708-11 49 14 94 Åringen är röntgad u a. Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 pernillan1976@yahoo.se 775 96 Krylbo 0706-31 73 17 66 BINAMIX Skimmel sto 090305 Nureyev (USA) Binary File (USA), br 1998 Binary (GB) Linamix (FR) Gryngolette (GB), sk 2000 Imperial Scholar (IRE), 1994 Northern Dancer (CAN) Special (USA) Rainbow Quest (USA) Balabina (USA) Mendez (FR) Lunadix (FR) Royal Academy (USA) Last Ball (IRE), 1988 1. mor GRYNGOLETTE (GB), 4 wins, 454.135 kr; winner at 3 years in England and placed 4 times; also 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in Sweden and £29,637 and placed 10 times, Cinnamon Challenge, 2nd Jockeyklubbens Avelslopning, L, 3rd Erik O Steens Memorial, L, Lanwades Stud S, L, Coolmore Matchmaker S, L, 4th Peugeot Pokallöp, L, and Scandinavia Cup, L, Erik O Steens Memorial, L, 5th Lanwades Stud S, L, Bloomers’ Vase, L, FT88; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 previous foals; HALLÖJSA (DEN), 2008 c by Academy Award (IRE), winner of Skandinavisk Opdraetningslöb in first and to date only start at 2, 2010, 103.305 kr Dantolini (DEN), 2007 c by Bertolini (USA), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2010 in Denmark and Sweden, 231.371 kr, 2nd Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, 3rd Larch Aerespraemie, 4th Dansk Kriterium, FT78 Binamix, see above. 2. mor IMPERIAL SCHOLAR (IRE), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in just 6 starts; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 5 foals; GRYNGOLETTE (GB), see above. KOMOTO (GB), winner at 3 years; also placed 4 times over hurdles at 5 years. 3. mor LAST BALL (IRE), unraced; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 6 foals; LUCKY AHEAD (GB), winner at 3 years in Hong Kong and £23,795. The next dam RACQUETTE, 2 wins at 3 years and £17,191 and $11,122, Azalea S, Phoenix Park, L. and April Fillies’ S, Curragh, L, 3rd Irish Guinness Oaks, Curragh, Gr1; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc, GRAND CHELEM, 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £34,833 inc. Prix La Rochette, Longchamp, Gr3; sire. EVENING KISS, 3 wins at 3 years in France and in Italy and £56,644 inc. Premio Bagutta - Memorial Sergio Cumani, Milan, Gr3; dam of five winners inc, EPALO (GER), won Singapore Airlines International Cup, Singapore, Gr1, 2nd G.DallmayrPreis Bayerisches Zuchtrennen, Munich, Gr1, Man O’War S, Belmont Park, Gr1, 3rd Premio Roma at The Races, Rome, Gr1 and Arlington Million S, Arlington Int, Gr1; sire. ELOPA (GER), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in Germany and £119,022 inc. Prix Corrida, Saint-Cloud, Gr2, 3rd Audi Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr1; dam of a winner: WEDDING MARCH (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2009 in France and £28,281. EVENING BREEZE (GER), won Nereide Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, L.; dam of EAGLE RISE (IRE), Champion 2yr old in Germany in 2002, 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in Germany and in Italy and £207,582 inc. Premio Ribot, Rome, Gr2, Grosser Europa Meile, Cologne, Gr2 and pferdewetten.de-Trophy, Cologne, Gr2; sire, EYE OF THE TIGER (GER), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2010 in France and in Germany and £80,888 inc. Gerling Preis, Cologne, Gr2, EVENSONG (GER), 4 wins at 3 years in France and in Germany and £37,817 inc. Prix Solitude, Fontainebleau, L, ECHOES ROCK (GER), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £112,428, Grand Prix de Compiegne, Compiegne, L, 2nd Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr3. 95 Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12, BC13 tsn01007@student.mdh.se 67 EL GRAN MAGO Brun hingst 090413 Therese o Gösta Staffansson Nannberga Gammalgård 214 732 91 Arboga 070-438 02 87 Golden Voyager (USA) Mandrake El Mago (CHI), mbr 1999 Manon Lescaut (CHI) Alhaarth (IRE) The Spread (GB), fux 2003 Evie Hone (IRE), 1996 Mr Prospector (USA) La Voyageuse (USA) Musketeer (USA) Kamasutra (USA) Unfuwain (USA) Irish Valley (USA) Royal Academy (USA) Tochar Ban (USA), 1990 1. mor THE SPREAD (GB), placed once at 3 years; dam of one previous foal; The Provacative (2008 c by Piccolo (GB), in training with Hans-Inge Larsen, Jägersro El Gran Mago, see above 2. mor EVIE HONE (IRE), placed once at 2 years; dam of two winners from 6 runners and 6 foals; ARRAN SCOUT (IRE), g by Piccolo (GB), 2 wins at 4 years and £14,564 and placed 8 times. KNEESY EARSY NOSEY (GB), f by Compton Place (GB), winner at 2 years, 2008, placed 3 times. She also has a 3-y-o colt by Kyllachy (GB). 3. mor TOCHAR BAN (USA) by Assert (IRE), winner at 3 years and £10,601 and placed 6 times; dam of five winners from 9 runners and 13 foals inc, UNCHARTED HAVEN (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and in U.S.A. and £206,200 inc. San Clemente S, Del Mar, Gr2 and San Gorgonio H, Santa Anita, Gr2, placed 5 times inc. 2nd Mrs Revere S, Churchill Downs, Gr2, 3rd Santa Barbara H, Santa Anita, Gr2 and Buena Vista H, Santa Anita, Gr2; dam of two winners incl: HIGH HEELED (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 and £163,047 inc. totesport.com St Simon S., Newbury, Gr3 and EBF Lyric S., York, L., placed 6 times inc. 3rd Investec Coronation Cup, Epsom Downs, Gr1, Investec Oaks S., Epsom Downs, Gr1 and Bet 365 Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr2. ALBANY (IRE), 8 wins, £46,600: 2 wins at 3 years and £19,859 and placed 8 times; also 6 wins over hurdles, 2008 and £26,741 and placed once. CHOCOLATE REEF (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,224 and placed 6 times. Amber Tide (IRE), placed 9 times at 2 and 3 years and £5585; dam of a winner: FERNELEY (IRE), 6 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years, 2009 at home and in U.S.A. and £401,095 inc. Del Mar Mile H., Del Mar, Gr2 and Amethyst S., Leopardstown, Gr3, placed 2nd Woodbine Mile S., Woodbine, Gr1, San Gabriel H., Santa Anita, Gr2, P W McGrath Memorial Ballysax S., Leopardstown, Gr3, 3rd Galileo EBF Futurity, Curragh, Gr2, San Marcos S., Santa Anita, Gr2, Somerville Tattersall S., Newmarket, Gr3, Glencairn S., Leopardstown, L. and Wickerr S., Del Mar, L. The next dam Guest Night, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 6 times inc. 3rd Fred Darling S, Newbury, Gr3, Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L. and 4th Falmouth S, Newmarket, Gr3; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals inc, ISTICANNA (USA), 2 wins at 2 years at home and in Italy and £19,090 inc. Premio Vittorio Crespi, Milan, L, placed 3rd Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L.; dam of seven winners inc, CHANCELLOR (IRE), 6 wins and £269,737 inc. Royal Whip S, Curragh, Gr2, Cantorindex. com Classic Trial, Sandown Park, Gr3 and attheraces.co.uk Gordon Richards S, Sandown Park, Gr3 (twice), placed 2nd Prix Guillaume d’Ornano, Deauville, Gr2, Prix Dollar Fouquet’s Barriere, Longchamp, Gr2 and Meld S, Curragh, Gr3. WHATCOMBE (USA), won Premio Gino Mantovani, Milan, L. PURPLE HAZE (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £19,625 and placed 3 times; dam of KING OF CADEAUX (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2008. 96 christer.svanholm@kalmar-kylteknik.se Christer Svanholm/Kylteknik i Kalmar Dragonvägen 13 0480-333 56 392 39 Kalmar 0708-33 35 60 68 AMERICAN KISS Brunt sto 090523 Bering (GB) American Post (GB), 2001 Wells Fargo (GB) Richard of York (GB) Power Kiss, br 2003 Kissimmee, 1990 Arctic Tern (USA) Beaune (FR) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Cruising Height (GB) Rainbow Quest (USA) Triple First (GB) Pharly (FR) Atitlan (GB), br 1980 1. mor POWER KISS, winner and placed 5 times, 101.700 kr, FT70; dam of (first foal); American Kiss, see above 2. mor Kissimmee, placed at 2 years in Norway and 4th in Norsk Kriterium, FT58; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing ageCigarillo, 1995 g by Bal du Seigneur (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Norway and placed 5 times, 176.550 kr, 2nd Norsk Breeders’ Prize Sprint, FT73 KISSINGER, 1997 g by Precocious (GB), 2 wins, 164.490 kr and placed 13 times, FT78 RED DREAM, 1998 f by Informant (GB), winner at 3 years in just 5 starts, 29.300 kr, FT63 KISS ME KATE, 2001 f by Richard of York (GB), winner and placed 5 times, 86.360 kr, FT75 POWER KISS, see above Pascali, 1999 f by Richard of York (GB), placed twice in just 6 starts, 21.360 kr, FT68 3. mor Atitlan (GB) by Relko (FR), 4 wins in France, £21,718 and placed once viz 3rd Premio U.N.I.R.E., Naples, Gr3; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing age vizTUXEDO (SWE), 1992 g by Exceller (USA), 6 wins and placed 12 times, 229.000 kr, FT67 TESTA DURA, 5 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy, £10,872. ROD (SWE) 1991 g by National Zenith (USA), 4 wins and placed 11 times, 160.600 kr, FT53 GUECA SOLO (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and £8,991, placed 4 times; dam of two winners. ALGHATREEF (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. ALHAYSOOR (KSA), winner in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ramz Aljood (KSA), ran on the flat in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; dam of NAFH ALJOOD (KSA), 2 wins at 4 years, 2008 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £17,397 and placed 6 times, ALMOHARRER (KSA), winner at 3 years, 2009 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £15,535 and placed 6 times, ZAAKHIRAH (KSA), winner at 2 years, 2009 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Kissimmee (SWE), see above. Alhyard (SWE) 1994 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), ran 15 times in Sweden, 10.000 kr, FT65 Peten Itza (GB), placed once in a point-to-point at 6 years. The next dam Amatitlan (GB), by Amber Rama (USA), placed 4 times in France; dam of two winners Atitlan (GB), see above. PRESTON MANOR, 6 wins, £5364, winner at 2 years; also 5 wins in Norway. The next dam LADY BEL, winner at 2 years; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals; BAY FRIAR (USA), 5 wins in U.S.A. COLLECT (USA), 2 wins in U.S.A. and $29,160 and placed 3 times; dam of, Dun Collected (CAN), placed 3 times in U.S.A.; dam of Miss Collect (USA), winner in U.S.A. placed 3rd Minnesota Stallion Oaks, Canterbury Down. TUDOR TRIM (USA), winner in U.S.A. Decibel (USA), ran on the flat in U.S.A.; dam of two winners, SPORTIN’ TWIN (USA), winner in U.S.A. XENOLITH (USA), winner in U.S.A. 97 www.tranberga.se 69 JOUYE Fux hingst 090422 Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12 Eva C S Pettersson Tranberga Gård 230 40 Bara Storm Cat (USA) Distant Thunder (USA), fux 2003 Miss Prospector (USA) Lyphaizia (USA) Clan Campbell, fux 1992 Chrysicabana (GB), 1980 tranberga@msn.com 040-630 24 60 0708-48 21 75 Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Crafty Prospector (USA) Eternal Vow (USA) Lyphard (USA) Klaizia (FR) Petingo (GB) Copocabana (GB), 1970 1. mor CLAN CAMPBELL, 7 wins and placed 25 times at 2 to 8 years, 2000 in Sweden, 499.970 kr, FT77, dam of 3 previous foals; Archer’s Up, 2005 c by Nicolotte (GB), placed, 25.070 kr, FT52 Leonore, 2003 f by Nicolotte (GB), ran 4 times, FT52 Mefistofeles, 2002 c by Domynsky (GB), unraced, dead at 3 years Jouye, see above 2. mor CHRYSICABANA (GB), winner at 3 years and £1140 viz Hyde Park S, Windsor and placed once; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 foals of racing ageCLOCHE D’OR (GB), -88 f by Good Times (ITY), winner at 2 years and £39,496 viz Princess Margaret S, Ascot, Gr3, placed 6 times incl second in Hazelwood Foods Sandy Lane S, Haydock Park, L. and third in Pacemaker Update Lowther S, York, Gr2; dam of a winner: CLODORA (FR), f by Linamix (FR), 3 wins in France incl Sunset & Vine Prix de l’Opera, Longchamp, Gr2 and Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L., placed second in Prix de Bagatelle, Saint-Cloud, L. LONGMORN, 1989 c by Formidable (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3, placed 11 times, 94.700 kr, FT66 CLAN CAMPBELL, see above STRATHCONAN, 1993 f by Lyphaizia (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in Denmark, Germany and Sweden, 212.098 kr SINGLETON, 1996 c by Miami Springs), 8 wins and placed 8 times in Sweden, 303.485 kr, FT77 DOMINION TREASURE, 1985 g by Dominion, winner at 2 years and £1294 and placed once; also 5 wins and £11,803 over hurdles and placed 9 times. Krissos, 1987 g by Good Times (ITY), placed twice over jumps. 3. mor COPOCABANA by Petingo, placed at 3 years; dam of four winners from 8 runners and 10 foalsGENERAL NEARCO, 5 wins in Norway. KELLYS POUND (SAF), 2 wins in South Africa; dam of a winner. MAR DEL PLATA, winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of winners. The next dam ARGENTINA, 3 wins at 3 years and placed once, from only 5 starts; dam of six winners from 13 runners and 15 foals of racing age inclFALKLAND, 5 wins incl Princess of Wales’s S, Newmarket, Gr3, placed third in St Leger S, Doncaster, Gr1; sire in Brazil. AVEROF, 4 wins incl St James’s Palace S, Royal Ascot, Gr2, placed fourth in Sussex S, Goodwood, Gr1; sire in UK and South Africa. TIERRA FUEGO, winner, viz White Rose S, Ascot, Gr3; sire in New Zealand. River Plate, placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of winners. RIVERTON (FR), won Prix de Conde, Longchamp, Gr3; sire. ROBERTISSIMO (FR), won Premio d’Estate, Milan, Gr3, placed fourth in Premio Presidente della Repubblica, Rome, Gr1; sire in Australia. ROBERTINO (FR), won Prix Omnium II, Saint-Cloud, L. 98 a-holm@hotmail.com Annelie Holm/Holm Bostäder KB Älvsåkers Byväg 183 0300-54 18 88 434 96 Kungsbacka 0708-57 44 59 70 AHLINA Brunt sto 090514 Giant’s Causeway (USA) Shamardal (USA), 2002 Helsinki (GB) Unfuwain (USA) Brightest Star (GB), br 1996 Shirley Superstar (GB), 1985 Storm Cat (USA) Mariah’s Storm (USA) Machiavellian (USA) Helen Street (GB) Northern Dancer (CAN) Height of Fashion (FR) Shirley Heights (GB) Odeon (IRE), 1976 1. mor BRIGHTEST STAR (GB), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 previous foals; STREPADENT (USA), 2001 g by Diesis, 14 wins, 2008 in Italy and £43,573 and placed 31 times. CELESTIAL GIRL (GB), 2007 f by Dubai Destination (USA), 2 wins at 3 years, 2010 and £5610 and placed once. CANOPUS (GB), 2003 g by Giant’s Causeway (USA), winner over hurdles at 3 years and £9936 and placed 6 times. KING’S STARLET (GB), 2006 f by King’s Best (USA), winner at 3 years, 2009 and £5950 and placed once. Bilidn (GB), 2008 f by Tiger Hill (IRE), ran twice Ahlina, see above 2. mor SHIRLEY SUPERSTAR (GB), winner at 2, placed once; dam of two winners from 9 rnrs and 10 foals; LADY CARLA (GB), f by Caerleon (USA), 3 wins at 2-3 years, £225,583, Vodafone Oaks S, Epsom, Gr1, Champagne Ruinart Oaks Trial S, L, placed once; dam of four winners inc, High Ruler (USA), winner at 2 years, 2010 and £15,429 and placed once, 2nd Korean Racing Authority Tyros S, Leopardstown, Gr3. PRAIRIE HAWK (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2009 and £7104 and placed once. FUSAFAST (USA), winner, 2010 in U.S.A. Vas Y Carla (USA), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of ALICE ALLEYNE (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2009 and £10,827 and placed 4 times. AZORES (GB), winner at 3 years and placed twice. SUPA TRAMP (GB), placed once at 3 years; also placed 4 times over hurdles at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2009; also 2 wins in point-to-points, 2010 and placed 3 times. Go Supersonic (GB), placed twice at 3 years; dam of a winner, SCACCOMATTO (GB), winner at 2 years, 2010 in Italy and £7385 and placed once. Universal Star (GB), placed once at 3 years; dam of a winner, ULTRA SPEED (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years, 2009 in Russia. 3. mor ODEON (IRE), by Royal and Regal (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £32,649 inc. Galtres S, York, L, placed 10 times inc. 2nd Nassau S, Goodwood, Gr2, Park Hill S, Doncaster, Gr2, Hoover Fillies’ Mile, Ascot, Gr3, 3rd Sun Chariot S, Newmarket, Gr2, Musidora S, York, Gr3, Princess Royal S, Ascot, Gr3, 4th Ribblesdale S, Royal Ascot, Gr2 and Princess Elizabeth S, Epsom, Gr3; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 foals inc, Si Signor, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £39,559 and placed 7 times inc. 2nd Duke of York S, York, Gr3 and 4th Clerical Medical Greenham S, Newbury, Gr3; sire. Moviegoer, winner at 3 years and £9159 and placed 3 times inc. 3rd Gardner Merchant Hungerford S, Newbury, Gr3; dam of five winners, Upper Circle, ran twice; dam of five winners inc, STARBOURNE (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and £93,472, Ali Retza & Mamadi Soudavar EBF Garnet S, Naas, L, placed 6 times inc. 2nd Rathbarry Stud’s Barathea Finale S, Curragh, L. and 3rd Entenmann’s Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1; dam of NORTH STREAM (USA), winner at 3 years, 2010 in Russia and placed 3 times. 99 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com 71 EARTH HOUR Fux hingst 090327 Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri Lindarsnäs Egendom 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Lomond (USA) Topcoat (USA), br 1993 Cuz’s Star (USA), 1983 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Northern Dancer (CAN) My Charmer (USA) Galaxy Libra (IRE) Coz O’Nijinsky (USA), 1969 1. mor TOPCOAT (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3, 500.000 DDK incl Svenskt Oaks, Vinterfavoritternes Ærespræmie, 2nd Mowerinalöb (Danish 1000 Gns), 2nd Jydsk Derby, 3rd Danish Oaks, 4th Fynslöbet, 5th Sofierolöpn. Placed in 11 of 13 starts, dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 previous foals; Valbonne, 2002 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), 5 wins, placed 20 times, 727.790 kr, 2nd Krafft SM Classic, Stockholms Hösthandikap, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 4th Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Svenskt St Leger, Kapps Stora Pris, SM Classic, Stockholms Hösthandikap, 5th SM Classic, FT88 MARRAKECH, 2005 g by Most Welcome (GB), winner in just 6 starts, 80.000 kr, FT72 Earth Hour, see above 2. mor Cuz´s Star (USA), ran a few times; dam of nine winners from 10 runners inclSTELLA CIELO (USA), (f. by Conquistador Cielo), 4 wins $96.646, 1994 in USA incl Cleveland Oaks, 2nd Dogwood S, L, dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals incl Kathy K D, (f. by Saint Ballado), 4 wins at 2-4 2003, $169.843, 2nd Hollywood Wildcat S, L, Waya S, L, 3rd Pucker Up S, Gr3, Miss Grillo S, L, Via Borghese, L TOPTOPTOPCLASS (USA), (f. by l´Emigrant (USA), 5 wins at 2 and 3, 1993 in Brazil, inc Premio Armando Rodrigues Cameiro, L, Premio Publico Turfista, L, Premio Alberto Palva Garcia, L. TOPCOAT (USA), ( f by Lomond). Stakes winner, see above. LUNAR CAT (USA), (c.by Mountain Cat), 2 wins at 3, $58.960. 3. mor Coz O´nijinsky (USA), by Involvement (USA), unraced, dam of three winners inclROYAL SKI, (c. by Raja Baba); 8 wins in USA and $324,895, incl Laurel Futurity, Gr1, Remsen S, Gr2, 2nd Arlington Washington Futurity, Gr1; sire in USA and Japan. NIMROD (USA), 3 wins in USA and $32,165. HURRAH AT LAST; 3 wins in USA and $73,070. My Niche (USA); unraced, dam of five winners inclUTMOST CELERITY (USA), 11 wins, $186,798 inc Doylestowns H, dam of Non Perjorative (USA), 3 wins, 2nd Bucoleia S. THUNDER RUNNER (USA), 6 wins, $107,318 inc Warminster S; sire. Bala Gala (USA), 4 wins, $64,546, 2nd Allegheny S FAIRMONT EXPRESS, 2 wins at 3, $15,355. Dam of Stanley´s Girl (f. by Deputy Minister), 7 wins, $107,759, 2nd Apple Blossom S, 3rd Dahlia S. The next dam GLEAM, by Tournoi, 2 wins at 3. Sister to TOP TOURN, QUINTAIN, half-sister to FLAMING PAGE (Champion 3-year-old filly in Canada and dam of Champion NIJINSKY), FLASHING TOP, Top Victory, Flamatory. Dam of three winners inc. EVENING BAG, 11 wins, $111,592, inc Orchid H, Gr2, dam of winners inc Evening Boo Boo, 5 wins, 4th Interborough H, Gr3, dam of Disastrous Night, 2 wins, 2nd Young American S, Gr1, and Nite of Fun, 2 wins, 2nd American Oaks, Gr1, Comely S, Gr2, Mother S, Gr1, 4th Acorn S, Gr1. THUNDER RUNNER (USA), winner, Warminster S, 2nd Southampton H; sire in USA Bala Gala (USA), 2nd Allegheny S, Keystone. 100 goran.asheim@gmail.com 72 SWEET SYMPHONY Skimmel sto 090421 Stuteri Hagen o Göran Åsheim Annedalsvägen 34 044-21 14 23 291 63 Kristianstad 0709-72 27 30 Great Above (USA) Holy Bull (USA), 1991 Sharon Brown (USA) Cherokee Run (USA) Sweeten (USA), mbr 2002 La Princesa (USA), 1996 Minnesota Mac (USA) Ta Wee (USA) Al Hattab (USA) Agathea’s Dawn (USA) Runaway Groom (CAN) Cherokee Dame (USA) Latin American (USA) Really Blue (USA), 1983 1. mor Sweeten (USA), unraced; dam of 1 runner from 1 previous foal; Horizonte (USA), 2008 c by Quiet American (USA), placed in Mexico at 2 years, 2010. Sweet Symphony, see above. 2. mor La Princesa (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 3 runners and 7 foals; CELOPHANE MAN (USA), 4 wins in U.S.A.. POMATINI (USA), winner at 3 years, 2008 in U.S.A. PRINCE BEHRENS (USA), 4 wins in Russia. She also has a 2-y-o filly by E Dubai (USA). 3. mor REALLY BLUE (USA) by Believe It (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and $29,495; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 7 foals; REAL QUIET (USA), Champion 3yr old colt in U.S.A. in 1998, 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in U.S.A. and $3,271,802 inc. Hollywood Gold Cup, Hollywood Park, Gr1, Preakness S, Pimlico, Gr1, Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr1, Hollywood Futurity, Hollywood Park, Gr1 and Pimlico Special H, Pimlico, Gr1, 2nd Belmont S, Belmont Park, Gr1 and Santa Anita Derby, Gr1; sire. MINING MY BUSINESS (USA), 3 wins in U.S.A. and $98,920; dam of a winner, REAL COZZY (USA), won Fair Grounds Oaks, Fair Grounds, Gr2, 2nd Kentucky Oaks, Churchill Downs, Gr1, Mother Goose S, Belmont Park, Gr1 and 3rd Acorn S, Belmont Park, Gr1. WORTH EVERY PENNY (USA), 2 wins in U.S.A.; dam of winners. Beaming Belle (USA), unraced; dam of winners inc, FOREIGN ARGUMENT (USA), won Danzig S, Penn National, L. The next dam Meadow Blue (USA), unraced; Own sister to CROWNED PRINCE (USA), MAJESTIC PRINCE (USA) and Our Queen (USA); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc, NUREYEV’S BEST (USA), 2 wins in France inc. Prix Finlande, Evry, L, 3rd Prix de Sandringham, Chantilly, Gr3 and 4th Prix des Reservoirs, Longchamp, Gr3; dam of winners inc, ANDUJAR (USA), won Milady Breeders’ Cup H, Hollywood Park, Gr2, 3rd Go For Wand H, Saratoga, Gr1 and Vanity Invitational H, Hollywood Park, Gr1. POLA (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of GOING WILD (USA), won San Miguel S, Santa Anita, L, Michael G Schaefer Mile S, Hoosier Park, L, Sham S, Santa Anita, L. and Premier H, Zia Park, L, 2nd Santa Catalina S, Santa Anita, Gr2, POLA’S PLACE (USA), won Queen S, Turfway Park, 2nd Hancock County H, Mountaineer Park, L, West Virginia Secretary of State S, Mountaineer Park, L. and 3rd Ohio Valley H, Mountaineer Park, L. Sopran Nuriver (USA), ran on the flat in Italy; dam of SOPRAN SONDA (ITY), 10 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2009 in Italy and £48,364, ALRIVER (ITY), winner at 3 years, 2010 in Italy and £6434. Allegedly Blue (USA), winner at 3 years and £12,767 2nd Princess Royal S, Ascot, Gr3 and 3rd Park Hill S, Doncaster, Gr2; dam of winners inc, HAWAIT AL BARR (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and £31,217 inc. George Stubbs S, Newmarket, L.; dam of FEISTY ROYALE (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £23,278; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2009 in Qatar and £19,733; grandam of BRUSCO (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 in Germany and in Italy and £51,965 inc. Coppa d’Ora di Milano, Milan, L, 2nd Rossmann 101 Rennen - Langer Hamburger, Hamburg, Gr3. Anmäld till BT11-13 73 SWE00000541 Fux hingst 090506 Kerstin o Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby Woodman (USA) Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992 L’On Vite (USA) Peintre Celebre (USA) Arizona’s Child (GB), br 2003 Miss Arizona (IRE), 1991 08-512 416 12 070-757 78 76 Mr Prospector (USA) Playmate (USA) Secretariat (USA) Fanfreluche (CAN) Nureyev (USA) Peinture Bleue (USA) Sure Blade (USA) Steel Habit (IRE), 1979 1. mor Arizona’s Child (GB), only ran 3 times, 2.200 kr, FT50. Dam of one previous foal: Djuma, 2008 c by Orpen (USA), ran once at 2, 2010, dead at 2 years SWE00000541, see above 2. mor MISS ARIZONA (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Germany and £6774; dam of three winners from 7 runners and 10 foals; MANUELITA (GB), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2009 in France and in Spain and £33,271. MALTHOUSE MASTER (IRE), 4 wins, £25,807, 2 wins at 5 years and £11,100; also 2 wins over hurdles at 5 years and £14,707. MANHATTAN (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £12,315. She also has a 2-y-o colt by Noverre (USA). 3. mor STEEL HABIT (IRE) by Habitat (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in Italy; Own sister to ANCESTRAL; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 11 foals inc., BATSHOOF, 7 wins at 3 and 4 years and £246,081 inc. Tattersalls EBF Rogers Gold Cup, Curragh, Gr2 and Prince of Wales’s S., Royal Ascot, Gr2, 3rd Juddmonte International S., York, Gr1; sire. REGULAR GUEST (IRE), Champion miler in Hong Kong in 1993, 8 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in Hong Kong and £436,239 inc. Hong Kong Derby, Sha Tin, L., Steward’s Cup, Sha Tin, L., The Centenary Cup, Sha Tin, L. and The Hong Kong Classic Trial, Sha Tin, L. MISS ARIZONA (IRE), see above. AMANKILA (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of a winner, BROUGHTONS PARADIS (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2009. HAMSAAT (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of seven winners inc., URAIB (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £177,859 inc. Buena Vista H., Santa Anita, Gr3. HAUTCHINSON (GB), 4 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2008 in Italy and £20,479. ELECTRIC DREAM (GB), 3 wins at 3 years, 2008 in Italy and £12,062. CARRIG GIRL (GB), winner at 3 years, 2009 and £7044. Red Vale (IRE), unraced; dam of VALE OF YORK (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2009 and £5181. Night After Night (GB), unraced; dam of two winners inc., Satono Kokuo (IRE), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2008 in Japan and £439,573 2nd Nigawa S., Hanshin, L. and 3rd March S., Nakayama, Gr3. The next dam AMPULLA, 2 wins at 2 years and £12,686 inc. Cherry Hinton S., Newmarket, Gr3, 3rd Laurent Perrier Champagne S., Doncaster, Gr2; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 foals inc., ANCESTRAL, 6 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £152,119 inc. Railway S., Curragh, Gr3, McCairns Trial S., Phoenix Park, Gr3 and San Diego H., Del Mar, Gr3, 4th Californian S., Hollywood Park, Gr1; sire. Zummerudd, ran twice; dam of seven winners inc., KING OF KINGS (IRE), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £326,845 inc. Aga Khan Studs National S., Curragh, Gr1 and Sagitta 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1; sire. 102 GENERAL MONASH (USA), won Prix Robert Papin (Omn de 2 Ans), M’-Laffitte, Gr2; sire. Anmäld till BT11-13 eva@horsenature.nu 74 TABASCO (den) Brun hingst 090419 Eva Isacsson Sjunnesson HorseNature, Solbacka 08-514 420 30 186 97 Brottby 070-735 44 80 Green Desert (USA) Desert Prince (IRE), br 1995 Flying Fairy (GB) Diaghlyphard (USA) Sweet Chili, br 1999 Sparkling Nectar (IRE), 1987 Danzig (USA) Foreign Courier (USA) Bustino (GB) Fairy Footsteps (IRE) Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Thatching (IRE) Baby Brew (GB), 1976 1. mor Sweet Chili, Champion Swedishbred 3-year-old in Skandinavia in 2002, 6 wins and placed 8 times, 478.155 kr, Miss Stanfords Minneslöpning, 2nd VG-Sprint, 3rd SFAF:s Stora Pris Auktionslöpn, Krafft SM för Sprinters, 5th Norsk Breeders Prize, FT84; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 previous foals; PILGRIM, 2006 c by Slickly (FR), 3 wins, placed 3 times, 152.936 kr, FT75 Bittersweet, 2007 f by Academy Award (IRE), in training with Michael Taylor, Norway Tabasco (den), see above 2. mor Sparkling Nectar (IRE), placed at 2 and 3 years, 5e Lowther S, Gr2, 2nd EBF S, dam of four winners from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age; Sweet Chili, see above LE SAPIN, 1995 c by Bal du Seigneur (USA), 7 wins, placed 19 times, 403.345 kr, FT78 CORK, 1993 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins, placed once, 56.500 kr, FT71 LEMON CHIEF, 2000 c by Be My Chief (USA), winner, placed 4 times, 43.905 kr, FT69 Korint, 2003 f by Be My Chief (USA), raced a few times, ran once over hurdles, 4.000 kr Pepino, 2004 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), placed 5 times, 64.700 kr, FT72 Aubergine, 2006 f by Lord of Men (GB), only ran twice 3. mor BABY BREW (GB) by Green God (IRE), 4 wins, TF 123 Philips Electrical Rockingham S, L, 4th Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp, Gr1, dam of four winners; DESERT THUNDER (IRE) 4 wins and placed 9 times, £33.021 FEYDAN, 3 wins and placed 6 times, £10.183 ASHWA, 2 wins and placed, £4.938 SMALL SCOTCH, winner and placed 2 times, £2.011, exp till Hong Kong Last Gold (GB) placed and 5.183 Euro Sparkling Nectar (IRE), see above Kampai, exp to Italy and France, dam of three winners; DASH OF COURAGE, 6 wins, placed 4 times, £73.123 BANKSY BOY, 2 wins, plac, £9.195 in Malaysia KUPFERBURG, winner in Germany at 2 years, £ 2.113, dam of; KUPFERSTICH, 3 wins, placed 3 times, £19.060 The next dam CARNIVAL PARK (GB) by Carnival Dancer (GB), winner at 3, dam of three winners; BABY BREW, see above MISS PUDGE, 7 wins, dam of two winners; EXHIBITIONER (by Thatching (IRE)), Champion 3-yo sprinter in Irland 1985, 3 wins, Goff´s S, Greenlands S, Gr3; sire SLIM HOPE, winner, placed over hurdles MAGGIE FOX, 2 wins The next dam Mandley Park, exp till Australia, dam of six winners inkl MR ZEIZL, 32 wins, Christmas H, Gr3, 3rd Irwin S, Gr2, twice. Fullsister to classic winner KING’S COMPANY. Halfsister to DEEP DIVER, Champion Sprinter. 103 Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12, BC13 lars.olsson@u.lrf.se 75 SWE00000633 Fux hingst 090506 Sonja Olsson Östersäby Stuteri 736 92 Kungsör Woodman (USA) Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992 L’On Vite (USA) Magic Ring (IRE) Magic Moment (GB), mbr 1996 Epithet (USA), 1979 0227-201 33 0702-81 10 48 Mr Prospector (USA) Playmate (USA) Secretariat (USA) Fanfreluche (CAN) Green Desert (USA) Emaline (FR) Mill Reef (USA) Namecaller (USA), 1971 1. mor MAGIC MOMENT (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 previous foals; Vanunu, 2007 g by Trade Fair (GB), 5 wins at 3, 2010, placed 3 times, 299.500 kr, 3rd SM Sprinters, FT84 CITY BHOY (GB), 2004 c by Ishiguru (USA), 6 wins at 3 and 5 years, 2009 in France and in Spain and £34.494 and placed 11 times. MAGIC VICTORY (GB), 2005 c by Vettori (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2008 in Spain and £16.474 and placed 4 times Phantasmagoria (GB), 2002 f by Fraam (GB), placed twice at 3 years, broodmare. Run For The Roses, 2008 f by Heart of Oak (USA), in training with Thomas Pedersen, Angarn SWE00000633, see above 2. mor Epithet, 2 wins at 2 years and £11,398 and placed 4 times inc 2nd Cheshire Oaks, Chester, Gr3 and 3rd Galtres S, York, L; also placed once in France and £5479, 2nd Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr3; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 9 foals incYAKITORI (GB), 6 wins in Belgium and £13,390. KILTIMONY (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, £30,728, placed 5 times; dam of two winners, SUGAR PLUM FAIRY, 2 wins at 3 years and £9803 and placed twice; dam of two winners, A CHEF TOO FAR (GB), 2 wins, £11,737, winner at 3 years and £5969 and placed twice; also winner over hurdles and £5768 and placed 5 times. FRISKY LADY (GB), winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of two winners inc, BARNY’S BARNATO (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2007 in Switzerland and £7781. SARDOUS (GB), winner at 4 years in France. Certain Story, unraced; dam of five winners incPharly Story (GB), winner at home and in Italy; also winner over jumps, 2nd Tote Placepot Hurdle, Kempton Park, L. and Beaufort Hurdle, Chepstow, L. Atahuelpa (GB), 5 wins, £40,930, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £18,833 and placed 6 times; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 years and £22,097 and placed 9 times inc 3rd Sandals Resorts Novices’ Hurdle, Kempton Park, L. FAIRY STORY (IRE), 5 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years and £31,204 and placed 6 times; dam of ZIETORY (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in France and £67,578 inc Atalanta S, Sandown, L, Prix de Lieurey, Deauville, L, placed 2nd Fleur de Lys S, Lingfield, L, Prix Coronation, SaintCloud, L, 3rd Dick Hern Fillies S, Bath, L. and Fleur de Lys S, Lingfield, L, RHUEPUNZEL (GB), 3 wins at 3 years, 2007, £16,799, placed once, FINNEGANS RAINBOW (GB), placed 4 times at 3 and 4 years, 2006; winner over hurdles at 6 years, 2008 and placed 6 times. Shomoose, unraced; dam of four winners inc, SHAAMIT (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £584,722 inc Derby S, Epsom, Gr1, placed 3rd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S, Ascot, Gr1; sire. 3. mor NAMECALLER (USA), by Malicious (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 10 foals inc COLUMNIST, 2 wins at 2 and 4 years inc. Victoria Cup H, Ascot, L, placed 8 times inc. 2nd Duke of York S, York, Gr3 and 3rd Abernant S, Newmarket, L.; sire. 104 Anmäld till BT11-13 benny@recruitment.se 76 ROYAL REFERENCE Brun hingst 090504 Recruitment Benny Carlsson AB Kråkeslättsvägen 49 040-40 14 08 233 38 Svedala 070-540 51 00 Tiger Hill (IRE) Königstiger (GER), 2002 Kittiwake (GB) Revoque (IRE) Reference Lady (IRE), br 1999 Marylou Whitney (USA), 1991 Danehill (USA) The Filly (GER) Barathea (IRE) Gull Nook (GB) Fairy King (USA) La Bella Fontana (GB) Fappiano (USA) Top Socialite (USA), 1982 1. mor REFERENCE LADY (IRE), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Denmark and in Sweden and £39,350, Juvenile Fillies, placed 5 times inc 2nd Svenskt Oaks, 3rd Lanwades S, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Dansk Oaks, 4th Bloomers’ Vase, 5th in a Listed Race in Germany, also 5th Swedish Derby, FT84; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 previous foals; FAIRY KAMP (2005 c by Pennekamp (USA), 3 wins at 3 years, 2008 in Denmark and in Sweden and £11,668 and placed twice, FT76 Real Lady (ger), 2008 f by Country Reel (USA), in training with Johan Reuterskiöld, Jägersro Royal Reference, see above 2. mor MARYLOU WHITNEY (USA), placed once in USA; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 10 foals; INTERVIEWER (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £29,516, placed 9 times, Juvenile Fillies, 2nd Scandinavia Cup, 4th Altamiralöpn, 5th Scania Sprint, FT80; dam of three winners inc, INTERLOTTE, 2004 f by Nicolotte (GB), winner at 3 years, 2007 in Sweden and £16.907 and placed 8 times, 4th Altamiralöpn, FT73, exported to Pakistan 2008, winner of Queen Elizabeth Cup in Pakistan SWEET PENNIE, 2005 f by Pennekamp (USA), 3 wins at 3-5 years, 2010 in Sweden and £12.601 and placed 4 times, FT59 INDIAN PACIFIC, 2006 g by Indian Lodge (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2009 in Sweden and £14.594 and placed 6 times, FT71 REFERENCE LADY (IRE), see above. SIDESIDE (SPA), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2010 in Spain and £63.407. ON LOCATION (IRE), 6 wins at 3 years in Germany and in Sweden and £13,413, FT84 LAWGIVER (IRE), 3 wins over hurdles, 2010, and £22.676 and placed once over fences at 5 years. Satin Cape (IRE), placed once at 2 years; dam of a winner: JOLLY SNAKE (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2010, and £10.155 She also has a 2-y-o filly by Federal Trial (USA) named Replayside (SPA). 3. mor TOP SOCIALITE (USA) by Topsider (USA), 10 wins at home and in U.S.A. and $400,815, £71,528 and 312,000 fr. inc. Pritchard Services Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr3 and Gainsborough Stud Fred Darling S, Newbury, Gr3, 2nd Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1 and 3rd Goffs Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1; dam of three winners from 10 runners and 10 foals inc, ALLARME SOCIALE (USA), 6 wins, £45,785, winner at 2 years; also 5 wins at 3 and 5 years in Italy and £43,019. TOP FANTASY (JPN), 5 wins in Japan and £36,364. Hejraan (USA), placed once at 2 years; dam of five winners inc, SAMUEL CHARLES (GB), 19 wins, 2008 and £81,787. Life of the Party (USA), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of four winners inc, One More Round (USA), winner, 2009, 2nd Castlemartin & La Louviere Gladness S, Curragh, Gr3, Emirates Airline Minstrel S, Curragh, Gr3, Eircom Ballycorus S, Leopardstown, Gr3 and BBC World Al Fahidi Fort S, Nad Al Sheba, Gr3. SCHOOL HOLIDAYS (USA), winner at 3 years, 2010, and £8.412. 105 Anmäld till BT11-13 stall.reuterskiold@telia.com 77 LAKE COOLOOLA (ger) Brun hingst 090121 (svenskuppfödd!) Stall Reuterskiöld HB o Pigvet AB Sommarlustvägen 16 040-46 97 50 230 42 Tygelsjö 0708-86 64 77 Sadler’s Wells (USA) Black Sam Bellamy (IRE), br 1999 Urban Sea (USA) Revoque (IRE) Lake St Clair (IRE), br 2000 Lifesforliving (GB), 1994 Northern Dancer (CAN) Fairy Bridge (USA) Miswaki (USA) Allegretta (GB) Fairy King (USA) La Bella Fontana (GB) Aragon (GB) Dramatic Mood (GB), 1999 1. mor LAKE ST CLAIR (IRE), 9 wins, placed 14 times, 829.957 kr, Dianalöpn, Diana Trial, Fawzia Stakes, Altamira Trial, Stratford-On-Avon-löpn, 2nd Fabellalöb, 3rd Altamiralöpn, 4th Juvenile Fillies, 5th Lanwades Stud S, FT81, dam of one previous foal; Lucky Lad (ger), 2008 g by Black Sam Bellamy (IRE), in training with J Reuterskiöld, qualified 29/8 Lake Cooloola (ger), see above 2. mor LIFESFORLIVING (GB), winner at 3 years and placed; dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals; LAKE ST CLAIR (IRE), see above. She also has a 5-y-o colt by Revoque (IRE). 3. mor DRAMATIC MOOD (GB), e Jalmood (USA), unraced due to injury; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 10 foals; MERLIN’S RING (GB), 7 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years at home, in France and in U.S.A. and £130,543 inc. Prix Eclipse, Saint-Cloud, Gr3 and Criterium des Yvelines, M’-Laffitte, L., placed 2nd Vodafone Surrey S., Epsom, L., 3rd Tripleprint Greenham S., Newbury, Gr3 and Sirenia S., Kempton Park, L. BARG (GB), 5 wins in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £12,720 and placed 13 times. ABSOLUTELYSTUNNING (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £10,039 and placed 4 times; dam of one winner: PRINCESS ARWEN (GB), winner at 3 years. DRAMA PREMIERE (GB), winner at 3 years and £7342 and placed twice; dam of two winners, STAR FLASH (ITY), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2008 in Italy and £22,002 and placed 15 times. ISA FACT (ITY), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £8843 and placed once. LIFESFORLIVING (GB), see above. The next dam DRAMA SCHOOL, ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of nine winners from 12 runners and 14 foals inc., Rada’s Daughter (GB), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £75,951 and placed 9 times inc. 2nd Rothmans Royals Park Hill S., Doncaster, Gr3; dam of a winner, Annie Laurie, winner at 2 years and £34,088 and placed 7 times inc. 2nd Panasonic Smurfit EBF Futurity S., Curragh, Gr3, EBF Cherry Blossom S., Phoenix Park, L., EBF Old Connell Race, Curragh, L. and 3rd Moyglare Stud S., Curragh, Gr1; also placed once at 4 years in France; dam of seven winners inc., PRALY DE VEZ (FR), 10 wins in France and £78,985. PICAIA (FR), winner in France; dam of LOU WINNER (FR), 3 wins over jumps at 3 years in France and £21,387, and CHESS WINNER (FR), winner at 4 years, 2008 in France and £11,969 TREAD THE BOARDS (GB), 4 wins at 3 years and £18,107 and placed 4 times; also placed twice over hurdles at 4 and 6 years; dam of two winners inc., Muk Muka (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years in Italy, £48,308, placed 4 times inc. 2nd Premio Guido Berardelli, Rome, Gr2, 3rd Criterium Partenopeo, Naples, L. and Premio Rumon, Rome, L. DRAKULA’S ROSE (GB), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Hungary. PRINCESS ALMORA (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and £31,012 and placed 10 times; dam of a winner. 106 Anmäld till BT11-13 stallc_w@hotmail.com 78 KANZEE GOLD Fux sto 090413 Wiola o Conny Mobeck/Stall CW Hårstastugan, Runtuna 0155-24 15 33 611 93 Nyköping 0704-29 88 05 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Komaite (USA) OK Maite (GB), fux 1996 Gleam of Gold (GB), 1990 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Nureyev (USA) Brown Berry (USA) Crested Lark (GB) Hilmay (GB), 1982 1. mor OK Maite (GB), 2 wins in England and Sweden and placed 4 times in 11 starts, 117.500 kr, 3rd in Scania Sprint, FT79; dam of one winner from 4 runners and 6 foals of racing age; BYZANTINE GOLD, 2004 f by Heart of Oak (USA), 2 wins, placed 4 times, 163.000 kr, FT71, Golden Flash, 2001 f by Heart of Oak (USA), placed twice in 7 starts, 19.850 kr, FT57 Apollo Gold, 2002 f by Heart of Oak (USA), placed, 12.285 kr, FT61 Candy Gold, 2006 f by Heart of Oak (USA). ran 11 times, 23.400 kr, FT55 Detroit Rock City, 2007 g by Mirio (FR), unraced to date Crocker Crokodile, 2008 c by Heart of Oak (USA), in training with Thomas Pedersen, Angarn Kanzee Gold, see above 2. mor Gleam of Gold (GB), placed once at 3 years; also placed once over hurdles at 3 years; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals; Ok Maite (GB), see above. NEWCORP LAD (GB), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years and £23,106 and placed 11 times. Red Hot Ruby (GB), placed twice at 3 years. 3. mor HILMAY (GB) by Creetown (IRE), winner at 4 years and placed 11 times; dam of 1 runner and 1 foal, Gleam of Gold (GB), see above. The next dam GOLD RIBBON (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and placed twice; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 foals; SUPER BEE JAY, 12 wins, £72,464, 2 wins at 2 years; also 10 wins in Hong Kong and £70,093. SILVER RIBBON, 2 wins at 2 years and placed twice. SKIPREGAN, 2 wins, winner at 3 years and placed once; also winner over hurdles at 4 years. HILMAY, see above. GEM OF GOLD, winner at 4 years and placed twice; dam of five winners, KIRKBY’S TREASURE (GB), 11 wins and £85,525 and placed 36 times. CAPTAIN CARAT (GB), 6 wins at 3 to 6 years and £40,560 and placed 29 times. GI LA HIGH (GB), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years and £24,612 and placed 14 times; dam of three winners: HAGLEY PARK (GB), 6 wins at 2-5, £17,763, placed 13 times, OTIS B DRIFTWOOD (GB), winner at 2 years, £6174 and placed 7 times, SMOKEYOURPIPE (IRE), winner at 2 years. BAYFORD THRUST (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £13,153 and placed 7 times; also winner at 5 years in Denmark and placed twice. TALAVERA (GB), winner at 3 years. SARASINGH, winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of two winners, MRS BENNET, winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of NIKANDROS (GR), 2 wins at 3 years in Greece and £8164. HORSA, winner in Switzerland. SARAK, placed once at 2 years; also 2 wins in point-to-points and placed 10 times. Miss Serlby, placed twice at 2 and 3 years; dam of Risk Me’s Girl (GB), 2 wins at 2, £7123, placed twice, 3rd St Hugh’s S, Newbury, L, LEFT STRANDED (GB), 4 wins at 2, £13,267, placed once; also winner at 3 in Singapore, £9537; grandam of XPRES DIGITAL (GB), 107 4 wins at 2-4, £20,641, placed 9 times, VERORI (GB), 3 wins in Greece. 79 HOVDAMEN Mörkbrunt sto 090131 Leif Wretman/Wretman Stable & Stud Kommendörsgatan 20 08-662 84 94 114 48 Stockholm 070-573 78 00 Golden Voyager (USA) Mandrake El Mago (CHI), mbr 1999 Manon Lescaut (CHI) Diaghlyphard (USA) Soul Sister, br 1997 Princess Persian (IRE), 1983 Mr Prospector (USA) La Voyageuse (USA) Musketeer (USA) Kamasutra (USA) Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Persian Bold (IRE) Blue Parrot (FR), 1975 1. mor Soul Sister, ej startat, mor till en vinnare av 3 startande och totalt 5 avkommor i startbar ålder: SOUL CAT, 2004 v e Kateb (IRE), 3 segr, plac 6 ggr, 152.050 kr, FT60 Zelzele, 2006 s e Zilzal (USA), plac 5 ggr på 13 starter, 108.980 kr, 6e Svenskt Oaks 2009, FT70 Soul Mate, 2002 h e Midyan (USA), endast startat en gång Zhang Yu, 2003 s e Richard of York (GB), ej startat My Million, 2008 s e Mandrake El Mago (CHI), i träning Hovdamen, se ovan 2. mor Princess Persian (IRE) e Persian Bold (IRE), endast startat några få gånger, mor till sex vinnare av 7 startande och totalt 8 avkommor; SONGLINE, Champion 2-åring, Årets Häst i Sverige 1996 och 1997, 14 segr, 3.221.500 kr, Svenskt Kriterium, SM för 2-åringar, AGRIA Breeders’ Trophy, Norsk Breeders Prize, Svenskt St Leger, Upplandlöpn, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, Pokallöb, L, SKS Stora Pris, L, 2 ggr, Zawawi Jägersro Cup, 2e JK Jubileumslöpn, Svenskt Derby, TF 110, avelshingst och far till bl a HALFSONG, Årets Häst 2003, vinstrikaste svenskuppfödda häst genom tiderna, 12 segr, 3.531.793 kr, Scandinavian Open Championship, Gr3, Scandinavia Cup, L, Dansk Derby, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, Svenskt Oaks, Dansk Oaks, 2a Scandinavia Cup, L, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, L, 2 ggr, Svenskt Derby, Dansk Golden Mile, L, FT90, FIRST EDITION, Champion 2-åring 2002, Champion 3-åring 2003, 8 segr, 2.965.350 kr, Breeders’ Trophy, Norsk Breeders Prize, SM Classic, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, Stora Tvååringspriset, 2e Kapps Stora Pris, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, Breeders 2-års Trophy, Sv St Leger, FT88, samt INCHILINE, 5 segr, Dansk Derby, Dansk 2000 Gns, FT83 MAUREEN STAR, Årets Häst 1992, 17 segr, 1.622.800 kr, Dianalöpn, Svenskt Oaks, AGRIA Breeders’ Trophy, ITT Sheraton Scandinavia Cup, SM Ston, JK Avelslöpn, 2 ggr, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 2a Bloomers’ Vase, Nickes Minneslöpn, L, ITT Sheraton Scandinavia Cup, SM Ston, 3e Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, SM Stayers, 5e Stockholms Stora Pris, L, Skandialöpn, mor till en vinnare; MAYCY STAR, -99 e Malvernico (IRE), 2 segr, plac 7 ggr, 125.875 kr, FT71 Silk Road, vinnare, även 7 segr över häckar, plac 9 ggr, 961.877 kr, 2e Duty Time Trophy, Göteborg, 4e Norsk Breeders Prize, 5e Breeders’ Trophy, Skandinavisk Mesterskap, Övrevoll, FT81 DRY SLUDGE, 12 segr, plac 27 ggr, 411.800 kr, FT75 INSHALLAH, 2 segr, plac 2 ggr, 58.500 kr, Oaks Trial, FT79, mor till tre vinnare av 4 startande och 5 avkommor i startbar ålder; DAY TRIPPER, 2000 v e Spectacular Tide (USA), 6 segr, plac 17 ggr, 417.000 kr, FT81, MINT CONDITION, 2008 s e Most Welcome (GB), vinnare i debuten som 2-åring 2010, 85.000 kr, och AURA, 2003 s e Richard of York (GB), vinnare och plac 5 ggr på 9 starter, 225.076 kr, 2a Sommarstoet, 4e Svenskt Oaks, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT78, mor till Cyclone, 2008 h e Most Welcome (GB), plac på 4 starter som 2-åring 2010, 5e SM 2-åriga STRAIGHT EDGE, 4 segr, plac 10 ggr, 247.100 kr, 4e Breeders Prize Sprint, FT69 Mind the Gap, plac 4 ggr, 40.400 kr, FT69, mor till en vinnare: FILL THE GAP, 8 segr, 249.500 kr, FT82 3. mor BLUE PARROT (FR), e Lyphard (USA), vinnare i Frankrike, mor till tre vinnare av 9 startande inkl; CATCHING, 7 segr; 2 segr i England samt 5 segr i USA 108 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri Lindarsnäs Egendom 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 80 PRAISE Mörkbrun hingst 090318 Be My Guest (USA) Most Welcome (GB), fux 1984 Topsy (GB) Spectacular Tide (USA) Redbone, br 1998 Dappled Flag (USA), 1985 Northern Dancer (CAN) What A Treat (USA) Habitat (USA) Furioso (GB) Tsunami Slew (USA) Bid Me Adieu (USA) Akureyri (CAN) Baruna (USA), 1979 1. mor REDBONE, 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 119.800 kr (inkl 19.900 bonus), Breeders’ Trial, FT71, mor till en vinnare av 2 startande och 3 tidigare föl; WAKAYAMA, 2007 s e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 4 segr, plac 3 ggr på 8 starter, 967.865 kr, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, Becky Moss Fillies Mile, 2a Svenskt Kriterium, 3a Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, 4e Svenskt Oaks, FT82 Casablanca, 2005 s e Songline, ej startat, såld som ridhäst Praise, se ovan 2. mor DAPPLED FLAG (USA), vinnare som 2-åring i England, mor till nio vinnare (varav 7 som 2-åring) av 12 föl i startbar ålder varav 10 startat; LITTLE GREEN APPLE, -96 s e Funambule (USA), 5 segr, 627.700 kr, (inkl 76.600 kr bonus), Svenskt Kriterium, 2a Altamiralöpn, 4e SM 2-åriga, 5e Amacitalöpn MELLOW YELLOW, -95 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 segr, 174.000 kr, SM 2-åriga, mor till vinnare: DUCHESS BLUE, 4 segr, plac 3 ggr, FT76, och Carpenter, plac 6 ggr, FT75 Green River, -91 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 6 segr, plac 18 ggr, 580.460 kr, 2e Svealandlöpn, 3e SM 2-åriga, Vinterfav Pris, SM Milers, 4e Malmö Stads Pris, Sv Kriterium, 5e Breeders’ Trophy RED HOUSE, -93 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 5 segr, 275.700 kr, 5e Sv Kriterium, SM 2-år, Breeders’ Trophy REDBONE, se ovan QUIET FIRE, -92 h e Verd-Antique (GB), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 55.300 kr GO BANANAS, -97 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 50.750 kr PURPLE HEATHER, -99 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare på endast 4 starter, 23.100 kr, FT69, mor till en vinnare: OCKIDOCK, 2007 s e Mandrake El Mago (CHI), vinnare, 70.000 kr, FT62 WHITE FLAG, -01 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare och plac som 2-åring, 51.500 kr Grey Diana, -02 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), startat, 2.650 kr, mor till en vinnare: ZAHIR, 2007 v e Heart of Oak (USA), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 144.200 kr, FT72 3. mor Baruna (USA), by Grey Dawn (FR), sister to Eleven Pelicans, dam of five winners; DIAMONDRUNA (f. by Diamond Sword). winner at 2, 1997, $70,998, C.T.H.S. Sales S. Dancer´s Kolo (g. by Diamond Sword). 2 wins at 2, placed at 3, 1997, $126,369, 2nd Golden Gate Derby, L, 3rd C.T.H.S. Sales S, Juvenile Breeders´Cup S, etc. BRETTHEVET (g. by Diamond Sword), 5 wins, 3 to 5, $38,012 Red Rain (f. by Secreto). Placed at 2, dam of two winners, incl BENT CREEK CITY (f. by Carson City). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $86,740, Cinderella S, L, (Hol, $40,600), 2nd Landaluce S, Hollywood Park, Gr2, and 3rd Sorrento S, Del Mar, Gr2. Red Press (c by Press Card) 5 wins, $128.962, 2nd Rumson S, L The next dam SHORE, by Round Table, 6 wins, Bewitch S, sister to CANAL, CABILDO, Moss, half-sister to DIKE, OKAVANGO, dam of winners: Alligatrix, winner at 2 in England, 3rd Hoover Fillies Mile S, Gr3, dam of winners - CROCO ROUGE, Prix Lupin, Gr1, Prix d´Ispahan, Gr1, 2nd Prix Jockey Club, Gr1, 4th Prix de l´Arc, Gr1, ALI-ROYAL, 7 wins, £202,530, sire, TAIPAN, Grand Prix de Deauville, Gr2, Eleven Pelicans, 4 wins, 2nd Susan´s Girl H, Chicago Bid, winner at 2 to 5 in England, 3rd Sirenia S, L. 109 www.tranberga.se 81 JUMELLEA Brunt sto 090330 Eva C S Pettersson Tranberga Gård 230 40 Bara Cadeaux Genereux (GB) Toylsome (GB), 1999 Treasure Trove (USA) Diaghlyphard (USA) Ginger, mbr 1993 Cavendish Queen (IRE), 1984 tranberga@msn.com 040-630 24 60 0708-48 21 75 Young Generation (IRE) Smarten Up (GB) The Minstrel (CAN) River Jig (USA) Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) General Assembly (USA) Bentinck Hotel (GB), 1976 1. mor GINGER, 2 segr, plac 4 ggr, 71.150 kr, FT64, mor till fyra vinnare av 6 startande och 8 i startb åld: DOUBLE UP, 2005 s e Funambule (USA), 4 segr, plac 6 ggr, 1.165.005 kr, Svenskt Oaks, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, 2a Sommarstoet, 3e Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, L, 2 ggr, Svenskt St Leger, 4e Jägersro Cup, 5e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Scand Classic Challenge, Kapps Stora Pris, FT83 Ancellia, 2000 s e Caerwent (IRE), 9 segr, plac 10 ggr, 556.210 kr, Agria BT Cons, 3e Bloomers’ Vase, L, FT88, mor till en vinnare: HEXALECTRIS, 2007 v e Academy Award (IRE), 2 segr och plac 2 ggr som 2-3-åring 2009, 247.400 kr, SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, FT76 ELLEANTHUS, 2004 v e Nicolotte (GB), 2 segr på 3 starter som 3-åring 2007, 118.000 kr, FT75 CATELLA, 1999 s e Caerwent (IRE), vinnare, plac 2a 6 ggr, 148.500 kr, FT71. Mor till två vinnare av 4 startande och 5 avkommor i startbar ålder: GEORGEBLACK, 2006 v e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 segr och plac 4 ggr, 196.700 kr, FT75, och FERGUSON, 2005 h e Pennekamp (USA), vinnare i debuten som 2-åring 2007, även plac, 106.500 kr, FT72 Cattleya, 2002 s e Prince of Birds (USA), plac, 23.740 kr inkl på hinder, FT54 Hofmeister, 2007 v e Traditionally (USA), startat 4 ggr, 5.000 kr, FT48 Insignum, 2008 s e Distant Thunder (USA), i träning hos Yvonne Durant, Täby Jumellea, se ovan 2. mor CAVENDISH QUEEN (IRE), e General Assembly (USA), 6 segr, plac 8 ggr, 134.300 kr i Norge och Sverige, FT80, mor till sex vinnare av 9 startande avkommor och totalt 11 föl, bl a KOKOMO, -94 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 4 segr, plac 6 ggr, 625.490 kr, Svenskt Kriterium, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Sv Oaks Trial, 2a SM 2-åriga, Sv Oaks, 5e Dianalöpn, näst högst rankad i sin årskull i Sverige som 2- och 3-åring, FT84, mor till en vinnare: BE MY QUEEN, -02 s e Be My Chief (USA), vinnare och plac 2 ggr, 80.430 kr, FT72 DAGGER, -96 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 6 segr inkl 2 på steeplechase, plac 3 ggr samt plac 3 ggr på häck, 231.670 kr, Jockeyklubbens Stora Pris 2002, FT74 TEMPLETON, -02 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 segr och plac, 63.554 kr, FT76 LITTLE QUEENIE, -01 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare och plac på endast 2 st, 33.500 kr, FT70 A SECRET, -92 h e Royal Whip (IRE), vinnare, plac, 49.900 kr, FT71 GINGER, se ovan 3. mor BENTINCK HOTEL (GB), e Red God (USA), vinnare som 2-åring, plac 2 ggr, mor till tio vinnare på 12 startande och 13 föl, inkl Benzina, 3 segr i England, 4 segr i USA, 3e Golden Poppy H, Gr3, Allez France H L, Midwick H L, B Thoughtful S, 4e Las Palmas H, Gr2 Shamshoon, 2 segr i GB som 2-åring, 7 segr i USA, 3e Moet & Chandon-Rennen, Gr3 CAVENDISH QUEEN (IRE), se ovan BENTICO, 3 segr, plac 21 ggr, £56.092 LATCH STRING, 2 segr LUCAS CARTON (IRE), vinnare i GB, 2 segr i Hong Kong POSSIBILITY, 3 segr, plac 4 ggr, £9.114 CONRAD HILTON, vinnare och plac 3 ggr på endast 4 starter, £3.910, avelshingst i Australien. 110 Anmäld till BT11-13 82 MOUNTAIN JACK Brun hingst 090318 Sven Stjerndorff Berg 740 21 Järlåsa Midyan (USA) Jaunty Jack (GB), br 1994 Juliette Marny (GB) Mas Media (GB) Miss Ulleröd, br 1996 Manitoba, 1985 s.stjerndorff@telia.com 018-39 18 70 070-621 98 89 Miswaki (USA) Country Dream (USA) Blakeney (GB) Set Free (GB) Green Dancer (USA) Miss Carina (FR) Radetzky (GB) Maniette, 1972 1. mor MISS ULLERÖD, -96 s e Mas Media (GB), 3 segr, plac 5 ggr, 86.900 kr, FT62, mor till två vinnare av 3 startande och 5 avkommor i startbar ålder: MISSIL, 2003 s e Primatico (USA), 2 segr, plac 5 ggr, 108.350 kr, FT60 HAPPY LARRY (ex Mischievous), 2007 h e Melmac, vinnare och plac i Norge, 55.631 kr, FT73 Missmartin, 2006 s e Homme d’Honneur (FR), startat 3 ggr, 3.000 kr, FT50 Missing, 2004 s e Songline, ej startat Mountain Mystery, 2008 h e Heart of Oak (USA), i träning Mountain Jack, se ovan 2. mor Manitoba, 4 segr, plac 8 ggr, 2a SM för 4-åriga och äldre, 3e SM för 2-åringar, SM för 3-åriga, 4e Vinterfavoriternas Pris, FT74, mor till fem vinnare av 8 startande och totalt 9 föl i startbar ålder; MEXELLER, 1993 h e Exceller (USA), 7 segr, plac 10 ggr, 203.500 kr, FT74 MOVITA, 1995 s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), 5 segr, plac 6 ggr, 155.900 kr, FT70 MISS ULLERÖD, se ovan MASIBA, 1992 s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), vinnare som 2-åring, plac 5 ggr, 70.200 kr, FT65 MARCUS, 1999 h e Precocious (GB), vinnare och plac 2 ggr, 50.940 kr inkl bonus, FT62 Marbella, plac, 12.400 kr, FT61, mor till en vinnare: MCBELL, 1999 v e Melmac, 7 segr, plac 18 ggr, 426.046 kr, FT67 Mowia, 1991 s e Steve’s Friend (USA), plac 3 ggr, 18.900 kr, FT62 Minetta, 1997 s e Precocious (GB), plac 4 ggr, 38.600 kr, FT59 3. mor MANIETTE, e Hornbeam (GB), 5 segr, Dansk Kriterium, Svenskt Kriterium och Dianalöpn, mor till sju vinnare av 10 startande och totalt 12 föl i startbar ålder; MAGO, 5 segr, Svensk Uppfödningslöpn, Vinterfavoritternes Ærespræmie, 2e SM för 3-åringar, avelshingst i Danmark MARINETTE, 4 segr, Dianalöpn, FT77 Manac, 8 segr, 3e Dansk Forårslöb Manitoba, se ovan MAGI, 3 segr, 4e Bloomers’ Vase, FT74, mor till fyra vinnare av 5 startande och totalt 8 föl; MAGI’S DIAMOND, 2 segr, plac 6 ggr, 157.960 kr, FT81 ELOGE, 3 segr, plac 7 ggr, 92.650 kr, FT76 EMY, 3 segr, plac 2 ggr, 61.300 kr, FT74 ECLAIR, vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 46.700 kr, FT65 MANDRILL, 3 segr, FT74 MADONNA, vinnare Nästa mor MANIE, 4 segr, Sv Kriterium, SFK,s Stolöpn, 3e Mowerinalöb, mor till fem vinnare inkl; MANESCO, 5 segr, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Stockholms Stora Pris, 3e Bergen Bank Ærespremie, Prix Montenica, avelshingst MANIFEST, 6 segr, Svenskt Derby, Drottningens Pris, 2e Grand Prix de Bruxelles, 4e Silja Line Cup, Norsk Derby, avelshingst MANDARIN, 15 segr, 628.100 kr, Skandinavisk Mesterskap, 3e Svenskt Kriterium. 111 Åringen säljs utan moms mettegrorh@gmail.com 83 ONEOFAKIND Mette Gro Hermansen o Ann K Robsrud Vrängebol Gärdet 0573-502 31 672 93 Årjäng 070-369 60 96 Brunt sto 090619 Saumarez (GB) Ecuadors Dream (IRE), mbr 1995 Norfolk Lily (GB) Final Appearance (IRE) Valerine (NOR), br 1999 Valor Star (CAN), 1991 Rainbow Quest (USA) Fiesta Fun (GB) Blakeney (GB) Cecilia Bianchi (FR) Sadler’s Wells (USA) Topping Girl (GB) Bold Revenue (USA) Cross of Valor (USA), 1982 1. mor Valerine (NOR), placed once at 4 years in Norway; above is her first foal. Oneofakind, see above 2. mor VALOR STAR (CAN), 5 wins in U.S.A. and $75,219 and placed 13 times; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 foals; HALE-BOPP (DEN), 12 wins in Denmark and £22,833 and placed 45 times. CAJUN STAR (NOR), 10 wins, 2010 in Norway and in Sweden and £42,289 and placed 25 times. TIMEWILLSHOW (NOR), 7 wins at 3 to 6 years in Norway and £14,546 and placed 10 times. SHABANA (NOR), winner at 3 years in Norway and placed 5 times. Valerine (NOR), see above. 3. mor CROSS OF VALOR (CAN) by Quadratic (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals inc., FUZZY SON (CAN), 7 wins in U.S.A. and $57,083. VALOR STAR (CAN), see above. CANADIAN PRINCE (CAN), 2 wins in U.S.A. MY THREE NIECES (CAN), 2 wins in U.S.A. ERICSCOPY (CAN), winner in U.S.A. The next dam CROSS BEARER (CAN), placed once in U.S.A.; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc., Wishing Coin (CAN), 11 wins in Canada and $154,674 placed 4th Whimsical S, Greenwood, Gr3; dam of winners inc., Wizzy (USA), winner in U.S.A, 2nd Prix Provence Rhone Alpes, Marseille, L. HUSAK (CAN), 18 wins in U.S.A. and $108,891. FASHION PRINCE (USA), 15 wins in U.S.A. and $86,101. KIN CROSS (USA), 13 wins in U.S.A. and $61,886. CROSSPOT (USA), 4 wins in U.S.A. and $29,216. HAYATI MALAKEH (USA), 2 wins in U.S.A. and $74,726. FEUILLE VOLANTE (CAN), winner in U.S.A.; dam of winners inc., OLYMPIC SEASON (CAN), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Alaro (CAN), placed twice in Canada inc. 3rd Winnipeg Futurity, Assiniboia Down. NORTHERN SNOWFLAKE (CAN), winner in U.S.A.; dam of Torbama (CAN), 6 wins in Canada, placed 2nd Center Stage Anne S, Fort Erie and 3rd Border Cup S, Fort Erie. The next dam MENEDICT, 12 wins in Canada and $66,610 inc. Canadian Oaks, Woodbine, Belle Mahone S, Woodbine and Boniface S, Fort Erie, placed 10 times inc. 2nd Canadian Maturity S, Woodbine, Nettie H, Woodbine, 3rd Duchess S, Fort Erie and 4th Prince of Wales S, Fort Erie; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 13 foals inc Bye Bye Mercedes (USA), unraced; dam of winners inc MERCEDES WON (USA), won Florida Derby, Gr1, Hopeful S, Gr1, Sanford S, Gr2, Grey S, Gr3, Rochester Cup S, L, Swynford S, L, Crittenden S, L, 2nd Fountain of Youth S, Gr2, Fair Play Breeders’ Cup S, L, Durham Cup H, L, Palm Beach H, Farmington Breeders’ Cup H. 112 Anmäld till BT11-13, BC13 Pernilla Nilsson Råby 14 pernillan1976@yahoo.se 775 96 Krylbo 0706-31 73 17 84 ATHLET Fux hingst 090421 Be My Guest (USA) Most Welcome (GB), fux 1984 Topsy (GB) Music Streak (DEN) Never Stop, fux 1995 Karamell, 1986 Northern Dancer (CAN) What A Treat (USA) Habitat (USA) Furioso (GB) Music Boy (GB) Dawn Streak (GB) Rolfe (USA) Woll Star (IRE), 1980 1. mor NEVER STOP, 7 segr, plac, 375.200 kr inkl bonus, Götalandlöpn, FT84, mor till en vinnare av 1 startande och totalt 3 avkommor i startbar ålder; River Sid, 2007 v e Songline, 2 segr och plac 2 ggr på endast 6 starter, 125.400 kr, 3e Kay Jensens Pris, FT72 Arezzo, 2001 h e Caerwent (IRE), ej startat, död som 3-åring Bologna, 2002 s e Talinum (USA), ej startat Athlet, se ovan 2. mor KARAMELL, vinnare, plac 5 ggr, 2a Svenskt Oaks Consolation, 51.200 kr, FT65, mor till sju vinnare av 8 startande och totalt 8 avkommor; NEVER STOP, se ovan Never Mind, 1998 v e Talinum (USA), 5 segr, plac 6 ggr, 396.355 kr, 2e Sofierolöpn, FT80 Kasatonow, 1993 v e Elwyns (IRE), vinnare, plac 10 ggr, 163.400 kr, 2e Sweden Cup Stayers, FT74 LEJONKUNGEN, 1999 v e Bloomerace, 6 segr, plac 17 ggr, 396.410 kr, FT77 MAKAROW, 1992 v e Exceller (USA), 6 segr, plac 12 ggr, 263.400 kr, FT73 NEVER AGAIN, 2000 v e Be My Chief (USA), 2 segr över häckar, plac 6 ggr, 133.810 kr, FT67 KRUTOW, 1991 v e Elwyns (IRE), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 37.500 kr, FT70 Non Stop, 1994 s e Music Streak (DEN), plac, 7.400 kr, FT58 3. mor WOLL STAR (IRE), e Wollow (GB), 2 segr, plac 12 ggr, 60.405 kr, FT76, mor till en vinnare av 4 startande och totalt 6 avkommor: KARAMELL, se ovan Uptown Girl, 1989 s e Steve’s Friend (USA), plac 3 ggr, 28.200 kr, FT60 Krusmynta, 1988 s e Elwyns (IRE), plac 2 ggr, 23.000 kr, FT54 Hur många galopphästar du än äger eller tränar har vi Kerstin, Lars och Roger. De kan allt om hästförsäkringar. Kontakta Kerstin Åker 070-371 60 56 Lars Lindh 070-557 87 07 Roger Nilsson 0708-11 49 14 113 jenny.lindblad@hotmail.com Anmäld till BT11-13 Ture o Jenny Lindblad/Stall Joie de Vie Målsjö Brunnshult 016-700 20 643 97 Västra Näshulta 070-658 42 97 85 VANESSA HIGH Fux sto 090503 Be My Guest (USA) Most Welcome (GB), fux 1984 Topsy (GB) Linamix (FR) Maxizone (FR), sk 1997 Miss Zonissa (FR), 1989 Northern Dancer (CAN) What A Treat (USA) Habitat (USA) Furioso (GB) Mendez (FR) Lunadix (FR) Zino (GB) Miss Satin (FR), 1975 1. mor MAXIZONE (FR), unraced; dam of one winner from 5 runners and 6 previous foals; BIG PLAYER (GB), 2004 c by Noverre (USA), 8 wins, placed 8 times, 670.341 kr; winner at 2; also 7 wins in Norway and Sweden, Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, Bobbie Killicks Minneslöpn, 2nd Norsk 2000 Guineas, FT88 Amvrakia (GB), 2003 f by Inchinor (GB), placed once at 3 years in Greece. Racie Gracie (GB), 2005 f by Dr Fong (USA), ran 3 times. Platinum Bounty (GB), 2006 f by Bahamian Bounty (GB), ran 3 times and ran twice over hurdles. Libramix, 2008 f by Librettist (USA), in training Vanessa High, see above She also has a 3-y-o filly by Doyen (IRE). 2. mor MISS ZONISSA (FR), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 7 foals; MONSIEUR TAGEL (FR), 7 wins, £46,005, 2 wins at 2 years in France and £18,718; also 4 wins over hurdles at 3 and 4 years and £20,389 and winner over fences at 5 years and £6898; also winner of a point-to-point. MISTER LODGE (FR), 2 wins at 3 years in France and £14,922. MAGIC DATE (FR), 2 wins at 3 years in France and £14,751. Lady Flasheart (FR), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years in France; dam of three winners inc, SPIDER FLASH (FR), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2008 in France and £23,737. CHICO DEL SOL (FR), 2 wins at 3 years, 2008 in France and £29,355. LE CRES (FR), 5 wins, 2010 in France and £84,544. 3. mor MISS SATIN (FR) by Satingo (USA), 2 wins at 2 years in France inc. Prix de l’Obelisque, Longchamp, L, 4th Prix de Royaumont, Chantilly, Gr3; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals inc, MISS SATAMIXA (FR), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £166,211 inc. P. Fresnay le Buffard Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1; dam of four winners inc, MAN O DESERT (FR), winner, 2008 in Czech Republic and in France; also winner over jumps BRAMBLEBERRY (GB), 2 wins at 2 years, 2009 and £7448. BYZANTINE (GB), winner at 2 years, 2008 and £11,551. Miss Sazanica (FR), unraced; dam of Sakza (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2009 in France and £34.765, 2nd Prix Casimir Delamarre, Longchamp, L. MISS D’OUILLY (FR), 2 wins in France inc. Prix Melisande, Evry, L.; dam of six winners inc, MISS CAERLEONA (FR), won Cardinal S, Gr3, 2nd La Prevoyante H, Gr2, 3rd Orchid H, Gr2; dam of MISS CORONADO (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £73,007, Davona Dale S, Gulfstream Park, Gr2, KAREN’S CAPER (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.S.A. and £340,713, Shadwell Stud Nell Gwyn S, Gr3, Eatontown S, Gr3 and Noble Damsel H, Gr3, 2nd Coronation S, Gr1 and Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S, Gr1; grandam of ABBY’S ANGEL (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2009 in U.S.A. and £100,740, Indian Maid H, L, 2nd Gardenia H, Gr3, Miss Jean Brodie (USA), winner at 3 years, 2010 and £76,378 2nd Darley Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr1. 114 Kerstin o Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby 86 SWE00000542 Mörkbrun hingst 090318 Storm Cat (USA) One Cool Cat (USA), 2001 Tacha (USA) Lahib (USA) La Lula (IRE), br 2003 Lussuria (IRE), 1993 08-512 416 12 070-757 78 76 Storm Bird (CAN) Terlingua (USA) Mr Prospector (USA) Savannah Dancer (USA) Riverman (USA) Lady Cutlass (USA) Last Tycoon (IRE) Shabbaba (USA), 1988 1. mor La Lula (IRE), placed 9 times, 135.700 kr, 5th Dianalöpn, FT78, dam of (first foal): SWE00000542, see above 2. mor LUSSURIA (IRE), 3 wins, £10,876, 2 wins at 2 years and £9254 and placed 6 times; also winner at 3 years in Denmark and placed once; dam of 2 runners and 3 foals, La Lula (IRE), see above. Cigar Volant (SWE), placed once at 3 years in Sweden. 3. mor Shabbaba (USA), by Arctic Tern (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals; LUSSURIA (IRE), see above. SAY NO MORE (IND), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in India and placed once. SHAPPAR (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy. The next dam SHICKLAH (USA), 3 wins at 2 years at home and in West Germany and £22,679 inc. Moet & Chandon Zukunfts-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr2; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 foals inc., MUQTARIB (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in U.S.A. and £85,557 inc. Richmond S, Goodwood, Gr2; sire. RA’A (USA), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £36,471 inc. Bentinck S, Newmarket, L, placed 4 times inc. 3rd Daily Mail Leisure S, Lingfield Park, L.; dam of eight winners inc., MUSAFI (USA), won Morvich H, Santa Anita, L, Bay Meadows Breeders’ Cup Sprint H, L. Taanis (USA), unraced; dam of Jockey Ridge (USA), winner at 3 years, 2008 in U.S.A. and £35,580 and placed 4 times inc. 3rd Bay Shore S, Aqueduct, Gr3. JANIB (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in U.S.A. and £41,349 inc. Roses S, York, L. LA CAPRICE (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, £14,617, placed 7 times; dam of three winners: Empire’s Ghodha (GB), 2 wins, £18,471, winner at 2 years and £11,623 and placed 5 times inc. 3rd Dragon S, Sandown Park, L.; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £6848 and placed 5 times. LA CAPRIOSA (GB), 8 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 and £29,803 and placed 15 times. MILTON OF CAMPSIE (GB), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2009 and £12,539 and placed 4 times. WEST COAST MAMA (USA), 2 wins in South Africa, placed 6 times; dam of four winners inc., WEST COAST GOLD (SAF), won Michael Roberts H, L, Darley Arabian Open, Greyville, L. West End Boy (SAF), winner in South Africa, 3rd Somerset Plate, Kenilworth, L. NUR (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £7095 and placed once; dam of seven winners inc., KAWAFIL (IRE), winner at 2 years and £5230 and placed 4 times; dam of Amaalee (KSA), winner at 3 years, 2010 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £6689 and placed twice, Ahla Al Amaanee (KSA), winner at 4 years, 2010 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. HAJAT (GB), winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of IMPERIAL SWORD (GB), 6 wins and £40,756 and placed 15 times. Alshahhad (USA), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of three winners inc., ALOHA HAWAII (GER), winner in Germany; also placed over jumps; dam of ALOHA ALTEZZA (GER), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2009 in Czech Republic and in Slovakia and £15,551. 115 Anmäld till BT11-13 www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com 87 ROCKPORT SUNDAY Brun hingst 090310 Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri Lindarsnäs Egendom 016-742 60 640 43 Ärla 070-551 09 93 Mr Prospector (USA) Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997 Forest Flower (USA) Spectacular Tide (USA) Blue Jean Baby, br 2000 Angel Love (IRE), 1988 Raise A Native (USA) Gold Digger (USA) Green Forest (USA) Leap Lively (USA) Tsunami Slew (USA) Bid Me Adieu (USA) Chief Singer (GB) Lumiere (USA), 1983 1. mor BLUE JEAN BABY, 5 segr, plac 3 ggr, 174.565 kr, FT84, mor till två vinnare av 2 startande och 2 föl: Maddox, 2006 h e Most Welcome (GB), 4 segr, plac 2 ggr, 364.400 kr, 3e Dansk Derby, FT78 WELCOMETOMYWORLD, 2007 v e Most Welcome (GB), vinnare, plac 5 ggr, 170.100 kr, FT74 Rockport Sunday, se ovan 2. mor ANGEL LOVE (IRE), plac som 3-åring i England, 6 segr, 382.070 kr, Peugeot Pokallöp, L, banrek 2400 dt på Jägersro, FT84, mor till fyra vinnare från 4 startande och totalt 4 föl i startbar ålder, Ganelon, 1996 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 10 segr, plac 14 ggr, 743.100 kr, Vinterserien Stayers Final, Kinnekullelöpn, 2e Täby Hösthandikap, 3e Jägersro Cup, 4e Svenskt St Leger, FT87 BLUE JEAN BABY, se ovan MAUDIE, 2001 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 segr och plac på endast 4 starter, 146.000 kr, 5e Svenskt Oaks, FT79 ANGIE, 1995 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare, 20.200 kr 3. mor LUMIERE (USA) by Northjet (IRE), winner, dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals inclBella Michaela (IRE), 4 wins, £29.450, 2nd Premio Allesandro Peronne, L, 3rd Premio Umbra, Gr3, Premio Vittori, L. ANGEL LOVE, see above. The next dam ATTIRANCE (FR), by Crowned Prince (USA), winner at 3 in France, Prix de Lilas, L, 2nd Prix Sandringham, Gr3, dam of six winners incl.Attractive Crown (f. by Chief’s Crown), 3 wins, 2nd Pretty Polly Stakes, Gr2, 3rd Silver Flash S, L, 4th Beresford S, Gr3, Cheshire Oaks, L, Ballysax S, L. Sleek Falcon (f. by Green Forest), 9 wins, $86,365, 3rd Wintergreen Stakes, Gr3 GENNY WREN (f. by Trempolino), 2 wins. APPROVED AGENT (c. by Caro), winner. LUMIERE, see above. The next dam AROSA, by Silver Shark, 5 wins incl Prix Imprudence, L, Prix de Messidor, Gr3, Coupe de Sa Majeste Reine Elizabeth II, 2nd Prix de Malleret, Gr3. Dam of winners incl.LA TIRANA (f. by Akarad), 4 wins at 4, 893,000 francs, inc Prix de Fabuleux, 2nd Prix de Flores, Gr3, Prix Corrida, Gr3, etc. AROKAR (c. by Akarad), 4 wins. 2 to 4, 1.063.350 francs, in France, incl Prix Greffulhe, Gr2, Prix Saint-Roman, Gr3, 2nd Prix Lupin, Gr1, 3rd Prix La Coupe de Maisons Laffitte, Gr3, 4th Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Gr3; sire. Anne Stuart (FR), (f. by Bolkonski). Winner at 3, 146,300 francs, in France, 2nd Prix de Pontarme. Dam of winners includingANVARI (GB), (c. by Persian Bold). 4 wins, incl. Derrinstown Stud EBF Derby Trial Stakes, Gr2, 3rd Windfield Farm EBF Gallinule Stakes, Gr2. Star Shareef (c. by Shareef Dancer). Winner at 2 in England. 2nd Gran Criterium, Gr1, 3rd Derby Italiano, Gr1. 116 Anmäld till BT11-13 lars.olsson@u.lrf.se Sonja Olsson Östersäby Stuteri 736 92 Kungsör 88 SWE00000636 Brun hingst 090517 Priolo (USA) Mirio (FR), fux 1997 Mira Monte (GB) Taufan (USA) Saucy Girl (FR), br 1989 Saucy Singer (USA), 1982 0227-201 33 0702-81 10 48 Sovereign Dancer (USA) Primevere (USA) Baillamont (USA) Mirea (USA) Stop The Music (USA) Stolen Date (USA) The Minstrel (CAN) Hot Gossip (USA), 1963 1. mor SAUCY GIRL (FR), 5 wins at 2-3 years, 680.000 kr, Danish Oaks, Norweigan Oaks, placed 9 times, 2nd Amacitalöpn, Svealandlöpn, 3rd Norweigan 1000 Guineas, Norweigan Kriterium, Peugot Pokallop for Hopper, 4e Norweigan Derby, FT80, dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age; ITSAGROOM, 2005 c by Itsabrahma (GB), 4 wins, placed 8 times, 686.423 kr incl bonus, Danish Breeders’ Cup, 2nd Klampenborg 100-års Jubileums Stayer, 3rd Swedish Derby Trial, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, 7th Swedish Derby, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT85 MIRONA, 2006 f by Mirio (FR), 3 wins, placed 5 times, 1.007.119 kr incl bonus, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, 2nd Sv St Leger, Sv Oaks, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 3rd Scandinavian Classic Challenge, 4th Erik O Steens Memorial, L, 5th Mowerinalöb, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, FT79 SAUCY BIRD, 1998 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins, placed twice, 581.002 kr incl bonus, Swedish Criterium, SM för 2-åriga Ston, 5e Norweigan Oaks, Swedish Oaks, FT79 THE GROOM, 1997 c by French Groom (USA), 4 wins, placed 6 times, 779.500 kr incl bonus, Sweden Cup Stayers, 2e Swedish Derby, Swedish St Leger, FT82 Elegant Song, 2003 c by Songline, 5 wins and placed 6 times incl winner over hurdles, 736.204 kr incl bonus, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Kapps Stora Pris, 4th Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 5th Swedish St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, Kapps Stora Pris, SM Classic, FT84 Baggins, 2002 c by Funambule (USA), 5 wins and placed 23 times in Denmark, 317.427 kr, 2nd Albani Store Sprint, 4th Larch Ærespræmie, FT73 ITSAGIRL, 1995 f by Itsabrahma (GB), 7 wins, placed 12 times, 480.410 kr, FT79, broodmare SAUCY HEART, 2004 f by Heart of Oak (USA), 3 wins, plac 3 t, 277.900 kr, 5th Dianalöpn, FT77 BRAVE HEART, 2001 g by Heart of Oak (USA), winner and placed, 31.915 kr, FT65 Bono, 2007 g by Heart of Oak (USA), ran twice at 2, 2009, 13.700 kr, FT66, dead at 3 Lions Prospect, 2008 c by Heart of Oak (USA), placed twice in 3 starts at 2, 2010, 34.500 kr SWE00000636, see above, own brother to MIRONA 2. mor Saucy Singer (USA), winner at 3 years and £3265 and placed 3 times; also placed once in Italy viz 3rd Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L; dam of three winners from 5 runners, 9 foals of racing age viz– SAUCY GIRL (FR), see above, BOLD SINGER (FR), 2 wins in France, and SEPTIEME SYMPHONIE (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £7407; dam of two winners inc., SYMPHONIQUE (FR), 5 wins, £98,243, winner at 2 years in France; also 4 wins over jumps at 3-4 years in France and £93,691 inc. Prix Chambly Hurdle, L. and Prix Sagan Hurdle, L. Kitty Clive (GB), unraced; dam of four winners inc., KITTY D’ARGOS (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £25,178; dam of CRINDEGUN (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 in France and £40,890. LETY (FR), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2008 in France and £14,018. Ecossette (FR), placed 4 times at 2-3 in France; dam of ECOS DE L’ORME (FR), placed in France; also 6 wins over jumps at 3-5 years in France, £193,406, Prix Aguado Hurdle, L, Olympique Prix Stanley Hdle, L., 2nd Prix Georges de Talhouet-Roy Hurdle, Gr2. 3. mor HOT GOSSIP (USA), by Correspondent (USA), 4 wins at 2-3 in USA, $17,360; dam of eleven winners from 15 runners and 17 foals inc GURKHAS BAND (USA), 22 wins at 2 to 5 years in U.S.A. and $268,263, Highlander S., Gr3, Nearctic S., Gr3 and Whimsical S., Gr3; dam of three winners. 117 Anmäld till BT11-13 jenny@bjornbacka.se Jenny Danielsson Lennström Björnbacka Stuteri 697 92 Pålsboda 0705-92 44 88 89 MARDI GRAZ Brunt sto 090417 Singspiel (IRE) Bosun’s Watch (GB), br 2004 Sinking (GB) Cryptoclearance (USA) American Pay Day (USA), br 1995 Headed North (USA), 1985 In the Wings (IRE) Glorious Song (CAN) Midyan (USA) Taplow (GB) Fappiano (USA) Naval Orange (USA) Northjet (USA) April Edge (USA) 1. mor AMERICAN PAY DAY (USA), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 79.664 kr, 4e Svenskt Oaks, FT74, mor till två vinnare av 5 startande och 6 avkommor i startbar ålder, Tsarevich, 2007 v e Homme d’Honneur (FR), plac 7 ggr på 13 starter, 123.100 kr, 3e SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, FT71 KANISORN, 2002 v e Be My Chief (USA), 20 segr i Italien, plac 22 ggr, 745.918 kr, Premio Citta di Corridonia, exp England 2008, vinnare där och 2e 5 ggr. AMERICAN SPIRIT (ITY), 2004 h e Rob’s Spirit, vinnare i Italien och plac 4 ggr Santino, 2001 h e Caerwent (IRE), plac, 32.440 kr, FT62 Apollonia Royale (ITY), 2005 s e Rob’s Spirit, i träning i Italien Sharm El Sheik, 2006 v e France (GB), plac 5 ggr, 49.400 kr, FT65 Mardi Graz, se ovan 2. mor HEADED NORTH (USA), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and placed 7 times; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 12 foals of racing age vizSeaside Deli (USA) (f. by Sea Hero (USA), 4 wins in USA, $137,933, placed second in Penn National Distaff Handicap, Penn National, L. dam of two winners inc: SEA THIS (USA), winner, 2007 in USA Cool Down (USA) (g. by Seattle Dancer (USA), 2 wins in USA, placed second in Seattle Slew Stakes, Keeneland, L. JOHN’S RIVER (USA), 2 wins in USA ICE CASTLE (USA), winner in U.S.A, dam of three winners inc Castle Concert (USA), 2 wins at 2, 3rd Chenery S, NORTH TOWN CREEK, winner in USA AMERICAN PAY DAY (USA), see above. 3. mor APRIL EDGE (USA), by The Axe II (USA), 2 wins in USA and placed 5 times, own sister to APRIL AXE; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 13 foals of racing age vizMISIL (USA), 12 wins in Italy including Premio Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Premio Parioli, Rome, Gr1, Premio Roma, Rome, Gr1, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan, Gr2 (twice), Premio Ribot, Rome, Gr2, Budweiser Gulfstream Breeders’ Cup H, Gulfstream Park, Gr2, Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr3, Super Bowl Handicap, Gulfstream Park, L, second in Coral Eclipse Stakes, Sandown Park, Gr1, Prix d’Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr1, Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr1, John Henry Handicap, Hollywood Park, Gr2, Pan American Handicap, Gulfstream Park, Gr2, Premio Chiusura, Milan, Gr3, Premio Primi Passi, Milan, Gr3 and third in Prix Ganay, Longchamp, Gr1, Gran Criterium, Milan, Gr1 and Premio Vittorio di Capua, Milan, Gr1. CLEVER EDGE (USA), 2 wins in USA and placed 10 times; dam of winners. Simil (USA), placed third in Premio Alberto Zanoletti di Rozzano, Milan, L. I’VE BEEN TRICKED (USA), winner in USA HEADED NORTH (USA), see above. PROSPECTIVE EDGE (USA), 4 wins in USA HI FRIEND LIVE (USA), 2 wins in Japan. 118 90 PUYOL Mörkbrun hingst 09- (ej färdigregistrerad) Stig Hansson Nummerettavägen 3 245 45 Staffanstorp Midyan (USA) Swedish Shave (FR), fux 1998 Shavya (GB) Opening Verse (USA) Just In Time, br 2001 Continuous Time (USA), 1996 070-522 00 03 Miswaki (USA) Country Dream (USA) Shavian (GB) Stormy Scene (IRE) The Minstrel (CAN) Shy Dawn (USA) Shadeed (USA) Trattoria (USA), 1989 1. mor JUST IN TIME, winner and placed in just 4 starts, 55.500 kr, FT68, dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 previous foals: Just Nu, 2005 c by Inchrory (GB), 5 wins, placed 6 times, 453.068 kr, 2nd Kapps Stora Pris, 4th Songline Classic, L, 5th Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 6th Hurricanelöpn, FT83 SWEDISH TIME, 2006 g by Swedish Shave (FR), winner and placed twice, 62.100 kr, FT63 Just Tea, 2008 f by Tertullian (USA), not registered Puyol, see above 2. mor Continuous Time (USA), unplaced at 2 and 3 years, dam of two winners from 2 runners: AMARETTO, 2005 g by Terroir (IRE), 2 wins, placed twice, 127.900 kr, FT66 JUST IN TIME, see above 3. mor TRATTORIA (USA), by Alphabatim (USA), winner at 2 years and £3,034 and placed twice; dam of one winner from 5 runners and 5 living foals of racing ageI’M THE SHOW (USA), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2002, in USA Transgression (USA), placed twice at 2 years in USA Lascensa (USA), placed once at 3 years in Germany; broodmare Continuous Time (USA), see above. The next dam Falabella (IRE) by Steel Heart (IRE), ran a few times at home and in USA; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 14 foals of racing age vizTIMEKEEPER (USA), 4 wins at home and in Italy incl Criterium Varesino-Mem. Virginio Curti, Varese, L, Premio Pisa, Pisa, L. and Premio Giuseppe de Montel, Milan, L, 2nd Premio Toscana, Firenze, L. and 3rd Juddmonte Beresford S, Curragh, Gr3. Strada (USA), 3 wins in USA, placed 3rd A M Fisher S, Ellis Park. BOTERO (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 5 times; also 15 wins in Denmark, in West Germany, in Norway and in Sweden. FALABELLA’S DANCE (USA), 2 wins in USA FIT FOR LIFE (USA), winner in USA TRATTORIA (USA), see above. LA MAMOUNIA (USA), winner in Italy and placed once. ITALIAN BANK (USA), winner in Italy and placed 4 times. Lieutenant Bert (USA), placed once in USA Empress of Austria (USA), placed once at 2 years. Fit As A Flea (USA), unraced; dam of winners. Fit For Gold (USA), 2nd Phoenix Gold Cup H, Turf Paradise, Gr3, Turf Paradise Futurity, Turf Paradise and 3rd Turf Paradise Derby, Turf Paradise. CAPE FLAT (USA), winner in USA. 119 Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12 bengt.morberg@compaqnet.se Bengt Morberg Vallhall Fäboda 15 734 91 Hallstahammar 91 MONTUS Skimmel hingst 090528 Lyphard (USA) Funambule (USA), fux 1987 Sonoma (FR) Common Grounds (GB) La Bonita (IRE), sk 1990 Catherine Linton (USA), 1975 0220-260 46 070-471 54 29 Northern Dancer (CAN) Goofed (USA) Habitat (USA) Satu (GB) Kris (GB) Sweetly (FR) High Echelon (USA) Reckless Driver (USA), -59 1. mor LA BONITA (IRE), placed twice at 2 years; also 9 wins at 3 to 6 years in Sweden, 266.340 kr, fifth in Bloomers’ Vase and Scandinavia Cup, FT72; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals vizMOLTAS, 2002 g by Melmac, 9 wins, placed 12 times, 1.090.397 kr, Swedish Open Mile, L, Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, Skandinavisk Mesterskap 3-åringer, SM Classic, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, twice, 2nd Swedish Open Mile, L, GHR Gold Cup, 3e Songline Classic, L, SM Classic, 4th Svenskt Kriterium, 5th Nickes Minneslöpn, L, twice, FT92 Monita, 1998 f by Spectacular Tide (USA), winner, placed 5 times, 157.950 kr, Diana Consolation, 2nd Altamiralöpn, FT77, dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of age; MYTHOS, 2005 g by Melmac, 7 wins, placed 9 times, 439.000 kr, 5th SM Sprinters, FT85 MYKENE, 2003 f by Melmac, 5 wins, placed 12 times, 276.800 kr, FT67 MYSTIK, 2006 g by Melmac, 3 wins, placed 6 times, 261.200 kr, FT78 Monza, 2004 f by Melmac, 4 wins, placed 7 times, 364.321 kr, 3rd Melmaclöpn, 4th Götalandlöpn, FT78 MOGUL, 2005 g by Heart of Oak (USA), 4 wins, placed 8 times, 294.600 kr, FT77 MONTEREY, 2007 g by Melmac, winner and placed twice in 5 starts, 85.300 kr, FT72 Moretti, 2000 g by Melmac, placed twice at 2 years in Sweden, FT68, also placed over jumps Molino, 2006 g by Melmac, placed 5 times, 63.850 kr, FT63 Morten, 2008 c by Melmac, reported in training Montus, see above 2. mor CATHERINE LINTON (USA), unraced; dam of eleven winners from 14 runners and 15 foalsZAR BITTER, 10 wins in Italy, £26.511, including Premio U.N.P.C.P.S., Milan, L, 3rd Premio Boschetti, Milan, L.; also 3 wins over jumps in Italy. FOR SURE FOR SURE, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also 17 wins in Italy, £42.472 NETHER LANE (IRE), 7 wins in Denmark and in Sweden and placed 4 times. Love Lost, unplaced; dam of winners. It’s Cryin’ Time (AUS), 3rd Dayana S, Belmont, L. Jenufa (IRE), 3rd Wintergreen S, Philadelphia Park. 3. mor Reckless Driver (USA) by Traffic Judge (USA), 9 wins in USA and placed 9 times, $35.615, including 3rd Mermaid S, Atlantic City; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age includingGreenbriar (USA), 12 wins in USA, $63.012, 3rd Springtime H, Thistledown. RECKLESS REIGN (USA), 3 wins in USA; dam of winners. Adorable Dori (USA), 3rd Natalma S, Woodbine, Gr3. CORILAND (USA), winner in USA; 3rd dam of DARKMAN (USA), won Spur S, Louisiana D’s. MUSE OF MUSIC (USA), winner in USA; dam of Frank’s Selection (USA), 3rd Play the King H, Woodbine, Gr3. RECKLESS STAR (USA), winner in USA; dam of NORTHERN LOMBARDI (USA), won Buckeye Belle S, Beulah Park; grandam of SHEER SABLE (USA), won Battler Star H, Fair Gr, L RECKLESS DATE (USA), 2 wins in USA; dam of six winners. GREATCAESAR’SGHOST (USA), won Inaugural S, Ellis Park. 120 Anmäld till BT11-13, BP12, BC13 lars.olsson@u.lrf.se Sonja Olsson Östersäby Stuteri 736 92 Kungsör 92 SWE00000630 Mörkbrun hingst 090330 Woodman (USA) Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992 L’On Vite (USA) Piccolo (GB) Piccolezza (GB), br 1999 Sound Check (GB), 1993 0227-201 33 0702-81 10 48 Mr Prospector (USA) Playmate (USA) Secretariat (USA) Fanfreluche (CAN) Warning (GB) Woodwind (FR) Formidable (USA) Imperatrice (USA), 1985 1. mor PICCOLEZZA (GB), 4 wins, £14,935, winner at 2 years and placed once; also 3 wins at 4 years in Sweden and £10,630 and placed 5 times, FT81; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 previous foals; FLAVIO, 2006 c by Swedish Shave (FR), winner at 3, 2009, 57.900 kr, FT66, dead at 3 Piccolessima, 2007 f by Mirio (FR), ran twice at 3, 2010 Pick Me, 2008 g by Mirio (FR), in training with Tommy Gustafsson, Täby SWE00000630, see above 2. mor SOUND CHECK (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £9132 and placed 5 times; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 6 foals; PICCOLEZZA (GB), see above. She also has a 3-y-o colt by M’Bebe (GB). 3. mor IMPERATRICE (USA), by King’s Lake (USA), ran in France; dam of two winners from 8 runners and 10 foals incAEGEAN SOUND (GB), winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of two winners, Dizzydaisy (GB), ran a few times; dam of three winners incAEGEAN FLAME (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £13,166 and placed 5 times; dam of three winners: AEGEAN DANCER (GB), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2007 and £78.585 and placed 15 times, PICCOLO PRINCE (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years and £26.022 and placed 10 times, and KYM KYM (GB), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2008 in Greece and £28.218 and placed 7 times. The next dam IF (FR) (Kashmir II), 2 wins in France and 231,203 fr. inc Prix de la Grotte, Longchamp, Gr3, placed 3 times inc. 2nd Coup de Sa Majeste la Reine Elizabeth, Longchamp, L. and 3rd Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc., NORBURN, 3 wins in France and £20,615 inc. Prix des Ecuries, Chantilly, L; sire. Armada, 4 wins, £23,039, 3 wins at 3 years and £15,742; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £7297 and $29,585 and placed 3 times inc. 2nd Volante H., Santa Anita, Gr3 and 4th Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr1. Cameo Shore, 2 wins at 2-3 years in France and 162,000 fr. and placed 5 times inc 2nd Prix Fille de l’Air, Saint-Cloud, Gr3 and 4th Prix de Minerve, Evry, Gr3; dam of four winners incKAJALL (USA), won Prix de la Porte de Passy, Chantilly, L. and 3rd Prix de Royallieu, Longchamp, Gr3; dam of Jasdan (GB), 6 wins, £51,946, winner at 3 years and £7879 and placed 3 times; also 5 wins at 4 to 6 years in Malaysia and in Singapore and £44,067 placed 3rd Coronation Cup, Perak, L. Atropa (USA), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of TENUOUS (GB), 2 wins at 3 years in France and £52,300 inc. Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr3, placed twice inc. 2nd Prix de Malleret-Japan Racing Association, Longchamp, Gr2, KITHIRA (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and in U.S.A. and £79,645 inc. Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L. and Harold C Ramser Sr H., Santa Anita, L, placed 4 times, 3rd Prix d’Aumale, Chantilly, Gr3, Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr3, Prix d’Angerville, Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix Amandine, Deauville, L. 121 www.stallandersson.se - ch7478@hotmail.com Christer B Andersson Valnäsgatan 89 387 96 Köpingesvik 93 PILLMAN Brun hingst 090227 Sadler’s Wells (USA) Homme d’Honneur (FR), br 1992 Luth De Saron (FR) Songline Inchgower, br 2002 Römi Martäng, 1986 0485-730 28 0735-65 10 20 Northern Dancer (CAN) Fairy Bridge (USA) Luthier (FR) Rose De Saron (FR) Diaghlyphard Princess Persian (IRE) Legend of France (USA) Almunicar (GB), 1977 1. mor Inchgower, placed, 7.246 kr, FT51, dam of (first foal), Pillman, see above 2. mor RÖMI MARTÄNG, -86 f by Legend of France (USA), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Sweden, 463.500 kr, Sofierolöpn, Svealandlopn, 2nd Dianalopn and 3rd Amacitalopn, SM 2-åriga, FT76; dam of three winners from 10 runners and in all 14 foals; HIGHLAND PARK, 1994 g by Miami Springs (IRE), 2 wins, placed 14 times, 150.155 kr, FT66 LOCHNAGAR’S, 2000 g by Caerwent (IRE), 2 wins, placed once, 55.500 kr, FT57 LEDAIG, 1996 f by Grant’s (DEN), winner and placed, 37.900 kr, FT65 Inchgower, see above 3. mor ALMUNICAR (GB) by Sharpen Up (GB), winner at 2 years and £3228, placed 3 times incl 2nd John Courage S, York; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and in all 11 foals of racing age vizRÖMI MARTÄNG, see above FERNET-BRANCA -88 f by Diligo (FR), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years, 300.900 kr, Dianalöpn, placed 12 times, 4th iDag Cup, Scandinavia Cup, FT72, dam of eight winners from 8 runners, PREMIER, 5 wins, placed 8 times, 493.310 kr, Götalandlöpn, 2nd Becky Moss Fillies Mile, 5th Altamiralöpn, FT82 AUCHROISK, 3 wins, placed 9 times, 861.713 kr, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, L, 2nd Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, L, Dianalöpn, 3rd Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, L, Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, L, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, Götalandlöpn, 4th Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, L, 5th Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, L, Svenskt Oaks, FT85 TeBheagNanEilan, 3 wins, placed 9 times, 761.162 kr, 2nd Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, 3rd Svenskt Oaks, 4th Svenskt Kriterium, 5th Breeders Trophy Juvenile, FT80 Glen Edward’s, 2 wins, placed twice in 7 st, 131.000 kr, 3rd Duty Time Juvenile Mile, FT75 LOCHRANZA, 2 wins, placed twice, 158.550 kr, 5th Dansk Derby, FT79 GLENURY ROYAL, 2 wins and placed in just 4 starts, 83.715 kr, FT85 TAMNAVULIN, 5 wins, placed 11 times, 228.900 kr, FT74 AULTMORE, 2 wins, placed 4 times, 107.200 kr, FT74 Bladnoch, 3 wins, placed 3 times, 207.400 kr, 3rd Sv Kriterium, 4th Breeders’ Trophy, FT76, dam of a winner: Yamazaki, 2007 f by Nicolotte (GB), 2 wins, placed 3 times in 8 starts at 2-3 years 2010, 222.950 kr, 2nd in SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, FT74 FIRST SKYLINE 1987 c by Atlantic Boy (GB), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years, plac 11 times, 286.600 kr, 4th Svenskt Derby, FT83 SPRINGBANK 1989 f by Miami Springs (IRE), 5 wins at 4 and 6 years, 1995 in Denmark and in Sweden and placed 24 times, 110.800 kr, FT60 HOGMANAY, 1999 c by Caerwent (IRE), 3 wins and placed 5 times, 135.800 kr, FT70 BRANCAMENTA, 1991 f by Grant’s (DEN), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in Sweden and placed 9 times, 68.250 kr, FT56 Brora, 1997 f by Atlantic Boy (GB), ran once, dam of a winner: PRINCE OF DARKNESS, 9 wins, placed 28 times, 519.880 kr, FT78. 122 jenny.lindblad@hotmail.com Ture o Jenny Lindblad/Stall Joie de Vie Målsjö Brunnshult 016-700 20 643 97 Västra Näshulta 070-658 42 97 94 ARIZONA HIGH Mörkbrunt sto 090325 Danehill Dancer (IRE) Indesatchel (IRE), 2002 Floria (IRE) Tragic Role (USA) Be Practical (GB), mbr 1995 Practical (GB), 1980 Danehill (USA) Mira Adonde (IRE) Petorius (IRE) Candle Hill (GB) Nureyev (USA) Don’t Sulk (USA) Ballymore (IRE) Prudent Girl (USA), 1968 1. mor BE PRACTICAL (GB), winner at 3 years and £7064 and placed 3 times, TF87; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 6 previous foals; Sensible Lady (GB), 2004 f by Tobougg (IRE), winner at 2 years and £16,402 and placed 3 times inc 2nd Lanwades/Staffordstown Silken Glider S, Curragh, L., TF86 PRINCESS ISMENE (GB), 2001 f by Sri Pekan (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,581 and placed 9 times, broodmare. FLASHY MAX (GB), 2005 g by Primo Valentino (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2008 and £5199 and placed 4 times. Ptolemaeus (GB), 2006 c by Tobougg (IRE), placed 4 times over hurdles at 3 years, 2009. She also has a 3-y-o filly by Firebreak (GB). Arizona High, see above 2. mor PRACTICAL (GB), 3 wins at 3 years, £6549; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals; SHREWD PARTNER (IRE), 7 wins, £27,758, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £9983; also 3 wins in Norway and £14,664; also 2 wins over jumps in Norway. PRACTICE RUN (IRE), 4 wins, £24,517, winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years; also 3 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years and £20,662. POLITICAL SOLUTION, 3 wins at 3 years in U.S.A. and £11,645. PARFAIT, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £18,569; dam of two winners, PAPI SPECIAL (IRE), winner at 3 years and £9852. BE PRACTICAL (GB), see above. POT OF GOLD, winner at 3 years; dam of five winners inc, CALORESCENCE (IND), won Eveready Calcutta Gold Cup, Kolkata, L. and Indian Champion Cup, Kolkata, L. SONALIKA (IND), won A C Ardeshir Trophy, Mumbai, L, Western India Owners’ Fillies & Mares S, Pune, L. and Bombay Dyeing C N Wadia Gold Cup, Mumbai, L. 3. mor PRUDENT GIRL (USA) by Primera (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years; dam of eight winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc, PROVIDENTIAL, 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and in USA, Washington D. c International S, Laurel, Gr1, 3rd Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr1 and Premio Roma, Rome, Gr1; sire. PLAY IT SAFE, Champion 2-y-o filly in France in 1981, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and 853,200 fr. and £6387 inc. Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr1, 4th 1000 Guineas S, Newmarket, Gr1; dam of six winners inc, VANITIES (USA), won Marie P Debartalo Memorial Oaks, Louisiana Downs, L, 3rd Pucker Up S, Arlington Int, Gr3 and Nijana S, Saratoga, Gr3. LIGHT ON YOUR FEET (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of REFLECT THE MUSIC (USA), 5 wins in U.S.A. inc. Wintergreen S, Turfway Park, L. RED BORDEAUX (USA), winner in U.S.A.; dam of HOUSEAFIRE (USA), 14 wins in USA, $334,220, Gold Rush Futurity, L. and Mathis Brothers Remington Futurity, L.; grandam of INEXCESSIVE PLAY (USA), won Lasenora H, L. 123 Anmäld till BT11-13 95 SWE00000534 Brunt sto 090316 Kerstin o Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby Woodman (USA) Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992 L’On Vite (USA) Turtle Island (IRE) Talaila (IRE), br 2001 Talama (FR), 1987 08-512 416 12 070-757 78 76 Mr Prospector (USA) Playmate (USA) Secretariat (USA) Fanfreluche (CAN) Fairy King (USA) Sisania (GB) Shakapour (IRE) Talosca (FR), 1974 1. mor TALAILA (IRE), unraced; dam of two previous foals; Boa, 2005 g by Medecis (GB), only ran 4 times Scorpius, 2008 c by Orpen (USA), in training with Lars Bexell, Täby SWE00000534, see above 2. mor Talama (FR), winner at 3 years in France and 104.000 FF and placed once, 3rd Prix de Thiberville, Deauville, L; dam of four winners, SELOUS (IRE), 4 wins, 461.250 kr; 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £34,390 and placed 6 times; Svenskt St Leger, 3rd Vinterfavoriternas Pris, 4th Dianalöpn, FT83, also winner over jumps at 4 years in Switzerland, dam of a winner: Carrousel, -05 g by Spinning World (USA), winner and placed 5 times, 344.345 kr, 2nd in SM för 2-åriga hästar, 3rd Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, 4th Svenskt St Leger, 5th Vinterfavoriternas Pris, FT80 Welcome Back, 2008 c by Fasliyev (USA), placed twice in 5 starts at 2, 2010, 22.800 kr TAKU (IRE), placed once at 2 years; also 5 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.A.E. and £15,152. TALAMA LADY (IRE), 3 wins, £9621, 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years; also winner over hurdles, 2004 and £6065 and placed twice. PENNE DANCER (IRE), 2 wins, £7777, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. 3. mor TALOSCA (FR) by Abdos (FR), 2 wins in France and placed 6 times; also placed once over jumps in France; dam of two winners, Talama (FR), see above. TAZIYR (FR), 9 wins, 7 wins in France and 409,200 fr. and placed 31 times; also 2 wins over jumps in France. Timoro (FR), placed 3 times over jumps in France. Tazmaan (FR), placed once in France. Tapalana (FR), placed once in France. Tamarisca (FR), ran on the flat in France; dam of seven winners, MILORD (IND), winner in India. CHESTNUT WHISPER (IND), winner in India. MASTERPIECE (IND), winner in India. CALAMINT (IND), winner in India. KEEP BATTLING (IND), winner in India. MILADY (IND), winner in India. FAIR AND FANCY (IND), winner in India. The next dam TALICA, 2 wins in France; dam of a winner, TALOSCA (FR), see above. Lystra, unraced; dam of two winners incLYSAN (FR), winner in FR; also winner over jumps in FR, ABALDA (FR), winner in Morocco. Lyriba (FR), unraced; dam of Ribana (BEL), 12 wins, £30,350, 4 wins in Belgium and £6068. 124 Emilie Johansson Komtillmåtta 575 96 Eksjö 96 DAZZLING DAISY Fux sto 090526 Sharpo (GB) Sharp Matt (GB), fux 1991 Matoa (USA) Malvernico (IRE) Debbie, br 2003 Debonair (GB), br 1994 emilie_j86@hotmail.com 0702-18 13 52 Sharpen Up (GB) Moiety Bird (GB) Tom Rolfe (USA) Candida Gold (IRE) Nordico (USA) Malvern Beauty (GB) Batshoof (GB) Celestial Air (GB), 1980 1. mor Debbie, 4 segr, plac 10 ggr, 389.340 kr, 3a TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, Melmaclöpn, FT76, mor till; Dazzling Daisy, se ovan 2. mor DEBONAIR (GB), 5 segr, plac 16 ggr inkl som 2-åring i England, 290.750 kr, mor till tre vinnare av 5 startande och totalt 6 föl i starbar ålder, Debbie, se ovan DUNDEE, 2008 h e Sharp Matt (GB), vinnare och plac på 4 starter som 2-åring 2010, 112.000 kr DEBATT, 2002 h e Sharp Matt (GB), vinnare på endast 4 starter, 25.810 kr, FT68 Derby Dream, 2005 h e Sharp Matt (GB), plac 3 ggr, 39.300 kr, FT61 Decca, 2006 s e Songline, plac 2 ggr, 33.800 kr, FT64 Sharp Magic, 2001 h e Sharp Matt (GB), startat 8 gånger, FT52 3. mor CELESTIAL AIR (GB) by Rheingold (IRE), 2 wins, £3,949 at 3; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 9 foals incl, Bellton (GB), winner, £2,610 at 3 years; also 2 wins and £10,719 over hurdles and placed 6 times over hurdles, 2nd Northumberland Gold Cup Novices’ Chase, Newcastle, L SYCOPHANTE, placed twice at 2 years; also 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £28,648 and placed twice. DEBONAIR (GB), see above. DEER HUNT (GB), winner at 3 years and £19,722 and placed 8 times; also 2 wins at 6 and 7 years in USA and £24,955 and placed 3 times. BELLAS GATE BOY (GB), 4 wins at 5 to 7 years and £18,403 and placed 11 times. The next dam CLOUDBREAK (GB), by Nimbus (GB), winner at 2 years and placed twice, all her starts; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 11 foals of racing age inclHELTER SKELTER, 8 wins in Italy incl Premio Bersaglio, Milan, L (3 times); dam of winners. HIGHFIELD JET, 5 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years and placed 6 times; also 4 wins over hurdles incl Van Endert Gedachtnis Hurdle, Neuss, L and placed 6 times and 3 wins over jumps in Germany. Palatinate, 2 wins at 3 years and placed 3 times; also 2 wins over hurdles and winner over steeplechase and plac 14 times incl 2nd Greenham Group H Hurdle, Newbury, L The next dam Firmament, winner at 2 years, placed once viz 3rd Princess Elizabeth S, Epsom; dam of six winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age inclKOGA, 3 wins at 2 years; dam of winners. UNCLE BEN (SAF), won Newbury S, Greyville, Gr3, Castrol National Sprint, Gosforth (twice). PELTING, 2 wins at 3 years; dam of winners. SPLASHING, 2 wins at 2 years incl Cornwallis S, Ascot, Gr3, 2nd Ladbroke Nell Gwyn S, Newmarket, Gr3 and 4th King George S, Goodwood, Gr3; dam of BASSENTHWAITE, 4 races incl Middle Park S, Newmarket, Gr1, 2nd Gimcrack S, York, Gr2; sire. Glinting, winner at 2 years, 3rd Ladbroke Nell Gwyn S, Newmarket, Gr3; dam of HADEER, won Federation Brewery Beeswing S, Gr3, Hungerford S, Gr3, Kiveton Park S, Gr3. 125 Åringen född och uppfödd hos Sonja Olsson, Östersäby 97 SWE00000643 Fux sto 090322 stefan.uppstrom@telia.com Stefan Uppström/Hvitas Stjerna Karlsrovägen 18 08-753 12 00 182 33 Danderyd 070-593 12 00 Fasliyev (USA) Chineur (FR), 2001 Wardara (GB) Nombre Premier (GB) Stigmata (FR), br 2002 Cats Eye (USA), 1991 Nureyev (USA) Mr P’s Princess (USA) Sharpo (GB) Ward One (GB) Kendor (FR) Sabiola (USA) Lashkari (GB) Black Pearl (FR), 1978 1. mor STIGMATA (FR), winner at 2 years in France and £15,227 and placed 4 times; Above is her first foal. SWE00000643, see above 2. mor CATS EYE (FR), 3 wins at 3 and 6 years in France and £23,760; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 foals; LITTLE ONE (FR), 3 wins at 2 years in France and £22,164. STIGMATA (FR), see above. 3. mor BLACK PEARL (FR) by Luthier (FR), winner in France and 58,000 fr.; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 7 foals; Black Kris (FR), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in France and in Spain and £22,762, 3rd Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L. BLACK LUTH (FR), 6 wins in France and £89,619. CATS EYE (FR), see above. TORREYA (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £21,968; dam of a winner, PERRAULTINE (FR), 2 wins over jumps at 3 years in France. NICE PEARL (FR), placed once in France; also winner over jumps in France. Hermine And Pearls (FR), placed 6 times at 3 and 4 years in France and £9151; dam of three winners, LONESOME DOVE (FR), 2 wins at 3 years in France and £14,599; also 2 wins over jumps. WHITE DOVE (FR), 2 wins over hurdles and £10,008 and winner over fences at 6 years. ZAVOLIARA TERZ (GB), 2 wins at 4 years in Greece and £8226. The next dam PERLE FINE (FR), ran on the flat in France; Own sister to FINE PEARL; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 13 foals inc, GOLDEN GLITTERS (FR), 7 wins in France. FIN CORNELUS (FR), 5 wins, 3 wins in France; also 2 wins over jumps in France. FINALCO (FR), 4 wins in France and in U.S.A. and $30,323 and 63,000 fr. PHARLYNE, 2 wins at 5 years in Australia and 27,000 fr. PERLDIA (FR), winner in France; dam of winners inc, CASTLE GUARD, won Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr3, 3rd Prix d’Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr1 and 4th Prix Lupin, Longchamp, Gr1; sire. Flute (FR), placed 3 times at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc, ANY SONG, won Stallion Invest Irish Cambridgeshire H, Curragh, L, Allez France H, Hollywood Park, L. and 3rd Matriarch S, Hollywood Park, Gr1; grandam of Glorious Honour (USA), winner at 2 years in U.S.A. and $16,699 2nd Bayouland Sales S, Evangeline Downs. MICK’S LOVE (IRE), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in Sweden and £25,630 inc. Sunley Newmarket S, Newmarket, L. Phyl, unraced; dam of CARDINAL HILL (GB), 5 wins, £60,354, 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years and £5957; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and £54,397 inc. Country Pride Champion Novices’ Hurdle, Punchestown, Gr1 and Jameson Gold Cup Novice Hurdle, Fairyhouse, Gr2, 2nd Avonmore Waterford Royal Bond Nov.Hurdle, Fairyhouse, Gr1. 126 tsn01007@student.mdh.se Anmäld till BT11-13, BC13 Therese o Gösta Staffansson Nannberga Gammalgård 214 732 91 Arboga 070-438 02 87 98 ONLY JACKIE Mörkbrunt sto 090426 Midyan (USA) Jaunty Jack (GB), br 1994 Juliette Marny (GB) Shahdji (IRE) Only Bee (DEN), sk 1991 El Bee (DEN), 1982 Miswaki (USA) Country Dream (USA) Blakeney (GB) Set Free (GB) Ela-Mana-Mou (IRE) Shaiyneen (GB) Harambee II (IRE) Elektra (DEN), 1976 1. mor ONLY BEE (DEN), 3 wins in just 4 starts at 2, 54.000 kr, FT74, dam of one winner from 2 runners and 5 previous foals; ONLY ME, 1995 f by Steve’s Friend (USA), 2 wins, placed 7 times, 103.300 kr, FT63 Only You, 1996 c by Music Streak (DEN), only ran twice, 3.700 kr, FT50, dead at 3 years Only Amaze, 1998 f by Lotus Pool (USA), unraced Only a Star, 2001 g by Richard of York (GB), unraced Only a Gay, 2005 c by Double Net (ire), unraced, dead at 3 Only Jackie, see above 2. mor El Bee (DEN), unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runner and 3 foals; ONLY BEE (DEN), see above. HONEY BEE (DEN), 1992 f by Basiluzzo (USA), 2 wins at 4 years, 36.200 kr 3. mor Elektra (DEN), ran on the flat in Denmark; dam of 1 foal, El Bee (DEN), see above. The next dam Lotte (DEN), winner in Denmark, placed 2nd Dansk Avlslob, Klampenborg and 3rd Ga-Jol Plate, Klampenborg; dam of 2 runners and 4 foals, Elektra (DEN), see above. The next dam AURABORA, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals; Prophetess, 5 wins at 2 to 4 years and placed 4 times inc. 2nd King George V S, Royal Ascot. Lotte (DEN), see above. BINO, 9 wins in Denmark. PLAYBOY, 5 wins in Denmark. LAURA, 2 wins in Denmark. CANDLELIGHT, winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of ten winners, CANDAHAR, won Premio Mostra d’Oltermare, Naples, L, 2nd Criterium di Roma, Rome, L, Criterium Partenopeo, Naples, L, Premio Rumon, Rome, L, Premio Sette Colli, Rome, L, 3rd Premio Daumier, Rome, L. and Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L. LIGHT FEET, winner in Belgium. CARNLEA MUSIC, winner in Malaysia. SARAH LAURA, winner in France; dam of LUMINOSA, 11 wins at 3 to 6 years in France and £39,100, SARASARA (FR), 6 wins in France, PARADISI (FR), winner in France; grandam of LUMICRICK (FR), 6 wins in France and £40,111 and placed 28 times, ULTIMA LUX (FR), 6 wins at 3 to 6 years in France and £54,465 and placed 20 times, EDENLUX (FR), 2 wins at 5 and 6 years in France and £11,625 and placed 14 times, ANOSANOUR (FR), 2 wins at 4 years, 2008 in France and £5952 and placed 3 times, ASTROLUX (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £5197 and placed 4 times, SOLMINOSA (FR), winner at 2 years in France and placed twice. 127 www.teamspeed.se - info@teamspeed.se Anmäld till BT11-13 Team Speed HB, Anne-Li Ädel Östanås 150 0292-440 25 740 45 Tärnsjö 073-550 44 47 99 WEEWAN Mörkbrunt sto 090418 Sharpo (GB) Sharp Matt (GB), fux 1991 Matoa (USA) Diaghlyphard (USA) Weezer, br 1998 Sharp Girl (GB), 1979 Sharpen Up (GB) Moiety Bird (GB) Tom Rolfe (USA) Candida Gold (IRE) Lyphard (USA) Jump Seat (USA) Sharpen Up (GB) Swing South (GB), 1975 1. mor WEEZER, vinnare i debuten som 2-åring, 53.000 kr, 4e SFAF:s Stora Pris Auktionslöpn på endast 4 starter, FT72, helsyster till LOCAL HERO; mor till två vinnare av 3 startande och totalt 5 föl i startbar ålder; WEASEL, 2004 v e Funambule (USA), 3 segr och plac 6 ggr, 142.650 kr, FT62 DOUBLE IN, 2005 s e Funambule (USA), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 132.459 kr, FT69 Whizper, 2007 v e Funambule (USA), plac 4 ggr på 8 starter, 70.150 kr, 7e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, FT71 Wizuella, 2003 s e Br My Chief (USA), ej startat, död som 2-åring Weezotte, 2008 h e Nicolotte (GB), i träning hos Johan Lindberg, Täby Weewan, se ovan 2. mor SHARP GIRL (GB), vinnare och plac på 3 starter, mor till fem vinnare av 6 startande och tot 10 föl: LOCAL HERO, 1992 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 9 segr, plac 19 ggr, 1.326.000 kr, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Malmö Stads Pris, SM Sprinters, Mandarin Premiärhkp, 2e Idag Cup, Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, SM Sprinters, 5e Breeders’ Trophy, FT86, avelshingst LOOK SHARP, 1991 s e Verd-Antique (GB), vinnare och plac på 5 starter som 2-åring, 45.400 kr, FT70, mor till fem vinnare: Muyumba, 3 segr, plac 9 ggr, 302.600 kr, 3e Duty Time Juvenile Mile, FT72 MULDER, 13 segr, plac 29 ggr, 818.530 kr, FT73 MURRAY, 6 segr, plac 9 ggr, 284.700 kr, FT75 MURASI, vinnare, plac 2 ggr, 125.592 kr, 5e Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, FT75 SETARÉ, vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 56.800 kr, FT71 CRYSTAL RIVER, 1986 v e Lane Court (IRE), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 33.900 kr, FT69 HELLO BABY 1987 s e Lane Court (IRE), vinnare, 13.000 kr, FT55 WEEZER, se ovan Be-Bop, 1995 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), endast startat 2 ggr, mor till en vinnare: BE SPECTACULAR, 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 129.725 kr, FT77 Evangelina, 1997 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), mor till en vinnare: LETS GO, vinnare och plac på endast 6 starter, 71.300 kr, FT69 3. mor Swing South, e Swing Easy (USA), ej startat, mor till vinnare: SHARP GIRL (GB), se ovan The next dam BOAT HOOK (GB), by Hook Money (USA), winner at 2, dam of three winners: BLESSED LOOK, Seaton Delaval S, Gr3, 2nd Cork and Orrey S, Gr3 Elegante, 3rd Cherry Hinton S, Gr3 Evenca, 2nd Molecomb S, Gr3, dam of three winners inclASDIC, 2 wins, 3rd King George V S, L Lea Landing, 3rd Hilary Needler Trophy, L, dam of five winners incMY MADNESS, 5 wins in France and USA, Barkdalee H, L, 2nd Prix des Foals, L TILBURY, winner at 2, 4th Larkspur S, Gr3. BOGAINEVILLE, 3 wins. 128 100 SWE00000532 Brun hingst 090309 Kerstin o Bo Helander Svista Säteri 186 97 Brottby Sadler’s Wells (USA) High Chaparral (IRE), 1999 Kasora (USA) Soviet Star (USA) Fortunate Star (GB), fux 2004 Mynador (USA), 1994 08-512 416 12 070-757 78 76 Northern Dancer (CAN) Fairy Bridge (USA) Darshaan (GB) Kozana (GB) Nureyev (USA) Veruschka (FR) Forty Niner (USA) Crockadore (USA), 1987 1. mor FORTUNATE STAR (GB), winner and placed 5 times, 105.090 kr, FT74, dam of (first foal): SWE00000532, see above 2. mor MYNADOR (USA), 2 wins, £19,148, winner at 2 years; also winner at 3 years in U.S.A. and £14,911; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals; MACHO DANCER (IRE), placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years and £5905; also winner at 5 years, 2008 in Denmark and placed 9 times. DOOR OF KNOWLEDGE (USA), winner at 3 years and £7068 and placed 3 times; also placed 5 times over hurdles at 3 and 4 years. FORTUNATE STAR (GB), see above. MUNDA NAI (USA), winner at 2 years and £6822 and placed once; dam of two winners inc, MIND THE GAP (GER), 3 wins, placed 3 times, 124.424 kr, at 3-4 yrs, 2010, in Norway, FT74 She also has a 2-y-o filly by Putra Sandhurst (IRE). 3. mor CROCKADORE (USA) by Nijinsky II (CAN), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in USA, £169,227, Orchid H, Gulfstream Park, Gr2 and Sheepshead Bay H, Belmont Park, Gr3, placed 2nd New York H, Belmont Park, Gr2, W L McKnight Invitational H, Calder, Gr2, EBF Meld S, Curragh, Gr3 and Irish Merchants EBF Phoenix Oaks Trial, Phoenix Park, L.; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 14 foals inc, CIRCUS MAXIMUS (USA), 4 wins, £27,491, winner at 3 years and £7604 and placed 6 times; also 2 wins over hurdles and £12,847 and placed 4 times and winner over fences at 6 years and £7040 and placed once; also winner of a point-to-point and placed once. LOVEFROMAFAR (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in U.S.A. and £20,599 and placed 11 times. CROOKED WOOD (USA), 3 wins, £43,406, 2 wins at 2 years and £27,895 and placed 3 times; also winner at 4 years in U.S.A. and £15,511; dam of a winner, SAKILE (GB), winner at 2 years, 2009 and placed twice. IMPERIAL FORUM (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, 2008 in Italy and £21,642 and placed 12 times. SHUNAIRE (USA), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of three winners, Second Omen (GB), unraced; dam of SOOTHSAY (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and USA, £81,907, Montclair S, 2nd Bay Meadows Breeders’ Cup Oaks, L, Flawlessly S, Hollywood Park, L, 3rd Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr1 and San Clemente H, Del Mar, Gr2. Prayer (IRE), ran twice; dam of WITHOUT A PRAYER (IRE), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2009 at home and in France and £117,242 inc. Totepool Midsummer S, Windsor, L, Hyde S, Kempton Park, L. and Prix Lyphard, Deauville, L, placed 3rd Tattersalls Millions Acomb S, York, Gr3. The next dam FLO RUSSELL (USA), placed once at 3 years in U.S.A.; dam of eleven winners from 14 runners and 14 foals inc, CROCKADORE (USA), see above. FLOWING (USA), 6 wins at 2 to 4 yrs, £77,485, EBF Flying Five, Gr3 (twice), Tipperary Sprint, L. (twice), placed 2nd Premio Omenoni, Milan, Gr3, 3rd Cara Ballyogan S, Gr3, Phoenix Sprint S, Gr3, Topaz Sprint S, L. and Leopardstown 1000 Guineas Trial, L.; dam of five winners, grandam of STORM MESA (USA), won San Clemente H, Del Mar, Gr2, Iowa Oaks, Prairie Meadows, Gr3 and Cinemine S, Lone Star Park, L. 129 Förteckning - Tränare Professionella tränare i Sverige Tränare Björn Björkman Claes Björling Bodil Blomqvist Åsa Borger Ylva Brandt Jan Canvert Francisco Castro Erna van Doorn Yvonne Durant Sigyn Dysell Henrik Engblom Helena Fylking Elisabeth Gautier Tommy Gustafsson Bodil Hallencreutz Christer Hederud Henrik von Heland Jacqueline Henriksson Pia Höiom Lennart Jarvén Annika Källse Roy Arne Kvisla Hans-Inge Larsen Ole Larsen Annelie Larsson Karola Larsson Johan Lindberg Karin Lindberger Gajda Kristina Lokrantz Träningsort Angarn Täby Vedum Gunnebo Angarn Haninge Jägersro Täby Täby Täby/Åkersb Mellerud Fornboda Vellinge Täby Jägersro Kungsbacka Angarn Höör Åsa Stenstorp Täby Täby Trelleborg Trelleborg Eslöv Genarp Täby Täby Angarn Moblinummer 0708-30 53 34 0708-75 67 56 0733-82 60 20 070-799 21 04 073-684 14 41 0709-68 69 40 070-576 26 34 070-580 77 00 0708-98 15 81 070-554 08 64 073-391 47 80 0709-18 50 05 070-756 07 04 070-718 03 73 070-345 86 32 070-772 27 35 070-799 95 75 070-731 26 39 0705-79 78 13 070-520 09 50 0708-97 29 04 0708-55 88 97 0708-37 71 09 070-755 54 40 070-495 64 91 070-662 70 67 073-404 06 46 0739-82 44 10 073-786 39 33 E-postadress bjorn.bjorkman@hotbrev.com worldracing@hotmail.com bodil.blomqvist@vara.se borger@telia.com ylva.brandt@telia.com ml@marialamm.se francisco@stallcastro.com evd@amska.se info@durantracing.se sigyn@dysell.com henrik-engblom@spray.se helena.fylking@hotmail.com lisa_gautier1@hotmail.com tgracing@telia.com bodhall@gmail.com hederud@home.se henrik@vonheland.se jacqueline.henriksson@lympos.se pia@hoiom.se l.jarven@tattersalls.com annika.kallse@bredband.net kvisla@hotmail.com olelarsen0405@hotmail.com eddie.larsson@telia.com karolalarsson@tele2.se johan@isolaracing.se klindberger@ymail.com - Hur många galopphästar du än äger eller tränar har vi Kerstin, Lars och Roger. De kan allt om hästförsäkringar. Kontakta Kerstin Åker 070-371 60 56 Lars Lindh 070-557 87 07 Roger Nilsson 0708-11 49 14 130 Jessica Long Tina Långström Caroline Malmborg Barry McGann Alex McLaren Sofie Möller Bo Neuman Rolf Ohlsson Tony Oscarsson Thomas Pedersen Dennis Persson Jan-Erik Pettersson Ricardo Ramallo Fredrik Reuterskiöld Johan Reuterskiöld Lennart Reuterskiöld jr Malin Roth Vanja Sandrup Susanne Sivrup-Rosenqvist Madeleine Smith Katharina Stenefeldt Anette Svensson Janos Tandari Mikael Tjernström Catharina Vång Patrick Wahl Catharina Östlund Klågerup Täby Täby Täby Täby Vellinge Täby Kvarnby Veberöd Angarn Strömsholm Kvarnby/Jägersro Kvarnby Kvarnby/Jägersro Jägersro Jägersro Torna Hällestad Malmö Älvängen Täby Vellinge/Jägersro Kvarnby Tygelsjö Täby Uppsala Täby Asmundtorp 0708-64 88 24 0707-74 85 11 070-441 18 89 0706-28 66 59 0709-30 67 61 0705-85 25 44 070-591 26 34 070-693 64 66 070-799 12 27 0737-38 79 48 0708-20 43 86 0708-96 63 95 073-908 20 56 0733-86 62 77 0701-60 01 60 0708-53 98 34 0705-14 45 22 0709-26 35 68 070-604 73 37 070-867 41 81 070-229 63 18 0708-77 33 49 070-545 67 50 070-731 19 62 0708-58 06 25 070-496 16 69 070-817 83 98 jplong@live.se tinalangstrom@gmail.com caroline@stallmalmborg.se linaullberg@telia.com alex@mclarenracing.se stallproppen@hotmail.com 4200olsson@telia.com tony.oscarsson@vomb.se montana288@hotmail.com persson.dennis@telia.com teampettersson@telia.com ricran_82@hotmail.com fredrik3@telia.com jreuterskiold@hotmail.com lenreu@telia.com cece.runner@hotmail.com vanja.sandrup@live.se info@alehastspa.se info@smithracing.se k_stenefeldt@hotmail.com anette.svensson@euromail.se janos.tandari@hotmail.com tjernstrom@hotmail.se ninna@ullbolsta.com pwahlracing@hotmail.com catharina.ostlund.k@spray.se Svenska Fullblodsavelsföreningen SFAF, bildad 1919, är en sammanslutning av fullblodsuppfödare och andra som vill gagna svensk fullblodsavel. Föreningen har som syfte att främja fullblodsavelns och galoppsportens positiva utveckling i Sverige. Årsavgiften är 300 kr. Intresserade som vill teckna medlemskap är välkomna att reglera årsavgiften genom plusgiro 25 30 08-7. Ange namn, adress, telefon samt ev sto/n. SFAF:s styrelse 2010 Ordförande Vice ordf Bo Helander Bengt Morberg Ledamöter Ture Lindblad Jessica Long Eva CS Pettersson Helena Sigfridsson Conny Mobeck Ida Rehnström Stefan Uppström Peter Josefsson, kassör Nadja Bellander, sekr Suppleanter Adjungerade Hedersledamöter Kirsten Rausing Björn Zachrisson Postadress E-post Tel ordf Tel sekr Hemsida Plusgiro Bankgiro c/o Nadja Bellander, Centralvägen 8 186 31 Vallentuna nadja.bellander@telia.com 0707-77 32 11 0708-98 14 15 www.sfaf.se 25 30 08-7 5870-8777 131 Några reaktioner på den första upplagan (som inte var så stor, men som gick åt direkt): Ett jättestort tack för din storartade publikation. Vilket enormt arbete du lagt ned på att få det så lättillgängligt. Statistik kan ju lätt bli snustorr, men du har lyckats på ett otroligt pedagogiskt sätt göra historien till en mycket intressant läsning. Alla uppgifter är ju också, som du säger i förhandsreklamen, mycket lätta att hitta. Harriet och Göran Hesse Hästägare, galopphistoriker Makalöst! Hans G Lindskog TV-programledare Skriften redovisar 1.065 hästar, som med sina ägare och uppfödare, samt tränare och ryttare, har vunnit de 1.663 större löpningar som hittills ridits på Täby (2. upplagan ä uppdaterad t o m 31 aug 2010. 100 sid. Indexerad, sökregistret förbättrat för ytterligare ökad tillgänglighet. Rikt illustrerad. Fullödig statistik över alla grupper, som hästägare, uppfödare, tränare och ryttare, samt hästarn naturligtvis. “50-boken” gick till tryck den 3 september med ca 10 dagars produktionstid för ögonen. Den kan rekvireras från SRB. Den går även att köpa i Ladieskiosken på Täby Galopp och genom Sam W Friberg i Jägersro-området. Utgiven av Officina Fraterna (SRB AB, Box 14, 182 65 Djursholm). Riktpris 100 kr (exkl ev porto). Rekvirera från: srbz@home.se 132