Täby Ryttarcenter lördag den 8 oktober

Täby Ryttarcenter
lördag den 8 oktober
Allt om auktionen på www.saef.se
Dom Arigato (SM 2-åriga), 3-åriga Jive
(Oaks) och infälld Uppercut Action.
80 katalognummer
Visningar 7 och 8 okt:
Fred 18-20, lörd 9.30-12
Auktionen börjar 14.00
Rätt försäkrad
Tryggt hästägande
Med Agria Aktiv Veterinärvårdsförsäkring ökar du enkelt
tryggheten för dig och din häst - för bara 1 234 kronor om året.
Maxersättningen är 120 000 kronor, självrisken 2 800 kronor
samt en rörlig del om 20 procent. En olycksfallsförsäkring för
kusk eller ryttare ingår i alla Agrias hästförsäkringar.
Ring ditt lokala Agriaombud Roger Nilsson 070 - 811 49 14,
Lars Lindh 070 - 557 87 07, Kerstin Åker Werner 070 - 371 60 56
för att få veta mer. Du kan också ringa 020-88 88 88.
Agria Djurförsäkring är länsförsäkringars specialistbolag för djur- och grödaförsäkring.
rvård för
1 234 kr
om året r
Välkommen till
Stockholms Åringsauktion 2011!
älkomna alla galoppvänner till årets traditionella åringsauktion i Stockholm (efter
tryckning av papperskatalogen, flyttad till det splitter nya och moderna Täby
Ryttarcenter, ett stenkast från Täby Galopp), den åttonde i ordningen i vår regi!
I år har vi anledning att rikta ett extra välkommen till alla RIX-hästägare, särskilt
inbjudna genom Svensk Galopp. Vi tror att ni kommer att fascineras av auktionen; en
blandning av nerv, spänning och explosiv skönhet. Att vi är Skandinaviens största fullblodsauktion känner numera de flesta galoppvänner till. 80 åringar återfinns i årets katalog,
något färre än förra året men kvalitativt bättre. Vi har aldrig tidigare haft så många olika
avelshingstar representerade.
Nu blir det roligare att äga svenska hästar!
Stödet till de svenskfödda hästarna förbättras ytterligare nästa år. 20% av de
totala prispengarna, minst 15.000.000 kr kommer att förbehållas den svenska hästen.
Hälften, 7.500.000 kr utdelas i bonus till två-, tre-, resp fyraåriga hästar. Bonussystemet
utvidgas också till att omfatta fler lopp än tidigare.
Den svenska hästnäringen ska stöttas och det ska löna sig att köpa svenskt. Numera är
klassikerna Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpning, Svenskt St Leger, Dansk 2000 Guineas,
Dansk Derby och Dansk St Leger förbehållna skandinaviskuppfödda hästar. Till detta kommer det penningstinna Breeders’ Trophy-paketet.
Sammantaget öppnar detta för åringarna i denna katalog att tjäna fina pengar!
Vi känner att det våras för galoppen även om det står oktober i almanackan.
Stockholms Åringsauktioner drivs helt ideellt. Eventuellt överskott skall enligt våra
regler återgå till galoppsporten.
Vi har tidigare skjutit till prispengar till Auktionslöpningen.
Petra Amoudruz
Roger Asp
Leif Wretman
Stockholms Åringsauktioner
Ekonomisk Förening (SÅEF)
Var med och dela på miljonerna – kom och bjud
på våra fina åringar lördagen den 8 oktober!
Från och med 2011 betalar vi i stället ut extra uppfödarpremier, i årets löpning totalt
60.000 kr till uppfödarna av de tre bäst prisplacerade hästarna som gått genom ringen
på vår auktion.
Lång erfarenhet och pålitlig hög klass!
Sedan starten 1982 har Svista Säteris uppfödningar
tillsammmans vunnit 22.743.048 kr vid löpningar i Skandinavien och mer än 8 mkr utomlands. Under 10 år bedrev vi
uppfödning både på Irland och i Sverige, men numera satsar
vi enbart på svenskfödda hästar. Vi har 7 åringar i årets
katalog till SÅEF-auktionen:
Katalognr 1, 13, 21, 40, 50, 53 och 77
Några av våra bästa
Uppercut Action
JK Jubileumslöpn, Sv Kriterium, Voterlöpn, SÅEF/SFAF
Auktionslöpn, SM 2-åriga
2010, 2e Sv Derby
2011, FT 90
Erroll, JK Jubileumslöpn
Open Mile
(L), Svenskt
Kriterium, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn och SM 2-åriga, 3e
Stockholms Stora Pris, FT92
Easy Way
3 segr, 2a SM 2-åriga,
4e Sv Oaks, Scand
Classic Challenge
Salad Days
Breeders’ Trophy
Malvern Lass
Årets 2-åring på Täby 2004
2e SM 2-åriga, 3e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn
Turtle Turmoil
5 raka segr på
häckar inkl Svenskt
Champion Hurdle
Double Net, Svenskt Derby, Donn Eagle
JK Jubileumslöpn,
Breeders’ Tr, SM Stayers 2e Vinterfavoriternas
Pris, Malmö Stads Pris
Selous, Svenskt St
Leger 3e Vinterfa- Champollion
voriternas Pris
Uppercut Action
Välkomna att
bese vår åringskull!
Kerstin o Bo Helander
på Svista Säteri
Tel 08-512 416 12
Simply Coolawinnia
Svenskt Oaks, JK Avelslöpn,
2a Sv St Leger
Pris, hindervinnare
i Frankrike och Schweiz
Musical Contest
2e SM 2-åriga 2011
I’m Proposing
i England, TF 110
Stone Tycoon
2e i Listed,
12 segr i Italien
Blue Secret
2e i Listed,
8 segr i Italien
. . . och många fler!
Stockholms Åringsauktioner
på Täby Ryttarcenter lördagen den 8 oktober
Tidsprogram för auktionshelgen
Fredag 7 oktober
Boxarna disponeras från kl 09.00.
Kl 18.00-20.00
Åringarna tillgängliga för visning
Lördag 8 oktober
Kl 09.30-12.00
Visning av åringarna - se schema nedan!
Auktionen börjar
Koordinator SÅEF
Leif Wretman 070-573 78 00
Petra Amoudruz
073-213 80 57
Gunnar Olausson, Göran Nilsson, Marita Wirenstål
Roger Asp 070-918 32 01
Alastair Pim (Tattersalls Ltd, UK)
Obligatoriskt tidsschema för visning av åringarna
i nummerordning lördag morgon kl 10.00-11.10 på anvisad plats.
Åringarna visas i skritt, numrerade med ”hip numbers”,
och leds runt i högervarv enligt följande tidsschema:
Kl 10.00
Kl 10.10
Kl 10.20
Kl 10.30
Nr 1-10
Nr 11-20
Nr 21-30
Nr 31-40
Kl 10.40
Kl 10.50
Kl 11.00
Kl 11.10
Nr 41-50
Nr 51-60
Nr 61-70
Nr 71-80
Boka hotellrum till rabatterat pris!
Täby Park Hotel: Bokning helst via mejl: hotell@tabypark.se
Ange ”hästauktionen” för rabatt. Tel 08-506 483 00
Scandic Hotel Täby: Bokning via mejl: meeting.taby@scandichotels.com
Ange kod ”STO171011” för rabatt. Tel 08-517 354 000
Välkommen till
Agria/SÅEF Svensk
Auktionslöpning 2012!
Löpningen är öppen för svenskuppfödda hästar
sålda på någon av auktionerna i Sverige 2011
(SÅEF eller Roslövsholm)
500.000 kr
Utöver ordinarie uppfödarpremier
utbetalar SÅEF särskilda premier till uppfödarna
av de tre bäst prisplacerade hästarna som gått
genom ringen vid SÅEF-auktionen på Täby Galopp.
Agria/SÅEF Auktionslöpning 2012 rids i november på Täby Galopp
Förteckning - Åringar
Åringarna i bokstavsordning
Omslagsbilderna till
katalogen har tagits av
Stefan Uppström.
Ej namngivna åringar
NN u Bongo Quest
NN u Definite Rose
NN u Dona Li
NN u Double Top
NN u Just Walk On By
NN u La Lula
NN u Look That Chick
NN u Lovely You
NN u Mercurial
NN u Midnight Moonlight
NN u Natural Dancer
NN u Piccolezza
NN u Safarinight
NN u Saucy Heart
NN u Selous
NN u Stigmata
NN u Tess
NN u Vinjett
Den flygande galoppfotografen
Stefan Uppström som är i luften och med
där det händer något praktiskt
taget hela tiden!
Tel 070-593 12 00 Epost: stefan.uppstrom@telia.com
Villkoren 2011:
1. Auktionen anordnas av Stockholms Åringsauktioner ekonomisk förening (SÅEF) lördagen den
8 oktober 2011 på Täby Galopp och är förbehållen medlemmar i SFAF (Svenska Full­blods­
avels­föreningen) med hos Svensk Galopp (SG) inregistrerade fullblodsåringar 2011 (föl födda
2010). Säljare ansvarar för att åring som utbjudes är vederbörligen inregistrerad. Auktionen
beräknas starta kl 14.00, med visning fredag kl 18-20 och lördagen från kl 10.00. Åringarna
beräknas kunna mottagas fredag från kl 09.00 samt lördag fram till kl 09.00. För övriga exakta
tidsangivelser, se sid 3 i katalogen.
2. Åringarna säljs i befintligt skick. Samtliga uppgifter rö­rande åringen är lämnade av säljaren,
som ensam svarar för riktigheten av dessa. SÅEF och säljaren friskriver sig uttryckligen för fel
och brister hos de försålda åringarna. Arrangören och säljarens ansvar gentemot köparen är
begränsat till prisavdrag eller till att som mest återbetala det klubbade priset jämte provision och
mervärdesskatt. Arrangören och säljaren ansvarar således inte för di­rekta eller indirekta skador
som köparen drabbas av.
3. För fullgörande av sin undersökningsplikt äger köpare rätt och möjlighet att besiktiga och/eller
låta veterinär­undersöka hästen före auktionstillfället. Kostnaden för en sådan åtgärd skall betalas
av köparen.
4. Försäljningen sker i nummerordning enligt katalogen.
5. Anmälningstiden utgår måndagen den 1 augusti. Anmälningsavgiften till auktionen är 2.200
kr per åring och inkluderar boxplats och strö samt egen katalogsida. Anmälningsavgiften samt
medlemsavgift i SFAF skall vara betald senast 1 september. Faktura utsändes. Anmälningsavgift
återbetalas ej, oavsett skäl till strykning. Efteranmälan mottages ej.
6. Anmälan kan göras med den anmälningsblankett som utsändes till samtliga ägare
av fullblodsåringar eller di­rekt till SRB AB, Box 14, 182 05 Djursholm som fram­ställer
auktionskatalogen. På anmälningsblanketten skall säljarens registreringsnummer för
mervärdesskatt anges. Om skyldighet att redovisa mervärdesskatt ej föreligger skall detta
markeras i avsedd ruta.
7. Transportbidrag lämnas med 400 kr per häst om resvägen enkel väg överstiger 250 km.
8. Budgivningen skall vara på minst 1.000 kr per bud. Minimipris 10.000 kr.
9. Bevakning av reservpriser görs ej från SÅEF:s sida utan säljare har att själv med motbud eller på
annat sätt bevaka sin åring under det att den är i ring för försäljning.
10. Försäljningen sker kontant eller - om så överenskommes med säljaren - mot faktura per 30 dagar
netto, räknat från auktionsdagen. Resp säljare ombesörjer fakturering och kreditbevakning. Vid
försenad betalning har sälja­ren rätt att debitera dröjsmålsränta med 2% per månad räknat från
11. Auktionsprovision debiteras säljaren med 2% och kö­pa­ren med 6%. Vid återrop debiteras
säljaren 2% i återropsprovision. Vid återrop debiteras således säljaren totalt 4%. Åring som
säljs efter auktionen och senast 11 oktober registreras som såld på auktionen om säljaren
dokumenterar köpet på SÅEF försäljningsblankett och anmäler köpet till SÅEF senast 2011-1011 kl 24.00. Återropsprovisionen bortfaller då och köparen debiteras sedvanlig köpprovision.
Provisioner debiteras separat genom SÅEF. Vid försenad eller utebliven betalning debiterar SÅEF
dröjsmålsränta med 2% per månad.
12. Mervärdesskatt tillkommer på anmälningsavgift, inrops­summa, auktionsprovision och ev övriga
13. Om i katalogen upptagen åring utan giltig anledning dras tillbaka från auktionen, debiteras
säljaren en provision på 6% av auktionsmedelpriset. Som giltig anledning godtas endast
veterinärintyg utvisande att det av medicinska skäl är omöjligt för åringen att delta.
14. Äganderätten till såld häst övergår till köparen först när hästen är till fullo betald. Efter klubbsla­
get övergår ansvaret och eventuella kostnader på köparen. Skulle häst insjukna, skadas eller dö
efter klubbslaget är köparen ändå skyldig att betala hela köpesumman inkl provision.
15. Samtliga försålda åringar, utom de som återropats, ny­tecknas kostnadsfritt under 30 dagar i
AGRIA Racing till klubbat pris (exkl moms och provisioner).
16. Följande veterinärintyg skall avlämnas till behörig auktionsfunktionär vid åringens ankomst till
a) Intyg gällande influensavaccination: Minimikravet är en grundvaccination där andra injek­
tio­nen ges 1-2 mån efter den första och inte får vara utförd senare än 10 dagar före
c) Intyg gällande testikelstatus.
Intyg gällande smittfrihet: Intyget, som får vara högst 3 dygn gammalt, skall utvisa att såväl
åringen som övriga hästar i aktuellt stall inte uppvisar symptom på smittsam sjukdom.
17. SÅEF förbehåller sig rätt att ombesörja dopingprovtag­ning auktionsdagen på åringarna jämlikt
SG:s be­stäm­melser om otillåtna medel.
18. Inropad häst skall vara avhämtad senast kl 12.00 den 9 oktober. I annat fall förbehåller sig SÅEF
dels rätten att flytta hästen, dels debitera en avgift om 3.000 kr per häst.
19. SÅEF (inkl SRB AB som framställer katalogen) fritar sig från allt ansvar beträffande ev
felaktigheter och tryckfel i auktionskatalogen.
Följ galoppen på
Svensk Galopps
08-627 20 00 vx
Katalogens uppgifter 2011
För kataloguppgifterna ansvarar resp säljare. SÅEF påtar sig ej ansvar för ev tryckfel, så ej heller SRB
AB, som på upp­drag av arrangören svarat för den tekniska pro­duktionen. I syfte att efter hand i allt
väsentligt konsekvent kunna följa internationell katalogpraxis (In­ter­­na­tional Cataloguing Standards
Committee - ICSC) har central redigering av formu­leringar, benämningar o dyl utförts, i första hand
betr användandet av s k ”Black Type” - fet stil.
Följande praxis gäller - så konsekvent som varit möjligt - för 2011 års katalog:
1 Presentation av resp åring har skett genom mödernelinjen i tre generationer, d v s med 1. mor, 2.
mor och 3. mor. I vissa fall har ytterligare textredovisning gjorts i sammandrag.
2 Löpningars namn har endast angivits om de har eller har haft lägst L-status (Listed Race) eller
mot­­svarande, eller är traditionella s k storlöpningar i Skandinavien.
3 Grupp/Grade- och Listed Races (även R för ”restricted”) har utmärkts på vederbörligt sätt (Gr1, Gd1), (Gr2, Gd2), etc - om de om­nämnts beträffande utlandet (England, Irland, Frankrike,
Västtyskland, Italien) fr o m 1971 (USA och Kanada fr o m 1973). Nämnda länder ingår i del 1
av ICSC:s re­kom­men­dations­publikation liksom efter särskilt tillstånd vissa betydan­de löpningar i
Australien, Nya Zeeland och Sydafrika, samt i Sydamerika (Ar­gentina, Brasilien, Chile, Peru och
4 För Skandinavien - som ingår i del 2 av ICSC:s rekommendationer - där Gr- och Listed Race-systemet infördes fr o m 1976, rekommenderar ICSC att Gr-, SkGr- eller Listed Races-benämningar
ej utsätts för ifrågavarande löpningar, dock att vinnare och placerade (2:e och 3:e) utmärks med
fet stil enl mom 5. Fr o m 1997 har också SkGr-benämningarna börjat utelämnas.
5 Följande har gällt beträffande normal och fet stil. Exempel:
Vinnare i motsv kategori Gr1, Gr2, Gr3 eller L (Listed), R (restricted),
b) Clondyke
2e eller 3e i löpning enl a),
Vinnare av annan löpning. Begreppet ”vinnare” anger att hästen vunnit en löpning, eller om ospecificerat antal segrar, minst en löpning.
d) Clondyke
Övrig häst. Begreppet ”plac”, placerad, anges endast för 2:a och 3:e- placering.
6 Utslagsgivande för användandet av versaler och fet stil enl mom 5 har varit huruvida ifråga­
varande löpning vid något tillfälle varit av motsv Gr, SkGr eller L-karaktär. Fet stil har använts för
begreppen win, wins, won, winner, vinnare, segr och om hästen varit officiell Champion i
något sammanhang. Antal segrar har angivits i siffror, antal vinnare för mor i bokstäver.
7 Angivandet av suffix för uppgift om födelseland skall ses som upplysning om var hästen är född.
8 För vissa åringar har uppgifterna publicerats på engelska. Materialet har tillställts digitalt och för
att undvika förlust av uppgifter m m, har resp säljare medgivit att uppgifterna publiceras på originalspråket. Redigering och layout har därvid följt den vedertagna engelska modellen, som i vissa
fall skiljer sig något från den svenska.
9 Redaktionen har avslutats per 29 augusti. Rättelser och ändringar som därefter in­­kommer pub­
liceras i förekommande fall i på www.saef.se och på uppförstorade katalogsidor vid auktionen.
10 Uppgifter om säljare på varje katalogsida har försetts med tillgängliga telefonnummer och e-post.
11 Uppgifter om åringen är anmäld i ”Breeders-serie/löpning” har i förekommande fall angivits
längst upp på sidan och på säljarens ansvar enligt: BT12-14 - Breeders’ Trophy-programmet för
föl födda 2010 och som avser säsongerna som 2-, 3- och 4-åriga (Sverige), BP13 - Breeders Prize
2013 (Norge) för 3-åriga och BC14 - Breeders’ Cup 2014 (Danmark) för 4-åriga.
HigH ExpEctations
Lanwades’ two
young stallions
look to have
exciting times
ahead of them...
Sir percy
First crop 2yos in 2011
An unbeaten, champion 2yo who went on to be a
classic winning champion at 3, his pedigree features
10 Classic winners in his first four generations.
His impressive first crop yearlings set a high standard in
2010, fetching 80,000gns, 78,000gns, 72,000gns, etc,
and averaging 4 times his 2008 stud fee.
First crop foals in 2011
A Group 1 winning leading international miler,
he’s a Kingmambo half brother to the dam of
2010 American Champion blame and hails from
the outstanding stallion family of nureyev
and sadler’s Wells.
“Sons of Kingmambo now have 17 Group 1 winners
to their credit in the major Northern Hemisphere
countries. The run of success by Kingmambo’s
stallion sons is bound to center attention on his
unproven sons....” Andrew caulfield, TDn 25/1/2011
now a leading first crop sire
in 2011 with 7 winners (to 1.9.11)
pERcY JacKson, a Stakes-placed winner of
two races, including an 8 length victory at Warwick.
bEaUmaRis, a 3 length debutante winner
over 5 furlongs at Beverley.
saLFoRD aRt, winner of a high class 6 furlong
maiden at Windsor.
bomaR, a comfortable winner over 6½ furlongs
at Gothenburg.
KUnE KUnE, an impressive 5 length winner
over 5 furlongs at Pontefract.
Yammos, a winner at Windsor by 1¼ lengths.
Archipenko’s first 8 in-foal mares averaged E39,600,
higher than any other Uk-based freshman sire.
caVaLEiRo, an impressive 3 length winner
at Chepstow.
The independent optionTM
info@lanwades.com • www.lanwades.com • Tel: +44 (0)1638 750222 • Fax: +44 (0)1638 751186
Förteckning - Mödrar
Mödrarna i bokstavsordning
Baroness Happyness 56
Be Practical
Blue Jean Baby
Bongo Quest
Crystal Air
Dancing Wolf
Definite Rose
Dona Li
Double Top
Edna Boyle
Ess Express
Gaelic’s Fantasy
Just Walk On By
Kings Express
Kombi Plus
La Bonita
La Lula
Little Green Apple 12
Look That Chick
Lovely You
Made In Sweden
Mathilde Bozo
NN u Bongo Quest
NN u Definite Rose
NN u Dona Li
NN u Double Top
NN u Just Walk On By
NN u La Lula
NN u Look That Chick
NN u Lovely You
Midnight Moonlight 47
Mixed Bells
Natural Dancer
Never Stop
Only Bee
Peevish Guess
Persian Flight
Point Taken
Queen of Hearts
Quite Easy
Racine’s Lordi
Rambo’s Sister
River Aln
Robin Lane
Russian Rhapsody 78
Saucy Heart
Seeking The Storm 52
Simply Katie
Solid Snake
Sweet Chili
Theatre Antique
White Heather
Word In Spanish
NN u Mercurial
NN u Midnight Moon’t
NN u Natural Dancer
NN u Piccolezza
NN u Safarinight
NN u Saucy Heart
NN u Selous
NN u Stigmata
NN u Tess
NN (ger) u Vinjett
Katalogsidorna för åringarna kommer vid behov att löpande uppdateras på SÅEF:s hemsida (saef.se) fram till auktionsdatum. Uppdateringarna görs i röd färg och kommer även att finnas med på de sidor (A3)
som klistras upp på boxdörrarna auktionsdagen.
Man behöver inte
vara en Einstein för att förstå . . .
Avelshingstar - ”Stora listan” i svenska löpningar 2011
Most Welcome 28 11 (39%)
Eishin Dunkirk 19 11 (58%)
Academy Award 36 7 (19%)
Heart of Oak
32 8 (25%)
35 8 (23%)
1 Pris/bonus
15 (13%) 1 784 227
13 (22%) 1 437 021
9 (13%) 1 350 339
11 (9%) 942 221
10 (8%)
816 420
Vinstrikaste avkPris/bon
Angel Light
411 645
Ede Sensation
300 808
Racing Lady 587 500
199 700
153 700
Avelshingstar - 2-åriga avkommor i svenska löpningar 2011
Eishin Dunkirk
5 4
2 1
1 0
Bosun´s Watch
2 0
Heart of Oak
7 0
Academy Award
2 0
Statistiken (SG/SRB) avslutad per den 29 aug.
1 Pris/bonus Vinstrikaste avkPris/bon
507 500 Domo Arigato
240 000
153 750 Banditos
153 700
132 200 Musical Contest 132 200
119 800 Watch Me Fly
77 800
63 000 Mouschka
31 200
26 675 Half Eagle
10 800
Är Eishin Dunkirk
den främste avelshingsten i Sverige? Han är i alla fall den bästa avelshingst vi haft på Rävdansen. Och då ha vi lanserat
hingstar som Diaghlyphard, Funambule och Most Welcome.
Eishin Dunkirk har varit ”statistisk ledare” varje år sedan hans avkommor började starta i Sverige. Endast det faktum att han bara haft ca 5-6 avk i sina första
årgångar har gjort att han inte kunnat konkurrera på Stora Listan.
Ändå blev han Championhingst 2-åriga avk med sin andra lilla årgång och gav
en föraning om vad som skulle komma.
Årets åringar kommer ur den första större årgången Eishin Dunkirk producerat,
så se till att vara med på tåget genom att köpa en kvalitativ Eishin Dunkirkavkomma!
De vinner som 2-åringar, som 3-åringar, på långt och kort, gräs och dirt, ston och
hingstar - och är sunda och trevliga!
Du kan läsa mer på vår hemsida: www.ravdansen.se
Förteckning - Säljare
Säljare i bokstavsordning
Per Olof Johansson, Alvena Gård AB
Eskelhem Alvena 604, 622 71 Gotlands Tofta
Karin Johansson, Brantshammar Stuteri AB
Brantshammar, 741 92 Knivsta
Morten Buck, Buck Racing AB
Parkveien 27, 0350 Oslo, Norge
Nils Petter Gill, Stall Bonne Nuit
Övre Båstad Gård, 1387 Asker, Norge
Kerstin Jahn, Kerstin o Karl-Gustav Jahn
Västergård 143, 311 69 Ugglarp
Marianne Jahreskog, Hjälmared,
Asserdalsvägen 113, 434 96 Kungsbacka
Roland Johansson, R Johansson Konsult AB
Älvsåkers Byväg 164, 434 96 Kungsbacka
Sten Karlsson, Sten B Karlsson Invest AB
Götavägen 61, 187 63 Täby
Helena Gärtner, Stall Navesta
Lerbo, Navesta 1, 640 23 Valla
Mårten Kask, Fellowship Racing AB
Båtmansvägen 58, 192 48 Sollentuna
Gärtner, Stall Navesta o Equo Bloodstock HB
Lerbo, Navesta 1, 640 23 Valla
Jan Kleerup, Skattkistan HB
Grevgatan 25, 114 53 Stockholm
Bo Helander, Svista Säteri
Svista Säteri, 186 97 Brottby
NN u Safarinight
NN u La Lula
NN u Bongo Quest
NN u Lovely You
NN u Just Walk On By
NN u Selous
NN u Dona Li
Birgitta Landström,
Åkarps Gård, 544 92 Hjo
Lars Inge Hägglund, L-I Handelsres i Galopp
Sehlstedtsgatan 11 C, 417 20 Göteborg
Eva Isacsson Sjunnesson, HorseNature KB
Solbacka, 186 97 Brottby
Jenny Lindblad, Stall Joie de Vie
Målsjö Brunnshult, 643 97 Västra Näshulta
Jessica Long, JP Long HB
Norregårdsvägen 33-38, 230 41 Klågerup
NN u Look That Chick
Bengt Morberg,
Vallhall Fäboda 15, 734 91 Hallstahammar
Tor Petter Mygland, Las Pampas Polo Team
Box 87, Smestad, 0309 Oslo, Norge
Pernilla Nilsson,
Råby 14, 775 96 Krylbo
Jan Ohlsson, Resemino System AB
Reliefvägen 1, 175 47 Järfällla
Sonja Olsson, Östersäby Stuteri
Östersäby, 736 92 Kungsör
NN u Definite Rose
NN u Natural Dancer
NN u Double Top
NN u Mercurial
NN u Midnight Moonlight
NN u Piccolezza
NN u Saucy Heart
Eva C S Pettersson, Tranberga Gård
Tranberga Gård, 230 40 Bara
Ida Rehnström, I R Hovslageri, Sport o Avel
Prästhälla Gård 3, 646 91 Gnesta
Ivan Sjöberg, Rävdansens stuteri
Lindarsnäs Gård, 640 43 Ärla
Therese Staffansson,
Nannberga Gammelgård 214, 732 91 Arboga
Annika Stalfelt,
Lanna Niordsta 109, 692 93 Kumla
Stig Stefansson, Illumina Vision AB
Österledingevägen 43, 762 92 Rimbo
Tom Ström,
Götarsvik Säteri, 705 98 Glanshammar
Berndt Strömberg, Stall Rancho AB
Hyby 33, 230 41 Klågerup
NN (ger) u Vinjett
Caroline Söderberg, Stall Ekeby
Ösbyvägen 26, 761 75 Norrtälje
Stefan Uppström, Uppström Foto
Karlsrovägen 18, 182 33 Danderyd
NN u Stigmata
Patrick Wahl,
Sundbyvägen 16, 186 70 Brottby
NN u Tess
Leif Wretman, Wretman Stable o Stud HB
Kommendörsgatan 20, 114 48 Stockholm
Göran Åsheim, HB Stuteri Hagen
Annedalsvägen 34, 291 63 Kristianstad
Förteckning - Hingstar
ACADEMY AWARD (IRE) 2000 br Danehill (USA) - Ingabelle (GB) e Taufan (USA)
Endast startat 2 ggr som 2-åring, sedan skadad. Halvbror till WILD BLUEBELL (e BLUEBIRD), Concorde S Gr3, 2e Belgrave S L, 1000 Guineas Trial L, Brownstown Stud S L, PRIORY BELLE (e PRIOLO),
topprankat 2-årssto på Irland 1995, Moyglare Stud S Gr1, 2e Debutante S L, och till EVA’S REQUEST
(e SOVIET STAR), Weld Park S Gr3, Princess Elizabeth S Gr3, 2e Prestige S Gr3.
Till avel 2003, Championhingst stora listan i Skandinavien 2010, Champion 2-årshingst i
Skandinavien 2007, 2009 och 2010, Championhingst stora listan Danmark 2008-2010. Far till
62 vinnare av 98 startande avk (63%) i skandinavisk träning från 1998, och 25.190.265 i SEK, bl a
THEATRICAL AWARD, 12 segr, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Gr3, M Wettermarks Minneslöpn L, Bloomers’ Vase L, Norsk Derby, Norsk 1000 Guineas, REVENTON, 7 segr, Skand Opdraetningslöb, Dansk
Kriterium, Dansk Auktionslöb, SYDNEY, 6 segr, M o T Klaveness Minne L, Mowerinalöb, MASTER
KID, 8 segr, Dansk Derby, SIR HENRY, 3 segr, Dansk Derby, SIR RANDOLPH, 7 segr, Dansk 2000
Guineas, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, Skand Opdraetningslöb, Norsk Breeders Prize, RUNNER RUNNER,
6 segr, Breeders Prize Classic, LOIS LANE, 4 segr, Dansk Kriterium, Dansk Auktionslöb, AFRICAN
AWARD, Vinterfav AErespraemie, BUCKHAM, 7 segr, BT Juvenile, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Norsk Mesterskap 3-årige, TIGRESS ELEVEN, 2 segr, Dansk Derby, RACING LADY, 3 segr, Dianalöpn, samt
tvåårsvinnaren SILVERTOWN.
Kat nr: 38, 39, 45, 49
BINARY FILE (USA) 1998 br Nureyev (USA) - Binary (GB) e Rainbow Quest (USA)
7 segr, 3,3 milj kr, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Gr3, Strensall S L, Pramms Memorial L, Swedish Open Mile
L, Pokallöb L, 2e Stockholm Cup International Gr3, Stockholms Stora Pris L, 3e Marit Sveaas Minnelöp
Gr3, Stockholms Stora Pris L, 4e Valley Chapel Memorial L.
Till avel 2008; första årgången är 2-åringar 2011, far till tvåårsvinnarna CUT FATHER (DEN),
Ålborgs 2-års Grand Prix, och KHAN (DEN), samt Be Be King (DEN), plac, Johnny No Nose (DEN), plac
och The Kicker (DEN), plac.
Kat nr: 19
Blomsterarrangemangen kommer från
Vi driver ett av Sveriges
framgångsrikaste fullblodsstuterier.
Våra uppfödningar har nu nått
25.765.842 kr sedan starten 1980.
Vid auktionen bjuder vi ut numren
9, 17, 33, 44, 47, 60 och 63
Östersäbyuppfödningen Carezza Racings DESERT STAR vann BT Mile 2004 med Sara Slot. Segerpriset var 593.185 kr.
Vinstrikaste uppfödningar från Östersäby Stuteri
Pl Häst
Föd år Härstamning
1 2 3 Pris/bonus
1 LUCKY GROOM 1992 French Groom County Meo
88 14 14 14 1 240 900
2006 Mirio
Saucy Girl
3 4 1 1 015 119
2000 Heart Of Oak Lucky Groom
96 17 8 10 1 006 020
2001 Desert Sport
International Star
4 1 0
814 985
2001 Young Ern
4 0 0
800 250
1997 French Groom Saucy Girl
4 3 3
779 500
7 ELEGANT SONG 2003 Songline
Saucy Girl
5 5 2
773 704
2001 Heart Of Oak Impington
55 10 9 2
739 918
2005 Itsabrahma
Saucy Girl
4 3 5
699 588
1998 Diaghlyphard Saucy Girl
2 1 1
581 002
Alla resultat i Skandinavien. Totalt ligger vi på 206 inregistrerade föl genom åren (fr o m 1981).
Vid stuteriet finns hingstarna Dustoori,
Heart of Oak och Mirio.
Några större löpningar vunna i Sverige med våra uppfödningar: BT Trophy Mile (Desert Star), Svenskt
Kriterium (Black Ern, Saucy Bird), SM 2-åriga ston (Saucy Bird), Altamiralöpning (Lois, SFAF/SÅEFAuktionslöpning (Mirona), Götalandlöpning (Itsarisk), SM Sprinters, (Lucky Groom, Lucky Heart).
Tel 0227-201 33 stuteri, 0227-201 23 stall, 0702-81 10 48 mobil
Black Sam Bellamy (IRE) 1999 br Sadler’s Wells (USA) - Urban Sea (USA) e Miswaki (USA)
Champion 3yo in Italy in 2002, 4 wins at 3 and 4 and £389,848 incl Tattersalls Gold Cup Gr1,
Gran Premio del Jockey Club Gr1, Alleged S L, 2nd Grosser Bugatti Preis Gr1, Prix Hocquart Gr2, 3rd
Coronation Cup Gr1, Criterium de Saint-Cloud Gr1; own brother to GALILEO - leading sire globally
- and half brother to SEA THE STARS, Epsom Derby S Gr1, King George S Gr1, 2000 Guineas S Gr1,
Irish Champion S Gr1, Eclipse S Gr1. The dam URBAN SEA won Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe Gr1, world
leading broodmare and dam of four Gr1-winning sons.
Sire of 34 winners of 62 races and £695,226 incl GOATHEMALA (EBF Stutenpreis Gr3, 2nd
Walther J Jacobs Stutenpreis Gr3, 3rd Diana Trial Gr2), SAPHIR (Bavarian Classic Gr3, 2nd Fruhjahrspreis Des Bankhauses Metzler Gr3), VALDINO (Deutsches St Leger Gr3, Jacob Fleischhauer Cup L,
Badener Steher Cup L, 2nd Grosser Preis Der Nurnberger Versicherungsgruppe L), DAVERON (Preis
Der Hotellerie Baden-Baden L, 3rd Siemens-Rennen - Hanshin Cup L), GALANA (Henkel-Trial L).
Kat nr: 61
BOSUN’S WATCH (GB) 2004 br Singspiel (IRE) - Sinking (GB) e Midyan (USA)
4 segr, 1600-2200 m, på 4 starter, Norsk 2000 Guineas, Jydsk Derby.
Fadern SINGSPIEL, Champion Turf Horse i Nord-Amerika 1996, Topprankad Äldre Häst i UAE
1997, 9 segr, Dubai World Cup Gr1, Japan Cup Gr1, Coronation Cup Gr1, Juddmonte International
S Gr1, Canadian International S Gr1, Select S Gr3, Gordon Richards S Gr3, 2e Breeders’ Cup Turf Gr1,
Coronation Cup Gr1, Grand Prix de Paris Gr1, Coral-Eclipse S Gr1, Princess of Wales’s S Gr2, Great
Voltigeur S Gr2, Thresher Classic Trial S Gr3. Till avel 1998 och far till 8 kullar med totalt 732 avk i
startbar ålder, varav 529 har startat, 353 segrat och vunnit 913 segr, varav 62 Black Type-vinnare,
och totalt 45.557.778 USD. Champion avelshingst i UAE 2003. Far till bl a MOON BALLAD, Årets
Häst i UAE, Topprankad äldre häst i UAE, Dubai World Cup Gr1, LAHUDOOD, Champion Turf
Mare, Breeders’ Cup Filly And Mare Turf Gr1, PAPINEAU, Topprankad äldre häst i England som
4-åring, Gold Cup Gr1, LATERAL, Topprankad som 3-åring i Tyskland, Topprankad 2-åring hingst
i Italien, Gran Criterium Gr1, LOHENGRIN, Nakayama Kinen Gr2, ASAKUSA DEN’EN, Yasuda Kinen
Gr1, CONFIDENTIAL LADY, Prix de Diane Hermes Gr1, FOLK OPERA, EP Taylor S Gr1, REWAAYA,
Sir Rupert Clarke S Gr1, SINGHALESE, Del Mar Oaks Gr1, etc.
Till avel 2008; första årgången är 2-åringar 2011. Far till två avk som startat, Watch Me Fly, 3e
SM 2-åriga, Cece Devil, plac.
Kat nr: 16, 35, 75
Vill du veta mer om galoppsporten?
I den nya boken Galoppsport - träning och tävling förklaras
många av galoppsportens termer och begrepp, och läsaren får praktiska råd och tips om hur man rider, sköter och tränar galopphästar.
Författare är journalisten och tränaren Nadja Bellander, i sam­arbete med Svensk Galopp, som har faktagranskat boken och ställt
sitt bildarkiv till förfogande. I slutet av boken får vi följa med bakom
kulisserna till några av de mest framgångsrika tränarna på olika
platser i landet, som berättar om sina stallrutiner.
Boken (18,5x24 cm, 140 sid), som är inbunden och rikt illustrerad i 4-färg, säljs vid banorna och kan rekvireras mot faktura via
SRB (som genom sitt förlag Officina Fraterna även ligger bakom
layout och prepresshantering) på mailadress srbz@home.se.
Priset är 250 kr inkl moms. Porto (36 kr) tillkommer då boken
skickas med post. Vid direktbeställning använd SRB Galoppservice,
plusgiro 1 73 49-2 . Glöm då inte att ange adress!
Boken kan också beställas för avhämtning vid någon av banorna
(portot bortfaller då). På Jägersro säljs den även direkt av
Sam W Friberg och på Täby genom Täby Stall och Foder.
Nadja Be
I samarbete med
Svensk Galopp
GeN BerG
& cO aB
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Galoppmagasinet skildrar
galoppens väsen.
adrenalin och skönhet.
7 388267 6059
2011-05-22 22.51
2011-05-20 14.08
DECEPTOR (USA) 1999 br Machiavellian (USA) - Satin Flower (USA) e Shadeed (USA)
Vinnare i sin debut som 2-åring (Doncaster, 2001), skadad i sin andra start, därefter till avel.
Far till 8 vinnare av löpningar, £228.540 i England och Skandinavien (tot 2.756.804 i SEK inkl
bonus), bl a WORKING CLASS HERO (NOR), 5 segr, Fearnleylöpet, Norsk Mesterskap 2-årige, Norsk
Mesterskap 3-årige, 2e Fearnleylöpet, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Skand Mesterskap 3-årige, Norsk BP Classic,
Lyches Minnelöp, CATCHING THE STORM (NOR), 4 segr, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Skand Mesterskap
2-årige, Norsk Rikstoto Uppdrettslöp, Sheika (NOR), 3 segr, Norsk Rikstoto Grand Prix, och vinnarna Cicinho (NOR), Decibel (NOR), Delily (NOR), Heather Honey (NOR) och Requested (NOR).
Kat nr: 31
Desert Style (IRE) 1992 br Green Desert (USA) - Organza (GB) e High Top (IRE)
Champion 3yo Sprinter in Europe in 1995. 5 wins at 2 and 3 and £188,904 incl Phoenix Sprint S
Gr3, Ballycorus S Gr3, Tetrarch S Gr3, 2nd Hong Kong International Bowl Gr2, Greenlands S Gr3,
National Irish Bank Tailored Home Loans S Gr3, 3rd Phoenix S Gr1, National S Gr1.
Sire of 242 winners of 793 races and £10,572,962 incl PACO BOY (Lockinge S Gr1, Queen
Anne S Gr1, Prix de la Foret Gr1, 2nd Queen Anne S Gr1, Sussex S Gr1), BACHIR (Poule d’Essai des
Poulains Gr1, Irish 2000 Guineas Gr1, Richmond S Gr2, 3rd Prix Morny Gr1), MANDESHA (Prix Vermeille Gr1, Prix d’Astarte Gr1, Prix de l’Opera Gr1, Prix Corrida Gr2, 2nd Nassau S Gr1), CARADAK
(Prix de la Foret Gr1, Celebration Mile Gr2, Desmond S Gr3, 2nd Prix de la Foret Gr1), NEXT DESERT
(BMW Deutsches Derby Gr1, Oppenheim-Union Rennen Gr2, Dr Busch Memorial Gr3, 2nd Credit
Suisse Private Banking Pokal Gr1), COOL CREEK (Mill Reef S Gr2, 2nd Vintage S Gr2), CAPTAIN
Gr3, Premio Omenoni Gr3), ZIYARID (Prix Daphnis Gr3, Prix Georges Trabaud L).
Kat nr: 28, 29
Doyen (IRE) 2000 br Sadler’s Wells (USA) - Moon Cactus (GB) e Kris (GB)
Champion Older Horse in Europe in 2004. 5 wins at 3 and 4 and £708,623 incl King George VI
& Queen Elizabeth S Gr1, Hardwicke S Gr2, Prix du Lys Gr3, Coupe des Trois Ans L, 2nd Coronation
Cup Gr1, Prix Niel Gr2.
Sire of 47 winners of 91 races and £947,295 incl LADY’S PURSE (Prix de Royaumont Gr3, Prix
Caravelle L, Prix de Malleret Gr3), PEACOAT (Prix Melisande L), SNEAK A PEAK (Prix Emanuele
Filiberto L, 2nd Premio Merano L), A MA YEN (Premio Baggio L), Bea Remembered (3rd Meld S Gr3),
Fork Handles (3rd Prix du Calvados Gr3, Cheshire Oaks L), Western Mystic (2nd Preis der Sparkasse
L, Dallmayr Coupe Lukull L, Baden-Baden Cup L, GP der Hannoverschen Volksbank), Glady Romana
(2nd Bremer Oster Stuten Cup L), Personified (3rd Prix Servanne L), Wrekin Sunset (3rd Michael
Seely Memorial S L), Pine Creek (3rd Prix Matchem L.
Kat nr: 25
Dustoori (GB) 2004 mbr In the Wings (IRE) - Elfaslah (IRE) e Green Desert (USA)
2 segr, 2200-2300 m i England, TF93 som 3-åring, 91 som 4-åring.
Fadern IN THE WINGS (GB), Topprankad äldre häst i Frankrike som 4-åring 1990, 7 segr,
Breeders’ Cup Turf Gr1, Grand Prix de Saint-Cloud Gr1, Coronation Cup Gr1, Prix du Prince d’Orange
Gr3, Prix Foy Gr3, Prix du Haras de la Huderie L, 2e Prix Ganay Gr1. Till avel 1991 och far till 15
årgångar varav drygt 60-talet Black Type-vinnare inkl SINGSPIEL, Champion gräshäst, ledande
avelshingst i UAE, Canadian International S Gr1, WINGED LOVE, Irish Derby Gr1, ADLERFLUG, Tyskt
Derby Gr1, m fl.
Till avel i Sverige 2009, hans första årgång är åringar 2011
Kat nr: 2, 11, 21, 23, 32, 33, 60, 62, 79
Stefan Uppström Foto. Tel 070-593 12 00
Epost: stefan.uppstrom@telia.com
EISHIN DUNKIRK (USA) 1997 fux Mr Prospector (USA) - Forest Flower (USA)
e Green Forest (USA)
3 segr i Japan över 1000-1400 m, 39,571,000 yen, 2e Kansakura S, 3e Tenozan S. Fadern MR PROS­
PECTOR Champion avelshingst i USA 2 ggr, Champion morfarshingst i USA 11 år i följd, far till
25 årgångar, 1.195 föl, 985 startande, 182 Black Type-vinnare, 16 Champions, 751 vinnare av
2.380 löpningar. Först till avel i Japan 2003 och där far till tre startade avk, HONEST JOHN, 4 segr,
motsv 6.192.164 SEK, Sapporo Sponichi Sho L, 2e Uzamasa S L, Maya S L, A Shin Sword, 5 segr, 3e
Wakakusa Sho L, och Eishin Ichizu, plac 2e 5 ggr.
Till avel i Sverige 2005. Championhingst 2-åriga avk 2009 och 2e vinstrikaste hingst 2-åriga avk
i Skandinavien 2009. Far till 23 vinnare av 28 startande avk (82%) i skandinavisk träning från 1998,
och 5.276.067 i SEK, bl a WAKAYAMA, 4 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, SFAF/SÅEF Auktionslöpn, 2a
Sv Kriterium, 3e Dianalöpn, 4e Sv Oaks, JELLY ROLL, 3 segr, JK Jubileumslöpn, DOMO ARIGATO, 2
segr, Krafft SM 2-åriga 2011, Crown of Creation, vinnare i debuten, 2e SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn,
Rikoschett, vinnare av Dunderdebutanten i första starten, 3e SM 2-åriga, Wood Prince, plac 2
ggr, 2e Norsk Rikstoto Grand Prix, HOKKAIDO, 2 segr, 5e SM 2-åriga, GEORGEBLACK, 2 segr, HIGH
NOON, 2 segr, Nice and Rough, 2 segr, SALLY SOLE, 2 segr, YAMAGUCHI, 2 segr, samt tvåårsvinnarna 2011 (förutom DOMO AGRIGATO, se ovan), ALVENA STORM, EARTH HOUR och JOBIM.
Kat nr: 6, 12, 15, 18, 22, 24, 27, 30, 36, 41, 42, 48, 52, 54, 66, 72, 80
FRAAM (GB) 1989 mbr Lead On Time (USA) - Majestic Kahala (USA) e Majestic Prince (USA)
5 segr, Baxi Heating Joel S L, Schweppes Golden Mile, 2e Premio Natale di Roma Gr3, Prix du Chemin
de Fer du Nord Gr3, Ben Marshal S L, 3e City of York S L, Doncaster Mile L, Stressall S L.
Fadern LEAD ON TIME, 3 segr, Prix Maurice de Gheest Gr2, Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte Gr2,
2e Greenham S L, till avel 1988, bl a Black Type-vinnarna MARBLE MAIDEN, All Along S Gr2, SHIR
DAR, Palomar H Gr2, MASSIMO, Grand Prix de Bordeaux L, COOL JAZZ, Diadem S Gr3, LEADING
TIME, Curragh S Gr3, PROMPTLY, Silver Spoon S L, JUDGE DECISION, Prix Herbager L, BATISTA,
Prix Yacowlef L, GARP, Champion 3-åring i Barbados, och DA VERO, Champion steeplechaser i
Österrike. LEAD ON TIME även morfar till flerfaldige Champion och Årets Häst i Österrike, GAZDURAM.
Till avel i Sverige 2005 och far i Skandinavien (inkl tidigare importerade avkommor från utlandet)
till 10 vinnare frpn 16 startande avk i skandinavisk träning (63%), och 3.152.771 i SEK, bl a ANEBEE, 4 segr, Coolmore Matchmaker L, BLUSHER, 7 segr, Svealandlöpn, Amacitalöpn, Scania Sprint,
STEEL­WOLF, 10 segr, Sth Hösthkp, LOIS, 5 segr, Altamiralöpn, Irish Corner, 2 segr, 2a Mowerinalöb, Svealandlöpn, samt vinnarna FLYING FRAAM, 4 segr, LIGER, 4 segr, BORISII, 2 segr, EVER SO
Kat nr: 4, 44, 70
European Breeders’ Fund
- EBF-nominerade hästar
Avkommor (födda 2010) till nedanstående hingstar (som är representerade med
åringar i katalogen) är kvalificerade att delta i alla EBF-löpningar under 2012 och
Black Sam Bellamy (IRE), Desert Style (IRE), Doyen (IRE),
Oratorio (IRE), Orpen (USA), Piccolo (GB), Sixties Icon (GB), Tertullian (USA),
Vita Rosa (JPN) och Whipper (USA).
FUNAMBULE (USA) 1987 fux Lyphard (USA) - Sonoma (FR) e Habitat (USA)
4 segr, Prix de Chenes Gr3, Prix de la Porte Maillot Gr3, Prix de Palais Royal Gr3, 3e Dubai Poule
d’Essai de Poulains Gr1.
Till avel i Frankrike 1991 och far där till vinnare av 110 löpningar och över 16 milj FF inkl JEOPARDY, 5 segr, Singapore Derby, PLAISIR DES YEUX, 2 segr, Prix Dorina, SECRET DE RE, 6 segr,
Bukit Timah Trophy, etc.
Championhingst i Sverige och Skandinavien 2004, 2007, 2008 och 2009; far till 112 vinnare från 174 startande avk (64%) i skandinavisk träning från 1998, och 42.971.076 i SEK, bl a FUNNY
LEGEND, 24 segr, drygt 5,4 milj kr, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Gr3, Stockholms Stora Pris Gr3, Lanwades
Stud S L, 2 ggr, Coolmore Matchmaker S L, Bloomers’ Vase L, Dianalöpning, Mowerinalöb, Breeders’
Trophy Classic, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, etc, TESORERO, 16 segr, IBM Stockholm Stora Pris L, Swedish
Open Mile L, JK Jubileumslöpn, Skandinavisk Mes­terskap, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, Krafft SM Milers,
2 ggr, 2e Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Gr3, ELLICAT, 8 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, SM 2-åriga, 2a Breeders’ Trophy Classic, SHADE OF PALE, 4 segr, Svenskt
St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Kapps Stora Pris, PAMONA, 5 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, Duty
Time Juvenile Mile, TGAB Auktionslöpn, SM för 2-åriga hästar, ARTEMIS CLUB, 3 segr, Dianalöpn,
SFAF:s Stora Pris, ELLIS LAD, 5 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Scandinavian
Classic Challenge, SCOTTISH FUN, 3 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, LITTLE GREEN APPLE, 5 segr,
Svenskt Kriterium, GREEN ROCKET, 4 segr, Amacitalöpn, EUPHORIA, 2 segr, Götalandlöpn, EXCITINGGREYGIRL, SFAF:s Stora Treåringspris, 2a SM 2-åriga, ARTIE BUCCO, Skand Mesterskap 3-årige,
DOUBLE UP, Svenskt Oaks, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, GIMME GIMME, 5 segr, TGAB Auktionslöpn,
Dianalöpn, MARIA MÖY, 5 segr, Norsk Breeders’ Prize Sprint, Norsk Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, HOLLY
SOCIETY, 3 segr, SM 2-åriga, TRIESTE, 2 segr, Altamiralöpn, samt LIVIGNO, 8 segr, SM Sprinters,
samt tvåårsvinnaren BANDITOS.
Kat nr: 8, 14, 74
Svenskprogrammet 2012
Svensk Galopp fortsätter att utveckla Svenskprogrammet. I skrivande stund är inte alla detaljer klara men följande nyheter kan
redovisas redan nu:
1. Bonus till den svenskfödda hästen, prognos:
2.000.000 kr
3.500.000 kr
2.000.000 kr
7.500.000 kr
Bonusen utgör 10% av den totala prissumman inom galoppen 2011, 75.000.000 kr, och är
beroende av spelutvecklingen i landet. Denna är f n positiv vilket förstärker prognosen. Bonusen utbetalas i alla löpningar utom i dem som är öppna för enbart svenskfödda hästar.
2. Prispengar avsatta till löpningar för enbart svensk- eller
skandinaviskfödda hästar, ytterligare 10%, 7.500.000 kr
Total satsning på den svenskfödda hästen 2012:
15.000.000 kr
HEART OF OAK (USA) 1992 fux Woodman (USA) - L’On Vite (USA) e Secretariat (USA)
6 segr, Toto-Lotto Sprint-Preis L, och Pramms Minneslöpning L. Halvbror till HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR, Champion 2-åring i Frankrike 2006, Phoenix S Gr1, Gran Criterium Gr1, Railway S Gr2, samt
2e Dewhurst S Gr1, och National S Gr1.
Till avel 1998 och far till 41 vinnare från 96 startande avk (43%) i skandinavisk träning från
1998, och 11.111.243 i SEK, bl a QUEEN OF HEARTS, 4 segr, Norsk Breeders’ Prize, Svenskt Oaks,
2a Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, LUCKY HEART, 16 segr, SM Sprinters, Mandarin Premiärhandikap, 2 ggr, 4e Stora Tvååringspriset, Fidelity, 4 segr, 2a Altamiralöpn, Kaibito, vinnare, 3e
Breeders’ Trophy Classic, LACELLE, 9 segr, 4e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 5e SM Classic, WHITE OAK, 6
segr, 5e TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, WILLY, 5 segr, WILD AT HEART, 4 segr, 4e Scandinavia Cup L, CORCELL, 4 segr, HOOF HEARTED, 4 segr, KING OF DYNAMITE, 3 segr, MOGUL, 4 segr, AJAZ, 3 segr,
SAUCY HEART, 3 segr, GRANDINA, 2 segr, 4e Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, ALONSO, 2 segr, BYZANTINE GOLD, 2 segr, GREEN ENVIRONMENT, 2 segr, KAWA HEART, 2 segr, LIFT OFF, 2 segr, HAPPY
BLIND DATE, 2 segr, MOUNTAIN CRYSTAL, 2 segr, OAK THRILLS, vinnare, 4e Duty Time Trophy,
Kat nr: 1, 9, 13, 17, 53, 77
HONEYSUCKLE PLAYER 1998 fux The Noble Player USA) - Honeysuckle e Palace Gold (FR)
17 segr, 2.417.500 kr inkl sv bonus, 3e rankad 3-årig häst i Sverige 2001, FT90 som äldre häst, inkl
Kapplöpningssällskapets Stora Pris L, 2 ggr, Upplandlöpn, Malmö Sommarhkp, Sweden Cup Stayers,
Ulriksdals Minneslöpning, 2e Svenskt Derby, P E Pramms Minneslöpn L, 3e Marit Sveaas Minnelöp
Gr3, P E Pramms Minneslöpn L, Stockholms Stora Pris L.
Till avel 2006 och far till två avk som startat i Skandinavien, varav en vinnare, Scarlett Player.
Kat nr: 78
JAUNTY JACK (GB) 1994 br Midyan (USA) - Juliette Marny (GB) e Blakeney (GB)
TF90 som 2-åring och TF110 som 3-åring i England, Gran Premio d’Italia, Premio Emanuele Filiberto,
Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Gr3, 1800 gr, 2e Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Gr3, 3e Marit Sveaas Minnelöp Gr3,
Oslo Cup L, 2400 gr, Duty Time Trophy.
Fadern MIDYAN (USA), Jersey S Gr3, Rockingham S L, 2e Challenge S Gr2, Supreme S Gr3,
Beeswing S Gr3, Criterion S Gr3, Lanson Champagne Vintage S Gr3, 3e 2000 Guineas Gr1. Far
till 17 Black Type-vinnare, 4 Cham­pions och 223 vinnare av mer än 11 milj USD inkl ALHIJAZ,
Champion 2-åring i Italien, 9 segr, Premio Parioli Gr1, Premio Vitaria di Capua Gr1, 2 ggr, Gran Premio
Criterium Gr1, Gardner Merc­hant Mile Gr2, avelshingst, BEAUCHAMP HERO, 6 segr, Hardwicke S Gr2,
LES BOYER, 9 segr, Premio Emilio Turati Gr2, 2 ggr, Pr Tantieme L, ACCENTO, 4 segr, Grosser Kaufhof
Preis Gr2, etc.
Till avel i Sverige 2005. Far till 5 startande avk i skandinavisk träning, Jackie Ant, Jackyline, Little
Jack, Mountain Jack och Why Speak At All, som tillsammans startat 49 ggr.
Kat nr: 73
Breeders' Trophy,
Breeders Prize och Breeders' Cup
Uppgifter om åringen är anmäld i ”Breeders-löpning" har i förekommande fall angivits
längst upp till höger på katalogsidan enligt följande: BT12-14 - Breeders’ Trophy-serien
2012-14 (Sverige), BP13 - Breeders Prize 2013 (Norge) för 3-åriga och BC14 - Breeders'
Cup 2014 (Danmark) för 4-åriga hästar. Uppgifterna har intagits i katalogen på resp
säljares ansvar.
n, band 29,
som riktig b
Band 29, de
t senaste hu
utkommit “d
av Svensk St
igitalt”, kan
uteribok fö
du erhålla fö
Porto tillkom
r Fullblod, so
r 350 SEK/ex
mer, men bo
m just
som tryckt,
ken kan ocks
Täby eller Jä
inbunden bo
å lämnas i di
gersro (gen
om Sam W
bandet är ut
n på någon
Friberg). Den
givet av Sven
av banorna
inbundna bo
sk Galopp oc
Alla beställn
h utarbetat
ingar genom
är på 354 si
av Monica W
SRB (srbz@ho
olf. Format
me.se) Någ
Det finns äv
ra ex finns
en ett Supp
ment (A5, 52
mande band
sid, häftat m
30 för 150 SE
ed blått om
K, som kom
antal bestäl
slag) 2010 ti
mer som pa
lningar (10)
ll kompperspublik
ation vid tillr
Båda dessa
alster ligge
r ute på “nät
kontakta M
et” genom
onica Wolf
SG:s försorg,
eller Marga
vid frågor om
reta Östgård
Dina bokbes
tällningar gö
på Svensk G
r du direkt
med SRB, ep
ost: srbz@ho
MELMAC 1991 br Diaghlyphard (USA) - Sovereign Star (SWE) e Comedy Star (USA)
26 segr, 1000-1600 m, Sydsvenskan Sprint L, Malmö Hösthandikap (2 ggr), 2e Verdexa Cup L,
Zawawi Baltic Cup L, Sydsven­s­kan Sprint L, (3 ggr), SM Sprinters, 3e JK Jub löpn, Zawawi Baltic Cup
L, Sydsvenskan Sprint L, Malmö Hösthandikap, Rosengårdlöpn, SM Sprin­ters (3 ggr), 4e IBM PC
Vårsprint L, Zawawi Baltic Cup L, 5e Täby Open Sprint Cham­p L, Topprankad Äldre Häst på Svensk
Generalhkp 1995.
Till avel 1997. Far till 24 vinnare från 49 startande avk (49%) i skandinavisk träning från 1998,
och 8.256.137 i SEK, bl a MOLTAS, 9 segr, plac 12 ggr, Swedish Open Mile L, Treåringarnas Elitlöpn,
Skandinavisk Mesterskap för 3-åringar, SM Classic, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 2 ggr, 2e Swedish Open Mile L,
GHR Gold Cup, 3e Songline Classic L, SM Classic, 4e Sv Kriterium, 5e Nickes Minneslöpn L, 2 ggr, FT92,
HÅ-TE-HÅ, 4 segr, FT71, 2-åring­ernes Stayerprøve, Den Jydske Vinterfavorit, Pokallöb, BE Profilers
3-årsserie, Mikado, 5 segr, Fyraårspokalen, 3e Scand Classic Challenge, samt vinnarna MULDER, 13
segr, MYTHOS, 8 segr, MCBELL, 7 segr, RISING STAR, 6 segr, MURRAY, 6 segr, MADRINA, 4 segr,
MONZA, 4 segr, MYKENE, 5 segr, BROOKVILLE, 4 segr, MERRIMAC, 3 segr, MYSTIK, 3 segr, MALF,
2 segr, MAROUF, 2 segr, samt vinnarna GREAT WHITE, HAPPY LARRY, MIRIFICO, 4e Breeders’
Trophy Juvenile, MURASI och MONTEREY.
Kat nr: 3, 20, 34, 64, 76
MIRIO (FR) 1997 fux Priolo (USA) - Mira Monte (GB) e Baillamont (USA)
6 segr i Frankrike på 2000-2400 m, 4.003.065 omräknat i SEK inkl franskbonus, Grand Prix de Saint
Cloud Gr1, plac 6 ggr, 3e Prix Le Fabuleux L, Saint-Cloud.
Till avel i Sverige 2003. far till 10 vinnare från 30 startande avk (33%) i skandinavisk träning
från 1998, och 2.734.369 i SEK, bl a MIRONA, 3 segr, SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, 2a Svenskt Oaks,
Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 4e Erik O Steens Memorial L, 5e Mowerinalöb, King Accent, 2 segr, 2a SM
2-åriga, MIROBOLANT, Dansk Derby Consolation, 6e Svenskt Derby 2007, THE Bishop’s Joy, 3 segr,
Norsk Rikstoto Cup/Stayer, Wing Commander, 2 segr, samt vinnarna IRISH’S FIGHTER, MAZZARIN
och Youknowwhat Rose.
Kat nr: 47, 63
MOST WELCOME (GB) fux 1984 Be My Guest (USA) - Topsy (GB) e Habitat (USA)
4 segr, 1200-2000 m, 4e topprankad 3-årig hingst i England 1987, Lockinge S Gr2, 1600 m, Select S
Gr3, 2e Derby S Gr1, Champion S Gr1, Gordon Richards EBF S Gr3, 3e Sussex S Gr1, Breeders’ Cup
Mile Gr1, Belmont Turf Classic Gr1, Prince of Wales’s S Gr2, Trusthouse Forte Mile Gr2, Craven
S Gr3, 4e Sussex S Gr1, TF131.
Till avel i England 1990, far till vinnare av drygt 1.000 löpn och drygt 130 milj SEK inkl SUAN-
Transportera till vinnarcirkeln med
070-591 24 00
Håkan mobil
Hemsida (www) hakanshasttransporter.se
CES, TF127, Prix Jean Prat Gr1, Prix de Guiche Gr3, SASURU, TF 124, Prix d’Ispahan Gr1, Prix G
d’Omano Gr2, Gordon Richards S Gr3, avelshingst, ARCTIC OWL, TF 124, Irish St Leger Gr1, Prix
Kergorlay Gr2, Henry II S Gr3, Jocky Club Cup Gr3, 2e Princess of Wales’s S Gr2, Jockey Club Cup
Gr3, Lonsdale S Gr3, PRIZE GIVING, San Marcos H, Gd2, 2e San Luis Obispo H, Gd2, 3e Hollywood
Turf H, Gd2, ECCENTRIC, Breeders’ Cup S, Gd2, Connaught S, Gd3, Fayette S, Gd3, Winter Derby
Gr3, CALL ME, Brown Bess H, Gd3, Alcatraz H L, 2e Miss America H L, 3e Palomar H, Gd3, Louis R
Rowan H, Gd3, FLYING DREAM, BMW Europachampionat Gr3, Telenorma Preis L, 2a Preis der Diana
(Tyskt Oaks) Gr2, Preis der Hannoverschen Sparkassen Gr3, 2 ggr, BENEVENTA Gr3-vinnare Gr3plac, Listed 19 vinnare 2004, COCKTAIL, Listedvinnare 2004, CROESCO CARIAD, Premio Novella
L, 2e Falmouth S Gr2, ARRIVING, Middleton S L, 2e Sun Chariot S Gr2, Fawley Stud Golden Daffodil
S L, m fl. Morfar till Gr1-vinnarna PASTORAL PURSUITS (avelshingst) och GOODRICKE.
Till avel i Sverige 2004, far till 54 vinnare från 87 startande avk (62%) i skandinavisk träning från
1998, och 14.423.576 i SEK, bl a ARCUS, 7 segr, 1.383.632 kr, vinst- och segerrikaste 2-årig häst
2007, JK Jubileumslöpn, BT Trophy Mile, BT Trophy Juvenile, 2e BT Classic, MR ADMIRAL, 3 segr,
PremiärH, 2e SM Sprinters, HOLLY GOLIGHTLY, 3 segr, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, MR MINISTER
(GB), 6 segr, Sofierolöpn, Maddox, 2 segr, 3e Dansk Derby, Clauses Star, vinnare, 2e Danskt 2000
Gs, 2e Skandinavisk Mesterskap, Aquila Flyer, vinnare, 2e Norsk Auksjonslöp, 2e Norsk Opprettslöp,
Novacon, vinnare, 2e JK Jubileumslöpn, NIGHT CHORUS (GB), 6 segr, DANISH WELCOME, 5 segr,
TAIWAN (GB), 5 segr och mor till FUN DANCER, 3 segr, MADDOX, 4 segr, PANDURO, 4 segr, FAHEMA (GB), 2 segr, KNOXVILLE, 3 segr, EMPEROR, 2 segr, samt vinnare över häckar, MOST WANTED,
2 segr, Pamperwell, 2 segr, VERY WELCOME, 2 segr, WELCOME IN MAY, 2 segr, MISS COOPER,
Kat nr: 10, 51
Oratorio (IRE) 2002 br Danehill (USA) - Mahrah (USA) e Vaguely Noble (IRE)
Champion 2yo colt in France in 2004. 6 wins at 2 and 3 and £1,085,279 incl Irish Champion S
Gr1, Eclipse S Gr1, Grand Criterium Gr1, EBF Futurity Gr2, Anglesey S Gr3, 2nd Irish 2000 Guineas
Gr1, Dewhurst S Gr1, Phoenix S Gr1, 3rd St James’s Palace S Gr1.
Sire of 107 winners of 194 races and £2,863,524 incl BEETHOVEN (Dewhurst S Gr1, Desmond
S Gr3, 3rd National S Gr1, Anglesey S Gr3), BANCHEE (Diamond S Gr1, Matamata Breeders’ S
Gr2), KING TORUS (Vintage S Gr2, Superlative S Gr2), LOLLY FOR DOLLY (Windsor Forest S Gr2,
Gladness S Gr3, Park Express S Gr3, Athasi S Gr3, 2nd Athasi S Gr3, Equestrian S Gr3), MANTISSA
(Criterium Varesino L), PRINCESS ZAHRA (Zuhtu Erisen L), BIG AUDIO (Chesham S L, Stonehenge S L,
CHERRY COLLECT (Premio Mantovani L), WEDDING FAIR, Premio Andred L.
Kat nr: 26
Hur många galopphästar du än äger eller tränar har vi
Kerstin, Lars och Roger. De kan allt om hästförsäkringar.
Kerstin Åker 070-371 60 56
Lars Lindh 070-557 87 07
Roger Nilsson 0708-11 49 14
ORPEN (USA) 1996 sk Lure (USA) - Bonita Francita (CAN) e Devil’s Bag (USA)
Jt 3rd top rated 2yr old in Europe in 1998. Champion 2yr old in Ireland in 1998. 2 wins at 2 and
£104,344 incl Prix Morny Gr1, 3rd Irish 2000 Guineas Gr1.
Sire of winners of 1.140 races and £11,857,085 (Northern Hemisphere crops) and LINGOTE DE
ORO (GP Republica Argentina Loteria National Gr1, GP de Honor Gr1), DON VALIENTE (GP Polla
de Potrillos Gr1), ENAK (GP Gran Criterium Gr1), PRIVATE JET (Computaform Sprint Gr1), ROCKS
OFF (Premier’s Champion S Gr1), WAR ARTIST (Mercury Sprint Gr1, Goldene Peitsche Gr2, 2nd
Golden Jubilee S Gr1), TRUE PASSION (GP Estrellas Juvenile Gr1), TORRESTRELLA (Poule d’Essai des
Pouliches Gr1, Prix Finlande L), BLU CONSTELLATION (Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte Gr2), MISSIT
(Providencia S Gr2, 2nd Rockfel S Gr2), ORIZABA (Vintage S Gr2), GENRE (Cinema Breeders’ Cup H
Gr3, Real Quiet S L), GRACEFULLY (Prestige S Gr3), POLLEN (Park Express S Gr3), KILLYBEGS (Craven S Gr3, 2nd Celebration Mile Gr2, Challenge S Gr2), ORPEN SHADOW (Premio Primi Passi Gr3),
TROPPO OCA (Premio Maria Incisa della Rocchetta Gr3), VIGATA (Premio Paolo Mezzanotte Gr3).
Kat nr: 67
Piccolo (GB) 1991 br Warning (GB) - Woodwind (FR) e Whistling Wind (GB)
4 wins at 2 and 4 and £269,203 incl Nunthorpe S Gr1, King’s Stand S Gr2, Chipchase S L, 2nd Haydock Sprint Cup Gr1, July Cup Gr1, Mehl-Mulhens Rennen Gr2, Phoenix S Gr3, 3rd Benazet Rennen
Sire of 264 winners of 925 races and £8,251,178 incl LA CUCARACHA (Nunthorpe S Gr1,
Ballyogan S Gr3, King George S Gr3, Cammidge Trophy L, 2nd Haydock Sprint Cup Gr1, Summer S
Gr3), PICADAY (T J Smith H Gr1), ST TRINIANS (Santa Maria H Gr2, 2nd Vanity H Gr1), AJIGOLO
(Maurice Lacroix Trophy Gr2, 2nd Cornwallis S Gr3), WINKER WATSON (Norfolk S Gr2, July S Gr2),
EXPRESS AIR (Queensland Guineas Gr2), PAN JAMMER (Anglesey S Gr3), 3rd Richmond S Gr2),
PICKLE (Wilshire H Gr3, Yerba Buena Breeders’ Cup H Gr3).
Kat nr: 57
PISTACHIO (GB) 1996 sk Unblest (GB) - Cashew (GB) e Sharood (USA)
17 segr, Täby Open Sprint Championship Gr3, Norsk Jockeyklubs Sprintlöp L (2 ggr), Polar Sprint
Cup L, Norsk 2000 Guineas, 2e Gearhouse Group Sirenia S L, Polar Million Cup (2 ggr), Polar Sprint
Cup L, Täby Vårsprint (2 ggr), Norsk Derby, 3e Täby Open Sprint Championship Gr3, La Table Sterne
Fliegerpreis L.
Till avel 2003, far till bl a THE ONE AND ONLY (DEN), 3 segr, Norsk Breeders Prize Sprint, Skand
Mesterskap 3-årige, 3e Svenskt Kriterium, Norsk Kriterium, Dansk 2000 Guineas, SANG REAL (DEN), 2
segr, 2e Dansk Auktionslöb, 4e Norsk Kriterium, MOJITO (DEN), 2 segr, MISS VALUEV, vinnare.
Kat nr: 65
SHAWDON (GB) 1995 br Inchinor (GB) - Play With Me (IRE) e Alzao (USA)
11 segr, Topprankad 3-årig häst i Sverige 1998, Polar Million Cup L, Wieser Report Sprint Cup L,
Bremen, Silberne Peitsche L, Gelsenkirchen, Preis des Pferdeanzeigers L, Hannover, Kölner Frühjahs
Sprintpreis L, Köln, Air Malta Preis L, Wien, 2e Swedish Open Mile L, IBM Täby Vårsprint L, Preis des
Vorstandes Krefeld L, Krefeld, Sport-Welt Sprint Preis L, Köln, 3e Lambada Täby Open Sprint Championship Gr3, Premio Chiuscura L, San Siro, Dortmunder Fliegerpreis L, Krefelder Sprint Preis L, Krefeld,
Wieser Report Sprint Preis L, Bremen, Buchmacher Albers Sprint Preis L, Hannover, Europa Sprint L,
Köln, 5e Täby Vårsprint.
Fadern INCHINOR, 5 segr, Hungerford S Gr3, Van Geest Criterion S Gr3 (banrek, 1400 gr),
Greenham S Gr3, 2e Dewhurst S Gr1, 3e Sussex S Gr1, far till Gr1- Gr2- och Gr3-vinnare, bl a
LATICE, Franskt Oaks Gr1, SUMMONER, Queen Elizabeth S Gr1, BANNISTER, Gimcrack S Gr2,
GOLDEN SILCA, 2 st Gr2, 2a Irish 2000 Guineas Gr1, Coronation S, Royal Ascot.
Till avel 2005 men betäckte då inga ston. Han är far till en avkomma som startat, WINNIETOU,
vinnare 2011.
Kat nr: 68
Silvano (GER) 1996 br Lomitas (GER) - Spirit of Eagles (GER) e Beau’s Eagle (USA)
Champion Older Horse in Germany in 2001. 7 wins from 2 to 5 and £1,557,061 incl Arlington
Million Gr1, Queen Elizabeth II Cup Gr1, Oppenheim Colonia Gr2, Grosser Preis der Wirtschaft Gr2,
Singapore Cup L, 2nd Man O’War S Gr1, Gerling Preis Gr2, 3rd Sheema Classic Gr2, Idee Hansa-Preis
Sire of 61 winners of 252 races and £3,088,905 (German crops only) incl SEAL (South African
Derby Gr1), BOLD SILVANO (Vodacom Durban July H Gr1), BRAVURA (Cape Derby Gr1), FLIRTATION (Sansui Summer Cup Gr1), ASLAN (Sansui Summer Cup Gr1), FIELD FLOWER (Cape Fillies,
Guineas Gr1), KING’S GAMBIT (South African Derby Gr1, South African Classic Gr1, Bet365 Gordon
Richards S Gr3), also 5th Stockholm Cup International Gr3) MOCHACHINO (Camellia S Gr2), PROUDINSKY (Mervin H Muniz Jr Memorial H Gr2, Bay Meadows Derby Gr3), HAPPY SPIRIT (South African Oaks Gr2), FAIR BREEZE (Prix Corrida Gr2, Prix Allez France Gr3, Hessen Pokal Gr3), MI EMMA
(Akdov Stutenpreis Gr2, Oettingen-Rennen Gr2).
Also sire in Scandinavia of DANILA, Peugeot Skand Mesterskap 2-årige, Amacitalöpn.
Kat nr: 46
Easy KB har Sveriges
smartaste system för
Alla kan vara med - på en svans, en nos, en hov, eller på en större bit.
Vi skräddarsyr andelsägandet efter önskemål, både om du är ensam,
eller om ni redan är några stycken . . . Vårt andelsägarsystem kan med
fördel nyttjas av kompisgäng, som kommer via ATG-ombud, företag,
idrottsföreningar, etc.
Vi kan ibland erbjuda andelar i galopphästar som redan finns i systemet
och vi kan ”ta in” en galopphäst som ni själva väljer ut.
Du väljer själv vilken häst/vilka hästar du skall köpa andelar i. I varje häst
finns 20 andelar, och samma person kan äga 1 - 20 andelar. Samma
person kan äga andelar i flera hästar - med full kvittning . . .
Varje andel ”lever sitt eget liv”, och ingen är
ansvarig för mer än sina egna andelar!
All moms dras av - direkt.
För utförlig information ta
kontakt med Folke Forsmarker på
Easy KB - Tel 018-12 40 04!
Sixties Icon (GB) 2003 br Galileo (IRE) - Love Divine (GB) e Diesis (GB)
Champion 3yo Stayer in Europe in 2006. 8 wins from 3 to 5 and £533,054 incl St Leger S Gr1,
Jockey Club S Gr2, Geoffrey Freer S Gr3, Glorious S Gr3, Cumberland Lodge S Gr3, Festival S L, 2nd
Jockey Club S Gr2, 3rd King Edward VII S Gr2.
His first crop are yearlings 2011.
Kat nr: 37
SONGLINE 1993 mbr Diaghlyphard (USA) - Princess Persian (IRE) e Persian Bold (IRE)
14 segr, 3.221.500 kr, vinstrikaste svenskuppfödda hingst genom tiderna, Årets Häst i
Sverige 1996 och 1997, Stockholms Stora Pris L, Kapps Stora Pris L, 2 ggr, Pokallöb L, Jägersro Cup,
Svenskt St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy, Norsk Breeders Prize, Svenskt Kriterium, Upplandlöpn, SM för
2-åringar, 2e Svenskt Derby och JK Jubileumslöpn.
Till avel 1999. Far till 48 vinnare från 92 startande avk (52%) i skandinavisk träning, och
18.627.035 i SEK, bl a HALFSONG, vinstrikaste svenskuppfödda häst genom tiderna (3.702.186
i SEK inkl bonus), Årets Häst 2003, 12 segr, Scandinavian Open Championship Gr3, Dansk Derby,
Svenskt Oaks, Dansk Oaks, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, Golden Mile L, Scandinavia Cup L, Scania Sprint, 2a
Svenskt Derby, Scandinavia Cup L, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, FIRST EDITION, Årets 2-åring 2002
och Årets 3-åring 2003, 8 segr, ca 3 milj kr, Breeders’ Trophy, Norsk Breeders’ Prize, Duty Time
Juvenile Mile, Stora Tvååringspriset, SM Classic, 2e Svenskt St Leger, Kapps Stora Pris, Dansk Breeders’
Cup, 2-års Breeders, 3e Svenskt Kriterium, Inchline, 5 segr, Dansk Derby, Dansk 2000 Guineas, 2e
Svenskt Kriterium, 3e Dansk Kriterium, Made in Sweden, 2 segr, 2a Svenskt Oaks, 3a Dianalöpn,
Elegant Song, 4 segr, 2e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, även vinnare över häckar, Alvena Quling, 2
segr, 2e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Sun Song, vinnare, 3e Breeders’ Trophy Mile, 5e Breeders’ Trophy
Juvenile, Musical Contest, 2a SM 2-åriga 2011, PERFECT DAY, 7 segr, SONG OF COSMO, 7 segr,
CHORUSSO, 6 segr, FRÄULEIN, 5 segr, LOOK WHO’S TALKING, 3 segr inkl en över häckar, DREAM
CATCHER, 5 segr, inkl 2 över häckar i England, GALAHAD, 3 segr, SING SING, 3 segr, SYMPHONIAS
TOXIC, SONJA, STRAX, SONGMATE och SONG-MAID (även plac över häckar).
Kat nr: 5, 40, 43, 50, 55, 58
Rune Ohlssons
Mobil 0707-48 44 40
Fax 046-611 95
Anmäld till BT12-14
1 752SWE00000912T
Fux sto 100407
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
Woodman (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992
L’On Vite (USA)
Night Shift (USA)
Safarinight (IRE), br 2003
Selous (IRE), 1996
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Mr Prospector (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Secretariat (USA)
Fanfreluche (CAN)
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Ciboulette (USA)
Second Set (IRE)
Talama (FR), 1987
1. mor
Safarinight, placed 4 times, 46.900 kr, FT67, dam of:
Campfire, 2009 f by Heart of Oak (USA), ran twice at 2, 2011
752SWE00000912T, see above
2. mor
Selous (IRE), 4 wins, 461.250 kr; 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £34,390 and placed 6
times; Svenskt St Leger, 3rd Vinterfavoriternas Pris, 4th Dianalöpn, FT83, also winner over jumps at 4
years in Switzerland, dam of two winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age inc:
Carrousel, 2005 g by Spinning World (USA), winner and placed 5 times, 344.345 kr, 2nd in SM
för 2-åriga hästar, 3rd Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, 4th Svenskt St Leger, 5th Vinterfavoriternas Pris, FT80
Welcome Back, 2008 c by Fasliyev (USA), winner and placed 8 times at 2 and 3, 2011,
189.435 kr, FT69
Safarinight, see above
3. mor
Talama (FR) by Shakapour (IRE), winner at 3 years in France and 104.000 FF and placed once, 3rd
Prix de Thiberville, Deauville, L; dam of four winners,
Selous (IRE), see above
Taku (IRE), placed once at 2 years; also 5 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.A.E. and £15,152.
Talama Lady (IRE), 3 wins, £9621, 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years; also winner over hurdles, 2004 and £6065 and placed twice.
Penne Dancer (IRE), 2 wins, £7777, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also winner at 4
years in USA
Talaila (IRE), unraced, dam of one winner from 3 runners and 3 foals;
SCORPIUS, 2008 c by Orpen (USA), 2 wins and placed twice in 5 starts at 3, 2011, 188.260
kr, FT78
Oaksana, 2009 f by Heart of Oak (USA), placed in 2 starts at 2, 2011, 20.800 kr
The next dam TALOSCA (FR) by Abdos (FR), 2 wins in France and placed 6 times; also placed once
over jumps in France; dam of two winners,
Talama (FR), see above.
Taziyr (FR), 9 wins, 7 wins in France and 409,200 fr. and placed 31 times; also 2 wins over
jumps in France.
Timoro (FR), placed 3 times over jumps in France.
Tamarisca (FR), ran on the flat in France; dam of seven winners,
Milord (IND), winner in India.
Chestnut Whisper (IND), winner in India.
Masterpiece (IND), winner in India.
Calamint (IND), winner in India.
Keep Battling (IND), winner in India.
Milady (IND), winner in India.
Fair And Fancy (IND), winner in India. 33
Brun hingst 100522
Ida Rehnström Hovslageri, Sport o Avel
Prästhälla Gård
0158-310 39
646 91 Gnesta
073-563 23 49
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
In The Wings (GB)
High Hawk (IRE)
Dustoori (GB), mbr 2004
Green Desert (USA)
Elfaslah (IRE)
Fair of the Furze (USA)
Blushing Groom (FR)
Local Suitor (USA)
Home Love (USA)
Tombella (SWI), 1992
Nebos (GER)
Tocaima (GER), 1986
Tonila (GER), 1978
1. mor
Tombella (SWI), 5 segr i Schweiz, 109.104 kr, mor till en vinnare av 3 startande avkommor:
Tenderly (SWI), 2 segr i Schweiz
Topas (SWI), plac i Schweiz
Tamina (SWI), plac i Schweiz, 8.287 kr, mor till en startande avkomma av ett tidigare föl;
Theonewayboomerang, 2008 v e Heart of Oak (USA), startat 3 ggr, 6.240 kr, FT57
Topgun, 2008 h e Lando (GER), exporterad till Schweiz som föl 2008
Tomdoori, se ovan
2. mor
TOCAIMA (GER) by Nebos (GER), 2 wins in Germany and placed 6 times; dam of three winners;
Tennessee (SWI), Champion 2yr old colt in Switzerland in 1997, Champion 3yr old in
Switzerland in 1998, 7 wins in Switzerland.
Tom Dooly (SWI), 5 wins in Switzerland.
TOMBELLA (SWI), see above
3. mor
Tonila (GER) by Caracol (USA), 2 wins in West Germany, 2nd Scherping-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L.;
Own sister to TOMBOS; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc.,
Tokana (GER), 3 wins in West Germany and placed 7 times.
Timor (GER), winner in West Germany and placed 8 times.
Taragon (GER), winner in West Germany and placed twice.
Troia (GER), winner in West Germany and placed once.
The next dam Tolima (USA), 3 wins in West Germany and 33,740 D.M. and placed 5 times, incl 2nd
Niedersachsen Preis, Hannover, L. and 3rd Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L.; dam of
eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.,
TOMBOS, 8 wins in West Germany and £66,026, incl Henckel-Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr2,
Union-Rennen, Koln, Gr2, Preis des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, Gr3 (twice),
Spreti-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3, Dr Busch-Memorial, Krefeld, L. and Schwarzwald-Rennen,
Baden-Baden, L, placed 2nd Grosser Preis der Stadt Gelsenkirchen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr3, Preis
des Winterfavoriten, Koln, Gr3, 3rd G.P. del Jockey Club Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Moormann-Rennen, Dortmund, L, Sierstorpff-Rennen, Koln, L. and 4th Spreti-Rennen, BadenBaden, Gr3; sire.
TOBELO, 6 wins at 6 years in West Germany and £19,873, incl Grosser Preis der Stadtsparkasse
Munchen, Munchen, L. and Alexander Rennen-Valentin Seibert Mem, Frankfurt, L, placed
2nd Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L, Silberne Peitsche des Rheingau, Gelsenkirchen, L. and Grosser Sprint Preis, Munich, L.
Togo (GER), 6 wins, 2 wins in West Germany and placed 10 times; also 4 wins over jumps in
West Germany and placed 20 times, incl 3rd Grosses Frankfurter Steeplechase, Frankfurt, L.
Tonila (GER), see above.
Anmäld till BT12-14
Fux hingst 100424
Caroline Söderberg/Stall Ekeby
Ösbyvägen 26
0176-27 30 50
761 75 Norrtälje
0736-31 76 83
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Melmac, br 1991
Sovereign Star
Juror (POL)
Diafa (POL), mbr 1993
Diamina (POL), 1985
Lyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Comedy Star (USA)
Thyra Rose (GB)
Saragan (GB)
Jurystka (POL)
Parysow (GB)
Diamanta (POL), 1973
1. mor
Diafa (POL), 3 wins, placed 4 times, 2nd Rzeka Wisla S, 3rd Cardea S, Solina S, Fillies Derby Trial,
Krasne S; dam of five previous foals, none to race, incl;
Diafanta (POL), 2006 f by Siam (USA), unraced, died at 3, 2009
Dolores (POL), 2007 f by Exaltation (IRE), unraced to date
Daphne (SWE), 2009 f by Don Corleone (GB), in training
Mosquito Fighter, see above.
2. mor
DIAMINA (POL), 5 wins, Nagroda Liry (Oaks), Warsaw, L. and Nagroda Soliny, Warsaw, L, placed 3rd
Nagroda Criterium Eqvalan, L. and Wielka Warszawska Nagroda Prezydenta, L.; dam of 4 winners
from 4 runners and 6 foals,
Diafa (POL), see above. DAHIRA (POL), 1992 f by Dakota, 2 wins, placed 9 times, dam of one winner:
Donald (POL), 2000 c by Enjoy Plan, 2 wins, placed 3 times, 2nd Doris Day S, 4th Neman S, Aschabad S, also placed on the flat in England and 2 wins over hurdles in England, £10.259
DASMINA (POL), 1996 f by Jape, winner, placed 3 times, dam of winners
DALCIANA (POL), 1999 f by Winds of Light, 4 wins, placed 5 times, dam of winners incl
DETERMINACJA (POL), 2005 f by Sorbie Tower, 7 wins, Czechian Oaks, Slovakian Oaks, and
three other stakes races, placed 9 times; 7 times in Stakes races and twice in steeplechase
3. mor
DIAMANTA (POL) by Mehari (FR), 4 wins, placed twice, Moszna Hcp, Rzeki Wisla S, 2nd in Wilanowska S, 4th Polish Oaks, Driada S; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 8 foals;
DIAMINA (POL), see above. DISCO (POL), 1979 c by Behistoun, 3 wins, placed twice, Polish 2000 Guineas, 2nd Polish Derby,
3rd Derby Trial, 4th Polish St Leger
DOMATINA (POL), 1988 f by Orlov, 6 wins, placed 14 times, Sac-a-Papier S, 2nd Rzeka Wisla S,
Krasne S, dam of winners.
DON CARLOS (POL), 1983 c by Conor Pass, 3 wins, placed 6 times
The next dam DEMONA (POL) by Masis, 14 wins, Polish Derby, Derby Trial, Polish 2000 Guineas, Austrian St Leger, Berlin S, and 7 other stakes races; dam of ten winners from 11 runners and 12 foals;
DEMON CLUB (POL), 6 wins, Polish Derby, Polish 2000 Guineas, Strzegom S, 2nd St Leger, sire
DAMON (POL), 3 wins, Strzegom S, 2nd Derby Trial, sire
DiaNA (POL), 3 wins, Probna Prize, Efforta S, Solina S, 4th Polish Derby, dam of winners
DIAdema (POL), 4 wins in Poland, Driada S, Otwarcia Hcp; dam of one winner:
Diorama (POL), winner in Poland; dam of Diego (POL), 5 wins in Poland placed 2nd Nagroda Syreny, Warsaw, L, and Drink (POL), placed 2nd Nagroda Iwna, Warsaw, L.
Demonio (POL), placed 3rd Grande Crse.de Haies de Printemps Hurdle, Auteuil, L.
Danae (POL), unraced; dam of one winner: DIONIZOS (POL), won Nagroda Mokotowska, L.
Demonika (POL), unraced; dam of one winner:
Demilight (POL), winner in Poland; also winner over jumps in Germany, 2nd Badener Roulette Preis Hurdle, Baden-Baden, L. 35
Fux sto 100415
Anmäld till BT12-14
Navesta Hästklinik/Helena Gärtner
Lerbo, Navesta 1
0150-66 41 99
640 23 Valla
070-254 77 14
Lead On Time (USA)
Fraam (GB), mbr 1989
Majestic Kahala (USA)
Tenby (GB)
Robin Lane (GB), br 1995
Hiawatha’s Song (USA), 1990
Nureyev (USA)
Alathea (GB)
Majestic Prince (USA)
Charvak (USA)
Caerleon (USA)
Shining Water (GB)
Chief’s Crown (USA)
Hippodamia (USA), 1971
1. mor
Robin Lane (GB), 6 wins at 3 and 4 years and £ 63 715 and placed 11 times including second in
Crisholm Bookmakers Virgina Rated Stakes, Newcastle, L; dam of four winners from 6 runners and
7 previous foals vizHEARTHSTEAD DREAM (GB), 2001 g by Dr Fong (USA), 5 wins and £39.031, and placed 15
times, also 3 wins over hurdles and placed 3 times, £24.420
FINAL VETO (GB), 2003 g by Vettori (IRE), 2 wins and placed 6 times over hurdles, also placed in
NH Flat Race, £12.960
TSARLATANOS (GB), 2004 by Tobugg (IRE), 3 wins and placed 13 times in Greece, £21.615
Shamarlane (GB), 2007 by Shamardal (USA), winner
Billy the Beagle (GB), 2002 g by Pursuit of Love (GB), died at 4
Anglesey (GB), 2005 by Vettori (IRE), unplaced
Celine, 2009 f by Sleeping Indian (GB), placed in just 2 starts at 2, 2011, 49.000 kr
Shakira, see above
2. mor
HIAWATHA’S SONG (USA), 2 wins and placed twice in France, 105.000 francs, dam of five winners
from 7 runners and 7 foals;
Robin Lane (GB), see above
COURT OF APPEAL (GB), 13 wins, £97.970, and placed 36 times
TEARLESS QUEEN (JPN), 4 wins at 2 to 5 years in Japan and £273.807
JUJU SANSAN (JPN), winner and placed 11 times, £121.026
MIRACLE WORKER (JPN), winner and placed twice
3. mor
HIPPODAMIA (USA), by Hail To Reason (USA), Champion 2 yr old filly in France in 1973, 4 wins in
France and in USA including Criterium des Pouliches, Longchamp Gr1, placed second in Poule d’Essai
des Pouliches, Longchamp Gr1, Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp Gr1, dam of eight winners from 11
runners and 14 foals;
GLOBE (USA), 6 wins in USA and $212 533 including Exelsior Handicap, Aqueduct, Gr2, and
Grey Lag Handicap, Gr3, placed second in Valedictory Handicap, Greenwood, L; sire
HOYA (USA), 4 wins in France and USA, including Prix Charles Lafitte, Longchamp, L, third in Prix
Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L
Foamflower (USA), 2 wins in USA, placed second in Cornucoia Stakes, Louisiana Downs; dam
of winners
Balance (USA), 2 wins in France and 159 700 franc, placed second in Prix Imprudence, M-Lafitte,
L; dam of winners
HOUSATONIC (USA), winner at 3 years; dam of winners:
HOUSAMIX (FR), won Prix Niel, Longchamp, Gr2, sire
HOUSA DANCER (FR), won Prix Finlande, Longchamp L. Miss America Hcp Golden Gate, L,
second in Vanity International Hcp, Hollywood Park, Gr1
House in Wood (FR), unraced; dam of ALEXANDER TANGO (IRE), 4 wins at home and in the
USA including Garden City Stakes, Belmont Park, Gr1.
Uppfödd hos Sonja Olsson, Östersäby Stuteri
Mörkbrun hingst 100408
Anmäld till BT12-14
Jan Ohlsson/Stall Resemino
Reliefvägen 1
08-580 133 92
175 45 Järfälla
070-515 69 15
Lyphard (USA)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Songline, br 1993
Persian Bold (IRE)
Princess Persian (IRE)
Blue Parrot (FR)
Woodman (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA)
L’On Vite (USA)
Queen of Hearts, fux 2001
Miami Springs (IRE)
Ramonia, 1993
Ramona, 1979
1. mor
QUEEN OF HEARTS, 4 segr, plac 4 ggr på 9 starter, 1.559.296 kr (samt 171.100 kr bonus), Svenskt
Oaks, Norsk Breeders’ Prize, 2a Lanwades Stud Stakes, L, Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, 6a
Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT84, mor till en vinnare av 3 startande och totalt 3 föl i startbar ålder;
King Accent, 2007 v e Mirio (FR), 2 segr och plac 4 ggr, 330.000 kr, 2e SM 2-åriga, SFAF/SÅEF
Auktionslöpn, FT73
Queen Accent, 2008 s e Most Welcome (GB), plac på endast 2 starter som 2-åring, 10.800 kr
French Accent, 2006 h e Mirio (FR), endast startat 2 ggr, 3.000 kr
Winning Sleipner, se ovan
2. mor
Ramonia, 3 segr, plac 6 ggr, 185.083 kr, näst högst rankade 3-åriga sto i Sv Gkp 1996 samt högst
rankade svenskuppfödda 3-åriga sto 1996, 2a Altamiralöpn, 5e Sommarstoet, FT79; mor till sex
vinnare av 8 startande och totalt 9 avkommor i startbar ålder;
Watch Me Fly, 2009 h e Bosun’s Watch (GB), plac 3 ggr som 2-åring 2011, 77.800 kr, delad 3e i
SM för 3-åriga hästar
SPIRIT, 1998 h e Spectacular Tide (USA), 9 segr, plac 19 ggr, 520.700 kr, FT84
Fräulein, 2003 s e Songline, 5 segr och plac 10 ggr, 316.700 kr, FT70
Spring Heart, 2005 s e Heart of Oak (USA), 3 segr och plac 15 ggr, 338.400 kr, FT72
MALVA, 2002 s e Malvernico (IRE), vinnare och plac, 78.050 kr, FT78
SKY MASTER, 1999 h e Spectacular Tide (USA), vinnare, 35.000 kr, FT66
Midnight Heart, 2007 s e Heart of Oak (USA), endast startat 5 ggr
3. mor
RAMONA e Moonbeam, 3 segr, plac 8 ggr, 104.100 kr, Dianalöpn, 4e Mowerinalöb, mor till tre
vinnare av 4 startande och totalt 6 avkommor:
Ramonia, se ovan
RAMIRIS, 4 segr, plac 6 ggr, 130.600 kr, FT63
RAMOON, vinnare som 2-åring på totalt 3 starter, 18.700 kr, FT65
Ramadeus, startat 7 ggr, 2.900 kr, FT55
Nästa mor Iris (DEN) e Piznair (GB), mor till tre vinnare av 4 startande och totalt 5 föl:
RAMONA, se ovan
Hillmer, 1985 v e Hill’s Double (GB), 5 segr, plac 12 ggr, 208.000 kr, Derbyprovet, 2e Fredlunds
Memorial, 3e SM för 3-åringar, SM för 4-åriga och äldre, 5e Svenskt St Leger, FT75
ELIZ, 1983 v e Hill’s Double (GB), 11 segr, plac 13 ggr, 235.400 kr, FT75
Nästa mor ELIZA (DEN) e Constable, 11 segr, bl a Dianalöpn, SFK Stolöpn, mor till vinnare, bl a
DRACULA (DEN), vinnare, Svenskt St Leger, 2e Svenskt Derby
Sexy Eyes (DEN), 2a Mowerinalöb (Dansk 1000 Guineas), 4e Vinterfavoritternes Ærespræmie
Roots (DEN), 2e Dansk Forårslöb (Dansk 2000 Guineas).
www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com
Fux sto 100314
Anmäld till BT12-14
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Unfuwain (USA)
Height of Fashion (FR)
Mathilde Bozo (GB), fux 2000
Kris (GB)
Tisza (GB), 1990
Twyla (GB), 1984
1. mor
Mathilde Bozo (GB), placed twice at 3 years in Denmark; dam of one winner from 1 runner:
Hokkaido, 2007 c by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins and placed twice, 220.900 kr, 5th SM
2-åriga, FT75
Amarantine, 2006 f by Most Welcome (GB), unraced
Låtta (ex Wholelottalove), 2008 f by Most Welcome (GB), in training with Kim Stern, Sävsjö
Obvious Child, see above
2. mor
Tisza (GB), ran twice at 3 years; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 foals;
Cupid’s Dart (GB), placed 9 times at 2 and 3 years and £5273; also 17 wins, 2006 in Italy and
£36,590 and placed 21 times.
Entretis (GB), 8 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy, £46,099 and placed 26 times, broodmare.
Dancin’ Doll (GB), placed twice at 4 years in Germany; dam of two winners inc,
Dancera (GER), 2 wins at 3 years, 2007 in Germany and placed 3 times.
Polish Abbey (GB), unraced; dam of a winner,
Cragganmore Creek (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2006 and placed 6 times.
3. mor
TWYLA, by Habitat, 2 wins at 2 years and £8389; Own sister to DEFECTING DANCER; dam of four
winners from 10 runners and 15 foals inc,
TWIST AND TURN (GB), 5 wins at 2 to 4 years at home and in West Germany and £97,096,
incl Chester Vase, Chester, Gr3, Feilden S, Newmarket, L. and Robert Pferdmenges-Rennen,
Hoppegarten, L, placed 2nd Gerling Preis, Koln, Gr2, 3rd Royal Lodge S, Ascot, Gr2, Ammerschlager Frankfurt - Pokal, Frankfurt, Gr3; sire.
MEATH (IRE), 4 wins at home and in Hong Kong and £124.440, incl Airlie Stud Gallinule S, Curragh, Gr3, placed 2nd Leopardstown 2000 Guineas Trial, Leopardstown, L. and Amethyst S,
Leopardstown, L.
Dalcassian (IRE), winner at 3 years and £14,013 and placed 3 times, incl 3rd Rock of Gibraltar
EBF Tetrarch S, Curragh, Gr3.
Wybara (GB), placed twice at 3 years; dam of a winner,
Windrose (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £14,379 and placed 6 times; dam of Isambre (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2007 in France and placed twice.
Twilight Tango (GB), unraced; dam of two winners,
GWAIHIR (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home, in France and in USA and £92,681, incl
Criterium du Fonds Europeen de L’Elevage, Deauville, L, placed 2nd Prix Thomas Bryon,
Saint-Cloud, Gr3, 3rd Hill Rise S, Santa Anita, L.
Mombassa (IRE), 4 wins, 2007 and £98,784 and placed 15 times, incl 2nd Go And Go
Round Tower S, Curragh, L, Aga Khan Studs Blenheim S, Curragh, L, Ballygallon Stud
Belgrave S, Curragh, L, Knockaire S, Leopardstown, L.
The next dam RUNNING BALLERINA, by Nijinsky, winner at 2 years; dam of three winners from 4
runners and 5 foals inc,
DEFECTING DANCER, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £35,747, incl Windsor Castle S, Royal Ascot, L,
Sirenia S, Kempton, L, 2nd Flying Childers S, Doncaster, Gr2, Greenham S, Newbury, Gr3.
Brunt sto 100310
Kerstin och Karl-Gustav Jahn
Västergård 143
0346-405 35
311 69 Ugglarp
070-326 47 39
Beveled (USA)
Troon (GB), sk 1990
Cestrefeld (GB)
Talinum (USA)
Joystar, br 1998
Brady’s Lady (GB), 1982
Sharpen Up (GB)
Sans Arc (USA)
Capistrano (GB)
Brig O’Doon (GB)
Alydar (USA)
Water Lily (FR)
Creetown (IRE)
Samia (GB), 1968
1. mor
JOYSTAR, 4 wins, placed 4 times, 207.100 kr, FT78, dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2
previous foals;
KNUBBLE, 2005 g by Double Net (ire), 10 wins, placed 10 times, 453.950 kr, FT79
Red Ruby, 2006 f by Most Welcome (GB), only ran once, 2.000 kr
Jappi, see above
2. mor
BRADY’S LADY, 2 wins at 4 years in Norway; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 11 foals;
Joystar (SWE), see above.
Happy Friend (SWE), 3 wins in Sweden, placed 6 times, 128.500 kr, FT78
3. mor
SAMIA, ran a few times at 2 and 3 years; dam of two winners from 9 runners and 10 foals;
Brady’s Lady, see above.
Julies Choice, placed twice at 2 years; also winner in Malaysia. The next dam ATHENIAN STAR, winner at 3; dam of four winners from 7 runners and 12 foals inc.,
ATHIS (ARG), 2 wins in Argentina, Clasico Francisco J Beazley, Hipodromo Arg, Gr2, 2nd Gran Premio
Seleccion, La Plata, Gr1 and 3rd Gran Premio Enrique Acebal, San Isidro, Gr1; dam of,
Astral (ARG), placed 2nd Premio Otono, Hipodromo Arg, Gr2, Clasico Peru, Hipodromo Arg,
Gr2, 3rd G.P.Joaquin S de Anchorena-Internacional, San Isidro, Gr1, Gran Premio General
San Martin, Hipodromo Arg, Gr1 and 4th Gran Premio 25 de Mayo, San Isidro, Gr1.
Atacama (ARG), unraced; dam of All Time Storm (ARG), 2nd Caballos Carrera, La Plata, Gr3
Yellow Drop Kid, 7 wins, winner at 2 years; also 6 wins in USA
Athenee (ARG), winner in Argentina; dam of,
Attractive (ARG), unraced; grandam of Indio Bambou (ARG), 2nd Clasico Provincias Unidas,
Palermo, L.
Athenian (ARG), unraced; dam of,
Raquel Francis (ARG), unraced; grandam of Medellin (ARG), 2nd Clasico Patria, La Plata, L.
Adusta (ARG), unraced; dam of,
Attirance (ARG), unraced; dam of BON POULAIN (ARG), won G.P. 2000 Guineas-Consagracion
Potrillos, San Isidro, Gr1, 3rd Gran Premio Raul y Raul E Chevalier, San Isidro, Gr1, G. P. Polla
de Potrillos (2000 Guineas), Hipodromo Arg, Gr1 and GP.Carrera de las Estrellas de Potrillos,
San Isidro, Gr1, Pinto (ARG), 2nd Clasico Espana-dia de la Raza, La Plata, Gr3.
Artist (ARG), unraced; dam of a winner,
ARENERO (URU), won Premio Carlos Reyles, Hipo Maronas, L. The next dam IROQUOISE II, 2 wins in France; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.,
British Empire, 3rd Richmond S, Goodwood.
Indian Game, winner at 2 years; dam of seven winners inc.,
MAINA, 2 wins at 3, £16,131, Lancashire Oaks, Gr3, Ladbroke Oaks Trial S, Gr3, 2nd Oaks S,
Epsom, Gr1, 3rd Yorkshire Oaks, Gr1; third dam of TOMBA (GB), 13 wins at 2 to 5 years,
£357,965, Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr1, 2nd Haydock Park Sprint Cup, Gr1, 3rd Stanley
Leisure Sprint Cup, Gr1 (twice) and Prix de la Foret, Longchamp, Gr1; sire.
Uppfödd hos Eva I Sjunnesson sedan maj 2011
Birgitta o Lennart Landström
Åkarps Gård
0503-170 10
544 92 Hjo
0739-84 26 36
Brun valack 100518
Anmäld till BT12-14
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Lyphard (USA)
Goofed (USA)
Funambule (USA), fux 1987
Habitat (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
Satu (GB)
Le Mans
Malla, br 1992
Carnoustie (GB)
Matisse, 1973
Mombasa, 1962
1. mor
MALLA, 6 wins, placed 9 times, 145.800 kr, FT63, dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8
previous foals vizMalone, 2002 g by Bal du Seigneur (USA), 9 wins, placed 10 times, 531.840 kr, SM Sprinters,
3rd SM Sprinters, 4th Malmö Hösthandicap, FT82
EKO MONOPOL, 1999 g by Caerwent (IRE), 5 wins, placed 18 times including over hurdles,
552.507 kr, 2nd Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, Lindarängen Memorial, 4th Sweden Cup Mile, HM
Drottningens Pris, FT82
MACK DANCER, 2001 c by Bal du Seigneur (USA), 4 wins and placed 6 times, 222.850 kr, 4th
Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 5th SM 2-åriga, FT81
MARQUES, 2005 g by Funambule (USA), 3 wins, placed 5 times, 177.900 kr, FT79
MISS SUCCESS, 2006 f by Bal du Seigneur (USA), 2 wins, placed 6 times, 166.139 kr, FT63
MAX DANCER, 2000 g by Bal du Seigneur (USA), winner, placed 6 times, 94.915 kr, FT73
Bighorn Style, 2003 g by Duty Time (GB), winner and placed twice, 28.156 kr, FT66
Manhattan, 2008 g by El Gran Lode (ARG), placed twice in 8 starts at 3, 2011, 38.100 kr, FT65
Manboy, see above
2. mor
MATISSE (SWE), winner in Sweden; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 11 foals viz AKVATINTA (SWE), f by Diligo (FR), 8 wins in Denmark and in Sweden, Mowerinalob (1000 Guineas), and placed 3 times viz 3rd Prix de l’Opera, Longchamp, Gr2, St Jorgen Cup, Jagersro,
L, and 4th Grosser Philips Stutenpreis, Hamburg, Gr3; dam of a winner:
KENTUCKYMADE (USA), winner in Germany.
DUCHAMP (SWE), 9 wins in Sweden, Malmö Hösthandicap, 4th Svensk Uppfödningslöpn, FT84
MALLA (SWE), see above.
SARAGASSO (SWE), 2 wins in Denmark and in Sweden.
FIREFLY (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden and placed 5 times.
MANDELA (SWE), winner in Sweden and placed twice.
3. mor
MOMBASA, by Ujiji (IRE), 7 wins in Norway and in Sweden including Norsk Oaks, Ovrevoll and
Svenskt Oaks, Jagersro; dam of two winners PLANET QUEEN (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden, dam of a winner: ANNUAL FOLLY, winner, FT71
MATISSE (SWE), see above.
The next dam BECKBOROUGH, 2 wins at 2 and 3 and placed 3 times; dam of six winners incl MOMBASA, see above.
BECKY MOSS, 5 wins in Sweden, Amacitalopning, Dianalopning, Taby; dam of a winner: KAPTEN MOSS, 19 wins
BECKY TAIFUN, 8 wins, Norsk Oaks, Norsk St Leger, Ovrevoll, 3rd Norsk 2000 Guineas; dam of
winners incl TAISILK (SWE), winner; dam of TAI FUNG (SWE), Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslopning, SKS Stora Pris, 2nd Vinterfavoriternas Pris, 3rd Dansk Derby, TAIANA, 7 wins, and TAI
LINN, 5 wins; grandam of Taiming (SWE), 2 wins, 3rd Skånelandlöpn.
9 752SWE00000892T
Fux sto 100324
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Mr Prospector (USA)
Woodman (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992
Secretariat (USA)
L’On Vite (USA)
Fanfreluche (CAN)
Indian Ridge (IRE)
Definite Article (GB)
Summer Fashion (GB)
Definite Rose (SWE), fux 2003
Goldmark (USA)
North Cider Rose (IRE), 1999
Scotia Rose (IRE), 1982
1. mor
DEFINITE ROSE, winner and placed, 68.500 kr, FT76; dam of two previous foals;
Melrose, 2008 f by Melmac, ran 7 times, 8.320 kr, FT66
Meraglory, 2009 g by Mirio (FR), ran twice at 2, 2011
752SWE00000892T, see above
2. mor
North Cider Rose (IRE), only ran 4 times, dam of one winner from 2 runners and 4 foals;
DEFINITE ROSE, see above
She also has a 3-y-o filly by Slickly (FR) and a yearling filly by Frenchmans Bay (FR)
3. mor
SCOTIA ROSE (IRE) by Tap On Wood (IRE), winner at 3 years and £1,343 and placed twice, from only
4 starts; dam of nine winners from 15 runners and 16 foals of racing age inclAMIARGE (GB), 4 wins at 5 to 7 years and £20,596.
OVER THE COUNTER (IRE), 4 wins; 2 wins at 2 years; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 years and
£7.294, broodmare SCOTJADIL (IRE), 4 wins in Switzerland and £7.646
MISS MACKAY (GB), placed twice at 2 years; also 2 wins in Holland, dam of three winners inc:
SPARTAN (IRE), winner at 4 years, 2009 in Greece and £10.380
Rose Society (GB), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of six winners:
RED BRIAR (IRE), 13 wins, Prix du Haras de la Huderie, Deauville, L, placed 2nd Baldwin
Stakes, Santa Anita, Gr3.
SILVERANI (IRE), 3 wins, Top Crowd Handicap, Santa Anita.
INTENSIFY (IRE), 4 wins at 4-5 years, 2009 in Greece and £20.953
The next dam TABLE ROSE, winner in USA and placed once; dam of six winners from 9 runners
and 12 foals of racing age incl Blow For Blow (FR), placed twice; also 6 wins in Belgium, placed 2nd Prix de la Commune
d’Hoeilaert, Groenendael, L.
GRUB, winner at 2 years; dam of winners.
PRINCIPALITY (AUS), won Blue Diamond Stakes, Caulfield, Gr1, Derby Trial Stakes, Geelong,
L, placed 2nd Maribyrnong Plate, Flemington, Gr2; sire in Australia.
Blushing Maid, placed once at 2 years; dam of winners.
GOOD BABA (BRZ), won Grande Premio Major Suckow, Gavea, Gr1 and Cria. y Prop. Cavalo
Corrida Rio Janeiro, Gavea, L.
ORMENIS (BRZ), won Grande Premio Presidente Guilherme Ellis, Cidade Jardim, Gr3.
Centre Piece, unplaced; dam of winners.
GREENLAND PARK, won Queen Mary S, Royal Ascot, Gr2, Cornwallis S, Ascot, Gr3, Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3, 2nd Flying Childers Stakes, Doncaster, Gr1, 3rd William Hill July
Cup, Newmarket, Gr1, Prix de l’Abbaye de Longchamp, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of FITNAH,
won Prix Saint-Alary, Longchamp, Gr1, Prix de la Nonette, Longchamp, Gr3, Prix du Prince
d’Orange, Longchamp, Gr3, Prix Vanteaux, Longchamp, Gr3, 2nd Prix de Diane, Chantilly,
Gr1, Prix d’Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr1, Trusthouse Forte Prix Vermeille, Longchamp, Gr1;
grandam of NO EXCUSE NEEDED (GB), 4 wins, Queen Anne S, Royal Ascot, Gr2.
Brunt sto 100423
Anmäld till BT12-14
Pernilla Nilsson
Råby 14
775 96 Krylbo
0706-31 73 17
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Be My Guest (USA)
What A Treat (USA)
Most Welcome (GB), fux 1984
Habitat (USA)
Topsy (GB)
Furioso (GB)
Rainbow Quest (USA)
Richard of York (GB)
Triple First (GB)
Aura, mbr 2003
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Inshallah, 1992
Princess Persian (IRE), 1983
1. mor
AURA, vinnare och plac 5 ggr på 9 starter, 225.076 kr, 2a Sommarstoet, 4e Svenskt Oaks, Breeders’
Trophy Classic, FT78, mor till:
Cyclone, 2008 h e Most Welcome (GB), plac, 5e SM 2-åriga, 45.646 kr, FT71
Manyatta, se ovan
2. mor
INSHALLAH, 2 segr, plac 2 ggr på endast 8 starter, 58.500 kr, Oaks Trial, FT79, helsyster till SONGLINE
och MAUREEN STAR, mor till tre vinnare av 4 startande och totalt 7 avkommor i startbar ålder;
Mint Condition, 2008 s e Most Welcome (GB), 3 segr, plac 2 ggr på 8 starter, 420.379 kr, Diana
Trial, 2a SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, 3e Amacitalöpn, FT80
DAY TRIPPER, 2000 h e Spectacular Tide (USA), 6 segr, plac 17 ggr, 417.000 kr inkl bonus, FT81
AURA, se ovan
Inch By Inch, 2002 s e Richard of York (GB), startat 6 ggr, 2.930 kr, FT68
Azusa Street, 2006 s e Funambule (USA), ej startat, död som 2-åring
Angels’ Share, 2009 s e Most Welcome (GB), i träning hos Tommy Gustafsson, Täby
3. mor
Princess Persian (IRE) e Persian Bold (IRE), endast startat några få gånger, mor till bl a
SONGLINE, Champion 2-åring, Årets Häst i Sverige 1996 och 1997, 14 segr, 3.221.500 kr,
Svenskt Kriterium, SM för 2-åringar, AGRIA Breeders’ Trophy, Norsk Breeders Prize, Svenskt St
Leger, Upplandlöpn, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, Pokallöb, L, SKS Stora Pris, L, 2 ggr, Zawawi Jägersro Cup, 2e JK Jubileumslöpn, Svenskt Derby, TF 110, avelshingst och far till bl a HALFSONG,
Årets Häst 2003, vinstrikaste svenskuppfödda häst genom tiderna, 12 segr, 3.531.793 kr,
Scandinavian Open Championship, Gr3, Scandinavia Cup, L, Dansk Derby, Dansk Breeders’ Cup,
Svenskt Oaks, Dansk Oaks, 2a Scandinavia Cup, L, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, L, 2 ggr, Svenskt
Derby, Dansk Golden Mile, L, FT90, FIRST EDITION, Champion 2-åring 2002, Champion
3-åring 2003, 8 segr, 2.965.350 kr, Breeders’ Trophy, Norsk Breeders Prize, SM Classic, Duty
Time Juvenile Mile, Stora Tvååringspriset, 2e Kapps Stora Pris, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, Breeders
2-års Trophy, Sv St Leger, FT88, samt INCHILINE, 5 segr, Dansk Derby, Dansk 2000 Gns, FT83
MAUREEN STAR, Årets Häst 1992, 17 segr, 1.622.800 kr, Dianalöpn, Svenskt Oaks, AGRIA Breeders’
Trophy, ITT Sheraton Scandinavia Cup, SM Ston, JK Avelslöpn, 2 ggr, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 2a
Bloomers’ Vase, Nickes Minneslöpn, L, ITT Sheraton Scandinavia Cup, SM Ston, 3e Treåringarnas
Elitlöpn, SM Stayers, 5e Stockholms Stora Pris, L, Skandialöpn, mor till en vinnare;
MAYCY STAR, -99 e Malvernico (IRE), 2 segr, plac 7 ggr, 125.875 kr, FT71, mor till en vinnare:
Ede Sensation, 2008 s e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 segr, 3e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT81
Silk Road, vinnare, även 7 segr över häckar, plac 9 ggr, 961.877 kr, 2e Duty Time Trophy, Göteborg, 4e Norsk Breeders Prize, 5e Breeders’ Trophy, Skandinavisk Mesterskap, Övrevoll, FT81
DRY SLUDGE, 12 segr, plac 27 ggr, 411.800 kr, FT75
INSHALLAH, se ovan
STRAIGHT EDGE, 4 segr, plac 10 ggr, 247.100 kr, 4e Breeders Prize Sprint, FT69
Soul Sister, ej startat, mor till en vinnare av 3 startande och totalt 4 avkommor i startbar ålder:
SOUL CAT, 3 segr, plac 6 ggr, 152.050 kr, FT60
Zelzele, plac 5 ggr, 108.980 kr, 6e Svenskt Oaks 2009, FT70.
Brunt sto 100511
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Bengt Morberg
Vallhall Fäboda 15
734 91 Hallstahammar
0220-260 46
070-471 54 29
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
In The Wings (GB)
High Hawk (IRE)
Dustoori (GB), mbr 2004
Green Desert (USA)
Elfaslah (IRE)
Fair of the Furze (USA)
Tsynami Slew (USA)
Spectacular Tide (USA)
Bid Me Adieu (USA)
Monita, sk 1998
Common Grounds (GB)
La Bonita (IRE), 1990
Catherine Linton (USA), 75
1. mor
Monita, winner, placed 5 times, 157.950 kr, Diana Consolation, 2nd Altamiralöpn, FT77, dam of
three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age;
MYTHOS, 2005 g by Melmac, 8 wins, placed 9 times, 488.800 kr, 5th SM Sprinters, FT86
MYKENE, 2003 f by Melmac, 5 wins, placed 13 times, 281.600 kr, FT67
MYSTIK, 2006 g by Melmac, 5 wins, placed 9 times, 353.400 kr, FT78
Myrrha, 2004 f by Melmac, only ran twice, 2.500 kr
Mykonos, 2009 g by Melmac, in training
Myrina, see above
2. mor
LA BONITA (IRE), placed twice at 2 years; also 9 wins at 3 to 6 years in Sweden, 266.340 kr, fifth in
Bloomers’ Vase and Scandinavia Cup, FT72; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals vizMoltas, 2002 g by Melmac, 9 wins, placed 12 times, 1.090.397 kr, Swedish Open Mile, L,
Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, Skandinavisk Mesterskap 3-åringer, SM Classic, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn,
twice, 2nd Swedish Open Mile, L, GHR Gold Cup, 3e Songline Classic, L, SM Classic, 4th
Svenskt Kriterium, 5th Nickes Minneslöpn, L, twice, FT92
Monita, see above
Monza, 2004 f by Melmac, 4 wins, placed 7 times, 364.321 kr, 3rd Melmaclöpn, 4th Götalandlöpn, FT78
MOGUL, 2005 g by Heart of Oak (USA), 6 wins, placed 13 times, 489.300 kr, FT79
Monterey, 2007 g by Melmac, 2 wins and placed 4 times in 10 starts, 139.500 kr, FT75
Molino, 2006 g by Melmac, winner, placed 12 times, 130.638 kr, FT64
MAD MEN, 2008 c by Melmac, winner, 34.540 kr, FT76
Moretti, 2000 g by Melmac, placed twice at 2 years in Sweden, FT68, also placed over jumps
Montus, 2009 c by Funambule (USA), in training with Carlos Figueroa, Täby
Mozaika, see above
3. mor
CATHERINE LINTON (USA), by High Echelon (USA), unraced; dam of eleven winners from 14 runners and 15 foals ZAR BITTER, 10 wins in Italy, £26.511, including Premio U.N.P.C.P.S, Milan, L, 3rd Premio Boschetti, Milan, L.; also 3 wins over jumps in Italy.
FOR SURE FOR SURE, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also 17 wins in Italy, £42.472
NETHER LANE (IRE), 7 wins in Denmark and in Sweden and placed 4 times.
Love Lost, unplaced; dam of winners.
It’s Cryin’ Time (AUS), 3rd Dayana S, Belmont, L.
Jenufa (IRE), 3rd Wintergreen S, Philadelphia Park.
The next dam Reckless Driver (USA) by Traffic Judge (USA), 9 wins in USA and placed 9 times,
$35.615, including 3rd Mermaid S, Atlantic City; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals
of racing age including Greenbriar (USA), 12 wins in USA, $63.012, 3rd Springtime H, Thistledown.
RECKLESS REIGN (USA), 3 wins in USA; dam of winners.
www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com
Fux hingst 100311
Anmäld till BT12-14
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Funambule (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
Little Green Apple, br 1996
Akureyri (CAN)
Dappled Flag (USA), 1985
Baruna (USA), 1979
1. mor
LITTLE GREEN APPLE, 5 segr, 627.700 kr (inkl 76.600 kr bonus), Svenskt Kriterium, 2a Altamiralöpn,
4e SM 2-åriga, 5e Amacitalöpn, FT81, mor till 7 avkommor inklusive:
Thunder Clap, 2004 h e Songline, startat 3 ggr
Havanna, 2005 h e Most Welcome (GB), ej startat, skadad som föl
Rianna, 2006 s e Most Welcome (GB), ej startat, skadad i träning
Girl From Ipanema, 2009 s e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), i träning hos Patrick Wahl, Täby
Virgil, se ovan
2. mor
DAPPLED FLAG (USA), vinnare som 2-åring i England, mor till nio vinnare av 12 föl (10 startat och
8 segrat som 2-åringar)
MELLOW YELLOW, -95 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 segr, 174.000 kr, SM 2-åriga, mor till
DUCHESS BLUE, 4 segr, FT76, och Carpenter, plac 6 ggr, FT75
Green River, -91 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 6 segr, plac 18 ggr, 580.460 kr, 2e Svealandlöpn, 3e
SM 2-åriga, Vinterfav Pris, SM Milers, 4e Malmö Stads Pris, Sv Kriterium, 5e Breeders’ Trophy
RED HOUSE, -93 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 5 segr, 275.700 kr, 5e Sv Kriterium, SM 2-år, Breeders’
REDBONE, -98 s e Spectacular Tide (USA), 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 119.800 kr (inkl 19.900 bonus),
Breeders’ Trial, FT71, mor till en vinnare:
Wakayama, 2007 s e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 4 segr, plac 3 ggr på 8 starter, 967.865 kr,
Breeders’ Trophy Mile, SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, Becky Moss Fillies Mile, 2a Svenskt
Kriterium, 3a Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, 4e Svenskt Oaks, FT82
QUIET FIRE, -92 h e Verd-Antique (GB), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 55.300 kr
GO BANANAS, -97 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 50.750 kr
PURPLE HEATHER, -99 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare på endast 4 starter, 23.100 kr, FT69, mor
till två vinnare: OCKIDOCK, 2007 s e Mandrake El Mago (CHI), vinnare, 70.000 kr, FT62,
och HEDDA, 2006 s e Funambule (USA), 2 segr, plac 8 ggr, 100.694 kr, FT57
WHITE FLAG, 2001 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare och plac som 2-åring, 51.500 kr
Grey Diana, 2002 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), startat, 7.850 kr, mor till en vinnare:
ZAHIR, 2007 v e Heart of Oak (USA), 2 segr, plac 7 ggr, 198.600 kr, FT72
3. mor
Baruna (USA), by Grey Dawn (FR), sister to Eleven Pelicans, dam of five winners;
DIAMONDRUNA (f. by Diamond Sword). winner at 2, 1997, $70,998, C.T.H.S. Sales S.
Dancer´s Kolo (g. by Diamond Sword). 2 wins at 2, placed at 3, 1997, $126,369, 2nd Golden
Gate Derby, L, 3rd C.T.H.S. Sales S, Juvenile Breeders´Cup S, etc.
BRETTHEVET (g. by Diamond Sword), 5 wins, 3 to 5, $38,012
DAPPLED FLAG, see above.
Red Rain (f. by Secreto). Placed at 2, dam of two winners, incl
BENT CREEK CITY (f. by Carson City). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $86,740, Cinderella S, L, (Hol,
$40,600), 2nd Landaluce S, Hollywood Park, Gr2, and 3rd Sorrento S, Del Mar, Gr2.
Anmäld till BT12-14
13 752SWE00000914T
Fux sto 100426
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
Woodman (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992
L’On Vite (USA)
Lahib (USA)
La Lula (IRE), br 2003
Lussuria (IRE), 1993
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Mr Prospector (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Secretariat (USA)
Fanfreluche (CAN)
Riverman (USA)
Lady Cutlass (USA)
Last Tycoon (IRE)
Shabbaba (USA), 1988
1. mor
La Lula (IRE), placed 9 times, 135.700 kr, 5th Dianalöpn, FT78, dam of:
Just a Cat, 2009 g by One Cool Cat (USA), in training with Lennart Reuterskiöld jr, Jägersro
752SWE00000914T, see above
2. mor
LUSSURIA (IRE), 3 wins, £10,876, 2 wins at 2 years and £9254 and placed 6 times; also winner at 3
years in Denmark and placed once; dam of 2 runners and 3 foals,
La Lula (IRE), see above.
Cigar Volant (SWE), placed once at 3 years in Sweden. 3. mor
Shabbaba (USA), by Arctic Tern (USA), unraced; dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals;
Lussuria (IRE), see above.
Say No More (IND), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in India and placed once.
Shappar (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy. The next dam SHICKLAH (USA), 3 wins at 2 years at home and in West Germany and £22,679, incl
Moet & Chandon Zukunfts-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr2; dam of nine winners from 11 runners and
12 foals inc.,
MUQTARIB (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years at home and in USA and £85,557, incl Richmond S,
Goodwood, Gr2; sire.
RA’A (USA), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £36,471, incl Bentinck S, Newmarket, L, placed 4 times,
incl 3rd Daily Mail Leisure S, Lingfield Park, L.; dam of eight winners inc.,
MUSAFI (USA), won Morvich H, Santa Anita, L, Bay Meadows Breeders’ Cup Sprint H, L.
Taanis (USA), unraced; dam of Jockey Ridge (USA), winner at 3 years, 2008 in USA and
£35,580 and placed 4 times, incl 3rd Bay Shore S, Aqueduct, Gr3.
JANIB (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in USA and £41,349, incl Roses S, York, L.
La Caprice (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, £14,617, placed 7 times; dam of three winners:
Empire’s Ghodha (GB), 2 wins, £18,471, winner at 2 years and £11,623 and placed 5
times, incl 3rd Dragon S, Sandown Park, L.; also winner at 4 years in USA and £6848
and placed 5 times.
La Capriosa (GB), 8 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 and £29,803 and placed 15 times.
Milton of Campsie (GB), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2009 and £12,539 and placed 4 times.
West Coast Mama (USA), 2 wins in South Africa, placed 6 times; dam of four winners inc.,
WEST COAST GOLD (SAF), won Michael Roberts H, L, Darley Arabian Open, Greyville, L.
West End Boy (SAF), winner in South Africa, 3rd Somerset Plate, Kenilworth, L.
Nur (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £7095 and placed once; dam of seven winners inc.,
Kawafil (IRE), winner at 2 years and £5230 and placed 4 times; dam of Amaalee (KSA),
winner at 3 years, 2010 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and £6689 and placed twice, Ahla
Al Amaanee (KSA), winner at 4 years, 2010 in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Hajat (GB), winner at 3 years and placed twice; dam of Imperial Sword (GB), 6 wins and
£40,756 and placed 15 times.
Alshahhad (USA), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of three winners.
Brunt sto 100318
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13
Karin Johansson
Brantshammar Stuteri
741 92 Knivsta
018-38 11 25
070-628 11 25
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Lyphard (USA)
Goofed (USA)
Funambule (USA), fux 1987
Habitat (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
Satu (GB)
Danzig (USA)
Roi Danzig (USA)
Gdynia (USA)
Quite Easy (IRE), br 1996
Taufan (USA)
Quietly Impressive (IRE), 1988
Way Ahead (IRE), 1977
1. mor
QUITE EASY (IRE), 7 wins and placed 5 times, 384.500 kr, Juvenile Mile, 2nd Scandinavia Cup and
Amacitalöpn, 5th in Norwegian 1000 Guineas, FT85, dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8
foals of racing age QUITE LUCKY, 2001 f by Sharp Matt (GB), 3 wins and placed 6 times, 252.535 kr, Cinnamon
Challenge, 2nd Cinnamon Challenge, 5th Norwegian 1000 Guineas, SM Sprinters, FT80
Quite Nice, 2003 f by Sharp Matt (GB), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 162.800 kr, FT74
Quite Sharp, 2002 g by Sharp Matt (GB), winner and placed 6 times, 91.850 kr, FT65
Trainer’s Trial, 2006 c by Funambule (USA), winner in first and only start at 2, 80.000 kr, FT70
Quite The Best, 2004 c by Malvernico (IRE), ran 6 times at 2 and 3 years, 2.500 kr, FT59
Queensland, 2007 f by Funambule (USA), ran once at 3, 2010, 3.500 kr
Quick Step, 2008 g by Sharp Matt (GB), in training with Henrik Engblom, Mellerud, qualified 11/7
Quite Flirty, 2009 f by Funambule (USA), exported to Norway, in training
Quiteria, see above
2. mor
QUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £13,203 and placed 6 times; also placed once over
hurdles; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 8 foals of racing age viz QUITE EASY (IRE), see above.
QUIET TRAVELLER (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £27,621 and placed 13 times.
Quity (IRE), 3 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2010 in Hungary and in Slovakia.
PERUVIAN BREEZE (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2004 and £3,619 and placed once; also placed twice
over hurdles at 4 years.
3. mor
WAY AHEAD (IRE) by Sovereign Path (GB), Own sister to EVERYTHING NICE, winner at 3 years, from
only 2 starts; dam of one winner from 6 runners and 10 foals of racing age QUIETLY IMPRESSIVE (IRE), see above.
The next dam Emma Canute, 2 wins at 2 years, placed 6 times incl 2nd Princess Margaret S, Ascot;
dam of six winners from 7 runners and 9 foals of racing age inclEVERYTHING NICE, 7 wins at home and in USA incl Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr3 and Musidora S, York, Gr3, 2nd Pretty Polly S, Curragh, Gr2, Pretty Polly S, L; dam of ten winners;
NICER (IRE), won The I.A.W.S. Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1, 3rd Premio Vittorio di
Capua-Consiglio d’ Europa, Milan, Gr1, grandam of PYRRHA (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4
years, 2010 and £140,597, incl Totesport Chartwell S, Lingfield Park, Gr3.
Nice Noble (USA), winner in Italy, 3rd Premio Novella, Milan, L.; grandam of KELANTAN
(NZ), 9 wins at 3, 4 and 6 in Malaysia, New Zealand and Singapore and £180,748, South
Island 2yo S, L, Sultan Gold Vase, L. and Japan Bloodhorse Breeders Asoc.3yo Chall, L.
Naxos (USA), winner in U.S.A, 3rd Villager S, Keystone; dam of Noble Choice (GB), 6 wins,
£30,423, 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £10,325; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 years and
£20,098 3rd Lartigue H. Hurdle, Listowel, L.; grandam of Show Blessed (IRE), 7 wins,
£85,249, 2 wins and £22,510; also 3 wins over hurdles, 2009 and £27,579 and 2 wins
over fences, 2009 and £35,160 2nd Foxrock H. Chase, Leopardstown, Gr3 and 3rd Denny
Gold Medal H. Chase, Tralee, Gr3.
Brunt sto 100419
Anmäld till BT12-14
Ture o Jenny Lindblad/Stall Joie de Vie
Målsjö Brunnshult
016-700 20
643 97 Västra Näshulta 070-658 42 97
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Nureyev (USA)
Tragic Role (USA)
Don’t Sulk (USA)
Be Practical (GB), mbr 1995
Ballymore (IRE)
Practical (GB), 1980
Prudent Girl (USA), 1968
1. mor
BE PRACTICAL (GB), winner at 3 years and £7064 and placed 3 times, TF87; dam of three winners
from 4 runners and 6 previous foals;
Sensible Lady (GB), 2004 f by Tobougg (IRE), winner at 2 years and £16,402 and placed 3
times, incl 2nd Lanwades/Staffordstown Silken Glider S, Curragh, L, TF86
Princess Ismene (GB), 2001 f by Sri Pekan (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,581 and
placed 9 times, broodmare.
Flashy Max (GB), 2005 g by Primo Valentino (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years, 2008 and £5199 and
placed 4 times.
Ptolemaeus (GB), 2006 c by Tobougg (IRE), placed 4 times over hurdles at 3 years, 2009.
She also has a 3-y-o filly by Firebreak (GB).
Arizona High, 2009 f by Indesatchel (IRE), in training
Billie Jean High, see above
2. mor
PRACTICAL (GB), 3 wins at 3 years, £6549; dam of seven winners from 12 runners and 13 foals;
Shrewd Partner (IRE), 7 wins, £27,758, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £9983; also 3 wins in
Norway and £14,664; also 2 wins over jumps in Norway.
Practice Run (IRE), 4 wins, £24,517, winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years; also 3 wins over
hurdles at 5 and 6 years and £20,662.
Political Solution, 3 wins at 3 years in USA and £11,645.
Parfait, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £18,569; dam of two winners,
Papi Special (IRE), winner at 3 years and £9852.
Be Practical (GB), see above.
Pot of Gold, winner at 3 years; dam of five winners inc,
CALORESCENCE (IND), won Eveready Calcutta Gold Cup, Kolkata, L. and Indian Champion
Cup, Kolkata, L.
SONALIKA (IND), won A C Ardeshir Trophy, Mumbai, L, Western India Owners’ Fillies &
Mares S, Pune, L. and Bombay Dyeing C N Wadia Gold Cup, Mumbai, L.
3. mor
PRUDENT GIRL (USA) by Primera (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years; dam of eight winners from 12 runners
and 13 foals inc,
PROVIDENTIAL, 6 wins at 2 to 4 years in France and in USA, Washington D. c International S,
Laurel, Gr1, 3rd Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr1 and Premio Roma, Rome, Gr1; sire.
PLAY IT SAFE, Champion 2-y-o filly in France in 1981, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and
853,200 fr. and £6387, incl Prix Marcel Boussac, Longchamp, Gr1, 4th 1000 Guineas S, Newmarket, Gr1; dam of six winners inc,
VANITIES (USA), won Marie P Debartalo Memorial Oaks, Louisiana Downs, L, 3rd Pucker Up
S, Arlington Int, Gr3 and Nijana S, Saratoga, Gr3.
Light On Your Feet (USA), winner in USA; dam of REFLECT THE MUSIC (USA), 5 wins in
U.S.A, incl Wintergreen S, Turfway Park, L.
Red Bordeaux (USA), winner in USA; dam of HOUSEAFIRE (USA), 14 wins in USA,
$334,220, Gold Rush Futurity, L. and Mathis Brothers Remington Futurity, L.; grandam of
INEXCESSIVE PLAY (USA), won Lasenora H, L.
Anmäld till BT12-14
Brunt sto 100306
Fellowship Racing AB
Båtmansvägen 58
192 48 Sollentuna
08-92 68 63
070-710 59 01
In the Wings (IRE)
Singspiel (IRE)
Glorious Song (CAN)
Bosun’s Watch (GB), br 2004
Midyan (USA)
Sinking (GB)
Taplow (GB)
Linamix (FR)
Sagamix (FR)
Saganeca (USA)
Mixed Bells, sk 2005
Be My Chief (USA)
Blue Bells, 1993
Red Guitars (USA), 1985
1. mor
Mixed Bells, unraced, dam of (first foal);
Mixed Va Bene, see above
2. mor
BLUE BELLS (SWE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Denmark and in Sweden and placed 3 times; dam of
one winner from 3 runners and 4 foals;
Honey Rider (SWE), 2 wins at 2 years in Sweden and placed twice.
Bells of York (SWE), placed 5 times at 3 years in Denmark and in Sweden.
Bell Ambra (SWE), placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in Denmark and in Sweden. 3. mor
RED GUITARS (USA) by Nijinsky II (CAN), 4 wins, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed once; also winner at 4 years in Sweden; dam of five winners from 6 runners and 8 foals;
Präriens Drottning (SWE), winner at 2 years, 3rd Mowerinalöb, Larch Ærespræmie, Dansk
Oaks, FT76; dam of five winners inc.,
DJANGO (SWE), 12 wins, placed 18 times, 2.607.067 kr, Scandinavian Open Championship,
Gr3, Dansk St Leger, SM Classic, twice, 2nd Dansk Derby, Dansk 2000 Guineas, Kapps
Stora Pris, SM Classic, FT92
Jive (SWE), 3 wins and placed once in 8 starts, 938.533 kr, Svenskt Oaks 2011, Stig Holms
Memorial, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT85
Rent A Tent (SWE), 2 wins in Denmark, FT68 Amorfati (GB), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years in Sweden and placed once; dam of three winners inc.,
Mrs Casino Royal (SWE), 2 wins, 2009, in Sweden, also winner over jumps, 360.100 kr
Quidam (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden, placed twice, 113.290 kr, FT71
White Strings (GB), 2 wins at 3 years in Denmark and in Sweden and placed 4 times; also
placed twice over jumps at 4 years in Sweden; dam of three winners inc.,
Madrina (SWE), 4 wins in Sweden, 251.950 kr, FT73
Malf (SWE), 2 wins in Sweden, 134.400 kr, FT75
Blue Bells (SWE), see above.
Brown Bows (SWE), 2 wins at 2-3 years in Sweden, placed twice; dam of three winners inc.,
More Music (SWE), 3 wins, placed 5 times, 181.925 kr, 3rd SM 2-åriga hästar, FT78
Best Wishes (SWE), 11 wins in Norway and in Sweden, placed 19 times, 490.027 kr, FT76
Trooper (SWE), 6 wins in Sweden, placed 10 times, 302.210 kr, FT80
The next dam Fenney Mill (IRE) by Levmoss (GB), winner at 3 years and placed twice, 3rd Ribblesdale S, Royal Ascot, Gr2 and Jockey Club S, Newmarket, Gr3; also placed twice in USA; dam of six
winners from 9 runners and 11 foals inc.,
Dual Capacity (USA), 4 wins, £11,803, 2 wins at 5 years and placed 4 times; also 2 wins over
hurdles at 3 and 5 years and placed twice; also placed once in a point-to-point.
Red Guitars (USA), see above.
Jasoorah (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 yrs, £12,551 and placed once; dam of seven winners inc.,
ALJAARIF (GB), 17 wins in Austria, in France and in Germany and £113,811, incl Grand Prix de
la Riviera Cote d’Azur, Cagnes-Sur-Mer, L, placed 2nd Bet Direct Winter Derby, Lingfield Park,
L, Grosser Erdinger Weissbrau Preis, Munich, L, 3rd Grand Prix de Compiegne, Compiegne,
L, Helmut von Finck Stehercup, Mulheim, L. and BMW Sachsenpreis, Dresden, L.
17 752SWE00000900T
Brunt sto 100503
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
Woodman (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992
L’On Vite (USA)
Shareef Dancer (USA)
Natural Dancer (GB), mbr 1999
Naturally Fresh (GB), 1984
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Mr Prospector (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Secretariat (USA)
Fanfreluche (CAN)
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Sweet Alliance (USA)
Thatching (IRE)
Lady Gaylord (USA), 1971
1. mor
Natural Dancer (GB), ran at 2-4 years; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 2 foals of racing age;
Warning Lady, 2005 f by Warningford (GB), winner and placed 3 times, 125.200 kr, FT72
Iron Lady, 2006 f by Heart of Oak (USA), placed 5 times, 57.028 kr, FT57
Dancing Moon, 2007 f by Mirio (FR), ran 9 times, 16.800 kr, FT65
Crash For Cash, 2008 g by Heart of Oak (USA), unraced, dead at 2
SWE00000292, 2009 c by Mirio (FR), in training with Henrik Engblom, Mellerud
752SWE00000900T, see above
2. mor
Naturally Fresh (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £8455 and placed once, 4th Queen Mary S, Royal Ascot,
Gr3; dam of five winners from 10 runners and 13 foals;
Mystery Storm (GB), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in Turkey and £155,175 and placed once.
Never To Louse (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany, £5794 and placed once.
Famous Fellow (IRE), placed twice at 2 years; also 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden and
£7220 and placed 10 times.
Perlethorpe (GB), placed 6 times at 3 years; also winner over hurdles at 4 and placed twice.
Wintertime (GB), winner over hurdles at 5 years and placed twice.
Nattier (GB), placed twice at 3 years. 
3. mor
LADY GAYLORD, by Double Jump (GB), unraced; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 8 foals;
Naturally Fresh (GB), see above.
Sage King, 5 wins at 2 to 4 years and £12,884 and placed 4 times.
Mig, 2 wins, £7588, placed twice at 4 years; also winner over hurdles at 5 years and placed
twice and winner over fences at 6 years and placed twice.
God Bless, 2 wins, £7971, winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; also winner in South Africa.
Ribbons of Blue, winner at 5 years and placed 5 times; also placed 4 times over hurdles at 3, 4
and 6 years; dam of one winner:
Weekly (GB), winner at 3 years in Italy.
Winter Queen, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times.
The next dam ROMPING (USA), 2 wins at 3 years; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 11 foals;
ROMPER, 5 wins at home and in Italy and £12,757, Ladbroke Blue Riband Trial S, Epsom, Gr3,
placed 2nd Peter Hastings H, Newbury, L. and 3rd Ladbroke Derby Trial S, Lingfield Park, Gr3.
Mallard Song, 6 wins, £8632, 4 wins at 3 and 5 years and £7188 and placed 7 times; also 2
wins over hurdles at 5 years and placed twice.
Lady Electric, 2 wins at 3 and 6 years, £7611 and placed 5 times; dam of one winner:
Whatashock (GB), winner over fences and £8347 and placed 6 times; also 5 wins in
point-to-points, 2006 and placed twice.
Wicked Uncle, winner over fences at 5 years and placed 3 times.
Dawn Romp, winner over hurdles at 4 years and placed twice.
Playsuit, ran a few times; dam of one winner:
Warthill Warrior, winner in Belgium and in Holland, 2nd Dutch Cambridgeshire, L.
www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com
Fux sto 100303
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Funambule (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
Word In Spanish, br 2001
High Estate (GB)
Rotherfield Park (IRE), 1992
Alriyaah (GB), 1987
1. mor
Word in Spanish, 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 142.308 kr, 2a Skandinavisk Mesterskap för 3-åringar, FT75,
mor till en vinnare av 1 startande och 1 tidigare föl;
Caliente, 2007 s e Most Welcome (GB), vinnare, plac 7 ggr, 215.104 kr, 4e Skandinavisk Mesterskap for 3-åringer, 5e Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, FT75
Double Again (ex Astrud), 2009 s e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), i träning hos Patrick Wahl, Täby
Elodie, se ovan
2. mor
ROTHERFIELD PARK (IRE), vinnare som 2-åring och plac 7 ggr, Silver Birch Stakes (AW), Wolverhampton, mor till tre vinnare av 3 startande och totalt 3 avkommor,
Word in Spanish, se ovan
JAPAN, 2000 v e Caerwent (IRE), 7 segr, plac 6 ggr, 309.110 kr, FT74
MISS SUDDENLY, 1999 s e Ali-Royal (IRE), 3 segr, plac, 72.550 kr, FT78
3. mor
ALRIYAAH (GB) e Shareef Dancer (USA), winner at 2 years and placed once; dam of seven winners
from 9 runners and 12 foals inc,
CATZ (IRE), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in USA and £104,876, incl Glendale H, Turf Paradise, dam of a winner.
Alekhine (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 5 years, 2006 and £13,519 and placed 7 times; also placed
twice over hurdles at 4 years.
Conwy Lodge (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £10,594 and placed once.
Jayelle (IRE), 2 wins at 4 years, 2008 in Greece and £9466 and placed once.
Magic Star (IRE), winner at 3 years and £8435 and placed once, broodmare.
Mirani (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of two winners,
Kristaki (GB), 5 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Greece and £27,909 and placed twice.
Calvi (GB), 3 wins at 3 years in Greece and £17,446. The next dam SHARPINA, unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc,
Special Star (GB), 19 wins at 2 to 6 years in Italy, £186,608, placed 26 times, incl 2nd Premio
Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr3, Gran Premio UNIRE Limited H, Naples, L.
Ertlon (GB), 6 wins and £51,313 and placed 34 times.
Minamino Horuzanto (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years in Japan, £91,477, placed 7 times.
Paddy Egan, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £7176 and placed twice.
Glamour Game (GB), 2 wins, £8123, winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; also winner over
hurdles at 4 years and placed 3 times; dam of two winners inc,
Sir Harry Ormesher (GB), winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years, 2007; also 2 wins over
hurdles at 4 and 5 years, 2008 and £18,755 and placed twice. The next dam REGAL SPLENDOUR, winner at 3 years; dam of four winners from 5 runrs and 7 foals
SORAYAH, 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in USA and £95,348, incl Q,Saratoga, 4th Black
Helen H, Hialeah Park, Gr2 and Sheepshead Bay H, Belmont Park, Gr2; dam of five winners,
incl SUPERCAL (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £73,625, incl Milcars Chartwell S, Lingfield
Park, L,
Uppfödd hos Göran Åsheim, Kristianstad
Brun hingst 100222
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Lars-Inge Hägglund
417 20 Göteborg
0709-39 43 56
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Nureyev (USA)
Special (USA)
Binary File (USA), br 1998
Rainbow Quest (USA)
Binary (GB)
Balabina (USA)
Fairy King (USA)
Beckett (IRE)
Groom Order (GB)
Beckina (IRE), fux 2003
Fayruz (GB)
Cashel Princess (IRE), 1993
House of Queens (IRE), 1988
1. mor
BECKINA (IRE), 3 wins, placed 8 times, 157.722 kr, 5th BE Profilers 3-årsserie, FT62, dam of (first foal)
Borzakovski, see above
2. mor
CASHEL PRINCESS (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £11,993 and placed 7 times; dam of two winners
from 5 runners and 5 foals;
Coolfore Jade (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years and £15,865 and placed 9 times.
Beckina (IRE), see above.
The Lady Leopold (IRE), placed once at 2 years, broodmare.
3. mor
HOUSE OF QUEENS (IRE) by King of Clubs (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £11,743 and placed 4 times;
dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 11 foals;
Vindicator (IRE), 4 wins in Macau and in USA and £32,686 and placed 7 times.
Grow Up (JPN), 3 wins in Japan.
Karameg (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and £25,295 and placed 11 times; dam of two winners inc.,
Zhukhov (IRE), 5 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2009 and £71,252 and placed 19 times.
Burnt Toast (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 9 times, broodmare.
Cashel Princess (IRE), see above.
Y S Musashi (JPN), 2 wins in Japan.
Nobo Mother (JPN), winner at 3 years in Japan and £22,132 and placed 5 times. The next dam PETIPA (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, Moyglare Stud S, Curragh, Gr3, Greenlands S,
Curragh, L. and Prince of Wales S, York, L, placed twice; Own sister to Family Talk; dam of four
winners from 6 runners and 7 foals inc.,
BUSTINETO, 6 wins, £16,421, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed once, 4th Whitehall S, Phoenix Park, Gr3; also 4 wins over hurdles at 4 years and £12,703, incl B M W Champion Novice Hurdle, Punchestown, L. and Sean Graham Champion 4 Year Old Hurdle, Punchestown,
L, placed once and placed once over fences at 4 years; sire.
Cordillero, 2 wins at 4 years and placed 4 times.
House of Queens (IRE), see above. The next dam TWADDLE II, placed 3 times at 3 years in France; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 13 foals inc.,
SARASOTA SPRING, 15 wins in Italy and £42,579, incl Premio Nearco, Rome, Gr3, placed 4th
Premio d’Estate, Milan, Gr3.
PRATTLE ON, 4 wins at 3 years in France and £31,152, incl Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr3 and
Prix de Pontchartrain, Longchamp, L, placed 2nd Prix des Chenettes, Deauville, L.; dam of
three winners,
The next dam UVIRA, winner of Irish Oaks, family founder of AP INDY, GAY MECENE, SUMMER
Brun hingst 100506
Anmäld till BT12-14
Bengt Morberg
Vallhall Fäboda 15
734 91 Hallstahammar
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Melmac, br 1991
Sovereign Star
Polar Falcon (USA)
Snowfall (GB), br 2000
Soluce (IRE), 1981
0220-260 46
070-471 54 29
Lyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Comedy Star (USA)
Thyra Rose (GB)
Nureyev (USA)
Marie D’Argonne (FR)
Junius (USA)
Amatrice (USA), 1972
1. mor
SNOWFALL (GB), 7 wins in Norway and in Sweden and 350.295 kr, and placed 25 times, 5th Amacitalöpn, FT77; dam of (first foal):
Mellon, see above
2. mor
SOLUCE (IRE), 2 wins and £12,123 and $14,070, incl The North Ridge 1000 Guineas Trial, Phoenix
Park, Gr3; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 13 foals;
SPLICE (GB) (f. by Sharpo), 7 wins at 2 to 4 years and £80,519, incl Abernant S, Newmarket, L,
3rd King George S, Goodwood, Gr3; dam of six winners inc.,
SOAR (GB), 3 wins at 2 years and £98,973, incl Jaguar Lowther S, York, Gr2; dam of Levitate (GB), winner at 3 years, 2011.
FEET SO FAST (GB), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in U.A.E. and £310,243, incl Al
Shindagha Sprint, Nad Al Sheba, L. and HH The President Cup, Abu Dhabi, L, 3rd Keio
Hai Spring Cup, Tokyo, Gr2.
Rise (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £17,848; dam of Join Up (GB), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years,
2011 and £13,943, Kyzyl Kum (GB), winner at 3 years, 2011 in Greece.
Entwine (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £14,346; dam of ENTANGLE (GB), Champion 3yr old
filly in Scandinavia in 2009, Champion older mare in Scandinavia in 2010, 12 wins at
3 to 5 years, 2011 in Norway and in Sweden and £208,752, incl Polar Mile Cup, L. (twice),
Klaveness Minnelop, L, Lanwades Stud S, L, Bloomers’ Vase, L. (twice), Coolmore Matchmaker
S, L. and Semb Hovedgard Hoppelop, L, 2nd Marit Sveaas Minnelop, Gr3, The Artful Dealer
(GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2011 in Hungary; grandam of MISS WORK OF ART (GB), 3
wins at 2 years, 2011 and £27,925, incl Langleys Solicitors EBF Marygate S, York, L.
Desert Rose (GB), ran once; dam of BURNING THREAD (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2011
and £55,797, incl totesport.com Scurry S, Sandown Park, L, Hellbender (IRE), 5 wins at 2
to 4 years, 2010 and £26,290, Sir Sandicliffe (IRE), 3 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2010 and
£19,769, Master Macho (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2010 and £12,823.
Alfujairah, 7 wins, £38,718, winner at 3 years; also 6 wins in Italy and £32,033.
Tarawan (GB), 6 wins and £51,100.
Presents Galore (GB), 5 wins at 5 years in Austria.
Splicing (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £15,498; dam of 2 winners,
Mi Amor (IRE), placed once at 3 years; dam of Dirakh Shan (GB), placed at 3 years, 2010; also
2 wins at 4 years, 2011 in Germany, Slumbering Sioux (GB), winner at 2 years, 2010.
Polar Lady (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years; dam of two winners,
ARCTIC FEELING (IRE), 3 wins at 2 years, 2010 and £33,657, incl Zenith Ltd Harry Rosebery
S, Ayr, L.
Ponting (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010.
Solo Sail (GB), 2 wins, winner at 3 years; also winner over hurdles at 3 years.
Prima Facie (GB), ran 3 times; dam of 4 winners inc.,
Babayigit (TUR), winner, 2011 in Turkey, 2nd 19 Mayis, Veliefendi, L.
Caribbean Escape (GB), unraced; dam of three winners inc.,
KNAVESMIRE (IRE), 2 wins at 2 years and £16,671, incl Hilary Needler Trophy, Beverley, L.
Anmäld till BT12-14
21 752SWE00000913T
Fux sto 100503
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
In The Wings (GB)
High Hawk (IRE)
Dustoori (GB), mbr 2004
Green Desert (USA)
Elfaslah (IRE)
Fair of the Furze (USA)
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Be My Guest (USA)
What A Treat (USA)
Bongo Quest (IRE), fux 1996
Simply Great (FR)
Not Too Bad (IRE), br 1988
Audenhove (GER), 1979
1. mor
BONGO QUEST (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years in Sweden, £3,039 and placed 5 times, FT74; dam of four
winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing ageMusical Contest, 2009 f by Songline, placed twice in 3 starts at 2, 2011, 132.200 kr, 2a SM
2-åriga hästar
CON CIO (IRE), c by Sri Pekan (USA), 8 wins in Italy and placed 3 times, ca 650.000 kr
EST EST EST (IRE), 2003 f by Shinko Forest (IRE), 4 wins, placed 7 times, 222.400 kr, FT79
DELAROCHE, 2008 g by Heart of Oak (USA), 3 wins, placed once, 265.326 kr, FT76
I ASK YOU (IRE), 2004 f by Ashkalani (IRE), 2 wins and placed, 67.900 kr, FT67
752SWE00000913T, see above
2. mor
Not Too Bad (IRE), 3 wins at 2-4 yrs and £22,039 and placed 14 times incl 2nd Norsk 1000 Guineas,
L, and 3rd Malmo Stads Pris, L; dam of five winners from 7 runners and 8 foals of racing ageStone Tycoon (IRE) (1998 c. by Bigstone (IRE)), 14 wins at 3 to 8 years, 2006 in Italy and
£149,566 and placed 44 times incl 2nd Premio Nearco, Rome, L.
BONGO QUEST (IRE), see above
BOYS’ CHOICE, 2004 f by Indian Danehill (IRE), winner and placed, 156.960 kr, FT73
TAWNY EAGLE, 2000 f by Eagle Eyed (USA), winner and placed twice, 100.950 kr, FT70; dam of
a winner: KNOXVILLE, 2006 g by Most Welcome (GB), 3 wins at 3, 2009, 157.800 kr, FT71
NO TWO WORDS (IRE), 2002 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner at 2 years, 2004 in Sweden and
£3,225 and placed twice, FT72
Devils Date, 2006 g by Malvernico (IRE), placed 7 times in 13 starts, 68.800 kr, FT65
To The Queen, placed 3 times, dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foals of racing age;
CROSSOFFISSIO, 2003 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), 5 wins, placed 3 times, 312.270 kr, 4th
Rosengårdlöpn, 5th Sofierolöpn, FT84
QUEEN OF RACING, 2005 f by Pennekamp (USA), 2 wins and placed 5 times, 228.340 kr, 4th
in Amacitalöpn and SM för 2-åriga hästar, FT71
Kingbird, 2004 c by Prince of Birds (USA), 3 wins and placed 9 times, 225.050 kr, FT65
Mazzarin, 2006 f by Mirio (FR), winner and placed, also placed twice over hurdles,
122.200, FT68
3. mor
AUDENHOVE (GER), by Marduk (GER), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in West Germany and 51,920 D.M.
and placed 13 times; Own sister to ALEGRIA (GER); dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 8
foals of racing age vizNot Too Bad (IRE), see above.
GOLDEN LUCK, 6 wins at 5 to 7 years in Hong Kong, £77,690.
ROOFTOP FLYER (IRE), 11 wins; winner at 2 years and £6,728 and placed 3 times; also 10 wins
in Germany and £26,745 and placed 24 times.
ANGEL OF ZURICH (IRE), 4 wins; 2 wins at 3 and 6 years in West Germany and in Switzerland,
£3,615; also 2 wins over jumps in Switzerland and £7898.
SUPERB INVESTMENT (IRE), Champion 2yr Old Filly in Czechoslovakia in 1992, 3 wins at 2
years in Czechoslovakia and £4,052 and placed 3 times; dam of five winners.
Fux sto 100511
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13
Pernilla Nilsson
Råby 14
775 96 Krylbo
0706-31 73 17
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Music Boy (GB)
Music Streak (DEN)
Dawn Streak (GB)
Never Stop, fux 1995
Rolfe (USA)
Karamell, 1986
Woll Star (IRE), 1980
1. mor
NEVER STOP, 7 segr, plac, 375.200 kr inkl bonus, Götalandlöpn, FT84, mor till en vinnare av 2
startande och totalt 4 avkommor i startbar ålder;
River Sid, 2007 v e Songline, 3 segr och plac 3 ggr på 12 starter, 176.700 kr, 3e Kay Jensens
Pris, FT74
Arezzo, 2001 h e Caerwent (IRE), ej startat, död som 3-åring
Bologna, 2002 s e Talinum (USA), ej startat, död
Never Say Never (ex Athlet), 2009 v e Most Welcome (GB), startat en gång som 2-åring 2011
Destiny Hope, se ovan
2. mor
KARAMELL, vinnare, plac 5 ggr, 2a Svenskt Oaks Consolation, 51.200 kr, FT65, mor till sju vinnare
av 8 startande och totalt 8 avkommor;
NEVER STOP, se ovan
Never Mind, 1998 v e Talinum (USA), 5 segr, plac 6 ggr, 396.355 kr, 2e Sofierolöpn, FT80
Kasatonow, 1993 v e Elwyns (IRE), vinnare, plac 10 ggr, 163.400 kr, 2e Sweden Cup Stayers,
LEJONKUNGEN, 1999 v e Bloomerace, 6 segr, plac 17 ggr, 396.410 kr, FT77
MAKAROW, 1992 v e Exceller (USA), 6 segr, plac 12 ggr, 263.400 kr, FT73
NEVER AGAIN, 2000 v e Be My Chief (USA), 2 segr över häckar, plac 6 ggr, 133.810 kr, FT67
KRUTOW, 1991 v e Elwyns (IRE), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 37.500 kr, FT70
Non Stop, 1994 s e Music Streak (DEN), plac, 7.400 kr, FT58
3. mor
WOLL STAR (IRE), e Wollow (GB), 2 segr, plac 12 ggr, 60.405 kr, FT76, mor till en vinnare av 4
startande och totalt 6 avkommor:
KARAMELL, se ovan
Uptown Girl, 1989 s e Steve’s Friend (USA), plac 3 ggr, 28.200 kr, FT60
Krusmynta, 1988 s e Elwyns (IRE), plac 2 ggr, 23.000 kr, FT54.
Boka hotellrum till rabatterat pris!
Täby Park Hotel: Bokning helst via mejl: hotell@tabypark.se
Ange ”hästauktionen” för rabatt. Tel 08-506 483 00
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Ange kod ”STO171011” för rabatt. Tel 08-517 354 000
Uppfödd hos Jan Hansson, Hjärås
Mörkbrunt sto 100310
Anmäld till BT12-14
Sten Karlsson
Götavägen 61
187 63 Täby
08-732 41 03
070-875 60 18
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
In The Wings (IRE)
High Hawk (IRE)
Dustoori (GB), br 2004
Green Desert (USA)
Elfaslah (IRE)
Fair of The Furze (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Memory, br 2002
Modern Pleasure (USA)
Amourina, 1989
Amourette, 1984
1. mor
Memory, 4 segr, 458.962 kr, 2a Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, FT80, mor till ett tidigare föl:
Viva Lavida, 2008 s e Septieme Ciel (USA), startat 3 ggr som 3-åring 2011, 5.200 kr, FT67
Maya, se ovan
2. mor
Amourina, 3 segr, 208.000 kr, 2a SM 2-åriga hästar, 3e Amacitalöpn, Vinterfavoriternas Pris, 5e
Svealandlöpn, FT69, mor till åtta vinnare av 11 startande och totalt 12 avkommor i startbar ålder:
PAMONA, Champion 2-åring 2003, 5 segr, 1.165.465 kr (varav bonus 55.350 kr), Breeders’
Trophy Juvenile, TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, Duty Time Juvenile Mile och Krafft SM för 2-åriga
hästar 2003, 3e Dianalöpn, Amacitalöpn, FT84 som 2-åring 2003
Memory, se ovan
Morell, 1995 h e Eighty Eight Keys (USA), 3 segr, 306.160 kr (varav bonus 83.000 kr), 2e Malmö
Stads Pris, 3e Götalandlöpn, 5e Rosengårdlöpn, även plac över häckar, FT80
Mohikan, 2006 v e Indian Lodge (IRE), vinnare, plac 7 ggr, 203.235 kr, 3e Auktionslöpn, FT70
MON DIA, 2005 s e Funambule (USA), 2 segr och plac 5 ggr, 282.099 kr, 3e Melmaclöpn, 6e
Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT76
Morina, 1998 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), plac 2 ggr på endast 4 starter, FT72, mor till en vinnare:
WELCOME IN MAY, 2005 s e Most Welcome (GB), 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 151.700 kr, FT76
Övriga vinnare är MONTILJA, 1997 s e Talinum (USA), 4 segr, MONACO, 1996 h e Lotus Pool (USA),
3 segr, och MORENO, 1994 h e National Zenith (USA), 3 segr varav 1 på häckar.
3. mor
AMOURETTE e Montal (FR), 5 segr, 293.700 kr, Dianalöpn, Eurocard Cup, mor till sex vinnare av
6 startande:
AMOULETTE, s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), 2 segr, 234.200 kr, SFAF:s Stora Pris, 4e Amacitalöpn, mor
till tre vinnare: MISTER ADMIRAL, 8 segr, plac 14 ggr, 670.200 kr, Premiärhandicap, 2e SM
Sprinters, FT88, Fidelity, 4 segr, plac 6 ggr, 258.730 kr, 2a Altamiralöpn, FT81, och PANDURO,
5 segr, plac 11 ggr, 341.200 kr, FT77, samt Dear Profit, 2007, startat 10 ggr, 16.400 kr, FT60
Amourina, se ovan
Agena, 2001 s e Be My Chief (USA), vinnare, plac 8 ggr som 2-3-år, 196.150 kr (varav bonus
19.450 kr), 2a Sweden Cup Juvenile Mile, FT73
Amira, 1990 s e Modern Pleasure (USA), skadad som föl, mor till sex vinnare inkl:
NAMIR, 1995 h e National Zenith (USA), Champion 2-åring 1997, 19 segr, 1.883.300 kr,
SFAF:s Stora Pris, Sweden Cup Stayer, 2 ggr, Vinterfinalen Stayers, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn,
3e SM Stayers, 4e Duty Time Juv Mile, SM Stayers (2 ggr), 5e SM Stayers, FT89
TIMO, 1998 h e Lotus Pool (USA), 3 segr, 587.350 kr, Ceres Jydsk Derby, 2e Svenskt Kriterium,
3e Dansk Kriterium, 4e Duty Time Juvenile Mile, 5e Breeders’ Trophy, Vinterfav Pris, FT80
Phoenix Fabulous (ex Ritmo), 2000 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 3 segr, plac 3 ggr, 176.840 kr,
Svenskt St Leger Consolation, Dansk Kriterium Consolation, AGRIA Breeders’ Trophy Trial,
2e Vinterfavoritternes Ærespræmie, FT79
Midway, 2004 s e Final Appearance (IRE), 2 segr, plac 4 ggr, 197.200 kr, 3e Altamiralp, FT72
MIADONNA, 2003 s e Richard of York (GB), 3 segr, plac 8 ggr, 90.822 kr, FT58
TIMJAN, 2005 s e Funambule (USA), vinnare i sin enda start, 55.000 kr, FT70.
www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com
Fux hingst 100313
Anmäld till BT12-14
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Bold Lad (IRE)
Persian Bold (IRE)
Relkarunner (GB)
Composit-A (GB), fux 1993
Mill Reef (USA)
Rise and Fall (GB), 1984
Light Duty (GB), 1972
1. mor
COMPOSIT-A (GB), winner at 2, placed 4th Juvenile Mile, dam of four winners from 6 runners vizCalifornia Bullet, 2001 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner and placed 3 times, 217.350 kr, 3rd
Danish Derby
UNIFILO, 2000 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins and placed 12 times, 138.335 kr
Emperor, 2006 c by Most Welcome (GB), 3 wins and placed 11 times in Norway, 323.252 in
SEK, incl a win and a place in his first two races over hurdles at Övrevoll in 2010.
Jobim, 2009 c by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), winner in 2 starts at 2, 2011, 62.600 kr
America, see above
2. mor
Rise and Fall (GB), ran a few times at 3; Own sister to SPECIAL LEAVE and Paradise Bay, dam of
eight winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizFLY TO THE STARS (c. by Bluebird), Champion Older Miler in England 2000. 7 wins, Lockinge
S, Gr1, Prix de Rond Point, Gr2, Prix de Messidor, Gr3, Britannia H, Royal Ascot, Golden Mile,
2nd Irish 2000 Gs Trial, L, 3rd Dubai Duty Free, Dubai etc, TF 128.
FALLEN STAR (f. by Brief Truce). 3 wins, £75.063, Silver Trophy S, L, 2nd Premio Sergio Cumani,
Gr3, Rosemary Rated S, L, 3rd Matron S, Gr3, Nassau S, Gr1, Sun Chariot S Gr2.
Danseur Landais (c. by Damister). 6 wins at 3 to 6, placed 6 times incl 2nd Prix Lord Seymour, L,
Longchamp, and 3rd Grand Prix d’Evry, Gr2.
Stepping Up (IRE), 2003 c by Soviet Star, winner at 2 and £21.465, placed 4 times, third in
Somerville Tattersalls S, Gr3, Newmarket
TUDOR COURT (IRE), 2005 f by Cape Cross, placed twice at 2 years, 2007, and £1.141, also 2
wins in France at 3, 2008 and £12.500 and placed once
COMPOSIT-A, see above.
3. mor
Light Duty (GB), by Queen’s Hussar (GB), winner at 3, placed 4 times incl 2nd Yorkshire Oaks, Gr1,
Ribblesdale S, Royal Ascot, Gr2, St. Catherin´s S, L, and 3rd Sandleford Priory S, L, from only 7 starts.
Own sister to HIGHCLERE and Blazing Glory; dam of seven winners from 11 runners and 12 foals
of racing age inclSPECIAL LEAVE (c. by Mill Reef). winner of Hyperion S, L.
LAUGTER (f. by Shirley Heights). 2 wins in England and USA, Houghton S, Newmarket, L.
SPRING TO ACTION, (c. by Shareef Dancer). 2 wins incl Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L.
Paradise Bay, (c. by Mill Reef). winner, and placed incl Warren S, Epsom, L; sire
The next dam Highlight, 2 wins at 3 years, placed 3 times incl 4th Princess Royal S, Ascot, her only
season to race; dam of nine winners from 10 runners and 12 foals of racing age incl;
HIGHCLERE, 3 wins in England and in France incl 1000 Guineas S, Newmarket, Gr1, Prix de
Diane, Gr1, 2nd King George VI & Queen Eliabeth S, Gr1; dam of winners.
MILFORD, 3 wins incl Princess of Wales´s S, Gr2, sire.
HEIGHT OF FASHION, 5 wins incl Princess of Wales´s S, Gr2; dam of ALWASMI, won Lanes
End John Porter S, Gr2, 4th Irish St Leger, Gr1, sire, UNFUWAIN, Jockey Club S, Gr2,
2nd King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S, Gr1, sire, NASHWAN, won Epsom Derby, Gr1,
2000 Guineas, Gr1, Coral Eclipse S, Gr1, King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S, Gr1.
25 AJDO (den)
Brunt sto 100303
Roland Johansson Konsult AB
Alvsåkers Byväg 164
434 96 Kungsbacka
0708-92 94 93
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Fairy Bridge (USA)
Doyen (IRE), br 2000
Kris (GB)
Moon Cactus (GB)
Lady Moon (GB)
Bahri (USA)
Sakhee (USA)
Thawakib (IRE)
Ajra (IRE), br 2005
Nashwan (USA)
Taqreem (IRE), 1991
Rosia Bay (GB), 1977
1. mor
Ajra (IRE), placed once at 3 years in Norway; dam of (first foal);
Ajdo, see above 2. mor
Taqreem (IRE), placed 4 times at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and 12 foals;
Ma-Arif (IRE) (f. by Alzao (USA)), winner at 3 years and £14,145 2nd London Clubs Fern Hill
Rated S, Ascot, L.; dam of four winners inc.,
Amana (USA), 3 wins, 2011 and £11,057; also placed once in a N.H. Flat Race at 5 years,
Jayed (IRE), 2 wins over hurdles and £11,815.
Another Moment (GB), 2 wins, winner at 4 years; also winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years.
Haadef (GB), winner at 3 years and £17,980; also placed once over hurdles at 4 years.
Mowazana (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of a winner,
Crafty Roberto (GB), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years, 2011; also winner at 3 years, 2011
in Italy.
Qassaar (GB), winner at 3 years, 2009 and £13,832.
Shohrah (IRE), winner at 2 years and £11,645; dam of a winner,
She also has a 3-y-o filly by Act One (GB) and a colt foal by Sakhee (USA). 3. mor
ROSIA BAY (GB) by High Top (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; dam of seven winners from 12 runners
and 13 foals inc.,
IBN BEY, Champion 3yr old colt in Italy in 1987, 10 wins at 2 to 6 years at home, in France, in
West Germany and in Italy and £990,044, incl Jefferson Smurfit Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh,
Gr1, Gran Premio d’Italia, Milan, Gr1, Der Grosse Preis der Berliner Bank, Dusseldorf, Gr1 and
R+V Preis von Europa, Koln, Gr1, 2nd Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr1, Breeders’
Cup Classic, Belmont Park, Gr1, 3rd Hanson Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr1 and Prix Ganay,
Longchamp, Gr1; sire.
ROSEATE TERN, 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £273,119, incl Aston Upthorpe Yorkshire Oaks,
York, Gr1, 2nd Gold Seal Oaks S, Epsom, Gr1 and 3rd St Leger S, Ayr, Gr1; dam of five winners inc.,
ESLOOB (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £61,841, incl R L Davison Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L. and EBF Hoppings S, Newcastle, L, 3rd Meon Valley Stud Fillies’ Mile S, Ascot,
SIYADAH (USA), won R L Davison Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L.
Min Elreeh (USA), ran once; dam of ALLODIAL LAND (USA), 15 wins, £261,684, 7 wins
in France and £68,351 2nd EME Derby du Midi, La Teste De Buch, L.; also 8 wins over
jumps in France and £193,333, incl Grand Steeplechase de Lyon, Lyon-Parilly, L. and
P.Paris Turf P.Guillaume d’Ornano Hurdle, Clairefontaine, L.
Za Aamah (USA), unraced; dam of MOIQEN (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £85,385, incl
P W McGrath Memorial Ballysax S, Leopardstown, Gr3, 3rd Derrinstown Stud Derby Trial
S, Leopardstown, Gr2.
Uppfödd hos Long Racing, Stall Rancho
26 SHOWBORN (ger)
Brun hingst 100430 (OBS - svenskuppfödd!)
Buck Racing AB
Parkveien 27
N-0350 Oslo, Norge
(47) 90 88 48 28
Danzig (USA)
Danehill (USA)
Razyana (USA)
Oratorio (IRE), br 2002
Vaguely Noble (IRE)
Mahrah (USA)
Montage (USA)
Be My Guest (USA)
Most Welcome (GB)
Topsy (GB)
Simply Katie (GB), fux 1993
Local Suitor (USA)
Rechanit (IRE), 1988
Claretta (IRE), 1976
1. mor
SIMPLY KATIE (GB), 2 wins from 2 starts SEK 130.445, TF 96+; dam of eight winners from 8 runners and 9 previous foals;
XSTASE, 2002 by Trempolino, 7 wins, placed 4 times, 1.228.617 kr, Scandinavia Cup, L, Svenskt
Oaks, Mowerinalöb, Svenskt Kriterium, 2nd Sofierolöpn, Sweden Cup Juvenile Mile, Norsk Derby
Milen, 3rd Dianalöpn, 4th Norsk 1000 Guineas, Norsk Oaks, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, FT87; dam
of Xotic, placed second 3 times at 2, 2011, in France
ON LIGHT, 2000 f by Midyan (USA), 8 wins, placed 5 times, 504.850 SEK, Treåringarnas Elitlöpn,
Diana Trial, 4e Bloomers’ Vase, FT87
Borena (fr), 2001 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), winner, 398.178 kr incl bonus, 2nd Sofierolöpn, 4th
Svenskt Oaks, Norsk Breeders Prize, 5th Dianalöpn, 7th Agria Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT78
SEE ME, 1998 f by Spectrum (IRE), winner at 2, 130.455 SEK, 4th Norwegian 1000 Guineas, 5th
SM 2-åriga ston, FT75, dam of three winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing age:
Shade of Pale (ger), 4 wins and placed 3 times, 1.253.682 kr, Sv St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy
Classic, Kapps Stora Pris, 4th Norsk Breeders’ Prize Classic, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, FT89
RED DRESS ON, 2003 f by Loup Solitaire (USA), 3 wins, placed 8 times, 738.725 kr, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, L, Svenskt Oaks, Skand Mesterskap 2-åringer, 2nd Lanwades Stud S, L, SM
Classic, 3rd Kapps Stora Pris, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 5th SFK:s Jubileumslöpn, L, FT86
Tempura, 2006 f by Samum (GER), winner and placed in just 7 starts at 3, 2009, 48.992 kr,
5th Norsk Oaks, FT74
Miss August, 2003 f by Be My Chief (USA), 2 wins, 119.705 kr, FT78
WALK THE PLANK (fr), 2005 g by Defnite Article (GB), 3 wins and placed in 8 st, 89.500 kr, FT65
PROPELINO (ire), 2006 g by Trempolino (USA), 3 wins and placed 3 times, 170.450 kr, FT73
ONE COOL BUCK (IRE), 2007 g by One Cool Cat (USA), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 112.236 kr, FT76
Sherrypop (IRE), 2009 f by Dylan Thomas (IRE), unraced to date
Showborn (ger), see above
2. mor
Rechanit (IRE) by Local Suitor (USA), 4 wins at 3 in Italy, placed 4 times, dam of seven winners;
DANCING FLYER (GB), 9 wins at 4 to 6 years, 2009 in Netherlands and £15,420
ROCCAROMANA (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years in Italy
PRIME HAND (GB), 4 wins, £ 73.803, winner at 3 years and placed 3 times. £6.659, also 3 wins
at 4 and 5 years in USA and £67.144 and placed twice
HIP HOP HARRY (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2004 and £15.093 and placed 4 times.
GOODWOOD SPIRIT (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, and £22.234 and placed 9 times.
RECHULLIN (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of three winners,
Aonach Mor (GB), unraced; dam of two winners.
3. mor
CLARETTA (IRE) by Roberto (USA), winner at 2; halfsister to ROSANANTI (IRE), Italian 1000 Guineas
Gr1, $100.546, dam of eight winners incl Claddagh, Stockholm Cup International, Gr3.
Sapience -86 c by Niniski, 5 wins 2 to 6, £383.008, Princess of Wales’s S, Gr2, Jockey Club S Gr2,
2nd St Leger, Gr1, Hardwicke S, Gr2, Polo Mints Yorkshire Cup, Gr2, Kosset Yorkshire Cup,
Gr2, IBN Bey Geoffrey Freer S, Gr2, Jockey Cub Cup Stakes Gr3, sire.
Brun hingst 100429
Leif Wretman/Wretman Stable & Stud
Kommendörsgatan 20
114 48 Stockholm
070-573 78 00
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Shirley Heights (GB)
Darshaan (GB)
Delsy (FR)
Semiramis (GB), br 1997
The Minstrel (CAN)
Sulitelma (USA), 1991
Sharmila (FR), 1983
1. mor
SEMIRAMIS (GB), winner and placed 3 times; dam of three winners from 5 runners and 5 previous
Enetos (GB), 2004 c by Inchinor (GB), 4 wins in Greece and £29.097 and placed 9 times
De Lambert, 2007 g by With Approval (CAN), winner and placed 5 times in 8 starts, 129.000 kr,
Lai Lai (GB), 2006 f by Domedriver (IRE), winner and placed 3 times, 84.500 kr, FT68
Mac Kimbo (GB), 2003 c by Alzao (USA), placed twice at 3 years in Italy.
Avatara, 2008 f by Black Sam Bellamy (IRE), only ran once at 2, 2010, 3.000 kr
Kookaburra, see above
2. mor
SULITELMA (USA), winner at 2 and placed; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 15 foals;
Border Glen (GB), 4 wins at 3 and 5 years and £16,993 and placed 15 times.
Tromp (GB), 4 wins at 4 and 6 years, 2007 and £22,350 and placed 6 times.
Robinzal (GB), 3 wins, £14,269, 2 wins at 3 years, 2005 and £9347 and placed 4 times; also
winner over hurdles at 4 years, 2006 and placed 4 times.
Neeze (GB), winner at 4 years and £22,211 and placed 13 times.
Min Mirri (GB), winner at 2 years and £9141 and placed 6 times; also placed once in Israel.
Ice Mountain (GB), winner at 2 years, 2006 and £8447 and placed 3 times.
SONG OF THE SIREN (GB), winner at 2 years, 2010
SETA PURA (GB), winner at 2 years, 2007
3. mor
Sharmila (FR), by Blakeney, ran once at 2 years; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 6 foalsEL SUPREMO (USA), 5 wins at home, in Germany and in Hong Kong and £183,773, incl Preis
der Hotellerie Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L.
Severine (USA), winner at 3 years and placed 4 times; dam of three winners inc,
Brochrua (IRE), placed at 3 years; also 5 wins over hurdles, £15,740 and placed 6 times. The next dam SUSHILA by Petingo, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and 96,600 fr.; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.,
PETOSKI, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £215,207, incl King George VI & Queen Elizabeth S,
Ascot, Gr1, 3rd Coronation Cup, Epsom, Gr1; sire.
Shimmering Sea (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £15,106 3rd Silken Glider EBF S, Leopardstown,
Gr3; dam of eight winners inc.,
STARLIT SANDS (GB), 3 wins at 2 years, 2007 at home and in France and £63,882, incl
Prix d’Arenberg, Chantilly, Gr3, 2nd Queen Mary S, Ascot, Gr2 and 3rd bestwetten.de
Goldene Peitsche, Baden-Baden, Gr2.
SEA DANE (GB), Champion sprinter in Scandinavia in 1999, 11 wins at home, in Denmark, in Norway and in Sweden and £106,737, incl Whitley Bay Holiday Park Chipchase
S, Newcastle, L, Saloprint Klampenborg Store Sprint, Klampenborg, L. (twice) and IBM
Taby Varsprint, Taby, L, 2nd Taby Open Sprint Championship, Taby, Gr3.
Shernando (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2011 and £13,447.
Anmäld till BT12-14
Mörkbrun hingst 100404
Eva C S Pettersson
Tranberga Gård
230 40 Bara
040-630 24 60
0708-48 21 75
Danzig (USA)
Green Desert (USA)
Foreign Courier (USA)
Desert Style (IRE), br 1992
High Top (IRE)
Organza (GB)
Canton Silk (GB)
Caerleon (USA)
Caerwent (IRE)
Marwell (IRE)
Catella, br 1999
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Ginger, 1993
Cavendish Queen (IRE), 1984
1. mor
CATELLA, vinnare, plac 2a 6 ggr, 148.500 kr, FT71, helsyster tilll Ancellia. Mor till två vinnare av 3
startande och 4 avkommor i startbar ålder:
Georgeblack, 2006 h e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 4 segr och plac 7 ggr, 261.300 kr, FT75
Ferguson, 2005 h e Pennekamp (USA), vinnare i debuten som 2-åring 2007, även plac, på
endast 8 starter, 106.500 kr, FT72
Eryidium, 2004 h e Mirio (FR), plac, 16.600 kr, FT54, död
Herminium, 2007 v e Dexterity (USA), endast startat 2 ggr, 2.500 kr
Isabelia, s e Mandrake El Mago (CHI), startat 4 ggr som 3-åring 2011
Kollenstein, se ovan
2. mor
GINGER, 2 segr, plac 4 ggr, 71.150 kr, FT64, mor till fyra vinnare av 5 startande och 7 i startb åld:
Double Up, 2005 s e Funambule (USA), 4 segr, plac 6 ggr, 1.225.005 kr, Svenskt Oaks,
Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, 2a Sommarstoet, 3e Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, L, Svenskt St Leger,
5e Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Scandinavian Classic Challenge, FT83
Ancellia, 2000 s e Caerwent (IRE), 9 segr, plac 10 ggr, 556.210 kr, Agria BT Cons, 3e Bloomers’
Vase, L, FT88, mor till en vinnare: HEXALECTRIS, 2007 v e Academy Award (IRE), 2 segr
som 2-åring och plac 2 ggr, 247.400 kr, SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, FT76
Elleanthus, 2004 v e Nicolotte (GB), 2 segr på 3 starter som 3-åring 2007, 118.000 kr, FT75
CATELLA, se ovan
Cattleya, 2002 s e Prince of Birds (USA), plac, 23.740 kr inkl på hinder, FT54
3. mor
CAVENDISH QUEEN (IRE), e General Assembly (USA), 6 segr, plac 8 ggr, 134.300 kr i Norge och Sverige, FT80, mor till sex vinnare av 9 startande avkommor och totalt 11 föl, bl a
KOKOMO, -94 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 4 segr, plac 6 ggr, 625.490 kr, Svenskt Kriterium, Jockey­
klubbens Avelslöpn, Sv Oaks Trial, 2a SM 2-åriga, Sv Oaks, 5e Dianalöpn, näst högst rankad i
sin årskull i Sverige som 2- och 3-åring, FT84, mor till en vinnare:
BE MY QUEEN, 2002 s e Be My Chief (USA), vinnare och plac 2 ggr, 80.430 kr, FT72
DAGGER, -96 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 6 segr inkl 2 på steeplechase, plac 3 ggr samt plac 3 ggr
på häck, 231.670 kr, Jockeyklubbens Stora Pris 2002, FT74
TEMPLETON, 2002 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 segr och plac, 63.554 kr, FT76
LITTLE QUEENIE, 2001 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare och plac på endast 2 st, 33.500 kr, FT70
A SECRET, -92 h e Royal Whip (IRE), vinnare, plac, 49.900 kr, FT71
GINGER, se ovan
Nästa mor BENTINCK HOTEL (GB), vinnare som 2-åring, plac 2 ggr, mor till tio vinnare på 12 startande och 13 föl, inkl
Benzina, 3 segr i England, 4 segr i USA, 3e Golden Poppy H, Gr3, Allez France H L, Midwick H
L, B Thoughtful S, 4e Las Palmas H, Gr2
Shamshoon, 2 segr i GB som 2-åring, 7 segr i USA, 3e Moet & Chandon-Rennen, Gr3
BENTICO, 3 segr, plac 21 ggr, £56.092
Anmäld till BT12-14
Uppfödd hos Eva Isacsson Sjunnesson, Brottby
Stall BoJaLe/Jan Kleerup
Grevgatan 25
08-437 47 750
114 53 Stockholm
070-516 92 26
Mörkbrun valack 100306 / friröntgad.
Green Desert (USA)
Desert Style (IRE), br 1992
Organza (GB)
Statoblest (GB)
Gaelic’s Fantasy (IRE), fux 1995
Morning Welcome (IRE), 1989
Danzig (USA)
Foreign Courier (USA)
High Top (IRE)
Canton Silk (GB)
Ahonoora (GB)
Statira (GB)
Be My Guest (USA)
Dawn Is Breaking (GB), -78
1. mor
GAELIC’S FANTASY (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy, Premio Menelao, Naples, placed 4 times; dam of
six winners from 7 runners and 8 previous foals;
Miss Moet (DEN) (2004 f. by Richard of York (GB)), winner at 2 years in Sweden and £6444 and
placed twice, 3rd Dansk Galops Auktionslöb
Maltho (DEN) (2006 c. by Academy Award (IRE)), 4 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2011, in Denmark,
£19.918, and placed 9 times, FT85
Torquemada (IRE) (2001 g. by Desert Sun (GB)), 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2007 and £25,920
and placed 19 times.
Fantastic Night (DEN) (2002 f. by Night Shift (USA)), 3 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2007 in Denmark and £5255 and placed 7 times.
Pooka’s Daughter (IRE) (2000 f. by Eagle Eyed (USA)), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,446
and placed 3 times, broodmare.
Hope And Glory, 2008 f by Septieme Ciel (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 3 times,
172.540 kr, 4th SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, FT74
Desert Dawn, see above
2. mor
MORNING WELCOME (IRE), placed at 3 years; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 11 foals;
BACHIR (IRE) (c. by Desert Style (IRE)), 5 wins at 2 and 3 at home, in France and in U.A.E, £401,347,
incl Entenmann’s Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1 and Dubai Poule d’Essai des Poulains, Longchamp, Gr1, 3rd Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp, Gr1 and Prix Morny, Deauville, Gr1; sire.
ALBUHERA (IRE) (g. by Desert Style (IRE)), 12 wins, £189,949, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £87,944;
also 6 wins over hurdles at 5-6, £54,814 2nd Blue Chip Feeds Novices’ Sharp Hurdle, Cheltenham,
Gr2, Stan James Int. Gerry Feilden H. Hurdle, Newbury, L, 2 wins over fences and £47,191, Fulke
Walwyn Nov Chase, Newbury, Gr2; also placed once in a point-to-point, 2009.
ELLIOTS WORLD (IRE) (c. by King’s Best (USA)), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £80,809, incl Nat.
Stud Never Say Die Club Acomb S, York, L.
Gaelic’s Fantasy (IRE), see above.
Dawn Raid (IRE), winner at 3 years and £21,411, dam of a winner
Municipal Girl (IRE), winner at 3 years; dam of a winner,
Earls Girl (IRE), unraced; dam of Alabardero (IRE), 2 wins at 3-4, 2008 in Spain and £7392.
Hafif (IRE), winner at 4 years, 2007 in U.A.E. and £6018.
Optimus Maximus (IRE), placed at 3 years, 2008; also winner over hurdles at 4 years, 2009.
FOREVER GLORY (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2011, and £11,241
3. mor
DAWN IS BREAKING (GB), e Import (GB), 2 wins at 2 years; dam of nine winners from 12 runners
DOWN AGAIN (USA), 10 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in USA and $569,465 and £16,026,
incl Monrovia H, Santa Anita, Gr3, 4th Ramona H, Del Mar, Gr1, broodmare.
SOTABRASCIET (IRE), 18 wins in Italy and £262,830, incl Premio Capannelle Limited H, Rome, L,
Premio Certosa, Milan, L. and Premio del Giubileo Limited H, Milan, L.
SOLE CHE SORGI (IRE), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £158,877, incl Premio Bereguardo,
Milan, L, 3rd Premio Ribot, Rome, Gr2.
www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com
Fux hingst 100401
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Tsunami Slew (USA)
Spectacular Tide (USA)
Bid Me Adieu (USA)
Blue Jean Baby, br 2000
Chief Singer (GB)
Angel Love (IRE), 1988
Lumiere (USA), 1983
1. mor
Blue Jean Baby, 5 segr, plac 3 ggr, 174.565 kr, FT84, mor till två vinnare av 2 startande och 2 föl:
Maddox, 2006 h e Most Welcome (GB), 6 segr, plac 5 ggr, 523.300 kr, 3e Dansk Derby, FT82
Welcometomyworld, 2007 v e Most Welcome (GB), vinnare, plac 5 ggr, 170.100 kr, FT76
Rockport Sunday, 2009 h e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), i träning hos Patrick Wahl, Täby
Pretty Boy Floyd, se ovan
2. mor
ANGEL LOVE (IRE), plac som 3-åring i England, 6 segr, 382.070 kr, Peugeot Pokallöp, L, banrek 2400
dt på Jägersro, FT84, mor till fyra vinnare från 4 startande och totalt 4 föl i startbar ålder,
Ganelon, 1996 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 10 segr, plac 14 ggr, 743.100 kr, Vinterserien Stayers
Final, Kinnekullelöpn, 2e Täby Hösthandikap, 3e Jägersro Cup, 4e Svenskt St Leger, FT87
Blue Jean Baby, se ovan
Maudie, 2001 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 segr och plac på endast 4 starter, 146.000 kr, 5e Svenskt
Oaks, FT79, mor till en vinnare: Angel Light, 2008 s e Most Welcome (GB), 2 segr, plac 3
ggr, 544.145 kr, 2a Dianalöpn, 5e Breeders’ Trophy Mile, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT82
ANGIE, 1995 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare, 20.200 kr
3. mor
LUMIERE (USA) by Northjet (IRE), winner, dam of two winners from 4 runners and 6 foals inclBella Michaela (IRE), 4 wins, £29.450, 2nd Premio Allesandro Peronne, L, 3rd Premio Umbra,
Gr3, Premio Vittori, L.
ANGEL LOVE, see above.
The next dam ATTIRANCE (FR), by Crowned Prince (USA), winner at 3 in France, Prix de Lilas, L, 2nd
Prix Sandringham, Gr3, dam of six winners incl.Attractive Crown (f by Chief’s Crown), 3 wins, 2nd Pretty Polly Stakes, Gr2, 3rd Silver Flash S, L,
4th Beresford S, Gr3, Cheshire Oaks, L, Ballysax S, L.
Sleek Falcon (f by Green Forest), 9 wins, $86,365, 3rd Wintergreen Stakes, Gr3
GENNY WREN (f by Trempolino), 2 wins.
APPROVED AGENT (c by Caro), winner.
LUMIERE, see above.
The next dam AROSA, by Silver Shark, 5 wins incl Prix Imprudence, L, Prix de Messidor, Gr3, Coupe
de Sa Majeste Reine Elizabeth II, 2nd Prix de Malleret, Gr3. Dam of winners incl.LA TIRANA (f. by Akarad), 4 wins at 4, 893,000 francs,, incl Prix de Fabuleux, 2nd Prix de Flores,
Gr3, Prix Corrida, Gr3, etc.
AROKAR (c. by Akarad), 4 wins. 2 to 4, 1.063.350 francs, in France, incl Prix Greffulhe, Gr2, Prix
Saint-Roman, Gr3, 2nd Prix Lupin, Gr1, 3rd Prix La Coupe de Maisons Laffitte, Gr3, 4th Prix
du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Gr3; sire.
Anne Stuart (FR), (f. by Bolkonski). winner at 3, 146,300 francs, in France, 2nd Prix de Pontarme. Dam of winners includingANVARI (GB), (c. by Persian Bold). 4 wins, incl. Derrinstown Stud EBF Derby Trial Stakes, Gr2,
3rd Windfield Farm EBF Gallinule Stakes, Gr2.
Brunt sto 100313
Anmäld till BT12-14
Navesta Hästklinik, Equo Bloodstock HB
Helena Gärtner, Lerbo 0150-66 41 99
640 23 Valla
070-254 77 14
Mr Prospector (USA)
Machiavellian (USA)
Coup de Folie (USA)
Deceptor (USA), br 1999
Shadeed (USA)
Satin Flower (USA)
Sateen (USA)
Danehill (USA)
Desert King (IRE)
Sabaah (USA)
Kings Express (IRE) fux 1999
Soviet Star (USA)
Lady Express (IRE), 1990
Park Express (GB), 1983
1. mor
KINGS EXPRESS (IRE), 5 segr, 382.700 kr, 2 segr som 3-åring i Norge och 3 segr i Sverige som
4-åring, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpning, L, 3e Gestüt Fährhof Scandinavia Cup, L, 5e Gestüt Fährhof
Scandinavia Cup, L, SFK:s Jubileumslöpn, L, FT87. Mor till 3 tidigare avkommor,
Duty Free (NOR), 2006 s e Funambule (USA), ostartad, i aveln
NN (NOR), 2007 h e Royal Experiment (USA), död som åring på grund av olyckshändelse
NN (NOR), 2009 s e Funambule (USA), uppgift saknas
Queens Park, se ovan
2. mor
LADY EXPRESS (IRE), vinnare och plac i Frankrike, £11.470, mor till två vinnare av 6 startande och
totalt 11 föl,
RAHLEX (IRE), 1998 v e Rahy (USA), 2 segr och plac i England, £6,114.
3. mor
PARK EXPRESS GB) e Ahonoora (GB), delat bästa 2-årssto i Irland 1985, delat tredje bästa sto i
England 1986, 5 segr och plac 7 ggr, £346.894, Champion Stakes, Phoenix Park, Gr1, Nassau Stakes,
Goodwood, Gr2, Lancashire Oaks, Haydock Park, Gr3, 2a Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr1, Blandford Stakes, Curragh, Gr2, Leopardstown Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr3, 3e Dubai Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr1, 1000 Guineas Trial, Phoenix Park, Gr3, mor till åtta vinnare av 11 avkommor,
DAZZLING PARK (IRE) (1996), tredje bästa treårssto i Europa 1999, 3 segr och plac 5 ggr,
£168.482, Matron Stakes, Curragh, Gr3, och Platinum Stakes, Cork, L, 2a Champion Stakes,
Leopardstown, Gr1, Park Stakes, Curragh, Gr3, 3e Irish 1000 Guineas, Curragh, Gr1, Gallinule Stakes, Curragh, Gr3, mor till vinnare, bl a,
GLINTING DESERT (IRE) (2002 ), vinnare och plac 2 ggr i England/Irland, £5,293, mor till:
ALFRED NOBEL (IRE) (2007), 3 segr och plac 3 ggr i Irland, £244.633, Phoenix Stakes,
Curragh, Gr1, Railway Stakes, Curragh, Gr2
NEW APPROACH (IRE) (2005), Champion 2-åring i Europa 2007, Champion 3-åring i Europa
2008, 8 segr och plac 3 ggr, £1.992.070, Derby Stakes, Epsom Downs, Gr1, Tattersalls
Millions Irish Champion S, Leopardstown, Gr1, Dewhurst Stakes, Newmarket, Gr1, National
Stakes, Curragh, Gr1, Champion Stakes, Newmarket, Gr1, EBF Futurity, Curragh, Gr2, Tyros
Stakes, Leopardstown, Gr3, 2e 2000 Guineas, Newmarket, Gr1, Irish 2000 Guineas, Curragh,
Gr1, 3e Juddmonte International Stakes, Newmarket, Gr1, avelshingst
SHINKO FOREST (IRE) (1993), 9 segr och plac 6 ggr i Japan - £1.756.254, £658,210, vann bl a 3
Listed races, avelshingst
Tycoon King (IRE) (1992), 7 segr slätt i Frankrike och Italien och plac 32 ggr, £166.052, 2e Prix
Montenica, Evry, L, 2 segr och plac över hinder i Frankrike, £16.096
Alluring Park (IRE) (1999), vinnare i Irland och 3 placeringar - £15.201, 3e i Rochestown Stakes,
Leopardstown, L. Blenheim Stakes, Curragh, L, mor till vinnare. inkl
WAS (IRE), 2009, vinnare i debuten 7 augusti 2011
THUNDER ROCK (IRE) (2002), 5 segr; vinnare på slätt och 4 placeringar i England/Irland,
£14.237, 4 segr över hinder och plac 3 ggr, £25.535
SIR ARTHUR (IRE) (2003), 2 segr i England/Irland, £16.835.
Fux hingst 100523
Anmäld till BT12-14, BC14
Therese o Gösta Staffansson
Nannberga Gammelgård 214
732 91 Arboga
070-438 02 87
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
In The Wings (IRE)
High Hawk (IRE)
Dustoori (GB), br 2004
Green Desert (USA)
Elfaslah (IRE)
Fair of The Furze (USA)
Woodman (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA)
L’On Vite (USA)
Racine’s Lordi, fux 2006
Welsh Pageant (FR)
Racine Grey (GB), 1985
Cheyenne (GB), 1970
1. mor
Racine’s Lordi, only ran 3 times, 2.500 kr, dam of (first and only foal);
Socks And Halo, see above
2. mor
RACINE GREY (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden, £2,580; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 foals of racing age Chief’s Pontiac (SWE) 1990 g by Diaghlyphard (USA), 12 wins in Sweden, 812.500 kr, Ulriksdals
Minneslöpn, Vinterfinalen Milers, 2nd Nickes Minneslopn, L, 5th Nickes Minneslopn, L, FT87
Tam O’Shanter (SWE), 1992 f by French Groom (FR), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, placed 11 times
incl 3rd Svenskt Oaks, FT73, dam of three winners;
Tam O’Rito, 2002 c by Be My Chief (USA), 6 wins, placed 5 times, 1.526.545 kr, Breeders’
Trophy Classic, Malmö Vårhandikap, TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, 2nd Svenskt St Leger, Jägersro
Cup, 4th Svenskt Derby, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, SM Classic, 5th Kapps Stora Pris, FT86
TAMBOURIN MAN, 2008 g by Baryshnikov (AUS), 2 wins and placed twice in 7 starts,
179.413 kr, FT75
TAM O’MILL, 2007 g by Most Welcome (GB), winner, 84.000 kr, FT64
Racine’s Lordi, see above
3. mor
CHEYENNE (GB) by Sovereign Path (GB), winner at 2 years; Own sister to WARPATH; dam of four
winners from 9 runners and 12 foals of racing age viz Cilone (c. by Julio Mariner), 5 wins in Italy, 3rd Criterium Partenopeo, Naples, L
CHOCTAW, 15 wins; 4 wins at 4 years and placed 4 times; also 3 wins over hurdles and 8 wins
in steeplechases and placed 27 times, also 2 wins in point-to-points
RACINE GREY, see above.
ON THE WARPATH, placed once at 4 years; also 3 wins over hurdles and placed 4 times.
Annie Get Your Gun, placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of winners.
Alvarez (SWI), 5 wins in Switzerland in Germany, 2nd Eugen Furst zu Oettingen Wallerstein
Mem, Munich, L
The next dam ARDNEASKEN, winner at 3 years and placed 5 times; dam of ten winners from 13
runners and 13 foals of racing age incl DAKOTA, 7 wins at 2 to 4 years incl St Simon S, Newbury, Gr3, Ebor H, York, L and King George
V S, Royal Ascot, L, 2nd Cumberland Lodge S, Ascot, Gr3, Timeform Gold Trophy H, Redcar,
L (twice), Top Rank Club H S, Newcastle, L, 3rd Jockey Club S, Newmarket, Gr3, 4th King
George VI & Queen Elizabeth S, Ascot, Gr1, Geoffrey Freer S, Newbury, Gr2, Yorkshire Cup,
York, Gr2 and Ormonde S, Chester, Gr3; champion sire.
WARPATH, 4 wins at 3 and 4 years incl Doonside Cup, Ayr, L, Extel Centenary H, Goodwood, L
and Scottish & Newcastle Breweries H, Newcastle, L, 3rd Prince of Wales’s S, Royal Ascot, Gr2
and Cumberland Lodge S, Ascot, Gr3; sire.
SEMINOLE, 2 wins at 3 years; dam of winners.
WALLAWALLA, 2 wins at 2 years; dam of winners.
RED INJUN, 2 wins at 3 years; sire.
33 752SWE00000902T
Brunt sto 100512
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
In The Wings (GB)
High Hawk (IRE)
Dustoori (GB), mbr 2004
Green Desert (USA)
Elfaslah (IRE)
Fair of the Furze (USA)
Thatch (USA)
Thatching (IRE)
Abella (GB)
Double Top (IRE), mbr 1995
High Top (IRE)
Top Call (GB), 1976
Last Call (GB), 1964
1. mor
Double Top (IRE), unraced; Own sister to COPING; dam of two winners from 6 rnrs and 8 prv foals;
Second Interest (GB), 1999 f by Hamas (IRE), 5 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Denmark and Sweden and £12,770 and placed 22 times.
Aspassocondaisy (GB), 2000 f by Perugino (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £7213
and placed 7 times.
Top Place (GB), 2001 f by Compton Place (GB), placed once at 4 years, broodmare.
Igneous (GB), 2006 g by Lucky Story (USA), placed once at 2 years, 2008.
Ellemental (GB), 2008 f by Elnadim (USA), ran 3 times
Top Story, 2009 g by Lucky Story (USA), in training with Yvonne Durant, Täby
752SWE00000902T, see above
2. mor
TOP CALL (GB), 2 wins at 2 years; dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 12 foals;
COPING (c by Thatching), 11 wins at 2 to 6 years at home and in Italy and £78.602, incl
Premio Fiume, Milan, L, 4th Premio Cascine, Firenze, Gr3.
CALL-TO-ACCOUNT (c by Grundy), 9 wins at 3 to 5 years in British West Indies and
£48.489, incl Carib Beer Trinidad Turf Club Cup, Queen’s Park, L, President’s Cup,
Queen’s Park, L, President’s Easter Trophy, Union Park, L, Regent Stores Classic, Santa
Rosa Park, L, and Santa Rosa Trophy, L.
Tom Guinn (c by Niniski (USA), 22 wins in Austria, in West Germany and in Italy and
£221.606, 3rd Premio Libero Perlini, Naples, L (twice).
Kasikci (GB) (f by Petoski), winner at 2 years and £8410 3rd Sweet Solera S, Newmarket, L.
Salazie (f by Ile de Bourbon (USA), winner at 2 years; also 2nd Premio Andreina, Pisa,
L; dam of six winners, incl SENSAZIONE (GB), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and
£104.749, incl Premio Novella, Milan, L, Premio Royal Mares, Turin, L, and Premio Vittorio
Crespi, Milan, L. 2nd Premio Dormello, Milan, Gr3; dam of QUEEN SENSAZIONE (IRE), 3
wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 in Italy and £54.312, incl Premio Baggio, Milan, L. Sensazione World (IRE), 6 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2009 in Italy and £63.561 2nd Premio Nogara,
Milan, L. 3rd Criterium Femminile, Rome, L. and Premio Seregno, Milan, L.; grandam
of FAIR NASHWAN (GB), Champion older mare in Italy in 2006, 6 wins at 3 and 4
years in Italy and £166.685, incl Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr3, 2nd GP del Jockey
Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1 and 3rd Oaks d’Italia, Milan, Gr1, FAIRY EFISIO (GB), 2
wins at 3 years, 2008 in Italy and £44.928, incl Premio Seregno, Milan, L. 3rd P Emirates
Airline Regina Elena-1000 Gns, Rome, Gr3.
Soft Call (GB), Champion 3yr old filly in Austria in 1991, Champion older mare in
Slovak Republic in 1993, 10 wins, £34.066, winner at 2 years; also 9 wins at 3 to 5
years in Austria and in Czech Republic and £31,324; dam of three winners
3. mor
LAST CALL (GB) by Klairon (FR), winner at 3; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 foals;
ACHIEVED, Champion 2yr old in Ireland in 1981, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £60.007, incl
Gallaghouse Phoenix S, Phoenix Park, Gr1, 3rd Sussex S, Goodwood, Gr1; sire.
FINAL STRAW, 5 wins at 2 and 3 years and £116.545, incl Laurent Perrier Champagne S,
Doncaster, Gr2, 2nd Sussex S, Goodwood, Gr1, Prix Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1.
Anmäld till BT12-14
Skimmel sto 100530
Bengt Morberg
Vallhall Fäboda 15
734 91 Hallstahammar
0220-260 46
070-471 54 29
Lyphard (USA)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Melmac, br 1991
Comedy Star (USA)
Sovereign Star
Thyra Rose (GB)
Kris (GB)
Common Grounds (GB)
Sweetly (FR)
La Bonita (IRE), sk 1990
High Echelon (USA)
Catherine Linton (USA), 1975
Reckless Driver (USA), -59
1. mor
LA BONITA (IRE), placed twice at 2 years; also 9 wins at 3 to 6 years in Sweden, 266.340 kr, fifth in
Bloomers’ Vase and Scandinavia Cup, FT72; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 9 foals vizMoltas, 2002 g by Melmac, 9 wins, placed 12 times, 1.090.397 kr, Swedish Open Mile, L,
Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, Skandinavisk Mesterskap 3-åringer, SM Classic, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn,
twice, 2nd Swedish Open Mile, L, GHR Gold Cup, 3e Songline Classic, L, SM Classic, 4th
Svenskt Kriterium, 5th Nickes Minneslöpn, L, twice, FT92
Monita, 1998 f by Spectacular Tide (USA), winner, placed 5 times, 157.950 kr, Diana Consolation, 2nd Altamiralöpn, FT77, dam of three winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of age;
MYTHOS, 2005 g by Melmac, 8 wins, placed 9 times, 488.800 kr, 5th SM Sprinters, FT86
MYKENE, 2003 f by Melmac, 5 wins, placed 13 times, 281.600 kr, FT67
MYSTIK, 2006 g by Melmac, 5 wins, placed 9 times, 353.400 kr, FT78
Monza, 2004 f by Melmac, 4 wins, placed 7 times, 364.321 kr, 3rd Melmaclöpn, 4th Götalandlöpn, FT78
MOGUL, 2005 g by Heart of Oak (USA), 6 wins, placed 13 times, 494.300 kr, FT79
Monterey, 2007 g by Melmac, 2 wins and placed 4 times in 10 starts, 139.500 kr, FT75
Molino, 2006 g by Melmac, winner, placed 12 times, 130.638 kr, FT64
MAD MEN, 2008 c by Melmac, winner, 34.540 kr, FT76
Moretti, 2000 g by Melmac, placed twice at 2 years in Sweden, FT68, also placed over jumps
Montus, 2009 c by Funambule (USA), in training with Carlos Figueroa, Täby
Mozaika, see above
2. mor
CATHERINE LINTON (USA), unraced; dam of eleven winners from 14 runners and 15 foals ZAR BITTER, 10 wins in Italy, £26.511, including Premio U.N.P.C.P.S, Milan, L, 3rd Premio Boschetti, Milan, L.; also 3 wins over jumps in Italy.
FOR SURE FOR SURE, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also 17 wins in Italy, £42.472
NETHER LANE (IRE), 7 wins in Denmark and in Sweden and placed 4 times.
Love Lost, unplaced; dam of winners.
It’s Cryin’ Time (AUS), 3rd Dayana S, Belmont, L.
Jenufa (IRE), 3rd Wintergreen S, Philadelphia Park.
3. mor
Reckless Driver (USA) by Traffic Judge (USA), 9 wins in USA and placed 9 times, $35.615, including 3rd Mermaid S, Atlantic City; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals of racing age
including Greenbriar (USA), 12 wins in USA, $63.012, 3rd Springtime H, Thistledown.
RECKLESS REIGN (USA), 3 wins in USA; dam of winners.
Adorable Dori (USA), 3rd Natalma S, Woodbine, Gr3.
CORILAND (USA), winner in USA; 3rd dam of DARKMAN (USA), won Spur S, Louisiana D’s.
MUSE OF MUSIC (USA), winner in USA; dam of Frank’s Selection (USA), 3rd Play the King
H, Woodbine, Gr3.
RECKLESS STAR (USA), winner in USA; dam of NORTHERN LOMBARDI (USA), won Buckeye Belle S, Beulah Park; grandam of SHEER SABLE (USA), won Battler Star H, Fair Gr, L
RECKLESS DATE (USA), 2 wins in USA; dam of six winners.
Anmäld till BT12-14
Brunt sto 100325
Fellowship Racing AB
Båtmansvägen 58
192 48 Sollentuna
08-92 68 63
070-710 59 01
In the Wings (IRE)
Singspiel (IRE)
Glorious Song (CAN)
Bosun’s Watch (GB), br 2004
Midyan (USA)
Sinking (GB)
Taplow (GB)
Nureyev (USA)
Wolfhound (USA)
Lassie Dear (USA)
Dancing Wolf (IRE), br 1995
High Top (IRE)
Aigue (GB), 1986
Cecilia Bianchi (FR), 1974
1. mor
Dancing Wolf (IRE), placed 5 times in England at 2 and 3 years, incl 3rd Sunbury Maiden Stakes,
Kempton; dam of four winners from 6 runners and 6 previous foals;
Mr Dark Wolf, 2004 c by Duty Time (GB), 4 wins, placed 7 times, 434.201 kr, Melmaclöpn, 3rd
Sofierolöpn, FT84
MR LONELY WOLF, 2005 c by Zieten (USA), 3 wins, placed 4 times, 232.132 kr, FT71
Daydream Dancer (GB), 2001 f by Daylami (IRE), 2 wins at 3 years and placed 5 times.
WOOD WOLF, 2008 c by Jeune Homme (USA), winner in just 4 starts, 86.050 kr, FT69
Missy Cinofaz (GB), 2002 f by Zafonic (USA), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years.
Dancing Va Bene, see above
2. mor
AIGUE (GB), 2 wins; Own sister to TORCHON (GB); dam of four winners from 8 runners, 9 foals;
MEZZOGIORNO (GB) (f. by Unfuwain (USA)), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £76,197, incl Vodafone Group Trial S, Newbury, L, 3rd Vodafone Oaks S, Epsom, Gr1 and Aston Upthorpe
Yorkshire Oaks, York, Gr1; dam of eight winners inc.,
MONTURANI (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years and £191,747, incl Irish National Stud Blandford
S, Curragh, Gr2; dam of Omaruru (IRE), placed once at 3 years, 2010; also winner
over hurdles at 4 years, 2011.
MONNAVANNA (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years at home and in France and £67,326, incl Slatch
Farm Stud Flying Fillies’ S, Pontefract, L. and Prix Amandine, Deauville, L, 2nd Prix de
Seine-et-Oise, Maisons-Laffitte, Gr3; dam of Massenzio (IRE), placed twice at 2 years;
also 8 wins at 2 to 6 years, 2010 in Norway and £30,771, Manassas (IRE), 4 wins at 2,
4 and 6 years, 2011 and £111,899.
Thorax (GB), placed 3 times at 3-5 years, 2009; also 15 wins, 2011 in Greece, £107,518.
Morganza (GB), winner at 3 years, 2010 in France and £13,540.
Suhaili (GB), winner at 3 years, 2011.
Alfred The Great (IRE), 3 wins, £23,235, winner at 3 years; also 2 wins over hurdles at 3 and
4 years and £18,182.
Rainbow Top (GB), 3 wins at 4 years and £10,645.
John Hunter (IRE), 2 wins, winner at 4 years; also winner over hurdles at 5 years.
Tashreefat (IRE), placed 4 times at 3 years; dam of a winner,
Table Forty Six (IRE), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2011 and £14,058; also 2 wins over hurdles
at 5 years, 2011 and £12,286.
Trois Heures Apres (GB), unraced; dam of six winners inc.,
Timeless Stride (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2010; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2011 in Sweden and
America Lontana (FR), winner at 3 years in Italy; dam of Mayoman (IRE), 7 wins at 3 to 5
years, 2010 and £20,474.
3. mor
CECILIA BIANCHI (FR), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy; Own sister to Charlier; dam of four winners
from 6 runners and 6 foals;
TORCHON (GB), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £41,842, incl Fourth of July Trophy S, Haydock
Park, L.; also placed once over jumps at 5 years in USA.
www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com
Mörkbrunt sto 100503
Anmäld till BT12-14
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
In Reality (USA)
Known Fact (USA)
Tamerett (USA)
Factually (GB), br 1989
Alydar (USA)
Alydear (USA), 1981
Her Delight (USA), 1967
1. mor
Factually (GB), vinnare, 80.300 kr, 2a Norsk Kriterium, Topprankat 2-årigt Sto Sv Gen hkp 1991,
mor till fyra vinnare av 7 startande och 7 avkommor i startbar ålder;
TESORERO, 1996 h e Funambule (USA), 16 segr, plac 14 ggr, 2.980.045 kr, Swedish Open Mile,
L, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Skand Mesterskap 2-åringar, Duty
Time Juvenile Mile, Sweden Cup Mile, Krafft SM Classic, Krafft SM Milers, 2e Marit Sveaas
Minnelöp, Gr3, Sweden Cup Mile, 2 ggr, 3e Svenskt Derby, Breeders’ Trophy, FT91
Crush, 2004 s e Funambule (USA), 2 segr och plac 2 ggr på endast 5 starter, 69.000 kr, FT69
YAMAGUCHI, 2007 v e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 segr, 133.000 kr, FT76
Disraeli Gears, 2008 h e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 190.320 kr, FT75
Tess, 1997 s e Spectacular Tide (USA), plac, 17.100 kr, FT60, mor till fem vinnare av 6 startande
och 6 avkommor i startbar ålder;
Ferrita, 2008 s e Academy Award (IRE), 2 segr och plac 4 ggr på 12 starter, 333.110 kr, 3e
Altamiralöpn, SM 2-åriga, FT77
Banditos, 2009 h e Funambule (USA), vinnare och plac 2 ggr på 3 starter som 2-åring 2011,
153.750 kr, delad 3e SM för 2-åriga hästar
Wise Choice, 2005 s e Pennekamp (USA), 3 segr, plac 11 ggr, 331.536 kr, 5e Amacitalöpn,
Fun Exception, 2006 v e Funambule (USA), 3 segr, plac 3 ggr på 12 starter, 270.430 kr, 4e
Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, 5e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, FT79
ILENNA, 2004 s e Final Appearance (IRE), vinnare och plac 5 ggr, 110.700 kr, FT67
Donna De Varona, se ovan
2. mor
ALYDEAR (USA) by Alydar (USA), winner in USA, plac 4 times; dam of two winners from 4 runnersFactually (GB), se ovan
ABOUT LOVE (USA), 4 wins in USA
3. mor
HER DELIGHT (USA), by Herbager (FR), winner in USA; dam of eight winners from 10 runners FLEET AND FANCY (USA), 4 wins in GB and in Belgium incl Prix Baillet-Latour, Boitsfort, L.
Count Ivor (USA), 2 wins in France, 3rd Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr3; sire in France.
LIKEABLE (USA), 3 wins in USA and placed 9 times.
PLEASURE MISS (USA), winner in USA and placed once; dam of winners.
FANCY STYLE (USA), winner in USA; dam of Mischief Afoot (USA), 3rd Arizona Cinco de
Mayo Stallion S, Turf Paradise.
BATEAU MOUCHE (USA), winner in USA and placed 6 times; dam of winners.
Embraceable You (USA), unraced; dam of winners.
Great Contract (USA), winner, 3rd Ak-Sar-Ben Omaha Gold Cup, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr3 and
Fairmount Derby, Fairmount Park, Gr3.
Great Finesse (USA), unraced; dam of winners.
VAL D’ENCHERE (USA), winner, Americana H, Calder, L, and Palm Beach H, Calder,
L, 2nd Christmas Day H, Calder, Gr3, Memorial Day H, Calder, L, Budweiser Miami
Breeders Cup H, Calder, L, and Hurricanes H, Calder.
Brun hingst 100302
Pernilla Nilsson
Råby 14
775 96 Krylbo
0706-31 73 17
Galileo (IRE)
Sixties Icon (GB), br 2003
Love Divine (GB)
Inchinor (GB)
Inching (GB), br 2000
Tshusick (GB), 1991
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Urban Sea (USA)
Diesis (GB)
La Sky (IRE)
Ahonoora (GB)
Inchmurrin (IRE)
Dancing Brave (USA)
Infanta Real (GB), 1985
1. mor
Inching (GB), placed 9 times at 2 to 4 yrs; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 4 previous foals;
Vera’s Moscou (IRE) (2006 g. by Kheleyf (USA)), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2010 in France and
£57,140 and placed 12 times.
Chilworth Lass (IRE) (2008 f. by Imperial Dancer (GB)), winner at 2 years, 2010 and placed 5
Mooching Along (IRE) (2005 f. by Mujahid (USA)), unraced, broodmare.
Casanova Star (SWE), see above. 2. mor
TSHUSICK (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times; dam of seven winners from 9 runners and
12 foals;
MAJESTIC MISSILE (IRE), c by Royal Applause (GB), 6 wins at 2-5 years at home and in France and
£169,225, incl Willmott Dixon Cornwallis S, Ascot, Gr3, Betfair Molecomb S, Goodwood, Gr3,
P. Petit Couvert-Casino Barriere Dinard, Longchamp, Gr3 and Earth Mortgages Scarbrough S,
Doncaster, L, 2nd Dubai International Airport World Trophy, Newbury, Gr3, City Wall S, Chester,
L, 3rd Nunthorpe S, York, Gr1 and King of Beer S, Curragh, L.; sire.
Santo Padre (IRE) (g. by Elnadim (USA)), 4 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2009 and £104,578 and placed
8 times, incl 2nd Piper-Heidsieck Achilles S, Haydock Park, L, Abergwaun S, Tipperary, L, 3rd
Weatherbys Ireland Greenlands S, Curragh, Gr3 and Goffs Flying Five S, Curragh, Gr3.
Parisian Elegance (GB) (f. by Zilzal (USA)), 2 wins at 2 years and £18,321 and placed 5 times,
incl 3rd Princess Margaret S, Ascot, Gr3, Weatherbys VAT Returns Service S, Haydock Park, L.
and Rose Bowl S, Newbury, L.; dam of four winners,
March On Beetroot (GB), winner at 2 years, 2010 and £10,818 and placed twice, incl 2nd
Blue Square Sandy Lane S, Haydock Park, L.
Silca Elegance (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 5 times; also 3 wins at 4 and 5 years,
2009 in Greece and £14,500.
Cosmopolitan (GB), 3 wins at 4 years, 2009 and £24,171 and placed once.
Rappel (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, 2009 in France and £50,966 and placed 8 times.
Black Moth (IRE) (c. by Invincible Spirit (IRE)), 2 wins at 2 years, 2010 and £18,021 and placed 4
times, incl 3rd Ripon Champion 2yo Trophy, Ripon, L.
Agata Laguna (IRE), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £42,249 and placed 11 times, broodmare.
Tribal Prince (GB), 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years and £34,703 and placed 19 times.
Liberty Bound (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years and £11,033 and placed 6 times; dam of two
winners, incl Billy Red (GB), 9 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2010 and £46,309 and placed 27 times.
3. mor
INFANTA REAL, 2 wins at 2 years, incl Doncaster S, Doncaster, L, placed once; dam of four winners from 4 runners and 5 foals;
INFORMANT (GB), 7 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in Denmark, in France and in Sweden and £84,644,
incl Taby Open Sprint Championship, Taby, L, IBM Store Sprint, Klampenborg, L. and Verdexa
Cup, Jagersro, L, placed 5 times, incl 2nd Iduna-Nova Flieger Preis, Koln, L. and Taby Park Hotell
Varsprint, Taby, L.; sire.
Mörkbrun hingst 100604
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13
Stuteri Hagen o Göran Åsheim
Annedalsvägen 34
044-21 14 23
291 63 Kristianstad
0709-72 27 30
Danzig (USA)
Danehill (USA)
Razyana (USA)
Academy Award (IRE), br 2000
Taufan (USA)
Ingabelle (GB)
Bodelle (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Funambule (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
Pamona, br 2001
Modern Pleasure (USA)
Amourina, 1989
Amourette, 1984
1. mor
PAMONA, Champion 2-åring 2003, 5 segr, 1.165.465 kr (varav bonus 55.350 kr), Breeders’ Trophy
Juvenile, TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, Duty Time Juvenile Mile och Krafft SM för 2-åriga hästar 2003, 3e
Dianalöpn, Amacitalöpn, FT84 som 2-åring 2003, mor till 4 föl:
Sparta, 2007, s e Arkadian Hero (USA), ej startat, död som åring
Pasolini, 2008 h e Paolini (GER), ej startat, död som åring
Spader Dam, 2009 s e Bosun’s Watch (GB), i träning hos Tommy Gustafsson, Täby
Spader Knekt, se ovan
2. mor
Amourina, 3 segr, 208.000 kr, 2a SM 2-åriga hästar, 3e Amacitalöpn, Vinterfavoriternas Pris, 5e
Svealandlöpn, FT69, mor till åtta vinnare av 11 startande och totalt 12 avkommor i startbar ålder:
PAMONA, se ovan
Memory, 2002 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 4 segr, 458.962 kr, 2a Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, FT80
Morell, 1995 h e Eighty Eight Keys (USA), 3 segr, 306.160 kr (varav bonus 83.000 kr), 2e Malmö
Stads Pris, 3e Götalandlöpn, 5e Rosengårdlöpn, även plac över häckar, FT80
Mohikan, 2006 v e Indian Lodge (IRE), vinnare, plac 7 ggr, 203.235 kr, 3e Auktionslöpn, FT70
MON DIA, 2005 s e Funambule (USA), 2 segr och plac 5 ggr, 282.099 kr, 3e Melmaclöpn, 6e
Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT76
Morina, 1998 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), plac 2 ggr på endast 4 starter, FT72, mor till en vinnare:
WELCOME IN MAY, 2005 s e Most Welcome (GB), 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 151.700 kr, FT76
Övriga vinnare undan Amourina är MONTILJA, 1997 s e Talinum (USA), 4 segr, MONACO, 1996 h e
Lotus Pool (USA), 3 segr, och MORENO, 1994 h e National Zenith (USA), 3 segr varav 1 på häckar.
3. mor
AMOURETTE e Montal (FR), 5 segr, 293.700 kr, Dianalöpn, Eurocard Cup, mor till sex vinnare av
6 startande:
AMOULETTE, s e Bal du Seigneur (USA), 2 segr, 234.200 kr, SFAF:s Stora Pris, 4e Amacitalöpn, mor
till tre vinnare: MISTER ADMIRAL, 8 segr, plac 14 ggr, 670.200 kr, Premiärhandicap, 2e SM
Sprinters, FT88, Fidelity, 4 segr, plac 6 ggr, 258.730 kr, 2a Altamiralöpn, FT81, och PANDURO,
5 segr, plac 11 ggr, 341.200 kr, FT77, samt Dear Profit, 2007, startat 10 ggr, 16.400 kr, FT60
Amourina, se ovan
Agena, 2001 s e Be My Chief (USA), vinnare, plac 8 ggr som 2-3-år, 196.150 kr (varav bonus
19.450 kr), 2a Sweden Cup Juvenile Mile, FT73
Amira, 1990 s e Modern Pleasure (USA), skadad som föl, mor till sex vinnare inkl:
NAMIR, 1995 h e National Zenith (USA), Champion 2-åring 1997, 19 segr, 1.883.300 kr,
SFAF:s Stora Pris, Sweden Cup Stayer, 2 ggr, Vinterfinalen Stayers, Ulriksdals Minneslöpn,
3e SM Stayers, 4e Duty Time Juv Mile, SM Stayers (2 ggr), 5e SM Stayers, FT89
TIMO, 1998 h e Lotus Pool (USA), 3 segr, 587.350 kr, Ceres Jydsk Derby, 2e Svenskt Kriterium,
3e Dansk Kriterium, 4e Duty Time Juvenile Mile, 5e Breeders’ Trophy, Vinterfav Pris, FT80
Phoenix Fabulous (ex Ritmo), 2000 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 3 segr, plac 3 ggr, 176.840 kr,
Svenskt St Leger Consolation, Dansk Kriterium Consolation, AGRIA Breeders’ Trophy Trial,
2e Vinterfavoritternes Ærespræmie, FT79
Midway, 2004 s e Final Appearance (IRE), 2 segr, plac 4 ggr, 197.200 kr, 3e Altamiralp, FT72
MIADONNA, 2003 s e Richard of York (GB), 3 segr, plac 8 ggr, 90.822 kr, FT58.
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Eva Isacsson Sjunnesson
HorseNature, Solbacka 08-514 420 30
186 97 Brottby
070-735 44 80
Mörkbrun valack 100408 / friröntgad.
Danzig (USA)
Danehill (USA)
Razyana (USA)
Academy Award (IRE), br 2000
Taufan (USA)
Ingabelle (GB)
Bodelle (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Sweet Chili, br 1999
Thatching (IRE)
Sparkling Nectar (IRE), 1987
Baby Brew (GB), 1976
1. mor
Sweet Chili, Champion Swedishbred 3-year-old in Skandinavia in 2002, 6 wins, placed 8 times,
478.155 kr, Miss Stanfords Minneslöpning, 2nd VG-Sprint, 3rd SFAF:s Stora Pris Auktionslöpn, Krafft SM för
Sprinters, 5th Norsk Breeders Prize, FT84; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 previous foals;
Pilgrim, 2006 g by Slickly (FR), 6 wins, placed 5 times, 434.269 kr, FT77
Bittersweet, 2007 f by Academy Award (IRE), 5 wins, placed twice, 248.006 kr, FT69
Tabasco (den), 2009 c by Desert Prince (IRE), in training with R A Kvisla, Angarn, qualified 110720
Pepper, see above
2. mor
Sparkling Nectar (IRE), placed at 2 and 3 years, 5e Lowther S, Gr2, 2nd EBF S, dam of four winners
from 8 runners and 11 foals of racing age;
Sweet Chili, see above
LE SAPIN, 1995 c by Bal du Seigneur (USA), 7 wins, placed 19 times, 403.345 kr, FT78
CORK, 1993 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins, placed once, 56.500 kr, FT71
LEMON CHIEF, 2000 c by Be My Chief (USA), winner, placed 4 times, 43.905 kr, FT69
Korint, 2003 f by Be My Chief (USA), raced a few times, ran once over hurdles, 4.000 kr
Pepino, 2004 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), placed 5 times, 64.700 kr, FT72
Aubergine, 2006 f by Lord of Men (GB), only ran twice
3. mor
BABY BREW (GB) by Green God (IRE), 4 wins, TF 123 Philips Electrical Rockingham S, L, 4th Prix de
l’Abbaye de Longchamp, Gr1, dam of four winners;
DESERT THUNDER (IRE) 4 wins and placed 9 times, £33.021
FEYDAN, 3 wins and placed 6 times, £10.183
ASHWA, 2 wins and placed, £4.938
SMALL SCOTCH, winner and placed 2 times, £2.011, exp till Hong Kong
Last Gold (GB) placed and 5.183 Euro
Sparkling Nectar (IRE), see above
Kampai, exp to Italy and France, dam of three winners;
DASH OF COURAGE, 6 wins, placed 4 times, £73.123
BANKSY BOY, 2 wins, plac, £9.195 in Malaysia
KUPFERBURG, winner in Germany at 2, £ 2.113, dam of five winners: KUPFERROSE, 6 wins,
The next dam CARNIVAL PARK (GB) by Carnival Dancer (GB), winner at 3, dam of three winners;
BABY BREW, see above
MISS PUDGE, 7 wins, dam of three winners;
EXHIBITIONER (by Thatching (IRE)), Champion 3-yo sprinter in Irland 1985, 3 wins, Goff´s
S, Greenlands S, Gr3; sire
Miss Informed (IRE), unraced, dam of Little White Lie (IRE), 5 wins at 2-4, £157.261, placed
11 times, 3rd Marble Hill S, L, Curragh, and KAMIA (IRE), winner at 3, 2010, in Greece
SLIM HOPE, winner, placed over hurdles
MAGGIE FOX, 2 wins at 3 years, broodmare.
Anmäld till BT12-14
40 752SWE00000907T
Brun hingst 100319
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Songline, br 1993
Princess Persian (IRE)
Be My Chief (USA)
Lovely You, br 2002
Lady Symphonia (GB), 1994
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Lyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Persian Bold (IRE)
Blue Parrot (FR)
Chief’s Crown (USA)
Lady Be Mine (USA)
Old Vic (GB)
Little White Star (GB), -76
1. mor
LOVELY YOU, 3 wins, placed 3 times in 8 starts, 130.060 kr, FT84; dam of (first foal);
752SWE00000907T, see above
2. mor
LADY SYMPHONIA (GB), winner in Norway and placed 3 times in 7 starts, FT72, dam of three winners from 4 runners and 8 foals of racing age;
Symphonias Maximus, 2006 g by Songline, 6 wins; 5 wins, placed 7 times, 422.200 kr, Tre
Kilometer, 3rd Fyraårspokalen, 4th Täby Maraton, FT82, also winner over hurdles in first start
at 5, 2011, 30.000 kr
Symphonias Wilmar, 2007 g by Songline, 2 wins, placed 4 times, 405.993 kr, 3rd Breeders’
Trophy Stayer, Swedish Classic Champion, 4th Norsk Breeders’ Prize Classic, 4th Breeders’
Trophy Classic, FT80
LOVELY YOU, see above,
Valkyria, 2001 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), placed in just 3 starts, 11.960 kr, FT74
3. mor
LITTLE WHITE STAR (GB) by Mill Reef (USA), ran at 3 years; dam of eight winners from 14 runners
and 15 foals inc.,
BELDALE STAR, 9 wins, £43,822, 4 wins and £28,590, incl Racal Vodafone Blue Riband Trial S,
Epsom, L, placed 7 times, incl 2nd Lanson Champagne S, Goodwood, L.; also 5 wins over
hurdles at 4 to 6 years and £15,232 and placed 4 times, incl 2nd New Year’s Day Hurdle,
Windsor, L. and 3rd Swinton Insurance Brokers Trophy Hurdle, Haydock Park, L.
MOON DROP, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £15,030, incl Remembrance Day EBF S, Doncaster, L,
placed 2nd Scherping-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L. and Grosser Sprint Preis von Bayern, Munich,
L.; dam of ten winners inc.,
Dancing Drop (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £31,952 and placed 9 times, incl 2nd London Clubs
Fern Hill Rated H, Ascot, L, Bonusprint October S, Ascot, L, 3rd Enza New Zealand Sweet
Solera S, Newmarket, L, Sino Group Dragon Trophy, Sandown Park, L. and Oh So Sharp S,
Newmarket, L.; dam of JEWEL IN THE SAND (IRE), 4 wins at 2 and 4 years and £79,851,
incl Chippenham Lodge Cherry Hinton S, Newmarket, Gr2 and Albany S, Ascot, L, placed
once, 3rd paddypower.com Scurry S, Sandown Park, L, DAVIGNON (GB), 3 wins at 2 and
3 years in Germany and £24,783, incl Scherping Rennen, Baden-Baden, L, placed 4 times,
Mr Man In The Moon (IRE), winner at 2 years, 2010 and £12,960 and placed 4 times.
Mithl Al Hawa (GB), winner at 2 years and £17,824 and placed 6 times, incl 2nd ANC
Rockingham S, York, L. and Hambro Countrywide Charlotte S, Newmarket, L.; dam of
Secret Millionaire (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2010 and £29,341 and placed 13
times; grandam of SMOKEY STORM (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 at home and
in Denmark and £65,574, incl Woodcote S, Epsom Downs, L, placed 2nd Beierholm Copenhagen Golden Mile, Copenhagen, L. and 3rd Norsk Jockeyklubs Sprintlop, Ovrevoll, L.
Moon Diamond (GB), unraced; dam of HIPPODROME (IRE), 3 wins, £31,860, winner at 3 years
and £11,387 and placed twice;; also winner over hurdles, 2009 and £10,137 and placed 8
times and winner over jumps at 5 years in Germany, Bad Durrheimer Trophy Hurdle, BadenBaden, L, Flighty Frances (IRE), winner at 3 years, 2010 and placed 4 times.
Brunt sto 100315
Anmäld till BT12-14
Eva C S Pettersson tranberga@msn.com
Tranberga Gård
040-630 24 60
230 40 Bara
0708-48 21 75
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Great Above (USA)
Holy Bull (USA)
Sharon Brown (USA)
Edna Boyle (USA), sk 2001
Secretariat (USA)
Spilled Beans (USA), 1989
Endurable Heights (USA), 79
1. mor
EDNA BOYLE (USA), unraced; dam of two runners from 3 previous foals;
Huntley, 2007 g by Doneraile Court (USA), placed 4 times, 60.000 kr, FT68
Bud The Spud (USA), 2005 g by Black Minnaloushe (USA), placed once at 3, 2008 in Canada
Jacquin, 2009 c by Distant Thunder (USA)
Katherinea, see above
2. mor
SPILLED BEANS (USA), placed once in USA; dam of nine winners from 9 runners and 13 foals inc,
Botschafter (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Japan and £76,307.
Final Bid (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and £6543.
Wild Sam (USA), winner in USA
Admire Wolf (USA), winner in Japan.
3. mor
ENDURABLE HEIGHTS (USA), by Graustark (USA), ran on the flat in USA at 3 years; dam of eight
winners from 12 runners and 13 foals inc,
BARODET (USA), 3 wins at 3 years in France and in USA and $41,680, incl Prix des Yearlings, L.
Miss Marilyn (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in Brazil; dam of four winners,
Sarasota Sand (USA), 4 wins in USA
E Z Jet (USA), 3 wins in USA
Inshirah (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £5992; dam of eight winners inc,
Days of Grace (GB), 8 wins at 2 to 6 years and £44,433; dam of Mogok Ruby (GB), 2
wins at 2 and 4 years, 2008 and £13,726.
The next dam MIRA FEMME, 14 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA and $306,912, incl Hollywood Lassie S, Hollywood Park and Santa Ynez S, Santa Anita; dam of ten winners from 14 runners and 15 foals inc,
FEMME ELITE (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 4 years in France and in USA and 708,450 fr. and $35,480,
incl Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of four winners inc,
STEINBECK (USA), won Prix Daphnis, Evry, Gr3, Prix La Rochette, Longchamp, Gr3, 2nd Beefeater
Gin Celebration Mile, Goodwood, Gr2 and 3rd Prix Robert Papin, M’-Laffitte, Gr2; sire.
BATONNIER (USA), 7 wins at 2 to 4 years in USA and $232,105, incl Illinois Derby, Sportsmans Park, Gr3, 2nd Swaps S, Hollywood Park, Gr1; sire.
Mira Irish Key (USA), winner at 3 years in USA; dam of nine winners inc,
PUFFY DOODLE (USA), won Palatine Breeders’ Cup S, Arlington Int. and 3rd Arlington
Washington Lassie S, Arlington Int, Gr1.
Classic Perfection (USA), winner at 2 years in USA; dam of nine winners inc,
CLASSIC GO GO (USA), won Bowie S, Bowie, General George S, Bowie, Lucky Draw S,
Aqueduct, Thanksgiving Day H, Bay Meadows, Winter Quarters H, Meadowlands and 4th
Kentucky Derby, Churchill Downs, Gr1; sire.
AIRONLASS (USA), won Ontario Debutante S, Fort Erie; dam of CLASSY WOMEN (USA), won
Hillsborough H, Bay Meadows, Gr3, 3rd Test S, Saratoga, Gr1; grandam of AD VALOREM
(USA), won Middle Park S, Newmarket, Gr1 and Queen Anne S, Ascot, Gr1, Kid Lemonade
(USA), winner in USA, 2nd Stanton S, Delaware, Femmina (USA), winner in
Canada and in USA 3rd Chieftan’s Command S, Aqueduct.
www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com
Fux hingst 100416
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Nureyev (USA)
Theatrical (IRE)
Tree of Knowledge (IRE)
Theatre Antique (USA), br 1992
Vitriolic (USA)
Sweet Ellen (USA), 1978
New Hat (USA), 1960
1. mor
Theatre Antique (USA), startat i UAE, mor till sju vinnare av 8 startande och totalt 8 avkommor i
startbar ålder;
THEATRICAL AWARD (NOR), 2005 s e Academy Award (IRE), 12 segr, plac 7 ggr, 4.284.278
kr, Marit Sveaas Minnelöp, Gr3, Margareta Wettermarks Minneslöpn, L, Bloomers’ Vase, L,
Norsk Derby, Norsk 1000 Guineas, Norsk Breeders’ Prize Classic, E Lyches Minnelöp, 2a Stockholm Cup International, Gr3, 3e Stockholms Stora Pris, Gr3, m fl, FT96
MISSION POSSIBLE, 2002 v e Groom Dancer (USA), Champion 2-åring i Skandinavien 2004,
7 segr på slätt och hinder, plac 2 ggr, 1.241.995 kr, Dansk Derby, Vinterfavoriternas Pris,
Skandinavisk Mesterskap 2-åringer, Norsk Auksjonslöp, E Lyches Minnelöp, 3e Svenskt Kriterium, 5e Svenskt Derby, FT86
Theatry (NOR), 1998 s e Royal Academy (USA), 4 segr, plac 4 ggr, 401.950 kr, Forsommerlöp for
3-åringer, 2a Norsk Rikstoto Grand Prix, Norsk Auksjonslöp, 3e Norsk Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp,
NM for 3-årige og eldre, FT79
Territorial (GB), 2001 s e Selkirk (GB), 2 segr, plac 5 ggr, 225.905 kr, 2a Altamiralöpn, 3e Sofierolöpn, 4e Amacitalöpn, FT78
Cul de Sac, 1999 s e Cajun Cadet (GB), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 2a Eckbo Legats Vandrepremie,
Norsk Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, FT73
THEATRE FOREST (GB), 2000 v e Charnwood Forest (IRE), vinnare, plac 7 ggr, 119.125 kr, FT76
THEATRE HALL (NOR), 2003 s e Cajun Cadet (GB), vinnare i Norge som 3-åring, FT69
Ancient Theatre, 2008 h e Most Welcome (GB), ej startat, död
Hurricane Eye, se ovan
2. mor
SWEET ELLEN (USA), winner in USA at 3 years and placed 3 times, dam of six winners inclSHUTTLECOCK CORNER (USA), 1986 c by Cresta Rider (USA), 5 wins at 2-3 years and £65.274, Flying
Childers S, Gr2, Roses S, L, placed 10 times, 2nd Ballyogan S, Gr3, twice, National S, L, sire
BEAR RUPP (USA), 1993 c by Seattle Dancer (USA), 3 wins in USA
LEXTOWN (USA), 1987 f by Imp Society (USA), 2 wins in USA at 3 years, dam of five winners:
LEXTOWN DANCER (USA), 3 wins in USA; dam of winners: POTRI ARLEQUIN (URU), won
Clasico General Pueyrredon, Gr2, 2nd Gran Premio Dardo Rocha-Internacional, Gr1, 3rd
Clasico Provincia de Buenos Aires, Gr2, Clasico Vicente L Casares, Gr3, and Potri Galaxia (URU), 2 wins in Uruguay at 3 years, 2nd Clasico Sarandi, L, Gran Premio Seleccion
(Oaks), L, and Gran Premio Estimulo, L, 3rd Eduardo Vargas y Eduardo Garmendia, L
STORMIN’ STEPHEN (USA), 1996 g by Storm Boot (USA), 2 wins in USA
3. mor
NEW HAT (USA) by Tim Tam (USA), 3 wins in USA, dam of eleven winners inclHAT FULL (USA), 9 wins in USA and $157.924, Long Branch S, Gr3, 2nd Widener H, Gr1, 4th
Monmouth Invitational H, Gr1, sire
Francie’s Hat (USA), 2 wins in USA and $55.257, 2nd Kentucky Derby, 3rd Blue Grass S, sire.
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Brun hingst 100420
Karin Johansson
Brantshammar Stuteri
741 92 Knivsta
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Songline, br 1993
Princess Persian (IRE)
Inchinor (GB)
River Aln (GB), br 1998
Play With Me (IRE), 1990
018-38 11 25
070-628 11 25
Lyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Persian Bold (IRE)
Blue Parrot (FR)
Ahonoora (GB)
Inchmurrin (IRE)
Alzao (USA)
Strike it Rich (FR), 1979
1. mor
RIVER ALN (GB), 7 segr, plac 11 ggr, 955.690 kr, Lanwades Stud S, Peugeot Pokallöp, 2a Norsk Oaks,
Norsk 1000 Guineas, Juvenile Fillies, 3e Lanwades Stud S, Meridian Stutteri Hoppelöp, Klaveness Minnelöp,
L, 4e Lanwades Stud S, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Scandinavia Cup, 5e Klaveness Minnelöp, L, Scandinavia
Cup, FT87. Helsyster till SHAWDON (GB); mor till tre startande av 5 avkommor i startbar ålder;
Steel Attraction, 2006 h e Slickly (FR), plac, 25.600 kr, FT64
Steel River, 2005 s e Zilzal (USA), startat 9 ggr, 2.500 kr, FT62
Rivieran, 2007 s e Most Welcome (GB), endast startat en gång, död som 3-åring
Rioja, 2008 s e Sharp Matt (GB), ej startat
Lady Bishop, 2009 s e Funambule (USA), i träning hos Helena Fylking, Angarn
Riverline, se ovan
2. mor
PLAY WITH ME (IRE), winner; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc,
CROW WOOD (GB) (g. by Halling (USA), 10 wins, £231,233, 7 wins; also 3 wins over hurdles,
2006, incl Elite Hurrdle, Wincanton, Gr2.
SHAWDON (GB) (c. by Inchinor (GB), Champion 3yr old in Scandinavia in 1998, 11 wins at
home, in Austria, in Germany and in Norway and £174,476, incl Silberne Peitsche, Gelsenkirchen-Horst, L, Weser Report Sprint Cup, Bremen, L, Preis der Pferdeanzeigers, Hannover,
L, Kolner Fruhjahrs Sprint-Preis, Cologne, L. (twice) and Polar Million Cup, Ovrevoll, L, 3rd
Premio Chiusura, Milan, Gr3 and Lambada Taby Open Sprint Championship, Taby, Gr3, sire
River Aln (GB), see above
Sir Robinson (ITY), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2009 in Italy.
Lincoln Dean (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 5 years and £14,111.
Panther Farnese (GB), 2 wins at 4 years, 2006 in France and £7750.
Lady From Lucca (GB), winner at 3 years in Germany; dam of two winners,
LORD SAM (GER), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years, 2011 in France and £32.830
Let Go (GER), winner, 2006 in France and in Germany; also winner over jumps, 2007.
Suerte (GB), ran; dam of two winners,
Los Gigantes (FR), 2 wins at 2 years, 2008 in France and £19,559.
SUENA (FR), winner at 3 years, 2011 in France
3. mor
STRIKE IT RICH (FR), by Rheingold (IRE), 2 wins; dam of eight winners from 13 runners and 13 foals
LADY BENTLEY, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy and £100,344, incl Oaks d’Italia,
Milan, Gr1, 2nd G.P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1; dam of four winners inc,
Marania (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £26,556; dam of winners incl MOONLIFE
(IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 and £59,275, incl All Weather EBF Fleur de Lys S, Lingfield Park, L, 2nd Sakhee Oh So Sharp S, Newmarket, Gr3, Maria Paula (IRE), 2 wins at 2
years, 2009 in Italy and £21,958; also 2 wins over jumps at 3 and 4 years, 2011 in Italy and
£11,919, and Batista Bomb (IRE), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2007 in Italy and £39,931.
Green Bentley (IRE), placed 5 times at 2 years and £5240; dam of Mr Almutafak (IRE), 3 wins at
3 years, 2006 in Italy and £7949; also 3rd Premio Giulio Caccia Hurdle, L, Miss Gabriella (IRE),
2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2007 in Italy; also 3rd Premio Ezio Vanoni Steeplechase, Gr3.
44 752SWE00000903T
Fux hingst 100515
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Nureyev (USA)
Lead On Time (USA)
Alathea (GB)
Fraam (GB), mbr 1989
Majestic Prince (USA)
Majestic Kahala (USA)
Charvak (USA)
Kenmare (FR)
Highest Honor (FR)
High River (FR)
Mercurial (GB), fux 2000
Electric (GB)
Moidart (GB), 1990
Marypark (GB), 1970
1. mor
Mercurial (GB), unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 4 previous foals;
JELLY ROLL, 2007 g by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 3 wins, placed 8 times, 847.478 kr, Jockeyklubbens
Jubileumslöpn, Classic Trial, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Mile, Täby Maraton, 4th Breeders’ Trophy
Stayer, 5th SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, 7th Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT79
Montgomery, 2005 g by Mujahid (USA), 4 wins and placed 19 times, 409.420 kr, FT79
Moment of Magic, 2006 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), only ran 3 times at 3, 2009, FT40
Volita High, 2009 f by Academy Award (IRE), in training with Patrick Wahl, Täby, qualified 110831
752SWE00000903T, see above
2. mor
MOIDART (GB), 2 wins at 3 years and £27,250; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 11 foals;
EILEAN SHONA (GB), f by Suave Dancer (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £31,225, incl NGK
Spark Plugs Stubbs Rated S, Newmarket, L.; dam of three winners inc,
Dart (GB), 6 wins at 3 to 7 years, 2011 and £18,987
Knotgarden (IRE), winner at 4 years, 2010.
Snake Dancer (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years in France and £59,890, dam of a winner:
Venomous (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2011, in France and £114,127, 3rd Poule d’Esai
des Poulains, Gr1, Longchamp
Morar (GB), 3 wins at 3-4 years, 2009-2010 in France and £24,905
Mosca (GB), winner at 3 years; dam of a winner,
Sixhills (FR), winner at 3 years; dam of three winners inc,
BLACKSTAIRMOUNTAIN (IRE), 5 wins, £84,697, winner at 4 years, 2009 and £10,698;
also 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years, 2009 and £13,795; also 2 wins over hurdles at
5 years, 2010 and £60,204, Evening Herald Champion Novice Hurdle, Punchestown, Gr1.
Allure of Illusion (IRE), winner of a NH Flat Race at 4 years, 2010, 3rd John Smith’s Champion Open NH Flat Race, Gr2, Aintree
3. mor
MARYPARK (GB) by Charlottown (GB), 3 wins at 3 years; dam of seven winners from 11 runners;
COULSTRY, 8 wins in Norway and £27,799, Major Chr. f Michelets Minnelop, Ovrevoll, Gr3.
Attadale (GB), 14 wins, £54,752, 3 wins, £13,085; also 11 wins over hurdles and £41,667.
Loch Seaforth, 5 wins at 3 years and £18,338.
Halba, 3 wins at 3 years and £6615; dam of five winners inc,
ISLAND REEF, won Badener Meile, Baden-Baden, Gr3; sire.
Rynechra, 2 wins at 3 years and £5331; dam of seven winners inc,
COIGACH (GB), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, £46,851, Worthington Best Bitter Park Hill S, Gr3.
KYLE RHEA (GB), 2 wins at 3 years, £29,310, incl Shadwell Stud Cheshire Oaks, Chester, L.
Applecross, 3 wins at 3 years and £48,021 2nd Park Hill S, Doncaster, Gr2; dam of INVERMARK (GB), 5 wins at home and in France and £187,084, incl Prix du Cadran, Longchamp, Gr1, 2nd Ascot Gold Cup, Royal Ascot, Gr1, CRAIGSTEEL (GB), 5 wins at home
and in USA and £309,324, incl Princess of Wales’s Greene King S, Newmarket, Gr2, 2nd
Turf Classic Invitational S, Belmont Park, Gr1; sire, INCHRORY (GB), Champion 3yr old
in Scandinavia in 1996, 18 wins at home, in Norway and in Sweden and £287,264, incl
Land Rover Stockholm Cup International, Taby, Gr3; sire.
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Brun hingst 100415
Marianne Jahreskog och Lars Stelius
Asserdalsvägen 113
0300-386 04
434 96 Kungsbacka
0707-12 61 04
Danehill (USA)
Academy Award (IRE), br 2000
Ingabelle (GB)
Galileo (IRE)
Zhenyi (GB), mbr 2003
China (GB), 1998
Danzig (USA)
Razyana (USA)
Taufan (USA)
Bodelle (USA)
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Urban Sea (USA)
Royal Academy (USA)
One Way Street (USA), 1981
1. mor
Zhenyi (GB), unraced; dam of one winner from 1 runner and 1 previous foal;
Hidden Fairytale (GB), 2008 f by Bahamian Bounty (GB), winner at 3, 2011, in just 5 starts,
35.550 kr, FT63
Elfrida, 2009 f by Bertolini (USA), in training with Tommy Gustafsson, Täby
Hidden Hero, see above
2. mor
China (GB), placed 3 times at 3 years; dam of three winners:
CATAI (GB), 4 wins in Italy at 3 and 4 years and placed 6 times.
CUTTER (GB), 3 wins in Italy at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2010 and £31,581 and placed 7 times including
fourth in Premio Alberto Zanoletti, Milan, L. and Premio Andred, Pisa, L; broodmare.
PIQUANTE (GB), 3 wins at 3-5 years, 2011 and placed 10 times, broodmare
Returning Hero (GB), 2008 c by Dubawi (IRE), in training with Satish Seemar, Dubai
Zhethes (GB), 2009 c by Authorized, placed third in first start at 2, 2011
3. mor
ONE WAY STREET (USA) by Habitat (USA), 4 wins at 3 years including Princess Royal Stakes, Ascot,
Gr3, from only 6 starts; dam of eleven winners including:
GRAPE TREE ROAD (GB), c by Caerleon (USA), Top rated 3yr old in France in 1996 (9.5-10.5f),
3 wins in France incl Grand Prix de Paris, Longchamp, Gr1 and Prix de Suresnes, L; sire.
RED ROUTE (GB), c by Polish Precedent (USA), 3 wins including Tripleprint Geoffrey Freer S,
Newbury, Gr2 and Bahrain Trophy, Newmarket, L; sire.
WINDSOR CASTLE (GB), c by Generous (IRE), 4 wins including Queen’s Vase, Royal Ascot, Gr3,
placed third in Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, Longchamp, Gr2; sire.
Good Surprise (GB), c by Halling (USA), 4 wins at home and in France, second in Seamus McGrath
Memorial Saval Beg S, L, Cill Dara Securities Ballycullen S, Curragh, L. and O2 Kilternan S, L.
Souffle (GB), f by Zafonic (USA), 2 wins, placed second in NGK Spark Plugs Stubbs Rated Stakes,
Newmarket, L; dam of winners.
USK THE WAY (GB), winner and placed twice; dam of winners.
Bod Spectrum (GB), 4 wins in Italy, placed second in Criterium Labronico, Livorno, L.
OLYMPIC WAY (GB), winner and placed once; dam of winners.
ARIKANA (IND), 2 wins in India including Godolphin Barb Stakes, Malakpet, L.
Caressing (IND), winner in India, placed second in The Hindu Bangalore Oaks, Bangalore, L.
STREET OPERA, winner, from only 3 starts; dam of winners.
STRETAREZ (FR), 8 wins at home and in France including Prix Vicomtesse Vigier, Longchamp,
Gr2, Ormonde S, Chester, Gr3, Prix de Barbeville, Longchamp, Gr3, Grand Prix de la Ville
de Nantes, Nantes, L, Prix Right Royal, Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix Vulcain, Deauville, L.
STREET SHAANA (FR), 2 wins in France including Prix de Lutece, Longchamp, Gr3, placed
third in Prix de Royallieu Hotel du Golf Barriere, Longchamp, Gr2.
Ombrie (GB), placed twice in France; dam of winners.
WATAR (IRE), Top rated 3yr old stayer in France in 2008, 4 wins in France at 3-6 yrs, 2011,
Prix Chaudenay, Gr2, Prix Maurice de Nieull, Gr2, Prix Michel Houyvet, L, 2nd Prix Gladiateur,
Gr3, Prix Lord Seymour, L, 3rd Prix de Lutece, Gr3, Prix du Lys, Gr3, Prix La Force, Gr3.
Åringen presenteras av Long Racing
46 GER000290330 (ger)
Brun valack 100319 (OBS! Svenskuppfödd!)
Berndt Strömberg/Stall Rancho AB
Stall Rancho
040-48 11 25
230 41 Klågerup
0708-48 11 45
Lomitas (GB)
Silvano (GER), br 1996
Spirit of Eagles (USA)
Mango Express (GB)
Vinjett, br 1999
Vinga (IRE), 1989
Niniski (USA)
La Colorada (GER)
Beau’s Eagle (USA)
Big Spirit (USA)
Free State (IRE)
Polyandrist (GB)
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Cornish Heroine (USA), 79
1. mor
Vinjett, 5 wins and 479.740 SEK, Sceptre S, Klampenborg, twice, placed 8 times incl 3rd Mowerinaløb, 4th Breeders’ Trophy, Täby, Norsk Oaks, FT79; dam of two winners from 4 previous foals;
Hakuna Matata (fr), 2007 c by Königstiger (GER), 2 wins, placed 5 times, 155.460 kr, FT66
Vote For Me (ger), 2008 g by Xaar (GB), winner and placed in just 6 starts, 145.000 kr, 4th
Svenskt Kriterium, FT77
Mini Mango, 2006 f by Indian Lodge (IRE), ran 5 times at 2-3 yrs, 2008-2009, 5.689 kr, FT66
Victory For Atiger (ger), 2009 f by Königstiger (GER), in training with M Smith, qualified 110831
GER000290330 (ger), see above
2. mor
VINGA (IRE), winner at 3 years in Denmark, placed twice, also placed in Sweden, 21.030 SEK, dam
of five winners from 11 foals of racing age inclVinjett, see above
Satang, 2005 g by Pennekamp, 9 wins, placed 13 times, 698.765 kr, 3rd Jägersro Cup, Kapps
Stora Pris, Stockholms Hösthandicap, 4th Jägersro Cup, FT82
BORN FREE, 1998 c by Theatrician (USA), 2 wins and 72.700 SEK, FT72, died at 3 years, 2001
CROSBY, 1997 c by Billion (USA), winner, placed 7 times and 98.000 SEK, FT65
Stylish Lady, 2004 f by Be My Chief (USA), winner at 3 years, 2007, and placed 6 times.
Ellis Island, 1996 f by Selkirk (USA), unraced due to injury, dam of five winners from 5 runners:
FIRST EDITION, 2000 c by Songline, 8 wins, placed 9 times, 2.965.350 SEK, Breeders’
Trophy, Breeders’ Prize, SM Classic, Duty Time Juvenile Mile, Stora Tvååringspriset, 2nd
Svenskt St Leger, Breeders’ 2-års Trophy, 3rd Sv Kriterium, 4th Svenskt Derby, FT88
ELLIS LAD, 2006 g by Funambule (USA), 9 wins, placed 5 times in 18 starts, 2.327.546 kr,
Breeders’ Trophy Mile, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, Scandinavian
Classic Challenge, SM Classic, Stockholms Hösthandicap, FT91
ELLIS DANCER, 2004 g by Funambule (USA), 3 wins, placed 4 times, 360.894 kr, Hurricanelöpn, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Classic 2007, 5th Scandinavian Classic Challenge, FT78
Mister Creakle, 2001 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins, placed 7 times, 618.103 SEK, 2nd
TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, Sweden Cup Stayers, 3rd Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 4th Breeders’
Trophy Mile, Sofierolöpn, FT83
EDGE OF LINE, 2008 f by Songline, winner in first start at 3, 2011, 80.000 kr, FT69
Lara’s Key (gb), 1995 f by Eighty Eight Keys (USA), placed twice, FT63, dam of one winner,
SUPER TROUPER, 2002 g by Songline, 2 wins and placed 10 times, 152.250 SEK, FT73
3. mor
Cornish Heroine (USA), by Cornish Prince (USA), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £10,393, placed 3
times, 2nd in Pretty Polly S, Newmarket, L, 3rd in Esal Bookmakers Oaks Trial S, Lingfield, Gr3; dam
of five winners from 6 runners and 6 foals of racing age viz LOMAX (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years and £24,385;
PINECONE PETER (GB), winner at 3 years and £2766; also 9 wins over hurdles.
DALAWISE (IRE), winner at 2 years and £5983; dam of five winners.
VINGA (IRE), see above
NOVALAW, 2 wins in Sweden, 62,500 SEK, dam of two winners,
47 752SWE00000901T
Fux hingst 100505
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
Priolo (USA)
Mirio (FR), fux 1997
Mira Monte (GB)
Bahamian Bounty (GB)
Midnight Moonlight (GB), sk 2003
Magnolia (GB), 1994
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Sovereign Dancer (USA)
Primevere (USA)
Baillamont (USA)
Mirea (USA)
Cadeaux Genereux (GB)
Clarentia (IRE)
Petong (GB)
Daffodil Fields (GB), 1985
1. mor
Midnight Moonlight (GB), placed once in only 2 starts at 3, 2006, 13.193 kr, dam ofMadame Puteaux, 2008 f by Bertolini (USA), only ran twice at 2, 2010, 4.000 kr
Big Red, 2009 g by Heart of Oak (USA), in training with Madeleine Smith, Täby, qualified 110817
752SWE00000901T, see above
2. mor
MAGNOLIA (GB), placed once at 2 years; Own sister to PETULA (GB); dam of two winners from 7
runners and 7 foals;
Lujarun (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2007 in Italy and £6635 and placed 18 times.
One Upmanship (GB), winner at 3 years and £9206 and placed 8 times. 3. mor
DAFFODIL FIELDS (GB) by Try My Best (USA), placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of seven winners
from 11 runners and 11 foals inc,
NAAHY (GB), 8 wins at 2 to 4 years and £139,474, incl Ballycorus S, Leopardstown, Gr3, placed
8 times, incl 2nd Vodafone Surrey S, Epsom Downs, L.
PAPPA REALE (GB), 13 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £202,354, incl Premio Bersaglio Limited
H, Milan, L, Premio Certosa, Milan, L. and Premio Alessandro Perrone, Rome, L, placed 20
times, incl 3rd Premio Capannelle Limited H, Rome, L, Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L. and
Premio Torricola, Rome, L.; dam of four winners inc,
PATAPAN (USA), 16 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2007 in Italy and £216,247, incl Premio Umbria,
Rome, Gr3 and Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L, placed 17 times, incl 2nd Premio Certosa,
Milan, L, 3rd Premio Alberto Giubilo, Rome, L, Gran Premio Citta’ di Napoli, Naples, L.
(twice), Premio Certosa, Milan, L. and Premio Eupili, Milan, L.
PER INCANTO (USA), 5 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2007 in Italy and £57,036, incl Premio Tudini,
Rome, Gr3, placed twice.
Cantastorie Muto (USA), 3 wins, £26,921, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and £17,891
and placed 4 times; also winner over jumps at 4 years in Italy and £9030 and placed 5
times, incl 3rd Corsa Corona Ferrea Hurdle, Milan, L.
PETULA (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £21,900, incl St Hugh’s S, Newbury, L, placed 7 times, 2nd
Sandy Lane S, L. and 3rd Nestle Rowntree Black Duck S, York, L.; dam of five winners inc,
Coffee Time (IRE), placed 19 times at 2 to 4 years and £14,720, incl 3rd Hilary Needler
Trophy, Beverley, L.; dam of Compton Ford (GB), 2 wins at 2-3 years, 2009, and placed
Night Life (IRE), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years and £13,758 and placed 5 times; dam of New
Awakening (USA), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years, 2008 in USA and placed 3rd John
Battaglia Memorial S, Turfway Park, L, Fabrigas (IRE), winner at 2 years and £14,908 and
placed 3 times; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2008 in Hong Kong and £50,316.
Petfield (GB), 19 wins in Italy and £53,796 and placed 47 times.
Giunchiglio (GB), 2 wins at 5 years and £12,605 and placed 8 times.
Yellow Trumpet (GB), winner at 2 years; dam of four winners inc,
City of Tribes (IRE), 7 wins; 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2007 and £38,305 and placed 5 times,
incl 2nd Abergwaun S, Tipperary, L, Scurry S, Sandown Park, L, and 3rd Watson/
McCrohan Sandy Lane S, Haydock Park, L.; also 5 wins in Hong Kong, £292.786.
www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com
Mörkbrunt sto 100409
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Tsunami Slew (USA)
Spectacular Tide (USA)
Bid Me Adieu (USA)
Redbone, br 1998
Akureyri (CAN)
Dappled Flag (USA), 1985
Baruna (USA), 1979
1. mor
REDBONE, 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 119.800 kr (inkl 19.900 bonus), Breeders’ Trial, FT71, mor till en vinnare av 2 startande och 3 tidigare föl;
Wakayama, 2007 s e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), Årets Sto i Sverige 2010, 4 segr, plac 3 ggr på 8
starter, 967.865 kr, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, SFAF/SÅEF:s Auktionslöpn, Becky Moss Fillies Mile,
2a Svenskt Kriterium, 3a Dianalöpn, Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, 4e Svenskt Oaks, FT82
Casablanca, 2005 s e Songline, ej startat, såld som ridhäst
Praise, 2009 h e Most Welcome (GB), i träning hos Patrick Wahl, Täby
Lorca, se ovan
2. mor
DAPPLED FLAG (USA), vinnare som 2-åring i England, mor till nio vinnare (varav 7 som 2-åring) av
12 föl i startbar ålder varav 10 startat;
LITTLE GREEN APPLE, -96 s e Funambule (USA), 5 segr, 627.700 kr, (inkl 76.600 kr bonus),
Svenskt Kriterium, 2a Altamiralöpn, 4e SM 2-åriga, 5e Amacitalöpn
MELLOW YELLOW, -95 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 segr, 174.000 kr, SM 2-åriga, mor till vinnare: DUCHESS BLUE, 4 segr, plac 3 ggr, FT76, och Carpenter, plac 6 ggr, FT75
Green River, -91 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 6 segr, plac 18 ggr, 580.460 kr, 2e Svealandlöpn, 3e
SM 2-åriga, Vinterfav Pris, SM Milers, 4e Malmö Stads Pris, Sv Kriterium, 5e Breeders’ Trophy
RED HOUSE, -93 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), 5 segr, 275.700 kr, 5e Sv Kriterium, SM 2-år, BT Trophy
REDBONE, se ovan
QUIET FIRE, -92 h e Verd-Antique (GB), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 55.300 kr
GO BANANAS, -97 h e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 50.750 kr
PURPLE HEATHER, -99 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare på endast 4 starter, 23.100 kr, FT69, mor
till två vinnare: OCKIDOCK, 2007 s e Mandrake El Mago (CHI), vinnare, 70.000 kr, FT62,
och HEDDA, 2006 s e Funambule (USA), vinnare, plac 6 ggr, 72.824 kr, FT57
WHITE FLAG, 2001 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), vinnare och plac som 2-åring, 51.500 kr
Grey Diana, 2002 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), startat, 2.650 kr, mor till en vinnare:
ZAHIR, 2007 v e Heart of Oak (USA), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 144.200 kr, FT72
3. mor
Baruna (USA), by Grey Dawn (FR), sister to Eleven Pelicans, dam of five winners;
DIAMONDRUNA (f. by Diamond Sword). winner at 2, 1997, $70,998, C.T.H.S. Sales S.
Dancer´s Kolo (g. by Diamond Sword). 2 wins at 2, placed at 3, 1997, $126,369, 2nd Golden
Gate Derby, L, 3rd C.T.H.S. Sales S, Juvenile Breeders´Cup S, etc.
BRETTHEVET (g. by Diamond Sword), 5 wins, 3 to 5, $38,012
Red Rain (f. by Secreto), placed at 2, dam of two winners, incl
BENT CREEK CITY (f. by Carson City). 2 wins in 4 starts at 2, $86,740, Cinderella S, L, (Hol,
$40,600), 2nd Landaluce S, Hollywood Park, Gr2, and 3rd Sorrento S, Del Mar, Gr2.
Red Press (c by Press Card) 5 wins, $128.962, 2nd Rumson S, L
The next dam SHORE (USA), by Round Table (USA), 6 wins, Bewitch S, sister to CANAL, CABILDO, Moss,
half-sister to DIKE, OKAVANGO, dam of winners: Alligatrix, winner at 2 in England, 3rd Hoover
Fillies Mile S, Gr3, dam of winners, incl CROCO ROUGE, Prix Lupin, Gr1, Prix d´Ispahan, Gr1, etc.
Anmäld till BT12-14
Brunt sto 100507
Annika Stalfelt
Lanna Niordsta 109
692 93 Kumla
0582-230 05
070-885 78 08
Danzig (USA)
Danehill (USA)
Razyana (USA)
Academy Award (IRE), br 2000
Taufan (USA)
Ingabelle (GB)
Bodelle (USA)
Music Boy (GB)
Music Streak (DEN)
Dawn Streak (GB)
Melanie, br 1991
Sterling Bay
Sterlonia (IRE), 1976
Milonia (FR), 1967
1. mor
Melanie, plac 2 ggr på endast 5 starter, 21.500 kr, FT65, mor till fem vinnare av 5 startande och
totalt 6 föl i startbar ålder;
Mellay, 2004 s e Be My Chief (USA), 3 segr, plac 7 ggr, 289.100 kr inkl bonus, 2a Amacitalöpn,
MELHERRA, 1996 s e Inheritance (IRE), 14 segr, plac 14 ggr, 465.450 kr inkl bonus, FT75
Medallic, 2006 h e Funambule (USA), 4 segr och plac 7 ggr, 318.571 kr, 5e Norsk Breeders’
Prize Classic, FT77
BE BY ME, 2002 s e Be My Chief (USA), vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 65.480 kr inkl bonus, FT72
Mere Music, 2008 s e Songline, vinnare och plac 2 ggr, 122.900 kr, FT69
Thunderbelle, 2000 s e Talinum (USA), ej startat
Melectric, se ovan
2. mor
STERLONIA (IRE), 3 segr, varav 2 som 2-åring, mor till sju vinnare från 10 startande och 10 föl;
Nutwood Lil, -84 s e Vaigly Great, 2 segr, 3e Molecomb S, Gr3
SRINAGAR MARBRU, -94 h e Moulin (GB), 11 segr, plac 13 ggr, 528.700 kr, 4e Juvenile Mile,
SIRIKIT, -95 s e Mas Media (GB), 12 segr, plac 14 ggr, 452.475 kr, FT70
ATROMITOS, -83 h e Monsanto, 7 segr i Norge
GALANDRIA, -85 e Sharpo, 3 segr i Frankrike
MAGIC FLAME (GB), -87 s e Sayf el Arab (USA), 3 segr, plac 8 ggr, 120.910 kr, FT73, mor till två
vinnare från 2 startande och 2 föl,
RED PEPPER (IRE), vinnare och plac 5 ggr, 66.924 kr, FT69
FLARE (nor), vinnare, plac 10 ggr, 71.000 kr, FT60, mor till en vinnare,
RISING STAR, 6 segr, plac 14 ggr, 389.125 kr, FT73
SKARABE, -92 s e Moulin (GB), vinnare som 2-åring, 45.600 kr, FT67
Melanie, se ovan
Sail Away, -90 s e Sayf el Arab (USA), endast startat 3 ggr, förolyckad
Sikkim, -93 h e Moulin (GB), startat, 4.800 kr
3. mor
Milonia (FR), e Tambourine II (USA), mor till sju vinnare inkl
HER HIGHNESS, 5 segr i Frankrike, Prix du Conseil de Paris, Gr2, Prix Royallieu, Gr3
STERLONIA, se ovan
Milonias mor Airola e Iron Liege, vinnare som 2-åring Frankrike, 3e Criterium de Maisons-Laffitte,
mor till fyra vinnare inkl
Oestrine, 3 segr, 3e Prix de la Colonne och Prix du Fleche.
Anmäld till BT12-14
50 752SWE00000909T
Brunt sto 100417
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Songline, br 1993
Princess Persian (IRE)
Jareer (USA)
Just Walk On By (IRE), br 1990
Avebury Ring (GB), 1979
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Lyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Persian Bold (IRE)
Blue Parrot (FR)
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Fabuleux Jane (USA)
Auction Ring (USA)
Pampatamy (IRE), 1968
1. mor
JUST WALK ON BY (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Sweden, placed 18 times, 159.900 kr, FT68; dam
of six winners from 6 runners and 9 foals of racing ageDOUBLE NET (ire), 1997 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), Horse of the Year in 2000, 8 wins at 2 to 6,
2.382.280 kr, placed 5 times, Svenskt Derby, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Breeders’ Trophy,
SM Stayers, 3rd Svenskt Kriterium, 4th Dansk Derby, track record on 2200 m dt at Jägersro, FT87,
sire of winners KNUBBLE, 10 wins, IFANNIK SACC, 3 wins, and ATHIRAT SACC, winner.
Zap Off, 2004 c by Zagreb (USA), winner, placed 7 times, 225.000 kr, 3rd Swedish St Leger,
Hurricanelöpn, FT68
ROYAL ROAD, 1999 c by Royal Abjar (USA), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years and 354.850 kr and placed 25
times, FT79
DOUBLE AT, 1996 c by Imp Society (USA), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 93.200 kr, FT71
TRIPLE NET (ire), 2001 c by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner at 3 years, 2004 in Denmark and 24.520
kr, and placed twice, FT67
Songmate, 2005 c by Songline, winner in just 3 starts, 59.800 kr, FT70, dead at 3
Female Voice, 2000 f by Be My Chief (USA), unraced, dam of three winners: VALLEY’S PRIDE
(DEN), 3 wins, placed 6 times, 798.148 kr, Cinnamon Challenge, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, Breeders’ Prize Sprint, Fawzia Stakes, Pompøs Cup, 3rd Larch Ærespræmie, 4th Breeders’
Trophy Mile, Dansk Breeders’ Cup, 5th Götalandlöpn, FT84, MISS COOPER (DEN), 2 wins
and placed twice in just 7 starts, 367.189 kr, Larch Ærespræmie, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Mile,
3rd Danish 1000 Guineas, FT76, and MISS MARIKO (DEN), 2 wins in 3 starts, Toåringernes
Stayerprøve, FT73, dead at 2
752SWE00000909T, see above
2. mor
AVEBURY RING (GB), winner at 3; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizTWOTIME BID, 5 wins at 3 and 4 years and £22,124 and placed 7 times.
SCENE (IRE), 8 wins at 2 to 5 years and £67,860 and placed 17 times.
KICK ON MAJESTIC (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £8,152 and placed 5 times.
JUST WALK ON BY (IRE), see above.
TE AMO (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 4 and £13,735 and placed 9 times; also placed once over hurdles.
BARRICADE, winner at 3 years and £2,691 and placed once; also placed 4 times over hurdles.
3. mor
PAMPATAMY (IRE), by Immortality (IRE), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of three winners from
7 runners and 9 foals of racing age vizDOCTOR FAUSTUS, 2 wins at 3 years and placed 3 times; also placed twice over hurdles.
PADOVANNA, winner at 2 and placed; also winner over hurdles, placed once; dam of winners.
SINGVANNA (DEN), Champion 3YR Old Filly in Denmark, Norway in 1985, 13 wins,
Dansk Oaks, Skand Mesterskap for 3-åringer, Svenskt Oaks, Norsk 1000 Guineas, Peugot
Pokallop, L. Skandialöpn, L, 2nd Norsk 2000 Guineas, 3rd Jagersro Cup, 4th Norsk Oaks,
Clarion Sceptre S,FT86; dam of winners incl Nordic Express (AUS), 2nd Carbine Club S,
Flemington, L, and DANE (AUS), winner in Australia.
Pado Ward (DEN), 2 wins, 2nd Skandinavisk Mesterskap 2-årige, Ovrevoll.
Uppfödd hos Eva Isacsson Sjunnesson, Brottby, från dec 2010
Brunt sto 100503 / friröntgad.
Anmäld till BT12-14
Illumina Vision AB/Stig Stefansson
Österledingevägen 43
0175-606 13
762 92 Rimbo
070-415 12 45
Be My Guest (USA)
Most Welcome (GB), fux 1984
Topsy (GB)
Fasliyev (USA)
Mazai (IRE), br 2005
Moonlady (GER), 1997
Northern Dancer (CAN)
What A Treat (USA)
Habitat (USA)
Furioso (GB)
Nureyev (USA)
Mr P’s Princess (USA)
Platini (GER)
Midnight Fever (IRE), 1991
1. mor
Mazai (IRE), placed second 3 times in just 3 starts, 39.000 kr, FT75, 115.000 Euro ylg, exp to England
in 2010 and later exp to Japan, dam of (first foal);
Moonflower, see above
2. mor
MOONLADY (GER), 6 wins, placed twice from 9 starts at 3 years, $260,523, Deutsches St Leger, Gr2,
Long Island H, Gr2, Deutscher Stutenpreis, Gr3, Deutscher Herold-Preis, Gr3, dam of one winner
from 5 foals;
EISHIN FLASH (JPN), 2007 c by King’s Best, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Japan, $4.551.808, Tokyo
Yushun (Derby) Gr1, Keisei Hai S, Gr3, 2nd Tenno Sho, Gr1, Kobe Shimbun Hai, Gr2, 3rd
Satsuki Sho (2000 Guineas) Gr1, Takarazuka Kinen, Gr1, Sankei Osaka Hai, Gr2.
Color Timer (JPN), 2008 c by Agnes Tachyon, placed at 3, 2011, $35.170
Marmorea (IRE), 2006 f by Tiger Hill, unraced, dam of (first foal):
NN (GER), 2010 c by Big Shuffle, 45.000 Euro ylg (Arqana Aug 2011)
She also has a 2009 colt by Deep Impact (JPN)
3. mor
Midnight Fever (IRE) by Sure Blade (USA), unraced, dam of five winners from 7 foals;
MOONLADY (GER), see above
Midnight Angel (f), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and in USA, pIaced 6 times, 2nd Preis
der Diana (Oaks), Gr1, 3rd Oaks d’ltalia, Gr1, Prix Minerve, Gr3, $187,049, dam of two
winners incl
Midnight Game (c), 2 wins, pIaced 5 times at 2 and 3, 2nd Derby du Languedoc, L, GP
Inter-Regional des 3 Ans, L, 51 400 Euro.
NN (GB) 2010 c by Dalakhani, 280.000 Euro ylg (Arqana Aug 2011)
Midnight Oueen (f), unraced, dam of a winner:
Tip Toe (c), winner at 2 years, pIaced 5 times, 2nd Prix Omnium II, L, 3rd Prix de Guiehe,
Gr3, GP de Vichy, Gr3, 58.900 Euro.
The next dam MAJORITÄT (GER), 6 wins at 2 and 3 years, Schwarzgold-Rennen (1000 Gns), Gr2,
Preis der Diana, Gr2, dam of eight winners incl:
MALINAS (c), 2 wins at 3, Oppenheim-Union-Rennen, Gr2, 2nd Deutsches Derby, Gr1, 3rd GP
del Jockey Club, Gr1, Rheinland-Pokal der Sparkasse Köln, Gr1, (twice), 249.700 Euro, sire.
Masterplayer (c), 2 wins, 3rd Deutsches Derby, Gr1, sire.
Majority (c), 8 wins, 3rd Thresher Classic Trial S, L
Major Lando (c), winner on the flat, 2nd Ittlingen Pokal, L
Maji (f), winner in GB, dam of five winners incl
MINACClA (f), 4 wins, Preis des Gestüt Wiesenhof, L, Meile der Nord, L, dam of winners:
MACLEYA, 7 wins, Prix de Pomone, Gr2, Allez France, Gr3, 2nd Px Royal-Oak, Gr1
Montclair (IRE), 2010 c by Montjeu, 340.000 Euro ylg (Arqana Aug 2011)
MALINDA, 4 wins, Dallmayr Prodomo-Trophy, L, dam of a winner
MENDOSINO, winner, Pr der Firma Jungheinrieh Gabelstapler, L
Majorata (f), dam of winners;
MYSTIC LIPS, winner, Preis der Diana (Oaks), Gr1.
Uppfödd hos Rävdansens Stuteri, Ärla
Fux hingst 100403
laspampas@arslonga.no Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13
Tor P Mygland/Las Pampas Polo Team
Box 87, Smestad
+ 47 21 68 21 68
N-0309 Oslo, Norge
+ 47 92 88 52 00
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Seeking The Gold (USA)
Lujain (USA)
Satin Flower (USA)
Seeking The Storm (NOR), br 2003
Catrail (USA)
Persian Flight (GB), 1998
Persian Victory (IRE), 1988
1. mor
Seeking The Storm (NOR), winner, placed 5 times, 152.880 kr, 3rd Skandinavisk Opdraetningslöb,
Malmö Stads Pris, 4th Dansk Kriterium, 5th Stig Holms Memorial, FT73, dam of one runner;
Tusen Takk, 2009 f by Academy Award (IRE), ran twice at 2, 2011, 15.875 kr
Seeking Dunkirk, see above
2. mor
Persian Flight (GB), ran once at 3 yrs, dam of six winners from 7 runners and 7 previous foals;
CATCHING THE STORM (NOR), 2006 f by Deceptor (USA), Norwegian 2-y-o Champion, 4 wins,
placed 3 times, 636.350 kr, Skandinavisk Mesterskap For 2-åringer, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Norsk
Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, FT75
Domo Arigato, 2009 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins in first 2 starts at 2, 2011, 240.000 kr,
SM för 2-åriga hästar
Luz Arcal (NOR), 2004 f by Chequer (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 6 times, 279.643 kr,
2nd Norsk Auksjonslöp, Eyvind Lyches Minnelöp, Norsk Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, FT75
Seeking The Storm (NOR), see above
ZEN CAT (NOR), 2005 g by Joup (ARG), 4 wins, placed 4 times, 190.298 kr, FT67
Primus Motor, 2008 c by Most Welcome (GB), winner, placed 6 times, 252.000 kr, FT75
3. mor
PERSIAN VICTORY (IRE), by Persian Bold (IRE), unraced, halfsister to BIG REEF (IRE); dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals;
Persian Treasure (GB), 12 wins, 2009 in Italy and £60,380 and placed 22 times.
La Data di Giulio (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2010 in Italy and £17,312 and placed 12 times.
Victory Roll (GB), placed once at 4 years; also 4 wins over hurdles at 5 years and £20,470 and
placed 5 times and placed twice over fences.
Final Victory (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 and £41,530 and placed 6 times.
Ocean Victory (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and £31,103 and placed 3 times.
Sir Persian (IRE), winner at 2 years in Italy and £8662 and placed once. The next dam LADY HABITAT (GB) by Habitat (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and 7,209,000
lire and placed 5 times; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc,
BIG REEF, 5 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in Italy and £79,175, incl Premio Federico Tesio,
Milan, Gr2 and Premio d’Aprile, Milan, Gr3, placed 2nd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples,
Gr3, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, L, Premio Tupini, Rome, L, 3rd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli,
Naples, Gr3, 4th G.P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan,
Gr1, Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio Ellington, Rome, Gr3; sire.
HABIDOS, 3 wins at 2 years in Italy and 24,968,000 lire, incl Criterium Labronico, Livorno, L,
placed once; dam of six winners inc,
Luna d’Estate (GB), 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Italy and £33,178 and placed 16 times; dam
of ZENONE (IRE), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2009 in Italy and £98,969, incl Premio del PiazzaleMem. Enrico Camici, Milan, L, placed 16 times, incl 2nd Premio Federico Regoli, Pisa, L, LUNA
NEL POZZO (GB), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £25,683, incl Premio Repubbliche Marinare
-Tattersalls, Rome, L, placed once, 3rd Premio Gino e Luciano Mantovani, Milan, L.
Anmäld till BT12-14
53 752SWE00000908T
Fux sto 100310
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
Woodman (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992
L’On Vite (USA)
Second Set (IRE)
Selous (IRE), br 1996
Talama (FR), 1987
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Mr Prospector (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Secretariat (USA)
Fanfreluche (CAN)
Alzao (USA)
Merriment (USA)
Shakapour (IRE)
Talosca (FR), 1974
1. mor
Selous (IRE), 4 wins, 461.250 kr; 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden and £34,390 and placed 6
times; Svenskt St Leger, 3rd Vinterfavoriternas Pris, 4th Dianalöpn, FT83, also winner over jumps at 4
years in Switzerland, dam of two winners from 4 runners and 4 foals of racing age inc:
Carrousel, 2005 g by Spinning World (USA), winner and placed 5 times, 344.345 kr, 2nd in SM
för 2-åriga hästar, 3rd Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, 4th Svenskt St Leger, 5th Vinterfavoriternas Pris, FT80
Welcome Back, 2008 c by Fasliyev (USA), winner and placed 8 times at 2 and 3, 2011,
189.435 kr, FT69
Safarinight (IRE), 2003 f by Night Shift (USA), placed 4 times, 46.900 kr, FT67, dam of:
Campfire, 2009 f by Heart of Oak (USA), ran twice at 2, 2011
752SWE00000912T, 2010 f by Heart of Oak (USA)
752SWE00000908T, see above
2. mor
Talama (FR) by Shakapour (IRE), winner at 3 years in France and 104.000 FF and placed once, 3rd
Prix de Thiberville, Deauville, L; dam of four winners,
Selous (IRE), see above
Taku (IRE), placed once at 2 years; also 5 wins at 4 and 5 years in U.A.E. and £15,152.
Talama Lady (IRE), 3 wins, £9621, 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years; also winner over hurdles, 2004 and £6065 and placed twice.
Penne Dancer (IRE), 2 wins, £7777, winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; also winner at 4
years in USA
Talaila (IRE), unraced, dam of one winner from 3 runners and 3 foals;
SCORPIUS, 2008 c by Orpen (USA), 2 wins and placed twice in 5 starts at 3, 2011, 188.260
kr, FT78
Oaksana, 2009 f by Heart of Oak (USA), placed in 2 starts at 2, 2011, 20.800 kr
3. mor
TALOSCA (FR) by Abdos (FR), 2 wins in France and placed 6 times; also placed once over jumps in
France; dam of two winners,
Talama (FR), see above.
Taziyr (FR), 9 wins, 7 wins in France and 409,200 fr. and placed 31 times; also 2 wins over
jumps in France.
Timoro (FR), placed 3 times over jumps in France.
Tamarisca (FR), ran on the flat in France; dam of seven winners,
Milord (IND), winner in India.
Chestnut Whisper (IND), winner in India.
Masterpiece (IND), winner in India.
Calamint (IND), winner in India.
Keep Battling (IND), winner in India.
Milady (IND), winner in India.
Fair And Fancy (IND), winner in India. 85
www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com
Fux sto 100426
Anmäld till BT12-14
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Jezebel, fux 1996
Ragstone (GB)
Stone of Scone (GB), 1979
Linguistic (GB), 1974
1. mor
Jezebel, 4 segr, plac 8 ggr, 598.320 kr, 2a Dianalöpn, 4e Svenskt Oaks, 5e Breeders’ Trophy (Classic),
Svenskt St Leger, FT83, mor till tre vinnare av 5 startande och 5 avkommor i startbar ålder:
MONTPARNASSE, 2003 v e Richard of York (GB), 7 segr, plac 6 ggr, 356.026 kr, FT85
Rich And Famous, s e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), vinnare och plac 2 ggr, 136.400 kr, BT Cons, FT73
Fayence, 2007 s e Most Welcome (USA), vinnare och plac på endast 5 starter, 96.485 kr, FT71
Beaulieu, 2005 s e Most Welcome (GB), plac en gång på endast 3 starter, 20.700 kr, FT63
Antibes, 2004 s e Funambule (USA), startat 9 ggr, 9.900 kr, FT59
Thelma, se ovan
2. mor
STONE OF SCONE (GB) e Ragstone (GB), 2 segr, plac 9 ggr, 49.350 kr, mor till sex vinnare av 7
startande och totalt 12 avkommor inkl;
CINNAMON, 1990 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), Årets 2-åring 1992, Årets 3-åring 1993, Årets sto
1994-96, 23 segr, plac 9 ggr, 2.314.960 kr, Breeders’ Trophy (Classic), Bloomers’ Vase, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, Amacitalöpn, Skandialöpn, Scandinavia Cup, SM 2-åriga, SM för Ston, 2 ggr,
SM för Stayers, 3 ggr, Fredlunds Memorial, 2a Grand Prix de Ville Nantes, L, Vinterfavoriternas
Pris, Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, 3e Upplandlöpn, Bloomers’ Vase, FT88. Mor till fem vinnare
av 5 startande och totalt 5 avkommor i startbar ålder;
China Moon, 4 segr, plac 4 ggr, 486.196 kr, 2a Svenskt Oaks, 3a Breeders’ Trophy (Classic),
5e Jockeyklubbens Avelslöpn, FT81
EXATON, 1998 v e Spectacular Tide (USA), 5 segr, plac 2 ggr, 184.570 kr, FT76
VIDA NOVA (DEN), 2005 s e Richard of York (GB), 2 segr och plac 3 ggr, 152.065 kr, Dansk
Breeders’ Cup Consolation, FT74
MILESTONE, 2001 v e Spectacular Tide (USA), vinnare och plac, 52.000 kr, FT70
PRIMUS, 2003 v e Richard of York (GB), vinnare och plac, 52.888 kr, FT66
HOOTER, 1991 v e Diaghlyphard (USA), Årets Häst 1994, 15 segr, plac 10 ggr, Svenskt Derby,
Svenskt St Leger, Fyenslöbet, 2e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Breeders’ Trophy (Classic),
Chess Racing Champion S, 4e SFK:s Jubileumslöpn, L, FT95
STEPPIN STONE, 1988 v e Royal Whip (IRE), 11 segr, plac 5 ggr, SM Stayers, Fredlunds Memorial, 2e Täby Maraton, 4e Breeders’ Trophy (Classic), FT82
Jezebel, se ovan
CHERISH, 1997 s e Diaghlyphard (USA), 3 segr inkl vinnare över häckar, plac 7 ggr, 202.595,
mor till en vinnare: CHERRY HILL, 2004 s e Itsabrahma (GB), 4 segr i Tyskland och Sverige,
plac 8 ggr, 234.042 kr, FT72
JUMP, 1994 v e Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 segr, plac 4 ggr, 149.265 kr, FT80
3. mor
LINGUISTIC (GB) e Porto Bello (GB), 2 segr i England, TF95, mor till nio vinnare inkl
Just Jasmine, 7 segr över hinder, 2e United House H Chase, L, och 3e Ladbroke Trophy Chase, L.
Brun hingst 100325
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Pernilla Nilsson
Råby 14
775 96 Krylbo
0706-31 73 17
Lyphard (USA)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Songline, br 1993
Persian Bold (IRE)
Princess Persian (IRE)
Blue Parrot (FR)
Danzig (USA)
Golden Snake (USA)
Dubian (GB)
Solid Snake, br 2004
Warning (GB)
Caution (GB), 1994
Fairy Flax (IRE), 1988
1. mor
Solid Snake, winner, placed 7 times, 240.018 kr, 2nd TGAB:s Auktionslöpn, 3rd Becky Moss Fillies
Mile, 4th Norsk 1000 Guineas, 5th Svenskt Kriterium, SM 2-åriga hästar, FT75, dam of (first foal);
Golden Hit, see above
2. mor
CAUTION (GB), 5 wins at 2 to 7 years and £38,878, placed 25 times incl 2nd Claro S, Ripon 3rd EBF
Volvo S40 S, Haydock, dam of one winner from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age:
Solid Snake, see above
Dancing Street, 2007 f by Swedish Shave (FR), only ran twice
Megabite, 2008 f by Swedish Shave (FR), in training, qualified 2011-07-02
Watch Up, 2009 c by Bosun’s Watch (GB), in training at 2, 2011
3. mor
FAIRY FLAX (IRE) by Dancing Brave (USA), winner at 3 years and £7,863 and placed twice, from only
5 starts; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 8 foals of racing age vizCAUTION (GB), see above.
Fairlie (GB), 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £20,077 and placed 5 times; dam of two winners:
Broctune Papa Gio (GB), 2 wins at 4 years, 2011 and placed 4 times.
Fairlie Dinkum (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2011 and placed twice.
Fairywings (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and £20,476 and placed 7 times; dam of two winners.
National Dance (GB), 2 wins, £24,098, winner at 3 years and placed twice; also winner at 3
years in France and £19,468 and placed 6 times.
St Wilfrid (GB), winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 4 years and placed once.
All Smiles (GB), placed once at 4 years; dam of a winner,
Having A Ball (GB), 4 wins at 4 to 6 years, 2010 and £17,040 and placed 18 times.
The next dam Fairy Tern (GB), by Milll Reef (USA), Own sister to NEMESIA; 3 wins at 2 and 3 years,
placed 8 times incl 2nd Strensall S, York, L. and 3rd Duchess of Montrose H, Newmarket, L, Harry
Rosebery Challenge Trophy, Ayr, L, Prince of Wales S, York, L. and 4th Salisbury 1000 Gns Trial S,
Salisbury, Gr3; also placed once in West Germany viz 3rd Grosser Kaufhof-Preis, Koln, Gr3; dam of
ten winners from 12 runners and 13 foals of racing age vizWAY OF THE WORLD (USA), 4 wins in USA incl Fleet Victress S, Belmont Park, L. and placed 4
times; dam of five winners incl:
LAURIE BEGONE (USA), won Brookmeade S, Colonial Downs R.
Hoy, 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, placed 9 times incl 2nd Tara Sires Desmond S, Curragh, Gr3,
Monks Cross S, York, L, Bassett Foods Mile, Doncaster, L, Crawley Warren Heron S, Kempton
Park, L. and 3rd Hennessy Ballymacoy S, Leopardstown, Gr3; sire.
Papua (GB), 9 wins, £105,339, 3 wins at 2 years and £45,979 and placed 10 times, incl 3rd Milcars Easter S, Kempton Park, L.; also placed once at 2 years in France, 2nd Prix du Haras de
la Huderie, Deauville, L.; also 2 wins over hurdles and £26,078 and placed 8 times, incl 2nd
Crowther Homes Swinton H. Hurdle, Haydock Park, Gr3 and 4 wins over fences and £26,958
and placed 10 times.
Uppfödd hos Long Racing, Stall Rancho
56 BE MY BUCK (gb)
Brunt sto 100227 (OBS - svenskuppfödd!)
Buck Racing AB
Parkveien 27
N-0350 Oslo, Norge
Miesque’s Son (USA)
Whipper (USA), mbr 2001
Myth To Reality (FR)
Always Fair (USA)
Baroness Happyness (GER), br 1997
Be Happy (GER), 1989
(47) 90 88 48 28
Mr Prospector (USA)
Miesque (USA)
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Millieme (IRE)
Danzig (USA)
Carduel (USA)
Homing (GB)
Balafallay (USA), 1979
1. mor
BARONESS HAPPYNESS (GER), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and £34,721, incl G. Preis der
Stadtsparkasse Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf, L, placed 5 times, incl 3rd BMW Preis Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf,
L.; dam of one winner from 3 runners and 4 previous foals;
Bucksmoke (ger), 2005 g by Auenadler (GER), 2 wins, placed 3 times, 401.866 kr, SM 2-åriga
hästar, Melmaclöpn, 2nd Malmö Stads Pris, FT83
Liberty Cash, 2007 f by Statue of Liberty (USA), placed 5 times, 125.816 kr, 4th SM 2-åriga, FT70
Burj Al Arabi (GER) (2003 c. by Surako (GER)), placed 5 times at 4 years in Germany.
She also had a 2008 filly by Black Sam Bellamy (IRE), which died as a yearling
Be My Buck (gb), see above
2. mor
Be Happy (GER), 2 wins in West Germany 2nd Allianz Pokal, Munich, L, 3rd Grosser Silicon Bavaria
Sprint Preis, Munich, L. and Air Mauritius Bayerischer Fliegerpreis, Munich, L.; dam of four winners
from 9 runners and 10 foals;
Belle Hernando (GER) (f. by Hernando (FR)), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and £14,313
3rd Preis der Hotellerie Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L, broodmare.
Bee Keen (GER), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2009 in France, in Germany and in Italy and £30,826.
Bolongaro (GER), 3 wins at 2, 5 and 6 years in Germany and £14,428.
Bat Sheva (GER), placed twice at 3 years in Germany; dam of a winner,
BELTANA (GER), 2 wins at 2 years in Germany and £33,829, incl Rudolf-August OetkerMemorial, Hamburg, L.
3. mor
BALAFALLAY (USA) by Priamos (GER), ran twice at 2 years; dam of six winners from 9 runners and
12 foals inc.,
Be Happy (GER), see above.
Be My Best (GER), 4 wins in West Germany.
Balafarina (GER), 3 wins at 4 years in Germany and £10,158, broodmare.
Bienvenue (GER), 3 wins in West Germany.
Ballivian (FR), 2 wins in France. The next dam FRIEDRICHSRUH (FR), 4 wins in West Germany and 102,700 D.M, incl Preis der Diana,
Mulheim, Gr2; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.,
BLESSED EVENT, winner at 3 years and £75,168, Ballymacoll Stud S, Newbury, L, 2nd Yorkshire
Oaks, York, Gr1 and 4th Dubai Champion S, Newmarket, Gr1; dam of seven winners inc.,
SACRAMENT (GB), 7 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years at home and in France and £237,401, incl
Great Voltigeur S, York, Gr2 and P. Jean de Chaudenay-G. P. du Printemps, Deauville,
Gr2, 2nd G. P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1 and 3rd Jefferson Smurfit
Mem. Irish St Leger, Curragh, Gr1; sire.
Top Flight Queen (GB), winner at 3; dam of ANNE OF KIEV (IRE), 8 wins at 3 to 6, 2011,
£80,123, Betfred Cecil Frail S, L, Sportingbet Hever Sprint S, L, Big Robert (GB), 4 wins,
£103,195, 3 wins, £76,270 2nd Sporting Index Stardom S, Goodwood, L. 3rd Digibet
Dragonfly S, Kempton, L.; also 3rd Prix Pelleas, Chantilly, L.; also winner over hurdles.
Brun hingst 100126
Therese o Gösta Staffansson
Nannberga Gammelgård 214
732 91 Arboga
070-438 02 87
Known Fact (USA)
Warning (GB)
Slightly Dangerous (USA)
Piccolo (GB), br 1991
Whistling Wind (GB)
Woodwind (FR)
Garden Green (GB)
Sharpen Up (GB)
Selkirk (USA)
Annie Edge (GB)
White Heather (GB), mbr 2003
Green Desert (USA)
Durrah Green (GB), 1993
Durrah (USA), 1985
1. mor
WHITE HEATHER (GB), ran twice at 3 years; dam of 2 previous foals;
White Poker Face (SWE) (2010 c. by Piccolo (GB)), see above.
She also has a 3-y-o filly by Domedriver (IRE) and a 2-y-o filly by Motivator (GB). 2. mor
DURRAH GREEN (GB), winner at 3 years; dam of six winners from 7 runners and 11 foals incl;
Jade Necklace (USA), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and £32,208.
Strike The Green (USA), winner at 2 years.
Allegence (GB), winner at 3 years, 2011 in France.
3. mor
DURRAH (USA) by Nijinsky II (CAN), winner in France; Own sister to NUMBER (USA) and BOUND
(USA); dam of seven winners from 7 runners and 10 foals inc.,
Mowlaie (GB), 2 wins at 3 and 6 years and £10,169.
High Standard (GB), winner at 2 years; dam of seven winners inc.,
Al Moulatham (GB), 2 wins and £15,313 2nd Davis Group Fairway S, Newmarket, L.; also
placed once at 4 years in U.A.E.
Tartan Gigha (IRE), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2010 and £134,580; also placed twice at 5 and
6 years, 2011 in France and in U.A.E. and £21,673.
The next dam SPECIAL (USA), ran on the flat in USA at 3 years; Own sister to LISADELL (USA) and
THATCH (USA); dam of six winners from 6 runners and 10 foals inc.,
NUREYEV (USA), Champion 3yr old miler in Europe in 1980, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in
France and 180,000 fr, incl Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr3; champion sire.
NUMBER (USA), 8 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and £171,537, incl Firenze H, Aqueduct, Gr2
and Hempstead H, Belmont Park, Gr2, 4th Apple Blossom H, Oaklawn Park, Gr1, Delaware H,
Saratoga, Gr1 and Ruffian H, Belmont Park, Gr1; dam of nine winners inc.,
JADE ROBBERY (USA), won Ciga Grand Criterium, Longchamp, Gr1; sire.
NUMEROUS (USA), won Derby Trial S, Churchill Downs, Gr3 and 3rd Malibu S, Santa Anita,
Gr2; sire.
CHEQUER (USA), won William P Kyne H, Bay Meadows, Gr3 and 3rd Criterium de MaisonsLaffitte, M’-Laffitte, Gr2; sire.
BOUND (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in USA and £218,352, incl Budweiser Churchill Downs
Breeders Cup H, Churchill Downs, L, 3rd Acorn S, Belmont Park, Gr1 and 4th Ashland S,
Keeneland, Gr1; dam of nine winners inc.,
ARCHIPENKO (USA), won Audemars Piguet Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr1, 2nd Arlington Million S, Arlington International, Gr1 and 3rd Dubai Duty Free S, Gr1; sire.
Fairy Bridge (USA), 2 wins at 2 years; dam of six winners inc.,
SADLER’S WELLS (USA), Champion 3yr old miler in France in 1984, won Coral Eclipse S,
Gr1, Irish 2000 Guineas, Gr1, Phoenix Champion S, Gr1, 2nd King George VI & Queen
Elizabeth S, Ascot, Gr1, Prix du Jockey Club, Chantilly, Gr1, champion sire.
TATE GALLERY (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £59,153, incl Goffs National S, Gr1; sire.
FAIRY GOLD (USA), 2 wins at 2 years and £72,853, incl Oldtown Stud Debutante S, Phoenix
Park, Gr3, 2nd Moyglare Stud S, Curragh, Gr1.
Anmäld till BT12-14
Brunt sto 100413
Per Olof Johansson, Alvena Gård AB
Eskelhem, Alvena 604
0498-26 65 19
622 70 Gotlands Tofta
070-432 24 88
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Songline, br 1993
Princess Persian (IRE)
Go For Gin (USA)
Kombi Plus (USA), br 1999
Melodica (GB), 1994
Lyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Persian Bold (IRE)
Blue Parrot (FR)
Cormorant (USA)
Never Knock (USA)
Machiavellian (USA)
Melodist (USA), 1985
1. mor
Kombi Plus (USA), placed 5 times, 69.270 kr, 4th in Altamiralöpn, FT66, dam of two winners from 2
runners and 2 previous foals;
Alvena Quling, 2007 g by Songline, 2 wins and placed twice, 477.735 kr, 2nd Breeders Trophy
Classic, 4th Swedish Champion Classic, FT81
Alvena Storm, 2009 c by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), winner in second start at 2, 2011, 93.900 kr
Alvena Tango, see above
2. mor
MELODICA (GB), winner at 3 years and £6654; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 foals;
FARINELLI (GB), g by Selkirk (USA), 3 wins, £44,793; 2 wins at 3 years and £33,366, incl Navigation S, Cork, L.; also placed twice over hurdles at 5 years, 2008 and winner over fences at
6 years, 2009 and £10,606.
Sultry Siren (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and £12,978. 3. mor
MELODIST (USA) by The Minstrel (CAN), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years at home and in Italy and £138,943,
incl Kildangan Stud Irish Oaks, Curragh, Gr1 and Oaks d’Italia, Milan, Gr1; dam of six winners from
11 runners and 15 foals inc,
SONG OF THE SWORD (GB), 9 wins, £44,426, 2 wins at 3 years and £8765; also 4 wins over
hurdles at 4 years and £23,144, incl Bovis Crowngap Winter Novices’ Hurdle, Sandown Park,
Gr2 and 3 wins over fences at 5 years and £12,517.
Melnik (GB), 3 wins, £24,626, placed twice at 3 years; also 2 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years
and £17,557 and winner over fences at 5 years and £5342; also 6 wins in point-to-points.
Meseta (GB), ran on the flat in France; dam of a winner,
WON IN THE DARK (IRE), placed twice at 3 and 5 years, 2009; also 6 wins over hurdles at 3, 4
and 6 years, 2010 and £185,646, incl Eventus Marquees Champion 4yo Hurdle, Punchestown,
Gr1 and Durkan New Homes Juvenile Hurdle, Leopardstown, Gr1, 2nd December Festival
Hurdle, Leopardstown, Gr1 and 3rd JCB Triumph Hurdle, Cheltenham, Gr1.
Kate Maher (IRE), ran twice; dam of a winner,
Perfect Courtesy (IRE), placed twice at 2 and 3 years; also 5 wins at 3 to 6 years, 2010 in
France and in Germany and £38,434. The next dam NATIVE NURSE (USA), placed 4 times in USA; dam of six winners from 10 runners and
12 foals;
LOVE SIGN (USA), 16 wins in USA and $934,827, incl Alabama S, Saratoga, Gr1 and Beldame S,
Belmont Park, Gr1 (twice), 2nd Spinster S, Keeneland, Gr1, Maskette S, Belmont Park, Gr1,
Ruffian H, Belmont Park, Gr1, 3rd Beldame S, Belmont Park, Gr1, Delaware H, Delaware Park,
Gr1, Ruffian H, Belmont Park, Gr1, 4th Spinster S, Keeneland, Gr1 and Ladies H, Aqueduct,
Gr1; dam of Ti Amo (USA), unraced; grandam of GOINWEST (USA), 10 wins in U.S.A, incl
Dwight D Patterson H, Turf Paradise.
MELODIST (USA), see above.
FATIH (USA), 10 wins at home and in USA and $416,025, incl Arcadia H, Santa Anita, Gr2 and
Golden Gate H, Golden Gate, Gr2, 4th San Luis Rey S, Santa Anita, Gr1; sire.
Uppfödd hos Jan Hansson, Hjärås
Sten Karlsson
Götavägen 61
187 63 Täby
Mörkbrun hingst 100315
Miswaki (USA)
Tertullian (USA), fux 1995
Turbaine (USA)
Made in Sweden (USA), mbr 2004
American Dollar (USA), 1998
Anmäld till BT12-14
08-732 41 03
070-875 60 18
Mr Prospector (USA)
Hopespringseternal (USA)
Trempolino (USA)
Allegretta (GB)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Princess Persian (IRE)
Miesque’s Son (USA)
Vivre Libre (USA), 1985
1. mor
Made In Sweden (USA), winner at 3 years in Sweden and £21,718 and placed 6 times, 2nd Svenskt
Oaks, 3rd Dianalöpn, FT79; dam of (first foal);
Bonanza, see above 2. mor
AMERICAN DOLLAR (USA), winner at 2 years in Sweden and placed 4 times; dam of three winners
from 4 runners and 6 foals;
Made In Sweden (USA), see above.
Devils Martini (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2009 in Mexico and in USA
Insider Trading (USA), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2011 in USA 3. mor
VIVRE LIBRE (USA), unraced; dam of five winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc.,
Wishing (USA), 5 wins, £44,619, 4 wins at 2 to 4 years and £39,933 and placed 8 times, incl
3rd Jardine Insurance Derby Trial S, Lingfield Park, Gr3; also winner over hurdles at 4 years
and placed twice.
Dublin River (USA), 4 wins, £17,671, 2 wins at 2 years and £11,851 and placed 3 times; also 2
wins over hurdles at 6 years and placed 4 times.
Folgada (USA), 4 wins in Brazil; dam of winners inc.,
FREDDY (ARG), Champion 3yr old colt in Argentina in 2002, won G. P. Carlos PellegriniInternacional, San Isidro, Gr1, Gran Premio Nacional (Derby), Palermo, Gr1, G.P. Estrellas
Juvenile (2yo c&g), Palermo, Gr1 and Clasico Eduardo Casey, Palermo, Gr2. The next dam VALHALLA (FR), 2 wins at 3 years in France and 195,000 fr, incl Prix de l’Elevage,
Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 14 foals;
VERTIGE (USA), 4 wins at 2 to 5 years at home and in France and £78,233 and 606,350 fr, incl
Trusthouse Forte Mile, Sandown Park, Gr2, 2nd Prix Jacques Le Marois, Deauville, Gr1 and
3rd Prix d’Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr1.
VILLANDRY (USA), 4 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and U.S.A, 460,500 fr. and £86,728, incl
Long Island H, Belmont Park, Gr2, 3rd Santa Ana H, Santa Anita, Gr1; dam of a winner,
VILLEZ (USA), 11 wins, £137,000, winner in France and £137,000; also 10 wins over jumps
in France, incl Prix Amadou Hurdle, Auteuil, L, Prix Cambaceres 3yo Hurdle, Auteuil, L, Prix
Juigne Hurdle, Auteuil, L, Prix de Longchamp Hurdle, Auteuil, L, Prix General de Saint-Didier
3yo Hurdle, Enghien, L, Prix Alain du Breil 4yo Summer Hurdle, Auteuil, L, Prix de MaisonsLaffitte Hurdle, Auteuil, L. and Prix de Pepinvast Hurdle, Auteuil, L.; sire.
Vanille (USA), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France 2nd Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr3; dam of 4
winners inc.,
VOLONTAIRE (IRE), placed once in France; also 7 wins over jumps in France and £142,626, incl
Prix Triquerville Steeplechase, Auteuil, L, 2nd Prix Morgex Steeplechase, Auteuil, Gr3.
Victory Star (FR), placed once at 3 years in France; dam of Victoire de Star (FR), winner at
3 years, 2010 in France and £12,187.
Vaisseau (USA), winner at 2 years 2nd Houghton S, Newmarket, L.
Votre Majeste (USA), winner over jumps in France 3rd Prix Rohan Hurdle, Auteuil, L.
60 752SWE00000898T
Brun hingst 100414
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
In The Wings (GB)
High Hawk (IRE)
Dustoori (GB), mbr 2004
Green Desert (USA)
Elfaslah (IRE)
Fair of the Furze (USA)
Warning (GB)
Piccolo (GB)
Woodwind (FR)
Piccolezza (GB), br 1999
Formidable (USA)
Sound Check (GB), 1993
Imperatrice (USA), 1985
1. mor
PICCOLEZZA (GB), 4 wins, £14,935, winner at 2 years and placed once; also 3 wins at 4 years in Sweden
and £10,630 and placed 5 times, FT81; dam of three winners from 3 runner and 4 previous foals;
Pick Me, 2008 g by Mirio (FR), winner and placed 5 times in 10 starts, 190.760 kr, FT74
Flavio, 2006 c by Swedish Shave (FR), winner at 3, 2009, 57.900 kr, FT66, dead at 3
Piccolessima, 2007 f by Mirio (FR), winner in just 6 starts, 65.000 kr, FT60
Walmann, 2009 g by Heart of Oak (USA), ran once at 2, 2011
752SWE00000898T, see above
2. mor
SOUND CHECK (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £9132 and placed 5 times; dam of one winner
from 3 runners and 6 foals;
Piccolezza (GB), see above.
She also has a 3-y-o colt by M’Bebe (GB). 3. mor
IMPERATRICE (USA), by King’s Lake (USA), ran in France; dam of two winners from 8 runners and
10 foals incAegean Sound (GB), winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of two winners,
Dizzydaisy (GB), ran a few times; dam of three winners incAegean Flame (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £13,166 and placed 5 times; dam of three winners:
Aegean Dancer (GB), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2007 and £78.585 and placed 15 times,
PICCOLO PRINCE (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years and £26.022 and placed 10 times, and Kym
Kym (GB), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years, 2008 in Greece and £28.218 and placed 7 times. The next dam IF (FR) (Kashmir II), 2 wins in France and 231,203 fr., incl Prix de la Grotte, Longchamp,
Gr3, placed 3 times, incl 2nd Coup de Sa Majeste la Reine Elizabeth, Longchamp, L. and 3rd Poule
d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of six winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.,
NORBURN, 3 wins in France and £20,615, incl Prix des Ecuries, Chantilly, L; sire.
Armada, 4 wins, £23,039, 3 wins at 3 years and £15,742; also winner at 4 years in USA and
£7297 and $29,585 and placed 3 times, incl 2nd Volante H, Santa Anita, Gr3 and 4th Hollywood Derby, Hollywood Park, Gr1.
Cameo Shore, 2 wins at 2-3 years in France and 162,000 fr. and placed 5 times, incl 2nd Prix
Fille de l’Air, Saint-Cloud, Gr3 and 4th Prix de Minerve, Evry, Gr3; dam of four winners incKAJALL (USA), won Prix de la Porte de Passy, Chantilly, L. and 3rd Prix de Royallieu, Longchamp, Gr3; dam of Jasdan (GB), 6 wins, £51,946, winner at 3 years and £7879 and
placed 3 times; also 5 wins at 4 to 6 years in Malaysia and in Singapore and £44,067
placed 3rd Coronation Cup, Perak, L.
Atropa (USA), placed 3 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of TENUOUS (GB), 2 wins at 3 years in France
and £52,300, incl Prix de Psyche, Deauville, Gr3, placed twice, incl 2nd Prix de Malleret-Japan
Racing Association, Longchamp, Gr2, KITHIRA (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and
in USA and £79,645, incl Prix de la Calonne, Deauville, L. and Harold C Ramser Sr H, Santa
Anita, L, placed 4 times, 3rd Prix d’Aumale, Chantilly, Gr3, Prix de Cabourg, Deauville, Gr3,
Prix d’Angerville, Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix Amandine, Deauville, L.
Uppfödd hos Long Racing, Stall Rancho
61 XO
Brun hingst 100215
Buck Racing AB
Parkveien 27
N-0350 Oslo, Norge
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
Black Sam Bellamy (IRE), br 1999
Urban Sea (USA)
Lando (GER)
Capitana (GER), fux 2001
Capitolina (FR), 1984
(47) 90 88 48 28
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Fairy Bridge (USA)
Miswaki (USA)
Allegretta (GB)
Acatenango (GER)
Laurea (IRE)
Empery (USA)
Conquista (GER), 1978
1. mor
CAPITANA (GER), placed once at 4 years; also placed 4 times at 2 and 3 years in Germany; also 4 wins
over hurdles at 4 to 6 years and £25,825 and placed 5 times; Own sister to CARACCIOLA (GER); dam
of 1 runner and 1 previous foal;
Mr Lando (GB), 2009 g by Shirocco (GER), ran twice.
Xo, see above. 2. mor
CAPITOLINA (FR), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £13,355; dam of eleven winners from 11
runners and 12 foals;
CAMP DAVID (GER) (c. by Surumu (GER)), 14 wins in Germany and £241,156, incl OleanderRennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3 (twice); sire.
CARACCIOLA (GER) (g. by Lando (GER)), 15 wins, £333,451, 9 wins, 2009 at home and in
Germany and £230,848, incl Stowe Family Law LLP Grand Cup, York, L.; also 4 wins over
hurdles and £71,692 2nd Greatwood Hurdle, Cheltenham, L. and 3rd Gerrard Wealth Management Dovecote Hrdl, Kempton Park, Gr2 and 2 wins over fences at 6 years and £30,911
3rd J.Henderson Gd. Annual Challenge Cup Stp, Cheltenham, Gr3.
CENEKETES (GER) (c. by Lagunas), 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Germany and £29,918, incl Jean
Harzheim Rennen, Koln, L.
Classic Cara (GER) (f. by Nikos), 3 wins at 2 to 4 years in West Germany 3rd Gontard-Rennen,
Baden-Baden, L. and Dortmunder Stutenpreis, Dortmund, L.; dam of eight winners inc.,
Classic Angel (GER), 2 wins at 3 years, 2010 in France and £26,988; also winner over
jumps at 4 years, 2011 in France and £14,758.
Classic Spring (GER), ran on the flat in Germany; dam of Tenacious Spring (FR), 3 wins at
2 and 3 years, 2010 in France and £50,839.
Chorassan (GER), 9 wins, £26,355, 8 wins in Germany and £21,442; also winner over jumps
Capitain Rodgers (GER), 8 wins in Germany and £23,014.
Cartiera (GER), 6 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years in Germany and £27,199; dam of a winner,
Campanella (GER), 5 wins, £26,281, 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and in Germany and
£14,795; also 2 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years and £11,486, broodmare.
Capitana (GER), see above.
Can The Can (GER), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany.
Classic Hope (GER), 3 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years in Germany. 3. mor
CONQUISTA (GER) by Caro (IRE), 2 wins in Germany; dam of four winners from 8 runners, 8 foals;
Capitolina (FR), see above.
Comtesse Caro (USA), winner in France; dam of three winners inc.,
Canastea (FR), winner in Belgium. The next dam CLEMENTINA (GER), 2 wins in Germany; dam of seven winners from 10 runners and 12
foals, incl CLARETE (FR), 4 wins in Germany, Ostermann-Pokal, L. Alexander-Rennen, L, 2nd G. P. der
International Harvester, Gr3, 3rd Oettingen-Rennen, Gr3, 4th Schwarzgold-Rennen (1000 Guineas), Gr3;
dam of nine winners, incl CLARIDGE (GER), Dr Busch-Memorial, L, Herzog von Ratibor-Rennen, L.
Uppfödd hos Sonja Olsson, Östersäby
62 SWE00000893T
Mörkbrun hingst 100328
Anmäld till BT12-14, BC14
Stefan Uppström o Ulf Sjöbergs
Transportfordon AB
08-753 12 00
070-593 12 00
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
In The Wings (GB)
High Hawk (IRE)
Dustoori (GB), mbr 2004
Green Desert (USA)
Elfaslah (IRE)
Fair of the Furze (USA)
Kendor (FR)
Nombre Premier (GB)
Sabiola (USA)
Stigmata (FR), br 2002
Lashkari (GB)
Cats Eye (USA), 1991
Black Pearl (FR), 1978
1. mor
STIGMATA (FR), winner at 2 years in France and £15,227, placed 4 times; dam of one previous foal;
Madison Avenue, 2009 f by Chineur (FR), ran once at 2, 2011
SWE00000893T, see above
2. mor
CATS EYE (FR), 3 wins at 3 and 6 years in France and £23,760; dam of two winners from 2 runners
and 3 foals;
Little One (FR), 3 wins at 2 years in France and £22,164.
Stigmata (FR), see above. 3. mor
BLACK PEARL (FR) by Luthier (FR), winner in France and 58,000 fr.; dam of five winners from 7
runners and 7 foals;
Black Kris (FR), 2 wins at 4-5 in France and in Spain and £22,762, 3rd Prix Yacowlef, Deauville, L.
Black Luth (FR), 6 wins in France and £89,619.
Cats Eye (FR), see above.
Torreya (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £21,968; dam of a winner,
Perraultine (FR), 2 wins over jumps at 3 years in France.
Nice Pearl (FR), placed once in France; also winner over jumps in France.
Hermine And Pearls (FR), placed 6 times at 3 and 4 in France and £9151; dam of three winners,
Lonesome Dove (FR), 2 wins at 3 years in France and £14,599; also 2 wins over jumps.
White Dove (FR), 2 wins over hurdles and £10,008 and winner over fences at 6 years.
Zavoliara Terz (GB), 2 wins at 4 years in Greece and £8226. The next dam PERLE FINE (FR), ran on the flat in France; Own sister to FINE PEARL; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 13 foals inc,
Golden Glitters (FR), 7 wins in France.
Fin Cornelus (FR), 5 wins, 3 wins in France; also 2 wins over jumps in France.
Finalco (FR), 4 wins in France and in USA and $30,323 and 63,000 fr.
Pharlyne, 2 wins at 5 years in Australia and 27,000 fr.
Perldia (FR), winner in France; dam of winners inc,
CASTLE GUARD, won Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr3, 3rd Prix d’Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr1 and 4th Prix Lupin, Longchamp, Gr1; sire.
Flute (FR), placed 3 times at 3 years in France; dam of winners inc,
ANY SONG, won Stallion Invest Irish Cambridgeshire H, Curragh, L, Allez France H, Hollywood
Park, L. and 3rd Matriarch S, Hollywood Park, Gr1; grandam of Glorious Honour (USA),
winner at 2 years in USA and $16,699 2nd Bayouland Sales S, Evangeline Downs.
MICK’S LOVE (IRE), 4 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years at home and in Sweden and £25,630, incl
Sunley Newmarket S, Newmarket, L.
Phyl, unraced; dam of CARDINAL HILL (GB), 5 wins, £60,354, 2 wins in N.H. Flat Races at
4 years and £5957; also 3 wins over hurdles at 4 and 5 years and £54,397, incl Country
Pride Champion Novices’ Hurdle, Punchestown, Gr1 and Jameson Gold Cup Novice Hurdle,
Fairyhouse, Gr2, 2nd Avonmore Waterford Royal Bond Nov.Hurdle, Fairyhouse, Gr1.
94 lars.olsson@u.lrf.se
63 752SWE00000894T
Mörkbrun hingst 100330
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Sonja Olsson
Östersäby Stuteri
736 92 Kungsör
0227-201 33
0702-81 10 48
Sovereign Dancer (USA)
Priolo (USA)
Primevere (USA)
Mirio (FR), fux 1997
Baillamont (USA)
Mira Monte (GB)
Mirea (USA)
Woodman (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA)
L’On Vite (USA)
Saucy Heart, br 2004
Taufan (USA)
Saucy Girl (FR), br 1989
Saucy Singer (USA), 1982
1. mor
SAUCY HEART, 2004 f by Heart of Oak (USA), 3 wins, plac 3 times, 277.900 kr, 5th Diana­löpn, FT77
752SWE00000894T, see above
2. mor
SAUCY GIRL (FR), 5 wins at 2-3 years, 680.000 kr, Danish Oaks, Norweigan Oaks, placed 9 times, 2nd
Amacitalöpn, Svealandlöpn, 3rd Norweigan 1000 Guineas, Norweigan Kriterium, Peugot Pokallop for Hopper, 4e Norweigan Derby, FT80, dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 13 foals of racing age;
Itsagroom, 2005 c by Itsabrahma (GB), 4 wins, placed 8 times, 699.588 kr incl bonus, Danish Breeders’ Cup, 2nd Klampenborg 100-års Jubileums Stayer, 3rd Swedish Derby Trial, 4th
Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, GHR Gold Cup, 7th Swedish Derby, Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT85
Mirona, 2006 f by Mirio (FR), 3 wins, placed 5 times, 1.015.119 kr incl bonus, SFAF/SÅEF
Auktions­löpn, 2nd Sv St Leger, Sv Oaks, Breeders’ Trophy Classic, 3rd Scandinavian Classic
Challenge, 4th Erik O Steens Memorial, L, 5th Mowerinalöb, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, FT79
SAUCY BIRD, 1998 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), 2 wins, placed twice, 581.002 kr incl bonus, Swedish Criterium, SM för 2-åriga Ston, 5e Norweigan Oaks, Swedish Oaks, FT79
The Groom, 1997 c by French Groom (USA), 4 wins, placed 6 times, 779.500 kr incl bonus,
Sweden Cup Stayers, 2e Swedish Derby, Swedish St Leger, FT82
Elegant Song, 2003 c by Songline, 5 wins and placed 7 times incl winner and placed over
hurdles, 773.704 kr incl bonus, 2nd Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Kapps Stora Pris, HM Drottningens Pris (hurdles), 4th Ulriksdals Minneslöpn, 5th Swedish St Leger, Breeders’ Trophy Stayer,
Kapps Stora Pris, SM Classic, FT84
Baggins, 2002 c by Funambule (USA), 5 wins and placed 30 times in Denmark, 380.313 kr, 2nd
Albani Store Sprint, 4th Larch Ærespræmie, FT73
ITSAGIRL, 1995 f by Itsabrahma (GB), 7 wins, placed 12 times, 480.410 kr, FT79, broodmare
SAUCY HEART, see above
BRAVE HEART, 2001 g by Heart of Oak (USA), winner and placed, 31.915 kr, FT65
Lions Prospect, 2008 c by Heart of Oak (USA), placed 7 times, 106.400 kr, FT70
Flying Saucer, 2009 g by Mirio (FR), in training with Ylva Brandt, Angarn
3. mor
Saucy Singer (USA) by The Minstrel (CAN), winner at 3, £3265, placed 3 times; also placed in Italy
viz 3rd Premio Giovanni Falck, Milan, L; dam of three winners from 5 runners, 9 previous foals viz–
SAUCY GIRL (FR), see above, BOLD SINGER (FR), 2 wins in France, and Septieme Symphonie
(FR), winner at 3 years in France and £7407; dam of two winners inc.,
SYMPHONIQUE (FR), 5 wins, £98,243, winner at 2 years in France; also 4 wins over jumps
at 3-4 years in France and £93,691, incl Prix Chambly Hurdle, L. and Prix Sagan Hurdle, L.
Kitty Clive (GB), unraced; dam of four winners inc.,
Kitty d’Argos (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in France and £25,178; dam of Crindegun (FR), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2009 in France and £40,890.
Lety (FR), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2008 in France and £14,018.
Ecossette (FR), placed 4 times at 2-3 in France; dam of ECOS DE L’ORME (FR), placed in
France; also 6 wins over jumps at 3-5 years in France, £193,406, Prix Aguado Hurdle,
L, Olympique Prix Stanley Hdle, L, 2nd Prix Georges de Talhouet-Roy Hurdle, Gr2.
Brun hingst 100328
Anmäld till BT12-14
Bengt Morberg
Vallhall Fäboda 15
734 91 Hallstahammar
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Melmac, br 1991
Sovereign Star
Distant Music (USA)
Crystal Air (IRE), br 2003
Columbian Sand (IRE), 1988
0220-260 46
070-471 54 29
Lyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Comedy Star (USA)
Thyra Rose (GB)
Distant View (USA)
Musicanti (USA)
Salmon Leap (USA)
Miss Sandman (GB), 1974
1. mor
CRYSTAL AIR (IRE), 5 wins, 350.767 kr, winner in England at 2 years; also 4 wins at 3 years in
Sweden and £21,666 and placed, Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, 4th Scania Sprint, 5th Lanwades Stud Stakes,
L, FT84; dam of (first foal);
Mateus, see above 2. mor
Columbian Sand (IRE), unraced; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 9 foals;
Crystal Air (IRE), see above.
Arc (IRE), 8 wins and £39,943.
Sand Repeal (IRE), 7 wins, 2009 and £33,815.
King Columbo (IRE), 2 wins at 2 and 4 years, 2009 and £14,865.
Tarn Ridge (IRE), 6 wins, £50,904, placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years; also 2 wins over hurdles at
4 years and £15,791 and 4 wins over fences, 2009 and £32,442.
Peterson’s Cay (IRE), placed twice in N.H. Flat Races at 4 years; also winner over hurdles at 6
years and placed once over fences at 6 years.
Garadice Girl (IRE), placed twice at 2 years.
Majestic Wind (IRE), placed twice at 3 and 4 years.
3. mor
MISS SANDMAN (GB) by Manacle (IRE), winner at 2; dam of eight winners from 18 rnrs, 19 foals;
ARMAN’S SAX (IRE), 3 wins at home and in Italy and £285,723, incl Premio del Dado, Milan, L.
and Premio Lazio, Rome, L.
San Salu, 3rd Goff’s S, Curragh, L.; dam of,
Sure To Go, ran once; dam of Richie Rich (IRE), 4 wins at 5 and 6 years and £27,127.
Reel of Tulloch (IRE), 10 wins, £63,491, 3 wins at 2 to 4 years and £11,559; also winner at
4 years in Italy; also placed 3 times over hurdles at 3 and 4 years and 6 wins over jumps in
Italy and £49,373.
La Manzoniana, 6 wins at 2, 4 and 5 years in Italy and £20,500, broodmare.
Spanish Mariner, 6 wins, 2 wins at 2 and 3 years; also 4 wins at 4 and 5 years in Denmark, in
West Germany and in Sweden.
Fireside Legend (IRE), 2 wins, winner at 2 years; also winner over hurdles at 6 years.
Miss Tonilee, winner at 3 years.
Royal Paper (IRE), winner at 4 years in Italy.
Princess Sandman, winner at 3 years in France.
Indian Sand, ran a few times; dam of four winners,
Freeloader (IRE), 9 wins, £98,124, 7 wins at 3 to 6 years and £57,922; also 2 wins over
hurdles and £40,202 2nd Guinness Galway H. Hurdle, Galway, Gr1.
Weetman’s Weigh (IRE), 20 wins and £114,922.
Boley Lass (IRE), 6 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years and £44,199; dam of Connyella (IRE), 3 wins
at 6 years, 2010 and £18,294.
Mr Fantozzi (IRE), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2009.
Sandkatoon (IRE), ran 3 times; dam of Lebowski (GB), 29 wins, 2011 in Italy and £132,414
3rd Premio Pisa, Pisa, L, Make My Dream (GB), 5 wins, 2011 and £39,284.
Uppfödd hos Eva Isacsson Sjunnesson, Brottby
Skimmel valack 100422 / friröntgad.
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13, BC14
Nils Petter Gill/Stall Bonne Nuit
Ovre Båstad Gård
+ 47 22 36 56 00
N-1387 Asker, Norge + 47 91 70 49 79
Alzao (USA)
Unblest (GB)
Missed Blessing (GB)
Pistachio (GB), sk 1996
Sharrood (USA)
Cashew (GB)
Kashmiri Snow (GB)
Gulch (USA)
Thunder Gulch (USA)
Line of Thunder (USA)
Point Taken (NOR), fux 2001
Be My Chief (USA)
Top Cat (FR), 1993
Pussy Foot (GB), 1986
1. mor
POINT TAKEN (NOR), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in Norway and £22,259 and placed 10 times, Derby
Milen, 2nd Norsk Rikstoto Grand Prix, 3rd Altamiralöpn, 4th Övrevoll Mile Cup, Norsk Mesterskap 3-år
og eldre, FT79; dam of two winners from 2 runners and 3 previous foals;
Holly Golightly (SWE), 2007 f by Most Welcome (GB), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years, 2010 in Norway
and in Sweden and 1.107.175 SEK and placed 4 times, won Breeders’ Trophy Classic, Swedish
Champion Classic, 3rd Skandinavisk Mesterskap 3-årige, 4th Breeders’ Trophy Mile, FT82.
Mikkelangelo (SWE), 2008 g by Most Welcome (GB), 2 wins at 3, 2011, 182.545 kr, Dansk
Derby Consolation, 4th in Breeders’ Trophy Mile, 6th Breeders’ Trophy Classic, FT79
Easy Come Easy Go (den), 2009 g by Songline, in training with Arnfinn Lund, Norway
Take On Me, see above
2. mor
TOP CAT (FR), 11 wins, £66,458, 2 wins at 2 years and £14,855 and placed 3 times; also 9 wins at
3 to 6 years in Canada, in Norway and in Sweden and £51,603, Norweigan 1000 Guineas, Bloomers’
Vase, Scandinavia Cup, 2nd Scandinavia Cup (twice), 3rd Rosengårdlöpn, 4th Bloomers’ Vase, Torvald
og Morten Klaveness Memorial, FT88; dam of two winners from 4 runners and 5 foals;
Point Taken (NOR), see above.
Lloret de Mar (NOR), 3 wins at 3 years in Norway and £33,298 and placed 11 times, won
Skandinavisk Mesterskap for 3-åringer, FT77
Pannacotta (DEN), placed 3 times at 2 years, 2009 in Norway and in Sweden, 4th Götalandlöpn
Check That Cat (NOR), 2004 c by Chequer (USA), placed once at 2 years in Norway, dead at 2
Cat Wind (DEN), 2008 f by Final Appearance (IRE), placed in first start at 3, 2011, 3007 kr
3. mor
PUSSY FOOT (GB) by Red Sunset (IRE), 3 wins at 3 years and £14,626 and placed 10 times; dam of
four winners from 7 runners and 8 foals;
Top Cat (FR), see above.
Plentymore (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in Germany and £29,769 and placed 9 times.
Anstand (GB), 5 wins at 3 and 6 years and £20,634 and placed 6 times.
More Ibson (IRE), winner at 2 years in Sweden. The next dam CATS, placed once at 2 years; dam of seven winners from 8 runners and 13 foals;
CATAINER (NZ), 11 wins in Australia and £147,593, incl Schweppes Cup, Caulfield, L, Fantastic
Flowers Zeditave S, Caulfield, L. and KPMG H, Morphettville, L, placed 12 times, incl 2nd
Safeway Bletchingly S, Caulfield, Gr3, Sir John Monash S, Caulfield, L. and 3rd Japan Racing
Association Autumn S, Sandown, Gr3.
Coup Taine (NZ), 5 wins in New Zealand placed 3rd Ray Coupland S, Ashburton, L.
Clever Clan (NZ), 11 wins in Australia and in Macau and £168,140 and placed 21 times.
Kidd (NZ), 6 wins at 4 to 6 years in Australia, in New Zealand and in Singapore and £76,647 and
placed 8 times.
Action Shot (NZ), 3 wins at 2, 4 and 6 years in Australia and £80,475 and placed 16 times.
Pussy Foot (GB), see above.
Dancing Cats (NZ), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Australia and £11,137 and placed 8 times.
www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com
Brunt sto 100321
Anmäld till BT12-14
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Evangelina, br 1997
Sharpen Up (GB)
Sharp Girl (GB), 1979
Swing South (GB), 1975
1. mor
Evangelina, ej startat, helsyster till LOCAL HERO; mor till en vinnare av 5 startande och totalt 5
avkommor i startbar ålder;
LETS GO, 2005 s e Most Welcome (GB), vinnare och plac på endast 6 starter, 71.300 kr, FT69
Ace of Diamonds, 2004 s e Inchrory (GB), plac 3 ggr på 7 starter, 25.500 kr, FT65
Lets Fly, 2006 v e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), plac 3 ggr på endast 6 starter, 21.424 kr, FT62
Edmond, 2002 v e Primatico (USA), endast startat en gång
Missile, 2008 s e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), startat 2 ggr, 12.800 kr, död som 2-åring
Bernadette, se ovan
2. mor
SHARP GIRL, vinnare och plac på 3 starter, mor till fem vinnare av 6 startande och totalt 10 föl:
LOCAL HERO, 9 segr, plac 19 ggr, 1.326.000 kr, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Malmö Stads
Pris, SM Sprinters, Mandarin Premiärhkp, 2e Idag Cup, Treåringarnas Elitlöpn, SM Sprinters,
5e Breeders’ Trophy, FT86, avelshingst
LOOK SHARP, vinnare och plac på 5 starter som 2-åring, 45.400 kr, FT70, mor till fem vinnare:
Muyumba, 3 segr, plac 9 ggr, 302.600 kr, 3e Duty Time Juvenile Mile, FT72
MULDER, 13 segr, plac 29 ggr, 818.530 kr, FT73
MURRAY, 6 segr, plac 9 ggr, 284.700 kr, FT75
Murasi, vinnare, plac 2 ggr, 125.592 kr, 5e Breeders’ Trophy Juvenile, FT75
SETARÉ, vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 56.800 kr, FT71
CRYSTAL RIVER, vinnare, plac 3 ggr, 33.900 kr, FT69
HELLO BABY, vinnare, 13.000 kr, FT55
WEEZER, vinnare i debuten som 2-åring, 53.000 kr, 4e SFAF:s Stora Pris Auktionslöpn på endast
4 starter, FT72, mor till tre vinnare av 4 startande och totalt 5 föl i startbar ålder;
WEASEL, 2004 v e Funambule (USA), 6 segr och plac 9 ggr inkl vinnare över häckar i debuten, 246.650 kr, FT62
WHIZPER, 2007 v e Funambule (USA), 2 segr, plac 8 ggr, 253.450 kr, FT71
Double In, 2005 s e Funambule (USA), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 132.459 kr, FT69
Be-Bop, endast startat 2 ggr, mor till en vinnare:
BE SPECTACULAR, 2 segr, plac 3 ggr, 129.725 kr, FT77
3. mor
Swing South, e Swing Easy (USA), ej startat, mor till bl a
SHARP GIRL, se ovan
The next dam BOAT HOOK (GB), by Hook Money (USA), winner at 2, sister to Rock Sail, dam of
three winners:
BLESSED LOOK, Seaton Delaval S, Gr3, 2nd Cork and Orrey S, Gr3
Elegante, 3rd Cherry Hinton S, Gr3
Evenca, 2nd Molecomb S, Gr3. Dam of three winners inclASDIC, 2 wins, 3rd King George V S, L
Lea Landing, 3rd Hilary Needler Trophy, L, dam of five winners inc MY MADNESS, 5 wins in France and USA, Barkdalee H, L, 2nd Prix des Foals, L
TILBURY, winner at 2, 4th Larkspur S, Gr3.
67 752SWE00000864T
Brun valack 100510
Jessica Long/JP Long HB jplong@live.se
Norregårdsvägen 33-38 040-48 11 85
230 41 Klågerup
0708-64 88 24
Danzig (USA)
Lure (USA)
Endear (USA)
Orpen (USA), sk 1996
Devil’s Bag (USA)
Bonita Francita (USA)
Raise The Standard (CAN)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Souvenir Copy (USA)
Dancing Tribute (USA)
Look That Chick (USA), mbr 2005
Kendor (FR)
Golden Glimmer (FR), 1995
Marie Glitters (FR), 1988
1. mor
LOOK THAT CHICK (USA), 2 wins in Sweden at 3 years and £12,966 and placed 5 times, 4th Dianalöpn
and Altamiralöpn, FT78, dam of (first foal);
752SWE00000864T, see above
2. mor
Golden Glimmer (FR), winner in France at 3 years and £19,191, placed 4 times including 2nd in Prix
La Sorellina, La Teste Buch, L.; dam of four winners from 5 runners and 9 foals;
LOOK THAT CHICK (USA), see above.
SOLEIL GRIS (USA) (2002 c. by Royal Anthem (USA)), 2 wins in France at 3 years and £17,233
and placed twice.
EYES BLUE (USA) (2008 c. by Anabaa (USA)), winner in France at 3 years, 2011 and £16,638 and
placed once.
HOT GUY (USA) (2004 g. by Scatmandu (USA)), winner in USA at 2 years.
She also a 2-y-o colt by Belong To Me (USA) and a yearling filly by Proud Citizen (USA). 3. mor
Marie Glitters (FR) by Crystal Glitters (USA), ran on the flat in France; dam of nine winners from 14
runners and 14 foals inc.:
GREY GLITTERS (FR), g by Grey Risk (FR), 3 wins; 2 wins in France at 3 years and £59,881 including G. P. de Clairefontaine-Etalon Enrique, Clairefontaine, L, placed second in Prix de Lutece,
Longchamp, Gr3; also winner over jumps in France at 4 years.
LOUPY GLITTERS (FR) (f. by Loup Solitaire (USA)), 2 wins in France at 2 and 3 years and £33,125
including Prix La Camargo, Saint-Cloud, L.; dam of four winners.
CRU DU CLOS (FR), 4 wins in France at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2010 and £51,932
CRU PARADIS (FR), 2 wins in France at 4 years, 2010 and placed 3 times.
Glamour Glitters (FR) (g. by River Bay (USA)), 2 wins over jumps in France at 4 years and £74,130,
2nd in Prix de Maisons-Laffitte Hurdle, Auteuil, Gr3, and Prix Melanos Hurdle, Auteuil, L
Golden Glimmer (FR), see above.
Lady Glitters (FR) (f. by Homme de Loi (IRE)), placed 6 times including 3rd in Prix de Bagatelle,
Saint-Cloud, L. and Prix des Lilas, Fontainebleau, L.; dam of three winners.
MISSILLAC (FR), 6 wins in France at 5 and 6 years, 2010 and £36,159 and placed 9 times.
GLITTERING STAR (FR), 4 wins in France at 2 and 3 years and £40,826 and placed once.
Pivoline (FR), unraced; dam of POMME DE PARADIS (FR), 2 wins at 3 in 2011
SPING GLITTERS (FR), 2 wins in France in 2010 and £43,143
Nika Glitters (FR), 2 wins at 3 years in France and £34,400, broodmare.
Always Glitter (FR), winner at 2 years in France and £23,582; dam of four winners inc.,
Apocal (IRE), 7 wins and 588.334 kr; 3 wins at 2-6 in France and in Sweden, and 4 wins
over jumps, 2011 in Sweden, Jockeyklubbens Stora Pris (twice), Gyllene Hästen (twice),
2nd HM Konungens Pris, St Eriks Pris, 3rd Swedish Grand National, Täby Maraton, FT73
Bothelo (IRE), 4 wins at 5 years, 2011 in France and £25,528.
Kenny Glitters (FR), winner at 3 years in France; dam of three winners inc.,
DREAM IN BLUE (FR), 9 wins in France and £150,675, incl Prix de la Californie, Cagnes-SurMer, L, 3rd Prix de Fontainebleau, Longchamp, Gr3; also 3rd Prix Achille Fould Hurdle, L.
Mörkbrun hingst 100510
Pernilla Nilsson
Råby 14
775 96 Krylbo
0706-31 73 17
Inchinor (GB)
Shawdon (GB), br 1995
Play With Me (IRE)
Subotica (FR)
Ess Express (FR), mbr 1997
Tres De Cem (NOR), 1990
Ahonoora (GB)
Inchmurrin (IRE)
Alzao (USA)
Strike It Rich (FR)
Pampabird (IRE)
Terre De Feu (FR)
Rainbow Quest (USA)
Riverdina (IRE), 1978
1. mor
ESS EXPRESS (FR), Champion 3yr old filly in Scandinavia in 2000, 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in
France and in Sweden and 822.325 kr, incl Svenskt Oaks, Jagersro and Dianalopning (1000 Guineas),
Taby, placed 5 times, 3rd Coolmore Matchmaker Stakes, L, Peugeot Pokallöp, 5th Klaveness Minnelöp, L, FT83; dam of two winners from 3 runners and 3 previous foals;
Berings Express (FR), 2003 g by Bering, 3 wins, £20,868, winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 3
years; also winner over hurdles at 4 years and placed 3 times and winner over fences at 5
years and placed 4 times.
Ididitmyway (SWE), 2006 g by Swedish Shave (FR), 3 wins, placed 4 times, 172.189 kr, FT71
Samarin, 2008 c by Swedish Shave (FR), ran 8 times, 15.114 kr, FT56
Running Express, see above
2. mor
TRES DE CEM (NOR), placed 4 times at 3 years in Norway; dam of seven winners from 7 runners
and 8 foals inc,
Ess Express (FR), see above.
Sandra Maria (FR), 3 wins at 3 and 5 years in France and £47,518, broodmare.
Ess of Scandinavia (IRE), 3 wins in France and £47,303.
Oslo Lady (IRE), 2 wins at 4 years in France and £25,707, broodmare.
Ess of Norway (FR), winner over hurdles at 5 years.
Velocity (FR), winner at 3 years in France, broodmare.
Cemto (FR), winner at 4 years, 2010 in Belgium.
3. mor
Riverdina (IRE) by Riverman (USA), 2 wins in France 2nd Prix Finlande, Evry, L. and 3rd Prix des Reservoirs, Longchamp, Gr3; dam of six winners from 9 runners and 10 foals inc.,
Sweet Seattle (USA), 2 wins in France 3rd Prix des Tourelles, Longchamp, L.; dam of,
Getting Closer (SAF), unraced; grandam of Galanthus (SAF), winner at 3 years, 2009 in
South Africa 2nd Joburg Spring Challenge, Turffontein, Gr3, London News S, Turffontein,
Gr3 and 3rd Vodacom Dingaans, Turffontein, Gr2.
Topaz River (GB), 4 wins at 4 years in France and £16,128; dam of a winner,
Cracker Barrel Ky (USA), 2 wins in Brazil; dam of five winners inc.,
Galardao (BRZ), winner in Brazil, 2nd Grande Premio Antenor Lara Campos, Cidade Jardim,
West Star (BRZ), winner in Brazil, 3rd Grande Premio Euvaldo Lodi, Gavea, Gr3.
River Falls (BRZ), winner in Brazil, 3rd Grande Premio Derby Paulista, Cidade Jardim, Gr1.
Riverside Lady (BRZ), winner in Brazil, 3rd Grande Premio Jose Paulino Nogueira, Cidade
Jardim, Gr3.
The next dam MADINA (FR), winner at 2 years in France and 291,950 fr, Prix Morny, Deauville, 2nd
Prix de la Salamandre, Longchamp; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 11 foals inc,
NONOALCA (FR), 3 wins in France and £16,470, incl Prix de la Grotte, Longchamp, Gr3, 2nd
Poule d’Essai des Pouliches, Longchamp, Gr1; dam of eight winners inc,
GREAT NAVIGATOR (USA), won Hopeful S, Saratoga, Gr1.
NARGHILE (USA), won Turf Paradise H, Turf Paradise, L; sire.
Mörkbrunt sto 100323
Kerstin och Karl-Gustav Jahn
Västergård 143
0346-405 35
311 69 Ugglarp
070-326 47 39
Beveled (USA)
Troon (GB), sk 1990
Cestrefeld (GB)
Robellino (USA)
Bombellina (IRE), br 1997
Beetwentysix (USA), 1983
Sharpen Up (GB)
Sans Arc (USA)
Capistrano (GB)
Brig O’Doon (GB)
Isobelline (USA)
Buckaroo (USA)
Flying Fortress (USA), 1978
1. mor
BOMBELLINA (IRE), winner and placed in Sweden, also placed twice in England, 54.545 kr, FT69,
dam of four winners from 5 runners and 5 previous foals;
Bombina, 2004 f by Be My Chief (USA), 2 wins, placed 11 times, 373.973 kr; winner, 2nd SM
2-åriga, also winner over hurdles, 4th Norsk Champion Hurdle, FT68
RICCOOLIO, 2002 g by Richard of York (GB), 2 wins, placed 18 times, 307.896 kr, FT77
Trombino, 2007 g by Troon (GB), 3 wins, placed 6 times, 130.779 kr, FT67
Indi Go, 2006 f by Indian Lodge (IRE), winner and placed in Denmark, 22.044 kr, FT55
Bootchie, 2003 g by Be My Chief (USA), placed 3 times in just 7 starts, 50.800 kr, FT73, dead at 3
Labolina, see above
2. mor
BEETWENTYSIX (USA), 2 wins at 3 years in France and 43,000 fr.; dam of six winners from 8 runners and 8 foals;
Via Palestro (IRE), 13 wins in Italy and £71,935.
Red Stream (USA), 3 wins, £11,812, winner at 2 years and £10,138; also 2 wins at 3 and 4
years in Slovakia and in Yugoslavia; also placed once over jumps at 3 years in Slovakia; dam
of three winners,
Guido (USA), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in USA and $17,605.
Beeseventeen (USA), winner at 2 years in USA and £12,485.
Bombellina (IRE), see above.
Green Bee (USA), winner at 3 years in USA
Boulevard Rouge (USA), placed 7 times at 2 and 3 years; dam of two winners inc.,
Winsome Hearts (GB), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 in Qatar and £26,578. 3. mor
FLYING FORTRESS (USA) by Buffalo Lark (USA), 2 wins at 3 yrs in USA; dam of six winners from 8
runners and 8 foals;
MARIA FLYING (USA), 4 wins in Italy, incl Criterium Femminile, Rome, Gr3; dam of two winners inc.,
Imco Imagination (IRE), 6 wins at 2 to 5 years in Italy and £31,671; dam of Veddasca
(IRE), 3 wins, £29,363, winner at 3 years in Italy and £15,252; also 2 wins over jumps
at 4 and 5 years, 2010 in Italy and £14,111 2nd Premio delle Debuttanti Hurdle, Rome, L.
Revlis (USA), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in USA and £41,036.
Call To Glory (FR), 3 wins in France.
Fairchild (USA), 2 wins at 4 and 5 years in USA; dam of three winners,
Beetwentysix (USA), see above.
Fausia (IRE), winner at 2 years in Germany; dam of five winners inc.,
Falling Star (GER), 2 wins, £34,981, winner at 3 years in Germany; also winner over
jumps at 4 years in Italy and £26,832 3rd Premio Steeplechase d’Italia, Merano, L.
Foreign Affair (GER), 5 wins at 3 and 4 years in Germany and £22,744; dam of Foreign
Hill (GER), 3 wins at 3 years, 2011 in Germany and £10,358.
Flying Heart (GER), 4 wins at 3, 5 and 6 years, 2010 in Germany and £16,315.
Anmäld till BT12-14
Fux hingst 100414
Annika Stalfelt
Lanna Niordsta 109
692 93 Kumla
0582-230 05
070-885 78 08
Nureyev (USA)
Lead On Time (USA)
Alathea (GB)
Fraam (GB), mbr 1989
Majestic Prince (USA)
Majestic Kahala (USA)
Charvak (USA)
General Assembly (USA)
Presidium (GB)
Doubly Sure (GB)
Peevish Guess (GB), br 1996
Saintly Song (GB)
Greyburn (GB), 1977
Counter Coup (GB), 1970
1. mor
Peevish Guess (GB), placed 2nd in first and only start at 3, 12.500 kr, FT73; dam of three winners
from 4 runners and 5 previous foals;
FIGARO STORM, 2007 g by Baryshnikov (AUS), 3 wins in 7 starts, 165.000 kr, FT74
ALONSO, 2005 g by Heart of Oak (USA), 2 wins and placed 4 times, 132.600 kr, FT73
SEQUEL GUESS, 2002 f by Diaghlyphard (USA), winner and placed 3 times, 61.160 kr, FT73
Fenway Park, 2003 f by Funambule (USA), placed 4 times in 6 starts, 37.900 kr, FT75
Barichello, 2004 g by Funambule (USA), unraced
Any Questions, see above
2. mor
GREYBURN (GB), 3 wins at 2-3 yrs, placed once; dam of six winners from 12 runners and 13 foals;
Tremar Lad, 3 wins over hurdles at 3 and 6 years and placed 11 times and placed once over
fences at 6 years.
Sayin Nowt (GB), winner over fences and placed twice; also 11 wins in point-to-points and
placed 5 times; dam of two winners,
Gan On (GB), 2 wins over hurdles at 5 and 6 years, 2010, and 2 wins over fences, 2011.
Wheyaye (GB), winner of a N.H. Flat Race at 6 years and placed once; also winner over
hurdles, 2010 and placed 4 times.
Omy Dancer (GB), winner at 2 years and £12,578 and placed 17 times.
Diva Girl, placed 4 times at 2 years; also winner at 3 years in Norway, broodmare.
Systematic (GB), winner at 3 years and placed 3 times.
Cover Inn, winner at 4 years.
Moorhill, unraced; dam of a winner,
Clan Scotia (GB), winner at 2 years and placed twice; dam of winner Toufan Express
(GB), 6 wins, 2010 and £126,418 and placed 11 times. 3. mor
COUNTER COUP (GB) by Busted (GB), ran 3 times at 3 years; dam of ten winners from 13 runners
and 14 foals inc.,
CELIO RUFO, 11 wins in Italy and £86,517, incl Gran Premio d’Italia, Milan, Gr1, St Leger Italiano,
Milan, Gr2, Premio Cascine, Firenze, Gr3, Premio Rumon, Rome, L. and Premio Viminale, Rome,
L, placed 2nd Premio d’Aprile, Milan, Gr3 and 4th Premio Ellington, Rome, Gr3 (twice); sire.
Rajan Grey, 15 wins at 3 to 5 years in Italy and £86,723 placed 2nd Premio Chiusura, Milan,
Gr2, Premio Grosseto, Grosseto, L, Premio Allevamento, Rome, L, 3rd Premio Bagutta - Memorial Sergio Cumani, Milan, Gr3 and Premio Cascine, Firenze, L.; dam of six winners,
Halmajor, 6 wins, £15,096, placed once at 6 years; also 4 wins in Norway; also 2 wins over
hurdles and placed 4 times, incl 2nd Philip Cornes Saddle of Gold Hdle Final, Newbury, L. and
placed twice over fences.
Halmanerror (GB), 10 wins and £58,366 and placed 19 times.
What A Coup, 7 wins, £11,321, winner over hurdles and 6 wins over fences and £10,171 and
placed 16 times; dam of a winner,
Bill And Coup, placed once over hurdles at 5 years and 3 wins over fences and £13,150 and
placed 12 times, broodmare.
Brunt sto 100310
Leif Wretman/Wretman Stable & Stud
Kommendörsgatan 20
114 48 Stockholm
070-573 78 00
Sunday Silence (USA)
Vita Rosa (JPN), br 2000
Rosa Nay (FR)
Hernando (FR)
Sicarina (GB), br 2002
Sirena (GER), 1993
Halo (USA)
Wishing Well (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Riviere Doree (USA)
Niniski (USA)
Whakilyric (USA)
Tejano (USA)
Spirit of Eagles (USA), -86
1. mor
Sicarina (GB), unraced; Own sister to Vinando (GB); dam of 3 runners and 4 previous foals;
Dahlia Day (GB), 2008 f by With Approval (CAN), placed once in 4 starts, 22.000 kr, FT64
Top Mate (GB), 2007 g by Domedriver (IRE), ran 6 times; ran twice on the flat and ran 4 times
over hurdles, 7.800 kr
Ladydriver (GB), 2006 f by Domedriver (IRE), only ran 4 times, 3.000 kr, FT60
Sicarina Star (GB), 2009 f by Sir Percy (GB), unraced to date.
Kirribilli, see above
2. mor
SIRENA (GER), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years in Germany and £12,766 and placed 15 times; dam of two
winners from 3 runners and 10 foals;
Vinando (GB) (g. by Hernando (FR)), 4 wins, £84,403, 3 wins at 3 years and £67,644 and placed 5 times; also placed twice at 4 years in France and in Italy and £11,224, 2nd Prix Denisy,
Saint-Cloud, L. and 3rd Premio St Leger Italiano, Milan, L.; also winner over hurdles at 5
years and placed 3 times.
Spanish Conquest (GB), 5 wins, £34,538, 2 wins at 3 and 4 years and placed 6 times; also 3
wins over hurdles at 5 years, 2009 and £26,188 and placed once.
She also has a 2-y-o colt by Alflora (IRE), a yearling filly by Sir Percy (GB) and a colt foal by Aqlaam
(GB). 3. mor
SPIRIT OF EAGLES (USA) by Beau’s Eagle (USA), 11 wins at 2 to 6 years in USA and $31,588; Own
sister to BIG PAL (USA); dam of nine winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc.,
SILVANO (GER), Champion older horse in Germany in 2001, 7 wins at 2 to 5 years in
Germany, in Hong Kong, in Singapore and in USA and £1,557,061, incl Arlington Million S,
Arlington Inter, Gr1 and Audemars Piguet Queen Elizabeth II Cup, Sha Tin, Gr1, 2nd Man
O’War S, Belmont Park, Gr1; sire.
SABIANGO (GER), 7 wins in Germany and in USA and £513,712, incl Credit Suisse Private Banking Pokal, Cologne, Gr1, WestLB-Deutschland-Preis, Dusseldorf, Gr1 and Charles Whittingham Memorial H, Hollywood Park, Gr1, 2nd WGZ Bank-Deutschland Preis, Dusseldorf, Gr1
and 3rd UAE Grosser Preis von Baden, Baden-Baden, Gr1; sire.
Spider (GER), 8 wins in Germany and £29,794.
Sirena (GER), see above.
Solola (GER), 2 wins at 4 years, 2009 in Germany, broodmare.
Spring City (GER), 2 wins, £10,397, winner at 3 years; also winner at 6 years, 2010 in U.A.E.
Simacota (GER), winner at 3 years in Germany; dam of two winners inc.,
Tajaarub (GB), winner at 3 years, 2010; also 2 wins at 4 years, 2011 in France, £14,656.
Spirit Lake (GER), ran on the flat in Germany; dam of three winners inc.,
Soprano (GER), winner, 2011; also 3 wins at 4 years in Germany; also 2 wins over hurdles, 2011 and winner over fences, 2009 and placed once over jumps at 4 years in Italy.
Shina (GER), unraced; dam of two winners,
SOLAPUR (GER), won SWB Derby Trial, Bremen, L.
Sauber (GER), winner at 4 years, 2011 in Germany.
www.ravdansen.se - ravdansen@telia.com
Fux sto 100314
Anmäld till BT12-14
Ivan Sjöberg/Rävdansens Stuteri
Lindarsnäs Egendom
016-742 60
640 43 Ärla
070-551 09 93
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Lyphard (USA)
Funambule (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
Crush, br 2004
Known Fact (USA)
Factually (GB), 1989
Alydear (USA), 1981
1. mor
Crush, 2 segr och plac 2 ggr på endast 5 starter, 69.000 kr, FT69
Harsh Mistress, se ovan
2. mor
Factually (GB), vinnare, 80.300 kr, 2a Norsk Kriterium, Topprankat 2-årigt Sto Sv Gen hkp 1991,
mor till fyra vinnare av 7 startande och 7 avkommor i startbar ålder;
TESORERO, 1996 h e Funambule (USA), 16 segr, plac 14 ggr, 2.980.045 kr, Swedish Open Mile,
L, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Skand Mesterskap 2-åringar, Duty
Time Juvenile Mile, Sweden Cup Mile, Krafft SM Classic, Krafft SM Milers, 2e Marit Sveaas
Minnelöp, Gr3, Sweden Cup Mile, 2 ggr, 3e Svenskt Derby, Breeders’ Trophy, FT91
Crush, se ovan
YAMAGUCHI, 2007 v e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 segr, 133.000 kr, FT76
Disraeli Gears, 2008 h e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 190.320 kr, FT75
Tess, 1997 s e Spectacular Tide (USA), plac, 17.100 kr, FT60, mor till fem vinnare av 6 startande
och 6 avkommor i startbar ålder;
Ferrita, 2008 s e Academy Award (IRE), 2 segr och plac 4 ggr på 12 starter, 333.110 kr, 3e
Altamiralöpn, SM 2-åriga, FT77
Banditos, 2009 h e Funambule (USA), vinnare och plac 2 ggr på 3 starter som 2-åring 2011,
153.750 kr, delad 3e SM för 2-åriga hästar
Wise Choice, 2005 s e Pennekamp (USA), 3 segr, plac 11 ggr, 331.536 kr, 5e Amacitalöpn,
Fun Exception, 2006 v e Funambule (USA), 3 segr, plac 3 ggr på 12 starter, 270.430 kr, 4e
Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, 5e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, FT79
ILENNA, 2004 s e Final Appearance (IRE), vinnare och plac 5 ggr, 110.700 kr, FT67
3. mor
ALYDEAR (USA) by Alydar (USA), winner in USA, plac 4 times; dam of two winners from 4 runnersFactually (GB), se ovan
ABOUT LOVE (USA), 4 wins in USA
The next dam HER DELIGHT (USA), by Herbager (FR), winner in USA; dam of eight winners from 10
runners FLEET AND FANCY (USA), 4 wins in GB and in Belgium incl Prix Baillet-Latour, Boitsfort, L.
Count Ivor (USA), 2 wins in France, 3rd Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr3; sire in France.
LIKEABLE (USA), 3 wins in USA and placed 9 times.
PLEASURE MISS (USA), winner in USA and placed once; dam of winners.
FANCY STYLE (USA), winner in USA; dam of Mischief Afoot (USA), 3rd Arizona Cinco de
Mayo Stallion S, Turf Paradise.
BATEAU MOUCHE (USA), winner in USA and placed 6 times; dam of winners.
Embraceable You (USA), unraced; dam of winners.
Great Contract (USA), winner, 3rd Ak-Sar-Ben Omaha Gold Cup, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr3 and
Fairmount Derby, Fairmount Park, Gr3.
Great Finesse (USA), unraced; dam of winners.
Mörkbrunt sto 100524
Anmäld till BT12-14
Therese o Gösta Staffansson
Nannberga Gammelgård 214
732 91 Arboga
070-438 02 87
Midyan (USA)
Jaunty Jack (GB), br 1994
Juliette Marny (GB)
Shahdji (IRE)
Only Bee (DEN), sk 1991
El Bee (DEN), 1982
Miswaki (USA)
Country Dream (USA)
Blakeney (GB)
Set Free (GB)
Ela-Mana-Mou (IRE)
Shaiyneen (GB)
Harambee II (IRE)
Elektra (DEN), 1976
1. mor
ONLY BEE (DEN), 3 wins in just 4 starts at 2, 54.000 kr, FT74, dam of one winner from 2 runners
and 6 previous foals;
ONLY ME, 1995 f by Steve’s Friend (USA), 2 wins, placed 7 times, 103.300 kr, FT63
Only You, 1996 c by Music Streak (DEN), only ran twice, 3.700 kr, FT50, dead at 3 years
Only Amaze, 1998 f by Lotus Pool (USA), unraced
Only a Star, 2001 g by Richard of York (GB), unraced
Only a Gay, 2005 c by Double Net (ire), unraced, dead at 3
Only Jackie, 2009 f by Jaunty Jack (GB), in training with Maria Johansson, Täby
Only Whinny, see above
2. mor
El Bee (DEN), unraced; dam of two winners from 3 runner and 3 foals;
Only Bee (DEN), see above. HONEY BEE (DEN), 1992 f by Basiluzzo (USA), 2 wins at 4 years, 36.200 kr
3. mor
Elektra (DEN) by Hornbeam (GB), ran on the flat in Denmark; dam of 1 foal,
El Bee (DEN), see above.
The next dam Lotte (DEN) by Elopement (GB), winner in Denmark, placed 2nd Dansk Avlslob, Klampenborg and 3rd Ga-Jol Plate, Klampenborg; dam of 2 runners and 4 foals,
Elektra (DEN), see above. The next dam AURABORA (GB), winner at 2 years and placed 3 times; dam of eight winners from
10 runners and 12 foals;
Prophetess, 5 wins at 2 to 4 years and placed 4 times, incl 2nd King George V S, Royal Ascot.
Lotte (DEN), see above.
Bino, 9 wins in Denmark.
Playboy, 5 wins in Denmark.
Laura, 2 wins in Denmark.
Candlelight, winner at 2 years and placed 4 times; dam of ten winners,
CANDAHAR, won Premio Mostra d’Oltermare, Naples, L, 2nd Criterium di Roma, Rome, L,
Criterium Partenopeo, Naples, L, Premio Rumon, Rome, L, Premio Sette Colli, Rome, L,
3rd Premio Daumier, Rome, L. and Premio Divino Amore, Rome, L.
Light Feet, winner in Belgium.
Carnlea Music, winner in Malaysia.
Sarah Laura, winner in France; dam of Luminosa, 11 wins at 3 to 6 years in France and
£39,100, Sarasara (FR), 6 wins in France, Paradisi (FR), winner in France; grandam of
Lumicrick (FR), 6 wins in France and £40,111 and placed 28 times, Ultima Lux (FR), 6
wins at 3 to 6 years in France and £54,465 and placed 20 times, Edenlux (FR), 2 wins at
5 and 6 years in France and £11,625 and placed 14 times, Anosanour (FR), 2 wins at 4
years, 2008 in France and £5952 and placed 3 times, Astrolux (FR), winner at 3 years
in France and £5197 and placed 4 times, Solminosa (FR), winner at 2 years in France
and placed twice.
Uppfödd hos Jan Hansson, Hjärås
74 752SWE00000813T
Brun hingst 100324
Anmäld till BT12-14
Patrick Wahl pwahlracing@hotmail.com
Sundbyvägen 16
08-732 70 07
186 70 Brottby
070-496 16 69
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Lyphard (USA)
Goofed (USA)
Funambule (USA), fux 1987
Habitat (USA)
Sonoma (FR)
Satu (GB)
Tsunami Slew (USA)
Spectacular Tide (USA)
Bid Me Adieu (USA)
Tess, br 1997
Known Fact (USA)
Factually (GB), 1989
Alydear (USA), 1981
1. mor
Tess, plac, 17.100 kr, FT60, mor till fem vinnare av 6 startande och 6 avkommor i startbar ålder;
Ferrita, 2008 s e Academy Award (IRE), 2 segr och plac 4 ggr på 12 starter, 333.110 kr, 3e Altamiralöpn, SM 2-åriga, FT77
Banditos, 2009 h e Funambule (USA), vinnare och plac 2 ggr på 3 starter som 2-åring 2011,
153.750 kr, delad 3e SM för 2-åriga hästar
Wise Choice, 2005 s e Pennekamp (USA), 3 segr, plac 11 ggr, 331.536 kr, 5e Amacitalöpn, FT77
Fun Exception, 2006 v e Funambule (USA), 3 segr, plac 3 ggr på 12 starter, 270.430 kr, 4e
Breeders’ Trophy Stayer, 5e Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, FT79
ILENNA, 2004 s e Final Appearance (IRE), vinnare och plac 5 ggr på 13 starter, 110.700 kr, FT67
Valetta, 2007 s e Academy Award (IRE), plac som 2-åring, 15.500 kr, FT58
752SWE00000813T, se ovan
2. mor
Factually (GB), vinnare, 80.300 kr, 2a Norsk Kriterium, FT74, Topprankat 2-årigt Sto Sv Gen hkp
1991, mor till fyra vinnare av 7 startande och 7 avkommor i startbar ålder;
TESORERO, -96 h e Funambule (USA), 16 segr, plac 14 ggr, 2.980.045 kr, Swedish Open Mile,
L, Stockholms Stora Pris, L, Jockeyklubbens Jubileumslöpn, Skand Mesterskap 2-åringar, Duty
Time Juvenile Mile, Sweden Cup Mile, Krafft SM Classic, Krafft SM Milers, 2e Marit Sveaas
Minnelöp, Gr3, Sweden Cup Mile, 2 ggr, 3e Svenskt Derby, Breeders’ Trophy, FT91
Crush, 2004 s e Funambule (USA), 2 segr och plac 2 ggr på endast 5 starter, 69.000 kr, FT69
YAMAGUCHI, 2007 v e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 segr, 133.000 kr, FT76
Disraeli Gears, 2008 h e Eishin Dunkirk (USA), vinnare, plac 4 ggr, 190.320 kr, FT75
3. mor
ALYDEAR (USA), by Alydar (USA), winner in USA and placed 4 times; dam of two winners from 4
runners Factually (GB), se ovan
ABOUT LOVE (USA), 4 wins in USA
The next dam HER DELIGHT (USA), by Herbager (FR), winner in USA; dam of eight winners from 10
runners FLEET AND FANCY (USA), 4 wins in GB and in Belgium incl Prix Baillet-Latour, Boitsfort, L.
Count Ivor (USA), 2 wins in France, 3rd Prix La Force, Longchamp, Gr3; sire in France.
LIKEABLE (USA), 3 wins in USA and placed 9 times.
PLEASURE MISS (USA), winner in USA and placed once; dam of winners.
FANCY STYLE (USA), winner in USA; dam of Mischief Afoot (USA), 3rd Arizona Cinco de
Mayo Stallion S, Turf Paradise.
BATEAU MOUCHE (USA), winner in USA and placed 6 times; dam of winners.
Embraceable You (USA), unraced; dam of winners.
Great Contract (USA), winner, 3rd Ak-Sar-Ben Omaha Gold Cup, Ak-Sar-Ben, Gr3 and
Fairmount Derby, Fairmount Park, Gr3.
Great Finesse (USA), unraced; dam of winners.
VAL D’ENCHERE (USA), winner, Americana H, L, Palm Beach H, L, 2nd Christmas Day
H, Gr3, Memorial Day H, L, Budweiser Miami Breeders Cup H, L, Hurricanes H.
Anmäld till BT12-14
Brunt sto 100515
Caroline Söderberg/Stall Ekeby
Ösbyvägen 26
0176-27 30 50
761 75 Norrtälje
0736-31 76 83
In the Wings (IRE)
Singspiel (IRE)
Glorious Song (CAN)
Bosun’s Watch (GB), br 2004
Midyan (USA)
Sinking (GB)
Taplow (GB)
Northern Dancer (CAN)
Rambo Dancer (CAN)
Fair Arabella (USA)
Rambo’s Sister (GB), br 1997
Star Appeal (IRE)
Shiny Kay (GB), 1983
Kajetana (GB), 1977
1. mor
RAMBO’S SISTER (GB), winner at 3 years in Norway and placed 3 times, 42.735 kr, FT68; Own sister
to RAMBO FLYER (GB); dam of five winners from 6 runners and 7 foals of racing age inclFLYFIRE, 2002 f by Duty Time (GB), 8 wins, placed 16 times, 328.401 kr, FT72
INDIAN FLYER, 2006 g by Indian Lodge (IRE), 5 wins, placed twice, 184.500 kr, FT74
RAMBO’S CINDERELLA, 2007 f by Arkadian Hero (USA), winner, plac 5 times, 118.496 kr, FT50
MAGIC SPELL, 2003 f by Duty Time (GB), winner, placed 7 times, 141.900 kr, 5th Treåringarnas
Elitlöpn, FT76
MISS ANGÉLIQUE, 2004 f by Homme D’Honneur (FR), winner, placed 4 times, 73.100 kr, FT64
Jeune Garcon, 2008 g by Jeune Homme (USA), ran 5 times at 3, 2011
Bambo, 2009 c by Bosun’s Watch (GB), in training with Hans-Inge Larsen, Jägersro
Spitfire, see above
2. mor
SHINY KAY (GB), winner at 4, placed 5 times; dam of nine winners from 13 runners and 14 foals;
RAMBO FLYER (GB), 1994 g by Rambo Dancer (CAN), 29 wins, 2.650.434, 5 wins at 2 to 5
years in Denmark and in Norway and 948.308 kr, Pilot Fineliner Cup, Ovrevoll, L, placed 12
times, 2nd Svenskt Derby, Norsk Derby, 3rd Svenskt St Leger; also 24 wins over jumps in
Norway and in Sweden and 1.702.126 kr.
HOME SHOPPING (GB) (f. by Superpower), 2 wins at 2 years and £25,047, incl Sino Group
Dragon Trophy, Sandown Park, L, placed 2nd Shadwell Stud Firth of Clyde S, Ayr, L.; dam of
seven winners,
DANISH SHOPPING (GB), 12 wins at 2 to 6 years in Denmark and £86,054, incl Copenhagen Golden Mile, L, placed 26 times, incl 2nd Klaveness Minnelop, L, Lanwades Stud S,
L, Bloomers’ Vase, L, 3rd Klaveness Minnelop, L. and Bloomers’ Vase, L.
Dali Du (IRE), 6 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2009 in Italy and £25,703 and placed 18 times.
Skeptikal (IRE), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years in Italy and £13,002 and placed 13 times.
Superhouse (GB), 3 wins at 4 and 5 years in Spain.
Constant View (GB), winner at 6 years in Norway and £17,903 and placed 21 times.
Over Love (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and placed 6 times.
Olzai (IRE), winner at 3 years in Italy and placed 5 times.
Kayo (GB), 13 wins at 2 to 6 years and £120,513 and placed 18 times.
Ashover (GB), 9 wins at 3 to 6 years and £43,548 and placed 18 times.
Moneypower (GB), 5 wins at 3 and 5 years in Germany and £32,235 and placed 14 times.
Kestral (GB), 5 wins at 4 and 5 years and £28,503 and placed 9 times.
Lady Linnet (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and placed twice.
Slip Star (GB), winner at 5 years and placed 3 times.
Rambo’s Sister (GB), see above. 3. mor
KAJETANA (FR) by Caro (IRE), unraced; dam of six winners from 11 runners and 12 foals inc;
K-BATTERY, 9 wins at 2 to 6 years and £89,822, incl Earl of Sefton EBF S, Newmarket, Gr3, placed 2nd Gordon Richards EBF S, Sandown Park, Gr3, Grosser Preis von Dortmund, Dortmund,
Gr3 and Land Of Burns S, Ayr, L.; sire.
Brunt sto 100527
Anmäld till BT12-14
Bengt Morberg
Vallhall Fäboda 15
734 91 Hallstahammar
0220-260 46
070-471 54 29
Lyphard (USA)
Diaghlyphard (USA)
Jump Seat (USA)
Melmac, br 1991
Comedy Star (USA)
Sovereign Star
Thyra Rose (GB)
Roberto (USA)
Silver Hawk (USA)
Gris Vitesse (USA)
Lamasat (USA), br 1998
Green Desert (USA)
Awaamir (GB), 1993
Kadwah (USA), 1987
1. mor
LAMASAT (USA), unraced; dam of two winners from 5 runners and 6 previous foals;
Willyn (IRE), 2005 f by Lujain (USA), winner at 2 years, 2007 and £12,030 and placed 14 times.
Muguru, 2007 g by Ishiguru (USA), winner and placed in just 3 starts, 75.000 kr, FT68
Denton Hawk (GB), 2004 g by Mujahid (USA), placed 6 times at 2 and 3 years, 2007.
Cheval Noir (GB), 2003 g by Erhaab (USA), unraced to date.
Our Bridget (GB), 2006 f by Statue of Liberty (USA), ran twice.
Muroni, 2008 c by Melmac, only ran once at 3, 2011
Mulama, see above
2. mor
Awaamir (GB), 2 wins at 2 and 3 years and £14,767 and placed twice; also placed once at 3 years in
France, 3rd Prix Casimir Delamarre, Longchamp, L.; Own sister to Khassah (GB); dam of three winners from 5 runners and 8 foals;
Latif (USA), 6 wins at 5 years and £26,213 and placed 19 times.
Eqdaam (USA), winner at 2 years and £9857 and placed 4 times; also placed 4 times at 4 and 6
years, 2008 in U.A.E. and £6072.
Mutawaazi (USA), winner at 3 years in USA and placed once. 3. mor
KADWAH (USA) by Mr Prospector (USA), 2 wins at 3 years and £6386 and placed once; dam of six
winners from 8 runners and 10 foals inc,
Khassah (GB), 2 wins at 2 years and £47,103 and placed 3 times, incl 2nd Fillies’ Mile S, Ascot,
Gr1; dam of two winners:
MAKAAN (USA), won Prix Thomas Bryon, Saint-Cloud, Gr3.
Almail (USA), winner at 3 years, 2009 in France and £46,002 and placed 4 times, incl 3rd
Prix du Lys, Chantilly, Gr3 and Prix Michel Houyvet, Deauville, L.
Awaamir (GB), see above.
Katah (GB), placed twice at 2 years; also placed 3 times at 3 years in Germany, incl 2nd Continentale Stutenpreis, Dortmund, L.; dam of five winners inc,
KAHN (GER), won Preis der Cerestar Deutch Herzog von Ratibor, Krefeld, L. and 2nd Oppenheim Pramerica Winterfavoriten, Cologne, Gr3.
Kalawa (GER), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2009 in France and £20,646 and placed twice.
Kalibo Danon (GER), winner at 2 years, 2008 in Germany and £6201 and placed once.
Muqtadi (IRE), 4 wins at 2, 5 and 6 years and £20,149 and placed 9 times.
Mustafhel (GB), placed 5 times at 2 and 3 years; also 4 wins at 5 years in U.A.E. and £24,996
Bosset (USA), 2 wins at 3 years and £17,212 and placed twice; also placed 3 times at 3 and 4
years, 2007 in USA and £17,098. The next dam CASTILLA (USA), 9 wins in USA and $701,050, incl Yellow Ribbon S, Santa Anita, Gr1,
Las Palmas H, Santa Anita, Gr2, Del Mar Oaks, Del Mar, Gr2, Honeymoon H, Hollywood Park, Gr2, San
Gorgonio H, Santa Anita, Gr3 and Matriarch S, Hollywood Park, placed 2nd Matriarch S, Hollywood Park,
Gr1, Ramona H, Del Mar, Gr2, Santa Maria H, Santa Anita, Gr2, Palomar H, Del Mar, Gr3, Princess S,
Hollywood Park, Gr3, 4th Santa Ana H, Santa Anita, Gr2 and San Gorgonio H, Santa Anita, Gr3.
Anmäld till BT12-14
77 752SWE00000911T
Brunt sto 100604
Kerstin o Bo Helander
Svista Säteri
186 97 Brottby
08-512 416 12
070-757 78 76
Mr Prospector (USA)
Woodman (USA)
Playmate (USA)
Heart of Oak (USA), fux 1992
Secretariat (USA)
L’On Vite (USA)
Fanfreluche (CAN)
Royal Academy (USA)
Ali-Royal (IRE)
Alidiva (GB)
Dona Li (IRE), br 2001
Saumarez (GB)
Dona Delphia (FR), 1993
Delphinskaia (IRE), 1982
1. mor
Dona Li (IRE), only ran once at 2 years, 2003 in Sweden, 3.000 kr, dam of one winner from 2 runners and 2 foals of racing age:
LINUS, 2008 g by Songline, winner and placed 3 times, 164.280 kr, FT72
Like Me, 2006 g by Slickly (FR), placed 3 times in Norway and Sweden, 37.246 kr, FT72
752SWE00000911T, see above
2. mor
DONA DELPHIA (FR), winner at 4 years in Sweden, 47.400 kr and placed once, FT75; dam of three
winners from 4 runners and 5 foals of racing ageDONN EAGLE (IRE) 2000 c by Eagle Eyed (USA), winner at 2, placed 8 times, 403.680 SEK, Svealandlöpn, 2nd Dansk 2000 Gns, Malmö Stads Pris, Vinterfav Pris, 3rd Norsk Kriterium, FT84
DON SWANN (IRE) 1999 c by Rainbows For Life (CAN), 3 wins at 2 and 3 years in Sweden, Juvenile Mile, 2nd Malmö Stads Pris, 206.000 SEK, FT81
Don Peregrin, 2002 c by Perugino (USA), winner, 31.990 kr, FT64
3. mor
Delphinskaia (IRE) by Green Dancer (USA), 3 wins in France, £21,914, 3rd Prix Minerve, Evry, Gr3
and 4th Prix Fille de l’Air, Saint-Cloud, Gr3; Own sister to DANCE FOR DOLLARS (FR); dam of five
winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing age viz Dona Bella (FR) (f. by Highest Honor (FR)), 2 wins at 3 and 4 years in France and £35,109, 3rd
Prix de la Pepiniere, Longchamp, L.
RUSSIAN DAGGER (USA), winner in France.
DELPHANIA (FR), winner in France; dam of winners.
DONA DELPHIA (FR), see above.
DONA MIA (FR), winner at 3 years in France and £5,845; dam of a winner.
Dona Marez (FR), placed once in France; dam of a winner.
CAP FALCON (FR), won Prix Univers II H Hurdle, Auteuil, 3rd Prix Andre Massena Gde Crse de
Haies Hurdle, Cagnes-Sur-Mer.
The next dam DELPHINIA (FR), by Marino (FR), 2 wins in France incl Prix de Pompadour, Saint-Cloud,
L, 2nd Prix de Flore, Saint-Cloud, Gr3; dam of eight winners from 9 runners and 9 foals of racing
age DARLY (FR), 7 wins in France including Prix d’Hedouville, Longchamp, Gr3, Prix Exbury, SaintCloud, Gr3 and Grand Prix des Provinces, Bordeaux, L, 2nd Prix d’Ispahan, Longchamp, Gr1,
Prix d’Harcourt, Longchamp, Gr2 and Prix du Conseil de Paris, Longchamp, Gr2, Prix du
Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr3, Prix du Prince d’Orange, Longchamp, Gr3 and 3rd
Prix Dollar, Longchamp, Gr2, La Coupe, Chantilly, Gr3, Prix du Prince d’Orange, Longchamp,
Gr3 and 4th Prix d’Harcourt, Longchamp, Gr2, Prix du Chemin de Fer du Nord, Chantilly, Gr3
and Prix du Muguet, Longchamp, Gr3; sire in France.
DELIBALLE (FR), 4 wins in France and in USA including Prix des Lilas, Chantilly, L, 2nd Prix de
Saint-Cyr, Longchamp, L.and 3rd Prix Chloe, Evry, Gr3 and Prix d’Astarte, Deauville, Gr3 and
4th Black Helen H, Hialeah Park, Gr2.
DAUPHIN DU ROI (FR), 9 wins in France including Prix Ridgway, Deauville, L (twice), 2nd La
Coupe de Maisons-Laffitte, M’-Laffitte, Gr3 and 3rd Prix Gontaut-Biron, Deauville, Gr3;
sire in France.
Fux hingst 100326
Götarsvik Stuteri/Tom Ström
Götarsvik Säteri
019-46 81 68
705 98 Glanshammar
0708-66 81 68
The Noble Player (USA)
Honeysuckle Player, fux 1998
Sonnen Gold (IRE)
Russian Rhapsody, br 1995
Arabeska (SU), 1988
The Minstrel (CAN)
Noble Mark (IRE)
Palace Gold (FR)
Jasmine (DEN)
Home Guard (USA)
Mulattin (GB)
Bant (SU)
Adelanda (SU), 1980
1. mor
RUSSIAN RHAPSODY, 5 wins in Sweden and placed 3 times, 208.400 kr, FT80, dam of two winners
from 3 runners and 5 foals of racing age, viz LITTLE TOM PLAYER, 2004 g by Songline, winner and placed 5 times, 191.295 kr, FT73, dead
Scarlett Player, 2007 f by Honeysuckle Player, winner and placed 3 times, 121.900 kr, FT68
Carl Philip Player, 2008 c by Honeysuckle Player, ran once, dead June 2011 after having been
kicked by another horse
Russian Noodles, 2001 f by Sharp Matt (GB), unraced
Real Player, 2005 c by Mirio (FR), unraced
Jack Player, see above
2. mor
ARABESKA (SU), 15 wins in Russia and Sweden, 244.220 kr, dam of six winners from 8 runners
and 10 foals of racing age vizRUSSIAN RHAPSODY, see above.
RUSSIAN THEATRE, -98 g by Theatrician (USA), 4 wins at 3, 4 and 6 years, 2004 in Sweden and
124.675 kr, and placed twice, FT72
RUSSIAN RULER, 2004 c by Sharp Matt (GB), 3 wins and placed 3 times, 208.800 kr, FT79
RUSSIAN ROCKET, -96 f by Domynsky (GB), 3 wins at 3 to 5 years in Sweden and 178.000 kr,
and placed 6 times, FT75
RUSSIAN DIAMOND, -99 f by Theatrician (USA), winner at 3 years in Sweden and 51.100 kr and
placed 5 times, FT72
RUSSIAN RUBEL, 2005 f by Funambule (USA), winner and placed, 77.500 kr, FT69
Sharp Russian, 2001 f by Sharp Matt (GB), placed once at 3 years, 14.300 kr, FT60
3. mor
Adelanda (SU), by Langet (SU), dam of one winner:
Arabeska (SU), see above.
Boka hotellrum till rabatterat pris!
Täby Park Hotel: Bokning helst via mejl: hotell@tabypark.se
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Brunt sto 100426
Ida Rehnström Hovslageri, Sport o Avel
Prästhälla Gård 3
0158-310 39
646 91 Gnesta
073-563 23 49
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
In The Wings (GB)
High Hawk (IRE)
Dustoori (GB), mbr 2004
Green Desert (USA)
Elfaslah (IRE)
Fair of the Furze (USA)
Nureyev (USA)
Wolfhound (USA)
Lassie Dear (USA)
Tamina (SWI), fux 2000
Local Suitor (USA)
Tombella (SWI), 1992
Tocaima (GER), 1986
1. mor
Tamina (SWI), plac i Schweiz, 8.287 kr, mor till en startande avkomma av ett tidigare föl;
Theonewayboomerang, 2008 v e Heart of Oak (USA), startat 3 ggr, 6.240 kr, FT57
Traida, se ovan
2. mor
Tombella (SWI), 5 segr i Schweiz, 109.104 kr, mor till en vinnare av 3 startande avkommor:
Tenderly (SWI), 2 segr i Schweiz
Topas (SWI), plac i Schweiz
Tamina, se ovan
Topgun, 2008 h e Lando (GER), exporterad till Schweiz som föl 2008
3. mor
TOCAIMA (GER) by Nebos (GER), 2 wins in Germany and placed 6 times; dam of three winners;
Tennessee (SWI), Champion 2yr old colt in Switzerland in 1997, Champion 3yr old in
Switzerland in 1998, 7 wins in Switzerland.
Tom Dooly (SWI), 5 wins in Switzerland.
TOMBELLA (SWI), see above
The next dam Tonila (GER) by Caracol (USA), 2 wins in West Germany, 2nd Scherping-Rennen,
Baden-Baden, L.; Own sister to TOMBOS; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc.,
Tokana (GER), 3 wins in West Germany and placed 7 times.
Timor (GER), winner in West Germany and placed 8 times.
Taragon (GER), winner in West Germany and placed twice.
Troia (GER), winner in West Germany and placed once.
The next dam Tolima (GER), 3 wins in West Germany and 33,740 D.M. and placed 5 times, incl 2nd
Niedersachsen Preis, Hannover, L. and 3rd Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L.; dam of
eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.,
TOMBOS, 8 wins in West Germany and £66,026, incl Henckel-Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr2, UnionRennen, Koln, Gr2, Preis des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, Gr3 (twice), Spreti-Rennen,
Baden-Baden, Gr3, Dr Busch-Memorial, Krefeld, L. and Schwarzwald-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L,
placed 2nd Grosser Preis der Stadt Gelsenkirchen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr3, Preis des Winterfavoriten,
Koln, Gr3, 3rd G.P. del Jockey Club Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Moormann-Rennen, Dortmund,
L, Sierstorpff-Rennen, Koln, L. and 4th Spreti-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3; sire.
TOBELO, 6 wins at 6 years in West Germany and £19,873, incl Grosser Preis der Stadtsparkasse
Munchen, Munchen, L. and Alexander Rennen-Valentin Seibert Mem, Frankfurt, L, placed
2nd Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L, Silberne Peitsche des Rheingau, Gelsenkirchen, L. and Grosser Sprint Preis, Munich, L.
Togo (GER), 6 wins, 2 wins in West Germany and placed 10 times; also 4 wins over jumps in
West Germany and placed 20 times, incl 3rd Grosses Frankfurter Steeplechase, Frankfurt, L.
Uppfödd hos Rävdansens Stuteri, Ärla
Fux sto 100417
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13
Tor P Mygland/Las Pampas Polo Team
Box 87, Smestad
+ 47 21 68 21 68
N-0309 Oslo, Norge
+ 47 92 88 52 00
Raise A Native (USA)
Mr Prospector (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Green Forest (USA)
Forest Flower (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Storm Cat (USA)
Catrail (USA)
Tough As Nails (USA)
Persian Flight (GB), fux 1998
Persian Bold (IRE)
Persian Victory (IRE), 1988
Lady Habitat (GB), 1975
1. mor
Persian Flight (GB), ran once at 3 years, own sister to OCEAN VICTORY (GB), dam of six winners
from 7 runners and 7 previous foals;
CATCHING THE STORM (NOR), 2006 f by Deceptor (USA), Norwegian 2-y-o Champion, 4 wins,
placed 3 times, 636.350 kr, Skandinavisk Mesterskap For 2-åringer, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Norsk
Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, FT75
Domo Arigato, 2009 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins in first 2 starts at 2, 2011, 240.000
SEK, SM för 2-åriga hästar
Luz Arcal (NOR), 2004 f by Chequer (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 6 times, 279.643 kr,
2nd Norsk Auksjonslöp, Eivind Lyches Minnelöp, Norsk Rikstoto 3-årslöp, FT75
Seeking The Storm (NOR), 2003 f by Lujain (USA), winner, placed 5 times, 152.880 kr, 3rd
Skandinavisk Opdraetningslöb, Malmö Stads Pris, 4th Dansk Kriterium, 5th Stig Holms Memorial, FT73, dam of one runner;
Tusen Takk, 2009 f by Academy Award (IRE), ran twice at 2, 2011, 15.875 kr
ZEN CAT (NOR), 2005 g by Joup (ARG), 4 wins, placed 4 times, 190.298 kr, FT67
Primus Motor (SWE), 2008 c by Most Welcome (GB), winner, placed 6 times, 252.000 kr, FT75
Persian Eishin, see above - own sister to DOMO ARIGATO
2. mor
PERSIAN VICTORY (IRE), unraced, halfsister to BIG REEF (IRE); dam of six winners from 9 runners
and 10 foals;
Persian Treasure (GB), 12 wins, 2009 in Italy and £60,380 and placed 22 times.
La Data di Giulio (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2010 in Italy and £17,312 and placed 12 times.
Victory Roll (GB), placed once at 4 years; also 4 wins over hurdles at 5 years and £20,470 and
placed 5 times and placed twice over fences.
Final Victory (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 and £41,530 and placed 6 times.
Ocean Victory (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and £31,103 and placed 3 times.
Sir Persian (IRE), winner at 2 years in Italy and £8662 and placed once. 3. mor
LADY HABITAT (GB) by Habitat (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and 7,209,000 lire and placed 5
times; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc,
BIG REEF, 5 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in Italy and £79,175, incl Premio Federico Tesio,
Milan, Gr2 and Premio d’Aprile, Milan, Gr3, placed 2nd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples,
Gr3, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, L, Premio Tupini, Rome, L, 3rd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli,
Naples, Gr3, 4th G.P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan,
Gr1, Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio Ellington, Rome, Gr3; sire.
HABIDOS, 3 wins at 2 years in Italy and 24,968,000 lire, incl Criterium Labronico, Livorno, L,
placed once; dam of six winners inc,
Luna d’Estate (GB), 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Italy and £33,178 and placed 16 times; dam
of ZENONE (IRE), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2009 in Italy and £98,969, incl Premio del PiazzaleMem. Enrico Camici, Milan, L, placed 16 times, incl 2nd Premio Federico Regoli, Pisa, L, LUNA
NEL POZZO (GB), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £25,683 incl Premio Repubbliche Marinare
-Tattersalls, Rome, L, placed once, 3rd Premio Gino e Luciano Mantovani, Milan, L.
Brunt sto 100426
Ida Rehnström Hovslageri, Sport o Avel
Prästhälla Gård 3
0158-310 39
646 91 Gnesta
073-563 23 49
In The Wings (GB)
Dustoori (GB), mbr 2004
Elfaslah (IRE)
Wolfhound (USA)
Tamina (SWI), fux 2000
Tombella (SWI), 1992
Sadler’s Wells (USA)
High Hawk (IRE)
Green Desert (USA)
Fair of the Furze (USA)
Nureyev (USA)
Lassie Dear (USA)
Local Suitor (USA)
Tocaima (GER), 1986
1. mor
Tamina (SWI), plac i Schweiz, 8.287 kr, mor till en startande avkomma av ett tidigare föl;
Theonewayboomerang, 2008 v e Heart of Oak (USA), startat 3 ggr, 6.240 kr, FT57
Traida, se ovan
2. mor
Tombella (SWI), 5 segr i Schweiz, 109.104 kr, mor till en vinnare av 3 startande avkommor:
Tenderly (SWI), 2 segr i Schweiz
Topas (SWI), plac i Schweiz
Tamina, se ovan
Topgun, 2008 h e Lando (GER), exporterad till Schweiz som föl 2008
3. mor
TOCAIMA (GER) by Nebos (GER), 2 wins in Germany and placed 6 times; dam of three winners;
Tennessee (SWI), Champion 2yr old colt in Switzerland in 1997, Champion 3yr old in
Switzerland in 1998, 7 wins in Switzerland.
Tom Dooly (SWI), 5 wins in Switzerland.
TOMBELLA (SWI), see above
The next dam Tonila (GER) by Caracol (USA), 2 wins in West Germany, 2nd Scherping-Rennen,
Baden-Baden, L.; Own sister to TOMBOS; dam of five winners from 5 runners and 7 foals inc.,
Tokana (GER), 3 wins in West Germany and placed 7 times.
Timor (GER), winner in West Germany and placed 8 times.
Taragon (GER), winner in West Germany and placed twice.
Troia (GER), winner in West Germany and placed once.
The next dam Tolima (GER), 3 wins in West Germany and 33,740 D.M. and placed 5 times, incl 2nd
Niedersachsen Preis, Hannover, L. and 3rd Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L.; dam of
eight winners from 10 runners and 12 foals inc.,
TOMBOS, 8 wins in West Germany and £66,026, incl Henckel-Rennen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr2, UnionRennen, Koln, Gr2, Preis des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf, Gr3 (twice), Spreti-Rennen,
Baden-Baden, Gr3, Dr Busch-Memorial, Krefeld, L. and Schwarzwald-Rennen, Baden-Baden, L,
placed 2nd Grosser Preis der Stadt Gelsenkirchen, Gelsenkirchen, Gr3, Preis des Winterfavoriten,
Koln, Gr3, 3rd G.P. del Jockey Club Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Moormann-Rennen, Dortmund,
L, Sierstorpff-Rennen, Koln, L. and 4th Spreti-Rennen, Baden-Baden, Gr3; sire.
TOBELO, 6 wins at 6 years in West Germany and £19,873, incl Grosser Preis der Stadtsparkasse
Munchen, Munchen, L. and Alexander Rennen-Valentin Seibert Mem, Frankfurt, L, placed
2nd Preis des Casino Baden-Baden, Baden-Baden, L, Silberne Peitsche des Rheingau, Gelsenkirchen, L. and Grosser Sprint Preis, Munich, L.
Togo (GER), 6 wins, 2 wins in West Germany and placed 10 times; also 4 wins over jumps in
West Germany and placed 20 times, incl 3rd Grosses Frankfurter Steeplechase, Frankfurt, L.
Uppfödd hos Rävdansens Stuteri, Ärla
Fux sto 100417
Anmäld till BT12-14, BP13
Tor P Mygland/Las Pampas Polo Team
Box 87, Smestad
+ 47 21 68 21 68
N-0309 Oslo, Norge
+ 47 92 88 52 00
Mr Prospector (USA)
Eishin Dunkirk (USA), fux 1997
Forest Flower (USA)
Catrail (USA)
Persian Flight (GB), fux 1998
Persian Victory (IRE), 1988
Raise A Native (USA)
Gold Digger (USA)
Green Forest (USA)
Leap Lively (USA)
Storm Cat (USA)
Tough As Nails (USA)
Persian Bold (IRE)
Lady Habitat (GB), 1975
1. mor
Persian Flight (GB), ran once at 3 years, own sister to OCEAN VICTORY (GB), dam of six winners
from 7 runners and 7 previous foals;
CATCHING THE STORM (NOR), 2006 f by Deceptor (USA), Norwegian 2-y-o Champion, 4 wins,
placed 3 times, 636.350 kr, Skandinavisk Mesterskap For 2-åringer, Norsk Auksjonslöp, Norsk
Rikstoto Oppdrettslöp, FT75
Domo Arigato, 2009 f by Eishin Dunkirk (USA), 2 wins in first 2 starts at 2, 2011, 240.000
SEK, SM för 2-åriga hästar
Luz Arcal (NOR), 2004 f by Chequer (USA), winner at 2 years and placed 6 times, 279.643 kr,
2nd Norsk Auksjonslöp, Eivind Lyches Minnelöp, Norsk Rikstoto 3-årslöp, FT75
Seeking The Storm (NOR), 2003 f by Lujain (USA), winner, placed 5 times, 152.880 kr, 3rd
Skandinavisk Opdraetningslöb, Malmö Stads Pris, 4th Dansk Kriterium, 5th Stig Holms Memorial, FT73, dam of one runner;
Tusen Takk, 2009 f by Academy Award (IRE), ran twice at 2, 2011, 15.875 kr
ZEN CAT (NOR), 2005 g by Joup (ARG), 4 wins, placed 4 times, 190.298 kr, FT67
Primus Motor (SWE), 2008 c by Most Welcome (GB), winner, placed 6 times, 252.000 kr, FT75
Persian Eishin, see above - own sister to DOMO ARIGATO
2. mor
PERSIAN VICTORY (IRE), unraced, halfsister to BIG REEF (IRE); dam of six winners from 9 runners
and 10 foals;
Persian Treasure (GB), 12 wins, 2009 in Italy and £60,380 and placed 22 times.
La Data di Giulio (GB), 5 wins at 3 to 5 years, 2010 in Italy and £17,312 and placed 12 times.
Victory Roll (GB), placed once at 4 years; also 4 wins over hurdles at 5 years and £20,470 and
placed 5 times and placed twice over fences.
Final Victory (GB), 3 wins at 3 and 4 years, 2010 and £41,530 and placed 6 times.
Ocean Victory (GB), 3 wins at 3 years and £31,103 and placed 3 times.
Sir Persian (IRE), winner at 2 years in Italy and £8662 and placed once. 3. mor
LADY HABITAT (GB) by Habitat (USA), 4 wins at 2 and 3 years in Italy and 7,209,000 lire and placed 5
times; dam of eight winners from 11 runners and 15 foals inc,
BIG REEF, 5 wins at 3 to 5 years at home and in Italy and £79,175, incl Premio Federico Tesio,
Milan, Gr2 and Premio d’Aprile, Milan, Gr3, placed 2nd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli, Naples,
Gr3, Premio del Piazzale, Milan, L, Premio Tupini, Rome, L, 3rd Gran Premio Citta di Napoli,
Naples, Gr3, 4th G.P. del Jockey Club e Coppa d’Oro, Milan, Gr1, Premio Emilio Turati, Milan,
Gr1, Premio Federico Tesio, Milan, Gr2 and Premio Ellington, Rome, Gr3; sire.
HABIDOS, 3 wins at 2 years in Italy and 24,968,000 lire, incl Criterium Labronico, Livorno, L,
placed once; dam of six winners inc,
Luna d’Estate (GB), 3 wins at 2, 3 and 5 years in Italy and £33,178 and placed 16 times; dam
of ZENONE (IRE), 7 wins at 2 to 5 years, 2009 in Italy and £98,969, incl Premio del PiazzaleMem. Enrico Camici, Milan, L, placed 16 times, incl 2nd Premio Federico Regoli, Pisa, L, LUNA
NEL POZZO (GB), 2 wins at 2 years in Italy and £25,683 incl Premio Repubbliche Marinare
-Tattersalls, Rome, L, placed once, 3rd Premio Gino e Luciano Mantovani, Milan, L.
Förteckning - Tränare uppdat 2011-08-26BZ
Professionella tränare i Sverige
Björn Björkman
Claes Björling
Bodil Blomqvist
Åsa Borger
Fabricio Borges
Ylva Brandt
Lars Bäck
Jan Canvert
Francisco Castro
Yvonne Durant
Sigyn Dysell
Åsa Edvardsson
Henrik Engblom
Helena Fylking
Elisabeth Gautier
Tommy Gustafsson
Bodil Hallencreutz
Christer Hederud
Jacqueline Henriksson
Pia Höiom
Lennart Jarven
Maria Johansson
Roy Arne Kvisla
Annika Källse
Hans-Inge Larsen
Ole Larsen
Karola Larsson
Annelie Larsson
Johan Lindberg
Karin Lindberger Gajda
Kristina Lokrantz
Jessica Long
Tina Långström
Caroline Malmborg
Barry McGann
Alex McLaren
Sofie Möller
Bo Neuman
Rolf Ohlsson
Tony Oscarsson
Dennis Persson
Jan-Erik Pettersson
0708-30 53 34
0708-75 67 56
0733-82 60 20
070-799 21 04
070-699 10 08
073-684 14 41
070-513 87 26
0709-68 69 40
070-576 26 34
0708-98 15 81
070-554 08 64
076-170 73 75
Mellerud/Täby 073-391 47 80
Upplands Väsby 0709-18 50 05
070-756 07 04
070-718 03 73
070-345 86 32
070-772 27 35
070-731 26 39
0705-79 78 13
070-520 09 50
0760-16 75 76
0708-55 88 97
0708-97 29 04
0708-37 71 09
070-755 54 40
070-662 70 67
070-495 64 91
073-404 06 46
0739-82 44 10
073-786 39 33
0708-64 88 24
0707-74 85 11
070-441 18 89
0706-28 66 59
0709-30 67 61
0705-85 25 44
070-591 26 34
070-693 64 66
072-735 44 41
0708-20 43 86
Kvarnby/Jägersro0708-96 63 95
Ricardo Ramallo
073-908 20 56
Johan Reuterskiöld
0701-60 01 60
Fredrik Reuterskiöld
Kvarnby/Jägersro0733-86 62 77
Lennart Reuterskiöld jr
0708-53 98 34
Malin Roth
Torna Hällestad 0705-14 45 22
Vanja Sandrup
0709-26 35 68
Susanne Sivrup-Rosenqvist Älvängen
070-604 73 37
Madeleine Smith
070-867 41 81
Katharina Stenefeldt
070-229 63 18 Anette Svensson
0708-77 33 49
Janos Tandari
070-545 67 50
Mikael Tjernström
070-731 19 62
Patrick Wahl
070-496 16 69
Erna van Doorn
070-580 77 00
Catharina Vång
0708-58 06 25
Catharina Östlund
070-817 83 98
Svenska Fullblodsavelsföreningen
SFAF, bildad 1919, är en sammanslutning av fullblodsuppfödare och and­ra som vill gagna svensk
fullblodsavel. Föreningen har som syfte att främja fullblodsavelns och galopp­spor­tens po­­sitiva
utveckling i Sverige. Årsavgiften är 300 kr. Intresserade som vill teckna med­lemskap är välkomna
att reglera årsavgiften genom plusgiro 25 30 08-7. Ange namn, adress, telefon samt ev sto/n.
SFAF:s styrelse 2011
Vice ordf
Bo Helander
Ture Lindblad
Jessica Long
Eva CS Pettersson
Helena Sigfridsson
Stefan Uppström
Anna Fischer
Conny Mobeck
Bengt Thomasson
Peter Josefsson, kassör
Nadja Bellander, sekr
Kirsten Rausing
Björn Zachrisson
Tel ordf
Tel sekr
c/o Nadja Bellander,
Centralvägen 8
186 31 Vallentuna
0707-77 32 11
0708-98 14 15
25 30 08-7
Canford Cliffs
(ex MRS MARSH purchased for 25,000 gns)
Irish 2000 Guineas Gr.1, Queen Anne Stakes Gr.1, St James’s Palace Stakes Gr.1, Royal Ascot, etc.
In 2011 to date the progeny of mares purchased for as little as
8,000 gns at Tattersalls have won 27 Gr.1s including four Classics inc:
Treasure Beach
Blue Bunting,
(ex HONORINE purchased for
(ex MIARIXA purchased for
95,000 gns) 1000 Guineas Gr.1 50,000 gns) Irish Derby Gr.1
(Broodmares, Fillies, etc.) November 29 – December 3
(approx. 1,200 lots from the World’s leading owner/breeders)
Air fare assistance available subject to purchase
Scandinavia: Lennart Jarven
Tel/Fax: + 46 500 450 765, l.jarven@tattersalls.com
Tattersalls: Tel: +44 1638 665931, www.tattersalls.com
(ex MISS VITA purchased for
8,000 gns) Ranvet Stakes Gr.1
A Porto betalt/Sverige
Adressreturer: SRB, Box 14, 182 05 Djursholm
Inte bara salt.
Magnesium, Selen, Biotin, E-vitamin,
Koppar, Jod, Zink, Järn, Mangan
och Kobolt.
Salinity Horse är inte bara salt. Det är ett helt program av salter för hästar.
Prepress SRB AB, Djursholm, tryck LASERTRYK A/S, Århus, DK, 2011 - 1.500 ex
Tio skillnader mellan vanligt
salt och SP Häst.