The Skeletal System
Chapter 3
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Overview of Structures, Combining Forms,
and Functions of the Skeletal System
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• Primary Function
– Act as the framework for the body
– Protect the internal organs
– Store the mineral calcium
• Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
– oss/e, oss/i
– oste/o, ost/o
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• Typical Long Bone
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Bone Marrow
• Primary Function
– Red bone marrow forms some blood cells.
– Yellow bone marrow stores fat.
• Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
– myel/o (also means spinal cord)
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• Primary Function
– Creates a smooth surface for motion within
the joints
– Protects the ends of the bones
• Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
– chondr/o
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• Primary Function
– Work with the muscles to make a variety of
motions possible
• Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
– arthr/o
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• Primary Function
– Connect one bone to another
• Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
– ligament/o
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Synovial Membrane
• Primary Function
– Forms the lining of synovial joints
– Secretes synovial fluid
• Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
– synovi/o, synov/o
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Synovial Fluid
• Primary Function
– Lubricant that makes smooth joint movements
• Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
– synovi/o, synov/o
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• Primary Function
– Cushions areas of joints that are subject to
friction during movement
• Related Word Parts (Combining Forms)
– burs/o
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Key Word Parts and Definitions
• ankyl/o
– crooked, bent, stiff
• arthr/o
– joint
• chondr/i, chondr/o
– cartilage
• cost/o
– rib
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Key Word Parts and Definitions
• crani/o
– skull
• -desis
– to bind, tie together
• kyph/o
– bent, hump
• lord/o
– curve, swayback bent
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Key Word Parts and Definitions
• -lysis
– loosening or setting free
• myel/o
– spinal cord, bone marrow
• oss/e, oss/i, ost/o, oste/o
– bone
• scoli/o
– curved, bent
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Key Word Parts and Definitions
• spondyl/o
– vertebrae, vertebral column, backbone
• synovi/o, synov/o
– synovial membrane, synovial fluid
• -um
– singular noun ending
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There are 15 phalanges (finger bones) in a
human hand.
True or False?
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False. The human hand has 14 phalanges.
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Nearly one-fourth of all human bones can be
found in the feet.
True or False?
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Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood,
we have only 206.
True or False?
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The largest bone in the human body is the:
a. femur
b. pelvis
c. fibula
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a. the femur (thigh bone)
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Answers to Learning Exercises
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Chapter 3 Answers
Matching Word Parts 1
3.1. kyph/o
3.2. chondr/i, chondr/o
3.3. ankyl/o
3.4. arthr/o
3.5. -um
Matching Word Parts 2
3.6. crani/o
3.7. cost/o
3.8. -lysis
3.9. myel/o
3.10. -desis
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Chapter 3 Answers
Matching Word Parts 3
3.11. spondyl/o
3.12. scoli/o
3.13. lord/o
3.14. synovi/o, synov/o
3.15. oste/o
3.16. diaphysis
3.17. tarsal
3.18. manubrium
3.19. synovial joint
3.20. pubis
3.21. foramen
3.22. ligament
3.23. acetabulum
3.24. phalanges
3.25. process
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Chapter 3 Answers
Matching Structures
3.26. sternum
3.27. zygomatic
3.28. clavicle
3.29. patella
3.30. olecranon process
Which Word?
3.31. arthrolysis
3.32. fibrous dysplasia
3.33. allogenic
3.34. vertebroplasty
3.35. osteoarthritis
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Chapter 3 Answers
Spelling Counts
3.36. lumbago
3.37. osteoclasis
3.38. spondylitis
3.39. osteorrhaphy
3.40. crepitation
Abbreviation Identification
3.41. bone marrow
3.42. closed reduction
3.43. fracture
3.44. rheumatoid arthritis
3.45. temporomandibular
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Chapter 3 Answers
Term Selection
3.46. osteonecrosis
3.47. lordosis
3.48. spina bifida
3.49. myeloma
3.50. callus
Sentence Completion
3.51. craniotomy
3.52. subluxation
3.53. arthrodesis
3.54. arthroplasty
3.55. hallux valgus
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Chapter 3 Answers
Word Surgery
3.56. hem, arthr, -osis
3.57. oste/o, chondr, -oma
3.58. oste/o, -malacia
3.59. peri-, ost, -itis
3.60. spondyl/o, -listhesis
3.61. True
3.62. False
3.63. True
3.64. False
3.65. True
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Chapter 3 Answers
Clinical Conditions
3.66. greenstick
3.67. osteomyelitis
3.68. secondary bone cancer
3.69. kyphosis
3.70. orthotic
3.71. craniotomy
3.72. autologous
3.73. chondromalacia
3.74. rheumatoid
3.75. bursitis
Which Is the Correct Medical
3.76. comminuted
3.77. chondroplasty
3.78. dual x-ray absorptiometry
3.79. traction
3.80. talipes
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Chapter 3 Answers
Challenge Word Building
3.81. osteosclerosis
3.82. costectomy
3.83. chondropathy
3.84. arthrotomy
3.85. chondritis
3.86. arthrectomy
3.87. polyarthritis
3.88. osteoarthropathy
3.89. costotomy
3.90. craniomalacia
Labeling Exercises
3.91. cervical
3.92. scapula
3.93. humerus
3.94. coccyx
3.95. femur
3.96. patella
3.97. parietal
3.98. frontal
3.99. occipital
3.100. mandible
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