slide kebidanan dan kemajiran



(Prose's penyatuan 2 gamete)

Untuk mencapai inti ovum spermatozoa hrs melewati

1. sel granulosa

2. Zona pellusida

3. dinding sel ovum

(membran vitellin)

• Kepala sperm menempel pd zone pellucida

(receptor zp)

• Ab antizona: memblok penempelan sperm

• Ikatan ZP dpt dihambat dg Ab antisperm atau glikoprotein yg diekstrak dr ZP.

• G lycosyl transferase, proteinase dan glycosidase pd lapisan membran plasma kepala sperm dpt menghasilkan ikatan pada ZP3


Untuk masuk ke dalam sel ovum, spermatozoa terlebih dahulu harus menembus:

(a). Massa kumulus (bila masih ada)

(b). Zona pelusida

(c). Membran vitellin

Pertautan kepala sperma dengan permukaan membran vitellus .

aktivasi sel ovum

 Diepididymis (10 – 15 hr)

 Maturasi tergt dari sekresi epididymis dan waktu transport


Di Ampula,

Sp aktif bergerak (ampula mengandung zat spt: bicarbonate, pyruvate, asam amino bebas,oxygen, karbohidrate, steroid, Co2 dan nucleosides) produk sel-sel mukosa ampula

Bag kepala sp mengandung enzim hyaluronidase yg berfungsi mencairkan asam hyhaloronate diantara sel-sel granulosa

Sp menembus dd zp dan kepala sp bersentuhan dg membran vitellin dan terjadi reaksi zona (untuk mencegah sp lain masuk )

Reaksi zona zat yg dilepaskan oleh granula kortika yg terdapat diluar membran vitellin

RZ : jelas pada domba, tapi tdk jelas pada babi

(antara m.vitellin dan zp sering ditemukan lebih dari 1 ekor sp.) dan kelinci ± 200 sp

Pd hw yg tdk mempunyai RZ, mempunyai

Vitellin Blok

RZ dan VB sangat penting karena ovum dan sp adl sel-sel haploid

Haploid + haploid


(berkemb normal)

Supplementary sperm

(sperma suplemen):

Pada ruang ZP lebih dr 1 sp

• Mengetahui lifespans (fertilitas) ovum dan sperm

• Waktu ovulasi (tgt sp.hewanya)

• Kosent sperm ( hanya 1.000 – 10.000 sp mencapai istmus) dan hanya 10 - 100 sp yg mencapai ampula setelah 4 sampai 12 jam

Seleksi pada uterotubal junction, isthmus (babi) vagina, servik, uterus (ruminansia

Mencegah polispermi

Setelah Fertilisasi

(Reaksi Acrosoma)

Intracellular calcium oscillations

Cortical reaction

Zona reaction

Block of polyspermy

Istilah: supernumenary sperm (Sperma Supernumerik) : bila sudah terjadi RZ dan VB, tapi dlm vitellus didapat lebih dari 1 sp

Polispermia gagal fertilisasi ( jmlh kromosum > dr normal) fertilisasi Triploid kebunt. mati


Kepala sp menyentuh membran vitelin

Reaksi membran ditandai, adanya tonjolan kecil pd membran

Kepala dan seluruh tubuh sp masuk kedlm sitoplasma sel ovum

Membran plasma yg menjadi pembungkus sp lebur menjadi satu dg membran vitellin

• Pengkerutan protein dan pembelahan inti sel ovum yg terakhir

• Hasil pengkerutan: dikeluarkannya cairan kedalam rongga antara zp dan vitellin

• Hasil pembelahan inti sel ovum menghasilkan polar bodi

Kepala sperma terlepas dg bagian lainnya dan menggembung

Period of Cleavage

• zygote

• blastomeres

• morula

• Fertlisasi Zygote (gamet)

2 cell, 4 cell, 8 cell, 16 cell dan 32 cell

(Dlm Zona Pelluucida)

32 cell (stadium morulla)

Cairan terlihat terkumpul diantara cel morulla Balstocoele

Tubuh embrio terlihat terbagi 2, karena ada bag sel yg tumbuh membentuk lapisan tipis dibag permukaan

Bag luar disebut Trophoblast

Bag dalam

Plasenta inner cell mass Mahluk baru

32 cell (stadium morulla)

• Cairan terlihat terkumpul diantara cel morulla


• Tubuh embrio terlihat terbagi 2, karena ada bag sel yg tumbuh membentuk lapisan tipis dibag permukaan

• Bag luar disebut Trophoblast Plasenta

• Bag dalam inner cell mass Mahluk baru

Morolla masuk uterus trophoblast

Blastocyst yg mempunyai

Fungsi trophoblast : menyerap cairan yg mengandung nutrisi bagi embrio

Pada beberapa mamalia zp pecah setelah Blastocyst menyentuh endometrium Implantasi

Cairan uterus memp. peran sangat penting dalam menunjang kehidupan embrio menjelang implantasi (spt;

Glysin, alanine, taurine dan glutamine )

Time of Events in Early Embryonic Development spesies

Cattle Horse Sheep Swine

Gamet Longevity (Hours )

Sperm 30-40 72-120 30-48 34-72

Ovum 20-24 6-8 16-24 5-10

Ebryonic Development (days)

2- cell 1 1 1 0,6-0,8

4-cell 1,5 1,5 1,3 1

8-cell 3 3 1,5



7-8 6 6-7 5-6

Hatching 9-11 8 7-8 6

Blastocyst Transport to Uterus

Hours 72-84 140-144 66-72 46-48

Cell stage 8-16 Blastocyst 8-16 4

Blastocyst Elongation (days) 13-21 11-16 11-15

Initial Placentation (days) 22 17 15 13

Birt ( days) 278-290 335-345 145-155 112-115



Proses implantasi adl proses yg berlangs scr bertahap


Persentuhan embrio dengan endometrium


Terlepasnya Zona pellusida


Pergeseran atau pembagian tempat ( polytocous )


Pertautan trophoblast dengan epitel endometrium

Pecahnya Zp: - ada sebelum menyentuh endometrium (beberapa mammalia)

- setelah menyentuh endometrium (marmot) akibat adanya juluran-juluran protein yg berasal dr trophpbalst (akibat reaksi dr embrio)

Hewan Polytocous: mekanisme penyebaran embrio disebut dingan mekanisme kontraksi uterus

Pecahnya Zp:

• ada sebelum menyentuh endomet (bbrp mammalia)

• setelah menyentuh endometrium (marmot), akibat adanya juluran protein yg berasal dr trophpbalst (akibat reaksi dr embrio)

Hewan Polytocous: mekanisme penyebaran embrio disebut mekanisme kontraksi uterus

(Spacing embrio)

Implantasi terjadi: bila embrio telah bertautan dengan endometrium dan tempatnya tdk berubah


Embrionya terbenam dalam kripta endomet (seluruh trophoblast berhub. sangat erat dng dinding kelenjar endomet) hewan pengerat (rodentia)

Emb. hanya bersentuhan dng epithel endomet (pertautan terjadi karena penjuluran protein trophoblast ke endomet sehingga seluruh tubuh embrio masih berada dlm lumen uterus sifat implantasi mengambang (sulit ditentuka


: implantasi ± hr ke 10-22 setelah IB

Sapi: hr ke 11 – 40

Model implantasi kedua sp ini adl sangat rawan

Implantasi pd babi

• Setelah 1,5 – 2 hr di tuba : embrio masuk utereus

• Spacing embrio (pengaturan tempat embrio) 10-15 hr

• Terlepasnya zp (sebelum implantasi)

• Stl Implantasi: trophpblast tumbuh cepat

• Nutrisi untuk embrio berasal dr uterus Histotrophe

(susu uterus)

• Terjadi hubungan yg erat antara trophoblast dengan endometrium terbentuk plasenta


• 3hr post ovulasi morulla dan memasuki lumen uterus

• Morulla blastula

• Blastula melayang-layang dlm histotrophe (17 hr post ovulasi) Masih dapat di flushing

• Db. Mempunyai karunkula dan tersebar diseluruh permukaan endomet

• Jumlah karunkula terbanyak adl pada curvatura mayor dr cornua uteri dan mempunyai demensi lebih besar drpd di bagian apex cornua uteri

• Karunkula berbtk mangkok (cotyledonaria) jml ± 90 buah

• Terjadi persentuhan antara trophoblast dg epitel karunkula

• Sel-sel trophoblast masuk dalm cell vili pada karunkula pertautan yg sangat erat

• Hr ke 30 implantasi selesai


• Hampir sama dg db (karunkula)

• Jumlah embrio hampir sama 1-2 buah

Bedanya: faktor waktu dan kemungkinan terjadinya anastomosa bila kembar (tidak pd domba)

• Anastomosa (kembar ♂♀) Freemartin (majir)

• Implantasi lebih lambat yi. ± 33 hr

• Karunkula berbtk spt bunga kol (cotyledonaria) jml 100 -110






Membran Slip


• Blastocyst dapat hidup dlm susu uterus sampai 60 hr

• Ukuran embrio tdk mengalami perkemb yg cepat (± 5 cm)

• > 60 hr, trophoblas tumbuh vili-vili terjadi pertautan

• Umur 14 mgg (3,5 bln) implantasi terjadi


Tenunan tubuh embrio dan induknya, yg terjalin waktu pertumb. embrio untuk keperluan penyaluran makanan dr induk ke anak dan zat buangan dr anak ke induk.

Kebuntingan muda : jr tubuh embrio paling luar menjadi

Amnion , allantois , chorion dan kantong kuning telur

( yolk sac )

Amnion : bag yg menyelubungi fetus dibagian paling dalam

Khorion : bag yg menyelubungi fetus dibagian paling luar

Allantois : bag yg terdapat diantara amnion dan khorion

• Lapis sel allantois dibag dalam menjadi satu atau berhimpitan dg sel-sel membrana amnion

• Lapis luar berfusi atau berhimpitan dng sel-sel membrana khorion

• Arteri dan vena dr plasenta ke tubuh embrio berada pd lapisan membrana allantois dan khorion

• Adanya ruang amnion yg berisi cairan yg konsistensinya agak kental

Fungsi cairan amnion : mengurangi getaran atau goncangan dr luar tubuh induk dan sbg tempat penampungan zat buangan dr embrio mll urethra.

• Cairan allantois konsistensinya lebih encer memungkinkan bagi fetus mengikuti perubahan posisi induk

Fungsi : sebagai tempat pembuangan urin melalui pusar.

urachus (sal urin yg menghubungkan kantong urin dan kantong allantois melalui tali

• Kantong kuning telur tehenti tummbuh setelah kantong amniom dan allantois terbentuk seutuhnya


Reptilian Chorioallantoic Placenta

Chorioallantoic placenta of the lizard Mabuya

Mammalian Placentation

• Transitory placentae exist in most species

– Yolk sac

– Chorionic

– Chorioamniotic

• Chorioallantoic – formed by chorion,

• Chorioallantoamniotic – final placenta

Chorionic Connective Tissue

• Embryo travels down tube and enters uterus

• Embryo interacts with wall of uterus

– Implantation

– Maternal recognition of pregnanc


• expands and forms placental tissues

• 2 types



• Cyto - main region of the placenta

• Syncytio- invasive tissue

Uterine Response


•Inflammation response endometrium overgrowsembryo

Inflammation response

• endometrium overgrows embryo

• decidualization

Placental Shapes

• Diffuse

– Horses, camels, pigs, dolphins

• Zonary

– Carnivores (raccoon, dog, cat)

• Cotyledonary (placentomes)

– Cows, sheep

• Discoid

– Primates, rodents, rabbits, insectivores





• Zonary

– Dog, Cat









Jar. Ikat






Jar Ikat


• Macamnya dibedakan berdasarkan jumlah lapisan tenunan sel yg memisahkan aliran darah induk dan anak

• Ada 5 struktur scr histologis

1. epiheliochoreale

2. syndesmochoreale

3. endotheliochoreale

4. hemochreale

5. hemoendothelia

Ephiteliochoreale : tdp pd tipe P difusa (kd) darah induk dan anak dipisahkan oleh 2 lapis epitel, 2 lapis endotel, dan 2 lapis tenunan pengikat yg masin-masing berasal dr endo dan trophoblast syndesmochoreale : tdp pd tipe P. cotyledonaria (sp,kb,db) darah anak dan induk dipisahkan oleh 3 lap. Tenunan sel yi.

Endotel, tenunan pengikat dan tenunan epitel trophoblast (dr anak). Dari induk hanya endothel endotheliochoreale : tdp pd tipe P. zonaria (aj, kc)

Hemochreale : tdp pd tpe plasenta diskoidales (man, mencit, tikus, marmot dan kelinci) mempunyai lapisan pemisah darah anak dan induk lebih tipis dan dipisahkan oleh 3 tenunan lap sel yg berasal dr trophoblast (endotel, t.pengikat dan ep. trophoblast)

Hemoendothelia : (hemo = darah, endothel = epithel p.darah) darah induk dan anak hanya dipisahkan oleh 1 lapis tenunan sel yi endothel dr p.darah anak (tdp pd kelinci dg tipe P.diskoidale)

Placental Classification

• Based on number of layers separating fetal and maternal blood

Syndesmochorial (Epitheliolchorial)

(Ruminants )

 Binucleate giant cells (unique)

• Transfer placental lactogen

• Secrete pregnancy specific protein B

• Steroidogenesis

Endotheliochorial (bitch, queen)

 Complete erosion of endometrial epithelium and interstitium; maternal capillaries exposed to chorionic epithelium

Hemochorial (primates, rodents)

 Maternal blood in contact with chorionic epithelium

Hemoendothelial (rabbit, rat, guinea pig)

 Maternal blood in contact with chorionic capillaries

Placental Transfer

Simple diffusion

– Water, gases

Facilitated diffusion

– Glucose, amino acids

Active transport

– Na, K, Ca

Not transferred:

– Immunoglobulins (species dependent)

– Proteins

– Lipids


– Steroid hormones

– Toxic substances (pharmaceuticals, heavy metals)

– Microorganisms (viruses, bacteria)

Placental Hormone Production

 Maintenance of pregnancy

 Stimulation of ovarian function

 Stimulation of mammary gland

 Promotion of fetal growth and maturity

 Assist in parturition

Placental Hormones:

Chorionic Gonadotropins

• Equine (eCG)

– LH like activity in horses

– FSH activity in others

– Produced by endometrial cups

Placental Hormones:

Chorionic Gonadotropins


– LH-like

– Secondary CL’s

– Accessory CL’s

Placental Hormones:

Chorionic Gonadotropins

Human ( hCG )

LH like activity

– Present in urine of pregnant women

Used to induce ovulation, luteinization

Human Hemochorial

Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy

Prevention of luteolysis

– Anti-luteolytic

– Luteotrophic

Maintenance of elevated progesterone

Cow, Ewe

 Trophoblastic protein

- Interferon tau

Cow: bIFNτ (btp-1)

Ewe: oIFNτ (otp-1)

- Produced by trophoblast, d 13-21 post ovulation

Inhibits oxytocin receptor synthesis by endometrium

Also promotes protein synthesis by endometrial glands for embryo survival



– Produced d 11-12 post ovulation

– Increases prolactin receptors

– Promotes exocrine secretion of PGF

– Stimulates uterine contractions to distribute fetuses

– Minimum 2 conceptuses per horn required


• Embryonic mobility

• Embryo doesn’t elongate

• Day 12-14 post ovulation






Initial attachment (d)

Attachment complete (d)










Metabolic exchange between dam and conceptus

– Chorion (villi)

– Endometrium

Transient endocrine organ

– Maintenance of pregnancy

– Preparation for parturition, lactation

– Initiation of parturition



• Khorion adl bagian lap terluar dr trophoblast

• Trophoblast tumbuh menjalar menyelimuti seluruh permukaan endo

• Terbentuknya jar plasenta karena penjalaran trophoblat (tgt dr spesies)

• Sapi dan domba: lap luar trophoblast bersentuhan langs dg endo.

• Kuda dan babi: plasenta terbentuk dr hub.

Superfisial dr sel epitel endo dan epitel khorion

• Tipe plasenta pd sp,db dan kb: Cotyledonaria

• Tipe pada babi dan kuda: difusa

• Tipe pd anjing: zonaria

• Tipe pd kera: diskoidalis

Periode dr mulai fertilisasi sampai kelahiran normal

3 periode kebuntingan


Periode ovum : mulai fertilisasi sampai implantasi)


Periode embrio : implantasi sampai pembentukan alat2 tubuh bag. dalam)


Periode fetus : periode terakhir dari terbentuknya alat tubuh bag dalam, extremitas sampai lahir

Lama kebuntingan: masing-masing sp berbeda

Perbedaan individu dalam spesies disebabkan oleh:

. Faktor genetik

. Faktor sosial dan lingkungan


2 sirkulasi yg paralel yaitu sirkulasi fetus dan maternal


Pada plasenta epithelichoreale, darah ini tidak tercampur

Darah yg mensuplai plasenta adalah darah arteri dan vena uterina

Arteri umbilicus membawa darah dr fetus ke plasenta

Darah kembali ke vena umbilicus dr plasenta ke fetus

Aliran darah fetus dan maternal bisa countercurrent, concurrent dan crosscurrent (aliran yg berbeda)


Pada prinsipnya sama dg hewan dewasa, kecuali oxygenation terjadi pada plasenta bukan pada paru-paru

Sirkulasi fetus juga diperkirakan mempunyai aliran darah oksigen langsung kejaringan

1. Ductus venosus darah terbesar vena umbilicalis dr dalam liver ke


Initiation of Parturition

• Fetal maturity

• Stage 1: Initiation of myometrial contractions

• Stage 2: Expulsion of fetus

• Stage 3: Expulsion of fetal membranes

Fetal pituitary-adrenal axis

– Fetal stress

– Release of fetal ACTH

– Stimulates fetal adrenals to produce corticoids

Fetal corticoids

Promotes synthesis of:

• 17a hydroxylase

• 17-20 desmolase

• Aromatase

Increased E2

Decreased P4

Removal of ‘P4 block ’

Increased secretions of reproductive tract

Hormonal Changes that Control Parturition

Hypothalamus Corticotropic Releasing


Fetal ACTH causes -

Fetal Corticosteroids causes -

Fetal anterior pituitary gland


Hormone (ACTH)



F controlled by maturation of the hypothalamuspituitary-adrenal axis

Removal Blocks Parturition

Progesterone levels placental production or CL regression) -

Production of Estrogens by placenta -

PGF2 a production by

Infusion induces parturition




Stimulates oxytocin receptor in myometrium


(Increase) uterus -


Pine-needle abortion in cattle - cause by a corticosteroid-like product

Redrawn from Liggins, G.C.

1969. In Foetal Autonomy




F2 a


Significance of initial hormonal changes

Progesterone - removes block on uterine contractions.

Allows myometrial muscle fibers to work together in bundles

Estrogen - makes uterus more responsive to induction of contractions i.e., more irritable and smooth muscle tissue stimulation.

Induction of oxytocin receptors

Events just Prior to Parturition:

1. Pelvic ligaments soften - Tail head sinks due to estrogens and relaxin.


2. Cervix softens and begins secreting stringy mucus - estrogens and relaxin.

Increased water content in cervical tissue and cervical plug is removed

3. Swelling of vulva.

Collagenase breaks down collagen which also widens the pelvis

4. Udder swells - fills with first milk and due to edema:

Prolactin, Estrogens and glucocorticoids

5. Fetus moves into proper position - resting on thorax, front feet and head facing the cervix

Stages of Parturition:

I. Dilation of Cervix . (2-6 hours, cow) Heifers 12 hours

Uterine contractions become coordinated and regular -

Estrogen & PGF2 a induced Synchronized

This occurs because progesterone has declined

Fetus pushed against cervix - amnion dilates cervix

Stimulates oxytocin release

Chorioallantoic membrane may break

1st Water Bag

Pressure of fetus in cervix stimulates oxytocin release and reflex contractions of abdominal muscles.



Contractions force the calf legs and head to spread cervix

II. Expulsion of Fetus (.5-2 hours, cow)

Longer than 2 hours considered to have dystocia

Strong uterine contractions due to synergistic actions of high estrogen, PGF2 a and oxytocin

Strong abdominal muscle contractions

Amnion ruptures - mucin lubricates vagina - vestibule

2nd Water Bag

Fetus passes through vagina - vestibule.

Cause of death in 6.4% of calf losses on average

Three Barriers in Delivery of a Calf

1. Head

2. Shoulders

3. Hips

Sow Delivery of Piglets

Length of Stage II in sow is 2 to 4 hours

Delivery of piglets is usually between 8 to 45 minutes between each one.

Delivery will alternate piglets between horns

Last 1/4 of horn in large litters increases the chance of stillborn -

Length of umbilical cord

Uterine horn contracts to shorten distance after delivery of each piglet

III. Expulsion of the Placenta (4-5 hours, cow)

Uterine contractions continue

Blood forced from cotyledon villi - shrinkage separates cotyledon and caruncle

Prolapsed uterus -

Contractions push placenta out cow tired need to give oxytocin

Causes of retained Placentas:

-Infections caused adhesions between cotyledon and caruncle

-Calving stress - twins or calving difficulty - edema of cotyledon - won't separate from caruncle

-Weak uterine contractions - villi won't shrink Oxytocin

Milk fever - Calcium low

Parturition: Stage I

Increased myometrial activity

Fetal positioning

Cervical relaxation/dilation

Oxytocin release

Rupture of chorioallantois

Parturition: Stage II

Estrogen stimulates secretory activity

Fetal activity (response to hypoxia) stimulates myometrial activity

Cervical stretching (pressure) causes oxytocin release

Eventually fetus is delivered

Parturition: Stage III

Release of fetal membranes

Care of retained placentas:

Do not manually remove from uterus; uterine damage greater than infection of retained placenta

Do not pull placenta out even in Mare!

Check to see placenta is fully intact in Mare or you need a

Veterinarian to clean her out.

Don’t breed on foal heat if there is a problem

Infuse Bovine uterus with tetracycline and systemic injections of penicillin until placenta passes ~ 2-4 days.

Don’t give mare tetracycline as this will cause inflammation!!

Can treat cow with either PGF2 a or oxytocin (ergonovine) to expel the infection

Hormonal changes cause:

1. Final maturation of fetus

2. Expansion of birth canal

3. Maternal behavior

4. Synthesis and ejection of milk

5. Initiation of uterine contractions

6 .

Termination of pregnancy

Cortisol - stimulates lung surfactant

Initiates parturition and lung development

Fescue toxicity problems:

Ergot causes inhibition of prolactin release and thus milk production

Prolactin completes final mammary development and milk secretion

Fetal Corticoids

Stimulate PGF synthesis

– Stimulates myometrial activity

– Causes luteolysis


‘Reproductive repair’

– Uterine involution

• Myometrial contractions

• Expulsion of lochia

• Endometrial repair

– Resumption of ovarian activity

– Elimination of bacterial contamination

Myometrial Contractions

Stimulated by oxytocin

Removal of debris and fluid from uterus

Compress uterine vasculature, minimize hemorrhage

Reduce size of uterus


Normal discharge

Duration varies with species


Mammary Gland

– Isometric growth until puberty

– Allometric growth post-puberty

• Hormonal influence

Mammary Gland Development

Repeated estrous cycles result in development of mammary glands


– Secretory tissue

– Develop under progesterone


– Estrogen

– Prolactin

– Somatotropin

Mammary Gland Development

Last trimester

– Lobules develop in alveoli

– Milk secretion dependent on

• Prolactin

• Adrenal cortical hormones

• Placental lactogen

Mammary Gland Secretions


– Immunoglobulins

– Growth factors

– Temporary secretion


– Composition differs among species

Mammary Gland Involution

Decreased suckling

– Pressure atrophy

• Capable of rapid cessation

Critical for milk production after subsequent pregnancy

Milk Ejection

Secretion vs. Ejection

– Secretion into alveoli

– If not secreted, pressure atrophy occurs


– Neuroendocrine reflex
