STREAM SOCIAL: Q2 2013 GlobalWebIndex’s quarterly update of social media usage trends around the world September 2013 The data in this report is sourced from the GlobalWebIndex and is the second of our quarterly Stream Social series, providing readers with a unique understanding (and the most recent independent global data) about current trends in the global social media environment. This report will reveal: Global Trends in Social Platform Adoption • Develop global, regional and local social priorities • Drive insights into engagement and adoption Detailed Demographics on Users • Learn how to tailor your strategy • Explore mainstreaming of social platforms Consumer Behaviour and Actions by PC, Mobile, and Tablet • Design platform specific strategy • Quantify key platform behaviours © 2013 GLOBALWEBINDEX CONTENTS 1. Introduction to the GlobalWebIndex 2. Global Overview of Social Platforms • • • • • • Account Ownership and Active User penetration at a global level % Change in Social Platform Active Users from Q2 2012 to Q1 2013 at a global level Age and Gender split of the top 5 global social platforms % Change in Select Social Platform Active Users from Q2 2012 to Q1 2013 at a global level Illustration of visitation vs. account ownership vs. active usage vs. post an update for Facebook, Twitter and Google+ Proportions of Active Users vs. Account Ownership for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, and LinkedIn 3. Social Platforms Local Market Deep Dive • • • Social Platform penetration and universe size by Market (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, LinkedIn) % Change in Account Ownership and Active Users by Market for Facebook, Twitter and Google+ Indexing iOS and Android users’ active usage of Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ by market 4. Social Platform Activities • Comparing activities by device performed on Facebook, Google+, and Twitter 5. Conclusions © 2013 GLOBALWEBINDEX KEY FINDINGS • Active usage of the major, global social platforms is growing worldwide with mobile being the key driver; • Google+ remains the second most actively used social network with 318.4 million active users in 31 markets; • Emerging platforms have experienced notable growth in popularity since Q2 2012 with Pinterest and Tumblr being currently the fastest growing global social media; • Facebook maintains the highest penetration of active users among account owners at 62% globally. This compares to 51% for Twitter and 44% for Google+; • Emerging markets remain more active on social networks compared with developed countries. In Q2 2013 South Africa had the highest proportion of active Facebook users: 68%. • Mobile and tablet usage is beginning to heavily impact social media usage with mobile having the biggest effect on Twitter which is used by 94 million active Twitter to share photos compared to 140 million on PC. This is the highest proportion of mobile vs. PC photos sharing of any social network © 2013 GLOBALWEBINDEX G L O B A L O V E R V I E W O F S O C I A L P L AT F O R M S GOOGLE+ IS THE SECOND MOST COMMONLY USED SOCIAL NETWORK GLOBALLY Global Penetration of Social Platform - Account Ownership, % of internet users globally, Q2 2013 Global Penetration of Social Platform - Active Usage, % of internet users globally, Q2 2013 Facebook Google+ YouTube (Since GWI.8) Twitter Sina Weibo Tencent Weibo Qzone (China Only) Tencent (China Only; Since GWI.8) LinkedIn RenRen (China Only) Youku (China Only; Since GWI.8) Myspace (Since GWI.8) Tudou (China Only; Since GWI.8) Instagram (Since GWI.10) Pinterest Kaixin (China Only) Orkut (Since GWI.8) Tumblr Badoo (China Only) Viadeo None of the Above Reddit (Since GWI.9) Bebo (Since GWI.8) Quora (Since GWI.8) Yammer (Since GWI.8) vkontakte (Russia Only) Odnoklassniki (Russia Only) Mixi (Japan Only) Mig33 (Indonesia Only) Koprol (Indonesia Only) Nasza-Klasa (Poland Only; Since GWI.8) Me2Day (South Korea Only) Copains d'Avant (France Only) Tuenti (Spain Only) Sonico (Mexico Only) Facebook None of the Above Google+ YouTube (Since GWI.8) Sina Weibo Twitter Qzone (China Only) Tencent Weibo Tencent (China Only; Since GWI.8) Youku (China Only; Since GWI.8) RenRen (China Only) Tudou (China Only; Since GWI.8) LinkedIn Kaixin (China Only) Instagram (Since GWI.10) Pinterest Myspace (Since GWI.8) Tumblr (China Only) Orkut (Since GWI.8) Badoo Viadeo vkontakte (Russia Only) Reddit (Since GWI.9) Other Odnoklassniki (Russia Only) Quora (Since GWI.8) Bebo (Since GWI.8) Yammer (Since GWI.8) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Source: GlobalWebIndex, Questions: On which of the following social platforms do you have an account? & Which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month?; Base % of internet users aged 16 to 64 globally 35% 40% 45% 50% PINTEREST IS THE FASTEST GROWING GLOBAL SOCIAL NETWORK Global Penetration of Social Platform - Active Usage, % change in millions of Active Users globally, between Q2 2012 and Q2 2013 Pinterest Tumblr Mig33 (Indonesia Only) Twitter LinkedIn Sina Weibo Google+ vkontakte (Russia Only) Facebook Tencent Weibo Viadeo Pinterest and Tumblr take the top spots Sonico (Mexico Only) RenRen (China Only) In the Q1 2013 Stream Social Report, GWI reported that Twitter was the fastest growing social platform between Q2 2012 and Q1 2013. Much has changed in a quarter, however, and now with a year-on-year (y-o-y) comparison, we see that both Pinterest and Tumblr have grown more than any other social platform between Q2 2012 and Q2 2013, by 88% and 74% respectively. None of the Above Koprol (Indonesia Only) Qzone (China Only) Kaixin (China Only) Badoo Odnoklassniki (Russia Only) (China Only) Nate Connect (South Korea Only) Copains d'Avant (France Only) Other Tuenti (Spain Only) Me2Day (South Korea Only) Mixi (Japan Only) -100% -50% 0% 50% 100% Source: GlobalWebIndex; Question: Which of the following social platforms have you used or contributed to in the past month?; Base: % change in millions of active users globally LINKEDIN IS MORE POPULAR AMONG OLDER INTERNET USERS Top 5 Social Platforms Globally – Demographic Breakdown of Active Users, Q2 2013 Female Male 57% 25 to 34 63% 8% 16 to 24 13% 25% 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 37% 37% 43% 11% 61% 63% 5% 11% 32% 20% 5% 28% 37% 39% 5% 10% 63% 7% 28% 14% 23% 22% 23% 25% 31% 32% 20% 33% 34% Source: GlobalWebIndex; Question: Which of the following social media platforms have you used or contributed to in the past month?; Base: % of global internet users age 16 to 65 33% ACTIVE USAGE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASED AMONG OLDER USERS Global Penetration of Social Platforms by age groups - % change in millions of Active Users, between Q2 2012 and Q2 2013 250% 16 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% Source: GlobalWebIndex, Questions: On which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month?; Base % of internet users in each age break ENGAGEMENT SPLIT AT A GLOBAL LEVEL ACCOUNT OWNERSHIP VISIT LAST MONTH (PC) ACTIVE LAST MONTH POST (TEXT) UPDATE 957.4m 809.8m 597.8m 391.8m 162.6m 728.7m* 1,203.8m** 318.4m*** 143.5m 607.4m 416m 296.9m *Google+ Accounts **Google visitation. is too integrated to segment as a URL *** Activity could be conducted on a variety of Google services connected through the G+ layer Source: GlobalWebIndex Q2 2013: Universe estimates based on global Internet penetration calculations and forecasts using GWI methodology FACEBOOK MAINTAINS THE HIGHEST ENGAGEMENT RATE AMONG ACCOUNT OWNERS Active Usage Measurement - % of Account Owners that are Active on the Platform in the past month globally, Q2 2013 38% Active 51% Non-Active 62% 39% 44% 49% 56% 61% 39% 61% The engagement rate of active users to account holders decreased for all top 5 social networks compared with Q1 2013. Despite that, Facebook still remains the leader in engaging its audience with 62% of active account holders. The gap between engagement of Google+ and Twitter has widened over the past quarter with microblog’s account holders being 10% more likely to use it actively than those who signed up to Google+. The two main emerging platforms proved to be equally engaging in Q2 2013. Source: GlobalWebIndex, Questions: On which of the following social platforms do you have an account? & On which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month?; Base % of internet users globally aged 16 to 65 S O C I A L P L AT F O R M S M A R K E T D E E P D I V E ACTIVE USAGE OF FACEBOOK IS THE HIGHEST IN NORTH AMERICA Twitter Facebook Badoo YouTube Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Myspace Instagram Key Social Platforms - % of Internet Users Active on world’s 10 largest social platforms by region, Q2 2013 Asia Pacific 21% 34% 3% 20% 26% 4% 9% 5% 5% 5% Europe 18% 50% 3% 21% 18% 3% 6% 2% 3% 5% Latin America 23% 55% 7% 26% 25% 5% 12% 4% 5% 10% Middle East and Africa 33% 56% 5% 31% 32% 8% 18% 5% 5% 9% North America 25% 59% 1% 27% 15% 17% 10% 5% 4% 9% Google+ is catching Facebook While Facebook still leads in terms of active usage in every region around the world, Google+ has made significant inroads and its penetration among the internet population in APAC is only 8 percentage points behind that of Facebook. This is due to high usage of country-specific social networks such as Sina Weibo in China, which with its user base of over 300 millions active members is currently the 4 th largest platform in the world (measured across markets surveyed by GWI). While Facebook does have 21% penetration in China, the local platform are far more popular because they are much more easily accessible. Source: GlobalWebIndex Q2 2013, Question: Which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month?; Base % of global internet users ACTIVE USAGE OF FACEBOOK IS THE HIGHEST IN NORTH AMERICA Facebook Badoo YouTube Google+ Pinterest LinkedIn Tumblr Myspace Instagram Asia Pacific Europe Latin America Middle East and Africa North America Twitter Key Social Platforms - millions of Internet Users Active on world’s 10 largest social platforms by region, Q2 2013 165.19 49.09 27.06 7.84 47.75 269.97 137.10 64.00 13.57 113.15 26.54 8.03 7.89 1.30 1.75 155.03 57.47 29.81 7.49 50.97 204.11 48.39 29.24 7.60 29.05 31.71 8.13 5.22 1.90 31.75 67.71 15.88 13.74 4.36 18.36 36.40 6.58 4.82 1.32 10.40 37.83 7.39 6.10 1.30 7.54 40.03 12.64 11.12 2.27 18.06 Size Matters With the largest internet population by far, the Asia Pacific region dominates the social media landscape when it comes to absolute numbers of active users despite having the among the lowest penetration on most of the big global platforms. Source: GlobalWebIndex Q2 2013, Question: Which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month?; Base % of global internet users SOUTH AFRICA HAD THE LARGEST PROPORTION OF ACTIVE FACEBOOK USERS IN Q2 2013 Global Penetration of Social Platform – Active Usage,% Facebook Active Users, in Q2 2013 Global Penetration of Social Platform - Account Ownership,% Facebook Account Owners, in Q2 2013 Indonesia South Africa Philippines Indonesia India Philippines Malaysia Vietnam Vietnam Turkey Thailand Taiwan Singapore Poland Mexico Mexico Argentina Malaysia Brazil Canada UAE USA Taiwan Singapore Turkey Spain South Africa Thailand Spain Argentina Saudi Arabia India Canada UK USA Brazil Italy Australia UK Italy Australia UAE Sweden Saudi Arabia Poland Sweden South Korea Hong Kong France France Germany Netherlands Netherlands Germany Hong Kong Russia Russia South Korea Japan Japan China China 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Source: GlobalWebIndex, Questions: On which of the following social platforms do you have an account? & Which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month?; Base % of internet users by market 70% 80% DEVELOPING MARKETS ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE ACTIVE ON GOOGLE+ Global Penetration of Social Platform – Active Usage % of Active Google+ Users, in Q2 2013 Global Penetration of Social Platform - Account Ownership, % of Google+ Account Owners in Q2 2013 India Thailand Philippines India Indonesia South Africa Thailand Indonesia Vietnam Malaysia Saudi Arabia Philippines Malaysia Vietnam Mexico Saudi Arabia Brazil Mexico Turkey Turkey UAE UAE Argentina Poland South Africa Russia Taiwan China Spain Argentina South Korea Brazil Singapore Taiwan Russia Singapore Italy Spain Poland Italy Canada USA China Canada USA Hong Kong Hong Kong Australia Sweden France Australia South Korea France UK UK Netherlands Netherlands Sweden Germany Germany Japan Japan 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Source: GlobalWebIndex, Questions: On which of the following social platforms do you have an account? & Which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month?; Base % of internet users by market 30% 35% 40% IN Q2 2013 INDONESIA WAS THE LEADER IN MICROBLOGGING ACTIVITY Global Penetration of Social Platform – Active Usage,% of Active Twitter Users in Q2 2013 Global Penetration of Social Platform - Account Ownership,% of Twitter Account Owners in Q2 2013 Indonesia Indonesia Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Turkey Turkey India South Africa Philippines Philippines Mexico India UAE Thailand South Korea Mexico Malaysia UAE Brazil Spain South Africa Malaysia Thailand USA Spain UK Canada Canada Singapore Singapore Argentina South Korea USA Argentina UK Brazil Vietnam Japan Italy Russia Russia Australia Japan Italy Australia Vietnam Hong Kong China Netherlands Hong Kong China Poland France France Sweden Netherlands Taiwan Germany Germany Sweden Poland Taiwan 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% Source: GlobalWebIndex, Questions: On which of the following social platforms do you have an account? & Which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month?; Base % of internet users by market 35% 40% 45% MOBILE DRIVES ACTIVE USAGE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS Index of Social Platform active usage for iOS and Android (Mobile OS) Users, 100 represents the market average penetration for each social platform, Q2 2013 Japan Japan China Spain Japan Hong Kong France France South Korea Germany Netherlands Germany Mexico China Sweden Netherlands Brazil France South Korea Germany Australia Australia Mexico Netherlands Italy Thailand Russia Sweden Singapore iOS Users UK Italy iOS Users UAE Android Users Brazil Canada HOW TO READ THESE CHARTS USA Thailand Poland Indexing the market average to 100 allows us to understand how much more or less likely iOS and Android users are to be active users of each platform. Italy UAE Singapore Spain Saudi Arabia Taiwan Mexico South Africa Example: Russian iPhone users are 5% more likely to use Google+ than the average Russian internet user. Philippines Vietnam Malaysia India China Indonesia Australia UK UAE Thailand Singapore USA USA Brazil Canada Saudi Arabia Vietnam India Saudi Arabia Russia South Africa Vietnam India Taiwan Indonesia Canada Turkey Turkey Philippines Sweden South Korea Hong Kong Spain Malaysia Hong Kong Poland Malaysia Argentina Indonesia Argentina Taiwan Argentina Philippines 100 150 200 250 Android Users UK South Africa Turkey iOS Users Russia Android Users Poland 100 150 200 250 Source: GlobalWebIndex, Questions: Which of the following services have you used or contributed to in the past month?; Base % of internet users by market 100 150 200 250 S O C I A L P L AT F O R M A C T I V I T I E S FACEBOOK ACTIVITIES – PC DOMINATES USAGE BUT TABLET IS GROWING QUICKLY Top 10 Facebook Activities Globally - % change in millions of Active Facebook Users performing the following top 10 social network activities via each type of device on Facebook, between Q2 2012 and Q2 2013 Top 10 Facebook Activities Globally - millions of Active Facebook Users performing the following top 10 social network activities, Q2 2013 200% PC Mobile Tablet 180% 160% Millions Active Millions Active Millions Active Facebook Facebook Facebook Users Users Users 140% 120% Uploaded and share photos 476.59 239.17 108.37 80% Messaged with friends on a one on one basis 374.55 216.23 82.86 60% Commented on a friend's post 388.08 201.82 94.44 40% Commented on a friend's photo or video 359.53 184.84 86.55 20% Posted comment about my daily activities 349.60 184.71 87.86 Clicked Facebook ‘like’ button 348.16 150.64 84.87 Followed a group or like a page created by a brand 291.99 110.60 66.94 Watched video clips created by other internet users 310.76 125.06 75.58 Shared a link to an article 287.82 112.19 67.37 Shared videos created by other internet users 259.86 93.31 54.64 100% 0% -20% Source: GlobalWebIndex, Question: Thinking about the social media services that you actively use, could you please tell us if you have done any of the following on the service through your PC/Laptop/Mobile/Tablet in the past month? Base: % of Active Facebook Users TWITTER ACTIVITIES – MOBILE IS CRITICAL FOR TWITTER Top 10 Twitter Activities Globally - % change in millions of Active Twitter Users performing the following top 10 social network activities via each type of device on Facebook, between Q2 2012 and Q2 2013 Top 10 Twitter Activities Globally - millions of Active Twitter Users performing the following top 10 social network activities, Q2 2013 300% PC Mobile Tablet 250% Millions Active Millions Active Millions Active Twitter Users Twitter Users Twitter Users 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% Posted comment about my daily activities 140.86 94.15 51.63 Uploaded and share photos 171.75 96.24 55.23 Commented on a friend's post 126.26 84.71 46.43 Messaged with friends on a one on one basis 115.12 87.04 38.33 Shared links to blogs 118.08 65.60 40.86 Shared a link to an article 109.15 61.26 39.10 Followed a group or like a page created by a brand 99.31 52.96 39.01 Commented on a friend's photo or video 107.36 70.08 42.39 Shared videos created by other internet users 97.08 53.10 34.91 Shared photos from a company or brand 104.31 59.61 34.03 Source: GlobalWebIndex, Question: Thinking about the social media services that you actively use, could you please tell us if you have done any of the following on the service through your PC/Laptop/Mobile/Tablet in the past month? Base: % of Active Twitter Users GOOGLE+ ACTIVITIES – MOBILE ALSO DRIVES GOOGLE+ THANKS TO ANDROID Top 10 Google+ Activities Globally - % change in millions of Active Google+ Users performing the following top 10 social network activities via each type of device on Facebook, between Q2 2012 and Q2 2013 250% PC Tablet Top 10 Google+ Activities Globally - millions of Active Google+ Users performing the following top 10 social network activities, Q2 2013 Mobile 200% Millions Active Millions Active Millions Active Google+ Users Google+ Users Google+ Users 150% 100% 50% 0% Uploaded and share photos 206.74 103.54 60.20 Clicked a Google+ ‘+1 button’ 129.43 63.78 39.46 Checked in at a location 112.06 71.85 37.51 Watched video clips created by other internet users 124.89 55.54 39.52 Messaged with friends on a one on one basis 131.18 93.82 43.82 Shared links to blogs 136.42 66.88 39.25 Watched full-length TV or films 121.95 46.08 39.94 Shared a link to an article 127.44 62.95 41.43 Commented on a friend's post 141.83 80.10 49.33 Posted comment about my daily activities 135.12 76.24 49.07 Source: GlobalWebIndex, Question: Thinking about the social media services that you actively use, could you please tell us if you have done any of the following on the service through your PC/Laptop/Mobile/Tablet in the past month? Base: % of Active Google+ Users CONCLUSIONS KEY FINDINGS • Active usage of the major, global social platforms is growing worldwide with mobile being the key driver; • Google+ remains the second most actively used social network with 318.4 million active users in 31 markets; • Emerging platforms have experienced notable growth in popularity since Q2 2012 with Pinterest and Tumblr being the fastest growing global social media at the moment; • Facebook maintains the highest penetration of active users among account owners at 62% globally. This compares to 51% for Twitter and 44% for Google+; • Emerging markets remain more active on social networks compared with developed countries. In Q2 2013 South Africa had the highest proportion of active Facebook users: 68%. • Mobile and tablet usage is beginning to heavily impact social media usage with mobile having the biggest effect on Twitter which is used by 94 million active Twitter to share photos compared to 140 million on PC. This is the highest proportion of mobile vs. PC photos sharing of any social network. © 2013 GLOBALWEBINDEX GO DEEPER TO GET THIS DATA TAILORED TO YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE DATA PACKS Get the detailed data behind each chart – split by key demographics and countries Get the data packs WANT MORE? PRO Platform Customise all the data and insights in our web based analysis platform Find out more STREAM ONDEMAND Contact our team to customise to your brand, business and target audience Learn more © 2013 GLOBALWEBINDEX