ZorgMail Address Book EDI Documentation File ID: addressbook_zorgmail_a13_edi © 2014 ENOVATION B.V. Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden openbaar gemaakt of verveelvoudigd, opgeslagen in een data verwerkend systeem of uitgezonden in enige vorm door middel van druk, fotokopie of welke andere wijzen dan ook zonder voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de directie van ENOVATION B.V. Table of contents 1 Introduction........................................................................................................... 3 2 File formats ........................................................................................................... 3 3 File contents ......................................................................................................... 4 4 Column definitions ............................................................................................... 4 5 Disclaimer ............................................................................................................. 6 ZorgMail Address Book EDI 2014-03-10 Page 2 / 6 1 Introduction ZorgMail is the secure messaging service for healthcare in the Netherlands. Applications of all types of practitioners are integrated by electronic data interchange (EDI) using ZorgMail. ZorgMail supports all standards (EDIFACT, HL7, XML, etc.) and maps messages to the standard supported by the receiving application. The sender can send using the standard his application supports. ZorgMail provides a community where the sender only needs the address of the recipient and comply to the standards. Applications integrate with the ZorgMail hub, not end-to-end. The community that is integrated with ZorgMail is published in the ZorgMail Address Book EDI. ZorgMail also provides a Secure e-mail solution for healthcare in the Netherlands. Addresses for secure e-mail are published in the ZorgMail Address Book Secure e-mail, a separate book, separately documented. The ZorgMail Address Book can be accessed through the ZorgMail API. The documentation is available at: https://api.zorgmail.nl/addressbook/documentation/. The API provides three interfaces: a REST interface to integrate a search in your application for EDI, a FILE interface to synchronize the ZorgMail address in the local contacts of your application for EDI or SE, and a LDAP interface to integrate the Secure e-mail book in your mail client for SE. This document contains the documentation of the FILE interface for EDI. Complete documentation for all interfaces can be found online. 2 File formats The FILE API supports two formats: json and csv. The files are UTF-8 encoded with CRLF line endings and have no defined sort order. The rows and columns are the same for both formats and described in the next two chapters. References to the standards: Encoding = UTF-8 (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3629) Format = csv (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180) Format = json (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4627) Format = zip (https://www.pkware.com/documents/APPNOTE/APPNOTE-6.3.2.TXT) ZorgMail Address Book EDI 2014-03-10 Page 3 / 6 3 File contents The standard file can be downloaded from: https://api.zorgmail.nl/addressbook/files/addressbook_zorgmail_a13_edi.json.zip Basic authentication is required. Your application can login with an application password (EDI password). This file contains all enabled mailboxes for EDI. Your application can process this file to update the ZorgMail address of your local contacts. This process can be optimized by skipping all records with lastModified smaller than the transactionId of the file processed last. To remove ZorgMail addresses that are no longer enabled all stored addresses must be checked whether the address still exists or not. To facilitate an update procedure where stored addresses need not be checked, but processing all records in the file suffices, the file with suffix ‘_update’ can be downloaded from: https://api.zorgmail.nl/addressbook/files/addressbook_zorgmail_a13_edi_update.json.zip This file also contains the deletions of the last 6 months. To facilitate applications that will only send messages to specific roles, smaller files are available: https://api.zorgmail.nl/addressbook/files/addressbook_zorgmail_a13_edi_huisartsen.json.zip https://api.zorgmail.nl/addressbook/files/addressbook_zorgmail_a13_edi_poliklinieken.json.zip These partial address books do not contain deletions, there is no ‘_update’ variant. To facilitate an update procedure where stored addresses need not be checked there is a file with all deletions of the last 6 months, but only the key columns to keep the file small: https://api.zorgmail.nl/addressbook/files/addressbook_zorgmail_a14_edi_delete.json.zip Replace ‘json’ by ‘csv’ in the URI’s for format csv. 4 Column definitions The column definitions A13 and A14 are described in this chapter. The format codes are defined as: A..12 means a string with maximum length 12. A3 means a string with length 3. N..9 means a string of digits (0-9) with maximum length 9, leading zeros are allowed. N08 means a string of digits (0-9) with length 8, leading zeros are allowed. N9 means a string of digits (0-9) with length 9, leading zeros are not allowed. Mandatory columns have minimum length 1. The type codes are defined as: M means Mandatory O means Optional U means Unique PK means Primary key, which is always mandatory and unique ZorgMail Address Book EDI 2014-03-10 Page 4 / 6 addressbook_zorgmail_a13_edi column definitions: # Column Type Format Description 1 version M A3 This column definition is version ‘A13’. Same value for all records in a file. 2 transactionId M A..128 Id of transaction that produced this csv file. Starts with YYYY-MM-DD. Same value for all records in a file. 3 id PK N09 ZorgMail Mailbox id, also known as Customer number (‘Klantnummer’). 4 displayName M A..64 Display name is a summary of the mailbox profile, the identity of the addressee. 5 mailAddress MU A..128 Default ZorgMail EDI address. 6 deleted M A1 Y/N. For Y delete this address from your local contacts. 7 created M A..40 Mailbox creation date(time). Starts with YYYY-MM-DD. 8 lastModified M A..40 Mailbox last modification (or touch) date(time). Starts with YYYY-MM-DD. 9 endDate O A..10 Mailbox will be deleted after this date. YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601). 10 role M A..64 Role of person or practice. 11 zvAgbCode OU N08 AGB-practitioner code: practitioner type N02 + practitioner number N06. Leading zero’s added to fixed length. 12 gender M A1 F/M/U. Gender: Female / Male / Unknown. 13 surname M A..128 Surname. Not empty: for non-human equal to the department or organization. 14 initials O A..10 Initials with punctuation. 15 prefix O A..10 Surname prefix. 16 department O A..128 Department in organization. 17 organizationId O A..128 Organization ID. Meaningless, can change in time. 18 prAgbCode O N08 AGB-practice code: practice type N02 + practice number N06. Leading zero’s added to fixed length. 19 organizationType O A..64 Organization type. 20 organization M A..128 Organization name. 21 street M A..80 Street. 22 houseNumber M A..12 House number and additions. 23 postalCode M A..12 Postal code. 24 locality M A..80 Locality or City. 25 country M A..40 Country name. 26 telephoneNumber O A..15 Telephone number of organization. ZorgMail Address Book EDI 2014-03-10 Page 5 / 6 addressbook_zorgmail_a14_edi_delete column definitions: # Column Type Format Description 1 version M A3 This column definition is version ‘A14’. Same value for all records in a file. 2 transactionId M A..128 Id of transaction that produced this csv file. Starts with YYYY-MM-DD. Same value for all records in a file. 3 id PK N09 ZorgMail Mailbox id, also known as Customer number (‘Klantnummer’). 4 deleted M A1 Y/N. For Y delete this address from your local contacts. For A14 always Y. 5 lastModified M A..40 Mailbox last modification (or touch) date(time). Starts with YYYY-MM-DD. 5 Disclaimer Disclaimer in Dutch: Het doel van het ZorgMail Adresboek is het beschikbaar maken van ZorgMail-adressen ten behoeve van elektronische post via ZorgMail. Elektronische post kan zowel EDI als secure e-mail zijn. Voor adressering wordt het mailadres, het postbusnummer of de AGB-code gebruikt. Alle overige velden zijn ter identificatie, voor de herkenbaarheid tijdens het zoeken naar een adres. De straat en woonplaats worden in verband met de herkenbaarheid zo veel mogelijk gevuld met een bezoek- of praktijkadres. ENOVATION ontvangt de gegevens op verschillende manieren: aanmeldformulieren, telefoon, bestanden, etc.. Aanpassingen op het ZorgMail Adresboek zijn reactief: (adres)wijzigingen die aan ENOVATION worden gemeld worden verwerkt. ENOVATION is op geen enkele wijze aansprakelijk voor directe- of indirecte schade die ontstaat door onjuiste gegevens in het ZorgMail Adresboek. Het ZorgMail Adresboek mag uitsluitend gebruikt worden voor elektronische post via ZorgMail. De gebruiker heeft niet het recht om deze gegevens om welke reden dan ook aan derden ter beschikking te stellen. Alle schade die ENOVATION loopt door het ter beschikking stellen van het ZorgMail Adresboek aan derden kan ENOVATION op de gebruiker verhalen of indien en zodra de gebruiker het ZorgMail Adresboek aan derden om welke reden dan ook ter beschikking heeft gesteld, verbeurt de gebruiker een niet voor matiging vatbare boete van € 10.000 ongeacht het recht van ENOVATION om alle door haar geleden schade op de gebruiker te verhalen. ZorgMail Address Book EDI 2014-03-10 Page 6 / 6