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Monte Carlo methods
Computing Across the Sciences
“Randomness” and Distributions
In the non-science world, the word "random" often means
"without pattern". However, in science, the word "random"
rarely means that. Rather, a "random number" is a number
chosen from some distribution of numbers. The "random
number" does not take just one value, but rather any value
from the distribution; the distribution is the "pattern" of the
random number.
What, precisely, is a distribution of real numbers? Let's
consider two types of distributions, each with many
applications in science: discrete and continuous.
Computers never generate truly "random" numbers, but
many programs have built-in "pseudo-random" numbers that
are sufficient for most purposes.
Discrete Distributions
In a (finite) discrete distribution, there is a list of real numbers
that can be achieved by the "random" number; let's call these
numbers x1,x2, ..., xn. For each number xi, there is a
probability pi between 0 and 1 that is the chance that the
random number equals xi. Since the random number must
equal one of the xi, the total of the probabilities must be 1:
i 1
(We could also have an infinite discrete distribution, where there is an
infinite list of real numbers that can be achieved by the "random" number:
x1, x2, ..., and a probability pi for each one, and then it would be the
infinite sum of the probabilities that would equal 1. We will not deal with
this case here).
Discrete Distributions
As an example, consider tossing a coin, where "heads" is
associated with the number 1 and "tails" associated with the
number 0, and each case happens half of the time on average.
Thus, our distribution has x1= 0, x2= 1, p1= 1/2, p2= 1/2.
How can we reproduce such a distribution on the
computer? Technically, we can not. No computer can ever
generate a truly random distribution. However, there are
many algorithms for generating "pseudo-random" numbers
according to some distribution. These "pseudo-random"
distributions are sufficient for most purposes (though you
should always keep in mind that they are not truly "random").
Discrete Distributions
For example, in Mathematica, Random[Integer] generates 0
half of the time and 1 the other half of the time (like tossing a
Discrete Distributions
If you want more control, you can specify the range of
random integers. For example, here is how to get a list of 10
random integers between 3 and 9.
Discrete Distributions
With some creativity, you can generate random numbers that
are more likely to take on one value than another. For
example, consider a loaded die, that comes up "1" one time
out of 10, "2" once out of 10, "3" once out of 10, "4" once out
of 10, "5" once out of 10, and "6" 5 times out of 10. We can
simulate that by generating a random integer from 1 to 10,
and if the integer is greater than 6, then set it to 6:
Discrete Histograms
A nice way to visualize a discrete distribution is with a
histogram. To make a histogram, we sort a list of random
numbers into "bins" (for example, 0.5--1.5, 1.5--2.5, 2.5--3.5,
etc). Then we make a bar chart in which the height of each
bar represents the number of "random numbers" in that bin.
Discrete Histograms
Here's how we do this in Mathematica. First we load in the
Graphics`Graphics` package, which contains the Histogram
command, and then we call the Histogram command,
including, if we want, a specified list of cutoffs. Let's do this
for 1000 rolls of our loaded die:
Notice that we get approximately 50% in the 6 bar, and 10%
in each other bar, as expected.
Discrete Histograms
By adding the flag HistogramScale->1, we can create a
slightly different sort of histogram, one where the area of
each bar (not the height) is what is important, and this area
represents not the number of random numbers in that bin, but
rather the proportion of random numbers in that bin. This
type of histogram can let us see the underlying probabilities
more clearly, and will be useful as a transition to continuous
distributions in the next section
Continuous Distributions
In a continuous distribution, the random numbers are spread
continuously over some range. In such a distribution, it
doesn't make sense to talk about the probability of getting any
single number---after all, is there any chance that you are
exactly 6 feet tall, not 5.92, not 5.99935, not
6.000000000001? Instead, we describe the distribution by a
density function f(x), with the probability that the random
number is between a and b being equal to the integral of f
from a to b:
Prob. of being between a and b   f(x)dx
Since the random number must be somewhere, the integral of
f over all the possible random numbers must be equal to 1.
Continuous Distributions
Think of the density function as just a smoothed-out
histogram (with the HistogramScale->1 scaling rule, as
described above). In the discrete case, it was the area of a
group of bars that gave the probability of landing in those
regions; now it is the area under the curve that gives you this
Continuous Distributions
For example, consider the "uniform" distribution of real
numbers on [0,1], in which all regions in [0,1] are equally
likely. The density function for this distribution is just f(x) =
1, for 0 < x < 1.
This uniform distribution can be generated in Mathematica
using Random[ ]:
Continuous Distributions
Let's verify this by generating 5000 numbers using Random[ ]
and making a histogram with 10 equal-sized bars from 0 to 1
to see that each bar is equally likely:
Sure enough, this histogram is quite close to the density
function f(x)=1.
Continuous Distributions
We can also spread numbers nonuniformly, as in the discrete
case with the loaded die. A famous nonuniform distribution is
the normal distribution, or "bell curve". The density for a
normal distribution has the following shape:
A normal distribution is centered at some average value m (I
chose m=4) and has a width determined by a parameter called
the standard deviation s (I chose s=2.5)
Continuous Distributions
Here we make Mathematica generate 5000 random numbers
with a normal distribution with mean 68 and standard
deviation 6 (Note that we first load the package
Statistics`ContinuousDistributions`). We plot a histogram
with 20 bars (letting the computer decide which 20 bars to
choose) to verify that it simulates a normal distribution
“Monte Carlo” Simulations
Simulations involving random numbers sometimes go by the
name "Monte Carlo", inspired by the casino city in Monaco
where randomness plays a large role. We can classify a
Monte Carlo simulation according to whether the underlying
distribution of random numbers is discrete or continuous:
Discrete Monte Carlo Simulations
Discrete random numbers are used in many scientific
applications. One simple application is a random walk. A
random walk is a simple model for diffusion (e.g., to describe
the motion of a particle on a microscope slide as it is kicked
by thermal motions of the solvent)
In the simplest random walk, the particle starts at the
origin, and then each second flips a coin and moves left if it is
heads and right if it is tails. The example below simulates
100 steps of the process.
(See Mathematica demo)
Continuous Monte Carlo Simulations
Continuous random numbers also have many applications
in science. For example, if we want to do a molecular
dynamics simulation at some temperature T, we typically give
the particles initial velocities according to the Boltzmann
distribution: the velocity in each spatial direction is normally
distributed, with mean 0 and standard deviation sqrt(kT/m).
Below is an example of 30 particles in a box, all with mass
1, and with kT = 1. Note that particle-particle collisions are
for now ignored, but you will see elsewhere in CAtS how to
include them.
(See Mathematica
Continuous Monte Carlo Simulations
Continuous Monte Carlo simulations are also used in
simulating the behavior of polymers in solution. Stiff
polymers, such as DNA, are sometimes modeled as
“Gaussian chains”. We will treat the 2-dimensional case here,
and you will have the option of exploring the real 3dimensional problem in lab.
Continuous Monte Carlo Simulations
The polymer is described by a sequence of rigid segments,
attached end-to-end in the 2D plane. Let qj be the angle that
the jth segment bends with respect to the previous segment.
Since the polymer is stiff, the qj should be close to 0 but have
some variability. One model for this effect is to give each qj a
normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation s.
Here is a program called “GaussianChain” that generates a
random polymer (with 20 segments of length 1, with s=1).
Continuous Monte Carlo Simulations
Often one wants to use such a simulation to determine the
distribution of some quantity such as the polymer’s end-toend distance. The program “GaussianChainEndtoEnd” below
generates a random polymer and computes its end-to-end
distance. To the right, we call GaussianChainEndtoEnd 2000
times and make a histogram of the results, and then compute
the average of the end-to-end distance.
Metropolis Monte Carlo
There is another approach to simulating a distribution,
developed by Metropolis et al (1953). This algorithm works
equally well for the continuous case (where we have a density
function f(x)) and the discrete case (where we have a list of
probabilities P(x) for each discrete x).
In each simulation above, we relied on a Mathematica
pseudo-random number generator tailored to our distribution.
However, for many distributions, such a generator may not
exist in Mathematica or other standard packages. Instead,
imagine we control a little "walker" named Monty wandering
in the space of numbers. Everywhere Monty steps, we record
its position in some list of numbers. How can we ensure that
this list has the distribution we are trying to simulate? That's
what Metropolis figured out:
Metropolis Monte Carlo
First we design some random way for Monty to "move".
These moves need not be tied in any way to the distribution;
all that matters is that Monty can potentially reach every
possible number in our distribution by some combination of
moves. Then, we following the following algorithm (if you
have a discrete distribution, replace each f by P):
1. Let x be Monty’s current position, just recorded on the list.
2. Make a random move to a new position, x*. This is not
(yet) recorded on the list.
3. (a) If f(x*)  f(x), then accept the move (Monty stays at
(b) If f(x*) < f(x), then generate a random number
uniformly on [0,1]. If that number is less than f(x*)/f(x), then
accept the move (Monty stays at x*). Otherwise, reject the
move (Monty moves back to x).
Metropolis Monte Carlo
It has been proven that if you follow this algorithm long
enough, the list will have the desired distribution. In plain
language, we always accept moves to higher-probability
locations, and we sometimes accept moves to lowerprobability locations, but the lower-probability the location,
the less likely we are to accept it.
It's a simple algorithm to implement. Plus, it works equally
well if instead of x being just a number, x is a vector of n
numbers, or any object, really.
Metropolis Monte Carlo
Let's try this on a simple example (easy enough that we
could do a direct simulation if we wanted to). Let Monty
roam over the (x,y) plane. Let the density function be f(x,y) =
1 for 0  x  1 and 0  y  1, and f(x,y)=0 elsewhere, i.e. a
uniform distribution on the square with corners at (0,0), (1,0),
(0,1) and (1,1).
What about Monty's moves? We could choose a random
angle uniformly from 0 to 2p, and then walk a random
distance between 0 and 0.4 in that direction. Certainly Monty
can in theory reach every point on the plane by those moves.
Metropolis Monte Carlo
Now we run the algorithm. Note that for this f, the
accept/reject rules are particularly simple. If x* is inside the
square, then f(x*)=1, so we always accept the move, while if
x* is outside the square, then f(x*)= 0, so we always reject the
move. We run 10000 steps of this algorithm and print out
Monty’s locations: they should look pretty uniform in the
Metropolis Monte Carlo
If that “visual proof” doesn't convince you, we could try the
following: compute the proportion of points inside the circle
with center 1/2 and radius 1/2. That proportion should be
p/4 (the ratio of the circle area to the square area) if the
distribution is generated correctly:
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
Here's a clever use of Metropolis Monte Carlo simulations to
minimize some function E(x). Recall that with Metropolis
Monte Carlo, x could be a number, or a vector of numbers, or
really practically any object.
First, build a density (or list of probabilities if x is discrete)
based on E:
e -E(x)/T
f(x) 
Here, Z is just a normalization factor that you compute so that
the integral of f over all space (or the sum of all probabilities)
is 1. The parameter T is called “temperature”, for reasons
that will become clear. The key is that the smaller T is, the
more sharply peaked the density is around the minimum value
of E (Can you see why that is true?).
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
Now run Metropolis Monte Carlo on this f. Monty will tend
to spend the most time in regions where f is highest (that's the
whole point of Metropolis Monte Carlo), and these are the
points where E is lowest (can you see why that is true?).
Here's the Metropolis algorithm copied from above, but
rewritten in terms of E rather than f (note 2 inequality flips):
1. Let x be Monty's current position, just recorded on the list.
2. Make a random move to a new position, x*. This is not
(yet) recorded on the list.
3. (a) If E(x*)  E(x), accept the move (Monty stays at x*)..
(b) If E(x*) > E(x), then generate a random number
uniformly on [0,1]. If that number is less than x*, accept the
move (Monty stays at x*). Otherwise, reject the move (Monty
moves back to x).
4. Record Monty's position in the list and go back to step 1.
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
Now the “coup de grace”, called simulated annealing. While
you are running Metropolis, gradually lower the temperature
T, in the hopes of guiding Monty to the global minimum of E.
This is a bit of an art: if we lower T too quickly, Monty can
get stuck in a local minimum of E, but if we go slowly
enough, then the Metropolis algorithm will allow Monty to
climb out of the local min, head toward the global min, and
then get frozen there as T goes to zero. To be sure, we should
run the algorithm several times, and see if we get the same
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
Let's try this on a simple test case, a double-well energy
function of one variable:
As "moves", we can have Monty shift position by a random
number uniformly distributed from -1 to 1.
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
Here are the results of running Metropolis Monte Carlo
without simulated annealing, with T=1 fixed. We plot both
the time series of the walker's positions and the overall
histogram of these positions. Note that there is a peak in the
histogram is near the global min around -0.7, but there is also
a peak near the local min around 0.7.
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
Now we lower the temperature to T = 0.4 and rerun the
simulation. Note that the peak in the histogram near the
global min at -0.7 is now dominant.
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
This trend is further reinforced if we lower T to 0.1. Now we
can even see the dominance of the global min at -0.7 in the
time series.
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
Finally, we do simulated annealing, with T gradually
decreased from 1 to 0.01 in 1000 steps. Note that the time
series eventually settles down to the neighborhood of the
global min at -0.7.
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
Finally, let's try this technique on a discrete minimization
problem. Consider the traveling salesperson problem we saw
before: a salesperson lives in city #0, must visit cities #1, 2,
..., 10 in any order, and then return home to city #0. In what
order should the cities be chosen to minimize the total
distance? First let's generate some random cities in the square
0  x,y,  1 (home is in red).
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
This is a minimization problem, right? First we have to
understand the function we are minimizing.
What is the output of this function?
(next slide for answer)
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
The output of the function is the total distance traveled.
What is the domain of this function (what kind of
objects do we input)?
(next slide for answer)
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
The input of the function is an ordering of the numbers from
1 to 10.
What are our set of moves? Remember, these have
to be moves in the domain of our function.
(next slide for answer)
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
Our moves must act on the space of “orderings of the integers
from 1 to 10”. What kind of moves are possible in this
space? Well, we could choose two cities at random and swap
them in the ordering. We could certainly reach any ordering
in that way. (Other variants of this idea are possible)
Optimization by Metropolis Monte Carlo
Here are the results of running a Metropolis simulated
annealing code implementing this idea. We plot the time
series of the function, and also the optimal path and minimal
distance. I don’t know for sure that this is the shortest path,
but I ran the code 10 times, and it found this path 5 times (and
the other times it found paths of lengths 0.939, 0.939, 1.003,
1.036, and 1.127)
[1] For further discussion of random numbers and
simulation, see W. Cheney and D. Kincaid,
Numerical mathematics and computing, 4th edition,
Brooks/Cole Publishing Company (1999).
[2] For a nice introduction to Metropolis Monte
Carlo, see the beginning of the document at