Software Engineering, CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 1 Review of Last Lecture Implementing a Statechart Review of Java programming concepts Inheritance Polymorphism Type Casting Interface 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 2 Overview of This Lecture Software Testing Overview Test Phases Unit Testing Integration Testing OO Specific Testing Automated Test Driver 4/13/2015 Overview Example CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 3 Where are we now? Requirement Analysis Design Evaluating the System Implement Test 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 4 Testing – Famous Quotes “Testing is the process of comparing the invisible to the ambiguous, so as to avoid the unthinkable happening to the anonymous.”, James Bach "Testing is organised skepticism.“, James Bach "Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!“, Edgar Dijkstra "Beware of bugs in the above code; I have only proved it correct, not tried it.“, Donald Knuth 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 5 Testing: Definitions 1. 2. 3. “Testing is the process of establishing confidence that a program or system does what it is supposed to.” “Testing is the process of executing a program or system with the intent of finding errors.” “Testing is any activity aimed at evaluating an attribute or capability of a program or system and determining that it meets its required results.” 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 6 Testing: Overview 1. 2. 3. A software test process is based on welldefined software quality control and testing standards, testing methods, strategy, test criteria, and tools. Engineers perform all types of software testing activities to perform a software test process. The last quality checking point for software is on its production line. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 7 Testing: Objectives 1. 2. 3. Uncover as many errors (or bugs) as possible in a given time. Demonstrate that a given software product matches its requirement specifications. Generate high quality test cases, perform effective tests, and issue correct and helpful problem reports. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 8 Testing: Objectives Uncover the errors (defects) in the software, including errors in: 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4/13/2015 requirements from requirement analysis. design documented in design specifications. coding (implementation). system resources and system environment. hardware problems and their interfaces to software. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 9 Testing: Personnel Test Manager: 1. Manage, supervise, and control a software test project. Define and specify a test plan. 1. 2. Software Test Engineers and Testers: 2. Define test cases, write test specifications, run tests. 1. Development Engineers: 3. Only perform unit tests and integration tests. 1. Quality Assurance Group and Engineers: 4. Perform system testing. Define software testing standards and quality control process. 1. 2. 5. Independent Test Group. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 10 Testing: Activities Test Planning: 1. a test schedule for a test process and its activities, as well as assignments. test requirements and items. test strategy and supporting tools. 1. 2. 3. Test Design and Specification: 2. 1. 2. 4/13/2015 conduct software design based on well-defined test generation methods. specify test cases to achieve a targeted test coverage. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 11 Testing: Activities 3. Test Set up: 1. Testing Tools and Environment Set-up. 2. Test Suite Set-up. 4. Test Operation and Execution: 1. Run test cases manually or automatically. 5. Test Result Analysis and Reporting: 1. Report software testing results and conduct test result analysis. 6. Problem Reporting: 1. Report program errors using a systematic solution. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 12 Testing: Activities 7. Test Management and Measurement: 1. Manage software testing activities, control testing schedule, measure testing complexity and cost. 8. Test Automation: 1. Define and develop software test tools. 2. Adopt and use software test tools. 3. Write software test scripts. 9. Test Configuration Management: 1. Manage and maintain different versions of software test suites, test environment and tools, and documents for various product versions. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 13 Testing: Cycle of Activities Testing usually involves repetition of testing activities. Example: Test Cases Test Results Specification Perform Test Locate Error Design Error Repair Repair Error retest 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 14 Test Organization In a large software system, testing has to be carried out in multiple stages. The test stages are linked to the various software development stages. Example: The Acceptance Test is linked to the Requirement and the Specification stages. Also known as the V-Model, it refers to the next slide to see the alphabet ‘V’ in the diagram. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 15 Testing Organization (V-Model) Requirements specification System Specification System Design Module Design Produce Produce Produce Produce User Specification Validate System Specification Module Specification Software Specification Validate Validate Validate Acceptance Testing System Testing Integration Testing Unit Testing Coding 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 16 Test Stage: Unit Test Testing individual modules: Methods or Functions. Classes. Sometimes class clusters. It is based on the information about the structure of a code fragment. Carried out by the Development Engineer. The objective is to test that the unit performs the function for which it is designed. Unit tests can be designed before coding begins, or just after the source code is generated. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 17 Unit Test: Check List Interface: Data structure: Module operates properly at boundaries. Independent paths: To ensure the stored data maintains integrity. Boundary conditions: To ensure information properly flows in and out. All paths through the control structure are exercised. Error handling paths: 4/13/2015 paths that handle errors are exercised. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 18 Unit Test: Test Setup Test case: Driver: Test data; should be coupled with expected results. Often lists Test identifier; Test objectives; Test resources; Test procedure. A module that has the test case data, passes it to component under testing, and logs the results. Stub: A dummy module that is called by the component under testing. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 19 Example (Stub) Module A Stub B Stub C Stub D Module A Module Under Test Call Stub B Call Stub C Call Stub D Stub B Print “in B” Return 4/13/2015 Stub C Print “in C” Return Stub D Print “in D” Return CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 Temporary Implementation 20 Generating Unit Test Cases Statement coverage. Graph based: Branch coverage. Condition coverage. Path coverage. These are also applicable to testing methods within a class. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 21 Unit Testing: Object Oriented Code Class level testing: Operations in the class are smallest testable units. Testing single operation in isolation is difficult. Unit test is generally driven by structure of methods of the class and the state behavior of class. Recall - the state-transition model and the state of an object. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 22 Unit Testing: Object Oriented Code A public method in a class can be tested using a black-box approach. Consider each parameter in the method signature, and identify its possible data range(s): Start from the specification - class interface. Equivalence Classes - a black box test approach. Incorporate pre-conditions and post-conditions in the test of a method. Test exceptions. For complex logic, also use white-box testing or static testing. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 23 Unit Testing: Object Oriented Code For private methods, either modify the class (temporarily) so that it can be tested externally: 4/13/2015 change the access to public. or incorporate a test driver within the class. or use static test methods, such as program tracing. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 24 Using Statechart Create test cases corresponding to each transition path that represent a full object life cycle. Make sure each transition is exercised at least once. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 25 Example (Account from Lecture 10) deposit [amt < -bal] /bal += amt statechart 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 26 Example (cont) Possible Test Cases: init, deposit(500), withdraw(500): init, deposit(10), withdraw(20), deposit(5): Should be in InCredit state. Should be in OverDrawn state. init, deposit(10), withDraw(20), deposit(50), suspend(), unsuspend(): Should be in InCredit state. The above test cases exercised each transition at least once. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 27 Test Stage: Integration Testing The entire system is viewed as a collection of subsystems (sets of classes) determined during the system and object design. The order in which the subsystems are selected for testing and integration determines the testing strategy. It is carried out by the Development Engineer. A test that leads to construction of the complete software architecture. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 28 Integration Testing Big bang integration: Bottom up integration: from lower levels. no test stubs needed. Top down integration: all components together. from higher levels. no test drivers needed. Sandwich testing: 4/13/2015 combination of bottom-up and top-down. top layer with stubs and bottom layer with drivers. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 29 Example A C B E 4/13/2015 Layer I F CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 D Layer II G Layer III 30 General Observations Low level components usually perform more common tasks: High level components usually direct the system activities: Input/Output. Repetitive calculations. Object Oriented: usually entity classes. Controller. Summary on functionality: 4/13/2015 Low Level : More specific (Utility Modules). High Level: More general (Controller Modules). CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 31 Big-Bang Integration Unit Test A Unit Test B Unit Test C System Test Unit Test D Unit Test E Unit Test F 4/13/2015 Unit Test G CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 32 Bottom-Up Integration A Test E C B Test B, E, F E Layer I F D G Layer II Layer III Test F Test C Test A, B, C, D, E, F, G Test D,G Test G 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 33 Top-Down Integration A C B E 4/13/2015 Layer I F D G Layer II Layer III Test A Test A, B, C, D Test A, B, C, D, E, F, G Layer I Layer I + II All Layers CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 34 Sandwich Integration Test B A Test E C B Test B, E, F E F Layer I D G Layer II Layer III Test F Test D Test D,G Test A, B, C, D, E, F, G Test G Test A,C Test A 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 35 Sandwich Integration Combination of Top-Down and Bottom-Up approaches. Select a target level (e.g., Layer II in slide 35): For level above the target level, perform Top-Down integration. For level below the target level, perform Bottom-Up Integration. Exercise both Controller modules and Utility modules at the same time. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 36 Integration Test: Object Oriented Code Class Clusters: Classes that are tightly coupled are good candidates for an increment integration. Candidate class clusters: Classes in a package. Classes in a class hierarchy. Classes associated with the interaction diagram for a use case. Use based testing: group the classes – independent / dependent. 4/13/2015 Begin by testing independent classes. Then, test dependent classes which use independent classes. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 37 Class Cluster: Using Interaction Diagram :UI :Controller request(r) :X :Y methodX() methodY() report 4/13/2015 Method to test: request ( ) Input: r Expected output: a report with specific information. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 38 Class Cluster: Using Use Cases ATM: Use Cases: Withdraw Money Withdraw Money. Deposit funds. Transfer funds. Change PIN. Deposit Funds Bank Customer Transfer Funds Actor: Bank customer. Change PIN Use Case Diagram 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 39 Summary for Object Oriented Testing Use Case Analysis Use Case Testing Cluster Testing Class Design Integration Testing Class Testing Method Design Method Testing Unit Testing Method Coding 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 40 Test Stage: System Testing Performed exclusively in terms of inputs and outputs of the system. Performed mostly on the target platform. Thread-based: 4/13/2015 The behavior that results from a system level input. An interleaved sequence of system inputs (stimuli) and outputs (responses). Depicts a possible scenario of using the system. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 41 Test Stage: Testing that Involves Users Alpha testing: Beta testing: In-house testing. By a test team or end users. By users or selected subset of actual customers in a normal work environment. Product is very close to completion. Open beta release: Let public carry out the beta testing. Acceptance testing: 4/13/2015 By users to check that system satisfies requirements to decide whether to accept the system based on the test result. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 42 Test Case Design: Overview Black box versus White box approach: Black box testing: Knowing the specified function a component has been designed for. Tests conducted at the interface of the component. White box testing: 4/13/2015 Knowing the internal workings of a component. Test cases exercise specific sets of condition, loops, etc. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 43 Test Case Design: Overview Another way to classify the test cases: Test to specifications: Test to code: Also known as black-box, data-driven, functional, or input/output driven testing. Ignore the code — use the specifications to select test cases. Also known as glass-box, logic-driven, structured, or pathoriented testing. Ignore the specifications — use the code to select test cases. Neither exhaustive testing to specifications nor exhaustive testing to code is feasible. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 44 Project: Test Phase 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 45 Requirements for Test Phase Automated Test Driver: Read test cases from a file. Put them through the system. Capture and validate output. Test Case Documentation: Based on Use Cases (Black Box). Three Tests per Use Case: 4/13/2015 One Valid, Two Invalid. Validity should be based on functionality. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 46 Automated Test Driver In essence, an Automated Test Driver replaces the Boundary Classes in your system: Read directly from a file instead of reading input from an actual user. Get output directly from the system and place them into a file instead of showing on screen. Input File Output File 4/13/2015 Automated Test Driver CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 Application Layer 47 Automated Test Driver: Input File The input file: Text base: Facilitate modification of test cases. Contains a number of test cases. Each of the test cases contains: 4/13/2015 The method to be tested. Parameter(s) for the method. The expected output. Comments (optional). CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 48 Automated Test Driver: Output File The output file: Text base: Easy for human inspection. Test case result. Each test case result contains: Output of method (if any). Common Categories of Test Result: 4/13/2015 Pass: Test result == Expected result. Failed: Test result != Expected result. Human Check: For more complicated cases where the expected result is hard/impossible to be defined. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 49 Test Case Design The Automated Test Driver can be used to test in different test phases: Unit Testing. Integration Testing. Etc. For your project, test cases should be derived from Use Cases. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 50 Example (Use Case Diagram) A very simple system to calculate and provide comments for students’ CAP (Cumulative Average Percentile on a scale 1-5) points: Calculate CAP User Give Comment CAP System 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 51 Example (Use Case Descriptions) Calculate CAP: Basic Course of Events User enters a number of grades. System displays CAP. Give Comment: Basic Course of Events User enters CAP. System displays Comments based on CAP: 4/13/2015 If CAP > 4.0 → "Excellent“; else if CAP >3.0 → "Good“; else if CAP >2.0 → "Work hard"; otherwise, → "Work extremely hard“. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 52 Example (Class Diagram) CAP_UI displayMenu( ) etc... CAP computeCAP(grades: double[*]) comment(CAP: double): String mySystem 4/13/2015 etc... CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 53 Example (Class Design) Automated Test Driver takes the place of CAP_UI class: Two Classes: CAPTD: main body of the test driver: TDIO: utility class: 4/13/2015 A simple loop to go through all test cases. Makes use of TDIO for reading and writing. Handles input/output. Keeps track of pass/fail/check cases. Contains some useful methods for the test driver in general. Can be reused for your own Test Driver. CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 54 Example (Class Design) The TDIO class: TDIO TDIO(ifile: String, ofile: String) getInput(delim: String): String[*] pass() Open “ifile” for reading. Open “ofile” for writing. Read a single line from input file, tokenized using delim as delimiter. Write the test result to output file. Keep track of the number of each cases. fail(s: String) check(s: String) endTest() Write the accumulated statistics to a file. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 55 Example (Input File) The test cases (input file): // The format of the test data for each // method is shown first. // comment,cap[,comment-expected] comment,4.2,Excellent comment,1,too bad comment,3.5 comment,5.0,too good to be true // computeCAP,grade points separated by comma, // cap-expected computeCAP,1,2,3,4,5,3 // End of test data file 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 56 Example (Test Driver) The CAPTD class (just a main() method): public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException { TDIO t = new TDIO("CAPTDin.txt", "CAPTDout.txt"); CAP c = new CAP(); while ((data = t.getInput(",")) != null) { if (data[0].equals ("comment")) { returnedString = c.comment(Double.parseDouble(data[1])); if (data.length == 3) if (returnedString.equals(data[2])) t.pass(); else returnedString ); else t.check( returnedString ); else if (data[0].equals ("computeCAP")) } ...... } t.endTest(); } 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 57 Example (Output File) The output file: comment,4.2,Excellent // pass comment,1,too bad // FAIL! Result expected -->Work extremely hard comment,3.5 // Check result! -->Good ... OMITTED ... comment,5.0,too good to be true // FAIL! Result expected -->Excellent computeCAP,1,2,3,4,5,3 // pass pass = 2 fail = 2 Manual Check = 1 total (pass+fail) = 4 Passing rate (pass/total) = 0.5 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 58 Example (Wrapping Up) Test Case Documentation can be done directly in the input file. A good test driver coupled with good test cases will significantly reduce the demonstration time. 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 59 Where are we now? Requirement Analysis Design Implement Evaluating the System Test 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 60 Summary Software Testing Overview Test Phases Unit Testing Integration Testing OO Specific Testing Automated Test Driver 4/13/2015 Overview Example CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 61 Reading Suggestions Chapter 9 of [Bimlesh, Andrei, Soo; 2007] Chapter 23 of [Somerville; 2007] - Testing Chapter 9 of [Pfleeger, Atlee; 2006] 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 62 Coming up next Chapter 9 of [Bimlesh, Andrei, Soo; 2007] Chapter 23 of [Somerville; 2007] - Testing Chapters 8 and 9 of [Pfleeger, Atlee; 2006] 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 63 Thank you for your attention! Questions? 4/13/2015 CPSC-4360-01, CPSC-5360-01, Lecture 11 64